Earring for weight loss - indications for use, reviews and price

Ear piercing is a universal decoration option that is very popular among boys and girls. Earlobe piercing is practically painless, does not require long healing and allows you to wear different earrings, complementing your look. To prevent piercing from harming your health, it is necessary to have the piercing performed by experienced specialists who use professional instruments and comply with medical standards of sterility.

Slimming needle for weight loss will reduce appetite

The main reason for gaining excess weight is overeating.
When the body receives more calories than it can burn, it converts them into fat and fills special fat cells called adipocytes with it. Their membranes are very elastic. Therefore, each adipocyte can increase in volume several times. The greater the amount of food consumed and the higher its calorie content, and the lower the physical activity, the faster the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer grows. It would seem that the recipe for losing weight is extremely simple: you need to move more and eat right. But why every year more and more people suffer from being overweight?

Let's start with the lack of movement. A modern city person does not need to run after mammoths, bend over for mushrooms and berries, grow and harvest crops. He is transported to work by public transport or a personal car. The work itself is most often sedentary. Many people don’t even have time for morning exercises.

Now let's move on to proper nutrition. Changing eating habits and reducing food portions is not easy - the body responds to changing the diet and limiting the amount of food with a painful feeling of hunger. Therefore, many people who want to lose weight give up very quickly and return to their usual diet, continuing to gain weight.

Weight loss needle is a method through which appetite is reduced naturally, and healthy food begins to seem tastier than hamburgers, fried potatoes and cakes.

The principle of operation of the slimming needle

All processes occurring in the body are controlled by the brain. Receiving information from nerve endings, it gives a command to perform a particular action. But if he reacts instantly to signals of danger (for example, when touching a hot object), then he receives a signal about the arrival of food only 15-20 minutes after the first piece enters the stomach. This is one of the main reasons for overeating.

The slimming needle, installed in biologically active points on the auricle, helps to “deceive” the brain. Its volumetric head, under the influence of special anti-adaptation suspensions, makes chaotic oscillations, and the nerve endings located at these points send signals of saturation to the center responsible for the feeling of hunger.

Gaining excess weight can also be a consequence of disruption of the endocrine system. In this case, the slimming needle is installed on acupuncture points that regulate the functions of the thyroid gland, pancreas, pituitary gland and adrenal glands.

Only a neurologist and acupuncturist who thoroughly knows the “geography” of the location of biologically active points can correctly place a needle in the ear for weight loss.

Progress of the procedure

If the magnet can be installed independently, then the needles require contacting a specialist. There are more than two hundred bioactive points on the ears, responsible for various functions. Therefore, the installation of the earring should be carried out by a specialist. After appropriate consultation, the specialist selects the most suitable needle size and begins the installation procedure.

  1. The patient is punctured in certain ear bio-points with the finest gold needle, which is absolutely painless.
  2. Typically, an earring is selected based on the size of the ear shell, as well as the desired weight loss result. As a rule, the length of the needle does not exceed 1 cm.
  3. Then the needle is fixed on the ear and worn for a long time (up to six months).
  4. If there was a result, but after some time the weight loss stopped, then you need to contact a specialist to reinstall the needle on the other ear.

Be sure to read: How to properly perform anti-cellulite self-massage?

Such a simple product will help tame an excessive appetite and lose excess fat deposits.

Dr. Elagina’s proprietary technique

Marina Vasilievna Elagina is a doctor with over 20 years of experience. Her high qualifications are confirmed not only by an international diploma in acupuncture and a valid certificate, but also by the real results of patients losing weight: in a month they lose weight from 4 to 17 kg!

The success of treatment depends to a large extent on the fact that at the first appointment Marina Vasilyevna tells the patient about how the slimming needle will act on his body. Then she determines his biological age, calculates his body mass index and determines the ratio of fluid, fat, muscle and bone tissue.

Depending on the results obtained, from one to six microneedles made of 750 gold are installed on the auricle for a period of up to 6 months.

During treatment, changes in body weight and volume are monitored. If the rate of weight loss is less than expected, adjustments are made to the individual program.

Where to get your ear pierced in Tambov. Piercing

Ear piercing is a responsible decision that is rarely trusted to children, although according to statistics, the vast majority of piercings (we are talking about the classic symmetrical ear piercing, and not piercing) are performed in childhood. As a rule, the decision that it is time for a child to get earrings is made by parents. They bear full responsibility for the consequences of the procedure and take on the difficulties of caring for pierced ears in the first months, since they do not have to rely on the baby’s responsibility.

Pleasant “side effects” of the slimming needle

Soon after installing the slimming needle, patients note a general improvement in their well-being:

  • blood pressure and blood sugar levels are normalized;
  • the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems improves;
  • joint mobility is restored;
  • sweating decreases;
  • digestion improves.

And, of course, every kilogram of weight and centimeter of volume lost gives you a great mood!

Smoking is the worst enemy of health. It can cause weakened immunity, vascular atherosclerosis, stroke, impotence in men, menstrual irregularities and infertility in women. Carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke greatly increase the risk of developing malignant tumors in both smokers and those around them.

When smoking, blood vessels narrow greatly. Because of this, blood circulation slows down, and the cells of all tissues and organs lack oxygen, vitamins, microelements and nutrients. The skin becomes dry and dull, and wrinkles appear on it early. The condition of the hair deteriorates - it loses its shine and elasticity. Nails peel and break easily, teeth turn yellow. Therefore, heavy smokers look much older than their non-smoking peers.

Having realized all the harm of smoking, many people try to give up cigarettes. But nicotine causes such a strong psychological and physiological dependence that not everyone manages to overcome it on their own.

At the PRAGA clinic they will help you get rid of nicotine addiction with the help of reflexology.


Although acupuncture is used for almost any disease, wearing earrings is not allowed for all patients.

There are certain contraindications:

  • Women who are breastfeeding or carrying a baby should not wear magnetic clips and needles for weight loss;
  • All patients with any neoplasms (both malignant and benign) will also have to abandon this method;
  • The weight loss technique is not suitable if you have kidney or cardiovascular failure;
  • Needles and magnets are contraindicated in diabetes, hypertension and anemic conditions;
  • The presence of acute inflammatory processes or exacerbation of any chronic pathologies also prevents the use of these products;
  • Gold needles should not be used if you have an allergic reaction to gold;
  • Autoimmune pathologies, drug addiction and alcoholism, severe infections (AIDS, tuberculosis, etc.) are also contraindications;
  • Exhaustion, anorexia, dystrophy, epileptic seizures or nervous system pathologies also prohibit the use of magnets and earrings for weight loss;
  • Cirrhosis and hepatitis, blood pathologies, cholelithiasis or urolithiasis prevent such weight loss.

The list of contraindications is quite impressive, so you need to be careful when using this method of achieving slimness.

Operating principles of the Antitobacco program

Addiction to nicotine is due to the fact that it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. After each cigarette smoked, a person experiences a state of mild euphoria, a surge of strength and vigor, his memory and thinking abilities increase.

The insidiousness of nicotine is that it gradually “weans” the brain receptors to independently regulate the release of adrenaline and dopamine (“the joy hormone”) into the blood. That is why, in the first days of quitting smoking, performance decreases, irritability increases, and general well-being worsens.

The Antitobacco reflexology program is based on the installation of microneedles at acupuncture points responsible for activating acetylcholinergic receptors. In this way, it is possible to restore the natural process of substances entering the blood that stimulate brain function and normalize the condition of all systems and internal organs. Thanks to this, physical dependence on nicotine disappears without painful withdrawal.

But smoking causes not only physical, but also mental addiction. To rid the patient of it, the doctor places needles at points, the impact of which causes an aversion to tobacco smoke.

Method “Almost like Mukhina’s” or “Pseudo-Chinese technology”

As soon as weight loss through acupuncture became popular, private offices offering similar services began to open everywhere.

The essence is the same needles in the ears: activation of thirst and hunger points, and sometimes other points associated with weight loss.

There is no sense of unity of methods here. Some people use gold needles, others iron ones. Some people put them on for a few minutes, others secure them with a band-aid for a week. Neither the convenience of the Mukhina method, nor the individual approach of the Chinese method... However, they may give you additional recommendations on diet or simply promise a miracle.

When using this pseudo-method, it is quite possible to lose 3-5 kilograms in a couple of months. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that after losing weight, the weight may come back.

You need to go to such doctors about once a week, and the total cost of the course is equal to a one-time visit to Mukhina and basic treatment from specialists in traditional Chinese medicine.

What determines the effectiveness of Antitobacco acupuncture?

The peculiarity of the Antitobacco program is that its effectiveness depends not only on the qualifications of the acupuncturist. It is very important that the patient himself really wants to quit smoking. In such cases, even one acupuncture session is enough.

But those who doubt their willpower are advised to undergo a full course of reflexology against smoking. It consists of three sessions and guarantees easy and comfortable overcoming of nicotine addiction syndrome.

During the initial appointment, the doctor determines the degree of dependence of the patient on smoking and his moral and psychological attitude towards giving up this bad habit. Based on the results obtained, he recommends a one-time procedure or a complete Anti-Tobacco program.

At the PRAGA clinic you can not only lose weight, but also look younger!

The PRAGA clinic is equipped with the most modern cosmetology equipment. With its help, our doctors perform real miracles:

  • you can look 4-5 years younger thanks to facial reinforcement with 3D mesothreads or Aptos threads;
  • one completely painless and safe SMAS lifting procedure using the Doublo System device will provide an effect comparable to a circular surgical facelift;
  • laser and photorejuvenation will tighten the skin, make it fresh, uniform, smooth and elastic;
  • myostimulation on the VIP LINE device in Transion mode will restore tone and increase muscle volume, making them prominent.

A pronounced effect of skin rejuvenation is ensured by the use of injection techniques - mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma lifting.

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