Ani Lorak's height and weight, body measurements, eye color, breast size, biography

Biography of Ani Lorak

The singer with the unusual name Ani Lorak was born in September 1978 in the small town of Kitsman, Chernigov region, then still in the Ukrainian SSR. The girl was named Caroline, which is Ani Lorak's real name. Caroline’s parents separated shortly after the girl’s birth, so the future singer’s childhood cannot be called rosy. Mom spent all her time at work to feed the children, but this modest money was not enough to live on. Until the seventh grade, Carolina spent with her brothers in a boarding school.

This did not stop the girl from practicing vocals, and at the age of fourteen she managed to win her first notable victory in the regional “Primrose” competition. At the competition she met Ukrainian producer Yuri Thalesa, and this acquaintance marked the beginning of Ani Lorak’s musical career. Success also did not come overnight; Ani Lorak had to fight for it. A significant impetus to the singer’s career was given by her participation in the Morning Star program in the spring of 1995. In the biography of Ani Lorak, this year can rightfully be called a turning point. It was after participating in the program that lucrative offers began pouring in, songs began to be recorded in studios, and the first concerts appeared.

We bring to your attention a small review dossier article, from which you can find out Ani Lorak’s height, weight and figure parameters, as well as some other interesting information from the singer’s life.

Ani Lorak: height, weight

From early childhood, Ani Lorak dreamed that one day she would stand on stage, sing her songs and bring incredible joy to her fans. The Ukrainian beauty, thanks to perseverance and talent, managed to turn her dreams into reality. At the age of four, the girl Ani was already dreaming about the stage. And already at school, when the teacher asked the children what they wanted to become, Lorak was always the first to hold out her hand - she so wanted to share her plans for the future with the whole world.

In the future, the girl continued to firmly believe in her dream and took firm steps towards achieving it.
In one of the popular musical programs on television, the girl performed on stage for the first time under the pseudonym Carolina (read backwards - Ani Lorak). Now few people can remember her. But after a brilliant performance at Eurovision, where she was awarded the Artistic Award Eurovision Contest , Ani became a noticeable, recognizable and very sought-after singer.
Today Lorak is an obligatory guest and participant in many international music competitions, fashion shows, and concerts of show business stars. As Ani herself notes, popularity, awards and other star tinsel are not the main thing in her career. After all, just the fact that her songs lift people’s spirits is real recognition, this is exactly what she dreamed of since childhood.

Seeing Ani Lorak on stage or in photos in glossy magazines, you simply cannot help but admire how beautiful this girl always looks. According to numerous surveys, she is recognized as the most beautiful and seductive woman in Ukraine.

With a short height of 162 cm, the singer’s weight is only 48 kg. However, this is not only due to her busy work schedule. Ani approaches her diet and physical activity very, very responsibly - regardless of personal and work circumstances, Lorak devotes half an hour a day to training.

Of course, lack of time does not allow her to regularly visit the fitness club, but at home no one forbids her to exercise. So, the star begins the morning with circular turns of the head in one direction and then in the other direction (while the body must remain motionless). This exercise not only helps to cheer up and activate the work of a not fully awakened brain, but is also an excellent prevention of the appearance of a double chin and wrinkles on the neck.

Then Ani makes circular movements with her shoulders, and then with her whole body (with a motionless pelvis). Then, with a straight back, Lorak does 20 squats and at the end of the exercise he does 10-15 push-ups from the floor, which helps his arms stay toned (that is, not over-pumped, but not with saggy skin). The star also likes to make faces in front of the mirror in the morning - this not only gets rid of swelling, but also improves her mood.

Ani is a native of Ukraine (she comes from Bukovina), where food is a kind of cult. The girl knows how to cook deliciously and she herself cannot resist her favorite dishes of Ukrainian national cuisine, especially when she manages to steal time to visit her family. Lorak simply does not understand how girls can torture themselves with all sorts of diets and never resort to food restrictions. According to her, there are enough restrictions in her life without this. The only thing that Ani knows how to control herself in food is that she can calmly eat a piece of cake (and not eat the whole box), a piece of chocolate (and not the whole bar), a pork steak (and not half a kilo of meat).

Lorak heartily advises all his fans: “If you want to succeed in any business, then you cannot do without perseverance. Don’t expect mercy from fate and don’t look for easy ways, learn to rely only on yourself. Even if you are unhappy with your figure, you should not give up or, conversely, lie on the couch and dream from morning to evening about how you will one day suddenly be able to lose weight. Don’t be lazy, work carefully on your figure, and only then will it answer you with gratitude, that is, slimness.”

Interesting details from the life of Ani Lorak

  • In 2008, Ani Lorak represented Ukraine at Eurovision. That year she deservedly came second.
  • Mom raised Caroline and her brothers completely alone; there was not enough money, so the future singer Ani Lorak spent most of her childhood in a boarding school.
  • Ani Lorak is the official advertising face of Oriflame-Ukraine.
  • Ani Lorak was supposed to debut under her real name, but in the casting for the Morning Star program there was already a candidate named Carolina. In a hurry, a pseudonym was invented, made up of the name spelled backwards.
  • Ani Lorak has her own restaurant in Kyiv called “Angel Lounge”.

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Diet after childbirth

After the birth of her child, Ani Lorak “discovered” an extra 16 kilograms on her once flawless figure. In principle, this is a natural process during pregnancy, but the singer did not put up with her new appearance. For the first three months, Ani gave her body time to rest, especially since this period coincided with the baby’s breastfeeding, when it’s definitely not worth experimenting with nutrition and weight. And then she adhered to the following rules:

  • I excluded fried, smoked, flour, and sweet foods from the menu;
  • I prepared all foods only by steaming, boiling or stewing;
  • the main fat in the diet was vegetable - olive, sunflower or pumpkin, flaxseed;
  • Most of the menu consists of vegetables and fruits, juices from them and fermented milk products with a low fat content.

At the same time, the nutrition schedule did not change - meals every 2 hours, dinner no later than 19-00. Ani Lorak claims that proper weight loss is not only about prohibitions. For example, if you really want to eat something harmful (candy, pie, barbecue, etc.), then you don’t need to force yourself and try to quell the desire with the power of thought.

It is much easier to allow yourself 2-4 teaspoons of a forbidden delicacy than to subsequently experience a gastronomic breakdown and sudden mood swings, inexplicable tears and irritation. True, after such a relaxation there should be intensive, longer training.

Tips from Ani Lorak for weight loss

The singer herself admits that she has never experienced a strong appetite, and she explains why. Experiencing the first signs of hunger, she prefers not to resort to food. First of all, she drinks water. In addition, nutritionists have a positive attitude towards this diet.

Many people can confuse thirst with hunger and eat to their heart's content. The singer advises drinking a glass of water as soon as you feel hungry and waiting about half an hour. Perhaps the feeling of hunger will disappear, as the body will receive what it needs.

There is another way to find out what the body wants - eat an apple as soon as hunger appears. Ani Lorak always has this fruit in her purse, and if after it you want to eat something else, for example, meat or potatoes, then your hunger is fake. When a person really wants to eat, it doesn’t matter what kind of food he eats - everything should be suitable.

Another way to save your figure from excess calories is physical activity. At the moment when Ani wants to eat fatty or sweet, she pumps her abs about 50 times. This is enough to speed up the heartbeat, cause minor stress for the body and produce hormones. Under such conditions, the desire to consume sweets disappears.

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