About cancer, soda, press releases and Russian media

Controversy has always raged around recipes for alternative traditional medicine. It often becomes the object of close attention of many people, and discussions always arise between its supporters and opponents.

Despite all the skepticism that traditional medicine causes, most of its recipes still give certain results. Another question is whether these results are positive or negative?

Weight loss soda according to Neumyvakin

A striking example of an ambiguous attitude towards alternative medicine is treatment and weight loss with baking soda according to Professor Neumyvakin. He is an ardent fan of alternative medicine and everything connected with it.

The doctor has developed several methods using soda, which, according to him, help get rid of even the most severe diseases.

Neumyvakin devoted many of his publications and practical video tutorials to the method of healing and losing weight with the help of soda. In his opinion, soda with water is simply an elixir of youth and health.

According to the specialist, treatment with soda will help you not only lose weight, but also get rid of excess salt and cholesterol plaques in the body.

The body's immediate reaction to the soda solution occurs approximately 15-20 minutes after taking it. During this time, according to the professor, the body is completely renewed, the acid-base balance is restored, and the blood cells are renewed.

Whether or not to listen to the advice of such controversial recommendations is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Much controversy and discussion arises around Neumyvakin’s treatment methods. He has many fans and outright haters.

In order to subject your body to such stressful and not always justified tests, you need to be completely confident in their safety. Consulting with your doctor is the first thing you should do before you start losing weight according to Neumyvakin.

If you decide to lose weight using Professor Neumyvakin’s method, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Do you have any contraindications for taking soda drink for weight loss ? Weight loss with soda, like any other, should begin with consultation with your doctor. This is how you can cause the least harm to your body. There are a number of direct contraindications for taking soda, and this should be taken seriously. If, after consulting with a doctor and passing all the necessary tests, some abnormalities are discovered in you, Neumyvakin advises starting to use soda in minimally small doses.
  2. Where to start losing weight? As already mentioned, you should start drinking soda drinks with a small dose. For the first time, you can take a teaspoon and scoop up soda with it so that it remains only on the tip of the cutlery. After this, you need to listen to your feelings and observe the reaction of your body. If nothing alarms you, then over time you should gradually increase the dosage of soda powder. The most courageous and desperate people who want to lose weight drink about 1 tsp at a time. soda diluted with water.
  3. What kind of water is used for weight loss with soda? One of the important elements of drinking a drink is choosing the “right water”. The doctor is categorically against using hot liquid for this purpose - it can cause damage to the laryngeal mucosa and even serious burns. Ice water is also not suitable for dissolving soda. It will take a lot of energy to naturally warm it inside the body. The doctor concluded that the soda solution will have the most favorable and effective effect when using water at room temperature or slightly warm. In case of urgent need, you can add ½ tsp to the soda solution. honey
  4. When and how many times can you use the weight loss solution? The professor recommends drinking soda at least three times a day on an empty stomach in order to lose weight. If you drink the drink immediately after a meal, gases will begin to accumulate in the body, which can lead to indigestion.
  5. Soda course. According to Neumyvakin, soda is a completely harmless product. You should feel the timing of its use yourself. This does not apply if you suddenly develop intolerance to soda or allergic reactions to it. Therefore, the doctor is firmly convinced that losing weight with soda is a very individual process, special in each case. As soon as you begin to notice the results of drinking the drink, you should take a short break from taking it and then resume it again.
  6. The quality of soda, how to deal with this? A prerequisite is checking the soda for quality. This is done very simply - carefully study the expiration date indicated on the packaging. Another way to test the activity of soda is this: drop a few drops of vinegar onto a spoon with a small amount of soda. This action should be followed by a violent hissing reaction. If you do not observe one, then the soda is not suitable for consumption.
  7. Should you mix baking soda with water or use them separately? The doctor of alternative medicine claims that this is a purely personal matter. The effect will not change.
  8. How else to use soda for weight loss? In order to lose weight, the doctor also recommends taking soda baths and doing cleansing enemas from a soda solution. To do this, add 1 tsp to 1.5 liters of warm water. soda and douching. The doctor recommends doing it every day, later every other day. Soda baths, according to the doctor, also have a beneficial effect on ridding the body of excess weight. A weak soda solution also has a beneficial effect on the skin.

About cancer, soda, press releases and Russian media

Rice. V. Bogorada Pyotr Talantov It is well known that the main scientific news in Russia is about cancer, and they are divided into two categories. From the first we learn that some food product causes or, conversely, prevents cancer. News of the second category appears approximately once a quarter and reports the discovery of a treatment method that promises another definitive solution to the problem. Given the number of new cancer drugs that we have learned about in recent years from the media, this disease should long ago be no more of a concern than a February runny nose. Alas, this is still not the case. The news about yet another miracle method, recently circulated in the Russian media, is an excellent opportunity to understand the reasons for some dissonance between publications in the press and reality.

This time we are not dealing with an innovative drug or complex technology, but with an old contender for the role of a panacea with, however, a fairly tarnished reputation. “Scientists have told how soda can save you from cancer” - this is how, no less, look like the headlines of the news published by Lenta.ru, the RIA-Novosti agency and TC Zvezda.

Attempts to treat cancer with regular baking soda have been made since the first rough measurements of the pH of tumors showed that they were more acidic than healthy tissue. There were immediately those who declared this change not one of the consequences of the pathological process, but the only direct cause of all oncological diseases. And where there is a new theory of cancer, simple enough to create in the patient the illusion of the possibility of a simple solution, there are the worst of medical charlatans - those who are ready to make money on people’s fear for their lives or those of their loved ones.

One of the most famous of these scammers was the Italian doctor Tulio Simoncini. In January this year, he was sentenced to five years and his assistant to two years in prison after their attempts to treat breast cancer with baking soda killed a 50-year-old patient. Perhaps this victim was not the first: her death stopped Simoncini’s work only because the emergency doctor refused to indicate death from natural causes in the conclusion. Alas, Simoncini is only one of hundreds of soda doctors. For example, an Internet search in Russian will quickly lead you to the website of an entire network of Moscow medical centers offering to treat cancer and other deadly diseases with soda and hydrogen peroxide. They probably feel quite comfortable and their work is not in danger. In any case, until a tragedy occurs that will be difficult to hide.

At the same time, the very idea of ​​manipulating the pH of cancerous tissues in order to influence the course of the disease has sufficiently serious grounds not to be immediately ridiculed. Changes in pH are very common in tissues of some types of cancer. In particular, tumors may experience a decrease in extracellular pH while maintaining or increasing intracellular pH. As a result, the extracellular environment becomes more acidic than the intracellular environment. Since normally the opposite is true, this phenomenon is called an unfolded pH gradient. The unfolded gradient is believed to play a role in tumor growth and metastasis. A number of studies have shown that adding regular soda to the drinking water of laboratory mice is sufficient to partially normalize the pH of tumor tissue. At the same time, clinically significant effects were also observed: although it was not possible to reduce the size of the tumor or stop its growth, metastases appeared less often in mice that were given water with soda diluted in it.

So what are we dealing with when we talk about treating cancer with soda: dangerous quackery or a promising area of ​​scientific research? Could it be that Simoncini, who is serving time for fraud and murder, is a misunderstood genius who was ahead of the science of his time?

Despite the fact that attempts to influence the course of cancer by changing pH began in the 1990s, a drug based on this principle has still not been created. Soda is not suitable for this role. As often happens, it is impossible to simply repeat in humans what was done in laboratory animals. The equivalent dose used in mice, which would be approximately 0.18 g/kg/day for humans, is only sufficient to neutralize the acid produced by a tumor with a volume of no more than one cubic millimeter. At the same time, regular intake of doses exceeding 0.5 g/kg/day (this is only almost three times more) can cause uncompensated alkalosis and lead to the death of the patient long before the minimal benefit of slowing down metastasis is obtained. Alas, no matter how much one would like to treat a dangerous disease with cheap soda, there are no prospects for this approach. However, it cannot be ruled out that someday drugs will appear on the market that normalize the pH gradient in a different, more subtle way. For example, by suppressing the work of proton pumps built into the cell membrane.

As for the study that gave rise to the discussed noise in the Russian press, there are no sensational statements in the scientific article published in Cell based on the results of this work. The research team found that increased acidity of cancer tissue causes the intracellular signaling complex mTORC 1 to become silent, which in turn disrupts the functioning of the so-called circadian clock, an intracellular mechanism that can both play a role in the development of cancer and , under certain circumstances, influence the susceptibility of cells to chemotherapy. A small part of this work was a partial replication of the previously mentioned experiments with mice - adding soda to their drinking water normalized the pH of the tumors in some cases and started the circadian clock again. In other cases, however, it did not work.

This is certainly exciting work because it links several areas of current research interest and improves our understanding of how cancers arise and progress. But there is nothing in it about “discovering a cheap way to fight cancer.” Hundreds of similar papers describing new biological phenomena obtained in vitro1 or in laboratory animals are published every year. Theoretically, almost all of them could contribute to the treatment of cancer. But very few fundamentally new working drugs for cancer appear: between a biological phenomenon observed in the laboratory and a clinically significant result lies a gap, in most cases insurmountable.

A significant portion of laboratory findings are not followed by even an attempt to create a cure. If such an attempt is made, the chances of it being crowned with the introduction of a new drug to the market are extremely small - they amount to a fraction of a percent. Even drugs that make it to clinical trials on volunteers complete the registration procedure on average only 8-9% of the time. However, in oncology this figure is even lower - about 5%. What then explains the unbridled enthusiasm of the Russian media?

Because they relied not on a balanced, non-sensationalist article in Cell, but on a press release published on the same day by Chi Van Dang, scientific director of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Unlike a scientific publication, this release is full of optimism. The Cell article is titled “Hypoxia Acid Suppresses the Circadian Clock via mTOR Inhibition”; press release entitled “How Baking Soda Could Improve Cancer Therapy” – Can You See the Difference?

Almost the entire release is devoted to something that does not take up much space in the original publication in Cell - the same mice that drank water with baking soda diluted in it, and reasoning that the discovered phenomenon could increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy. "The concept is incredibly simple," Dr. Dan enthuses, "and we're not talking about some $100,000 drug. It's literally just baking soda." At the same time, forgetting to mention the inapplicability of baking soda to humans and the fact that the idea itself is not new and the search for other ways to influence the pH of the tumor has been going on for many years.

Russian journalists only had to take a small step to bring the news to “perfection.” A little imagination, a little reluctance to study not only a press release, but also a scientific publication, some courage in choosing headlines, and now the news spreads across the Internet and collects comments like “I always knew that a cure for cancer was invented long ago, but scientists are hiding it” .

I actually understand everything. And about the fact that scientific director Dan needs to receive grants and report on outstanding discoveries, so he cannot issue a press release with the honest but unattractive title “Yet Another Vitro Phenomenon with No Clinical Relevance”2. And about the fact that Russian media make news “more interesting” because they need traffic: after all, they need to sell advertising, bonuses and careers depend on this. But I just can’t get out of my head that unfortunate woman whom Simoncini killed, and stop thinking that, perhaps, right now some desperate person, having read the news, goes to treat his serious and dangerous illness in that very network of Moscow medical centers. And he may not return from there.

You need to be a bit more careful, gentlemen.

Pyotr Talantov, co-founder of the Evolution Foundation, member of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists

The author of the article is a member of the board of the educational foundation “Evolution”, created with the aim of popularizing science and the scientific worldview. The Foundation exists thanks to the support of thousands of individual donors and is currently running a fundraising campaign.

You can support Evolution on its website at www.evolutionfund.ru .

Anatoly Bloshchinenko, oncologist, chemotherapist:

Without exaggeration, fifteen to twenty percent of patients use unconventional methods of treatment: they drink soda, peroxide, ASD, vodka with butter, camel urine, kerosene. The methods are captivating with a lot of positive fake reviews, simplicity, cheapness and, most importantly, the ability to be treated at home, without the help of a doctor. Unfortunately, all this can lead to tragic consequences.

There are patients who, having learned about the presence of the disease or discovered a tumor, do not go to the oncologist, fearing to learn bad news, but resort to similar methods. And they continue to be “treated” until one of the relatives insists on seeing a doctor or until the patient ends up in the hospital due to complications. It is then that it turns out that the time when it was possible to begin adequate and successful treatment has been lost and only symptomatic, palliative therapy remains.

It is hardly possible to reduce the flow of information about the “successes” of alternative medicine in the treatment of malignant tumors. That is why it is so important to discuss unconventional methods with scientific justification for their uselessness in the media, on social networks, and to conduct educational seminars. And it is very important that oncologists communicate with patients (for which many do not always have time, however), explain that alternative treatment methods are based on myths and give only false hopes.

1 Letters “in glass” (lat.). That is, in vitro, in cell cultures.

2 Another in vitro phenomenon of no clinical significance.

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See also:

  • “Release activity” by Oleg Epshtein (02/20/2018)
  • Narcology in Russia: invasion of shamans (04/25/2017)
  • Proton beam therapy amnesty (11/17/2015)
  • Another cancer-causing protein exposed (02/09/2016)
  • Popularization of science and deception of workers (08/29/2017)
  • About cancer treatment clearly (10.10.2017)
  • Non-diseases and the medicalization of society (03.11.2015)
  • Nano-benefits from nano-beauty (05/03/2016)
  • The key to freedom of choice (03/22/2016)

The mechanism of losing weight with soda according to Neumyvakin’s method

In his stories and lectures, Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin talks in detail about the mechanism of taking soda for weight loss and the basic recipe.

Recommendations offered by a specialist must be followed. Method of use and frequency are very important aspects of losing weight with soda.

First you need to take baking soda on the tip of a teaspoon and dilute it in water at room temperature in an amount of 200 ml. The solution must be drunk on an empty stomach 3 times a day.

When first used, soda must be drunk for 3 days in a row. After this, the professor recommends taking a 3-day break. After 3 days, we start taking soda again.

You should focus only on your body and self-feelings.

Whether to take soda orally for weight loss is an individual and personal matter for everyone.

Review of real reviews of weight loss according to Dr. Neumyvakin’s schemes

Reviews of soda for weight loss, as advised to drink or use for baths, enemas Neumyvakin are different. Here's an example:

  • Within 10 days I managed to lose up to 4 kg. excess weight. At the same time, she combined it with a balanced diet and sports. On the first day I felt a little nauseous, but then my body got used to it. I have been using the professor’s method for 3 years now, with no health problems and an excellent figure.
  • It is difficult to drink in its pure form, but when mixed with kefir or honey, the taste is quite pleasant. It is impossible to lose weight with soda and baths alone, only in combination with exercise and proper nutrition.
  • I liked losing weight according to Neumyvakin’s schemes. I took baths with sea salt and essential oils - my skin was just velvety. I diluted the powder with water and added lemon juice as recommended. I liked it because the problems with the gastrointestinal tract went away and the functioning of the digestive system improved. The only negative is that you have to force yourself to drink an unpleasant drink 3 times a day.

Like any technique, baking soda affects everyone individually.

Nuances: drink soda for weight loss before or after meals

Following the advice and recommendations of Doctor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin, special attention should be paid to the time when it is best to drink soda for weight loss:

  • Drinking the drink on an empty stomach will be much more effective than taking it while eating or on a full stomach. If the solution enters the stomach, a completely expected reaction occurs there. And if there is food in the stomach, then the effect may be exactly the opposite of what we expect, up to and including indigestion. Minimum interval for drinking soda: 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after it;
  • On an empty stomach, you need to drink soda in the amount of 3 glasses of liquid per day;
  • the expected results, if used correctly, can be seen within a month from the date you start taking the soda drink;
  • for those people who feel a particularly urgent need for sweets to enter their body, you can add a little natural honey to the solution.

In addition to the main soda drink, there are already a number of its variations. A soda drink with the addition of lemon juice is gaining popularity.

It is necessary to take at the rate of 1 tbsp. lemon juice per 200 ml of soda solution. You need to drink this drink once a day before lunch 40 minutes for 7 days.

In addition, soda began to be added to kefir cocktails in the same proportions as with water .

Contraindications for losing weight with soda

Before you start losing weight by drinking soda drinks, you must consult with doctors: a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist. Only after they have carried out the necessary research and given the necessary tests can the soda solution be used, starting with very small doses.

Some of the most dangerous diseases, the presence of which is already a direct ban on the use of soda as a product for weight loss, include the following:

  • oncological diseases;
  • an allergic reaction of the body and its increased sensitivity to soda as a product;
  • severe diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract;
  • unstable level of acidity in the stomach cavity;
  • diabetes;
  • for women – pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Professor Neumyvakin claims that by following all the simple rules and recommendations, you will not only lose excess weight, but also rejuvenate your body, tidy up the functioning of all internal organs and cleanse yourself of toxic compounds and toxins.

However, this method of losing weight has its opponents. They are the vast majority and they claim that the benefits of such a drink are quite controversial.

The acid that is in kefir, when reacting with soda, is not particularly useful in itself, it causes increased gas separation, disruption of the stomach and causes other undesirable consequences.


The main precaution in treatment is that it should not be used during the digestive process - it is forbidden to drink soda a few minutes before or after eating. During the digestion of food, an acidic environment is formed in the stomach, with which the soda will react. The release of carbon dioxide will follow, which can lead to complications in the entire digestive tract.

Soda is not recommended for use as treatment and prevention during pregnancy and lactation, for diabetes, ulcers and low stomach acidity.

Uncontrolled consumption of soda can lead to swelling of the extremities, impaired fluid excretion, heart failure and problems of the nervous system. Individual intolerance to soda is also possible, so carefully monitor your own condition in the initial stages of treatment.

Soda is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, for diabetes, ulcers and low acidity.

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