Guarchibao - an effective fight against excess weight!

Guarchibao FatCaps for weight loss: real reviews from consumers and doctors, instructions for use and price. © Guarchibao FatCaps for weight loss: real reviews of those losing weight

Natalya, 37 years old,

I decided to leave a review about Guarchibao as a token of gratitude to those who sell it (we are, of course, talking about the original drug). So, I am Natalya Yuryevna Zotova, 37 years old, I live in a small town in the Perm Territory, I work as an accountant in a private company.

I experienced weight loss with this product at the beginning of summer, when after a diet with salads my weight did not move an ounce. Then I decided to use the “heavy artillery” and chose this powder. Result: in a month with guarchibao fatcaps I lost 8 kilograms. This figure may seem insignificant to some, but for me it is a decent result. Besides, I haven’t stopped – I’ve been drinking the cocktail for 2 weeks already!

Weightloss remedy

Until I was 35, it never even occurred to me to use any fat burners to lose weight, and I never used diets or – God forbid – jogging at all. My weight was constantly subject to seasonal fluctuations: over the winter I steadily gained about 7 kg, in the spring I lost about 2-3 kg, and in the summer at the dacha, I again returned to my usual norm without any problems.

This has always been the case except for the last two years. I don’t know why, but physical activity in the garden and vegetable food ceased to be a panacea - winter accumulations remained in place. The first year I still survived this, but in the second year, when I gained 12 kg of excess weight, I began to study the Internet. It was then that I turned my attention to natural weight loss products.

I can’t say that I was very pleased when I saw it - the choice of such products is simply huge! My eyes widened, and it was unclear which of them really helped, and which were ordinary advertised dummies. In addition, I would like not only to lose weight, but also to improve my own health a little - to normalize, for example, my sugar level (the tests were not very good), to improve my bowel movements, to improve my performance...

In general, having studied enough information, I decided to settle on guarchibao - it was the one that suited me in all respects:

  • decreased appetite;
  • helped regulate metabolism;
  • gave vigor.

Reviews from doctors

Finally, let’s study the real reviews of doctors about Guarchibao, who managed to test this complex in their practice.


Irina Anatolyevna Gladovskaya, (Moscow): “I have nothing against the drug. The composition of Guarchibao Fatcaps is 100% natural, so we are not talking about any harm. I think individual intolerance may appear, as with any product or drug. The components in the composition help fight excess weight. This has not been proven today. The main criterion for me is the reviews of patients about the drug Gurchibao, who took it on my recommendation. Often these are people who for years and decades could not cope with the problem, lost their health and suffered morally. The use of Guarchibao became a salvation for them. Weight correction was gentle and painless. I believe that Guarchibao weight loss product is the safest and most effective of all that exist today.”


Andrey Ivanovich Vakin., (St. Petersburg): “At first I was very distrustful of the product, but gradually changed my mind. Indeed, those women and men whose obesity was caused by disruptions in the hormonal or endocrine system, to my surprise, successfully lost weight by taking this powder. Their metabolism was restored, and their weight returned to normal. I’ll say more, my wife took this complex, and the results were convincing - minus 9 kg in 2 months. I have been confidently using the drug in practice for more than a year. So far I have only seen bad reviews about Guarchibao on the forum, where it is unclear who is writing and what they are drinking. I believe the facts."


Marina Aleksandrovna Zolina, (Minsk): “As a gastroenterologist, I am most concerned about the effect of the drug on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the stomach, pancreas, duodenum and intestines are recorded during examination in almost every patient. Therefore, a remedy whose goal is weight loss should not only solve the stated problem, but should also not aggravate the patient’s condition in terms of various health indicators. The powder is harmless and helps eliminate multiple digestive problems. Patients who took the product under my supervision noted an improvement in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: regular bowel movements, relief from flatulence, and a feeling of lightness in the epigastric region. As a doctor, I don’t see any contraindications for my patients to take the drug.”

Composition of Guarchibao

Taught by life experience: trust, but check - I was not too lazy to clarify the data on the components of the composition. I chose specialized sources and looked at the real properties of the substances contained in the medicinal powder. Here are the results of our own “scientific” research:

Baobab: the fruits of the tree, in any form, are very beneficial for the intestines. Fresh or dried, they stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora, making it easy to cope with diarrhea or constipation. Plus, powder from baobab pulp activates the immune system, relieves pain during menstruation, lowers cholesterol and sugar levels; have a very good effect on the skin, relieving inflammation and improving its external condition.

Guarana: the plant burns fat and accelerates metabolic processes. It also turns out that the use of guarana is very widespread among athletes as a natural doping. Thanks to it, they quickly restore strength after training and gain additional energy.

It also contains chia meal. The name caused confusion at first, since I had never heard of such a plant. But it turned out that this is not the name of the plant at all, but an ordinary chia seed cake. It has dietary properties, since almost half of it consists of dietary fiber, due to which a feeling of fullness appears.

Having prepared, I placed an order and, after receiving the parcel, began the practical part. But first I looked at what the instructions said.

The secret of action

The effectiveness of Guarchibao is explained by the following features of its action:

  • The drug contains all the components necessary for the full functioning of the body, so the likelihood of a deficiency of microelements and vitamins is practically reduced to zero;
  • All components of the composition help normalize blood glucose levels, due to which a person becomes full faster, appetite decreases, and cravings for sweets and starchy foods are dulled;
  • All types of metabolic processes accelerate: protein, lipid, carbohydrate, which becomes the main reason for weight loss;
  • Thanks to the composition, it is possible to gently cleanse the intestines and thereby normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the digestion process as a whole. This helps remove excess fluid and get rid of puffiness, remove toxins and improve the condition of the skin and hair;
  • All components of Guarchibao powder have a positive effect on the nervous system, and therefore the person losing weight is in a good mood and there is no need to eat away stress or negative emotions.

Since weight loss occurs naturally without any restrictions or grueling workouts, the results obtained are easy to maintain for a long time. This is very important, since the danger of any rapid weight loss lies precisely in the fact that all the lost kilograms return as soon as a person stops adhering to a certain diet.

How to take correctly (instructions for use)

There were no ambiguities here: one package contains 5 sachets, the contents of each of them should be dissolved in approximately half a glass of water and drunk once a day before meals. That is, the amount of sachet is designed for 5 days of use, after which you need to take a break for 2 days, and then you can start the second course.

At the same time, on the days of taking guarchibao, it is recommended to increase the amount of water drunk to 2-2.5 liters. I calculated, it turned out that from approximately 8 am to 8 pm, every hour you need to drink one glass of water.

In general, I started the process savvy in all the rules and on the first day I did everything as written. On the second, I decided to prolong the pleasure a little, and compiled my own instructions for using guarchibao. The only difference from the original one was that I divided the bag into two parts and drank the contents in the morning and evening; the future showed that this result had no effect.

I would like to note that I had sachets with vanilla flavor, but somehow it was not particularly noticeable. The drink is quite pleasant to drink, and the consistency is similar to liquid jelly. I tried diluting it in milk (this is also possible), but I didn’t really like it - in my opinion, such a drink turns out to be too “fatty”.

I personally didn’t have any side effects, although where would they come from, since the composition of guarchibao has no contraindications because completely natural.

What kind of drug is this, Guarchibao?

Guarchibao is a dietary supplement that contains 3 natural components, each of which is aimed at accelerating metabolic processes and cleansing the body, which ultimately ensures weight loss.

The course of treatment is designed for a month and during this time you can lose from 5 to 15 kg, depending on the person’s initial data.

The drug is available in the form of a water-soluble powder; you need to take 1 sachet per day for 5 days in a row, then take a two-day break.

As stated in the instructions for use, there is no need to change your usual lifestyle or follow strict diets to achieve results.

Where to buy (price in pharmacy)

So I come to the most important detail: where to buy the original drug, so as not to overpay and be sure that it is not a fake.

I'll start with a warning - run away from sites where they offer you goods for 1 ruble. – this is a promotion for suckers! At first I almost fell for the “lure”, because the promise really does sound tempting. But - as I found out later - under the beautiful wrapper, there is no candy hidden at all.

The usual trick that scammers use is to lure you with one ruble, and when you place an order with them, it turns out that the one “magically” turned into the number 2 with three zeros, and this is the minimum. In addition, since it all initially started with deception, it is unknown what is contained in the boxes sold by scammers. I am sure that the contents of such “medicinal” products are very far from the advertised annotations, and, God grant, that it does not in any way undermine the health of gullible buyers!

If you do the calculations, then the real guarchibao (it always has a certificate of quality), which I bought here, cost me only 990 rubles per package, and if you count by portions, then the cost is only 198 rubles.

But, I note, this is all accounting. My personal opinion is that a good result is more important than any money, and I got it.

Summing up the results of my monthly weight loss (I took 4 packages, 2 vanilla, raspberries and pineapple), I will say: guarchibao really helps to get rid of extra pounds if you follow the instructions. That is, you need to conduct the course without lazy pauses. Otherwise I drank today, didn’t drink tomorrow, a week later there were zero results, and I went to write negative reviews, like guarchibao fatcaps - another scam!

I already said that I managed to lose 8 kg in 30 days. Moreover, in the first week I only lost half a kilo, but from the second I began to lose it more and more: two kilograms, two and a half, three. An additional bonus was the news that my blood sugar had normalized (I took tests a week after the course).

I hope my review will help those who are still at a crossroads, but passionately want to have a slim body, make a decision.

Look how I look now, I think there is no need for comments here.

Will it help you lose weight - a scam or the truth?

How effective a product is and whether it really helps you lose weight can be judged theoretically, based on the composition and reviews of people who have experienced its effects.

Most women and men claim that Guarchibao helped them get rid of extra pounds and start feeling better. On average, the result per month is 4-8 kg. The effect is enhanced if you supplement the weight loss course with a balanced diet with the exception of:

  • Muchnogo;
  • Sausages;
  • Sausages;
  • Fried;
  • Potatoes;
  • Sweet;
  • Alcohol.

At the same time, the daily calorie content is not of fundamental importance - the manufacturer claims that the daily diet can not be changed at all and the weight will still go off.

To not only get rid of extra pounds, but to significantly improve body quality and proportions, it is recommended to exercise. This could be home workouts like exercise in the morning or full-fledged workouts in the gym.

What is the price?

Guarchibao can hardly be called a cheap weight loss product, but in comparison with other drugs, its price is quite reasonable and justified by its organic composition and effectiveness.

The cost of the drug is not static, it depends on the place of sale - on the manufacturer’s official website the price is usually lower than in pharmacies. If you purchase the product at a promotional price, a package of 5 sachets can cost about 1,000 rubles. However, for different suppliers it can grow up to 2000 rubles.

Considering that 20 sachets are needed for a monthly weight loss course, this nutritional supplement will cost from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles.

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