Sharko's shower: reviews and the whole truth (fight against cellulite)

Charcot's shower for weight loss is a popular hydrotherapy method aimed at treating many diseases, eliminating aesthetic defects and rehabilitation after overload.

The beneficial effect of the “shock” water jet was noted back in the century before last by the French researcher, psychiatrist and neurologist Jean Charcot.

In honor of the discoverer, the method received this name. Today, water massage is popular among women who dream of losing excess weight, tightening their skin and relieving fatigue. Reviews of Charcot's soul confirm its beneficial properties. Let's take a closer look at what it is.

Charcot's shower (history of origin)

Jean Martin Charcot invented his special shower in the 19th century. Initially, the procedure was intended to activate blood circulation and improve the mental health of patients.

But then no one, including the creator himself, suspected the incredibly powerful healing effect of the invention.

Over time, the scope of hydromassage has expanded greatly. Cosmetologists use the technique to eliminate excess fat deposits, eliminate signs of cellulite and stretch marks.

Professional athletes and people leading an active lifestyle attend sessions to improve tone, restore muscles after hard training, and receive a powerful energy boost.

Customer reviews of Charcot's shower, as well as before and after photos, eloquently testify to the effectiveness of the procedure. Often women resort to it after childbirth, who want to quickly get their body into impeccable shape.

Charcot's shower: how to take it when losing weight?

As mentioned above, Charcot's shower is used for weight loss in cosmetic centers and beauty salons. The effect of this procedure is due to several factors:

  • During the procedure, a person’s muscles are toned in order to resist the pressure of water and keep the body in an upright position. This burns a large number of calories, which promotes weight loss and weight loss.
  • When the water temperature drops, the body spends a lot of energy on heating. When following a low-carb diet, the body takes energy from fat reserves rather than from food. Thus, the breakdown of fat deposits occurs faster.
  • The mechanical effect of water is similar to a massage. This allows you to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  • As temperatures change, the skin tightens and the appearance of cellulite becomes significantly less. The body contour becomes more slender.

You need to know that the effect of the procedure will not appear after the first session. To lose weight, you need to complete a full course consisting of 10-15 procedures. A course of weight loss procedures can be carried out 2-3 times a year. For large body weights and advanced cellulite, the doctor may prescribe up to 20 procedures in one course.

Massage against cellulite at home using a brush

Charcot's shower is useful for weight loss for both women and men.


Hydromassage is very popular in sanatoriums, medical institutions, and beauty salons that specialize in water therapy.

It is carried out in a special shower stall equipped with handrails. They serve as support during manipulations.

A Charcot shower is a unit with a pair of hoses through which water is supplied. Using special switches, the temperature and pressure of the water jets are regulated.

A cold flow enters one of the hoses, and a hot flow enters the other. Both are supplied under fairly high pressure, which leads to powerful healing effects.

Under the influence of hydromassage, blood flow is activated, fat cells are burned, and the unsightly “orange peel” disappears.

The specialist performing the procedure applies a water stream to the patient’s body, which is located at a distance of 3 to 5 meters from the equipment.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Preparation. The client first turns his back to the installation, then his face. The first streams of water have a temperature of 36 - 42ºС) and are fed in a fan pattern. Processing is carried out from top to bottom. The manipulations are repeated several times. This quickly relaxes the muscles and helps the patient prepare for the treatment phase. Hips, sides, arms are treated. Duration – no more than 2 minutes.
  2. Therapeutic effect. In one of the hoses the pressure gradually increases and the temperature decreases (up to 20ºC). At the initial sessions, the difference in temperature indicators is small, but increases over time. A powerful jet is directed to areas that need correction. The second is used to treat the back and arms. Duration – no more than 2 minutes.

Reviews of Charcot's soul indicate that significant weight loss will require more than one procedure. What course? It includes 20 sessions.

The first one will be the shortest, lasting about 1 minute. Each time the duration will increase until it reaches 5 minutes.

The contrast between pressure and temperature will systematically increase. Hydromassage takes very little time, but it is quite enough to maintain a slim silhouette and improve the health of the body.

Charcot's shower alone will not help remove cellulite. Don't forget about sports and other procedures.

Dermatologist Jessica Krant

Benefits and harms: pros and cons

Photo from the review “bruises after a shower”
Several factors simultaneously influence the human body during the Charcot shower procedure. Thanks to the compactness of the jet and high water pressure, it is possible to carry out a mechanical massage. The skin and soft tissues (subcutaneous tissue, muscles) are warmed up.

As a result, blood flow increases in these areas of the body and lymph outflow is activated, plus cold water improves skin tone.

But what really scares us is that people are willing to endure this procedure, despite the bruises. A bruise is an injury. And injury is not at all the norm, even after a massage.

So if you have bruises, don't do these procedures, it's bad .

This does not indicate that “cellulite goes away,” “fat is broken down,” or anything like that, as they write on the forums. This means that your blood vessels are injured, simply put, they rupture. Blood accumulates in the upper layers of the skin or muscle tissue.

Read this piece carefully: blood is a transporter for nutrients, important hormones (which are also responsible for the breakdown of fat) and, most importantly, oxygen.

All this is extremely necessary for the organs and tissues of our body, but the damaged area of ​​​​the skin remains without supply with all this .

In addition, since blood flows poorly into this place, it also leaves there, which means that the removal of decay products, which people like to call toxins and are afraid of, slows down. So bruises are not evidence of the amazing skill of the massage therapist or the effectiveness of the procedure, they are simply injuries that should not exist.

And even more so pay for them.

For some reason, it is believed that bruises after an anti-cellulite massage are absolutely obligatory and you can’t live without them, but this is also not true.

If the skin is well prepared for massage and warmed up, the technique is chosen correctly, and the massage therapist does his job professionally, there should be no large bruises on the treated areas of the body.

Only small single hematomas are acceptable after the first procedures of the course, when the skin has not yet adapted to intense external influences.

Any impact on the skin that causes pain causes vasospasm and impairs blood circulation. The formation of bruises is inevitably accompanied by rupture of capillaries, inhibiting and disrupting tissue regeneration.

And yes, for our taste, the answer to the question “what is better, Charcot shower or anti-cellulite massage” is nothing! It’s better to take a contrast shower in the morning, play sports and joint exercises, walk in pleasant places and you will be happy. Why, below is a detailed description.

For weight loss

Charcot’s soul will not help you in losing weight, no, no, and no again (yes, that’s how emotional it is). Actually, the weight loss process itself is affected only by the amount you eat and how many calories you burn. And the second should be 10-20% more than the first.

The shower doesn't waste calories, you just stand there and don't even move much. A shower cannot speed up your metabolism, because these are just beautiful words, but in reality it is impossible .

In itself, even if a super active mechanical effect with a tight jet does not break down fat cells, this is nonsense. Fat cannot be broken, shaken or plucked, it can only be burned as energy (very detailed about the fat burning process ).

Those who believe in this simply do not understand how fat burning works in principle. If you think that mechanical effects on fat deposits are effective, then why spend money on massage? Take a hammer or rolling pin and tap your stomach or thighs.

Fat is burned only when the body uses it as an energy source. All. There are no other options. Physical impact on Madame Siju’s area will bring you nothing but bruises and an empty wallet .

During the massage, blood circulation increases, muscles warm up, and tissues are more actively supplied with oxygen. But the cells do not open and do not allow lipids to travel.

And even if they did, fat is consumed (roughly speaking) in our working muscles, and not in the hands of a massage therapist!

This only helps increase blood circulation. This can indirectly help with problem areas , but again - Charcot's shower is not long in time, a maximum of 10 minutes - the effect will be the same, but 5% to the overall success.

For cellulite

And it won't help with cellulite. Cellulite is the structure of our adipose tissue, the unevenness of the fat layer, read more in the article about cellulite .

For some, everything is fine, because they were a little more lucky in the genetic lottery, for others, not so much.

Of course, cellulite does not only appear from this; poor blood circulation and problems with lymph stagnation also play an important role.

Lymph does not need to be dispersed, and exercises for this (like rising on your toes 100 times) are marketing

Therefore, Charcot's shower will work indirectly, provided that you are one of those who do not move much. In such people, the acceleration of blood and lymph through anything will help relieve swelling and improve the external condition of the skin.

It is these people who absolutely sincerely write positive reviews of warming wraps and hard brushes.

This number will not work with the same high effect with those people who are already involved in sports - there is nothing to accelerate there, there is no stagnation of lymph, no swelling .

For legs with varicose veins

Honestly, those who advise Charcot showers for varicose veins, are you in your right mind? Such a mechanical effect on veins with varicose is simply nonsense! Plus hot water.

The veins are also dilated, why would hot water worsen their condition? We understand, a light contrast shower , but Charcot?

Which leaves bruises along the affected, already poorly functioning veins?! At the same time, ARVI is a contraindication for us, of course.

Charcot's shower is a hydromassage, and it is strong in its effect. And really, massage for varicose veins does not improve the condition, moreover, it has a negative effect on the legs. Especially a massage that is done with force.

And although many say that after a massage / Charcot shower they feel relief, this is due to the fact that swelling simply decreases.

But in the longer term, massage can negatively affect the health of the veins. Especially if it is such a specific type as Charcot's shower.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The main disadvantage is pain. The severity of pain is associated with the individual characteristics of the skin.

High-pressure water literally hits the body and can leave bruises, but often there is redness after a shower.

After 2–4 sessions, the pain decreases. To assess your own endurance, you can use a trial procedure and after that make a decision about using a full therapeutic course.

The severity of pain is affected by the menstrual cycle.

Dermatologist Azadeh Shirazi

Patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system note joint and muscle pain. This disadvantage disappears on its own after a couple of days, and in the 3rd – 5th session the discomfort does not bother you at all.

Charcot's shower, as the before and after photos and customer reviews show, is really good for health and attractiveness. A positive result appears after completing a course of treatment:

  • the skin becomes elastic and tightens;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • irritability goes away;
  • efficiency increases;
  • the mood lifts.

Hydromassage stimulates blood microcirculation in the skin, strengthens the muscular system, and restores metabolic processes. All this is necessary to burn fat deposits.

We must not forget that using only Charcot's shower will not lead to noticeable weight loss. To increase the therapeutic effect, you need to attend sports training and eat right. Only the complex influence of all these factors will help you achieve harmony.

Types of hardware massage

There are several types of hardware massage:

  • vibration massage;
  • vacuum;
  • vacuum roller (LPG);
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • myostimulation;
  • hydromassage.

Depending on the goals, one type of procedure or a complex of several techniques is prescribed.


Vibromassage is an irritating effect on the surface receptors of the skin, muscles and internal organs using a special apparatus or chair. Vibromassage devices are equipped with special attachments - vibrotodes. The procedure is carried out in two ways - stable and labile. When stable, the vibration rod is installed at one point to achieve a local result; when labile, it is moved along the area being worked along a straight, spiral, zigzag, dashed, transverse or circular trajectory.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum pneumomassage is an alternation of cycles of pumping and pumping out air using special suction cups. Suction cups of different shapes and volumes are provided for different parts of the body.

With the stable method, the suction cup is applied to one point for 2-3 minutes, after which it is moved to another. If the patient's pain threshold is increased, the exposure time is reduced to 40 seconds. With the labile method, the suction cup is smoothly moved across the entire treated area.

A type of hardware vacuum massage is a vacuum-roller LPG massage. It is carried out using special roller attachments that capture folds of skin with fatty deposits.

During their processing, the membranes of fat cells are destroyed. The effect of vacuum stimulates blood flow, which increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to problem areas. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin is activated - soft tissues are smoothed and tightened. LPG vacuum roller massage is approved by the US FDA.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage affects the lymphatic capillaries in the upper layers of the skin. A type of lymphatic drainage is a pressotherapy procedure. The client puts on a sealed suit, in which the pressure is sharply increased and decreased using a device. Pressotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction.


Myostimulation is the effect of pulsed currents of various modulations in order to cause muscle contractions. When passing through tissue, an electric current stimulates local lipolysis. The procedure helps improve the outline and relief of the problem area.


Hydromassage is the effect of a jet of water on the skin and muscles. The impact area and intensity are adjusted depending on the goals of the course. The procedure is carried out in special hydrobaths or using a directional Charcot shower.


In some cases, hydrotherapy may not improve the patient’s condition, but, on the contrary, lead to deterioration. You will have to refuse hydromassage if the following factors are present:


  1. infectious diseases;
  2. exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  3. inflammatory reactions;
  4. tendency to form blood clots;
  5. arterial hypertension;
  6. lack of body weight;
  7. impaired renal function;
  8. suffered strokes and heart attacks;
  9. malignant and benign tumors;
  10. dermatological problems: eczema, inflammation, ulcers;
  11. violation of the integrity of the skin: abrasions, scratches, wounds;
  12. diseases associated with bleeding;
  13. bearing a child, regardless of term;
  14. critical days.

Varicose veins are also contraindications. In this case, the procedure is permissible if the damaged areas are not exposed to water flows.

Combination with other procedures

In parallel with water massage sessions, you can use gentle chemical peeling.

It is better to avoid aggressive mechanical cleaning. After it, the epidermis needs some time to regenerate, so water procedures will have to be rescheduled for another time.

Various wraps give excellent results in tandem with hydrotherapy.

A shower softens tissues and activates metabolism, which allows beneficial components to more actively penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. This way the positive effect will appear faster and be more pronounced.

It is important to remember that Charcot's Shower is, first of all, a medical procedure, and only then a cosmetic one. Recommendations for combining with other manipulations should be given by a specialist.

Who are the procedures indicated for?

Charcot's shower affects many human systems and organs. But there are categories of people for whom hydromassage will have a special positive effect:

  • Overweight people who want to lose weight.
  • Patients suffering from depression and loss of strength.
  • Women after childbirth (to restore their figure).
  • People exposed to stress and suffering from chronic fatigue.
  • Patients with a slow metabolism and improper lymph exchange.
  • Category of people with circulatory problems.

For all of the above people, Charcot's shower will be very useful.

Preliminary preparation

In anticipation of the session, you do not need to follow any special instructions. You need to take with you:

  1. Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
  2. Flip-flops.
  3. Waterproof hat.
  4. Towel.

After treatment, no special skin care is required. For muscle pain, it is permissible to use pain-relieving ointments.

If hematomas appear on the surface of the skin, a product that accelerates their resorption will be useful.

From reviews of Charcot's shower before and after the procedure, you can find out that the session is carried out very quickly, which is important for business people.

On average across the country, one visit to a specialist will cost 200–3000 rubles. The lowest prices are observed in public clinics where the necessary equipment is available.


For what conditions and diseases is Charcot's shower indicated? It is used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, neuroses, and increased anxiety.

Massage with water jets hardens the body, strengthens its defenses, tones, helps restore strength, accelerates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation. The procedure has a good effect on the skin, which becomes smooth and elastic.

Charcot's shower can be prescribed as part of a course of rehabilitation after injuries to the musculoskeletal system - in this case, consultation with an orthopedist is required. It has proven itself well in the complex therapy of arthritis, osteochondrosis, and muscle atrophy. Recommended as a remedy against cellulite.

Almost any medical procedure has contraindications, in the case of Charcot's shower these are:

  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • sore throats and bronchitis;
  • psychosis;
  • skin lesions;
  • dystrophy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • severe hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • post-stroke, post-infarction periods;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage.

Is it possible to recreate the procedure at home?

Not every person has the opportunity to vacation annually in sanatoriums or regularly visit special institutions. Even if you manage to buy a Charcot shower for your home, an inexperienced person will not be able to carry out this procedure. He might hurt himself.

It is there that qualified specialists provide effective hydromassage. In domestic conditions it is almost impossible to reproduce this unique shower.

But some people replace it with a suitable watering can attachment and contrasting douches.

At home you will not be able to achieve the same results as in specialized institutions. However, getting rid of cellulite, losing extra pounds and tightening your skin is quite possible.

Water always has a positive effect on the human body, washing away negative feelings, worries, and fatigue accumulated throughout the day.

In the morning or evening, alternating hot and cold water will be a tonic and very pleasant procedure. This way you can perform hydromassage over your entire body.

For an ordinary shower, you should not use maximum water pressure, since few people know exactly the specific features of such manipulations. Before performing it, it is necessary to clarify the existing contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences.

Reviews, as well as before and after photos confirm that Alekseev’s shower will be a worthy alternative to Charcot’s shower. The device increases the pressure to 6 atmospheres. With it, the effect will be as close as possible to the original.


3. How to use Alekseev’s Shower?

Alekseeva shower instructions

A large number of letters asking us to describe how to properly use Alekseev’s shower prompted us to write simple but effective tips.

Alekseev's shower is a great way to give yourself and your body a little more attention!

Massage of the scalp.

Massage increases blood circulation, and, accordingly, nutrition of hair follicles, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. In Asian hair salons, cows (!) lick the heads of balding men - and the hair begins to grow again. Do you want to grow long hair, but, alas, it ends up splitting? Only a powerful hydromassage will help you in this case - surprise your hairdresser. If your hot water is turned off, you can easily (!) wash your hair with cold water and won’t even feel the cold if you use the most powerful water pressure.

Facial massage – anti-wrinkle massage.

It is very difficult to massage your face with your fingers yourself - there is a high risk of incorrect distribution of effort along the massage lines. But massage with a jet of water is free of this risk. You just need to direct the jets from bottom to top. The only warning is that if you have dry facial skin, you will have to use cream at first; the skin may become dry after hydromassage. This is no more than 2-3 weeks, then, on the contrary, it will become normal. The fact is that any water procedures normalize the hormonal status of the body. But, like any physiotherapy procedure, it initially worsens the problem. Take breaks from facial massage. 10 days of massage - 2 days break. This way you will get the desired result faster (read the indications for use).

Massage of the collar area.

Useful in every possible way. You knead your stiff neck, shoulders, upper back... Blood circulation is restored and you feel pleasant relaxation, peace... However! If you have problems with your back, arm joints, or vertebrobasilar insufficiency, then the first hydromassage sessions will be painful if you spend more than 2-3 minutes on this area. There are no and cannot be any contraindications to massage in this area, so do not be afraid of pain - it is for the good and continue to gradually increase the duration of the massage in this area. In less than two weeks, the pain will give way to extraordinary pleasure. Even for this pleasure it is worth purchasing an Alekseev shower. This is an even more exquisite experience than an elbow and knee massage. If a husband or child, or an elderly person refuses a “too strong” massage with Alekseev’s shower, persuade them to try massage only on these areas. This will be more convincing than any words!

Impact on elbows and knees.

After a week of hydromassage, you will find that the keratinized skin on your elbows has turned into the delicate skin of a baby. After all, elbows show age; they are invisible to us, but very visible to others. In these areas there are “longevity points”. Moreover, hydromassage of these areas causes increased production of endorphins - pleasure hormones.

Neck massage.

It is known that the neck gives away the age of both men and women most of all. Surprisingly, but true - with the help of a strong hydromassage of this area, you will not only make your skin young and toned, but also quickly get rid of your double chin. You just need to run a stream of water from bottom to top, as if lifting your chin up. Contraindications: complex diseases of the thyroid gland - be sure to consult a doctor and do not get shower jets (especially strong) in the area near the ears - there are large lymph nodes and these places can be extremely painful, frequent exposure to this area is undesirable.

Upper arm massage.

The skin in this area, in the absence of adequate physical activity, quickly becomes flabby and unsightly. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the blood supply to this area through massage. But these places are capricious: with just one massage you will not achieve beautiful proportions, such as on the sides or inner thighs. You'll have to add weight training as well. Pre-prepare the muscles for the load - before performing a set of exercises, you need to warm up this area, then the visible result will appear faster.

Hand massage.

Exceptional anti-aging effect - better than any creams. But in this zone it is very desirable to use temperature contrast. You can also massage it in the way that is most pleasant.

Foot massage.

There are a lot of biologically active points on the feet, so the wise Chinese pay great attention to the feet - according to their teaching, by influencing the feet, you influence the entire body. Massage is extremely useful for those whose legs are very tired. You can massage this area however you like!

Breast massage.

Oddly enough, daily light (the weakest pressure!) breast massage prevents inflammation in the breast tissue. The streams should be slightly tingling and shoot upward, as if lifting the chest. It is very easy to get rid of lactostasis during breastfeeding with the help of water massage. You need to sit in a warm bath and massage the painful area until it softens. You will never get such a healing and gentle massage with your hands. To stimulate the muscles that support the breasts, make 10 clockwise and ten counterclockwise circles around each breast daily.

Calf massage

Only from bottom to top. For swelling on tired legs, you can do it separately and use contrasting water switches. Even specialists from the well-known Meramed center admit that the best treatment and excellent prevention of varicose veins is massage with tight jets of water.

Massage the outer thigh.

There is less pain in this area, but you should try to direct circular massaging movements from bottom to top - along the flow of blood in the veins. This way you prevent problems with venous blood flow. It is best to do it while sitting in the bathtub - there will be less splashing and you can slightly raise your leg.

Massage the inner thighs and butt ears.

The most painful, because cellulite is most often based there, even if it is still undetectable visually. You are unlikely to be able to massage this area for a long time. But here you only need wide circular movements and a weaker water pressure to start with. This is also a pretty rewarding area.

Massage of the gluteal area.

You can massage as you like. The main thing is to take a long time to get a beautiful and fit look. During pregnancy, you can massage this area, just without affecting the lumbar region. The skin here must become red and “burn” to quickly obtain results.

"Barrel" massage.

Needed to “detect” the waist. It is especially recommended for those who are actively involved in sports and dancing, since “Flanks” may appear on their waist, which encircle the waist and make it less graceful. Here you can not spare the body - use long circular movements, but you can also use holding movements to influence this area. By the way, this is the most rewarding area - folds and seals on the side of the waist disappear quickly.

Abdominal massage.

Necessary for acquiring a beautiful, toned tummy and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Particularly useful in a comprehensive weight loss program - to restore smooth and elastic skin. Shower movements should be strictly clockwise. Start the procedure with a gentle stream of water. The distance from the exit holes to the skin is less than 50 cm to start with. Then the jet will not have a strong irritating effect. Then increase the distance from the shower to 70-80 cm. There are contraindications: pregnancy and gallstones.

Back massage.

Relieves tension, fatigue, stimulates blood circulation. Run the shower (with the strongest jet - it should press through tense muscles), starting from the lower back, up to the shoulder, first on the right side, and then on the left. Run a stream of water along the spine from bottom to top - first on the right, then on the left. Repeat this procedure until a pleasant feeling of relaxation appears.


When you get out of the shower, you should have a nice piglet color - soft pink. It is acceptable to bring yourself to brighter shades after 5-10 procedures. Then, the acquisition of a red tint to the skin is mandatory, since this is what doctors call a vascular reaction, which is what they strive for during any hydrotherapy procedure. However, if you have problems with blood circulation, you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, you may not acquire a pronounced vascular reaction for up to several months. If you have Cellulite blooming, then you can quickly find the exact locations of its location - just run a stream over the supposed occurrences. Where it is, the skin will not turn pink quickly - pay special attention to these places. Your task for the near future is to restore blood circulation in the affected area. To do this, you will have to experiment with the water temperature. The Alekseev shower has another pleasant advantage - you will not feel the cold acutely, since the high water pressure neutralizes the temperature effect. Of course, the skin and body will react to cold water “correctly,” that is, healingly, but the procedure will also be “correct” for you, that is, comfortable. Individually select for yourself the water temperature at which you will receive maximum pleasure from the procedure and your body will be pleasantly pink.


Only Alekseev’s Shower is a high-pressure shower, almost a complete analogue of Charcot’s shower in terms of water pressure. Alekseev’s shower is the only one that changes the behavior of the jet. Up to 50 cm the jet is hard and needle-shaped. And then - drip. By changing the distance from the outlet holes by just 10 cm, you get a full variety of jets. You can also change the water pressure and get different jets. If you don’t like the strong hydromassage at any time, you can change the mesh (put it on 60 holes) and get a completely different sensation. You can also enjoy an underwater massage - the high jet pressure will allow you to do this easily.

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Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

I recommend repeating sessions every 1 – 2 days. Exceeding the established number of procedures leads to the opposite effect. Pain, nervousness occur, and chronic diseases worsen. There must be at least 6 months between courses.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

On the Internet you can find many reviews about Charcot's soul. People who have undergone the procedure note its many positive properties. In addition to treating many pathologies, sessions promote weight loss, tighten the skin, eliminate signs of cellulite, improve mood and energize. Hydrotherapy will be useful if you follow the exact methodology and contraindications.

What is Charcot's shower?

Many people have heard about Charcot's soul and, most likely, most of them have already learned its benefits. Hydrotherapy is used in hospitals and sanatoriums for therapeutic and preventive purposes. Hydrotherapy has different types, but in this article we will look at the shower.

The essence of these procedures is that a stream of water with a certain temperature and pressure is directed onto the human body. Under its influence, blood flow through the body is activated. Thanks to which our organs are saturated with oxygen.

A shock jet of water can affect the tone of skeletal muscles, as well as normalize blood pressure.

In addition, with a full course, a person’s endocrine and nervous system will improve. Metabolic processes will accelerate, a detoxification effect will work, which will lead to the removal of impurities, toxins and metabolic products.

The result will also appear externally, because cellulite and some excess weight will recede. After undergoing the procedures, a person will feel much better and even younger due to the self-healing processes that have begun.

Charcot's shower is aimed at treating the body. Water massage will help improve your metabolism and become healthier.

Indications for Charcot's treatment method

Taking Charcot shower procedures will be useful for those who have:

  • fatigue syndrome;
  • depression;
  • irritability and stress;
  • joint diseases;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • excess weight;
  • allergic diseases.


Charcot hydrotherapy for weight loss is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • condition after heart attacks, heart attacks;
  • being underweight;
  • the presence of skin diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • predisposition to bleeding.

Also, women during menstruation and pregnancy should avoid water sessions.

Charcot shower: reviews


“It's a really great procedure. It improves mood, improves skin condition, and helps fight cellulite. Of course, I didn’t notice much weight loss, but there is a positive effect.”


“It’s very painful to go through the procedure.
It often leaves bruises, but cellulite is reduced. I don't notice any particular weight loss. The condition of the skin simply improves.”


“This procedure tones me up and I feel great after it.
Improved skin is a nice bonus. And cellulite disappears.” Many people, despite positive reviews, before and after photos, still wonder whether Charcot's shower is useful or not. The amazing properties of the procedure have been successfully used in medicine and cosmetology for many years.

Hydromassage allows you to treat diseases of the joints, muscles, bones, and is used to prevent their development. The healing effects of the water flow eliminates many cosmetic imperfections.

Based on this, we can conclude: Charcot’s douche is really useful for a person if you follow the execution method and take into account contraindications.

Hydromassage Shower Alekseev

I bought myself such a shower 3 years ago. Later I’ll do a detailed review, now I’ll post some brief information. Price at the moment is 3000-3600 rubles ——————————————– Silver medalist at the international exhibition of inventions in Nuremberg (Germany) in 2005

This is the only shower that creates parallel jets of water rushing towards your body at the highest speed. He is the only one who will give you a real massage with water. You will NEVER need the services of massage therapists again, which are constantly becoming more and more expensive. You will have your own reliable massage therapist in your own bathroom!

• This is the only shower capable of creating a stream of water parallel to the ground that does not crumble up to 5 meters. And even at this distance from the shower, a standing person feels the wind formed by fast-flying jets of water.

• The stream from the shower easily breaks the cascade of water in the pool... And at normal water pressure, like in your apartment! A high-pressure massage shower is the best way to get rid of varicose veins, osteochondrosis and cellulite. And also get great pleasure from the usual hygiene procedure.

• This is the only shower that, when water jets collide with an obstacle, creates a cloud of water dust - like near a large waterfall. You will be relaxed and undead not only by the jets of water, but also by the air with a high level of negative hydroions, just like at the best resort. See the “Ionization Conclusion” page.

• And this is the only high-pressure shower (like a Charcot shower) that you can take without leaving your home. Even a 3 year old child can connect it to the faucet.

• An exclusive feature of “Alekseev’s Soul” are special NOZZLES of a conoidal (not cylindrical, like everyone else, and not cone-shaped, but specially designed, with complex geometry) shape. The diameter of the inlet part of the hole is 5 mm, the outlet diameter is 0.6-0.8 mm. There are no such nozzles in ANY other shower head, even those called massage ones.

• Water jets of submillimeter cross-section and exceptional “behavior” are formed. They are not saturated with air at a distance of up to 50 cm; they look like tight threads of water. And then they turn into microscopic droplet structures.

Indications for use: Diseases of the cardiovascular system (reduces the development of atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, improves blood flow). Cellulite. Muscle weakness, sagging skin, fat metabolism disorders and other figure imperfections. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Reduced immunity. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, etc.). Diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Edema (from impaired lymph flow and venous stagnation, after injury). Sleep disturbance, insomnia. Meteor dependence. Intestinal dysfunction. Menopause. Hangovers and other poisonings. To prevent blood microcirculation disorders.

And also: Water massage improves the general condition of the body and improves mood. Restores body contours. Increases potency and immunity. Treats alopecia (baldness). Dandruff disappears, long hair combs better. A feeling of youth, freshness and vigor appears.

The unique device “Alekseev’s Shower” has been used in physiotherapeutic (clinical) practice since December 1997

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