Losing weight in pregnant women: recommended exercises

The dangers of being overweight during pregnancy

The main reason is the accumulation of scientific data on the harm that excess weight causes to the expectant mother and child.
What negative consequences of obesity of an expectant mother have been proven so far and make experts lean towards the possibility of weight loss during pregnancy? Risks and consequences for the mother:

· initial reduction in the chances of pregnancy with obesity;

risk of gestational (pregnancy-related) diabetes mellitus;

· hypertension with edema as a consequence of the need for the heart to pump blood through an excess number of vessels;

· the risk of developing preeclampsia, eclampsia - severe, sometimes fatal conditions associated with a combination of excess weight, hypertension, edema and other clinical manifestations;

· possible weakness of labor, more severe course of labor (including due to a large fetus).

Risks and consequences for the child:

· large fetus: an increase in the mother’s body weight for every 5 kg leads to a risk of an increase in the child’s body size by 30% at the time of birth, which in turn leads to difficulty during childbirth and increases the chances of injury;

· increased risk of fetal development defects;

· difficulties with breastfeeding, as a result of which the child may not receive the necessary nutrients;

· predisposition to weight gain by the child himself as he grows up.

Thus, when assessing all existing risks, most doctors are inclined to recommend that expectant mothers plan a pregnancy and enter this important phase of life with a normal weight. If a woman becomes pregnant and is overweight, the doctor may recommend a special nutritional system in which the fat mass will be reduced and the fetus will receive all the substances it needs.

Main conclusions

Excess weight during pregnancy is a factor that poses a danger to both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, doctors recommend strictly monitoring the increase and adjusting your diet accordingly:

  1. Sharp weight gain during pregnancy is associated with hormonal imbalances, overeating and a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Too much weight gain can provoke the development of gestosis, heart disease (in the mother), and neurological disorders (in the child), leading to premature birth.
  3. The rate of increase is calculated based on the woman’s BMI.
  4. A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced.
  5. The contents of the menu depend on the stage of pregnancy and the season.
  6. Physical activity and gymnastics are one of the effective ways to control weight during pregnancy.

Clear menu planning and selection of a suitable set of exercises guarantee not only the health of mother and baby, but also easy labor, as well as a quick return to prenatal shape.

Normal weight gain

First of all, it should be remembered that during a normal pregnancy, a woman who is not overweight should gain about 12 kg in 9 months due to the weight of the baby, the placenta, additional blood, other physiological fluids, and also some amount of fatty tissue. Moreover, there are clearly defined standards for weight gain during pregnancy, which guide doctors when assessing body weight status.

Experts from the European Association for the Study of Obesity recommend that if you have a body mass index of 30-35 (grade 1 obesity), you gain 5-9 kg during pregnancy. With an index of 35-40 (2nd degree obesity), gain from 1 to 5 kg of weight. And if the index is above 40 (grade 3 obesity), do not gain weight at all during pregnancy. This means that with the inevitable weight gain due to physiological parameters, the same 12 kg (due to fetal weight, etc.) should leave a woman’s body with up to 12 kg of fat, which will have a positive impact on the course of pregnancy itself, as well as childbirth with postpartum period.

BMI Recommended weight gain during pregnancy
Less than 18.5 13-18 kg
18,5-24,9 11-15 kg
25-29,9 8-12 kg
30-35 5-9 kg
35-40 1-5 kg
More than 40 0

How can you safely lose weight while pregnant?

In some cases, you still need to get rid of extra pounds, otherwise it will be difficult to carry and give birth to a baby. Under no circumstances should you choose a strict diet, exercise actively, or take any medications! The expectant mother should first of all take care of the child’s health and her condition, and not her figure. Is it possible to lose weight without harm during pregnancy? Yes! Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle will help with this. The diet is only possible if prescribed by a doctor.

The principle of losing weight

To reduce the level of adipose tissue in the body, it is necessary to reduce (or at least not increase) the level of energy intake. The average female metabolism is about 1500 kcal per day, but can range from 1200 to 1900 kcal per day. To accurately measure this parameter, it is better to use studies such as bioimpedansometry or a gas analyzer method for measuring metabolism. It is known that for a noticeable breakdown of adipose tissue (at least 100 grams per day), it is necessary to create a difference between consumed and expended energy of at least 500-700 kcal. How to achieve the desired result of increasing the amount of nutrients while decreasing the amount of incoming energy?

Perhaps the best option is to practice keeping a food diary with daily calorie counting in order to make sure of its required level. At the same time, we remind you that this same level can be accurately calculated only after performing bioimpedance measurements or gas analyzer measurements of basal metabolism. In parallel with calorie counting, it would be correct to track the amount of key foods for each trimester in a food diary, as indicated above. Vegetable salads, fruits, lean meat and fish, seafood with a small amount of bread or potatoes can be an excellent diet for an expectant mother.

Another beneficial dish with this diet would be regular soup. Due to their beneficial composition and large amount of water, soups are low-calorie dishes; they are well suited for an individual menu for anyone who is watching their weight, including pregnant women.

One of the nutritional problems for pregnant women can be taste perversion, or PicaChlorotica. This is a condition when a woman’s taste sensations and preferences change, as a result of which the previously familiar diet can become tasteless and even cause nausea and disgust. This situation can create real problems when forming a diet, since it not only removes from a woman’s diet some of the products necessary for a balanced diet (for example, meat), but can also lead to a craving for relatively edible or generally inedible products, such as chalk, pencil leads or chicken shell. By the middle of the 3rd trimester, this situation usually ends.

Basics of rational nutrition during pregnancy

Proper nutrition is an important factor in human health and well-being. The average intensity of female metabolism under normal conditions is 1500-1700 kcal per day. For expectant mothers, this figure varies between 2000-2300 kcal. This is explained by the increased oxygen consumption and activity of the child. Most of the energy goes to the growth and development of the fetus, changes in the uterus, placenta and mammary glands.

A balanced diet ensures that a woman gets all the vitamins and microelements she needs without gaining extra pounds.

In the first half of pregnancy, it is advisable to eat 5 times a day, eating dishes of approximately the same calorie content both in the first and second half of the day. In the last trimester, 70-75% of calories should come from meals before 2 p.m. The afternoon snack is no more than 5%, and dinner should be as light as possible (15-20%).

It is advisable to include protein products in the morning and lunchtime diet, as they not only improve metabolism, but also stimulate the nervous system. Dairy-vegetable dishes are best consumed in the afternoon, including for dinner.

The menu should be designed taking into account the season. This way, you can get more vitamins and improve food safety. After all, vegetables and fruits grown in greenhouse conditions out of season often contain large amounts of nitrates and other growth stimulants. Caloric intake can be adjusted based on average weekly weight gain.

Important! During bed rest, the menu is revised, and its calorie content is reduced by 20-30%.

In addition to the general nutritional value, it is necessary to pay attention to the drinking regime of the pregnant woman. On average, it is 2 liters of liquid per day. Moreover, this volume includes not only water, but also soups, tea, juices and compotes. Excessive fluid intake causes increased stress on the cardiovascular system and affects kidney function.

Physical activity

It is necessary to understand that changes in nutrition during pregnancy are only part of the complex changes that occur with a woman during this period. The absolute rule should be to give up smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as increase physical activity (if it was previously low) to the level of 8-10 thousand steps daily and at least half an hour a day for moderate physical activity (such as special gymnastics for pregnant women or swimming).

The topic of physical activity is often discussed on forums for expectant mothers. According to reviews, by increasing the duration of walking and doing home exercises for pregnant women, you can not only reduce excess weight, but also cope with chronic fatigue, mood swings, and toxicosis.

Intimate muscle training using the Kegel method

I would also like to highlight exercises that are useful for pregnant women at any stage. The Kegel technique is aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and was originally intended for women with incontinence. But later it turned out that it has a significant effect in other situations, for example, during pregnancy, when the pressure of the fetus on the pelvic muscles is extremely high.

What exercises can you do during pregnancy if you have not done Kegel before?

  • Warm-up to “tune in” and properly feel your own body. Alternately squeeze and unclench the vaginal muscles, as if trying to interrupt urination.
  • Strong and maximum possible duration of contraction of the pelvic floor muscles followed by their relaxation.
  • Exercise "elevator". Squeeze the muscles of the perineum smoothly and gradually, as if you are rising up (inside the body). Also slowly return to the starting position.

Remember that every pregnancy is individual. Try to follow the sensations of your body, selecting certain activities, trying and leaving the most suitable one. Remember to consult your doctor and get permission to exercise.

Psychological support

It is very important to maintain psycho-emotional balance during pregnancy. For this purpose, meditation, yoga, and special breathing practices are used, which can be studied in special courses for pregnant women.

But a woman who also needs to solve the problem of excess weight during this period may need the help of a professional psychologist involved in psychocorrection of eating behavior. The fact is that losing weight is generally difficult - eating habits that have been fixed over the years, as well as psychological barriers and complexes, interfere. During the period of bearing a child, when “hormones play”, mood often changes, the perception of tastes and smells is distorted, this may seem completely impossible.

When to lose weight during pregnancy

In some cases, it is absolutely impossible to lose weight during pregnancy. Losing weight is not recommended if you have kidney disease, liver disease, or heart disease, or if your weight gain complies with the norms of anatomical indicators.

Weight loss can cause:

  • premature birth;
  • child's underweight;
  • development of fetoplacental insufficiency.

During pregnancy, you cannot adhere to strict calorie restrictions, mono-diet or go on a fast. You should not introduce new, previously unused products into the menu, or engage in experiments, such as a raw food diet or switching to vegetarianism.


A good way to get rid of possible hunger pangs during pregnancy is to eat small amounts frequently. The usual three meals a day is increased for pregnant women by 2 meals: second breakfast and afternoon snack. The break between meals is approximately 3 hours. If you need a late dinner, drink a glass of kefir. Follow the rule - no food 2 hours before bedtime.

A simple trick helps a lot: eating small plates throughout your pregnancy. To enjoy the taste of the dish, use not cutlery, but, for example, a dessert spoon and fork. Take your time while eating. If the usual portion of a dish does not satisfy your hunger, you should take a break for 20 minutes. This time is enough for the brain to receive a signal of saturation. It is important not to skip meals - this is harmful to the health of the woman and the unborn baby. Long breaks in nutrition will lead to an increase in portions of food, even if it is made from healthy foods, and this will immediately affect the figure of a pregnant woman.

What exercises should pregnant women avoid?

  • Exercise at an intensity that raises your heart rate to more than 90% of your maximum;
  • Long distance running;
  • Exercises with heavy weights during strength training;
  • Contact sports;
  • Hot yoga;
  • Exercises in the supine position (in the third semester);
  • Breath-holding exercises.

Avoid any activity where there is a risk of falling (for example, skiing or horseback riding). Equally important for good health and good physical shape is the absence of stress, healthy sleep and adherence to nutritional rules for pregnant women.

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