Ideal proportions of a female body: what are they?

Ideal figure: basic criteria

The theory of anatomical proportions of the body of the great Leonardo da Vinci is still relevant today, it is taught in all world art schools. Thanks to this teaching, many artists realized that individual parameters - chest, waist, hips - are not able to tell about the female beauty of the body. It turns out that it's all about their ratio.

1. One of the main factors in the beauty of the natural proportions of a woman’s body is her body type. The harmony of all body parameters will depend on what kind of figure nature has endowed you with - asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic.

It is easy to determine your body type by measuring the wrist of your working hand: for asthenics, the result is approximately up to 16 cm, for normosthenics they are in the range of 16.1-18.5, for hypersthenics - above 18.6 cm.

2. Height and waist circumference

A wasp waist is one of the signs of a beautiful female body. With a height of 148-150 cm, it should be equal to 55 cm. It is easy to calculate how many centimeters your waist should be, if you consider that according to the norm, every 2 cm of height add 1 cm to the waist width: height 152 cm - 56 cm, 154 cm - 57 cm and so on. For example, a girl with a height of 188 cm should have a waist of no more than 74 cm.

In addition, the correctness of the forms can be determined by an indicator called “whites”. According to this theory, the volume of the chest is equal to 50% of height plus 3-5 cm, for the bust - plus 8-10 cm. For asthenics, a chest volume of 84 cm and above is considered normal, and the bust adds 4-6 cm to the obtained values.

3. Weight

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Ideal body weight is associated not only with a person’s body type, but also with his age. One of the calculation options is the Quetelet index.

So, for example, for girls 15-18 years old it is equal to the following values: for asthenics - 315 g, normosthenics - 325 g, hypersthenics - 355 g for every 1 cm of height. For girls 19-25 years old, the Quetelet index will be equal to, respectively: 325 g, 345 g and 370 g. For women 26-39 years old – 335 g, 360 g and 380 g per 1 cm of height. In addition, for those girls and women whose height is below 1m 60 cm, the weight should be 10-15% less. This is especially necessary for girls under 20 years old.

The percentage of fat in a woman's body is of great importance. Trying to create an ideal body, like the professionals, with 5% body fat is unrealistic, since these values ​​are achieved with the help of special diets and special pharmacology. But 10% is ideal.

If we compare two girls with the same weight of 60 kg and different percentages of body fat - 10 and 20%, then the first will have 6 kg more muscle tissue than the second. The appearance of both beauties will be strikingly different!

If girls with an hourglass figure just need to lose weight so that their ideal body proportions become visible, then “pears” need to focus on strength training in order to slightly build muscle on their narrow shoulders, and “apples” need to give preference to aerobic exercise and exercises for lower body.


One of the indicators of an ideal female body is proportionally long legs. This parameter is calculated in the same way, based on the amount of growth. Legs are considered long if they are more than 50% of the height. At the same time, in hypersthenics with a harmoniously developed figure, the length of the lower limbs exceeds 0.5 height by 3-4 cm, in normosthenics - 5-6 cm, and in asthenics this difference can be up to 6-10 cm!

The length of the legs is measured from the point where the femur protrudes to the horizontal surface. It’s not for nothing that women love high-heeled shoes so much - they are visually able to eliminate the existing imbalance.

In fact, from the point of view of fitness trainers and doctors, the most indicative of health is not the ideal proportions of the female body, but a combination of three factors:

Body weight should not be 5 or more kilograms higher than ideal;

The subcutaneous fat layer over the entire surface of the body should not be more than 2 cm;

A woman should be physically active, eat healthy foods and meet her daily calorie requirement, have quality rest, get good sleep, be resilient and flexible, and have normal physiological indicators (appetite, blood pressure, physical strength, and others).

Whether or not to adjust your parameters to any system for calculating the ideal female body is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But every year more and more new criteria for assessing the harmony of the female body appear.

A recent anthropometric examination of female figures by scientists revealed lengthening of the arms, legs, and the appearance of a high waist as the norm. Most women's shoulders have become wider and their posture has improved. Doctors concluded that, in general, the younger generation has become slimmer and taller.

Indicators of ideal proportions

A beautiful physique presupposes that the relationship between different parts of the body is “maintained” within certain limits:

  • the pelvis and chest in girth should form a difference of 9 to 10;
  • the neck circumference is 38, and the waist is 75 percent of that of the chest;
  • the forearm should be equal to 30 percent of the neck circumference;
  • The calf circumference should be 60 percent of the thigh circumference and 40 percent of the pelvic circumference.

The basis for finding ideal proportions can be taken from the tables, the data of which is based on the height and weight of the athlete. The taller the athlete, the larger the circumference, that is, he should look larger.

Arnold Schwarzenegger 2015 Incorrect proportions of modern bodybuilders RUS

How to dress if you're short

If you are too short (below 155 cm), then the following rules will help you add a couple of extra centimeters up:

  • try to dress in a single color or in a monochromatic color scheme;
  • wear heels;
  • use those proportions in clothes where the top is less than or equal to the bottom, for example: top and bottom 1:1; top 1/3 + skirt 2/3; top 1/4 + skirt, trousers or dress 3/4, etc.
  • feel free to use a shortened length in all styles and models of clothing: 3/4 sleeves, 7/8 trousers, capris, miniskirts, etc.

How to dress with a low waist

If you have a low waist, you need to visually raise your waistline. To do this, include in your wardrobe:

  • belts and tucked blouses;
  • short blouses and jackets;
  • fitted dresses or dresses with a belt;
  • high heels.

If you have a low seat height and low waist, you can also recommend wearing long jackets with short skirts or tight trousers, and not overloading the leg area.

With a high seat height and low waist, you can pay attention to details such as pockets in the hip area, wear clothes in the same color from the waist down, and also do not overload the leg area.

Formulas for ideal female body proportions

Oddly enough, there is no formula for ideal proportions of the female body. Or perhaps it was intended by nature itself that achieving this perfection, applicable to absolutely all women on the planet, is impossible and illogical. After all, then everyone should be similar to each other, like clones, with only minor changes in parameters.

Determining your relationship to one of three physiological body types helps you learn more about your body type:

  1. Ectomorph.

An ectomorph is easy to distinguish - below average weight in proportion to height, skinny build. He tends to have a high metabolism, so eating large amounts of food does not cause weight gain.


  • low percentage of subcutaneous fat;
  • narrow constitution;
  • narrow hips, collarbones;
  • small joints (wrist/ankles);
  • string abdominal muscles;
  • long upper and lower limbs;
  • small breasts and buttocks;
  • hyperactivity;
  • difficulty gaining muscle mass.
  1. Mesomorph.

Mesomorph - physiological indicators average between ectomorphic and endomorphic types, reflects the qualities of both. Has the ability to quickly gain muscle mass and additional weight. Has a larger bone structure than endomorphs, but the percentage of body fat is similar to the ectomorph type.


  • wide collarbones and shoulders;
  • symmetrical constitution;
  • slim waist;
  • long, round abdominal muscles;
  • low fat percentage;
  • big muscles.
  1. Endomorph.

The endomorph body type is considered the complete opposite of the ectomorph. It is bulkier in appearance, has a small percentage of muscle mass, but a high ratio of fat.


  • enlarged chest;
  • wider/thicker joints;
  • hips wider than collarbones;
  • short limbs;
  • a large amount of fat;
  • large skeleton;
  • low muscle score due to adipose tissue;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • insatiable appetite.
HeightLeg length
· from 155 to 160 cm
· from 161 to 167 cm

· from 168 to 174 cm

· from 175 to 180 cm

78-83 cm
84-89 cm

90-94 cm

95-100 cm

Many women may think that breasts and hips are the first thing men notice when they pay attention to them. But this is a wrong opinion

Numerous surveys have shown that men notice these parts of a woman’s body only after her smile and eyes. And what is beautiful for one person does not arouse the interest of another. The most ideal female figure requires harmony while respecting the proportions of the waist, hips and chest.

The standards for the width of the shoulders in relation to the hips should be in equal proportion. Deviations to a smaller or larger direction should be corrected by changing diet and exercising. This will help bring harmony to a woman’s appearance.

An ideal weight is not an absolute goal for appearance or health. It is possible to look attractive across a wide range of female body types. But it is worth noting that being underweight or overweight in relation to height is associated with poor health outcomes. The main thing is to find an individual comfortable, healthy weight and try to stick to it.

Height in centimetersWeight in kilograms
13728 — 35
14030 – 37
14232 — 40
14535 — 43
14737 — 45
15039 -48
15241 – 50
15543 — 52
15744 — 54
16047 — 58
16349 -59
16551 — 62
16853 – 64
17055 — 67
17357 – 69
17559 – 72
17861 — 74
18063 – 77
18365 — 79
18567 – 82
18869 — 74
19172 — 87
  1. Ectomorph.


  • low percentage of subcutaneous fat,
  • narrow constitution,
  • narrow hips, collarbones,
  • small joints (wrist/ankles),
  • string abdominal muscles,
  • long upper and lower limbs,
  • small breasts and buttocks,
  • hyperactivity,
  • difficulty gaining muscle mass.
  1. Mesomorph.


  • wide collarbones and shoulders,
  • symmetrical constitution,
  • slim waist,
  • long, round abdominal muscles,
  • low fat percentage,
  • big muscles.
  1. Endomorph.


  • enlarged chest,
  • wider/thicker joints,
  • hips wider than collarbones
  • short limbs,
  • a large amount of fat,
  • big skeleton,
  • low muscle score due to adipose tissue,
  • frequent fatigue,
  • insatiable appetite.

The formula for ideal weight has been found!

Ideal weight is a very relative concept, since there are no uniform canons of beauty. And weight is not the main indicator of an impeccable physique. But nevertheless, we do not stop stepping on the scales again and again.

There are various formulas for determining your ideal weight. For some time, they used the ratio of weight and height and Brock’s weight formula: “The ideal weight is equal to height in centimeters 100 minutes.” However, it is now believed that this formula is designed for women 40-50 years old. The optimal weight for women 20-30 years old should be reduced by 10-12%, after 50 years old - increased by 5-7%. And today, tables and formulas are more often used that also introduce corrections for body composition. Using the following table, you can quickly and accurately determine your ideal weight, taking into account your height and age.

Anthropometry: Ideal female figure

The variety of female proportions is much richer than that of men, and does not fit into the well-known “ectomorph”, “mesomorph” and “endomorph”. More precisely, the classification begins with these three types, but then everything unfolds much wider - and comparisons begin with geometric images and even fruits.

The fashion for female types was constantly changing - beauties in different eras either tightened their corsets in an effort to achieve a “wasp” waist, or adhered to the principle “the bigger the better” - and gained weight in every possible way, then rushed to lose weight, bringing the image to a state of anorexic slimness.

Nowadays, the ideal female figure is democratic - it is not the numbers themselves that are important, but their harmonious relationship. This allows women to look attractive. There is, however, a place for unification, when the female image must fit into the ideal that the vast majority of the fairer sex strive to meet.

You shouldn’t take 90-60-90 as an absolute ideal - this is just one of the winning options for the right physique. That is, these numbers are not a panacea or a “law,” if only because this ratio is not suitable for all types and does not even take into account growth.

There are three main types of constitutional body shape:

  • Asthenic (analogous to “ectomorph”), thin-boned – 1 in the figure;
  • Normosthenic (analogous to “mesomorph”), normosthenic – 2;
  • Hypersthenic (analogous to “endomorph”), large-boned – 3.

In order to calculate the ideal parameters of a female figure, it is worth considering in detail each of the above types.

Height and weight chart for women

The ratio of body weight and height in women is the parameter that determines the characteristics of the figure and physique. When making calculations, you should take into account:

  • health status;
  • body type;
  • bearing a child and lactation period;
  • age.

A table of weight and height ratios for girls and women will help you clearly understand how many kilograms you should add or get rid of. Having a specific goal, every woman will easily begin to solve the situation that has arisen.

If you adhere to the table indicators corresponding to your height and age, you can:

  • avoid premature aging;
  • keep your figure in perfect shape;
  • keep your skin in excellent condition.

The female body is prone to gaining excess weight with age. This is due to insufficient activity, which is decreasing every year. In addition, representatives of the fairer sex face hormonal changes, which leads to the appearance of fat deposits.

Ideal parameters and standards

The world has long been struggling to develop a formula for the ideal proportions of the female body. This includes not only a visual picture of body types and body types. There is no escape from the basic parameters: weight, height, volume and leg length.

1. Ideal weight.

A difficult topic for many girls. Some people want to get rid of extra pounds. Someone is trying to get the missing ones. The question arises: is there an ideal standard for female body weight and how to determine your comfortable weight? There is definitely no single standard. However, there are boundaries that should not be crossed in order to stay in shape. Each girl’s indicators are individual. To determine your ideal body weight, the following methods and tools come to your aid.

Case mass index according to Quetelet's formula.
In order to calculate your personal body mass index, you need to know your current weight and height. The obtained result is compared with tabular indicators. The girl’s health status is determined and a recommendation is made on what to do - increase or decrease body weight. Or perhaps not change anything, since the weight is ideal.

• Weight norm degree chart.

With clear characteristics: below normal weight, optimal, overweight, obesity, severe obesity.

Weight normal graph

• Table depending on the girl's age and body type.

In this case, the age category from 15 to 40 years is considered. Body build types: thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned.

2. Ideal height and leg length.

If a person can adjust his weight throughout his life, then he will have to come to terms with growth. There are general standards:

- girls with short stature - do not go beyond 150 cm; - below average - from 151 to 156 cm; - with average - from 157 to 167 cm; - tall ladies - from 168 to 175 cm; – very tall – above 176 cm.

The ideal leg length depends on body height. Girls whose legs are less than half their height are considered short-legged. If it is greater or approximately equal, then the figure is balanced. Compliance with proportions affects the visual perception of a girl. In addition, this parameter is taken into account in the models. There is nothing to do on the catwalk without long legs. To complete the characteristics of the lower extremities, scientists derived a formula for ideal legs based on three gaps: in the ankles, under the knees and between the thighs at the top. They can be seen simply by bringing your legs together. There should be no other “holes”, only then the girl’s legs are perfect.

3. Ideal bust, waist and hip volume.

Body parts must be proportional. The most expressive female forms have always been: bust, waist and hips. We are not talking about the exact 90-60-90 standard. Everything is much more delicate. A truly thin waist should be a maximum of 70% of the hips. Each girl has an individual result. Because everyone's body type is different.

The ideal proportions of a girl’s body are not those that men came up with in the fit of their wild fantasies. This is the daily work and self-love of the lady herself. Beautiful female figures are born from jewelry work: sports, nutrition, inner harmony and the right clothes. This is the key to success.

Figure proportionality - ideal proportions of the human body

The proportionality of the figure, among other things, is responsible for the visual beauty of our body. It should be noted that the canons of beauty are variable and change periodically depending on the era, cultural and national characteristics.

Figure proportionality is a fairly broad and not simple concept. Therefore, the definitions that we have given below do not pretend to be deeply scientific, but reflect our vision on these issues.

A figure (human body) is considered proportional if the proportions of the anthropometric characteristics of the body and its parts are perceived by us as natural, taking into account the person’s height, weight and fullness.

The ideal proportions of the human body (figure) are the ratio of the anthropometric characteristics of the parts of the human body in proportions corresponding to the canons of beauty, aesthetics and style at a certain time, in a certain region of our planet.

Correct weight

There is no woman who is satisfied with her weight. You can always hear about extra or missing 1–2 kg. Many scientists have developed a formula for ideal weight. The correct weight is considered to be one that does not cause harm to health.

Methods for calculating weight:

  1. A common method of calculation: Weight = Height – 110 cm. But this formula does not take into account the woman’s age and is ineffective for calculating the ideal weight. It gives objective results to ladies from 40 to 50 years old. For girls from 20 to 30 years old, it is recommended to subtract 10% from this indicator, and for those over 50 – 7%.
  2. This formula was developed by American scientists. You need to subtract 150 from height and multiply by 0.75, add 50 to the total.
  3. Calculations using the Lorentz method have the following formula: Height - 0.25 * (Height - 150).
  4. The Quetelet index is considered a reliable method. Weight/Height2. If the indicator is within the range of 18–25, then the weight is normal. If the index result is greater than 25, the woman is predisposed to obesity.
  5. This method takes into account chest circumference. Need (Height*Chest Volume)/240.

All examples assume a difference of 1–2 kg. When developing formulas, scientists did not take into account the type of figure and proportions of body parts.

How to calculate your ideal weight?

To calculate the optimal weight for a woman, you should use the formula: for a man, subtract 100 from your height in cm and multiply this number by 0.85.

Women also need to subtract 100 from their height, and then multiply the resulting figure by 0.9.

We must not forget that a good figure is not only the absence of fat and toned muscles, but also correct posture.

Ideal proportions of the female body through the eyes of men

You may be interested in other calculators:

Ideal weight calculator
Daily calorie calculator
Body fat percentage calculator

Formulas for ideal female body proportions

Oddly enough, there is no formula for ideal proportions of the female body. Or perhaps it was intended by nature itself that achieving this perfection, applicable to absolutely all women on the planet, is impossible and illogical. After all, then everyone should be similar to each other, like clones, with only minor changes in parameters. But all women are unique, each of them is one of a kind. Therefore, searching for ideal female proportions is irrational.

Ideal female proportions are those given to everyone at birth. For a girl, the body and figure are only a shell in which inimitable attractiveness and grace are stored.

But it is important to note that you need to take care of your figure in order to maintain natural beauty and fill your body with health. And this means leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

Determining your relationship to one of three physiological body types helps you learn more about your body type:

An ectomorph is easy to distinguish - below average weight in proportion to height, skinny build. He tends to have a high metabolism, so eating large amounts of food does not cause weight gain.

  • low percentage of subcutaneous fat;
  • narrow constitution;
  • narrow hips, collarbones;
  • small joints (wrist/ankles);
  • string abdominal muscles;
  • long upper and lower limbs;
  • small breasts and buttocks;
  • hyperactivity;
  • difficulty gaining muscle mass.
  1. Mesomorph.

Mesomorph - physiological indicators average between ectomorphic and endomorphic types, reflects the qualities of both. Has the ability to quickly gain muscle mass and additional weight. Has a larger bone structure than endomorphs, but the percentage of body fat is similar to the ectomorph type.

  • wide collarbones and shoulders;
  • symmetrical constitution;
  • slim waist;
  • long, round abdominal muscles;
  • low fat percentage;
  • big muscles.
  1. Endomorph.

The endomorph body type is considered the complete opposite of the ectomorph. It is bulkier in appearance, has a small percentage of muscle mass, but a high ratio of fat.

  • enlarged chest;
  • wider/thicker joints;
  • hips wider than collarbones;
  • short limbs;
  • a large amount of fat;
  • large skeleton;
  • low muscle score due to adipose tissue;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • insatiable appetite.

The ratio of height and leg length

For most men, female height and ideal leg length are not a determining factor in the attractiveness of the opposite sex. If a girl does not have long model legs, then there is no need to give in to despair. As many men as there are, there are so many opinions about ideal beauty and the female figure. Some people like petite ladies, while others are seduced by the gracefulness of tall ladies.

There is a table to measure the ratio of height and leg length:

Height and weight chart for men

When studying the data contained in the table of height and weight ratios for men, you should correctly determine your body type so as not to choose the wrong parameters. If your indicator is significantly higher than the norm, then you need to think about proper nutrition and do physical activity.

It should also be remembered that these parameters will differ depending on the characteristics of labor and professional activities. For example, the given data will not be suitable for people:

  • involved in sports at a professional level;
  • suffering from swelling;
  • having certain diseases.

In all other cases, the table will allow you to determine how far your body weight is from ideal, and whether it is worth taking immediate measures to combat obesity, or vice versa, to gain kilograms.

Use our calculator to determine your BMI (body weight) in seconds. The data obtained will help to perform a reconciliation and determine compliance with the standard.

Girl's body types

You cannot measure all women to the same standard. In addition to their internal individuality, representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by their physique features. Something can be corrected with the help of sports, nutrition or plastic surgery. But there are three constant body types from which general proportionality is based.


A girl with this body type is fragile and sophisticated. The fat layer is minimized. Arms and legs are thin. The waist is aspen. Height is high. It is difficult for her to gain muscle mass, since weight gain is not observed due to accelerated metabolic processes. An ectomorph girl shows others her thin wrists and fingers. Often the hip bones and collarbones protrude into relief. She cannot boast of large breasts and firm buttocks. A skinny woman is good with sports and can be particularly resilient, but not when it comes to strength training. A typical representative of ectomorphs is Keira Knightley.

• Mesomorph. Body sizes for this type have an ideal ratio. Well-developed leg muscles, rounded hips and broad shoulders are harmonized by the waist. She is not wasp, but without excess fat. A girl with such proportions looks athletic. With moderate physical activity, the body becomes feminine and sculpted. Freely builds muscle mass, but can just as easily gain a couple of extra pounds

For a mesomorph, it is important not only to exercise regularly, but also to eat right. A striking example of such a physique is Halle Berry.


This type includes all girls who have crossed the mesomorph line in weight and volume. Their metabolism is slow. Fat is actively concentrated in the hips, buttocks, waist and arms. A distinctive feature is an expressive bust. Growth is predominantly low. Endomorphs easily gain muscle mass, which is hidden under fat reserves, if you do not include aerobic exercise and dietary restrictions. This category includes not only girls who are clearly overweight. But also those who have an idealized proportion of 90-60-90, with a tummy, extra pounds in the hips. A typical example among famous personalities is Marilyn Monroe. The actress was not overweight, but she did not hide her curvy figure.

Photo. Endomorph body type: Marilyn Monroe

It is impossible to distribute all women in the world between the three above-mentioned types. One hundred percent agreement on all characteristics is rare. Therefore, there is such a thing as a mixed body type. The girl combines the principles of two prevailing types.

How does body type relate to health risks?

WHR is most often used to determine degrees of obesity. WHO sets the following parameters:

  • WHR>0.9 for men;
  • WHR>0.85 for women.

Both indicators correspond to a body mass index (BMI) above 30, which indicates increased risks for a range of diseases from coronary heart disease and hypertension to diabetes and some types of cancer.

However, the waist ratio was more effective in determining risks in older people (over 75 years of age). WHR was also more useful in predicting cardiovascular disease.

WHO specialists also found that abdominal (abdominal) fat, typical for people with an “apple” figure, is more dangerous to health than peripheral fat. The higher the WHR, the worse.

Waist-to-hip ratio also correlates with fertility, with different values ​​being optimal for women and men. With WHR>0.8, women's chances of becoming pregnant are significantly worse. At the same time, WHR>0.9 in men has practically no effect on their reproductive qualities.

Lee, JY, Istook, CL, Nam, YJ, and Park, SM, “Comparison of body shape between USA and Korean women,” International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, Vol.19, No.5, 2007, pp. 374-391.

Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Bautista L, Franzosi MG, Commerford P, Lang CC, Rumboldt Z, Onen CL, Lisheng L, Tanomsup S, Wangai P, Razak F, Sharma AM, Anand SS (November 2005). “Obesity and the risk of myocardial infarction in 27,000 participants from 52 countries: a case-control study.” Lancet. 366 (9497): 1640-9.

Ideal proportions and sizes of a female figure

The ideal female figure in the modern world is based not only on slimness and thinness. Statistics have determined that men have a greater preference for “appetizing” ladies than thin ones.

Particular attention is paid to the proportionality of the female figure - high large breasts, narrow waist, rounded hips. These parameters are considered the perfect forms that a modern beauty should have

Table for calculating ideal parameters for a girl

Equally valuable in the eyes of a man is not only the ideal parameters of the figure, but also the ability of women to dress beautifully, and not necessarily to parade through the streets half naked. Therefore, you should not wear short skirts, more like a wide belt, or blouses with a revealing neckline. The ideal option is to opt for toilets that not only hide minor flaws in the figure, but also highlight its strengths. The following table will help you determine your ideal parameters:

What should your hips and chest be like to have an ideal figure?

If you know the circumference of your chest and hips, then this will also help you determine the “correctness” of your body. This indicator is also called “wiles”.

If you have a normal bone build, then indicators that can be calculated as follows will be considered normal: take the chest circumference and add 80-100 mm, while “ideal” hips should be 250-300 mm larger than the waist circumference.

If you have a thin-boned body constitution, then with a chest circumference of 840-860 mm, the bust norm will be 40-60 mm larger than these values.

Professor of psychological sciences Devendra Singh achieved the same success in research back in the early 90s. But only its proportionality between the hips and waist was calculated as a percentage. If you rely on his theory, then the ideal waist is considered to be one that is 60-70% less than the volume of the hips.

If you want to calculate your proportions yourself, then you need to divide your waist size by your hip size, and if the resulting coefficient is within the range of 0.6 to 0.7, rejoice, you have perfect shape. And by the way, the ideal proportions of the female body were in the Venus de Milo and the Nude by Rubens - they each had 70%. But among the people we know, Claudia Schiffer – 68%, Cindy Crawford – 68%, Kylie Minogue – 69% were awarded such proportions.

From a medical point of view, the proportionality of waist circumference to hip circumference should not exceed the endocrine balance coefficient, which, in turn, is equal to 0.85. Therefore, if your waist is no more than 85% of your hips, then your figure is in perfect order from both an aesthetic and medical point of view.

Normal weight and body proportions for women depending on body type

This classification turns out to be more realistic and constructive.

Type A

It is determined by determining the ratio of hip girth to chest volume. In this case, the indicator turns out to be greater than 1.05. The figure in the form of the letter A is a typical “pear” or “triangle”.

Women with this body type experience:

  • thin waist;
  • narrow shoulders and chest;
  • Quite wide hips.

The feminine silhouette of a type A figure has been considered the standard of beauty since ancient times. Physical exercises for the hips and buttocks will help maintain the shape of such a body.

Type X

For girls and women, when dividing waist circumference by hip circumference, and then by chest circumference, the indicators are the same or less than 0.75 with an hourglass or type X body type. There is no height-to-weight ratio here. For such representatives of humanity, the top is approximately equal to the bottom.

Asthenics and normosthenics can afford an ideal hourglass-shaped body. But for this they will have to eat a balanced diet and properly exercise their abs and thighs.

Type O

An “apple” body type is an indicator greater than 0.75. With body type O, the legs are thin and long, and the torso is full and round. There is always a large belly in the waist area. Busty beauties with slender legs and sloping shoulders will have to constantly work out in gyms to maintain normal body type O proportions.

They need to deal with:

  • press;
  • breasts;
  • back muscles.

Type H

The “rectangle” figure, when dividing the waist size by the bust size, has an indicator equal to or greater than 0.75. Body type H is equal in volume to the hips and chest. Graceful and stylish H-shaped figures also need to be carefully monitored: train the buttocks and shoulder girdle.

Type V

If dividing your bust size by your hip circumference results in a result of 1.05 or greater, your body type is an inverted triangle or V-type.

For women with this figure:

  • large breasts;
  • broad shoulders;
  • narrow hips.

The natural silhouette of a V-shaped physique is also a kind of standard, and has been since ancient times. Dancing or cycling will help maintain the beauty of such a figure.

Modern body beauty standards

How are ideal body proportions calculated for a man?

Currently, calculations of the ideal proportions of a man's body can be carried out using several popular methods - Brock's method, McCallum's formula or the Wilks coefficient (Wilks). John McCallum, for example, emphasizes the need for equal length of legs and torso. In addition, the size of the chest, according to his formula, should be larger than the size of the pelvis (about 10 to 9). The waist and chest should be in proportions of 3 to 4, and the arms spread to the sides should be the height of the person. These same parameters were laid down at one time in the phenomenon that later became the Vitruvian Man.

The ideal height for a man is 180–185 centimeters, tall – 190 and above, short – 170 and below. Weight is hardly worth citing as a standard; it is much more important to link it with height and body proportions (by the way, I recommend reading the article about the optimal ratio of height and weight). A loose figure, at an optimal weight, will not make its owner successful. In the same way, even a perfectly pumped muscle group adjacent to a completely untrained part of the body will look ridiculous. That is why we are talking about ideal proportions, and not about individual biceps, chest or waist.


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