Fruits for weight loss: which are suitable and which are not, list of the best

» Fruits for weight loss: which are suitable and which are not, list of the best
How to lose weight?

Alexandra Nikolaeva 06/27/2019 (Updated: 12/29/2019) 18056

Does the taste of boiled chicken and kefir just make you sick? Include low-calorie and very effective fruits for weight loss , which will help you quickly and easily say goodbye to excess weight.

Article navigation

  • How to choose the right fruit for weight loss: 5 main signs
  • 20 of the healthiest and most effective fruits that you can and should eat when losing weight
  • What fruits should you not eat when losing weight?
  • Are candied fruits good for weight loss?
  • Dried fruits for weight loss are a great snack
  • 7 Most Effective Fruits That Burn Fat Fast
  • List of the healthiest and low-calorie fruits for weight loss
  • Unsweetened fruits are ideal for quick weight loss
  • When can you eat fruit: morning, afternoon, evening, night?
  • What fruit fasting days will help you lose weight quickly?
  • 3 of the healthiest and most effective fruit salads for quick weight loss
  • Fat-burning fruit smoothies in a blender for weight loss

How to choose the right fruit for weight loss: 5 main signs

Fruits can do a lot!

Some promote weight loss due to their low glycemic index, others burn fat, others help fight hunger and give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

But not all fruits are suitable for losing weight and removing fat.

Why is it important to know which fruits you can eat and which you can’t when losing weight?

The fact is that some of them are real “sugar bombs”. With their help you will not be able to lose a single gram! But gain a few more kilograms that you don’t need at all, that’s welcome.

To lose weight quickly, without harm or damage to your health, you need to know what basic criteria are used to choose fruits for weight loss.

Low glycemic index . This is what you should pay attention to first! Fruits that promote weight loss should have a low or, at least, medium GI level.

Why is that?

EXPERT OPINION : Fruits with a low glycemic index release their beneficial energy very slowly and evenly. Insulin is released infrequently, and therefore the body does not tend to accumulate fat.

High GI foods quickly increase blood sugar levels. As a result, the body quickly releases insulin to distribute this large amount of sugar, and it simply processes a fairly large part of it into fat, storing it in reserve.

Insulin prevents the fat that is already in the body from being broken down and converted into glucose.

It turns out that the picture is this: the more fruits with a high glycemic index you eat per day, the more often insulin is released. This means that not only is all the old fat preserved, but new fat is also beginning to be deposited!

So, you need to be very careful when choosing fruits for weight loss!

Low calorie content . The fewer calories in fruit, the better! Thanks to this, you will be able to lose weight much faster and it will be easier for you to control your daily calorie intake.

Availability of fiber . As you know, it removes toxins and waste that affect weight gain.

Some fruits contain a large amount of healthy fiber, which has virtually no calories. It perfectly cleanses the intestines, removes harmful waste and toxins from the body, and also provides a feeling of fullness for a long time.

EXPERT OPINION : Fruits rich in fiber should be eaten in large quantities, between meals, as they are very good for weight loss. Fiber provides quick and long-lasting saturation. Thanks to these fruits, you can forget about hunger for several hours.

Juicy fruits . They are 90% water and have a diuretic effect, which is very good for excess fluid in the body and excess weight. Look, 2-3 kilograms will go away unnoticed.

Juicy fruits perfectly quench hunger, thirst and give a quick boost of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to consume them in the first half of the day, preferably for breakfast!

Rich in dietary fiber .
Such fruits can relieve you from painful hunger for a long time. Once in the stomach, the fibers swell, increase in volume and create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

What vegetables help you lose weight. Vegetables that promote weight loss, which vegetables help you lose weight

Vegetables that promote weight loss. Almost every weight loss diet includes vegetables and fruits. And although in modern stores you will find gifts from fields and gardens at any time of the year, the most favorable time is the last month of summer and the first month of autumn.

During this period of the year, all vegetables and fruits ripen; they are grown naturally in our usual climate and have many useful substances and vitamins. Therefore, vegetable diets become popular at this time.

Which vegetables are most often found in diets and help you lose extra pounds.

Most often, cabbage, cucumbers, and potatoes can be found in weight loss diet products.

All types of cabbage contain vitamins C, H, E, PP, carotene, fiber, and calcium. When these substances enter the human body, they activate metabolic processes, help the liver function, and strengthen bones and teeth. What makes cabbage an important product for weight loss is the tartronic acid it contains, which prevents the formation of fatty deposits. Of all the types of cabbage, Brussels sprouts are considered the most valuable for dietary nutrition.

Cucumber has a low calorie content and, in addition to reducing fat deposits, also normalizes heart function. Removes cholesterol, lowers blood pressure. Cucumber is used as an analgesic and antipyretic. For diseases of the gallbladder and prostate gland, it is recommended to drink freshly squeezed cucumber juice. The cucumber owes all these properties to its chemical composition - high content of iodine, potassium, vitamins C, A, I, PP, E.

It is difficult for us to imagine our life without potatoes; this is the most common root vegetable. It contains twice as much vitamins C, PP, B as other vegetables. Potato protein contains amino acids necessary for humans. Potatoes are used as a prophylactic for vitamin deficiency, hypertension and other heart diseases.

Many other vegetables are also included in the diet; their medicinal properties are also very important for our health.

Tomatoes contain vitamins E, C, biologically active substances carotenoids: beta-carotene, lycopene, xanthophyll. These are antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals. In addition, tomatoes regulate the functioning of the nervous system and are an antidepressant.

The record holder for vitamin C content is bell pepper, it is ahead of even lemon and black currant. By eating bell peppers regularly, we improve memory, boost immunity, and help the gastrointestinal tract function. Bell peppers, like tomatoes, are antioxidants.

Eggplants help lower blood cholesterol levels, help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, and reduce swelling.

Carrots are good for the kidneys, stomach, diseases of the cardiovascular system, vitamin deficiency, polyarthritis, and anemia.

Beets have a unique set of useful substances, but the most important thing is that as a result of cooking, most of them are preserved. Beet logs for hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity, thyroid diseases.

Products for weight loss

What fruits should you not eat when losing weight?

Here is a “black list” of those fruits that should not be eaten under any circumstances, of course, if you really want to lose weight.

Canned fruits . They contain a huge amount of sugar, so no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to lose weight with their help.

But there are also fresh fruits, which, due to their high GI and high calorie content, cannot be eaten by those who want to lose weight.

Lychee . An exotic fruit with a very high sugar content - 100 g. as much as 15 gr. Sahara. Just imagine what a powerful “sugar” blow this is to your body.

Figs . One cup of raw figs contains 16 grams. Sahara. This is the same amount as a 70 gram chocolate bar!

Grape . A very tasty, but very sweet fruit, any kind - green, red, and amber. It contains record amounts of sucrose and fructose. 1 cup of berries contains as much as 16 grams of sugar.

Cherry. You also need to be careful with her. Oddly enough, one cup of these fruits contains 18 grams of sugar.

Dates . The sweetest fruits. They consist of almost 70% sugar, and 100 grams of fruit contain as much as 318 calories.

These are perhaps the most ardent enemies of weight loss! Be careful with them!


Grapes contain quite a lot of natural sugars, much more than other fruits.

If you eat this product daily, then after a while you can notice a significant weight gain. Monosaccharides contained in grapes are very quickly and easily digested, turning into fat.

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Are candied fruits good for weight loss?

Anyone who has experienced all the delights of a diet at least once in their life knows very well how difficult it is without sweets!

This is where candied fruits can really help out! However, this does not mean that you can eat them by the handful. But when you go crazy, they will be able to lend you their “shoulder.”

Candied fruits are fruits that are boiled in sugar syrup and then dried.

You can’t call them a dietary product, since 100 grams of candied fruits contain as many as 216 calories. But, if you compare them, for example, with chocolates, the calorie content of which per 100 grams is as much as 535 calories, then it becomes quite obvious which of these products should be preferred.

Of course, there can be no talk of any diets, or any loss of excess weight with the help of candied fruits. But they can still be useful for you when losing weight.

The main thing is to know moderation in everything!

EXPERT TIP : If during your diet it becomes completely unbearable without sweets, then 1 or 2 cubes of candied ginger or pineapple will definitely help you get through this difficult period!

Give preference only to candied ginger or pineapple. They are the lowest calorie of all.

But, remember! Only 3-5 cubes a day! Not more! If you abuse candied fruits, you can forget about losing weight!

What foods should you avoid?

Some products have unconditional benefits for the condition of all body systems, while others, on the contrary, make the body polluted and create disruptions in the digestive system , as well as cardiac activity.

Foods that should be excluded from your daily diet include:

  • fried meat and fatty foods;
  • canned goods;
  • various sauces with a high degree of fat content;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • excessive amounts of sweet foods;
  • fast food dishes;
  • white bread (preferably whole grains).

Dried fruits for weight loss are a great snack

Anyone who has ever lost weight knows perfectly well how hard it is to sit on kefir, buckwheat and protein diets for days and weeks! How difficult it is to endure the monotonous, insipid taste of the same products!

I want to throw everything to hell! And figure, and kilograms, and beauty!

The hand reaches out to something sweet. And it’s true, as soon as you eat at least a piece of something “forbidden,” life immediately improves!

In such a situation, dried fruits are very helpful! This product is very popular and is quite often used in various diets. Of course, dried fruits are much higher in calories than their fresh counterparts, but if you strictly follow the consumption standards, know when to stop and don’t eat handfuls of them, then they won’t have much effect on your weight loss.

The main advantage of dried fruits is that it is a completely natural product, usually devoid of all kinds of flavor enhancers, dyes, artificial flavors and food additives.

EXPERT ADVICE : According to nutritionists, dried fruits can and even should be eaten when losing weight, but in limited quantities.

They are great as a snack between meals. There should not be more than 5 such snacks.

Try to eat no more than 3-5 dried fruits per snack. Don't forget that they still contain calories!

Dried fruits for weight loss should be chosen with a low GI to avoid a sharp jump in insulin. They usually take a long time to digest and do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar.

The most useful dried fruits for weight loss

Prunes . The most suitable dried fruit for quick weight loss. 100 grams contain 240 calories.

To lose extra pounds, you can eat no more than 5 prunes in the morning. Or use the same 5 berries, but during the day as a snack to satisfy your hunger.

Dried apricots . A healthy dried fruit that perfectly suppresses appetite and contains a lot of fiber. Its calorie content is 241 calories per 100 grams.

Dried apples and pears. An ideal option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. They have a very low GI. You are allowed to eat no more than 20 grams per day.

Dried cherries . The calorie content of dried fruit is 290 calories per 100 grams. It speeds up metabolism and improves metabolic processes.

Of course, all dried fruits are very high in calories, but unlike candies and other sweets, these are natural, organic products, and not “empty” calories of unknown origin.

In addition, they will not give a sharp jump in blood sugar, like a cake or pastry, and will protect you from sudden weight gain.

Fruits are rich in many nutrients

The presence and amount of nutrients in fruits differs significantly for different types, but all fruits, without exception, contain one or another amount of nutrients.

For starters, fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and folic acid, which many people are deficient in.

Fruits also contain a lot of dietary fiber, which also has many beneficial effects.

Eating enough dietary fiber lowers cholesterol, speeds up and prolongs the feeling of fullness, and thus helps you lose weight.

In addition, fruits contain antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Free radicals can damage the body's cells. Maintaining a diet rich in antioxidants helps fight aging and reduces the risk of developing many diseases.

Since different types of fruit contain different amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it is important to eat a variety of fruits to maximize health benefits.

List of the healthiest and low-calorie fruits for weight loss

The lower the calorie content of the fruit, the more kg of excess weight you will lose! They contain very little sugar, a lot of valuable fiber and consist of slow carbohydrates.

Here is a list of the lowest calorie fruits per 100 grams:

  • grapefruit 32 kcal;
  • tangerines 38 kcal;
  • pear 42 kcal;
  • plum 43 kcal;
  • oranges 38 kcal;
  • apples 46 kcal;
  • peaches 44 kcal;
  • pineapples 48 kcal;
  • apricots 46 kcal each;
  • lemon 29 kcal;
  • pomegranates 52 kcal;
  • watermelons 25 kcal;
  • kiwi 66 kcal;
  • melon 38 kcal.

They provide a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, fiber and the presence of slow carbohydrates, saturating the body with useful substances.

Low-calorie fruits will help you quickly lose weight and remove fat from the body. And all this without suffering and hunger!

Is it possible to eat only fruits?

Official science currently denies this type of nutrition as complete and capable of providing our body with all the substances it needs. Therefore, we cannot recommend switching to this type of nutrition. However, on the other hand, we welcome and watch with interest those who have decided to take such a step. In our deep conviction, the usual average diet with a predominance of meat products, industrial confectionery, fast food and soda is incomparable and definitely more harmful than an experimental diet of fruit alone!

Unsweetened fruits are ideal for quick weight loss

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Then include unsweetened fruits in your diet. They contain a minimal amount of sucrose and fructose, which means you can quickly say goodbye to extra pounds.

Lemon . Its energy value is only 29 calories. It contains organic acids, which specifically promote active fat loss, its breakdown and removal from the body.

Lime. There are 30 calories in 100 grams. This citrus has a pleasant taste, and thanks to its unique composition, your body will get rid of not only excess body weight, but also excess fluid and toxins.

Kiwi. The fruit contains 47 calories. This is a real vitamin “bomb”, which has practically no sucrose and is rich in fiber.

Pomegranate. Only 60 calories per 100 grams. Its acids actively destroy old and subcutaneous fat. With the help of this fruit you can quickly get rid of excess body weight.

Passion fruit. Per 100 grams 68 calories. It has a valuable antioxidant composition, destroys and removes fatty tissue reserves, and saturates the body with a mass of vitamins and amino acids.

Quince. Contains zinc, phosphorus, copper, potassium, pectin, vitamin C. And this is only 48 calories. It has been proven that quince has a high ability to break down fats and prevent the deposition of new reserves.

Perhaps not everyone is delighted with the taste of these fruits. But thanks to their wonderful properties, they will restore order in your body.


You should not consume this fruit every day, as it contains many concentrated substances.

It is especially dangerous for those who take statins, antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, as well as drugs intended to treat cardiovascular diseases. Combining grapefruit with these medications may increase the risk of side effects.

When can you eat fruit: morning, afternoon, evening, night?

Want to get the most out of your fruit? Then you must definitely know which fruit to eat at what time of day.


The best “candidates” for breakfast when losing weight would be:

  • oranges;
  • tangerines;
  • grapefruits;
  • apples;
  • mango;
  • kiwi.

These fruits can even replace your main morning meal.


During the day, you can indulge in permitted fruits as a snack, but don't get carried away too much. It's a snack after all.

But, if you time fruits for lunch, then it is better to eat them 30 minutes before the main meal. This will reduce the feeling of hunger and protect you from the temptation to eat an extra piece.


Many fruits will bring you great benefits in the evening. For some reason, when you are on a diet, you especially want to eat late in the evening, or even at night.

Low-calorie fruits can help you here:

  • all citrus fruits;
  • kiwi;
  • mango;
  • a pineapple.

They are very low in calories, quickly satisfy hunger, soothe the gastrointestinal tract, relax the nervous system, and provide restful sleep.

Choose which fruit you like, but only one. It is not recommended to mix them.

Ideal dinner - cottage cheese with fruit

In general, an ideal dinner for weight loss should include both protein foods and fiber-rich foods.

Protein is the basis for building our muscles, and fiber is a product that is not processed by the body into fat cells.

Cottage cheese with fruit for dinner when losing weight is very tasty and very healthy:

  • 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 grams of any fruit cut into pieces;
  • a glass of herbal tea with lemon balm and mint.

This dinner is very light because it contains few carbohydrates, many vitamins, a complex of useful microelements, and it also gives an excellent satiety effect.

Is it possible to eat fruit at night?

You can't eat fruit at night! And on this issue all nutritionists are absolutely unanimous.

In the afternoon, physical activity drops, and fructose can no longer be completely burned in the body, but begins to be stored as fat.

So, for those who want to lose weight, this rule should not be forgotten! Until when can you eat fruit? The latest appointment must be before 20:00 pm.

Interesting Facts

  • Pomegranate fruits are borne from bright scarlet flowers that are found on small trees or shrubs. Each such plant yields about 50 kg of fruit per year.
  • The digestive system of animals is not able to digest blueberry seeds. This helps the plant to reproduce - along with waste products, the seeds are carried over fairly long distances, where they fall into the ground, and over time, a berry clearing appears in this place.
  • About 25% of the volume of an apple is air, so they do not sink in water.
  • The contents of cherry pits are converted into hydrocyanic acid in the human body, so eating cherries with pits is strictly prohibited.
  • A world record for eating bananas has been set - 81 bananas in 60 minutes.
  • Persimmon can be called not only persimmon. It also includes names such as winter cherry, plum of the gods, Chinese peach, and heart apple.
  • Peaches are called that not because they came to us from Persia, but because of the ancient name of the fruit - “Persian apple”.
  • The weight of one kiwi very rarely exceeds the 100 g mark; for example, wild kiwi weighs only about 30 g.
  • Despite the fact that all citrus fruits are the strongest allergens, lemons and grapefruits are the least likely to cause a negative allergic reaction.
  • The pear can be considered a relative of the rose, since they both belong to the order Rosaceae.
  • The beneficial substances in sauerkraut last up to 10 months, and it is also considered healthier than regular cabbage due to the abundance of vitamins. These factors allow you to consume the necessary substances throughout the year.
  • The birthplace of carrots is Afghanistan. There it grew wild and was most often purple in color. Later, the familiar orange carrot appeared in Holland.
  • Red tomatoes are healthier than yellow ones, as they contain more vitamins and nutrients.
  • Pumpkin is so picky that it can grow in any corner of the Earth and in any conditions. Of course, except for Antarctica.
  • Fresh spinach contains about 85-95% water.
  • There are more natural sugars in onions than in apples or pears (up to 6%), due to heat treatment they acquire a sweetish taste.
  • Bell pepper did not originate in Bulgaria. Before getting there, he traveled a long way from America through Portugal and Turkey.
  • In the past, girls actually used beets as blush. This happened not only in Russian fairy tales.
  • Peas are the first vegetable from which they began to make rolls and canned food in jars.

Despite the fact that eggplants come in different shades - from white to black, purple is still considered the healthiest.

What fruit fasting days will help you lose weight quickly?

Doctors advise absolutely everyone, regardless of whether you are on a diet or not, to give yourself at least one fasting day a week.

Do you know why? The body needs rest!

And if you are also trying to lose excess weight, then for you this is the main rule that you must strictly follow.

EXPERT OPINION : The effectiveness of any diet can only be increased by fasting days!

They are:

  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • accelerate metabolic processes in the body;
  • remove excess fluid, preventing swelling;
  • have a beneficial effect on kidney function;
  • will help you lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight per day;
  • and most importantly, they help overcome the unpleasant “plateau” period in weight loss.

Choose a diet for a fasting day based on your goals and preferences. Look for the most effective option for yourself!

Kefir-apple fasting day

You will need green apples and 1% kefir. This kind of unloading is a very good rest for the body.

Option 1 . It is easily tolerated and will help you lose 2 kg of excess weight.

1To do this you need 1 liter of 1% kefir and 4 medium-sized green apples, not very sour.

2In the morning, drink 1 glass of kefir with cinnamon. After an hour you can eat 1 apple.

3For lunch, make a fruit salad (grate 2 apples and top with kefir and cinnamon).

4 For dinner, 1 glass of kefir and 1 baked apple.

5 Divide the remaining kefir into 3 servings and drink throughout the day.

Option 2. It is very simple, but also very effective.

1Bake 5 medium-sized apples in advance. Stock up on 1 liter of kefir 1%.

2 Divide all this into 5 meals and eat them alternating throughout the day.

Option 3

  • Breakfast – 1 glass of kefir;
  • Lunch – 1 glass of kefir and 2 green apples;
  • Afternoon snack – 1 glass of kefir and 1 baked apple;
  • Dinner – 1 glass of kefir and one apple;
  • 1 glass of kefir at night.

With any of these options, it is useful to drink a decoction of chamomile, rose hips, green tea, lemon balm or mint.

Unloading on kefir and kiwi

The combination of two useful products such as kiwi and kefir will provide extremely high results.

When you step on the scale the next day, you will realize that your efforts were not in vain!

Option 1

During the day, you should eat 6 ripe kiwi fruits and drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir, dividing it all into 6 parts.

Option 2

16 ripe kiwi fruits, peeled and finely chopped.

Divide 21.5 liters of low-fat kefir into 6 parts.

3 Before use, add 1 finely chopped kiwi to each part of kefir and add a little cinnamon.

Very tasty and very healthy!

Curd and fruit fasting day

One such day will give you lightness and minus 1 kg of excess weight! Choose cottage cheese with the lowest fat content in the amount of 600 g. in a day.

Cottage cheese and grapefruit

For those who want to lose weight faster and get rid of excess fat, this is a very suitable option.

1You will need 600 gr. low-fat cottage cheese and 1 small grapefruit.

2Divide the cottage cheese into 6 parts and eat at equal intervals: one serving of cottage cheese and a couple of grapefruit slices.

The effect of a fasting day will delight you!

Cottage cheese and prunes

1For such a fasting day you will need 600 grams. low-fat cottage cheese and a handful of prunes.

2Pre-steam dried fruits in hot water, cool and mix with cottage cheese, lightly sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

Cottage cheese and apples

This is a very popular fasting day.

1You will need 600 gr. low-fat cottage cheese and 1 kg of green apples.

2C apples must first be peeled.

3 Divide the cottage cheese into 6 portions.

And then at will.

Apples can be cut into thin slices and added to each serving of cottage cheese.

Or, grate the apples on a fine grater and mix with cottage cheese. You can add a little vanilla. You will get a very tasty curd-apple mass.

Oatmeal with fruit

You all know that oatmeal is very healthy. And fasting days on oatmeal with fruit are doubly useful.

Oatmeal and instant porridge are not suitable for these purposes.

1You need oatmeal, which must be cooked for 15-20 minutes. Cook porridge with water and without salt. Try to make it not steep, but slightly liquid.

2The best option for a fasting day is oatmeal with apples.

3Cook 500 gr. porridge and divide into 5 doses.

You can eat 45 pieces of unsweetened medium apples between meals.

Or grate them and mix them with porridge, adding a little cinnamon if desired.

5 Oatmeal for a fasting day can be combined with kiwi. Five fruits will be enough.

6If you take 3 pears, first peel them, chop them finely, mix them with the same amount of porridge and eat them in 5 portions - it will be healthy!

You can also add tangerines or apricots to the porridge.

Oatmeal with dried fruits is also very effective for a fasting day.

Porridge with prunes or a mixture of dried fruits has a very good effect.

Pour boiling water over a handful of dried fruits until softened. Then chop the dried fruits and combine with oatmeal. Eat 5 meals a day.

Regardless of which fasting day option you choose, the next day will definitely please you.

Your scales will definitely show minus 1-2 kg!

Dried fruits

These products are quite high in calories as they contain a lot of sugar.

In addition, dried fruits are treated with sulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide. Before consumption, the fruits should be thoroughly washed in hot water.

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Are vegetables stewed in oil healthy?

Stewing vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil is the most gentle method compared to boiling, frying, or baking.

What are the benefits and for what diseases are vegetables stewed in oil useful?

  • Vitamins and microelements remain, but less than in raw vegetables
  • For gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Diabetics
  • Overweight people

Disadvantages of stewed vegetables:

  • Constant consumption of cooked vegetables worsens intestinal motility and microflora in the stomach.
  • The calorie content of stewed vegetables is higher than that of raw vegetables.

Vegetables stewed in oil are healthier than fried and boiled vegetables

Presence of simple sugars

Obviously, there are more sugars in fruits. Therefore, especially when losing weight or obesity, consumption should sometimes be limited to the size of one large apple.

Unlimited consumption can lead to weight loss or, conversely, weight gain. Therefore, it should be consumed daily in moderation.

People with normal body weight about 300 grams per day. Children can eat more - about 500 grams.

Should not be substituted for fruit juices. Eating fruit gives a feeling of fullness, while drinking a similar amount of juice (with similar energy value) does not create the same feeling.

Converted to 100 kilocalories per day:

  • Half an avocado;
  • 3 slices of canned pineapple;
  • 830 grams of watermelon;
  • 1 medium banana;
  • 2 medium peaches;
  • 1 cup black berries;
  • 1.5 cups cherries;
  • 1 large grapefruit;
  • 2 small pears;
  • 2 medium apples;
  • 2 kiwis;
  • 1 cup raspberries;
  • 4 tangerines;
  • 6 apricots;
  • 2 small oranges;
  • 2 cups black currants;
  • 2.5 cups red currants;
  • 3 cups strawberries;
  • 10 pieces of plums;
  • 20 strawberries;
  • 30 grapes;
  • 1 cup cranberries.

You should also consider the glycemic index of individual fruits and only eat those with an IG <50. Avoid using excess sugar, sweet, fatty sauces for dressing fruit dishes (jelly, mousses, fruit salads, etc.).

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