The diet that helped Tatyana Tarasova lose 30 kg

Tatyana Tarasova is known in Russia and abroad as a well-known and respected figure skating coach. She can often be seen on the jury at Russian competitions. From early childhood she had a tendency to be overweight. At a young age, Tatyana still somehow kept her body weight at a more or less decent level. But the older she got, the more extra pounds accumulated. Finally, firmly deciding to fight obesity, the coach asked nutritionist Margarita Koroleva for advice.

From the new photos, it is clear to the naked eye that Tatyana Tarasova has lost weight radically: her face has acquired a more graceful shape, and her figure has become slimmer. Despite the fact that she is 70 years old, she can easily knock off at least a dozen years. Many are keenly interested in how Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight. After all, sometimes parting with even 10 kg is a huge problem. What can we say then about the 30 kg that she was able to lose in just a few months.

Diet of Tatyana Tarasova

Deciding to change her lifestyle and appearance, Tatyana signed up for a consultation with the well-known nutritionist in Russia, Margarita Koroleva. Why to her? Doctor Koroleva has helped many stars of domestic show business successfully cope with excess weight. Having carefully studied all the initial data provided to her by Tarasova, the nutritionist created a personal nutrition system for her.

The diet developed specifically for Tarasova is absolutely harmless and does not have any age restrictions. However, only those who strive hard to lose weight and have a strong will will be able to withstand it.
It is very difficult to prevent violations. Tatyana Anatolyevna was able to overcome all difficulties, and was rewarded for this with a new figure.

For well-being

In addition to these rules, Tatyana Anatolyevna insists on the need for physical activity. What activities are best?

Considering the age-related features of this diet, it is better to engage in gentle exercise. Try to start going to the pool regularly.

Pay attention to the newfangled Nordic walking, yoga, and remember the good old table tennis. If there is no friendship with sports at all, then at least daily long walks in the fresh air are required.


So, let's look at how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight. First of all, she strictly observed the following rules:

  • Transition to fractional (a little at a time) and 6 meals a day.
  • Increasing the volume of consumption of plant-based products (over 70% of the daily diet).
  • Exclusion from the menu of sweets and all starchy foods. Only natural honey is allowed.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This should be done according to this scheme: 1 glass after waking up and one glass at a time 30 minutes before meals. This helps cope with hunger and prevents overeating. Soda is strictly prohibited.
  • Before going to bed, only a light snack is allowed. No heavy food.
  • The maximum daily amount of calories is 1500 kcal.
  • A glass of low-fat kefir will help get rid of the feeling of hunger.
  • Ban on fried foods. Only boiling (including steaming) and baking in the oven are allowed.
  • Increasing physical activity. Gymnastics is very effective for weight loss. It is necessary to exercise so that after weight loss the skin does not sag, but retains its elasticity and firmness.

Nine-day diet for weight loss

We eat rice for 3 days.

Soak a glass of unwashed rice in the evening, pour it into boiling water in the morning and cook for 10-15 minutes. Eat a glass of rice in the morning. The rest of the rice should be eaten before 19.00 in equal parts every hour.

We eat chicken for 3 days.

From a chicken weighing 1-1.2 kg, remove the skin and be sure to remove all fat. Cook until done.

For 3 days we eat boiled and fresh vegetables.

The daily norm is 800 gram jar. Salted and pickled vegetables are excluded. You can make vegetable salads, such as vinaigrette without pickles.

This diet, although not “starvation”, is quite extreme, so for the duration of it, exclude physical activity: sports, fitness, digging garden beds, etc. But during rest, on the contrary, try to move more: walk , swim, dance. This will help you maintain the weight you have achieved and return from vacation even more irresistible.

Eat 5-6 times a day before 6 pm - this is a must! After 6 pm it is better to drink a cup of green tea with honey.

Read more.

The first cycle (three days) is rice (this is mainly a carbohydrate food, moreover, rice collects and removes excess water and toxic metabolic products from the body). Rice is prepared the day before by soaking a glass of grain in cold water overnight; In the morning, the rice is thoroughly washed and boiled for 15 minutes; In the morning they eat a glass of boiled rice, the rest of the rice is distributed throughout the day, eating it in parts with an interval of one hour.

The second cycle (three days) is meat or fish (protein). Boil a chicken weighing a little more than a kilogram until tender, remove the skin and eat the meat throughout the day (at least 5-6 times a day). The good thing about a protein diet is that it is carried out after preliminary preparation in the form of a rice diet, which cleanses the body of metabolic products, since the breakdown of protein produces quite a lot of such products. As a result of complex metabolic processes of their protein supplied with food, new proteins are formed in the body that can penetrate the cell and support its vital activity. Without animal proteins, it is very difficult for the body (especially a young one) to cope with physical and mental stress.

The third cycle (three days) is vegetables, most of which are eaten raw. This recommendation must be approached rationally: if you have almost never eaten raw vegetables before, then the majority of your diet should consist of steamed or boiled vegetables, otherwise you will face problems with the intestines (from a large amount of coarse fiber it will begin to swell and pain will appear in a stomach). You need to accustom yourself to plant foods gradually and preferably not during fasting diets. During a three-day intake of vegetables, the intestines are cleansed again, this time from all kinds of “deposits” of feces and toxins.

For vegetable days, take about a kilogram of any vegetables (preferably different ones - all types of cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, beets, etc.), after some of them have undergone hot processing, the finished product will remain about 800 grams, it should be eaten during the day in 5-6 doses. You can add a large amount of greens to vegetables (dill, parsley, green onions), and you can season vegetable salads with lemon juice.

During all 9 days of the diet, you need to take a large amount of liquid. Margarita Koroleva recommends taking liquid at the rate of 15 ml per 500 g of weight, but before taking such a large amount of liquid and generally going on a 9-day diet, you need to consult your doctor:

- large amounts of fluid will be contraindicated in case of cardiovascular diseases;

- large protein loads (three days of chicken or fish) are contraindicated for patients with kidney disease, especially if kidney function is reduced.

It is not recommended to use this diet frequently. After finishing the diet, you must constantly adhere to the basic principles of proper nutrition, formulated by Margarita Koroleva.

Contraindications for this diet include stomach ulcers, some heart diseases and even a common cold! You also need to remember that periodically going on a diet, and then breaking off again, overeating and regaining the old kilograms, which will also bring “new ones” with them, is at least illiterate, and at most harmful. To maintain a good figure and health, you must always maintain moderation in your diet.


In addition to the diet prescribed by Margarita Koroleva, which Tatyana Tarasova strictly adhered to, she also periodically arranged food fasts. For example, one day a week was devoted only to kefir, the next week to buckwheat, then to cottage cheese, oranges or apples.

During the diet, the trainer had to eat protein foods. It was allowed to prepare dishes from seafood, fish, lean meat, cereals, low-fat sour milk, fruits, nuts and vegetables. The list of acceptable products is quite impressive. Therefore, hunger is practically not felt on this food system.

The diet proposed by Dr. Koroleva belongs to the long-term category. This means that significant results will appear only after a few months. In 30 days, Tatyana Anatolyevna lost about 5 kg on it. This is an excellent indicator.

The most important thing here is to avoid laziness and breakdowns. The effectiveness of diet in combination with physical exercise - Tatyana Tarasova lost 30 kg (before and after photos can be easily found on the Internet). In just 7 months, her appearance completely changed.

Tarasov insisted that his daughter go to sports, but did not attend her performances until she was 14 years old

Tarasova started skating when she barely learned to walk, and at the age of 5 she was already confidently skating in the park near her house. Her genes had an effect - her father, the legendary hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov, dreamed of a great sports future for at least one of his two daughters.

“My father didn’t understand how I could not get up at half past seven to exercise, because I play sports. He drove me outside into the cold - my mother looked at it absolutely calmly - and from the balcony he made sure that I was not fooling around, but was seriously warming up. And if I did the exercises poorly, he kicked me out again,” Tarasova said in the book “Beauty and the Beast.”

7-year-old Tanya’s father enrolled her in the ice section, but until the age of 14 he never saw her perform - he first came to the podium when his daughter passed the standards for the first category.

Little Tarasova got to the skating rink herself, traveling several stops from Sokol to the Young Pioneers Stadium by tram. Conditions for training in those years were meager - we skated in the open air in any weather, changed clothes in an insulated trailer, and practiced choreography and general physical training in a former temple building converted into a gym.

What is possible and what is not

Take any convenient sheet of blank paper and divide it in half with a line. On the left, write down all the foods in your daily diet. Now we start crossing out. Take courage and say a firm “no” to sweets, baked goods, fast food, fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods. Go to the right side of your sheet and opposite the mercilessly crossed out goodies, write their healthy counterparts.

So, you have created a list of healthy products that can become a complete replacement for your usual food. For example, instead of sausages and frankfurters - boiled meat; replace high-fat cheese with low-calorie cheese; Having given up sweets, we learn to enjoy fruits or honey. Well, various snacks can be successfully replaced with popcorn without additives and oil.

Having decided on healthy low-calorie alternatives, proceed to “spring cleaning” your menu for every day. In addition to the already mentioned forbidden foods, the diet should under no circumstances contain:

  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, any store-bought dressings and sauces;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee granules;
  • juices from the store;
  • potatoes;
  • dishes cooked in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

Allowed use:

  • fresh berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • fish and seafood (steamed);
  • porridge and cereals;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • freshly squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables;
  • different types of tea;
  • all varieties of nuts;
  • brewed coffee.

Example of a daily diet

Let's give a sample diet that helped Tatyana Tarasova lose over 30 kg of excess weight. It can also be used to develop your own menu, based on the list of allowed products.

Having breakfastPorridge cooked in water with a drop of oil added. A sandwich made from whole grain bread with hard low-fat cheese. Any fruit (half).
Having a snackA piece of steamed fish and 3-4 cherry tomatoes. An alternative option is natural yogurt and fruit.
Let's have lunchStewed vegetables and a piece of lean meat, basmati rice.
Having an afternoon snackA glass of low-fat kefir with bread.
Let's have dinnerLow-fat cottage cheese and stewed vegetables.
Having a snackGrapefruit, apple, orange or a small handful of nuts.

Recipes from Tatiana

Chicken soup

Cut the raw chicken fillet into small cubes, place in a pan filled with water and cook. Chop carrots, sweet peppers and onions. Throw it all into the broth and add salt to taste. Chop the greens and pour them into the pan about 8-10 minutes before they are fully cooked. When there are 5 minutes left of cooking, slowly add the pre-beaten eggs into the soup.

Salad "Dietary"

Cut the pumpkin into thin strips, and grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater.

Take a separate container and mix lemon juice with natural honey in it. Season the apple-pumpkin salad with the resulting sauce. Before serving, it is advisable to sprinkle with any crushed nuts.

Stuffed vegetables

Coarsely chop the eggplants and zucchini. Divide the tomatoes into halves. In all vegetables, the core must be removed - only the bottom remains.

Grind minced chicken and beef in a meat grinder. Then add to it, after passing through a meat grinder (or blender), onions, carrots and herbs.

Stuff the vegetables with the prepared minced meat. There is no need to stuff the tomatoes. They need to be grated and placed on top. Simmer in water under a closed lid for an hour.


Previously, Tatyana Tarasova shared on her personal blog with her readers that her weight is at around 105 kg. Then she said it was a tragedy. The extra pounds started piling on after her figure skating career ended. It was all due to injury. Because of her, the physical activity of the once very promising athlete dropped to almost zero.

The trainer tried many ways to lose weight. However, only the technique developed by Margarita Koroleva helped her get the expected effect.

Today, Tatyana, who has lost weight, weighs 72 kilograms (with a height of 162 cm). This is an excellent indicator given that it is much more difficult for women in adulthood to adjust their body weight.

See for yourself how much weight Tatyana Tarasova has lost - photos from 2015 perfectly demonstrate the changes in her appearance. For those who are skeptical that any photo can be processed in Photoshop, there is the opportunity to view any program with its participation.

Note that the trainer has become 38 kg lighter in total.

Why do doctors hide the truth about Tarasova’s health?

Honored figure skating coach of the USSR Tatyana Tarasova, who is now a permanent consultant to the Russian national team, unexpectedly for many ended up in the hospital.

This became clear when journalists from the TVC channel called a well-known specialist to get a comment on the Russian championship among juniors, and her representative answered the phone.

The woman said that Tarasova was currently recovering from surgery, which caused quite a stir.

A little later, Tarasova herself told the press that she had undergone surgery on one eye and her condition was stable.

“I feel good, although my vision has not yet fully recovered. I had my lens replaced, and according to the doctor, everything went great, so I’m already home.

The same operation is planned on the second eye. The doctor recommended it be done later, but he will make the final decision at the consultation,”

- RIA Novosti quotes a specialist as saying.

Talking about the surgical intervention she underwent, Tarasova even found the strength to joke:

“The doctors said that I behaved very well during the operation. Although I don’t understand how anyone can behave badly in this situation.”

In the near future, Alexei Yagudin’s former mentor plans to return to work. In particular, she wants to attend the Universiade, which will be held from March 2 to 12 in Krasnoyarsk.

Russia should be represented there in women's singles by Stanislav Konstantinov and Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, in men's by Maxim Kovtun, Alexander Samarin and Andrey Lazukin, in pairs by Anastasia Poluyanova / Dmitry Sopot, Alexandra Koshevaya / Dmitry Bushlanov and Vasilisa Ozerova / Maxim Bobrov, and in dance — Sofya Evdokimova / Egor Bazin, Betina Popova / Sergey Mozgov and Anastasia Skoptsova / Kirill Aleshin.

Of all the athletes, Tarasova especially singled out the current Russian champion Kovtun, who this season returned to a high level of performance for the first time in a long time.

“I would like to go with Maxim Kovtun to the Universiade in Krasnoyarsk,” the specialist noted.

Tarasova also said that she plans to make another long trip and attend the World Championships, which will be held in Japanese Saitama almost immediately after the Universiade - from March 18 to 24.

The line-up for the world championship has not yet been determined, and this is the hottest topic at the moment.

The President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation (FFKKR) Alexander Gorshkov has already announced that the team’s application will be formed only after the Russian Cup final takes place.

“The decision on the squad for the World Cup will be made taking into account the results of the European Championship, as well as the results of the Russian Cup final, where we will be able to review the substitutes.

After this, the coaching council will make its proposals. The deadline for submitting applications for the World Championship is 21 days before the start of the tournament,” the functionary emphasized.

Two-time silver medalist of Pyeongchang Evgenia Medvedeva, who enjoys the unconditional support of Tarasova, will definitely perform in the Cup final. The specialist often comes to the training of former student Eteri Tutberidze when she competes in Russia and gives advice to her current mentor Brian Orser.

The Canadian even had to refute the information that Tarasova was already practically training his ward.

“Tatiana did not give me any instructions or guidelines. I really admire Tarasova, she has a special magic. What did she do in training before the free program at the Russian Championships? She just came to support us.

Does anyone think that we are almost training Medvedeva together? No no! When we meet in person, like at test skates in Moscow, I turn to her for advice. For example, about the chosen music, please share your impressions regarding the programs delivered.

And I will continue to consult with Tarasova, because she is a figure skating legend, and I cannot know everything.

I managed to achieve success as a coach precisely because I am not afraid to turn to great people and listen to them,” SE quotes Orser.

Other news, materials and statistics can be viewed on the figure skating

, as well as in the groups of the sports department on social networks

Participation in “Let Them Talk”

Tatyana Anatolyevna is often invited to participate in various television projects. As a rule, she is either a guest of the program or a member of the jury. And in recent years, presenters have constantly asked her whether she really lost so much weight just by dieting.

Once the coach even got into a program with Andrei Malakhov. Just at that time, Tatyana Tarasova, invited to “Let Them Talk,” lost 38 kg. This is a truly stunning result that had to be immediately told to the audience. In the studio, she also readily shared her own experience of struggling with excess weight. By the way, the release called “The Snow Queen,” where Tarasova shocked the studio, was released on December 29, 2010.

Tatyana admitted that the extra pounds prevented her from even moving. And now her health is fine.

Reasons for losing weight

Only serious motivation can motivate any person to lose weight. This is the key to 50% success. In the case of Tatyana Anatolyevna, the motivation was health problems. At her age, and she is almost 70, she successfully trains figure skaters and is actively involved in social activities. Given her lifestyle, it is not easy to decide to completely change the existing regime. Tarasova was not ashamed of her plumpness; at her age this is inevitable.

Extra pounds interfere with normal life and work - this is Tarasova’s main reason for resorting to a diet.

Beware - scammers!

As already mentioned, Coach Tarasova has an individual dietary “recipe” developed especially for her by a professional nutritionist. But today, unfortunately, Tatyana’s name and her photograph, posted in the depths of the Internet, are increasingly being used by swindlers. They transfer all this to their websites and offer to purchase products of dubious quality (for example, “medicines” for weight loss) at an inflated price.

Please note - advertising of Tatyana Tarasova’s nutrition system has nothing to do with:

  • green beans;
  • “Liquid chestnut”;
  • Goji berries;
  • various “miracle” pills for weight loss.

This is a real scam. By purchasing any of the above, you are not only throwing away a significant amount of money, but can also be harmful to your health.

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