Fitness is suitable for all ages: the main thing is to know how to do it

Strength exercises can be done by a person at any age. Look at Ernestine Shepard. For this female bodybuilder, age was no obstacle. She continues to engage in bodybuilding not just at 65 years old, but at 80! Of course, in order to master such physical exercises, you need to engage in heavy sports for many years. But Ernestina is an indicator that, despite the years, you can look good and work out. Let's see what exercises there are for beginner athletes - for women over 60 years old.

Thigh toner

Lie forward and cross your ankles. Keeping your knees straight, lift both legs a short distance off the ground and hold them there for a minute. Now cross your legs in the other direction and repeat. Note: Avoid this exercise if you suffer from back pain.

Doing this simple exercise regularly will keep your buttocks toned. Sit with your legs straight in front of you and move forward on your buttocks as quickly as you can. Keep your arms extended straight out in front of you.

This simple exercise will help maintain the elasticity of the spine. Stand with your feet apart, arms outstretched, and rotate your waist as far as possible. Now turn in the other direction and increase the range of rotation. Let your arms swing with gravity.

Is cardio exercise good for older people?

Cardio exercise is beneficial for everyone, without exception, if it is dosed correctly and meets training goals. In old age, cardio is necessary primarily for training the cardiovascular system, and an increase in overall endurance and performance will be pleasant side effects.


There are several types of group training, both universal (for any age and gender) and specifically designed for older people. For example, now you can see many older athletes walking in parks with ski poles - this type of fitness is called “Nordic walking”.

Nordic walking. How to easily maintain your figure during the New Year holidays?

The benefits of healthy lifestyle for older people

A healthy lifestyle and adapted fitness for the elderly has a positive effect in two directions: it improves the physical and mental well-being of older people. Positive physical changes include:

  • Metabolism – the metabolic process begins to slow down long before old age. In old age, the slowdown reaches its climax, which leads to various diseases of internal organs and systems. Moderate exercise helps speed up your metabolism.

Another significant problem is visceral fat, which accumulates in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs. Visceral fat is usually difficult to remove, but with some effort there is a chance to get rid of it. In this matter, physical exercise also becomes an excellent assistant. They help you burn more calories. The body successfully converts incoming substances into muscle mass, rather than storing them as fat.

  • Fitness for older people helps improve immunity. There is a stereotype that old age and chronic diseases go hand in hand. But this is a consequence of a passive lifestyle. Physical activity supports the functioning of the immune system.
  • The condition of the joints improves. Regular activity helps keep the body's coordination system in good shape, increases flexibility and the ability to maintain balance. It is also an excellent prevention against arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Other benefits include improved heart function, increased bone strength, and improved blood circulation to muscles throughout the body.

The mental benefits of physical activity include:

  • One of the common problems of old age is insomnia. Insomnia worsens your overall mental and physical condition. Moderate exercise on the body effectively eliminates insomnia. Physical fatigue after training allows you to fall asleep faster. Sleep becomes deep and of high quality. Waking up in the morning brings a boost of vigor and energy for the next day.
  • During physical activity, the hormone of joy - endorphins - is released. They help improve mood and overall psycho-emotional state.
  • Physical exercise helps keep the regulatory functions of the brain in good shape. Neural activity is preserved, allowing for good memory and cognitive abilities. Good blood circulation in the brain prevents the development of senile dementia.

Exercise can be done independently or in a group. Given the need for social contact for an older person, it is preferable to exercise in a group whenever possible. Group exercises prevent apathy and depression in older people.

A set of exercises for older people

Physical exercises have a greater effect if they are combined with a breathing rhythm. There is also a separate set of breathing exercises. But learning to combine them takes just a few minutes. Subsequently, the body remembers these rules and the exercises are performed correctly automatically.

Below is a set of exercises suitable for older people of any age. The complex consists of easy but effective exercises.

  1. Head tilts. The exercise is performed standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Head tilts are performed first to the left, then to the right at a slow pace. It is enough to do it 5-7 times. At the initial stages, bending forward and backward is not recommended.
  2. Shoulder rotation. The fingers grab the shoulders and rotate the arms forward and backward. The intensity depends on the preparation. If there is no pain or discomfort, then you should do 5 rotations forward and 5 backwards.
  3. Rotation of the pelvis. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Rotation of the body is performed without bending forward or backward. The amplitude is slow. Quantity 5-7 times in one direction and the other.
  4. Warm-up for the knees. The legs also remain shoulder-width apart, the knees are brought together, the body takes a half-sitting position. The knees rotate together 4 times in one direction, 4 times in the other direction.
  5. Opening the hands is performed while sitting on a chair or on a rug on the floor. The arms are extended forward perpendicular to the floor. Elbows are straight. The fingers are clenched and unclenched 7-8 times. At the finishing stage, you should do the exercises at maximum speed.
  6. Forward bends are performed while standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms free along the body. Slowly bend over while stretching your arms as close to your feet or floor as possible. Then slowly rise, straighten your posture and balance your breathing. This exercise should be repeated 4 to 8 times.
  7. “Swimming” - standing on your feet, one arm straightens and leans back, then the other. The range of motion is maximum. The muscles of the shoulders and waist actively work. You need to do 5-8 repetitions on each hand.
  8. “Scissors” are performed while sitting on a chair. The legs are extended forward parallel to the floor. One leg is lowered to the floor, the other remains in a hanging position, then the legs change places. Repeat 4-6 times. You can hold on to the edge or back of a chair for balance. This exercise works the abdominal muscles.
  9. “Boxing match” is performed with dumbbells. If they are not available, then you can take 0.5 liter bottles filled with water. One arm extends forward, the other remains at chest level. At first it is done slowly, 7-8 times it should be done as quickly as possible and using force, as if throwing energy forward.
  10. Hand stretching. Sitting on a chair, arms are crossed on the palms and extended forward, elbows straight. When you inhale, the arms reach towards the body, and when you exhale, they move away as far as possible. Fingers remain crossed. Repeats should be 7-8 times.
  11. Exercise with an expander. A rubber expander helps to work out the arm muscles. The ends are placed in the hands through the back of the back. When you inhale, raise your arms above your head, and when you exhale, lower them to shoulder level. Number of executions – 1-8 times.
  12. Knees to chest. You can do it while lying on a mat or sitting on a chair. First, one knee is bent and pulled as close to the chest as possible, then the other. Inhale as you tense, exhale as you release your knees. The number of this exercise is from 8 to 12 times.
  13. Side bends. Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells or a bottle of water in your hands. First, a tilt is made to one side so that the other hand goes behind the head, then to the other side. The number of such exercises is from 1 to 8 times.
  14. Rotation of the feet is performed on a chair. Legs extended forward, overhanging. Hands hold on to the back of the chair. Knees are straight. The feet rotate inward and outward. 6-8 repetitions are required. This exercise requires effort.
  15. Push-ups from the back of a chair. The chair must be durable and stand on a non-slip surface. A more reliable option is a headboard or bedside tables. Hands rest on the edge of a stable object, back is straight, legs rest on the floor. The elbows are compressed and unclenched, the body needs to be raised as much as possible. For young people there is a norm - when doing push-ups, they should lift up to 80% of their weight from the floor. For older people, lifting 20 kg of your body weight is enough. If you can slightly raise your torso on your elbows, then this is already progress. The amount of this exercise depends on the capabilities of the body.
  16. Self-massage is a great skill that all seniors can benefit from. Starts from the back of the head. Using your fingers, you should first stretch the parietal part, then the back of the head, moving to the front of the head, including the neck, ears and shoulders. Light tapping with your palms is also helpful.

Self-massage of the legs is especially useful. The feet are massaged from start to finish, then the calf muscles. Hands go to the back of the thighs, along the back - within the limits of the hands. At the end of the self-massage, shake your hands and fingers.

  1. Body turns are done while standing. Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. The body turns slowly, first in one direction, then in the other. 6-8 repetitions are enough.
  2. Relaxation. After finishing all the exercises, you should take the most comfortable position. You can sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on a mat. If the room is cool, you should cover yourself with a light blanket. Tension is released from all parts of the body. Breathing is slow and deep. You should lie down until you completely relax and restore uniform breathing.

People under 65 years of age are allowed to exercise for up to 40 minutes. If the age is over 75, then 25 minutes maximum is enough. During physical exercise, it is not permissible to use force in an attempt to achieve certain indicators. All exercises are performed at your own rhythm, in a comfortable state.

Easy cardio workout at home (first round)

Light cardio at home can be done without additional equipment. All you need is free time and a little space in your apartment. Before class, you can perform joint gymnastics. This is useful not only for warming up before exercise, but also for improving joint function.

Timed cardio workout

To perform a timed workout, you will need a timer. We recommend checking out our selection of mobile apps with timers for training. Or you can play the video on Youtube (links provided below).

  1. For the very newbies. Exercise scheme: 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest. First comes the first round: perform 7 exercises in sequence. Then comes the second round: also perform 7 exercises in sequence. Rest 2 minutes between rounds. The total training time will be 15 minutes. Video on youtube with timer 30 sec / 30 sec.
  2. For beginner and intermediate levels. Exercise scheme: 30 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. First comes the first round: perform 7 exercises in sequence, repeat them in two circles. Then comes the second round: perform 7 exercises in sequence, also repeat them in two circles. Rest 1-2 minutes between circles. The total training time will be 20-25 minutes. Video on youtube with timer 30 sec / 15 sec.
  3. For intermediate and advanced levels. Exercise scheme: 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. First comes the first round: perform 7 exercises in sequence, repeat them in two circles. Then comes the second round: perform 7 exercises in sequence, also repeat them in two circles. Rest 1 minute between circles. The total training time will be 30 minutes. Video on youtube with timer 45 sec / 15 sec. The most advanced ones can repeat each round in 3 circles.

Cardio workout by reps

Without a timer, you can train according to the number of repetitions indicated in the exercise description. Adjust the exact number of repetitions yourself depending on your fitness level. Remember that in any cardio workout, the difficulty depends primarily on the speed of the exercise. The higher the pace you keep, the more intense the workout.

First round:

  1. Knee raises with arm raises: 20-25 arm raises.
  2. Bent-over arm swings: 10-15 tilts on each side.
  3. Knee to stomach pull-ups (right side): 10-20 knee raises.
  4. Knee to stomach pull-ups (left side): 10-20 knee raises.
  5. Boxing (right side): 15-20 punches on each hand.
  6. Boxing (left side): 15-20 punches on each hand.
  7. Bent-over leg abduction: 10-15 tilts on each side.

Knee raises with arms raised

How to do it : The essence of the exercise is to march simultaneously, as well as raising your arms to the sides. Try to pull your knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. When moving your upper limbs, do not lower your elbows, trying to move them back.

Benefits of the exercise : This element of cardio training for older people is great for simultaneously working out the legs and arms. Also, by raising the knees, the abdominal muscles are strengthened. Exercise gently accelerates your heart rate, bringing you into a productive working state.

How much to do: 20-25 arm raises.

Swing your arms in a tilted position

How to do it : Initially, take a stance with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. After this, bend your body 90 degrees forward and spread your arms to the sides. Next, at a slow pace, rotate your torso until your left hand touches the floor. Do the same in the other direction and start a new repetition without straightening up to your full height.

Benefits of the exercise : This is an amazing health exercise for the muscles that support the spine, as well as for the lumbar region. The exercise has a strengthening effect on the lower abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the back.

How much to do: 10-15 bends on each side.

Knee to belly pull-ups

How to do it : Shift your body weight onto one leg and move your free leg back slightly. Bring your hands together in front of you and place one palm on top of the other. Next, begin to raise the knee of your free leg to waist level, while lowering your arms. At the peak point, touch your knee to your palms.

Benefits of the exercise : This exercise from a workout for beginners perfectly warms up the lumbar region, helps strengthen the quadriceps, as well as the lower abdominal muscles. An effective exercise is indispensable for fat-burning training.

How much to do: 10-20 knee raises. Don't forget to repeat on the other side.


How to do it : Take a step forward to spread your legs lengthwise. The situation should be as stable as possible. Turn your body slightly forward. After this, perform alternating forward strikes, as if practicing a technique on a punching bag. Tighten your abs while hitting. You should not just hit with your hands, but work with your entire muscle corset.

Benefits of the exercise : Basically, the exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the upper limbs. With its help, the respiratory system is trained and physical endurance parameters are increased.

How much to perform: 15-20 strokes on each hand. Don't forget to repeat on the other side.

Bent-over leg abduction

How to do it : To begin, extend your arms above your head and place your feet in line with your shoulders. After taking the starting position, lower your elbows to the level of your lower chest, and move your leg to the side to a small height. Tilt your body slightly towards the raised leg. After a short pause, return to the starting phase and repeat the movement with the other leg.

Benefits of the exercise : Exercise helps get rid of the sides, strengthens the lateral side of the thigh, warms up the muscles of the back and lower back, which is especially useful for people with a sedentary lifestyle. Also, the muscles and joints of the shoulders, which weaken with age, are subject to useful load.

How much to do: 10-15 bends on each side.

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