Separate nutrition - False diet for weight loss: pros and cons, myths, reviews from doctors and results of those who have lost weight

Expert: Yulia Chekhonina, Candidate of Medical Sciences,

Researcher at the clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

American nutritionist Herbert Shelton is considered the inventor of the theory of separate nutrition. It was he who first urged his wards to throw away the side dish from the plate of steak and forget about sandwiches forever. The essence of the method comes down to not mixing fats, proteins and carbohydrates, because different digestive enzymes are needed to break them down. For example, to cope with protein, the body produces hydrochloric acid, but carbohydrates already require alkali. If different foods enter the stomach at the same time, they simply interfere with each other’s absorption, cause fermentation in the intestines and overload the digestive system. Like any theory, separate nutrition has its pros and cons.


Diet control

Products such as sausage and cakes are absolutely prohibited in the Shelton diet. Consequently, fat intake is reduced. But a large number of vegetables and fruits, which are good for health, are welcome. Separate meals also allow you to control the size of portions, because eating too much of one product is much more difficult than eating a complex dish. In addition, by eating meat, bread and potatoes separately, we sit down at the table at least 5 times a day. That is, this system forces you to maintain a fragmented diet, which prevents overeating, which causes much more harm than “incompatible” foods.

Lightness of sensations

Compatible foods are quickly digested. Entering the digestive tract, they do not cause processes of decay and fermentation, that is, the body is not poisoned with toxins. That is why, when switching to separate meals, your health soon improves and there is no heaviness in the stomach. Your weight may also normalize.

Anti-aging effect

In essence, if you close your eyes to the far-fetched difficulties in the relationship between products and the prejudiced attitude towards milk and legumes, separate nutrition can be reduced to that same complete low-calorie diet that scientists recommend for those who want to live to 150 years.

Convenient and simple

Shelton made life easier for the followers of his nutrition theory in advance by developing the basic principles of food combinations and drawing up a diagram. There is no need to count calories or points, just carry a table with you. Everything is very schematic and, accordingly, easy to understand.

Separate food

May 13, 2010

Separate nutrition cannot be called healthy. It is questionable for the treatment of obesity.

The main postulate: when products that are incompatible with each other enter the stomach, their digestion becomes difficult. This is explained by the fact that protein breakdown requires an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment. Products that are incompatible with each other can cause rotting and fermentation in the stomach and enter the intestines poorly processed. Because of this, fat is deposited, the load on the pancreas increases and digestive disorders begin. Elena Chedia, a nutritionist of the highest category at the Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, comments. Leading nutritionists are extremely skeptical

There is not a single product, unless it is refined fats or sugars, that contains only fat, only proteins or only carbohydrates. Any product contains this entire set
of nutrients.
Separate nutrition cannot be called healthy. It is questionable for the treatment of obesity. Although, of course, if a person eats very monotonously, he will not eat much. But here we are not talking about a mono-diet, but about the compatibility of products. An attempt to explain the rationality of separate nutrition by the processes of fermentation and rotting that occur when different types of products are combined is far from real life. If the gastrointestinal tract is functioning normally and there is no enzyme deficiency in the body, nothing will rot
It’s another matter if there is some kind of disease. But it must be treated: either with special diets or with medications. For example, when eating separately, it is not recommended to combine milk with cereals
But from time immemorial people ate bread with milk. And not because they understood biochemical processes, but because such food allowed them to be satiated and maintained health. And we already understand biochemistry and begin to understand that amino acids from plant and animal proteins are absorbed in a certain ratio. If one amino acid is missing, then the rest are absorbed worse. For example, there is little of the essential amino acid lysine in cereals, and it is not absorbed enough. But it is found in abundance in milk. And if you combine these two groups of products together, you get a complete protein product
Some combinations of products either complement each other or reduce the adverse effects of a product on the body. American scientists have found that when cooking meat at high temperatures, carcinogens are formed. And fiber, which is found in plant foods, can bind from 5 to 50 percent of these carcinogens and remove them from the body. And many such examples can be given. There are also completely far-fetched things in the scheme. For example, for some reason you can’t combine butter, cream and sour cream. Or milk with cream, which is itself a component of milk. Of course, some foods impair the absorption of each other. For example, legumes and meat do not go well together, since such a composition impairs the absorption of animal protein. But still, the human stomach is designed to digest mixed food
, and not its individual types in turn.


  • Diets
  • Overweight

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  • giabornwild01 Separate meals are super!!! when I ate separately I forgot about my bad mood and well-being, I felt so light in my body I just wanted to fly! and this was already on the 3rd day of the diet...!)
  • KaSperS Comrades! I came to a rule for myself in life, that’s right - it’s just like in nature... All the laws of nature were formed over many billions of years. Now tell me, where does the division into herbivores and predators come from in nature? Why is there no need for a Lion to eat meat with grain (read bread), or for an antelope to put meat on grain (read sausage). Let's remember, is additional liquid needed when eating? That the same Leo eats meat and drinks compote (as they teach us in public catering)? Or maybe the antelope drinks grain while eating... nonsense! After eating in the wild, you have to walk a considerable distance to get a drink at a watering hole... doesn’t it seem logical to you - walking means that the food has time to be digested! At stud farms they know very well that the horse must first be given a bucket of water, and only then a bucket of oats... think about it! In general, gentlemen, scientists, look at how this happens in nature... it has long been known that the best inventions are isolated from nature... there is even such a science, in my opinion it’s called bionics!
  • ImLost The essence of separate nutrition: drink clean water before meals at least 40 minutes before meals, after meals do not drink earlier than 3-6 hours, depending on what you ate, and the most important thing is to chew correctly and as much as possible and you will be healthy . :)
  • Zelikovna The article says that from time immemorial people ate bread with milk. But from time immemorial they also ate legumes with meat? Then I don’t understand, they understood one type of nutrition, but not the other.
  • ColoresVivos I fully support everyone who unsubscribed above! Everything needs to be approached wisely and without fanaticism!!!
  • tosya-kislicina I am a supporter of separate nutrition, but not in a strict form. I think that everyone will agree that potatoes fried in lard, or dumplings with potatoes and cracklings, naval pasta, etc., are not the healthiest food (although tasty). But rice with fish or stewed (baked meat) goes well, and there is no notorious “heaviness in the stomach” after such a meal, unless you overeat. In short, I think that there is some truth in this, but as they say: everything is good that is good in moderation
  • verbatum0050 Separate nutrition works. The modern, non-Shelton version is used by bodybuilders.
  • Bayaderka “American scientists have found that when cooking meat at high temperatures, carcinogens are formed” - was this unknown to American scientists? amazing discovery of American scientists!


The basis of nutrition “according to Shelton”

1. Products containing a lot of starch (potatoes, pasta, bread, peas, cereals) should be consumed separately from protein products (meat, fish, beans, nuts, eggs, cheese). The interval between meals should be at least 2 hours.

2. Starchy foods can be combined with fats (cream, sour cream, butter, lard).

3. There is a group of neutral products - for example, fresh vegetables (except potatoes) and fruits (except bananas and melon). They can eat both proteins and carbohydrates.

Over the years

The doctrine of separate nutrition was developed almost 100 years ago and, to put it mildly, is outdated. There are no reliable scientific facts about the positive impact of this system on health. But evidence has emerged that the digestion process is much more complex than Shelton imagined, and a mixed type of nutrition is the most physiological. Almost all food products contain protein, fats, and carbohydrates - only in different proportions. In other words, any food is initially mixed.

Established by nature

Our body is designed very intelligently: as soon as food enters the mouth, the digestive system immediately receives a signal to release a whole range of necessary enzymes. Man has always had a mixed diet, and the digestive system works in accordance with this feature. Each nutrient is digested by the appropriate enzyme in its own section of the digestive conveyor, so our body does not need to artificially separate foods into protein, carbohydrate and fat.

Lazy stomach

The transition to separate nutrition can weaken the function of the digestive organs, since it does not provide a full load for various enzymatic systems. If suddenly the usual menu changes, uncomfortable sensations in the stomach are guaranteed, because the digestive glands have “forgot” how to digest ordinary mixed food.

Vitamin boost

Not only enzymes, but also vitamins are involved in the complex process of digestion. For example, for the digestion and assimilation of protein, B vitamins supplied with food are needed, including vitamin B 6 , and for the digestion of carbohydrates, vitamin B 1 . It is possible to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients only with a mixed diet.

Green melancholy

According to some researchers, when eating separately, the amount of good mood neurotransmitters in the brain - serotonin and others - decreases. In fact, this nutritional system leads to unmotivated depression. To improve your mood, food should be mixed. It is preferable to combine proteins and carbohydrates.

Reviews and results of losing weight

We would like to note that most of the reviews are simply impossible to read, because, forgive us, there is such nonsense written there that it hurts your teeth. Here are a couple of examples:

People who promote separate consumption of food are right in that when mixing proteins and carbohydrates, we force our internal organs to work under enormous overload and wear out much faster than expected. The biological age of a person is 120-130 years!!!!! And you yourself know how much shorter the average life expectancy in Russia is. The wrong combination of foods shortens our life.

This is not true, read here :

When a person is thirsty, it’s OUR BODY SCREAMS FOR HELP! We're late, he's desperately short of water! It is necessary to drink water in advance, before the body asks for it - 2 glasses of warm water 15 minutes before any meal. This will help get your stomach working. It is not correct to drink while eating, only 1.5 hours after the meal.

Let's return to normal reviews:

The results shocked me, my loved ones, my neighbors and my colleagues. About six months after starting the “Separate Nutrition” diet, I began to openly melt. And after a year I had a problem with clothes. All my clothes have become three sizes too big for me. DISADVANTAGES: some products make me dream at night

At the moment, I don’t practice separate meals, because I somehow allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted for a couple of weeks, and my body quickly got used to such a diet. Now I can’t force myself to go back to this diet.

There was always tension because of the “danger” of eating something “wrong”, fear that the child would grab a spoon of rice after a piece of fish. Usually a good relationship with my husband also immediately strains as soon as he sits down to eat his “inseparable” food, and my little son, whom I diligently protect from this “nasty,” begs him for something. You get tired of this. You get tired of constantly thinking about food. I feel that everything should be simpler and more natural..."

I tried to eat like this, I also lost weight very quickly, but I don’t have enough willpower to always eat exactly THIS way, I fall back into eating “AS HAPPY” and immediately gain the extra pounds again! There is willpower to lose weight, but after that, to continue to eat separately - alas, there is no will...


1. Separate meals can get rid of extra pounds, allow you to change your eating habits and stop overeating. Weight loss in this case is associated with reducing fat intake and limiting eating to one main type of food.

2. Following Shelton's teaching creates a stressful situation for the body. After all, not everyone can withstand this way of eating. And the psychological damage can ultimately outweigh the physiological benefits.

3. If you adhere to separate meals, then at least once every three days you should eat as usual, that is, mix foods. This way, the enzymatic systems of the digestive tract will not lose their ability to digest any food if necessary.

Published: March 26, 2021

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