What the champion and former biologist Anna Kurkurina came up with for weight loss

The current world champion in powerlifting, Anna Kurkurina, was not always so pumped up and fit. In the past, an ordinary biology teacher and then a zookeeper, she never had an ideal figure. But by the age of 40, the woman decided to radically change not only her life, but also her physique. She developed her own weight loss program, becoming a role model for many women.

The essence of losing weight from Anna Kurkurina

The former biology teacher, who won the title of the strongest woman in the world, decided to create her own method of combating extra pounds. Since Anna Kurkurina knows well how the human body functions, she based her method of losing weight on the principle of combining physical activity and diet.

Kurkurina claims that any training, even if it is the most grueling, will be powerless without a properly composed menu. A woman considers protein to be the main element a person needs to lose weight. Without sufficient consumption of this substance, it is impossible to get your figure in order; it should become the basis of the entire diet.

The second component of Anna Kurkurina’s weight loss method is regular training. The athlete has thought through a wide variety of exercises aimed at combating fat deposits in problem areas. In addition, she developed a program to get rid of cellulite, which is so troubling to many women.

We recommend reading about weight loss barbells. From the article you will learn about the benefits of training with a barbell, a set of exercises with a barbell for women. And here is more information about workouts for weight loss from Jillian Michaels.

A set of exercises with the withers of Anna Kurkurina

Basic exercises created by the world champion can be performed at home.

Firstly, the shoulder joints must be perfectly stretched, because the main load should fall on them. Rotate your arms back and forth, then make the same rotational movements with your arms.

Then we move on to a set of exercises.

Warm up before class

To prepare for the exercise, warm up your neck and shoulder muscles. Movements should be easy, without stress.

The following exercises must be performed:

  1. Warm up the muscles at the withers for a minute by quickly raising your arms. Head down.
  2. For the next 2 minutes, the same weighing is performed alternately with one hand and then with the other hand, not up and down, but diagonally. To do this, you can lift dumbbells, books, and water bottles. It should be noted that the arm does not bend. At the same time, the hand is very raised and rising.

Warm-up exercises

The warm-up that precedes the main training program consists of familiar and simple exercises. Anna Kurkurina specially developed her weight loss method in such a way that everyone could do it, regardless of their level of training. Kurkurina suggests the following as warm-up exercises:

  • rotate the pelvis clockwise, then in the opposite direction;
  • do 30 squats, you don’t need to go very deep, your back is straight;
  • tilting the body first to the right and left, then forward and backward, the knees do not bend when performing the exercise;
  • do 30 jumps on your toes, you need to try to stretch the top of your head up;

  • running in place for a couple of minutes;
  • lunges, it is important when performing this exercise to squat until both legs are bent at a right angle.

If after such a load you still do not feel a feeling of “burning” in the muscles, you should increase the number of repetitions. The muscles must warm up greatly to avoid further injury and get the maximum effect from the workout.

General recommendations

By doing ordinary exercises, you will not be able to achieve the desired result. developed and recorded video exercises for the collar area , which are really useful and provide an opportunity not only to eliminate the withers, but also to improve your general condition.

The complex is so simple that even someone who does not have the appropriate physical training can do it. The effectiveness of the classes has been proven by many people who have already managed to get acquainted with them. During the complex, the muscles of the back and neck are worked out, the shoulder and scapular girdle becomes stronger, tissue innervation and blood circulation are restored.

During the complex, the muscles of the back and neck are worked out, the shoulder and scapular girdle becomes stronger, tissue innervation and blood circulation are restored.

To ensure the effect occurs as quickly as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • train constantly. Rare, single sessions will be in vain;
  • It is necessary to warm up your muscles every time before training. To do this, you need to do a warm-up or dance for five to ten minutes;
  • a 35-40 second break is required between each exercise;
  • To prevent the muscles from getting used to the same actions, you should change the exercises.

These simple recommendations will help prevent injury during exercise and quickly achieve the desired result.

Workouts at home

Many women prefer Anna Kurkurina's weight loss program because of its simplicity and accessibility. The Ukrainian fitness trainer has developed a set of exercises that will help get rid of fat deposits in any problem areas.

In her weight loss method, Kurkurina pays great attention to the fight against cellulite. But before you start training, you need to warm up, and after it apply a special anti-orange peel cream to your skin. She suggests doing three simple exercises every day that will help enhance the effect of the product and quickly get rid of cellulite. You can easily do them at home:

  • Jumping rope. It is believed that this simple exercise is almost the most effective in the fight against cellulite. But to achieve really good results, you need to jump for a long time - at least 15 minutes a day. If you feel very tired, you can take a break and walk around the apartment, but under no circumstances sit down.
  • When the body has recovered a little from the load, you need to return to jumping. In addition to getting rid of the “orange peel”, jumping rope will help you lose weight.
  • Twisting the hoop. With its help, the areas where cellulite most often appears - the waist and hips - are massaged. In addition, hula hoop helps improve digestion and straightens your posture. The principle of performing the exercise is the same as with a skipping rope. You should spin the hoop for at least fifteen minutes. If it drops, it doesn't mean it's time to stop training. You need to lift it and continue to rotate it at the waist and hips.
  • Entering the hill. To perform this exercise you will need a step or some kind of low bench or stool. You need to put one foot on it, then stand up completely and go back down. The exercise is repeated in a circle as many times as you can stand.

Regular implementation of this simple complex will quickly lead to a reduction in cellulite and will also help get rid of fat deposits.

Anna Kurkurina: training


General information about the training system

Warm-up before training according to the recommendations of Anna Kurkurina

Anna Kurkurina: workouts for weight loss

Anna Kurkurina: training at home

General information about the training system

Anna Ivanovna Kurkurina is a Ukrainian athlete, absolute champion in powerlifting and coach. She set 14 records and opened her own sports studio. Kurkurina creates her own training programs (fat burning, intense, full hour), reveals the secrets of fitness and advises where to start for young athletes.

Kurkurina makes videos for both beginners and experienced athletes. You can find them under the tag “Anna Kurkurina training”. The athlete not only films a set of exercises with her assistants, but also shares useful tips about nutrition, body quality, warming up before training and healthy habits. Reviews about the training can be found on the Internet, social networks and even television programs - the vast majority of them are positive.

Warm-up before training according to the recommendations of Anna Kurkurina

Warming up is necessary both before heavy strength training and regular running. Untrained muscles hinder your activity and increase the risk of injury. Warm-up is necessary for every part of the body, both for the arms and the back, since all muscle groups are involved in the training process.

Warm-up plan:

  • circular rotation of the head. Do not tilt your head back too much to avoid squeezing the blood vessels and causing blurred vision;
  • cross your hands at the back of your head and press firmly to your head. Take a deep breath and begin to press your head into your arms crossed at the back of your head. Exhale and lower your head to the starting position. The exercise should engage the neck muscles and cause blood flow to the upper body;
  • turns the head left and right. At each turn, fixate for 1-5 seconds to better work the neck area;
  • stretching of the shoulder joints. The main thing is to use a small amplitude so as not to damage the joints. Gradually increase the amplitude until you feel slight pain;
  • body tilts. Place your hands at your sides and slowly bend from side to side. Start with a small amplitude to engage the abs and knees, gradually moving to a large one to feel the buttocks;
  • half squats. Beginners should warm up without weights; athletes can add weights or kettlebells;
  • working out the knees. Bend your knees and slowly draw a circle with them in different directions;
  • stretch your ankle. Pump on your feet or work your joints separately with rotating movements;
  • jumping jack or intense jumping. This part of the warm-up is necessary to engage the cardiovascular system and prepare it for an intense workout. This will prevent pain, discomfort and breathing problems;
  • exercise "Bicycle". Lie on your back, elevate your legs, and perform a spinning motion that simulates riding a bicycle. Try to work your legs as intensely as possible, press your knees close to your head and breathe evenly;
  • stretching. The total duration of the warm-up is 15-20 minutes. Stretching is a separate element and should be given at least 5-10 minutes.

Exercising every day, without a full workout during the day, can also affect the appearance of your body. After a few vigorous days, pay attention to your waist - it will shrink even after minimal activity. To eliminate belly fat or fat from the inner thigh, you will have to put in more physical effort and revise your diet.

Anna Kurkurina: workouts for weight loss

The trainer believes that high-quality weight loss consists of two factors: regular training and good quality nutrition. As for exercises, Kurkurina advises choosing workouts for all major muscle groups. Such activity requires a colossal amount of energy and, accordingly, calories.

Anna believes that muscles should be surprised. Each set of exercises must be different from the previous one, otherwise the body will get used to the loads and stop responding to them. Intense movements should be combined with slow repetitions. Slow execution is necessary for clear technique and a feeling of the muscle you are working.

Fat burning workout plan (all exercises are performed with weights):

  • abduction of arms with dumbbells. Do not forget about the position of the body and try to additionally strain your muscles for maximum load;
  • squats with dumbbell raises. Watch your squat technique. As soon as you go down, raise your arms with the dumbbells up and hold for 1-3 seconds. If you cannot perform the exercise, then alternately raise your left and then your right arm with each squat;
  • lunges. As you inhale, move your leg back/forward, as you exhale, lower yourself down, as you inhale, return to the starting position;
  • overhead abduction of dumbbells. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and brace your lower body. Take dumbbells or a weight plate, lift it above your head and draw a circle in the air with it. The exercise should involve the muscles of the arms and back;
  • classic push-ups. Try to spread your arms as wide as possible and watch the technique of performing the exercise. If you don't have enough strength, then transfer half the weight to your knees. Gradually return to the classic version of push-ups after the muscles become stronger and more resilient;
  • reverse crunches. Bend your knees and do not straighten them throughout the entire exercise. Perform crunches using your abs, not your leg muscles;
  • stretching. Stretch all the muscle groups you worked to avoid pain and overtraining. Spend at least 20 minutes a day stretching. The next morning, you can do a light warm-up and stretch your muscles again for better results.

Perform each exercise for 10-20 repetitions. The training plan can be completed just once or repeated 2-3 times. Try to alternate loads and not use the same exercises in every workout.

Tip: If you haven't had time to create a training plan, then simply do the previous workout with a larger weight or a higher number of repetitions.

Kurkurina focuses on a comprehensive approach to weight loss. It is impossible to permanently remove the hated sides without a rational approach to the daily menu. If you decide to completely change your life, then start with your diet and only then start creating an ideal body.

Weight loss exercises can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home. Anna Kurkurina's arsenal of workouts without weights is in no way inferior to active exercises on simulators. The main thing is to maintain regularity and monitor your diet.

Anna Kurkurina: training at home

Below is a quick workout you can do daily. Physical activity performs not only a fat-burning function. After a few weeks, you will notice a sharp increase in energy, improved sleep and increased stamina. Each exercise from the set must be performed for 1 minute, so stock up on willpower, a stopwatch and start exercising.

Home workout plan for every day:

  • squats to parallel with the floor;
  • tilting the body with knees together. The exercise is very similar to shallow squats. You just need to pull your buttocks back and bring your knees together every time you bend your back forward;
  • plie squats without weights. Tighten your inner thigh during each squat and watch your posture;
  • deadlift on straight legs with weights;
  • moving your arms in different directions, swinging your arms;
  • exercise “Boat”;
  • push ups;
  • twisting with legs raised up;
  • stretching.

Beginners need to complete only 1 round of classes. If 1 set seems too easy for you, then repeat 2-6 circles in one training process. You can combine home exercise with going to the gym, Pilates, dancing, swimming or jogging. With maximum activity, you will achieve results in a short time.

A great figure is not the only benefit of a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, you get tight, youthful skin and good health. Find the best workout plan that will take you out of your comfort zone and make you look at your own body from a new angle.

Nutrition rules

As Anna Kurkurina has noted more than once, the basis for effective weight loss is a combination of proper diet and regular exercise. The woman herself formulated the basic rules that help to quickly cope with fat deposits:

  • Anna insists on giving up hunger strikes. She explains this by saying that the body, which did not receive enough food and nutrients on time, will immediately begin to store everything in fat deposits with the very first snack. The optimal period without food, which will not harm you at all, is considered to be a time period of three hours.
  • Anna Kurkurina advises choosing something healthy for snacks during a diet: fruits, dairy products, protein shakes.

  • Contrary to popular opinion about the dangers of eating after six o'clock in the evening, the woman still advises eating in the evening. She gives the example of those who can find time for training only after work, and after exercise they definitely need to have something to eat.
  • Despite the fact that many dieters consider porridge a healthy product, Kurkurina recommends avoiding it completely. The fact is that cereals contain a large amount of carbohydrates that can negatively affect your figure. The only exceptions to Anna Kurkurina’s diet are whole grain porridges, which require a long cooking time.
  • Due to the fact that a woman’s body absorbs only 30 grams of protein per meal, the athlete suggests eating bars or protein shakes that contain it in its pure form.
  • Under no circumstances should you eat immediately after finishing your workout. At least an hour must pass for the body to burn energy reserves.
  • Anna Kurkurina recommends eating small meals during the diet. She claims that it is better to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions, so that the food is better absorbed by the body. In addition, the calorie content of each meal should not exceed 200 kcal.
  • Carbohydrate foods are best consumed in the morning and afternoon, and in the evening you should pay special attention to proteins.

Girls and women who decide to lose weight according to Anna’s rules claim that on such a diet it is possible to lose five kilograms in two weeks. And if you combine it with daily workouts, you can lose even more weight.

Watch this video about nutrition before and after workouts:

Anna Kurkurina, how to remove belly and sides. Lessons from Anna Kurkurina

Anna Kurkurina, a Ukrainian athlete, was recognized as the strongest woman on the planet and is an expert in powerlifting. This is a high-quality fitness trainer who works with women of different ages, sizes and health conditions using his own unique method for building muscle mass or cutting fat.

Not everyone can personally attend Anna’s training, but the trainer regularly posts videos on the Internet, so exercises from the expert are available to everyone, and they can be performed at home to get the ideal figure.

Recipes for quick weight loss

You can use the proposed options as dishes for the diet according to Anna Kurkurina’s method.

Pancakes for losing weight

For cooking you need to take the following products:

  • milk – 200 ml;
  • two tablespoons of bran;
  • one chicken egg.

All ingredients must be combined and blended using a blender. The dough should not be too liquid; if it is not thick enough, you can add more bran. When you have achieved the desired consistency, you can start making pancakes. Pour a ladle of dough into a preheated frying pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. If you don’t want to eat empty pancakes, you can add cottage cheese or boiled chicken breast with mushrooms as a filling.

Protein cocktail

To prepare this drink you will need:

  • milk – 250 ml;
  • white from two chicken eggs;
  • oatmeal - two tablespoons;
  • natural yogurt – 100 ml;
  • a tablespoon of honey.

Preparing the cocktail is extremely simple. You just need to immerse all the ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth. This meal option is ideal for those who have little time to cook and cannot skip meals.

Watch 3 protein shake recipes in this video:

Drying and nutrition

It is very important to combine training with proper nutrition; cutting will be successful only with an integrated approach. Naturally, if after training you pounce on cakes before going to bed, then nothing good will come of it.

The issue of calorie intake must be decided individually; it all depends on the person’s lifestyle and the degree of physical activity in general. The main thing is that there is a slight calorie deficit, fasting is strictly prohibited.

The key principles of the cutting diet are:

  • if we are talking about drying visceral fat, about 10 g of soluble fiber should be present in the diet every day;
  • during training, the body needs a lot of water;
  • you need to eat food that is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (fish, vegetable fats, flaxseeds), the ideal breakfast is oatmeal in water with nuts or dried fruits;
  • eliminate sugary carbonated drinks from your diet and reduce fast carbohydrates;
  • control your salt and sugar intake;
  • Include boiled or raw vegetables, natural fermented milk products, and high-protein foods to support muscles.

Water is a source of energy and a weight loss stimulant.

One of the main principles of Anna Kurkurina's diet is the consumption of liquid in large quantities. The woman claims that water helps you lose weight. If the body does not receive enough fluid, oxygen begins to flow more slowly to the muscles, in addition, the rate of burning fat deposits drops significantly. Therefore, you need to drink a lot of water every day.

For the most effective weight loss, you should correctly calculate the proportions of fluid consumed. It is believed that you need to drink 1 milliliter of water for every calorie burned. Of course, everything is strictly individual. But a woman who regularly exercises and wants to lose weight needs to drink at least three liters of water a day on average.

Anna notes that not just any liquid will do. Preference should be given to clean raw water instead of boiled and distilled water. You also need to drink a glass every hour throughout the day.

Quick drying of the press and sides

In order to achieve visible results in a short time, the drying conditions should be as follows:

  • Warm up well before each workout - do bending, squatting or other warm-up for 10 minutes;
  • Do not exclude carbohydrates from your diet, but keep their amount to a minimum;
  • Do cardio exercises about 3-6 times a week;
  • perform exercises at an explosive pace and pause.

If you want your body to be in good shape, walk more, run, ride a bike around the city, visit the pool and aerobics.

To lose belly fat, you need to make sure that blood circulation accelerates in this area of ​​the body. This is necessary in order to accelerate metabolism, as well as destroy adipose tissue. It is believed that under certain conditions, adipose tissue is converted into glycogen.

This is a substance that fuels the body. Experts say that increased stress on the abs will increase blood flow, and accordingly the conversion of fat into glycogen.

But there are nuances: for example, to start the process of glycogen formation, training should last about 40 minutes, taking into account minimal pauses between approaches. The entire exercise must be performed clearly and correctly to achieve the effect. Another problem is that since you need to increase blood circulation, not every exercise will be good for losing belly fat, and they will need to be done with low amplitude.

Drying the body with cognac

Fitness trainer Anna Kurkurina claims that there is one interesting recipe that can reduce the size of your figure in a short time. The woman recommends drinking cognac with lemon. According to her, this drink is popular among athletes who are preparing for upcoming championships and helps them quickly lose weight.

Drying with cognac and lemon allows you to achieve impressive results; it helps burn subcutaneous fat. According to Kurkurina, in just two weeks, your waist size can be reduced by 4 to 5 centimeters. To do this, you need to drink one hundred grams of cognac every evening before going to bed, snacking on lemon. The fruit should be cut into slices and eaten all of it.

Of course, you don’t need to drink cognac all at once ; it is recommended to spread out the pleasure for at least an hour. Anna Kurkurina herself says that she dried her body in this way for two weeks. The positive effect on the figure of this alcoholic drink in combination with lemon is that they neutralize each other’s not-so-pleasant properties, producing a powerful fat-burning effect in tandem.

We recommend reading about the burpee exercise for weight loss. From the article you will learn about the benefits and harms of burpees, the technique of performing the exercise, and options for complicating it. And here is more information about weight loss exercises for every day.

The weight loss technique of athlete Anna Kurkurina is increasingly gaining popularity among women. If you follow all the rules, you can lose 5 kilograms of excess weight in two weeks. But you need to pay equal attention to both diet and physical activity.

Daily workout

The trainer has also drawn up a training plan that you can resort to at least every day. It is aimed not only at burning fat. After a week of regular exercise, you will notice that your sleep has improved, your stamina has increased, and additional energy has come from somewhere. Each exercise from the proposed set should be performed for about a minute, so prepare a stopwatch and be patient.

  1. Start by squatting until parallel to a hard surface.
  2. Tilt your body with your knees together. The exercise resembles shallow squats, move your buttocks back, bring your knees together with each bend forward.
  3. Plie squats. Try to strain your inner thigh as much as possible, your posture should be straight.
  4. Move your arms to the sides and swing them.
  5. Do the “Boat” exercise.
  6. Crunches, raising your legs up.
  7. Do push-ups.
  8. Final stretch.

One round of classes is usually enough for beginners. But if all this was easy for you, then you can repeat up to six rounds of this set during the training process. You can safely do home exercises with jogging, swimming, dancing, and Pilates. Maximum activity will give you good results in a short time.

Useful video

Watch exercises from Anna Kurkurina in this video:

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Secrets of proper charging

Daily exercise at home is a great way to keep your muscles toned. In order for exercise to be beneficial, it must be done before breakfast. Doctors do not recommend exercising on a full stomach. It’s good if it is possible to do morning exercises in the fresh air (for example, on the veranda, in the garden or in the vegetable garden) or at least with the window open. During exercise, the lungs work intensively, and it is important to enrich them with oxygen.

The exercises included in the morning exercises complex should be as simple and familiar as possible. New elements can be added periodically. In addition to dumbbells, sports equipment such as a fitball (large inflatable ball) and a jump rope are good for daily exercise. If the complex includes stretching exercises, while performing them it is recommended to hold on to the back of a chair or sofa (bed), while the furniture should be in a stable position to avoid injury.

Classes using Anna Kukurina's method give good results if they are performed regularly and correctly. You can purchase the author's fitness course on licensed discs. You can also watch a training video on the Internet. If desired, the athlete can supplement the training with his own exercises. But they should not be more complicated than the movements proposed by Anna Kurkurina. It is not recommended for children and adolescents to study using this method, since the course is designed for adults.

Morning workout complexes

There are many morning exercise complexes designed for different age categories, different sports and general physical training. You can choose a suitable complex and start training. There is a very interesting complex by Anna Kurkurina - “Good Morning”. The author not only shows the exercises herself, but also explains which muscle groups are trained and what health benefits this can bring. Anna Kurkurina's complex for beginners shows the same exercises that the trainer gives, only in a simplified version. The main motto of the program - “Charge yourself with positivity” - very accurately reflects the mood that completing the tasks should give.

Many video tutorials have been released, which tell in detail what kind of problems can be solved with the help of certain exercises. There are exercises for the back muscles, the collar area, to remove the stomach, for a thin waist. An example is shown of how to lose weight with proper nutrition. Anna has developed special sets of exercises for losing weight on the hips and buttocks, fighting “breeches,” training arms and legs; there are various sets for both children with cerebral palsy and teenagers.

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