What is body ballet and how is it beneficial for the body?

Description of body ballet

It would be stupid to deny the popularity of classical choreography. While the types of fitness in the ratings of trainers change each other, ballet always remains in trend. Even now, little girls admire the beauty of ballerinas, who are deservedly considered examples of beauty and grace. And if not everyone is destined to get into classical ballet, body ballet is designed for a wider range of people.

The direction became popular only in the late nineties of the last century. Its main goal is to make fitness not only active, but also graceful and sophisticated. Plus, this is an excellent opportunity for those who have long wanted to join classical choreography.

It is important not to confuse body ballet with ballet itself. These are completely different directions, the first is fitness, and the second is full-fledged choreography, a form of art. Body ballet does use some of the movements of their classical choreography, but the program also includes exercises and techniques from yoga, Pilates, stretching and other types of fitness in equal quantities. The program is adapted for all fitness fans who want to tone their body. And in addition to losing weight and pumping up muscles, body ballet gives you grace, beautiful posture and body flexibility.

The basis of body ballet is popular movements from the arsenal of ballerinas. All ballet steps and plies will be adapted in such a way as to place emphasis not so much on technique, but on the very essence of the exercise. Even if you've never danced before or even gone to the gym, body ballet is right for you. All complex ballet movements are adapted in such a way that even a beginner can easily learn popular positions and get closer to the beauty - classical choreography.

What is body ballet?

Body ballet is a set of fitness and Pilates exercises based on classical ballet.

The foundations were laid in 2005 in America by choreographer Lee Sarago. Since then, body ballet has appeared

In Russia, the founder of the body ballet school was the famous Russian ballerina Ilse Liepa.

new exercises. But the essence remains the same. This type of physical activity helps you quickly lose weight and tone the muscles of your entire body. Stretching improves, pain in the joints, back, and cervical region disappears.

Ballerina Ilsa Liepa naturally chose ballet steps as the basis. She supplemented them with Pilates exercises and presented them to the general public. The technique has become popular in our country. Today it is practiced in many Russian fitness centers.

Those who have experienced body ballet on themselves note that they have become more resilient, stronger, began to sleep better at night, got rid of depression, panic attacks and excess weight, pain in the joints, lower back, and osteochondrosis.


What does a typical body ballet training consist of? The program depends on the preferences of the trainer himself and the specific level of training of the group. But in general, the following algorithm is used:

  • A little body workout. You need to warm up your muscles and joints to avoid possible injuries. If you are going to exercise at home, it is very important not to neglect the warm-up - this way you reduce the risk of injury.
  • A set of exercises at the machine. At this moment you can feel like a real ballerina! The same machine, and the same mirror for honing the correctness and grace of movements - the atmosphere itself is worth attending such training at least once.
  • Free exercises outside the machine. These are adapted pas or plies. As a rule, they are performed at a slightly more active pace than in classical ballet. This helps you shed extra pounds and makes your workout more aerobically rewarding.
  • A set of Pilates exercises. This part of the workout is designed to strengthen the core and abdominal muscles, and back muscles. Thanks to Pilates, it will be easier for you to maintain your posture, you become more flexible, and your muscles acquire the desired tone.
  • Stretching. At the end of the workout, stretching is performed to consolidate the results. After previous exercises, the muscles are already sufficiently warmed up. A few body ballet classes with conscientious stretching - and you will be able to do the desired splits.

The complex that is included in the body ballet training will help you improve your overall physical fitness and help you achieve the desired shape. Training can be used as additional stress when losing weight. But other types of fitness will give you all this. But body ballet will give your movements such exquisite grace, plasticity and femininity. You will learn to hold your arms, legs, and back correctly. Flexibility of all parts of the body is an additional bonus from such training.

Benefits of body ballet training for weight loss and health

The benefits of body ballet are undeniable. The exercises are suitable for both young and old, women and men. And also for people who have not previously practiced ballet steps or sports.

The load is beneficial to the joints and works the outer muscles of the thigh and waist. Hand movements strengthen the shoulder girdle and body core, tighten the stomach, and stretching the toes lengthens the muscles, preventing them from growing in width.

In addition, exercises at the ballet barre help straighten the spine and correct flat feet. Coordination and balance improve, health improves.

Body ballet for weight loss is contraindicated:

  • with heart failure;
  • with severe varicose veins;
  • for injuries and inflammation of joints, for bone fractures;
  • when chronic diseases make themselves felt.

So why should you do body ballet?

There are several benefits to this type of training that make body ballet a very attractive fitness option for most of us.

  • During training, much attention is paid to the leg muscles. At the same time, since within the complex you combine stretching exercises and ballet positions, your legs become toned and graceful, you will not be able to pump up your calves or quadriceps, as in strength training. Body ballet will perfectly help you get rid of hated riding breeches or so-called ears. The shape of the legs becomes “chiseled”.
  • Thanks to the fact that the set of exercises includes Pilates, you strengthen the muscles of the core, abs and arms. During training, you always keep your upper body in the correct position, so that the muscle frame is also strengthened by static load.
  • A distinctive feature of body ballet is the constantly tense toe during exercises at the gymnastic barre and free ballet pliés. In this case, the muscle fibers are stretched lengthwise, eliminating the effect of too swung legs.
  • Body ballet, thanks to elements of classical choreography, helps to develop beautiful and correct posture and a neat lift of the foot. Also, some note the excellent results of body ballet training in the fight against flat feet.
  • Grace and regularity of movements are something that everyone can acquire after body ballet classes. All movements will be very flexible and attractive.
  • Development of general physical fitness of the body. Body ballet can be called an ideal option for beginners or training for additional exercise. You will develop muscles, their strength and endurance.
  • In body ballet training, you increase the flexibility of the body. We are talking not only about muscles, but also about tendons and joints. By the way, doctors recommend practicing body ballet and classical choreography as a preventive measure for diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Through barre training and ballet exercises, you will develop a sense of balance and coordination.
  • No risk of injury. Body ballet has a very low injury rate. Classes are held at a moderate pace, with a minimum amount of jerky movements. You are working with your own weight, so the risk of muscle tearing and straining is minimal.
  • During training, blood circulation is activated, so sometimes body ballet relieves long-term pain in the back, knees and “stagnation” in the muscles.

How to achieve an ideal figure without dumbbells and exercise machines

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Bodysuit or ballet

Getting ready for body ballet, I was a little nervous. I am one of those people who pick up all the corners and fall out of the blue. Which ballerina am I? But that’s why we need challenging goals, to make it more interesting to achieve them.

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In the training that took place at Strelka, there was much more “body” than “ballet”. From the outside, the lesson might seem like a simple group aerobics, if not for one thing: that same ballet. This meant that any movements must be performed with lowered shoulders and a straight back (ballet posture), keeping the legs turned out, in ballet positions. Well, your hands should move smoothly and beautifully, as if you were on stage. No squats or swings, only plies and batmans. And this is not the same thing at all. This is a special technique that makes ballerinas look so amazing.

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But plie and passé alternated with the usual cardio warm-up, asanas, everyone’s favorite plank and strength exercises. The music at the sports party was also not at all classical ballet music: a group of DJs was responsible for the mood and cheerfulness.

I wanted a little more ballet, that is, to stand at the barre and look at it all in a huge mirror. For technical reasons this was impossible: the training took place in the open air.

In general, body ballet is a very modern version of the art. And it is needed not so much for dancing, but for strength and creating oneself in the literal sense of the word.

Perfection is hard

The exercises that Liliya Skovorodnikova showed us help mold the body like a sculpture, work out all the muscles and at the same time make them beautiful.

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As the training progressed, difficult truths were revealed to me.

  1. The leg does not turn out. You have to take it with your hands and do it in such a way that ballet is born in it.
  2. When the leg is turned, it will not rise. No way. And all because it is not enough to know anatomy to control your muscles. We need to train them.
  3. If you twist your leg correctly and still lift it, it will be terribly difficult. It's terribly difficult to contain your pride in yourself.

Liliya Skovorodnikova
Ballerina, graduate of the Moscow Academy of Choreography at the Bolshoi Theater, director of the classical dance studio “Baletomania”

Body ballet is a mixture of fitness, yoga, ballet, stretching, and dance. I believe that this is exactly what modern girls need to be both strong and graceful. Body ballet is a strong workout, and since the muscles work correctly, they form a beautiful, toned body.

About halfway through the class I felt the urge to get up, roll up the mat and leave. Yes, I just don’t know how to move my arms and legs in this position!

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I was held back by the memory, oddly enough, of the doctor’s office. It just so happened that I have to monitor the condition of my spine, constantly be checked by a neurologist and take courses in therapeutic massage. My doctor said:

Nastya, your problems with posture are not caused by weak back muscles, you are working on them. Your hip rotators do not work, and due to the incorrect position of the pelvis, your spine also moves to the side.

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And only during the “I Create Myself” body ballet training did I fully understand what the doctor was talking about. These muscles really don't work for me! They receive almost no stress in everyday life, and little attention is paid to them in standard training. At a minimum, my exercise routine should consist of body ballet if I want to maintain a vigorous gait into old age.

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But how hard it is. The final stretch was much steeper than a normal training cool-down; we tried to get the most out of our ligaments and muscles. Ballet is unthinkable without splits and flexibility; such stretching always involves performing exercises through pain. So, it hurt, but I rested.

Why is it worth doing body ballet?

I would never believe that someone, of their own free will, is ready to subject themselves to such grueling training two or three times a week. But at Strelka there were girls who have been interested in body ballet for a long time. And guess what? They are incredibly beautiful.

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After class, the girls were given fruit smoothies. They were very useful, because the reserve of strength required urgent replenishment. While sipping a fruit cocktail, I asked Lilia if body ballet would really help to get a figure like hers. “Of course, but for classes - two or three times a week,” answered Lilia. And I believe her.

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By the way, you will still have time to register for training and test the effects of body ballet on yourself. Or choose something else from the “I Create Myself” program.

Who is the training for, and who should try something different?

Let’s say right away that body ballet has no age restrictions - and this is another advantage of such a program. It is better to come to the training for beginners who have not yet attended more complex fitness training. This is a great way to start a healthy, stress-free lifestyle. Everything will work out for you, and you will want to come to body ballet again and again.

There are also almost no contraindications for training. However, standard medical prohibitions on physical activity also apply here. If you have problems with your heart or blood vessels, or you suffer from a serious form of varicose veins, it is better to postpone exercise until you recover. It is not recommended to visit the training room during an exacerbation of chronic diseases or during fever.

Body ballet will definitely appeal to those who:

  • Wants to lose a few extra pounds and get a more refined figure.
  • Strives to make the body more flexible, do the splits, or achieve some other result in stretching.
  • Dreams of beautiful posture.
  • Wants to achieve plasticity and gracefulness of movements.
  • Looking for initial training for fitness classes.
  • Avoids high-intensity exercise due to medical contraindications or personal beliefs.

Is technique important?

Despite the fact that all ballet exercises in the complex are adapted, you must monitor the technique of performing the exercises in order to achieve results and eliminate the risk of injury. At first, take a closer look at yourself in the mirror. It's better to skip one approach, but do the exercise correctly, without haste. You may need to further hone your technique at home in front of the mirror. Then the technique will become a habit, and you will be able to increase the pace of the exercises.

Make sure to keep your entire body toned during your workout. Keep your back straight and your chest out in front. Do not bend your neck - your head should look up and straight with your shoulders slightly lowered. The buttocks and stomach should be tense. This will strengthen your core muscles. Over time, it will be much easier for you to maintain the same body position not only during training, but also in everyday life.

When practicing near the machine, it is very important to only lightly touch it with your hand. Do not try to “lie down” on the machine. It should only serve as a support for balance. If you follow this technique, you will get beautiful posture and keep all the muscles of your body toned.

Often you will use more than just your body weight in your workouts. The trainer will add sports equipment to diversify your workouts and increase their intensity. In addition to exercises, fitballs (large rubber balls), small dumbbells, elastic bands, etc. can be used.

Benefits and disadvantages of body ballet


  • Strengthens even the smallest muscles of the body, both external and deep.
  • Increases flexibility of muscles and ligaments.
  • Improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of internal organs.
  • Helps reduce body weight.
  • Improves joint mobility.
  • Makes your posture beautiful and movements graceful.
  • Lengthens muscles, making them chiseled.
  • Does not have shock ballet load.
  • The exercises are safe and mostly done with your own body weight.
  • Light balls, fitballs, bands and machines are used as additional equipment to increase the load, which increases the effectiveness of training.


  • Much attention is also paid to muscle stretching, which in the case of shortened and tight muscles can cause discomfort and pain.
  • The workout takes place at a moderate pace with calm music, so may not be advisable for those who do not like calm directions.


It is important to provide yourself with comfortable clothes. It’s clear that you don’t need to come to such training in what you are used to seeing ballerinas in. It is better to give preference to fabrics that are pleasant to the body, knitwear or special sportswear. These can be either leggings or comfortable sweatpants.

On the other hand, if you train in tight-fitting clothing, you will be able to monitor your exercise technique and the trainer will see if you are performing certain movements incorrectly.

Shoes should be comfortable. It is better to choose special dance shoes (they are more convenient to practice on the machine). But you can also wear Czech shoes or sports ballet shoes.

The effect of body ballet on weight loss

Oddly enough, body ballet is an effective method in the fight against excess weight. First of all, the fact is that constant movement keeps the pulse in the required heart rate range, which contributes to the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Also, the muscles are constantly under stress, which also promotes fat burning while constantly keeping the muscles toned. The body receives a constant load, even small and deep muscles work, and this increases energy costs. In addition, constant muscle stretching affects the reduction of muscle volume, lengthening them.

Such a load cannot be called elementary, and due to the fact that the body performs graceful and flexible movements, the muscles become chiseled and elastic.

Will body ballet help you lose weight?

If you have more than 5 extra pounds, then body ballet training alone is unlikely to help. On the other hand, if you are slightly overweight, then body ballet will help tone your body. After regular exercise, you will get rid of a small layer of fat, your muscles will be better defined (neat), and you will get rid of flabbiness.

By the way, body ballet is very effective when combined with strength training. If during the latter you build muscle mass and spend more energy, then during body ballet you stretch the muscle fibers. And stretching is a necessary condition for muscle recovery and growth. Additionally, with body ballet you will not lose the grace of strength training.

But if a body ballet trainer gives you training at a higher intensity, then you can burn extra calories and lose weight. Also, if you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, then even a little activity will have a positive effect on the weight loss process.

Body ballet at home, basic rules for training sessions

The duration of the lesson for beginners in body ballet is 45 minutes. 2 times per week. After 3 months of training, they switch to 1 hour, and after 6 months, they exercise 3 times for 1.5 hours. There is no need to speed up the pace, medium intensity is enough.

Body ballet at home begins with a mandatory simple warm-up and joint gymnastics. Then they stand at the choreographic barre (or whatever replaces it) to practice the technique of classical dance exercises.

The third part is exercises in the middle of the room, then Pilates sitting and lying down. In the last part, stretching and relaxation exercises are performed.

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