What is a Body Bar? Exercises with a fitness stick

general information

You should know that the weight of the bodybar cannot be changed (you can only choose another bodybar, lighter or heavier), so you need to correctly calculate the load level. For those who are just starting their training, there are equipment weighing from 1 to 3 kg. As a rule, for fitness classes in the gym there are always body bars for athletes of different levels: 1, 3, 5, 7 kg. For already trained or physically resilient girls, there are body bars weighing from 10 to 16 kg. In order not to get injured or harm your body, it is important to determine the desired degree of load and take into account your own strength. You must understand that if you are comfortable doing squats with a weight of 10-20 kg, then it will be impossible to perform training to work out, for example, small triceps or deltoids. Therefore, it is worth choosing a different bodybar - less weight, to work on the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

How to choose a bodybar?

In order for a fitness bodybar to bring only benefits to an athlete, the equipment must be chosen correctly. In the gym, an instructor helps you do this, but when training at home, a girl needs to pay attention to:

  1. Your height
    . The taller the person, the longer the simulator must be chosen. A projectile that is too short will lead to incorrect body position and impaired exercise technique.
  2. Fitness level
    . Trained people use a gadget weighing from 10 kg, while a beginner will need a device weighing from 1 to 7 kg.
  3. The muscle group that will be worked
    . For squats, you can choose an accessory with a large weight, while working out small muscle groups, such as deltoids, for example, requires a body bar with a lighter weight.

What bodybar weight should I choose?

When choosing a bodybar fitness stick before training, the trainer will advise you to decide on a comfortable weight. As a rule, the choice depends on the athlete’s level of training:

  1. Yellow and green equipment
    weighing from 1 to 3 kg are suitable for beginners and those people who do not regularly engage in sports.
  2. Green, red and sometimes orange
    weighing from 3 to 6 kg are used by advanced athletes who exercise regularly and for a long time.
  3. Blue, crimson and gray weighing
    from 7 kg are needed by experienced athletes. They choose such a gadget if they need a noticeable load in the stance and when performing a certain set of exercises.

TOP5 exercises with a bodybar


Squats tone the gluteal and quadriceps muscles. Engages the abdominal muscles.

1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, just below your cervical spine.

2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and tighten your abdominal muscles.

3. As you inhale, squat until parallel to the floor, do not lean your body onto your hips under the weight of the load, keep your gaze on the ceiling.

4. Exhale and straighten your torso.


This exercise with a body bar can improve the shape of your buttocks.

1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders and place your feet together.

2. As you inhale, step one foot forward, transferring your body weight to your front supporting foot.

3. Do not lean forward too much or arch your lower back.

4. Exhale and bring your front leg back, pushing through your heel.

5. Lunge on the other leg in the same way, alternating movements for the same number of repetitions.

Standing bends

The exercise develops the thigh biceps, buttocks and lumbar extensors.

1. Place the bodybar on your shoulders, feet hip-width apart.

2. Tighten your abdominal muscles and, as you inhale, lower your torso forward, bending your knees slightly.

3. Do not lower your body too low, keep your gaze ahead.

4. Exhale and straighten your torso, feeling the tension in your lower back and buttocks.

Belt pull

The bodybar pull exercise is aimed at strengthening the back muscles.

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, take the bodybar in your hands with a medium grip (shoulder-width apart).

2. Bend your body forward at an angle of 45 degrees, bend your knees slightly and hold the position.

3. Hands are freely lowered down.

4. As you exhale, stretch the bodybar to your lower abdomen, tensing your back muscles. Don't round your back.

5. As you inhale, straighten your elbows and repeat the movement.

Contraindications to training with a bodybar

Before purchasing a bodybar, be sure to pay attention to the contraindications for training with this sports equipment. We strictly do not recommend exercises with a bodybar for athletes with:

  • high blood pressure;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Before training with either a bodybar or any other sports equipment, we advise you to consult a doctor. This way you will not harm your own health and will be sure of a positive result.

The king of exercise. All about burpees, which are called fitness hell

Burpee - “fell, do push-ups, jump.” This multi-joint exercise is a fusion of basic movements - squats, push-ups and jumps. This cocktail only looks light from the outside. Doing it more than once is terribly difficult, but avoiding it is impossible. All methods of modern fitness, be it running, bodybuilding or fashionable circuit training, take burpees as one of their foundations.

Why? “Burpee is a real sadist. It will hurt you, but it will also take your body to another level,” says Greg Glassman, founder of CrossFit ( more about CrossFit on Sovsport.ru ).

Burpee increases endurance, accelerates metabolism, and improves the cardiovascular system. And, yes, don't forget about the muscles: burpees load all the major muscle groups, making them elastic, strong and ready for growth.


The history of burpees leads us to the 30s of the last century. American physiologist Royal Hudston Burpee from Columbia University in New York conducted tests on athletes. He discovered that the symbiosis of squats and push-ups is an excellent functional exercise that makes a person more resilient. The idea was picked up by the US armed forces. Already before the Second World War, “burpees” were included in the training program for infantrymen.

At the end of the 20th century, Greg Glassman invented CrossFit. He took burpees out of the Army physical training manual and made them part of a new discipline. Glassman, a former gymnast, improved the burpee: to the two components - squat-push-ups, he added a third - jumping. This is how the burpee got the name “hell’s grinder.” Because of the jump, it became even more difficult, even more effective, and in this form it found its way into the fitness industry.


This is how you should do burpees. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward, slightly bending your knees, and touch the floor with your palms. At the same time, jump your legs back, taking the starting position for push-ups. Do push-ups from the floor. Then jerk your legs towards your palms and jump up.

You've done one burpee. Within the framework of various methods, they will have to be done from 20 to 150 per workout.

Burpee Variations

There are many variations of burpees for athletes of all levels. Here are some of them:

- light burpee. Exercise for beginners, without jumping. You squat, kick your legs back, do push-ups, and stand up. Repeat again. This is actually an exercise in its original form, invented by Dr. Royal Burpee.

- combat burpee. For advanced athletes. At the end of the movement, you don’t just jump out, but make a high jump, trying to raise your knees as much as possible.

- frog burpee. If you decide to replace the regular burpee with this exercise, you are a machine, not a person. After the push-up, you return your feet to your palms, but do not jump up as usual, but make a long jump.

How to incorporate burpees into your workouts

Burpees can be used as a warm-up, as a main exercise, or as part of a cardio session after weight training.

You don't need a lot of burpees to warm up: just do two or three sets of 5-10 exercises. Blood flow will increase, light sweat will appear, the muscles will “wake up” and be ready to start working.

Burpees are used as the main exercise in weight loss programs. It is included in circuit training, which combines strength and aerobic exercises, and is performed without interruption (or with minimal breaks, if necessary). You can do a certain number of circles - for example, 10 circles of 10 pull-ups, 10 burpees, 20 crunches. Or you can do the maximum number of circles in a given time: for example, complete as many approaches as possible in 20 minutes.

As a cardio session, burpees are done after your main weight training session. For example, having finished your main complex with a barbell, do Tabata ( read about what it is on Sovsport.ru


If you want to understand how burpees work, take a selfie. In a couple of months you won't recognize yourself. Hell's Thresher will make you human.

Preparation for training

Training with a bodybar begins with a preparatory stage, which includes warming up the muscles. For warming up, running in place, squats, bends, lunges and their combinations are suitable. A great way to quickly prepare your body for work is jumping rope.

Particular attention should be paid to equipment. Clothing should not restrict movement. It is advisable to use natural, breathable fabrics. Shoes must be carefully laced.

Training is carried out in well-ventilated rooms. Light, unobtrusive music will put you in a positive mood and help you enjoy the training.

Who can exercise with a bodybar?

In principle, the good thing about a bodybar is that almost anyone can exercise with it . It is suitable for women, men and children. Both completely unprepared people of any age and already fully formed amateur athletes can start training.

Professionals also don’t shy away from training with bodybuilders.

Very important! If you are just looking at a new simulator for yourself, be sure to consult with specialists.

It is best to start training under the supervision of a trainer individually or in small groups , so you will have the opportunity to choose the weight that suits you, as well as remember the basics of using a gymnastic stick and exercises to achieve the desired results.

Advantages or disadvantages of each model

Fitness clubs use rubberized steel bodybars. However, both wooden and plastic shells can be found on sale.

The advantage of a wooden stick is its low cost. However, the weight of such simulators depends only on the diameter and length. A wooden stick is not fully considered a body bar, although it is great for practicing at home if your budget is limited.

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In group classes it is used to perform elements of martial arts.

A wooden stick is not fully considered a bodybar, although it is perfect for practicing at home.

A plastic gymnastics stick is also inexpensive, but it is too light for strength training . Suitable for activities with children.

Working out the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

In order to train the presented areas, the apparatus is held with a wide grip. Palms turn towards you. Then bend your elbows, pressing the bodybar to your chest. Then the device is raised above the head, arms fully straightened. In this position, the projectile is held for a few seconds and lowered back to the chest. In order to properly work out the muscles of the arms and shoulders, perform 15-20 repetitions in one approach.

What is a bodybar?

What is a bodybar? This is a gymnastic apparatus in the form of a weighted stick. The device is widely used during aerobics and fitness training. The bodybar is actually a metal tube. The outer covering can be made in the form of a rubberized or plastic shell. The ends contain weighting knobs.

The length of such shells ranges from 70 to 120 centimeters. According to the presented parameter, a gymnastic stick is selected based on the height and length of the user’s arms. Children are often offered models of the shortest length. Adults, as a rule, choose shells of maximum length.

What is the weight of the bodybar? Manufacturers of such sports equipment paint them in certain colors for classification purposes:

  • yellow – up to 2 kg;
  • red – 4 kg;
  • blue – 5 kg;
  • purple – 6 kg;
  • orange – 7 kg;
  • raspberry – 8 kg;
  • gray – 10 kg or more.

Benefits of a bodybar

So, why should you take a closer look at such a simulator as a gymnastic stick:

  1. One of the main advantages of a bodybar is its compactness. Even if you are not a supporter of fitness rooms, you will always find a place at home to buy a stick and exercise with it for at least 5-15 minutes a day.
  2. Availability of the projectile . The price depends on the material and manufacturer, but the simplest gymnastic stick can be bought starting from 200 rubles.
  3. The low incidence of injury during exercise, even at home, only adds advantages to the simulator’s treasury. The rubberized shell prevents your hands from slipping when performing exercises, and in general, the constant weight of the projectile and its length contribute to a comfortable grip. Read more about safety precautions below.
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