Facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgery - effective methods and procedures

What are the benefits of exercises for facial skin?

To achieve effective results, gymnastics for facial wrinkles should be done 3-5 times a week with strict adherence to the rules and order of practice.

The best effect is observed if you start a home training course before the age of 30-35. You can choose Japanese or Chinese gymnastics for the face against wrinkles, a complex of facial aerobics or a facelift technique. Any course of exercises will be useful:

  • puts stress on the facial muscles, that is, strengthens them;
  • activates blood flow in the facial area;
  • improves skin nutrition;
  • maintains skin elasticity;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • reduces and even eliminates bags under the eyes.

Sagging oval face: reasons

The clarity of facial contours is lost due to various reasons, and after 30 years, several act at once:

  • Age.

As you get older, the skin loses its elasticity, because after 35 years, the production of elastin and collagen, proteins that support the contours of the face, decreases. The most vulnerable places are the neck, where the subcutaneous fatty tissue is not burned out, which predisposes it to dehydration. The absence of an abundant network of small vessels is the cause of atrophy and early ptosis of the skin.

  • Heredity.

Genetics plays an important role in age-related changes and the type of aging. If there were women in the family who aged quickly, then preventive measures should be taken care of in advance.

  • Fluctuations in body weight.

Gaining weight, and after losing weight, does not have the best effect on the contour of the face. This is the main reason for the appearance of jowls and other aesthetic problems. Gaining weight causes the skin to stretch, while losing weight causes it to sag.

  • Posture and bite disorders.

Incorrect posture and bite affect the contours of the face, the position of the lower jaw changes, which predisposes to ptosis.

  • Aggressive effect on the skin.

Ultraviolet radiation, errors in skin care, the use of aggressive cosmetics and lack of nutrition and hydration are the reasons that deplete collagen and elastin reserves.

Rules for performing gymnastics for the face against wrinkles

Any course of exercises with the effect of non-surgical rejuvenation should be performed by adhering to a number of simple but important rules:

  • You need to perform a full complex, including training the muscles of the chin, forehead, cheeks, and neck;
  • You can start exercises only after completely cleansing your skin of makeup;
  • You should do gymnastics in the morning and before bed;
  • before gymnastics you need to do a light facial massage;
  • during exercises it is necessary to observe the rhythm of breathing;
  • It is advisable to combine muscle training with massage; in this case, you need to apply a moisturizer and massage oil to the skin.

You should tense your facial muscles as you inhale and relax as you exhale.

The oval of the face swam: what to do

There are many procedures for lifting the contours of the face, but choosing them is a difficult question, because you need to take into account many nuances. Firstly, the severity of changes and causes of ptosis of the lower third of the face. Secondly, the patient’s age and his expectations. Cosmetic home procedures and skincare cosmetics are tools that cope with unexpressed changes in young patients.

How to tighten your face shape with massage

Plastic massage is a non-apparatus technique aimed at tightening the oval of the face, and it is more of a supportive procedure. With the help of massage, it is possible to influence deep tissues, and this allows you to maintain the contour of the face and even improve it, but at a young age and with unexpressed changes.

For a pronounced result, a course of procedures is required - 10-15 sessions. This is followed by a period of rest for several months.

Procedures at home

Facial gymnastics is an effective method of curbing age-related changes. But if the oval has changed significantly, it is hardly possible to achieve pronounced results; in this case, radical techniques are necessary.

When performing gymnastics, the main thing is to follow the rules:

  • exercises should be suitable for the type of aging and its characteristics;
  • perform them correctly;
  • repeat them constantly.

If you stop exercising, the effect of the procedures will disappear after 2-4 weeks.

Hardware methods for correcting facial contours at home are used only after consultation with a specialist. Such methods have indications, contraindications and features of use.

Exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

At a later age, bags under the eyes, sagging of the upper eyelid, and drooping corners of the eyes can already be observed.

On thin skin in the corners of the eyes, wrinkles form very quickly.

To begin, warm up for 1 minute. Blink your eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible, but close them without squinting. Make sure that the forehead and eyebrows are not involved in the work.

Cover your eyes. Using your fingers, use the outer corners of your eyelids to slightly pull the skin in different directions. Describing circles with your eyes, rotate them 10 times to the left, then 10 times to the right. Without weakening the pull, raise your eyes up and close your eyelids. Wait five seconds, open your eyes. Do 5-7 repetitions.

Move your eyeballs as if you were drawing the number “8.” Movements must be performed with maximum amplitude for half a minute in each direction. Please note that you don’t need to work with your head, only with your eyes.

Exercises against wrinkles around the eyes will help strengthen the corresponding muscles.

Use the fingers of both hands to slightly lift the skin under your eyebrows. Close your eyes and hold for 5 seconds. Open your eyes while continuing to lift the skin under your eyebrows. Relax your muscles. Do 10 repetitions.

Use your index fingers to press the skin near the outer corners of your eyes, and your middle fingers near the inner corners. This is necessary so that as a result of the exercises, wrinkles and folds do not appear, but only the muscle works. Press your upper eyelid firmly onto your lower eyelid without squinting, hold the pressure for 2 seconds and open your eyes wide. Perform 15-20 repetitions.

Look straight ahead and open your eyes as wide as possible. Try to bulge your eyes forward as much as possible. Hold for 2 seconds and close your eyes. Do 15 reps.

Exercises for wrinkles on the lower part of the face

How to remove wrinkles around the lips and nasolabial folds

Open your mouth as wide as possible. Press your lips tightly against your teeth. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds, while breathing deeply through your nose. Relax your muscles, close your jaws. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.

Open your mouth slightly and stretch out your lips, as if you were saying the sound “O”. Slowly, through resistance, move your lips forward, open your mouth wide. Relax your muscles, close your mouth. Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Open your jaws slightly. Without moving your teeth, purse your lips tightly. Raise the corners of your mouth as if to smile. Do 10-15 repetitions. If you can’t smile, help make it with your hands, pulling the corners of your lips up with your fingers.

These exercises for the lower part of the face will help make nasolabial folds less pronounced and smooth out wrinkles above the upper lip.

Tighten the muscles at the top of your cheekbones and temples. With muscular effort, stretch the skin of your forehead, moving it towards your ears. When making springy movements, try to speed up the pace by tensing and relaxing your muscles.

Cheek and face lift

A set of these exercises helps restore facial contour, smooth out wrinkles in the lower part of the face, and tighten the cheeks. For the desired effect, regularly perform the following exercises:

Close your teeth tightly. Lower your lower lip down, exposing the lower row of teeth, but so that the corners of your mouth remain motionless. There should be tension in the chin, stay in this state for 5 seconds, relax the muscles. Perform 5-7 repetitions.

Puff out your cheeks and fill your mouth with air. Roll the air ball with muscle effort from one cheek to the other. In this case, the lower jaw should remain motionless. Speed ​​up the pace with each repetition of the exercise.

Place your fingertips on your cheekbones, pressing and fixing the skin. Close your lips, pressing them tightly against your teeth. Tighten your cheeks and try to stretch your lips into an oval without opening your lips. Relax. The exercise must be repeated 9 more times.

Press your palms to your cheeks. Try to stretch your lips into a smile while resisting with your hands. Relax. Perform the exercise 7-9 more times.

Double chin exercises

The problem of double chin is relevant for both women and men. Special exercises will help tighten sagging skin and get rid of it. This complex will also lighten an angular chin and soften the oval of the face:

Tilt your head and try to press your chin to your chest. Hold the position for ten counts. Raise your head. Repeat the exercise 4 more times.

Look straight ahead. Move your chin forward, pull your lower lip into your mouth and bite (only gently). Move your jaw left and right with force. Do 5-6 approaches.

Open your mouth, throw your head back. Moving your lower jaw forward, tighten your chin muscles and close your lips. Straighten your head and do 5-6 repetitions.

Reasons for the formation of wrinkles

Natural skin aging, unfortunately, is very rare nowadays. The skin is exposed to a number of negative influences and few people use the necessary preventive measures to prevent early aging.

The most common causes of wrinkles are:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, i.e. tanning abuse. UV rays dry out the skin, leading to dehydration and contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers. A special term is used - photoaging. Characteristic signs are early wrinkles, deep wrinkles, dry and rough skin. Dark spots.
  • Working at a computer or spending a long time in front of the screens of a smartphone, laptop, etc. The skin is exposed to blue light, which is no less harmful than ultraviolet rays. They activate the production of free radicals, the mechanism is similar to the action of ultraviolet radiation, only the penetrating ability of the rays is much higher. The term is digital aging.
  • Bad habits. Smoking provokes spasm of small blood vessels, skin nutrition is disrupted, and there is a lack of oxygen and active microelements. In addition, nicotine destroys Vitamin C. According to research, smokers have 60% less Vitamin C than non-smokers.
  • Abuse of sweets leads to the process of glycation of dermal proteins. This is the gluing of collagen threads by sugar, which causes it to become stiff and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. But worse than that, these glued fibers do not undergo natural disintegration and replacement with new fibers, which occurs normally in the skin. The term is glycoaging.
  • Lack of sleep. Our body in general and skin in particular live according to circadian rhythms. Adequate sleep is necessary for renewal; it is at night that the synthetic processes of collagen production and cell renewal occur. During the day, the main function of the skin is protective. With disturbed and short sleep, the body wears out, which also affects the condition of the skin.
  • Excessive facial expressions. In particular, the habit of squinting and expressing emotions with facial expressions. But, most importantly, this is not the root cause of the formation of wrinkles and you should not immediately resort to botulinum toxin injections. This factor is superimposed on the others, the proof is that children do not form facial wrinkles, but they express their emotions and make faces with pleasure.

Exercises for forehead wrinkles

The forehead muscles are difficult to train.
You can smooth out wrinkles that appear from active facial expressions if you use the muscles in the temples and eyebrows. Exercises for forehead wrinkles look like this:

  1. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Open your eyes wide and stay in this state for 3-4 seconds, relax. Repeat the exercise 5 more times, accelerating the pace if possible.
  2. Place your palms lengthwise on your forehead so that your thumbs are on your temples. Press down on the skin on your forehead. Using muscle effort, raise your eyebrows sharply, offering resistance with your hands. Perform 5-6 repetitions.
  3. Place your right index finger on the bridge of your nose, and your left index finger above it. Perform a movement from the nose to the temples, repeating the pattern of the eyebrows and pressing on the skin with your hands. Change fingers and repeat the exercise. Make the next approach by increasing the diameter of the semicircles. Do the exercise until you have massaged your entire forehead in this way.

Contraindications, precautions

Cosmetologists prohibit massage for 3-4 weeks after injection procedures. Active massaging can lead to displacement of the filler and the appearance of subcutaneous tubercles. Activation of blood circulation also contributes to the rapid resorption of fillers containing hyaluronic acid. Even one session of active treatment of the dermis can negate the result of expensive biorevitalization.

The master has the right to refuse to perform the procedure in cases where the client complains of painful symptoms.

1. Fever.

A high temperature indicates that the body is trying to fight pathogens. Massaging activates blood circulation, thereby provoking the spread of pathogens throughout the circulatory system.

2. Inflammation, dermatitis.

Even gentle massaging of healthy areas can lead to an increase in lesions of pathologies.

3. Pathological thinning, atrophy of the dermis

Excessive pressure on thin skin leads to damage to the capillary walls. A rosacea network may appear on the cheeks.

Direct contraindications to massage are open wounds, burns, and scratches.

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