How to do Tabata exercises for weight loss - reviews + videos for beginners and more

Hello my dear readers. Today, interval training is becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising, because they are the most effective for burning fat. The Tabata protocol is especially popular. Interval training only takes a few minutes, but the effects are amazing. Let's take a closer look at what Tabata exercises for weight loss are, reviews and video examples of classes.

Tabata Protocol - what is it?

This weight loss method is named after its creator, Izumi Tabata. 20 years ago, a research team led by Izumi introduced the world to these effective workouts. The idea is to move very quickly over a short period of time. Exercises according to the Tabata protocol are very exhausting, literally at the maximum limit.

Why is Tabata so effective for weight loss? It's very simple, these exercises speed up your metabolism. Due to this, fat is burned very intensively. Studies have shown that metabolic rate increases 15 times.

In addition, this protocol exposes the body to short-term stress. With regular exercise and alternating complexes, the body constantly receives new stress. Because of this, metabolism does not slow down. Moreover, even when you don't exercise, fat continues to melt. Since the accelerated metabolism continues to waste the body’s energy.

Other types of exercises are also compatible with this type of training. You can lift weights and also do aerobic exercises during Tabata. But this is for the advanced. In general, Tabata is intended for physically fit people.

For beginners, even the basic complex will be difficult. And if you are used to lying on the couch, it is better to start with basic exercises. Train your stamina a little. Otherwise you try it once and quit.

We train and lose weight using the Tabata protocol

The original name of Tabata training is tabata protocol. In Russian, it is customary to put stress on the second syllable, but in Japanese, all syllables are equally unstressed, so you can pronounce this word as you like.

The essence of Tabata is ultra-short intervals. A one-set workout lasts only 4 minutes! Of course, both you and your trainer can regulate the number of sets, but the fact is: Tabata has become one of the most effective methods if you have very little time for fitness, but really want to keep yourself in shape.

Intervals last 20 and 10 seconds, work and rest respectively. Why exactly 20 seconds? Because muscles cannot operate anaerobically at near maximum efficiency for longer than this time. Moreover, 10 seconds is just enough for them to recover from a short stress.

After just a month and a half of Tabata training, your body will change and will begin to consume 14% more oxygen, and the anaerobic power of the body will increase by almost a third! At the same time, you will begin to rapidly consume fat reserves, since such anaerobic training is almost 10 times more effective than prolonged aerobic exercise. Of course, you will have to pay for this with hard work, because Tabata is not at all similar to aerobics, although it uses similar exercises.

All sets are strictly subject to time intervals of 20/10 seconds. The scheme is simple: 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, repeat 8 times. It is easy to calculate that one cycle lasts 4 minutes. After each cycle - rest for 1 minute and a new cycle with the opportunity to change the type of exercise.

The exercises themselves are selected according to the goal you want to achieve. The most important thing in this is to use as many muscles from different departments as possible. In addition, the exercises should not be difficult, since the tension and speed of the cycles should not affect the correct execution. This also contributes to basic safety.

If you are doing Tabata without the help of a trainer, choose exercises that are quite difficult for you to perform. Ideally, you should get at least 8 repetitions in one set (20 seconds). If you get more and you don’t get tired at all, then you need to come up with something more complicated. And vice versa - if it is problematic to complete even one cycle, spare yourself and choose the right load.

The set of exercises for Tabata is quite simple; all the exercises are familiar to you from school physical education lessons. These are push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, squats with jumping, burpees, planks, jumping with hands clapping overhead, crunches, running in place with a high knee, “bicycle”.

Despite the familiar exercises, check yourself in the mirror - without the correct technique, the effect will be much less. It is also important to monitor your breathing: do not hold it, do not work only on exhalation. Your muscles really need oxygen, let there be a lot of it - breathe more intensely than during regular aerobics. Even more of it is needed to break down adipose tissue.

If high-intensity training is new to you, do not try to immediately do 8 cycles with different exercises. Start with the easiest ones for you and those you know, choose 2-3 exercises, perform cycles of 4 minutes. The main thing now is to hold out and not give up the sets halfway through. If 4 minutes is too much for you, then change the exercise to an even simpler one.

As a rule, the training does not last too long, 6 cycles is the standard option. This is only 30 minutes, but remember that you will have to spend time warming up and cooling down. Before starting your workout, warm up for 10-15 minutes with light aerobic activity (running or cycling), and after that, walk for 5 minutes and stretch. It is important not to miss the hitch and be sure to stretch all the departments that were involved in Tabata.

Don't think Tabata is that easy. It may seem like you are planning to do regular exercise. A good attitude is great, but try to realistically assess your capabilities, otherwise you may lose consciousness from an unexpectedly strong load. Don't forget to drink water at all stages of training, but don't overdo it here either, the same goes for nutrition. Try not to eat or drink too much water before class.

How many times a week can you do Tabata? As much as your body allows. Start with two workouts, it is important to give the body rest and recovery. With experience, you will be able to visit the gym every other day or every day if you have serious goals and resources.

You should not immediately give up a certain exercise if you stop getting tired during the cycle. Try to increase the number of repetitions, that is, perform it faster. For example, if you were previously able to do 10 burpees, do 12 in the same 20 seconds.

For self-study, download a timer to your phone; there are quite a few variations of them in the app store. It will count down both sets of 20/10 seconds and cycles of 4/1 minute, notifying you with an audible signal. The clothing for Tabata is the most standard; it consists of synthetic materials (for better sweat removal) and sneakers.

The only equipment you will need is a mat; body weights may come in handy in the future. Do not grab the dumbbells at first: due to the high speed of the exercises, you may simply drop them.

As a rule, the results from classes become noticeable after 6 weeks of regular training. It will be shown, of course, by the scale, but you can also notice progress from personal observations. Remember how many repetitions of one exercise you manage to do in the last set of the cycle - the numbers increasing every week will be your personal indicator of endurance.

Contraindications for Tabata are standard for intensive training. These are problems with the cardiovascular system, excessively high body weight, problems with joints and ligaments. Tabata is incredibly effective for weight loss when combined with proper nutrition. But if there is too much of it, then first choose more gentle aerobic loads.

Reviews about the Tabata system

How effective these classes are can be judged by reviews. There are a lot of them, I tried to select the most informative ones.

Valya : I studied for the first time today - dear mother!!! What can I tell you, I could barely stand it out of eight approaches and managed only three. But I have Napoleonic plans - I can do anything. The main thing here is not to miss classes. After training I felt like I had run a cross-country race.

Lili: I am a supporter of training with an experienced trainer. I think that Tabata is not for amateurs. For me, changes occurred after just a few sessions. the sides have become smaller and the legs have become slimmer))

Aska : I’ve been working out for about a week and I can’t say that I’m actually losing weight. But the gluttony after training is brutal. It feels like I'm coming from the gym. After the first lesson, I noticed that I really wanted to eat. so to lose weight you need to watch your diet))

Buka : Fat is lost very well, but I work out for 30 minutes. I excluded fatty, fried and sweet foods. I don't know how about 4 minutes a day... I think this is not enough for weight loss.

Witch : But I also think that 4 minutes a day is nothing... of course it’s better than nothing at all. But just so you know, fat burning begins only after 15 minutes of training. My trainer does Tabata with me for at least 25 minutes.

Alenka : 4 minutes a day is enough for me. The figure is fit and not gaining weight. I recommend ))

Oksana: I’ve only been training for the 4th day, the results are already there. I lost 1.5 kg and my waist became a couple of centimeters narrower. I exercise for 8 minutes three or four times a day. I like it very much - it noticeably tightened up my body.

Photos before and after Tabata

Of course, after such reviews, I want to see the result. Of course, you won’t go far with training alone. A proper diet is important here. I searched the Internet for photos of those who lost weight thanks to these exercises.

How long to exercise to effectively lose weight

Research has shown that a 4-minute Tabata workout is as effective as a simple 40-minute aerobic exercise. It's all about the mechanism of the exercises. During exercise, a lot of stress is placed on the body. At the same time, the efforts do not increase; you immediately begin to work to the limit of your capabilities. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen. As soon as the exercise cycle ends, we begin to consume oxygen in large quantities.


  • 4 super fat-burning exercises using the Tabata protocol
  • 3 super-effective workouts for problem areas
  • Tips on how to properly exercise on an exercise bike to lose weight

Active consumption of oxygen causes oxidation of subcutaneous fat. And the energy of this process is transferred to our muscles. It is because of this that Tabata activates accelerated metabolism for 20 hours or more.

Intense short exercises last 20 seconds. Followed by a 10 second rest

The number of exercises in one approach for beginners is no more than four. If your fitness level is low, then do one set at a time. When endurance and strength increase, then gradually increase the number of approaches to 6-8. It is recommended to perform 3-4 protocols per week.

Tip: Weight loss breeches will help you effectively remove fat from your belly and thighs. Don’t forget to put them on before training and the results won’t take long to arrive!

What is Tabata and what is best to combine it with?

Tabata, or as it is sometimes called the Tabata protocol, is a cycle of special exercises that provide the most effective interval training. There are many variations of this technique, but the classic is considered to be a combination of 20 seconds of intense work and 10 seconds of rest. The workout contains 8 such cycles, after which they usually move on to another type of load or complete the session.

It has been proven that Tabata is simply ideal for burning weight - on average, an athlete spends 13-14 calories per minute of exercise, which is quite a lot. But that's not all. Scientists have found that with this type of training, a person’s metabolism doubles. Skillful use of Tabata makes it possible to quickly achieve a variety of goals - losing excess weight, giving muscle tone, general strengthening of the whole body, training the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The benefits of the Tabata method are numerous, but the ones most often mentioned are:

  • You don’t need strength or cardio equipment to practice;
  • The workout is suitable for busy people, as it lasts no more than 40 minutes;
  • Tabata is more effective for burning fat than the usual cardio workouts;
  • The complex affects not only the muscles, but the entire body as a whole, strengthening the immune system and increasing overall tone.

Another bonus is the saturation of the body with oxygen, which occurs if the athlete monitors his breathing during training. This also enhances the oxidation of fat cells and serves as an additional factor in their intensive burning.

Tabata workouts: fast and effective

One of the most important advantages of the Tabata protocol can be considered minimal time investment with high results. The training is intense and takes place over a short period of time, so it gives quick results, but it can also be harmful. A common mistake that beginner athletes make is that they try to do as much as possible in a very short time, ignoring the capabilities of their body. To avoid injury or overtraining, which will destroy the desire to continue, experts recommend not to overuse, but to look for an optimal individual rhythm.

We should not forget that the composition of the exercises in the Tabata complex is not canonical, but is selected depending on the goals and physical fitness of the athlete. Exercises should cover all muscle groups, which is also very important to achieve the desired results. As for frequency, we can recommend 2-3 tabatas per week for beginners. Experienced athletes can do 2-3 tabatas per workout, 4-5 days a week.

Since training using the Tabata method, without exaggeration, can be classified as heavy loads, when practicing according to the protocol, you should carefully listen to your body. If necessary, the intensity of classes is reduced and they are held less frequently. The goal of such intense interval training is not to exhaust the body, but to force it to adapt to the load and get maximum benefit from it.

Tabata and the fight against extra pounds

In order for you to lose weight, interval training should be done with the following exercises:

  • Squats;
  • Push ups;
  • Running in place with knees raised;
  • Climber type jumps;
  • Jumping with clapping;
  • Burpee;
  • Bike;
  • Various twists.

But when doing the exercises, you need to remember that the Tabata method implies clean and technical execution, without “cheating” or violations of technique. Even seemingly insignificant movements at first glance play a role in the effectiveness of the method, so it is better to start practicing at a low speed, making sure to practice correctly.

What is better to combine Tabata with?

If your goal is not just to lose extra pounds and develop endurance, but also to build muscle, then Tabata alone will not be enough for this. All over the world, the technique is successfully combined with strength training, which ideally complements interval training. Professionals can combine complexes in one day, relying on their feelings and selecting the optimal regimen. But if you are a beginner, then on Tabata day it is better to refrain from strength exercises. The method puts a huge strain on the muscles and heart, so you shouldn’t aggravate it with barbell squats or bench presses.

In addition, Tabata is widely used in their training processes by representatives of various martial arts. The protocol is simply created for boxers and wrestlers who are looking for additional ways to strengthen muscles and ligaments, as well as increase endurance. Needless to say, the best way to bring yourself to a competitive weight in a short time is difficult to find.

How many calories does an activity burn?

About 13.5 kcal is burned per minute. At the same time, the metabolic rate increases by 2 times. In 4 minutes of exercise you will burn 54 calories. It doesn’t seem like much, but don’t forget that they continue to burn for another day.

If you gradually engage in 12 minutes of Tabata training per day, you can lose 5 kg in a month

For those who are actively involved in sports, it makes sense to devote 8 rounds to one exercise. And the set itself should consist of 3-4 exercises. In an hour of such exercise you can burn about 1000 calories. But an hour-long workout at this pace is only suitable for physically very fit people. In addition, they must be in excellent health.

Complex-1 is suitable for women and men without physical training. It will be discussed below. The break between different sets of 8 rounds should not exceed one minute. Studies have shown that 4 minutes of Tabata is equal to 40 minutes of cardio training. You can do 40 minutes of your usual workout and supplement it with 4 minutes of Tabata. And of course, don’t forget about nutrition. A protein diet will increase the effectiveness of your training significantly.

Tabata: How to burn fat while maintaining muscle in 20 minutes a day - Om Activ

We continue to talk in detail about effective programs that would be nice to diversify the training process. It’s not always possible to practice according to the principle of 3 sets/20 repetitions... The Tabata protocol (that’s the cool name for this program) is based on the scientific experiments of the Japanese master Yoshida Tabata and his team. Japanese Olympic speed skaters train using this principle, but it is also suitable for fitness enthusiasts.


  • 1Select 8 exercises.
  • Remember that Tabata is a strength-endurance workout that does not require heavy weights. Work with medium weights, or better yet, start with working with your own weight, involving different muscle groups in training.
  • 2Warm up well - do 10-15 minutes of cardio and joint exercises.
  • 3Perform each exercise one after the other for 20 seconds.
  • You must work with maximum intensity, to the point of exhaustion! Only in this case will the training work.
  • 4Rest 10 seconds between exercises.
  • Thus, a circle of 8 exercises takes 4 minutes.
  • 5Rest 2 minutes after finishing the circuit.
  • 6Perform the required number of circles, depending on your preparation. Don't be surprised if one circle is enough.
  • 7Don’t forget to rest after finishing each round if you decide to do more than 1.
  • 8Do a long cool-down for 10-15 minutes.


Yes: weight loss (fat burning), muscle tone, slight muscle gain, increased strength endurance.

No: hypertrophy (severe muscle enlargement).

Example program

Ways to diversify your workout and increase the load

  • 1Increase the working weight, but do not forget that we are still talking about strength endurance here, and not about increasing muscle volume.
  • 2Increase the number of circles.
  • 3Reduce muscle groups involved in one workout.
  • The most difficult formula is working one muscle group or one muscle in one workout. Try doing squats in this mode - 8 variations, 2-3 circles. This is one hell of a leg workout.
  • 4Add one more workout per week.


There are 2 options at the first stage: add one Tabata per week to your regular training plan, or replace one of your training days with it.

At the second stage there are also 2 options: either you leave one Tabata per week, or you completely go out to train only according to this principle, following the following program:

First stage:

Mon.your workout
Wed.your workout
Fri.Tabata for several muscle groups: chest, legs, back, shoulders = 4 minutes (1 circle)

Train at this pace for several weeks, depending on your fitness level, until you feel ready to add another round. Bring the number of laps to 5 (i.e. up to 20 minutes) until the second stage.

Second phase:

Mon.your workout
Wed.your workout
Fri.Tabata for several muscle groups: chest, legs, arms = 20 minutes (5 circles)

Train at this pace until you are ready to replace another of your Tabata workouts, this will be stage 3. Don’t limit yourself to 5 circles, reduce their number depending on how you feel.

Third stage:

Mon.your workout
Wed.Tabata for several muscle groups: chest, legs, arms
Fri.Tabata for several muscle groups: shoulders, arms, back

Train at this pace until you are ready to replace another of your Tabata workouts, this will be stage 4. Don’t limit yourself to 5 circles, reduce their number depending on how you feel.

Fourth stage:

Mon.Tabata: legs, arms = 4 to 20 minutes (1 to 5 circles)
Wed.Tabata: chest, arms = 4 to 20 minutes (1 to 5 circles)
Fri.Tabata: back, shoulders = 4 to 20 minutes (1 to 5 circles)

This is how you can switch to the Tabata training system and even reach 1 muscle group per session, training 3 times a week. But, honestly, we don’t recommend it.


Tabata is a fairly serious load, so it is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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How to do workouts correctly

Whatever complex you choose, there are rules for performing the exercises.

  • Never start Tabata without warming up. Even if you are late for a group lesson, do not start without warming up. Therefore, it is better not to be late. If you load unheated muscles, there is a high risk of injury.
  • The essence of the protocol is that when exercising at the limit, you should not give your muscles a long rest. Simply put, the body and muscles should be in a warm state during exercise.
  • In 20 seconds you must repeat one exercise at least 15 times. Rest should not exceed 10 seconds. There should be 8 approaches, the break between one complex should not exceed a minute. If you don’t feel a burning sensation in your muscles, you’re not giving it your all.
  • Don't neglect stretching at the end of your workout. Even if she exhausts you and you fall off your feet.

Tabata allows you to work almost all muscles. This is why the body becomes toned. The main advantage of the protocol is its ease of implementation.

Examples of video lessons

I have selected video examples of simple but very effective lessons for you. In 4 minutes they allow you to give 100%. You can read reviews from those who practice these complexes. Everyone has results. I recommend doing one workout per day. It's best to alternate them. On Monday they did Complex-1, on Wednesday Complex-2, on Friday Complex-3, etc. You should not do the same set of exercises several times a week.

If you alternate classes, then each time there will be new stress, which means active fat burning. If an exercise seems easy to you over time, you can make it more difficult. Let's say you do it with dumbbells, add new movements, etc.

Tabata - complex-1

The workout includes only 4 exercises. They need to be done with maximum efficiency. Each exercise lasts 20 seconds with a break of 10 seconds.

From the video it may seem that everything is very easy. Believe me, you may not even be able to master this complex the first time. You just don't have the stamina. If a week of classes does not bring any results, then you feel sorry for yourself. But the fat won’t go away that easily. Therefore, go ahead and get busy!

Tabata - complex-2

There are only two exercises in this complex, but they are exhausting, be healthy. They work out the hips and abs very well, as there are squats and plank elements. Try to do deeper and more intense squats. Even the coach in this video is tired, because the video was successful in 4 takes

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