Deadlift for girls: benefits and technique of performing an amazing exercise

Deadlift – should girls do it? Sometimes we girls avoid the exercise and consider it too difficult. The deadlift is a basic exercise aimed mainly at working the back muscles, and for girls the primary task is to work on the lower body, legs and buttocks. So why do you still need deadlifts for girls?

Training program for girls in the gym

11 effective exercises for legs and buttocks

5 shoulder exercises for girls

The deadlift and its variations (Sumo, Stiff-legged deadlift, Single-legged deadlift) work the muscles of the lower body as much as the muscles of the back. By changing the execution technique, you can give your legs and buttocks more load and feel free to do Deadlifts on leg training day.


If you have problems with your spine, then Deadlifts may do more harm than good. Consult your doctor and trainer before adding deadlifts to your training program. Read on for options for replacing the exercise with lighter ones (with less load on the lower back).

Classic Deadlift

video - deadlift for girls
Correct technique

  • keep your back straight, with a natural arch in the lower back, the entire time you perform the exercise;
  • if in the initial position the back is parallel to the floor, then the back muscles will receive more load, the exercise begins with bringing the back to a vertical position and then straightening the legs (this version of the exercise is illustrated in the title image of the article on the left);
  • if in the initial position the thighs are parallel to the floor, then the muscles of the legs and buttocks will receive more load, the exercise begins with straightening the legs (push with the hips) and then bringing the back to a vertical position (this version of the exercise is illustrated in the title image of the article on the right);
  • the barbell does not need to be pulled by hands, they act as cables;
  • in the final position, the shoulder blades should be retracted, chest forward;
  • lowering the barbell begins with bending the knees, moving the buttocks back and simultaneously lowering the straight back forward;
  • the bar should move along a vertical trajectory, passing as close as possible to the shins and hips;
  • It is important to ensure that the back does not round, to keep it straight using the abdominal muscles and erector spinae, as well as the flattened shoulder blades.

Beginner girls need to strengthen their back and leg muscles before starting to do deadlifts. Do hyperextensions, pull-ups, squats and lunges.

How to learn to deadlift

This is one of the movements that is not recommended to be mastered on your own. And not out of coaching harm, or the desire to earn more money, but because almost no one himself can do it correctly the first time.

Let's start with the fact that there are different options for stances - classic, with feet hip-width apart, and sumo - with heels spread 10-20 cm wider than the pelvic bones. Which one is right? Many girls stand in sumo simply because the gluteal muscle works stronger in this position. And the approach is not always justified. If the legs are short enough in relation to the body, there is little flexibility, and the arms are also not very long, the result is an unstable posture and the athlete bends at the lower back, just to “get” the weight from the floor.

Which legs are “too” short? The textbooks say that if their length is approximately equal to the length of the body including the head, this is them. But in reality, flexibility plays a big role. Therefore, the legs can be from the “ears”, and deadlifting in sumo can still cause a lower back injury. But from the outside you can immediately see whether it is convenient for a person to perform deadlifts in a certain stance or not.

To establish the deadlift technique, you need to look for a weightlifting or powerlifting coach. In these disciplines, they teach you to take into account the anatomical features of the body, and use a technique that is safe for a particular person, and not one that, in theory, works better on the buttocks. If you really need the notorious fifth point, you can add a couple of isolating movements after the strength exercise. It’s easier and safer than doing sumo deadlifts at all costs.

Straight Leg Deadlift (Romanian Deadlift)

Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian Deadlift) - performance video for girls
Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian Deadlift) works well on the buttocks and biceps (back surface) of the thighs. The back straighteners also work, so this type of traction can be done on the day of training both the legs and buttocks and the back muscles.

Correct technique

  • take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width;
  • keep your back straight, bring your shoulder blades together;
  • the movement begins with simultaneous bending of the straight back forward and moving the buttocks back;
  • legs slightly bent at the knees (if stretching allows, keep your legs straight);
  • the bar slides along the thighs and the front of the shin;
  • the bar does not fall to the floor, the bar reaches approximately the middle of the shin (you should feel a stretch in the hamstrings);
  • there is no need to lower and raise the barbell sharply - the movement should be controlled, and the muscles should be tense throughout the exercise;
  • Concentrate on tensing your gluteal muscles during the exercise.

If your back straighteners are still weak, you can do Hyperextension with weights instead of the Romanian deadlift. For the hamstrings, do leg curls while lying on a machine.

What muscles work

Since the main movement occurs in the hip joint, the gluteal and hamstring muscles receive the main load.

In the classic version of the deadlift, in addition to the hip joint, the knee joint also bends. The movement resembles a half squat. Therefore, you can’t do without working the quadriceps.

The back extensor muscles work in a static mode, that is, they do not change their length throughout the entire exercise.

But, I remember, I said that the deadlift affects almost the entire body. And indeed it is! To hold the barbell in your hands, you need to tense the muscles of your forearms. And to stabilize the shoulder girdle, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles are included in the work. You see, deadlifting will not let you relax!

Romanian single leg deadlift

Romanian deadlift on one leg - performance video for girls
In the video (from 04:50) you can watch the technique of the Romanian deadlift on one leg.

Correct technique

  • hold on to a support with your left hand (a wall or a power rack for squats, for example);
  • hold a dumbbell in your right hand, it will slide along your thigh and lower leg as you lower it down;
  • standing on your right leg, slowly lower yourself down, move the thigh of your left leg back and up to a position almost parallel to the floor;
  • do not round your back, keep it straight;
  • Concentrate on tensing your gluteal muscles during the exercise.

Options for including deadlifting in your training program

The deadlift can be performed both on the day of leg training and on the back day. Since the exercise is hard, it is better to do it first. But this is not the rule. Just some advice.

Some people, on the contrary, perform the very last deadlift. Why? Because many people don’t have the strength to train further after it. If they do it first, then at least go home.

This option only makes sense when you are lifting very heavy weights. Some guys in my gym even set aside a separate day for deadlifting and do only that. Then they literally “crawl” home.

But these are guys, they are crazy in their own way))). You girls don’t need to “kill yourself” with just one deadlift. Do it either at the beginning or at the end of your workout, but together with other exercises.

When is leg day

Leg press in the simulator (incline)3-415-12
Deadlift or sumo deadlift3-415-12
Lunges (with barbell or dumbbells)2-315-12

When is the day back

Vertical block thrust3-415-12
Classic deadlift2-315-12
Horizontal pull-down to the stomach while sitting3-415-12

Dear girls, if you don’t yet know the names of certain exercises and how to perform them, you can always type their name into a search engine and see everything either in picture or video format.

Just in case, below I have posted images of some exercises from the tables, the names of which not all girls know.

This concludes my article - I consider the material exhausted. Apply it, develop and be careful with the loads. Write your reviews about the stanovoy in the comments (who does it, who doesn’t, why, etc.). I'd be interested to know your opinion!

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Sumo Deadlift

video - Sumo Deadlift for girls - technique
When performing the Sumo Deadlift, the muscles of the legs and buttocks, in particular the adductor muscles of the hips, are more involved in the work. This allows you to lift more weight than in the Classic Deadlift. To prepare for the exercise, beginners can be advised to do leg raises/extensions while sitting in a machine to strengthen the hip adductors. You can also do sumo squats.

Correct technique

  • place your feet much wider than your shoulders, spread your toes at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • a straight grip slightly wider than the shoulders (a variant with a “different grip” - when one of the palms is under the barbell and the other on top - will allow you to hold more weight in your hands and is used when the barbell with the working weight slips out of your hands with a normal straight grip);
  • at the lowest point, the thighs will be parallel to the floor, the shin will be at an angle of 90 degrees, the back will be straight and slightly leaning forward;
  • shoulder blades retracted, chest forward, back straight;
  • The lifting of the barbell from the floor begins with a push with the hips.

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Choose the optimal working weight

You should always start your deadlift with an empty bar, even if you plan to lift 200kg. Do a few warm-up reps with the bar unloaded.

After warming up, choose the optimal weight for you. Remember that if you can do 13 reps without feeling any strain, then the weight is too light for you. Don't be afraid, you won't swing to incredible sizes even if you want to, because you are not a man, but a woman, and you do not have the appropriate hormones. Partial squats will not bring any benefit because the leg muscles are used to working every day, and only heavy weight will give positive results.

Tips and reviews

Deadlifts for the buttocks are perhaps the most effective exercise for shaping a beautiful butt in a girl. According to most reviews and expert opinions, it is even more effective than weighted squats, since in the latter case the quadriceps are trained to a greater extent. Athletes who regularly practice deadlifts in their training note that progress can be seen after just a month.

Despite all its effectiveness, deadlifts for the buttocks are no less dangerous to health if done incorrectly. So, if a person lifts a lot of weight and his back is not straight, then he runs the risk of getting a spinal hernia. Therefore, experts and athletes recommend: before proceeding to perform the exercise in question, it is necessary to strengthen the general physical condition of the body. It is recommended to master the deadlift technique for the buttocks on an empty bar, and as it improves, increase the weight lifted. In addition, before the first approach you should always perform a warm-up set of exercises.

Deadlift standards for all categories awpcwpc

There are several classifications with different standards depending on the equipment according to the international powerlifting organization (ipf) awpc/wpc. The standards depend on the sports category:

  1. In single layer WPC gear

    Single layer equipment

  2. In single layer AWPC gear

    Single layer equipment

  3. In multi-layer WPC gear

    Multilayer equipment

  4. In multi-layer AWPC gear

    Multilayer equipment

  5. Without WPC equipment

    Without equipment

  6. Without AWPC equipment

    Without equipment

Explanation of symbols:

  • MSMK - master of sports of international class
  • MS - master of sports
  • Candidate for master of sports (candidate for master of sports)
  • I - first rank
  • II - second category
  • III - third category
  • I (yu) - first youth category
  • II(yu) - second youth category
  • WPC - World Powerlifting Congress, international powerlifting federation (WPC)
  • AWPC - Amateur World Powerlifting Congress, WPC amateur league, doping control is in place during competitions (AWPC)
  • IPF - International Powerlifting Federation IPF

At what stage of the exercise do the buttocks work?

From a physiological point of view, the gluteal muscles contract throughout the entire exercise, but the load placed on them is uneven. So, in the initial stage, the quadriceps are mainly involved. When other muscles begin to connect, the load on the butt muscles increases.

The deadlift for the buttocks maximally loads the latter in the final phase of the exercise, that is, when the bar approaches waist level. It is important to remember this and strain your buttocks as much as possible at the final stage. If you do not pay due attention to what has been said, then the load is redistributed in favor of the back muscles, which is undesirable not only from an aesthetic point of view (a girl wants to pump up her butt, not her back), but also from a safety point of view (any additional load on the spine is harmful ).

What muscles are involved in dumbbell rows?

We have already understood that dumbbell rows are a basic exercise and involve several joints. But you also need to understand that not only the back is involved in the work, but there are also assistant muscles.

  1. Latissimus dorsi muscles.
    Of course, the lion's share of the load falls on the latissimus dorsi muscles, which is good news (after all, they are the ones we are going to pump up). In this case, the degree of impact may vary depending on the tilt of the body. If the angle of inclination is 90°, then the lower part of the lats will receive the load, but if it is 45° then the upper part will be more involved in the work.
  2. Trapezoid
    . The trapezoid will also receive a load, but this load will be indirect. So, of course, we will not be able to develop it by doing this exercise. You can learn more about the trapezius and its development from the article about Shrags.
  3. Posterior delta bundle
    . There are several points here. If you perform dumbbell rows with the correct technique, the rear head of the delta will receive minimal load. But if the technique is lame and performed incorrectly, then the posterior fascicle will work as the main muscle, and the latissimus will not receive its load (if it falls on them at all).
  4. Biceps
    . Of course, since the elbow joint is involved when performing dumbbell rows to the belt, it is logical that it will be involved in the work. With the correct technique, it is almost not involved and will perform a stabilizing effect. And with poor technique, the biceps will be loaded to the maximum and take the load from the back.
  5. Abs
    spinal extensors
    . Since in the exercise the work occurs at an angle, the back should be straight. Then our muscles will work to stabilize the torso.

Lowering the apparatus to the floor and completing the exercise

The coordinated action of all parts of the body leads to the lifting of the projectile until the knee and hip joints are fully straightened. The position of the back remains level, arms straight. Particular attention should be paid to the shoulder girdle, when the bar is at the top point, the shoulders should be pulled back as much as possible so that the shoulder blades begin to touch each other, the chest moves forward, the athlete exhales.

Having lifted the apparatus, many athletes believe that the deadlift for the buttocks is almost completed, they lose concentration and are careless about the phase of returning the barbell to the floor. This is the most common mistake, because from a safety point of view, lowering the weight correctly is just as important as lifting it. Therefore, experts recommend maintaining concentration until the end and lowering the barbell to the floor, observing all the above listed nuances of lifting it, only in reverse order.

Below is a detailed video explaining how to perform glute deadlifts.

Buttocks, hips and back: how to do deadlifts correctly

Deadlift is one of the most popular exercises for developing the gluteal muscles, back muscles and hips. This movement is usually performed not only in the gym, but also in a number of group exercises, as well as in functional training, including in the fashionable direction - crossfit. The deadlift is considered one of the most traumatic exercises, because high-quality technique is not given to everyone, and the desire to lift more weight, especially in men, often prevails over common sense, as a result of which a person receives a guaranteed back injury.

But if you perform the exercise as clearly as possible, following all the rules, then a good result will not keep you waiting long, and there will be no harm to your health. It remains to understand which version of the deadlift is right for you, because there are four types: classic, Romanian, sumo and deadlift. Read about this in the material of columnist, fitness trainer, TV presenter Eduard Kanevsky.

Photo courtesy of the author

Safety precautions

The deadlift is an exercise that works your back hard. If, before starting classes, you have back pain, especially in the lumbar region, and, moreover, you have previously been diagnosed with intervertebral protrusion or hernia, then it is better not to include this exercise in your training. In any case, be sure to consult a neurologist, and, if performing the movement is not prohibited, contact a professional trainer to help give you the technique for performing a specific variation of the exercise. Be that as it may, the most important rule when performing any type of deadlift: the back should be as straight as possible; even with a small weight, rounding the back is strictly prohibited.

Photo courtesy of the author

Classic deadlift

An excellent exercise for those who want to gain mass in their back and legs. The main emphasis is on the back, but the legs are also heavily involved in the work. This exercise is more suitable for men and girls who also want to increase muscle mass. A special feature of the exercise is the ability to take on large weights, which provokes an increase in muscle mass.

  • In the starting position, the barbell is on the floor.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, and lower yourself into a squat position.
  • The feet should be located under the bar.
  • Firmly grip the bar slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Inhale and, holding your breath, begin to rise to the top so that your body does not lean forward.
  • When the bar passes the level of your knees, begin to exhale.
  • At the top point, strongly squeeze your shoulder blades and make a slight fixation, your legs should be straightened.
  • While inhaling, under control, take the starting position.

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In order to perform the exercise as correctly as possible, you must understand that the movement begins not from the back and legs, but from the upward movement of the head, that is, you are always looking strictly in front of you or even higher. As soon as you lower your head, you begin to intuitively slouch, and this is already dangerous. This advice applies to all types of deadlifts.

Sumo deadlift

A deadlift option that is also great for those working to increase muscle mass and strength. As a rule, tall people use this option more often to reduce the range of motion due to height. This will allow you to take on more weight and minimize the risk of back injury.

  • In the starting position, the barbell is on the floor.
  • Place your feet significantly wider than your shoulders and turn your feet at a 45-degree angle.
  • Lower yourself into a squat position without your knees hanging over the bar.
  • Grasp the bar slightly narrower than shoulder width.
  • Inhale and, holding your breath, begin to rise to the top so that your body does not lean forward.
  • When the bar passes the level of your knees, begin to exhale.
  • At the top point, strongly squeeze your shoulder blades and make a slight fixation, your legs are straightened.
  • While inhaling, under control, take the starting position.

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Romanian deadlift

An exercise invented by athletes from Romania to better work the muscles of the hamstrings and gluteus maximus. This exercise is great for girls to work on the mentioned areas. Moreover, the movement strengthens the back muscles well. As a rule, in this variation it is not customary to work with heavy weights, which means that the risk of injury is reduced.

  • In this variation, the barbell is usually taken from special racks. The height of the racks should be such that you can pick up the barbell while sitting down slightly, which will reduce the risk of injury if the racks are too high.
  • The legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width, the feet are parallel to each other.
  • Take the bar, straighten your back, and take the starting position: bring your shoulder blades together, look forward, legs straight.
  • Slowly, while inhaling, begin to lower your body forward so that your legs simultaneously bend at the knee joint, but only slightly.
  • As you move down, make sure the bar slides along your legs.
  • At the lowest point, the body should be parallel to the floor, and the knees should be bent at a slight angle. It is in this position that the back of the thigh receives a good load.
  • Slowly, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

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It is not for nothing that this variation of the deadlift received such a name, because, unlike the Romanian deadlift, in the deadlift the legs remain straight constantly, in any phase of the movement, which means that the back of the thigh and back experience severe tension, which can lead to serious injury. If you want to try this variation, which works the hamstrings even more, remember that it can be done with light weight.

  • In this variation, as in the Romanian deadlift, the barbell is usually taken from special racks. The height of the racks should be such that you can pick up the barbell while sitting down slightly, which will reduce the risk of injury if the racks are too high.
  • The legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width, the feet are parallel to each other.
  • Take the bar, straighten your back, and take the starting position: bring your shoulder blades together, look forward.
  • Slowly, as you inhale, begin to lower your body forward, without bending your legs at all.
  • As you move down, make sure the bar slides along your legs.
  • At the lowest point, the body should be parallel to the floor and the legs should be straight.
  • Slowly, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

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As you can see, there are quite a few options for deadlifts. If you are a man, I recommend performing classic deadlifts and sumo deadlifts; when working on mass, you need to do three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions.

For girls, the Romanian deadlift is better; perform this exercise in three sets, 15–20 repetitions. Be sure to perform deadlifts with light weights, at least 20 repetitions.

Have a good workout.

Plot: Life in Ri with Eduard Kanevsky

Pros and cons of this exercise

Bent-over dumbbell rows, like any other exercise, have their pros and cons. The advantages include: Large range of motion Since the dumbbells are not connected to each other in any way, nothing prevents them from being taken as far as possible to the top. On the same barbell, for example, the bar will not be raised above a certain level, as it will rest against your stomach. And the greater the amplitude of movement, the better the muscles are worked out. Prostate exercise The trick here is that when working with a barbell, you need to try to maintain the weight of the barbell and the balance of your body at the same time. When working with dumbbells, this problem is solved by transferring the weight to the supporting arm and leg. Thanks to this, we can not think about a stable position, but focus on working the target muscle. (this point does not apply to the option Dumbbell rows to the waist with two hands). The disadvantages include: More time spent on training. This is due to the fact that when working with a dumbbell we work each part of the back separately. Of course, if you have enough time to train and no household chores distract you, then this minus does not concern you. But there are still people who have a busy schedule and time means a lot to them. This problem is very easy to solve by choosing the option of working with two dumbbells at once. Working with less weight Of course, with a barbell you can work with much more weight, since two sides of the latissimus muscles are included in the work at once. Here it’s up to you to decide what you choose: greater amplitude or greater weight. I can only say one thing. Be sure to include the DUMBBELL ROW in your training program and you will be able to achieve the ideal shape of your back muscles. And most importantly, do not forget about the correct exercise technique.

General recommendations for performing back exercises with dumbbells

When performing back exercises with dumbbells, you need to consider some recommendations:

You need to start your workout with a warm-up. Particular attention should be paid to the lower back. If you have back injuries, sprains, spinal diseases, as well as certain diseases (heart disease, asthma, etc.), significant physical activity should be avoided. You need to start training with light weights. It is recommended to increase the load gradually. For some exercises, it is recommended to use an athletic belt, especially if there are problems with the spine. The technique of performing the exercise is of primary importance. If possible, consult a doctor before starting classes, and conduct training with a trainer. Watch your breathing: important.

The main recommendation is compliance with the technique, as well as other precautionary rules and the principle of gradual progression. The main recommendation is compliance with the technique, as well as other precautionary rules and the principle of gradual progression

The main recommendation is compliance with the technique, as well as other precautionary rules and the principle of gradual progression

Mistakes and safety precautions when performing the exercise

To properly learn how to do the Romanian deadlift correctly and safely, you should familiarize yourself with some common mistakes when performing it and useful tips on how to avoid them.
In principle, many of these rules/mistakes/tips have already been mentioned here, at least in passing. However, as the author of the article, I consider it necessary to write about them in a separate paragraph, with some additions.

  • When performing the “Romanian”, you should under no circumstances make sudden movements or jerks. This training involves only smooth and slow movements.
  • You should not immediately use a large weight of sports equipment. This will not lead to anything good in the end. Try to increase the weight gradually. When you get used to the initial weight and it already seems like two fingers on the asphalt, you can slightly increase the load.
  • Be sure to choose comfortable and light clothes and shoes.
  • Try not to violate the starting starting position - it was described for a reason and was not pulled out of thin air.
  • Never lose your correct stance and don't be afraid to lose your balance by moving your leg back. This applies, in particular, to the “crane”.
  • Follow the rules of breathing. When tilting the body, take a deep breath, and when straightening, exhale.
  • Do not disturb the order of execution.
  • Do not tip back in a vertical position.
  • Don't lower your head down, but look straight.
  • Do not arch or round your back under any circumstances.
  • Pull your shoulders back until your shoulder blades come together, and do not lift them up.
  • Do not place the sports equipment far from your feet. The barbell or dumbbells should be located as close to them as possible, almost flush.
  • If you cannot hold the weight, then you should not intercept the bar by bending your elbow. It's better to stop the activity and try to take less weight.

If all safety rules and techniques for performing this training are observed, positive results in the form of elastic, pumped up buttocks and thighs will not take long to arrive. We hope that you found this article useful, informative and interesting. We wish you good luck in your training and a beautiful body!

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