Proper nutrition for losing weight on thighs and buttocks

To restore slimness to your thighs and buttocks, you need to give up just 5 foods. You will find a list of them, as well as 5 menu options for reducing problem areas and a set of super-effective exercises in the article.

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/10/2020

Excessive consumption of sweets, carbonated drinks and flour provokes the deposition of fat in the thighs and buttocks. To get rid of extra centimeters in this area, you will have to work hard, and perhaps go on a special diet. The varieties, features and results of some of them will be discussed in this text.

Basic recommendations

  1. A diet for losing weight in the thighs and buttocks prohibits the consumption of so-called fast carbohydrates. Such products include sweets, cakes, white bread, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, etc.
  2. To become slimmer, you need to give up salt. It retains fluid in the body. Herbs and lemon juice will help improve the taste of dishes.
  3. And, of course, you will have to exclude alcohol from your diet. It worsens metabolism.
  4. Fermented milk products with a minimal percentage of fat content are considered sources of protein and excellent helpers in the fight for slender thighs. Be sure to add cottage cheese, kefir, and natural yogurt to your diet menu.
  5. Eat more vegetables and grains. They contain fiber, which is necessary for weight loss and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Include lean meat in your diet; it is preferable to steam it, boil it, or bake it in the oven or grill; it is better to refrain from fried meat.
  7. Maintain drinking regime. In addition to green tea and black coffee to finish your meal, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water throughout the day.

For the maximum effect of the program for burning fat in the thighs and buttocks, you must devote at least a quarter of an hour to physical exercise every day. Raise your legs while lying on your side; while standing, swing backwards and to the sides; squeeze the rubber ball with your knees; go jogging or yoga. Massage, wraps and contrast showers will be useful and will help you lose weight.


There are several effective methods for losing weight in the hips and buttocks. The shortest diet lasts 5 days, the longest – 2 weeks. Depending on your goal and willpower, you can choose the option that is ideal for you.

For 5 days

If you don't have enviable endurance, then most likely a five-day marathon is what you need. In such a short period of time, you can reduce your volume by a couple of centimeters, and if you add daily exercise to your diet, the effectiveness will be many times better. And most importantly, follow the drinking regime!

Approximate menu:


  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal, boiled in water, with pieces of fruit added.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled beef; fruit salad.
  • Dinner: 100 gr. cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content; a glass of kefir.


  • Breakfast: a couple of quail eggs or one soft-boiled chicken.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled pollock; cabbage and carrot salad.
  • Dinner: fruit slices.


  • Breakfast: fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt.
  • Lunch: 150 g of boiled white meat; buckwheat steamed with boiling water.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast: 150 gr. cottage cheese; 200 ml low-fat yoghurt.
  • Lunch: 200 gr. steamed tuna; green pea.
  • Dinner: salad of your favorite fruit.


  • Breakfast: whole grain toast; a couple of slices of hard cheese; a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch: any of the menus suggested above.
  • Dinner: green salad.

You can eat fruits as snacks and for an afternoon snack; give preference to apples, pears, citrus fruits or mangoes.

For 7 days

The 7-day marathon to reduce thigh volume is suitable for those who are ready to limit themselves in food even for a week. There are many positive reviews on the Internet about this weight loss method, so it is perfect for achieving your goal.

You are allowed to eat no more than 1300 kcal per day.

Sample menu

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg; tomato and cucumber (if desired, you can make a salad from them, but seasoning it with oil and salt is not recommended).

  • Lunch: favorite fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 ml vegetable soup; 150 grams of boiled white meat; a piece of Borodino bread; glass of fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable slices; any fruit.
  • Dinner: Stewed or steamed vegetables that do not contain starch.

For 2 week

The longest diet for hips and buttocks lasts half a month. During this period, volumes literally melt away. Therefore, if you have an important event planned, and your favorite dress has become narrow in that very place, then this program was developed especially for you.

First day

  • Breakfast: 100 ml low-fat yogurt; whole grain toast; tomato; apple.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of boiled white meat; vegetable salad seasoned with a little olive oil and lemon juice; a slice of grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: a couple of tablespoons of boiled beans; toast.
  • Dinner: cauliflower, stewed or steamed; 2 pieces of hard cheese; tomato; baked apple with honey.

Second day

  • Breakfast: 100 grams of baked fish; 25 g boiled mushrooms; toast; berry jam without sugar.
  • Lunch: coleslaw, drizzled with olive oil; 3 slices of cheese; bran bread; a few grapes.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable soup; toast; sour apple.
  • Dinner: potatoes, boiled in their jackets; 150 grams of baked fish; bell pepper; green bean.

The diet menu is repeated every 2 days. On Sunday you are allowed to eat as usual. However, it is advisable to avoid junk food - fried, salty and fatty foods.

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Efficient nutrition

A tasty and healthy diet for losing weight in your legs and thighs is a fruit diet. The idea is to eat plenty of fruits, which can help curb hunger. In addition to this, the body receives the required amount of nutrients with a minimum set of calories.

It is not recommended to eat bananas and grapes as they can cause constipation and gas. Fruits do not contain proteins, so you can use dairy products to replenish your daily supply.

Fruit-based diets can be very diverse:

  • Prepare salads and season them with yogurt or kefir;
  • Combine cottage cheese with fruits.;
  • Prepare porridge with the addition of fruits;
  • Make smoothies;
  • Prepare casseroles.

For taste, you can add a little cinnamon, nuts and honey. Although the diet seems beneficial, it is not recommended to use it for more than a week. Plant products are suitable for prevention when doing a fasting day.

During the season, it is best to use watermelons and melons. This diet has a great effect on the legs and hips, relieves women from swelling, and improves the condition of the skin. Watermelon helps remove toxins, and melon slightly weakens. There are no strict restrictions, the main thing is to eat fruit throughout the day.

Diet options

Express method Rosemary Conley

The famous American nutritionist Rosemary Conley also developed an effective diet for legs. By the way, it was she who discovered the truth: if you need to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than the body expends; if you want to maintain your weight, the number of calories consumed must be equal to the number expended, but if you eat more than the body is able to expend, then you will have to wait for the extra kg not for long.

So, the essence of Conley's technique is to eat foods with minimal fat content. You should avoid lemonade, alcohol and drinks that contain fatty milk. Fatty fish, meats and cheeses, cream sauce, egg yolks, sausages, pastries and cakes, nuts and sunflower seeds, snacks (chips, crackers, etc.) are also prohibited.

To lose weight in your thighs, there is no need to count calories, just give up fatty foods, eat 5 times a day, and reduce your usual portions.

Sample menu for the day

  • Breakfast: muesli bars; mug of cocoa with skim milk.
  • Lunch: apple or carrot salad with celery.
  • Lunch: boiled chicken breast; cucumber, carrot or tomato.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, grapefruit or orange.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of lean beef, baked in foil; 30 g boiled mushrooms; baked potato; fruits.

It is recommended to practice such a menu until the desired result is obtained, but you should not abuse the diet. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Anti-cellulite program

It is believed that cellulite appears only on full legs, but in fact one of its causes is a violation of microcirculation and metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat tissue. There is a diet for hips and buttocks that aims to solve this problem. The basis is to avoid foods that cause water retention in the body and consume large amounts of fruits and vegetables.

Sample menu for the week:

Breakfasts are the same every day: 20-30 grams of diet bread (rice, rye or buckwheat), a cup of green tea without sugar, 1-2 teaspoons of natural honey. The remaining meals should be as follows:


  • Lunch: a tablespoon of boiled rice; a couple of tablespoons of vegetable salad sprinkled with olive oil; 2-3 pieces of cheese; one big apple.
  • Dinner: 100 gram piece of baked beef; 1/2 boiled beets; 200 ml of milk with a minimum percentage of fat content; a piece of bread.


  • Lunch: the same portion of beef as yesterday; 100 gr. mashed potatoes (you can put a teaspoon of butter in it); 40 g of durum wheat pasta.
  • Dinner: one stewed carrot; 150 gr. pear, banana and grapefruit salad.


  • Lunch: 150 g baked flounder; grated carrots with celery, seasoned with vegetable oil; bread
  • Dinner: soup with weak meat broth; beef escalope; a piece of cheese.


  • Lunch: rice soup with herbs; 100 gr. stewed liver; boiled beans for garnish; slice of cheese.
  • Dinner: soft-boiled egg; 150 g salad of radish, tomato, iceberg leaves and dill, drizzled with olive oil.


  • Lunch: 100 g baked rabbit meat; 40 g pasta; 200 gr. spinach; 100 gr. green apples.
  • Dinner: sandwich of bran bread (300 g), tomato and low-fat cheese; orange.


  • Lunch: a serving of onion soup; 100 grams of baked perch with the same amount of potatoes; grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of beef stew; the same portion of green peas; 2-3 pieces of tomato; apple.


  • Lunch: spaghetti in tomato sauce with grated cheese; 100 gr. roast beef; 150 g steamed pumpkin; pear; 200 ml milk.
  • Dinner: 2 egg omelette with cheese; 2 loaves of bread; apple.

Products that should be in a proper diet for losing weight on thighs and buttocks:

  • vegetables, berries, fruits; special attention should be paid to citrus fruits, apples, pears, strawberries, cranberries, sweet peppers, cabbage of any kind, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens;
  • suppliers of complete protein: fermented milk products, lean poultry, rabbit, veal, beef, seafood;
  • sources of healthy fats: salmon, mackerel, herring, nuts, seeds, avocado, vegetable oils, in particular flaxseed and olive;
  • whole grain cereals and pasta from durum cereals will provide energy and slow carbohydrates, which are not stored as fat and give a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • pure water, green tea, rosehip infusion, herbs, natural coffee in moderation, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.


At the very beginning of the conversation, we said that the result of a diet for the hips and buttocks will be many times more effective if you combine it with physical exercises for the legs. Their main task is to improve blood flow in the problem area and “stir up” fat deposits.

The best time to practice is in the evening, a couple of hours after dinner.

There are a lot of complexes, but the most effective are the following:

  1. Lie on your left side. Bend your right leg at the knee. Raise your left and exhale. Repeat the exercise 8 times. Roll over to the other side. Do the same for your right leg. In total you need to do 3 approaches.
  2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands behind your head. Do 50 squats, trying to keep your back straight.
  3. Starting position is the same as in the first exercise - lying on your right side, support your head with your right hand. Raise your left leg towards the ceiling and exhale. Lower your leg to the floor, inhale. Repeat 10 times. Turn over to the other side, lift your right leg.

On the Internet you can find several more complexes for losing weight in the hips and buttocks. In addition to physical activity, we recommend taking a contrast shower (it improves blood circulation), doing scrubbing and wraps; for this, choose products with fat-burning ingredients.

Products: do's and don'ts?

First, about the sad things. To achieve this goal, you will have to give up a number of products. In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • smoked meats,
  • fried food,
  • chocolate,
  • some types of fruits (grapes),
  • coffee.

In addition, the diet for losing weight on thighs in a week (more stringent than the two-week version) is based on a complete rejection of spices. Even if they are natural.

Fruits (except grapes) and vegetables can be eaten. But only in strictly defined quantities. Since they make up a significant part of the diet, you need to start losing weight in early to mid-August. It's time for natural fruits and vegetables. Pay special attention to melons - melons and watermelons. They contain substances that perfectly burn fat deposits in problem areas of the legs.

Permitted types of food also include:

  • potato,
  • mushrooms,
  • lean meat.

You can eat yogurt (dietary only!) and tea. The last one should be green. In general, the hard option for losing weight involves giving up the latter. If this is really difficult for you, drink green tea intermittently - at least every other day.

How to combine permitted products and what dishes are best prepared from them will be discussed below.

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