What does a can of Diet Coke do to your body?

Many people believe that Diet Coke is a tasty salvation from extra pounds. A glass of regular soda contains about 85 kcal, a glass of diet cola contains 0 kcal. Dieters love to include the product in their daily diet: tasty, sweet, not nutritious.

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Let's take a closer look at the composition of this drink - it contains sweeteners aspartame and potassium acesulfate, as well as orthophosphoric acid (gives a sour taste), sodium citrate (to regulate acidity) and phenylalanine (flavoring additive).

Among these substances, of course, there are no prohibited additives; as for sweeteners, the issue remains controversial, since researchers on this topic are divided into two camps: supporters of sweeteners and their opponents.

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However, some argue that the components listed on the bottle are not all that Diet Coke hides. Nobody knows the final recipe for this food product, because it is almost the intellectual property of this company, although one rule always applies to food products - there must be a 100% open recipe.

Diet Coke or Cola Light

After 10 minutes: tricks your taste buds and attacks your teeth

Phosphoric acid attacks the enamel of your teeth, while artificial sweeteners such as aspartame enter your system. Aspartame can trick your taste buds into thinking your body is processing sugar.

In 20 minutes

Switches to fat-storing mode
Like regular Coke, Diet Coke triggers insulin, which puts your body into fat-storing mode. A number of studies have shown that the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease increases.

In 40 minutes

May be addictive
The combination of caffeine and aspartame results in a brief “high” that is addictive in the same way that cocaine is. Excitotoxins are produced that deplete your brain by overstimulating its neuroreceptors, especially if you drink Diet Coke regularly.

After 60 minutes: deprives you of nutrients, makes you hungry and thirsty

Unlike the satisfaction you get from regular Coca-Cola, Diet Coke may leave your body craving something sweet. This will likely cause you to drink another can of Coke or eat another junk food that you think is safe, and the cycle will continue.

A Can of Diet Coke Doesn't Provide You with Nutrients

and replaces a more nutritious drink, depriving your body of essential minerals.

She won't quench my thirst

, as it dehydrates rather than provides you with fluid. Not drinking enough water can lead to brain fog, poor concentration, fatigue and irritability.

Composition and calorie content

A serving of Pepsi Light (100 g) contains:

  • carbohydrates - 10 g,
  • protein - 0 g,
  • fats - 0 g.

The product does not contain sugar or fat, and is therefore considered safe for your figure. Includes auxiliary components:

  1. Sodium citrate is a substance that helps stabilize the acid-base balance in the body. In the sports field, it is used to increase endurance and training productivity.
  2. Phosphoric acid is highly acidic and can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to drink the drink with clean water or rinse the mouth thoroughly after drinking.
  3. Caffeine - tones, invigorates, increases the threshold of fatigue and activity. But in large doses it can cause an increase in blood pressure, especially in people with hypertension.

A pleasant taste is achieved thanks to special sweeteners and sweeteners, small amounts of clove and lemon oils, and vanillin. The energy value of 100 g of drink is 0 calories.

The sweeteners themselves are not toxic, but can form toxic substances when boiled or at excessively high temperatures. Drinking a chilled drink completely eliminates such risks.

But, according to some nutritionists, the carbon dioxide present in cola stimulates the production of gastric juice, which can awaken appetite and cause hunger.

Cola zero in most cases also includes an ingredient such as phosphoric acid. This does not affect the process of losing weight, but can cause the removal of calcium from the body, increased bone fragility and the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Harm of aspartame sweetener

All drinks with similar ingredients will have the same or similar effect.

In fact, drinks containing aspartame are worse for the body than those containing sugar.

Diet Coke Increases Risk of Diabetes

more than regular sugary carbonated drinks.
Sweeteners are more addictive
and are a thousand times sweeter than regular sugar.

Additionally, sweeteners cause a decrease in levels of the hunger-suppressing hormone leptin, which is why Diet Coke causes hunger.

, and you are not satisfied with the usual amount of food.

Finally, when you consume chemicals that your body can't process, you produce more visceral fat.

, enveloping harmful substances and preventing them from reaching vital organs.

"Coca-Cola Light": calorie content, beneficial properties, benefits and harm

The carbonated soft drink has remained popular since it was invented by American chemist John Pemberton in 1886, followed by the Coca-Cola brand name and famous bottle design a decade later. Now the company produces not only the universally recognizable format of the drink, but also a dietary version.

A little history

For centuries, the drink has delighted its fans with its unchanged composition and recognizable taste. The bouquet of the drink is unique and its production is kept secret from competitors. Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the dangers of cola, but not everyone knows what exactly its harm is. It is believed that Coca-Cola Light is completely harmless, because it contains no empty calories.

At the beginning of cola production, the ingredients were not only unhealthful, they were simply dangerous. After all, one of the main components was an extract from the leaves of the coca plant. Much later, they learned to make a drug from these same leaves.

But at that time, more and more new soda lovers found a refreshing and invigorating drink. Due to the fact that there have been cases of overdose of the soft drink, the recipe was slightly changed.

An extract from another part of the plant, which did not contain narcotic substances, was added to the drink.

Composition and calorie content

Everyone knows that the recipe for cola is a closely guarded secret. However, there is still some data. The composition of Coca-Cola Light differs from regular Coca-Cola only in the absence of sugar. In addition to extracts from the leaves of the plant, the composition includes sugar or aspartame, caffeine, citric acid, vanilla, and caramel.

To create exactly that unique aroma and taste of soda that is popular all over the world, a secret mix of aromatic oils was compiled. Oils of orange, lemon, cinnamon, nutmeg, coriander and neroli in certain proportions allow you to recognize the taste of Coca-Cola even with your eyes closed.

The calorie content of regular Coca-Cola is 42 kcal per 100 g. Soda contains 10.4 g of carbohydrates.


Considering that no one drinks cola in 100-gram glasses, more and more consumers are choosing Coca-Cola Light, which contains 0 calories.

The sugar in this drink has been replaced with artificial sweeteners - this is how manufacturers got rid of the high calorie content of Coca-Cola Light. Has these changes made cola any more harmless?

Negative effects of the drink on the body

So much has been said and written about the dangers of Coca-Cola. Everyone knows that carbonated drinks are very bad. And the harm from Coca-Cola Light is no less than from other carbonated drinks. But why is it bad and how little is it, anyone wonders.

There is not a single healthy carbonated drink. The reason lies not only in the content of a large amount of sugar, but also in carbon dioxide and other acids found in the pop.

Coca-Cola Light does not contain sugar, but there are very dangerous sugar substitutes: aspartame and sodium cyclamate. These substances are considered carcinogenic. Therefore, light is increasingly consumed by patients with diabetes and obese people.

Which only worsens their health problems. Drinks with aspartame may encourage people to consume sugary foods because...

After consuming artificial sweeteners, the body loses the ability to accurately estimate the number of calories consumed.

Carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola Light or Zero do not provide any nutritional value to the body: they do not contain any beneficial vitamins, minerals, or fiber.

The caffeine in cola may also pose certain health risks. Although the amount of caffeine in this soda is relatively small compared to a cup of coffee, some people may be very sensitive to its effects. These include pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions that cause the body to absorb caffeine more slowly than usual.

Caffeine can cause unpleasant side effects such as anxiety, irritability, and difficulty sleeping, especially when consumed in excess.

Despite the fact that Coca-Cola is indeed a very sweet product, even without sugar, it is also salty. Few people know about this fact, however, one standard serving of cola contains 40 mg of sodium. What makes this drink deadly for people with hypertension. Salt is known to have the properties of increasing blood pressure.


The content of orthophosphoric and citric acids in the drink leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Acids have an aggressive effect on the lining of the stomach and can also destroy tooth enamel. Frequent consumption of cola, whether regular or diet cola, causes osteoporosis because it leaches essential calcium from the bones.

Drinking cola with ice, which is how most people drink it, does not allow food to be completely digested in the stomach, which leads to gastritis, ulcers, and intestinal problems.

Benefits of Drinking Diet Coke

Based on the above, it can be understood that Coca-Cola, even light, is a completely unsafe product. However, consuming it in small quantities can sometimes even be beneficial for some groups of people.

By the way, diabetics are deprived of the joy of eating sweet foods. Therefore, they may well occasionally treat themselves to a glass of Coca-Cola Light, which will not raise the level of insulin in the blood.

Nowadays a healthy lifestyle is widely promoted, where proper nutrition and clean water occupy the main place. When eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits, which contain a lot of fiber, a bezoar stone may form in the stomach.

Cola can dissolve it. The high acidity of the carbonated drink acts as a stomach acid and can relieve severe abdominal pain, dissolve stones and allow food to be digested. But in this case, it should be used under the supervision of a doctor.

Coca-Cola Light (or Zero) can help you concentrate. A little cola will allow the caffeine to quickly enter the bloodstream and make you feel more alert.

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What processes does cola cause?

A couple of minutes after drinking cola, the sugar contained in a glass of drink deals a deadly blow to the body. The only reason why huge amounts of sugar do not cause vomiting is phosphoric acid, which interferes with the action of sugar. Then there is a sharp increase in insulin in the blood. The liver converts excess sugar into fat.

Caffeine is absorbed a little later. Blood pressure increases, preventing drowsiness. The body begins to produce the hormone dopamine. Phosphoric acid binds minerals in the blood and removes them from the body through urine. The diuretic effect of the drink begins. All water contained in Coca-Cola is removed. And thirst arises.

Coca-Cola Light and diet

Those who have been on a diet know how difficult it can be to fight the feeling of eating something sweet. Some have good willpower and can resist themselves. Others allow themselves to relax a little.

According to reviews from those losing weight, Coca-Cola Light helps a lot on a diet. It seems like I ate something sweet, but without the calories. Some nutritionists even advise drinking a Diet Coke occasionally to prevent a breakdown.

Whether to try it for yourself or not is everyone’s business. But the harm from cola should be taken into account.

How to use it on the farm?

There are areas of use of cola for which it does not matter whether it is beneficial or harmful.

There are many tips online on how to use the drink around the house.

For example, you can clean tiles or pipes from rust. You can also descale a kettle by boiling it with cola.

You can even wash it with cola. If you soak a greasy stain on clothing in Coca-Cola, the grease will quickly dissolve.

Coca-Cola can be used both internally and at home. Before use, it is better to weigh the pros and cons. And then drink a glass of clean water.

Source: https://fb.ru/article/323706/koka-kola-layt-kaloriynost-poleznyie-svoystva-polza-i-vred

Healthy Drinks Instead of Diet Soda

· If you can't give up sugary sodas, look for drinks with stevia

(natural sweetener).

Drink still mineral water with fresh lemon or lime and honey

if you prefer a sweet taste.

Drink green tea

if you want the energizing effect of caffeine without the jitters. L-theanine contained in green tea counteracts the negative effects of caffeine on the nervous system and increases alpha waves in the brain.

· Kefir

not only tastes good, but is also rich in probiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

· Learn to make smoothies or cocktails from fruits and vegetables

, which are not only tasty, but also rich in vitamins and minerals.


For most people, cutting out carbonated drinks entirely may not be the best solution. But, of course, the main thing is moderation. If you are going to drink soda, drink a very small portion, maximum 170-240 ml, and try to get rid of your cravings for it. Moreover, this rule applies to both diet and regular soda.

Besides, no soda can save you from thirst. It is better to drink regular drinking water, to which you can add a little lemon or lime juice for flavor. If you're craving something fizzy, opt for unsweetened sparkling water or unsweetened tea.

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How useful is information about the composition of a product?

For the vast majority of metropolitan residents, not only the taste of food, but also its calorie content is quite important.

People who monitor their health know very well that often an excess of calories provokes an increase in a person’s body weight, and possibly some other health problems.

Leading nutritionists and authoritative magazines advise analyzing the calorie component of the foods that we eat with appetite during the afternoon snack, and if this indicator is higher than normal, then you should radically change your diet and cross out most of these foods from your personal menu.


The calorie content of basic food products is often present on the wrappers of food products, on labels, on special stands in restaurants; these numbers are very easy to find, such information is considered public, for example, on the Internet it is collected in the form of large tables.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the calorie content of food depends on the method for identifying this characteristic.

Different food manufacturers define calorie content in different ways, so it should not be surprising that you will read different calorie content values ​​on the labels of the same food products from different manufacturers.

On the subject: What to do if you eat a lot of sweets on a diet

Much attention should be paid to alcohol. Actually, alcohol contains quite a lot of kilocalories and we should not forget about this fact; it is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet, but not everyone is ready for such a deprivation.

If you want to know the calorie content of foods, use a special filter.

If you calculate the calorie content of foods every day, using huge schemes, then you will need to spend quite a lot of time, which is already not enough, and besides, you must not forget, because the calorie content of some dishes prepared independently is not included in such schemes, except Moreover, this method of counting is simply considered out of date.

To quickly and comfortably estimate the number of calories, it is better to use a special program - an online calorie calculator.

The program simply indicates the weight of consumed food products or prepared meals, and the application tells how many kilocalories are present in the food consumed, and you can also see not only the number of kilocalories, but also proteins, triglycerides and carbohydrates for different types of meals (breakfast, lunch , coffee break).

Separately, it should be added that the application contains the ability to calculate the energy characteristics of your own dishes that are made at home. It is also possible to attach a recipe in text form to a personal cooked dish, so that in the future you will be able to return to it and repeat the exceptional dish again, for example, for your family.


All products in the application are compiled in the form of a list indicating: the number of calories, the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, the glycemic index of foods and the glycemic load. You can very quickly sort the desired products using the special sorting function. With a simple click of a button, you can select only the type of food you need.

Source: https://specdieta.ru/kola.html

Coca-Cola Zero sparkling water review

I have a rather cool attitude towards the Coca Cola drink, because it contains a lot of sugar, and there are also legends about it that cola can dissolve nails, and there is no better toilet cleaner in the world.

In general, chemicals and unnecessary sugar - this is the reputation of Coca Cola. I even consider Diet Coke to be a completely unnecessary drink.

When I saw Coca Cola Zero on sale, I was surprised: the manufacturer promises us that there are no calories in this drink! Well, trying new things is always interesting.

In general, the color and smell of Zero cola is normal and corresponds to regular cola.

It tastes like sweet cola, as it should be. However, the taste is slightly different from traditional Coca Cola. It feels like it contains a sugar substitute. There is some kind of plastic taste. I didn’t want to finish my drink...

Let's look at the composition: indeed, 0 carbohydrates, 0 calories. And the composition is not as chemical as I thought. Regular soda, which I won't buy again, however. Fake Coca Cola is not the same anymore!

Recommend or not? I probably won't. It is suitable only for those who are completely prohibited from consuming sugar, but who love cola and similar drinks.

Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/koka-kola-0-kalorii-da-no-uzhe-ne

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