The benefits of kiwi to speed up the weight loss process

Millions of women around the world, as it happens, dream of losing weight. And it doesn’t matter how many extra kilos are fifty or two – the main thing is to lose them once and for all. Some people run until they sweat in the gym, some are looking for a magic pill, others simply adjust their diet by adding foods that have a fat-burning effect. One of these wonderful, natural fighters against excess fat is the familiar exotic kiwi. The benefits of this fruit for weight loss have been repeatedly confirmed by positive reviews.

The benefits of kiwi for weight loss

This magical fruit grows in countries with a mild subtropical climate from the southern coast of Australia to the Mediterranean. The first to notice the undoubted benefits of kiwi for weight loss were European nutritionists. Based on many years of observations, they made an unambiguous conclusion - kiwis are perfect for those who are struggling with extra pounds.

It's all about the unique composition of the fruit:

  • Thiamine is a vitamin simply necessary for normal digestion, as well as for the health of the circulatory and nervous systems (which greatly helps relieve irritation and stress when losing weight);
  • Riboflavin – cleanses the blood, stimulates blood circulation, supports the health of the thyroid gland. It is also what gives our hair and nails a healthy shine (which is quite good with exhausting diets);
  • Nicotinic acid is the best friend of every person losing weight, because it is responsible for lipid metabolism and the conversion of carbohydrates into energy (and not excess fat);
  • Pyridoxine is a natural metabolic stimulant;
  • Ascorbic acid is the most famous antioxidant. 100 grams of kiwi contain the daily requirement of this vitamin. For those losing weight, this is an excellent addition to the diet, as ascorbic acid tones, rejuvenates the body and stimulates cell regeneration;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Iodine.

But this is not the entire list of vitamins and microelements that are contained in this amazing fruit. Having eaten just a few fruits, you get a whole storehouse of useful substances that invisibly fight excess weight. You don't have to be on a diet to lose weight with kiwi. To do this, include this fruit in your daily diet. Just 3-4 kiwis a day - and within a month you will get minus 2-3 kilograms on your scales.

Healthy kiwi

The benefits of kiwi do not need proof; 100 g of the product contains only 60 kcal. The vitamin complex is represented by elements of group B, E, PP, A, C, and also contains beta-carotene. The fruit is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium and pectin.

The skin of the vitamin fruit contains antioxidants that effectively burn calories. That is why it is recommended for those losing weight to eat kiwi with the peel, but after clearing it of hairs. In addition, the green fruit, also called Chinese gooseberry, has a pleasant sour taste and light aroma.

Its beneficial properties for weight loss are not limited to this. Kiwi can:

  • remove waste materials, toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • accelerate metabolic processes between cells and tissues;
  • improve the digestion process;
  • reduce cholesterol that is harmful to the body.

The fruit contains vitamin C, which, according to scientists, it contains more than an orange. Ascorbic acid increases the body's fat-burning ability and helps produce enzymes.

What other properties of kiwi are known for weight loss processes? One ripe fruit contains about 2 g of dietary fiber, which saturates the body and causes a feeling of fullness in the stomach. It also contains potassium, which removes excess water from tissues, thereby causing weight loss.

In addition, the benefits of kiwi also include the following:

  • Help the heart. Regular consumption of green fruits prevents the occurrence of blood clots and harmful triglyceride fat.
  • Antioxidants will help prolong youth. The vitamin C contained in the fruit rejuvenates the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.
  • Strengthening the immune system. The same vitamin C will protect the immune system and also prevent the appearance of cancer cells.

From the above it follows that healthy green fruit is necessary and important in matters of getting rid of fat accumulation. It can be eaten as an independent dish, as part of fruit salads, or in addition to yogurt. But it is still advisable to eat fruits with peel for weight loss.

Fasting days

If this is not enough for you, and you don’t want to go on a diet yet, but you really urgently need to fit into your favorite dress, then you can try fasting days with kiwi. On this day you eat only kiwi, about 1.5 kg. Although there are no strict restrictions, because the energy value of the fruit is only 61 kcal, that is, in a kilogram there is only a third of the body’s daily needs (and you are unlikely to be able to eat 3-4 kg of kiwi), and the healthy fiber creates a feeling of fullness. You also need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water.

During a fasting day, you can not only eat kiwi, but also make a wonderful weight loss cocktail with it. To do this, blend one fruit with 50 grams of low-fat yogurt and a mint leaf. It will perfectly satisfy your hunger and help you get through a fasting day without much stress. But no more than two of these cocktails, because yogurt is quite high in calories.

General issues

For those who don't get enough sleep: what foods will give you energy and good mood

In one fasting day, from 800 g to 1 kg of excess weight is lost. But this is not important - the extra centimeters on the waist disappear just before our eyes.

Benefits of kiwi for the human body

Yellow variety – Kiwi Gold

Kiwi contains many antioxidants and more than 20 vital nutrients. These berries are low in calories but provide a lot of energy, making them a great option for people trying to lose weight. Scientists have found that consuming kiwi is very beneficial for heart health due to its high levels of potassium, fiber and vitamin K. Eating this fruit has been shown to help reduce symptoms associated with upper respiratory tract diseases, as well as digestive disorders such as irritable bowel.

Kiwi contains compounds that help with bone growth and maintenance, support eye health and vision, and may also help you sleep better. And this is only part of the beneficial properties of these delicious fruits. Here are the benefits of kiwi for the human body:

Seven day diet

The diet of this diet is designed for a week - it is during this time that you can effectively lose excess weight, without harm to the body.

  • Breakfast. Finely chop 2 kiwis and 1 apple. Add 4 tbsp to the fruit. oatmeal and top with yogurt.
  • Lunch. Prepare a smoothie with one kiwi, apple and kefir. You can season it, to your taste, with mint, ginger or cinnamon.
  • Dinner. 200 g of any porridge, 100 g of boiled chicken breast.
  • Afternoon snack 2-3 kiwis.
  • Dinner. Low-fat cottage cheese with one kiwi, unsweetened tea (if you can’t bear to drink something unsweetened, then add half a teaspoon of natural honey to the tea).

Variations are possible with breakfast - you can replace the cereal with cottage cheese, a boiled egg, or add 20 g of dried fruit to it (but no more). At lunch, you can also replace meat with lean fish. But it’s better not to experiment with dinner.

Pros. Minus 3-4 kilograms

There are no downsides, since the food is quite balanced.


Many women losing weight have already experienced the effect of eating the hairy fruit. However, can everyone eat kiwi while losing weight?

Some representatives of the fair sex prefer to use the fruit for a mono-diet in order to slightly correct their figure before the event. As you know, green fruit is considered an allergenic fruit, so before consumption you need to conduct a small test to identify an allergic reaction.

Using kiwi for quick weight loss is strictly contraindicated for people:

  • with a sore stomach, ulcer or gastritis;
  • when taking antibiotics and dietary supplements;
  • for allergy sufferers.

Kiwi diet for 14 days

Main menu

  • Breakfast: 2 kiwis and 100g low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lunch. Unsweetened tea, boiled egg.
  • Lunch: 4 kiwis, light vegetable salad and 100 g of boiled chicken breast (or low-fat fish).
  • Afternoon snack 100 g of cottage cheese and herbal tea without sugar.
  • Dinner: a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Alternative menu

  • Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread with a boiled egg (you can poach it), tea.
  • Second breakfast 4 kiwis and tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of any porridge with vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack 4 kiwis.
  • Dinner fruit salad without dressing.

If you really can’t bear it, you can drink half a glass of kefir at night or eat 50 g of low-fat salted cheese.

What will happen to the body if you eat kiwi every day? The results are simply amazing!

Composition of kiwi, calorie content, energy value

The average weight of kiwi is 100 g. Most of the fruit is water - 84%. It also contains proteins (about 1%), fats (less than 1%), carbohydrates (about 10%). This fruit is low in calories. The energy value of one medium kiwi is 48 kcal. Kiwi is a good source of dietary fiber. In addition, it contains nicotinic acid and various saccharides.

Kiwi is rich in vitamins, namely: C, A, B1, B2, PP, B6, B 12, E, K1 (phylloquinone), D, as well as beta-carotene. This fruit contains a lot of fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, pectin, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, antioxidants and amino acids, fruit acids, vegetable protein actinidin, flavonoids, organic acids. Kiwi contains the enzyme actidin, which decomposes proteins. It promotes the breakdown of proteins, normalizes blood clotting, and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kiwi has a lot of antioxidants, especially in the peel. So you can eat kiwi directly with it, but carefully remove the hairs.

Kiwi is able to remove excess salt from the body, which is useful for salt lovers. A pair of medium-sized kiwis provides 1/4 of our body's need for folic acid. There is less pyridoxine in the fruit - 4% of the daily requirement. This vitamin is needed by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and the elderly.

Kiwi should be consumed if you have diabetes, as it has a low glycemic index and at the same time is a tasty product. The fruit contains natural sugar, but in an optimal amount, which does not disrupt carbohydrate metabolic processes, and even has certain benefits for diabetics.

What are the benefits of kiwi peel?

Kiwi peel contains many antioxidants. Therefore, kiwi has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties. The skin contains 3 times more antioxidants than the fruit itself. Therefore, it is recommended to eat kiwi directly with the peel. Of course, before doing this, you should shave off the hairs with a carrot peeler or a dull knife.

Kiwi peel, according to European scientists, has antiseptic properties and can help with dysbacteriosis. It is believed that thanks to the peel of kiwi, microbes such as staphylococcus and E. coli are destroyed.

The benefits of kiwi for weight loss

The low calorie content of this fruit, the content of fat-breaking enzymes and enzymes is excellent for weight loss. Nutritionists have long noticed that kiwi is an excellent source of plant fiber. The small black seeds contain a lot of insoluble fiber. It allows you to normalize digestion during a diet and reduce the time it takes for stool to pass through the digestive tract. Kiwi has a slight laxative effect.

Soluble dietary fiber, which is also found in the fruit, easily absorbs water, creating the volume in the stomach necessary to suppress appetite.

Due to the fact that kiwi helps normalize digestion, nutritionists advise eating it after the entire meal. Kiwi will prevent heaviness in the stomach and will also help the kidneys. It is believed that the fruit helps remove excess fluid from the body.

There is even a diet based on kiwi. The main idea of ​​the diet is to consume low-calorie foods and a mandatory norm of 5 kiwis per day. Some experts recommend doing a regular fasting day with kiwi. To do this, you need to eat about 1 kg of this fruit throughout the day. You can only drink still water.

Strengthening the immune system

The fruit contains universal vitamin C in large quantities. Therefore, during the cold season and epidemiological periods, you should consume 1-2 kiwi fruits per day to boost immunity and protect the body from the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to its main properties, ascorbic acid participates in metabolic processes, protects body cells from damage and the harmful effects of free radicals, rejuvenates the body and prevents the process of premature aging.

Kiwi during pregnancy

Kiwi is a fruit that is indispensable for the normal course of pregnancy. This fact is due to the content of folic acid in it, which is necessary during the gestation process. The female body also needs this vitamin when planning conception. In addition, folacin is necessary for any person for normal hematopoiesis, the growth of healthy cells, the functioning of the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex.

Normalization of the cardiovascular system

Kiwi contains potassium in fairly large quantities. This microelement is indispensable for normalizing heart function, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, and regulating blood pressure. In addition, potassium removes excess fluid from the body, preventing and eliminating swelling.


Kiwi contains a lot of iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis and regulation of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors recommend consuming the fruit for people who suffer from anemia or have suffered significant blood loss. In addition, kiwi contains a unique element - actinidin, which regulates protein metabolic processes and also normalizes blood clotting. The fruit prevents the formation of blood clots by actively breaking down fats that can clog and block arteries.

Kiwi for kidney cleansing

Kiwi has the ability to remove excess salt from the body, which significantly improves kidney function. The fruit prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys, reduces the risk of developing nephritis and pyelonephritis. In addition to preventing urolithiasis, the fruit prevents the formation of gallstones.

Kiwi for beauty

The exotic fruit regulates hair pigmentation, preventing the appearance of gray hair. The large amount of zinc contained in the fruit strengthens nails and hair. The fruit is essential for healthy skin, improves its color and general condition, prevents aging, thanks to vitamins A and E concentrated in it. The substance also regulates the production of sex hormones.

Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract

Fruit eaten after the main meal has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Many people eat it to reduce heartburn. Kiwi has a preventive effect against heaviness in the abdomen and belching.

Kiwi is good for the central nervous system

Doctors recommend eating at least one fruit to get rid of depression and neuroses. Kiwi relieves stress and prevents sleep disorders. The fruit is recommended for consumption by athletes, since kiwi is a natural source of replenishing physical strength and energy and acts as a stimulant.

Prevention of cancer

Thanks to the concentration of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid in its composition, kiwi effectively prevents the development of malignant tumors. In addition, this fruit contains a rare combination of vitamins B6 and B9, which allows the body to quickly absorb beneficial substances and maintain their anticancer properties.


Harm of kiwi

As mentioned above, even such a healthy fruit has contraindications. The harm to kiwi mainly affects the digestive system, because the berry contains a lot of acid. So, to whom is green fruit contraindicated:

  • patients with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice;
  • people with stomach ulcers;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • for food poisoning;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • If you have hypertension, heart disease, or oncology, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid the risk of complications.

How to eat kiwi

We consider products for weight loss from the point of view of proper nutrition, so we do not recommend using mono-diet on kiwi or spending any fasting days only on this fruit.

  • Nutritionists recommend eating one or two fruits immediately before meals. This will not only saturate the body, but also burn unnecessary calories at the same time. About 30–40 minutes before your main meal, kiwi will provide all its beneficial properties for weight loss.
  • You can also eat it between meals as a snack, or make a fruit salad with it. For breakfast, you can make fruit salads consisting of kiwi, green apple, grapefruit, two to three tablespoons of sprouted wheat and four tablespoons of oatmeal. You can top it with unsweetened low-calorie yogurt or kefir.
  • Kiwi at night is doubly beneficial for your figure; it not only saturates the body and fights hunger, but also perfectly cleanses the body. You can eat the fruit 2-3 hours after the main dinner. In this case, the ban on eating fruit at night does not apply.

Fat burning kiwi smoothie

Second breakfast or lunch: a light, nutritious and tasty kiwi cocktail for weight loss. Ingredients: kiwi (1 piece), parsley, lemon (2 circles), mint are crushed in a blender, and 100 ml of still water is added. You can also make a cocktail - a smoothie with kiwi.

Or the second option is kefir with kiwi for weight loss: finely chop the kiwi and add kefir. For taste and to enhance the effect, you can add lemon juice, for aroma - a mint leaf. Beat everything with a mixer and the drink is ready!

Does kiwi help you lose weight?

Those who are interested in slimming products will be interested to know whether kiwi helps you lose weight. The answer is yes. Yes, this fruit is really capable of burning fat. This happens due to the high acid content, which, entering the digestive system, speeds up the process of digesting food, removes waste and toxins, preventing them from remaining in the body. In addition, the fruit is able to suppress appetite, which will definitely have a positive effect on your figure: eat one piece half an hour before meals, and you will no longer want to eat the usual huge portions.

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