The benefits and harms of nutritional cocktails for weight loss FSB


To correct excess weight, you can use special cocktails. These cocktails saturate the body with the necessary substances, vitamins and microelements that a person needs for normal functioning. Also, most of these cocktails effectively suppress appetite, which allows a person not to overeat. However, not all such cocktails are effective, so you need to approach the selection of a cocktail responsibly.

Research shows that one of the most effective shakes for weight loss is the Fito Slim Balance (FSB) shake. But what is the effectiveness of this weight loss cocktail? What components are included in FSB? And how should you drink a cocktail for weight loss to be effective? We will look at these questions below.

FSB cocktail against excess weight

The FSB cocktail is a medicinal cocktail based on natural ingredients that promotes weight loss. The nutritional shake is sold in powder form, which must be diluted with water, milk or juice for preparation. The therapeutic effect is achieved only in case of long-term daily use while following the rules of a healthy diet. Research shows that using the cocktail you can lose 6-10 kg per month, so doctors recommend using the FSB cocktail as an adjuvant drug for the treatment of obesity. To lose weight, you need to consume a smoothie instead of staple foods for dinner and breakfast.

Please note that the FSB cocktail does not burn excess fat directly, but only optimizes the functioning of internal organs, which leads to weight loss . Therefore, when drinking a cocktail, it is very important to adhere to all the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle - you need to eat right, you should engage in light sports, you need to give up bad habits, and so on. If you consume the FSB cocktail daily, but at the same time, for example, you regularly eat junk food, then the therapeutic effect of the cocktail will be minimal.

Normally, the human body gains excess weight only if it consumes excess calories - in this case, the excess nutrients are converted into subcutaneous fat, which leads to weight gain (however, sometimes obesity occurs due to a serious metabolic disorder due to illness internal organs, but such cases are quite rare). If you create a deficiency of nutrients in the body, then to cover the deficiency the body will begin to burn subcutaneous fat, which will lead to weight loss.

It should be understood that the composition of food is of great importance. The fact is that proteins and fats have a rather weak effect on appetite, but fast carbohydrates can seriously increase appetite, which can lead to overeating. Therefore, the FSB medicinal cocktail contains special substances that suppress appetite so that a person quickly gets full during a meal. It should be understood that these components are of natural origin, so they are completely safe for the body if the dosage rules for the medicinal powder are followed.

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Let's now figure out what healing effects the FSB cocktail has:

  • Appetite suppression. Many people find it quite difficult to go on strict diets, since such diets involve serious dietary restrictions. After eating, a person still feels hungry, which leads to stress. Also, due to the lack of a feeling of satiety, a person can disrupt their diet by including unhealthy foods in their diet, which will make a weight loss diet useless. That is why it is very important not only to adjust the diet, but also to reduce a person’s appetite. The FSB cocktail contains special natural substances that weaken appetite - if a person drinks such a cocktail in the morning, it will be noticeably easier for him to get enough of dietary products.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins. Junk food contains a large number of substances that are not digested in the body. Such substances can be deposited in the body in the form of waste, which can create additional stress on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to various diseases. The FSB cocktail contains safe substances that break down toxins and remove them from the body. Due to this, a double effect is achieved - firstly, the body gets rid of excess weight that has accumulated in the body in the form of toxins, and secondly, the body gets rid of harmful compounds that impair the functioning of internal organs.
  • Cleansing the body of excess fluid. Many people drink too much water, which causes excess water to accumulate in the body. At the same time, people usually do not take into account that water is also included in many products, so it is quite difficult to control the amount of fluid in the body. In the case of long-term use of the FSB cocktail, the functioning of internal organs is normalized, which helps the kidneys remove excess water from the body.
  • Restoration of metabolic processes. Quite often, obesity appears due to metabolic disorders, and most often this occurs due to natural age-related changes. A paradoxical situation arises - a person consumes a fixed amount of calories for a long time, but closer to the age of 40 he begins to become overweight due to hormonal imbalance. Taking the FSB cocktail treats mild hormonal imbalances, which leads to weight loss. Please note that the cocktail is only effective against mild disorders - if your metabolic processes are disrupted due to serious illnesses, then the disease should be treated by an experienced endocrinologist.

Not for everyone

Let's learn how to prepare fat-burning drinks at home. And next on our list is an invigorating and tonic cocktail based on kiwi, lemon and herbs. Judging by the reviews, not everyone likes it. The taste is original, fresh, but not for everyone. If you like it, you can expect to lose 1-3 kg in weight in 10 days. To do this, you need to drink one glass in the morning, before breakfast, and before bed. It is advisable to have dinner 2-3 hours before.

  • Kiwi – 1 pc. If they are small, then you can take two.
  • Lemon - a few slices to taste.
  • Parsley and mint - a small bunch each. For reference, you can take 10 stems of each.
  • Water – 100 ml.

For this drink, it is best to use cold water.

Cocktail ingredients

The FSB cocktail contains only the proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that the body needs.

These substances saturate the body with the energy it needs and improve metabolism, which promotes weight loss. All components of the cocktail are of natural origin, so there is no need to worry about the safety of the cocktail. The cocktail contains the following components:

  • Proteins of natural origin. The cocktail should be consumed instead of staple foods, and proteins are an excellent source of energy for the body. At the same time, the proteins in the cocktail do not increase your appetite, so after drinking the cocktail you will feel full and you will not have to eat any additional foods to get rid of the feeling of hunger. Proteins are also useful because they are part of muscle tissue - if you combine a cocktail with sports activities, then you may experience increased muscle growth.
  • Dextrose. This substance is a safe carbohydrate that does not increase appetite and is not converted into fat deposits if the dosage rules for the FSB cocktail are followed. When dextrose enters the body, it is almost immediately converted into energy, and the person will feel a feeling of satiety. However, please note that dextrose is still a carbohydrate (albeit a fairly safe one), so it is very important to follow the cocktail dosage rules - otherwise, dextrose can be converted into fat deposits, which will only increase obesity.
  • Vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc.). These substances regulate metabolism in the body, and if there is a lack of these substances, the functioning of internal organs may be disrupted. Research shows that if certain minerals are deficient, your metabolism can be disrupted, leading to the appearance of fatty deposits under the skin. Drinking the FSB cocktail will help you avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Please note that a large amount of vitamins and minerals in food can also be harmful, so it is very important to follow the dosage of the cocktail.
  • Antioxidants. All cells in the body are made of chemicals. However, normally these substances are neutral (that is, they do not damage other cells and cannot move freely in the body). However, in some cases, free electrons can be separated from these substances, and the substances themselves can become chemically active, which can lead to damage to healthy cells, which ultimately leads to premature aging of the body. To neutralize these substances, the body uses special components called antioxidants. If the body has too few antioxidants, the functioning of internal organs can be disrupted, which can also cause obesity. Unfortunately, not all foods contain antioxidants, so the FSB shake can also be used to replenish the balance of antioxidants in the body.

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How to take FSB cocktail

It is recommended to drink the cocktail 2 times a day - in the morning as breakfast and in the evening as dinner. Please note that the cocktail should completely replace standard foods and dishes, since it is quite high in calories, and if the cocktail and regular dishes are taken simultaneously, an excess of calories will appear, which will lead to increased obesity. Prepare the cocktail as follows:

  • Dilute a few tablespoons of dry FSB powder in 150 g of milk or water;
  • Mix the resulting mixture well to completely dissolve the powder or use a blender;
  • Drink the resulting cocktail instead of breakfast or dinner;
  • Please note that the calorie content of such a cocktail will be somewhere around 200-350 calories, so it is not recommended to exceed the dosage;
  • In case of heavy loads, it is allowed to increase the dosage of the cocktail by 1.5 times.

The cocktail is well tolerated by the body and has no side effects. The cocktail is completely safe, so both adults and children can drink it. The FSB cocktail can be drunk by pregnant women. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to eat healthy foods and engage in light exercise. If you follow all the nutritional rules, you can lose 6-10 kg per month using the FSB cocktail. The cost of powder for making a cocktail is 700-900 rubles.

Unfortunately, the powder is not sold in pharmacies, but it can be obtained at a sports nutrition store, as well as on the Internet. Some advertisers claim that with the help of a cocktail you can lose weight by as much as 25 kg per month - however, these figures are not supported by any research, so this information can be considered an exaggeration (however, with the help of a cocktail you can really lose weight by 6-10 kg per month).

Drainage drinks

This is the second group of drinks that really helps you lose weight. And the simplest and most effective among them is plain water. The purpose of drainage drinks is to remove excess fluid from the body. But contrary to the opinion of the majority, for this you need not to reduce, but to increase the amount of liquid you drink. Only without experiencing a shortage, the body will begin to give away excess.

During the day you need to drink from 1.5 to 3 liters of water. But drinking tap water is not recommended. Be sure to warm it to room temperature.

Considering fat-burning drinks for weight loss, green tea with rose hips can be distinguished in this group. The composition can be changed every three days to make its effectiveness even higher:

  • Green tea – 1 glass.
  • Rose hips - a tablespoon.
  • Lemon – 1 slice.
  • Herbs that enhance the effect. It could be plantain or mint, dandelion or marshmallow root, anise or dill.

Brew in one container and drink throughout the day like regular tea.


Let's now find out what doctors and ordinary patients think about the cocktail.

Irina Semenova, nutritionist “Today there are a large number of weight loss drugs on the market, but most of them are ineffective. Also, very often, many drugs contain substances that are not completely safe for the body. However, the FSB cocktail does not have all these shortcomings. It is quite cheap, effective and contains only natural ingredients. I recommend drinking this cocktail instead of breakfast and dinner - in this case, you can lose about 6-7 kg in a month. It should be understood that the cocktail itself does not burn excess fat, so you should not forget about the rules of a healthy lifestyle.”

Andrey Romanov, amateur athlete “I started playing sports only at the age of 15. One of the main initial problems was that I was quite seriously obese (about 15 kg of excess weight), so it was very difficult for me to withstand sports activities. To speed up weight loss, the trainer advised me to drink an FSB cocktail based on natural ingredients. This shake was very helpful for me as it effectively suppressed my appetite. Since the shake contains a large amount of protein, I was also able to build muscle with its help. Today I no longer drink the FSB cocktail, because I have lost weight and gained muscle, but I still recommend it to all beginners who want to lose weight and become real athletes.”

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