All about fat burners. What is it and how to choose the right fat burner for yourself? Top fat burners for weight loss

Top fat burners for weight loss.

Today, more and more people are switching to a healthy lifestyle.
Many people are beginning to worry about the question of how to get a flat stomach or even six-pack abs. It all comes down to the way we live, how we eat, relax and exercise. However, if we already have extra pounds of weight, then in this case it makes sense to move on to losing weight in order to take away all that excess and have a slim and fit figure.
In addition to diet and training, fat burners can help optimize this process. In this article we will look at what they are, how they work, what varieties exist, who can use them, and who should really refuse? We will also consider the rules for taking fat burners and give really effective, good quality options.

"Evodiamine" - lipolytic for weight loss and fat burning

A supplement that is synthesized from the evodia plant. The drug has not yet been fully studied, so it is too early to talk with certainty about the presence of side effects. It is supplied to our country from China and is widely used in gyms as the safest fat burner (according to the trainer).

Many athletes and people simply losing weight have already tried Evodiamine on themselves, and there are results. However, those who are concerned about their health avoid taking it due to insufficient research and possible health risks.

What are fat burners?

Fat burners are a relatively seasonal supplement, the demand for which begins to increase in the spring and continues almost until the end of summer. They are components of natural or synthetic origin that improve the process of losing weight, but how do they work?

This group of supplements is aimed at stimulating the body’s use of accumulated fat cells for energy during various types of physical activity. In addition, there are types of fat burners that interfere with the absorption of fats from the diet or even suppress appetite so that you are less willing to eat food.

However, it should be understood that these are, first of all, stimulants that will really work effectively when performing various types of physical activity and activity.

Therefore, you should stick to the golden mean, a combination of aerobic (low-intensity - strength exercises) and anaerobic (high-intensity exercise, such as interval running, jumping, etc.) exercise.

Accordingly, the process of losing weight is quite simple, especially if you adhere to the basic rules:

  • Having a calorie deficit—eating less than we spend;
  • Additional physical activity and activity;
  • Using fat burners to optimize the process itself.

However, regarding the weight loss process itself, we have already discussed in more detail in another article, we recommend that you follow the link and familiarize yourself with the key principles and rules in more detail.

Contraindications for use

Sports nutrition for women should be used in the absence of severe chronic diseases, which include heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, liver and kidney diseases. Taking drugs to burn fat can lead to an acute form of the disease.

An absolutely healthy person may also experience an allergic reaction to the components of a particular drug. In this case, you should stop taking it and replace it with another.

Many fat burners contain caffeine, so taking them in the evening is contraindicated.

Types of fat burners and how do they work?

Today there is a considerable list of different types of fat burners, so for a simple understanding they can be divided according to the way they affect our body.

Lipotropic fat burners - in most cases, this is a supplement of natural origin. They use extracts of plants or fruits. They are aimed specifically at optimizing energy metabolism in our body during physical activity; as a result, our metabolism “accelerates” better under their influence. Supplements of this kind improve the transport of accumulated fatty acids into the mitochondria, which are located inside our muscles, where during exercise they will be burned by oxidation and give us the necessary energy. Classic representatives here include l-carnitine, synephrine (citrus extract), raspberry ketones, garcinia cambogia, green tea extract or guarana.

Thermogenic fat burners - first of all, the mechanism of action of these supplements follows directly from the name; there are some components in the composition that are aimed at increasing your body temperature.

In this regard, you are more likely to get involved in work, and due to the higher temperature, the body begins to burn fat better. However, it is worth clarifying here that this literally only happens by 0.5 - 1 degree, so you should not worry that your temperature will rise too much. In the composition, the thermogenic effect is usually caused by extracts of various peppers, raspberry ketones, and synephrine. In addition, various types of potent stimulants are added to such supplements, so they should be used with particular caution.

Appetite blockers - can be represented by various types of complexes or individual supplements. Such supplements help control blood sugar levels and, as a result, a person is less likely to indulge in various kinds of snacks and sweets. Quite effective representatives include chromium, raspberry ketones, synephrine, and garcinia cambogia.

Thyroid stimulants - this type of supplement should be approached with caution so as not to cause hormonal disruption of the thyroid gland. The type of supplement itself is aimed at stimulating the synthesis of the hormones T3 and T4, which are directly responsible for metabolic processes. This includes l-tyrosine, an amino acid that performs the above-mentioned function.

Diuretics are products that are partly classified as fat burners because they affect weight, but they do not help you burn fat in a targeted manner. The components contained in such supplements help remove water from the body; if used uncontrolled, they can be harmful to health. The active ingredients include nettle extract, also partially green tea extract, caffeine, synephrine and raspberry ketones.

What substances can we find in fat burners?


Caffeine is the most common stimulant around the world, so we will look at it in more detail. It even has several possible positive effects that we can use in connection with our fat burning efforts . After its consumption, dopamine is released in the body, which can improve mood or cause euphoria . However, with prolonged use, it can “only” prevent sleep. In relation to weight loss, you will probably be interested in its thermogenic effect , which leads to more calories burned due to increased heat production. At the same time, it also increases blood pressure, heart activity and stimulates the body. This is also the reason why people with high blood pressure should be careful with their caffeine intake. In addition, when consumed over a long period of time, caffeine can also cause the fatty acids that our bodies use as fuel to be released from subcutaneous fat. [3]

If you don't take caffeine regularly, be it coffee, tea, energy drinks or dietary supplements, 100 mg is enough to get you started. However, a single dose of 200 mg is usually used for fat burning . At higher doses, such as 500 mg, an increase in strength may also be observed. Thus, higher doses may also benefit endurance athletes, team athletes, or people participating in high-intensity sports.

In general, we can say that the recommended amount is 3-6 mg/kg body weight. However, according to EFSA, a healthy person weighing 70 kg should not take more than 200 mg of caffeine at a time. If you overdose on caffeine, you may experience insomnia, irritability, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and vomiting or diarrhea . [4] [28]

The properties of caffeine are also confirmed by science. For example, studies show that caffeine can increase resting metabolic rate by 3-11% for up to three hours - in this particular case, participants were given a dose of 200 mg of caffeine. Does this seem like a significant acceleration to you? So let's look at a specific example to understand this better. [5]

If you are a 30-year-old woman, height 170 cm (5 ft 7 in) and weight 70 kg (154 lb), your resting metabolism is approximately 1452 kcal. This actually means that the body requires at least 60.5 kcal per hour to maintain all functions. If this woman took part in the study, took 200 mg of caffeine and her resting metabolism increased by 3-11% over 3 hours, this would mean that her expenditure would increase by approximately 5.5-20 kcal without any loss. or actions.

If this woman had stayed within the maximum recommended caffeine intake limit for her weight, she could have taken an additional 200 mg of caffeine throughout the day. If you calculate the maximum possible result according to the study, she would burn 40 kcal per day from caffeine alone. Just to give you an idea - 100ml of semi-skimmed milk contains 47kcal, so if caffeine were added to coffee with milk, the increase in resting metabolism probably wouldn't even cover the calories from the milk itself. However, if this woman exercises after taking caffeine, she will be able to burn more calories.

So if you want to use caffeine to burn fat, you shouldn't expect it to do all the work for you. Instead, try to take advantage of the fact that it can wake you up so you can exercise more intensely, thereby increasing the number of calories you burn.

A single dose of caffeine should be about 200 mg. [4]


Synephrine (specifically p-synephrine) is a compound that is found, for example, in citrus fruits. It affects dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine in the body, which can also affect fat burning. It is also associated with an increase in metabolic rate, lipolysis and basal metabolic rate. Its effects have also been confirmed by science. One study focused on calorie expenditure and concluded that after taking 50 mg of para-synephrine, calorie expenditure increased by an average of 3.7% over the next 75 minutes. [6–7]

Its properties are also consistent with the results of a review study that included 20 other studies and about 360 subjects in which respondents were given bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) extract, the main alkaloid of which is p-synephrine. These respondents showed an increase in resting metabolism, energy expenditure, and when taken for 6-12 weeks also showed slight weight loss. It has also been confirmed that synephrine may help reduce appetite. [7–9]

And, as mentioned above, synephrine is a good friend of caffeine , and the two complement each other perfectly. Due to the synergistic effect, you can combine them to slightly increase the number of calories you burn during your workout.

The recommended single dose is 10-20 mg , which should be taken 3 times a day. However, studies often work with a single dose of 50 mg. [5]

Green Tea Extract (EGCG)

EGCG is the main catechin in green tea. It helps increase the amount of norepinephrine in our body through certain processes, which helps in the breakdown of fat. The benefit is that in addition to EGCG, green tea also contains caffeine, and the two act synergistically. The effects of EGCG are also supported by many studies that have shown that it helps increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation. [10–11]

However, there are also studies that examine the direct effects of EGCG along with caffeine on weight loss. The results show that daily consumption of green tea containing 100–460 mg of EGCG along with 80–300 mg of caffeine for at least 12 weeks resulted in statistically significant weight loss and reduction in body fat percentage . [12]

Significant effects are observed with a daily dose of approximately 400-500 mg EGCG. [29]

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is well known among people trying to lose weight because it is often associated with the ability to reduce appetite, increase metabolic rate, and stimulate the breakdown of fat. It's safe to say that it helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, which may have some impact on body weight. However, human studies disagree on whether CLA has a significant effect on weight loss. Any differences observed between groups were usually very small. [13–14]

When adding CLA, the dose of this substance should be in the range of 3200-6400 mg. [15]


L-carnitine can again be seen as a substance that is associated with the ability to burn fat . However, for a correct understanding, it is necessary to explain on what principle it works. In our body, it acts as a "carrier" that transports fat (fatty acids) to cells where they are burned for energy. This means that if we have enough of it in our body, it helps metabolize fat , which can ultimately help us lose weight. People who avoid eating animal products should pay special attention to l-carnitine intake, as these foods are a source of this amino acid.

When it comes to scientific studies looking at the effects of l-carnitine on weight loss, the results vary. According to a systematic review of meta-analyses that included 9 studies, groups of people given l-carnitine lost significantly more weight than control groups. Accordingly, there is another meta-analysis including 37 controlled studies that also confirms the moderate effect of l-carnitine on weight loss. Another study in which l-carnitine was administered to obese women half an hour before walking found no statistically significant difference in weight loss between the group receiving the substance and the control group. [16–17] [19]

Another study found that with higher levels of muscle carnitine, there was a decrease in the use of glycogen stores during low activity exercise (50% VO2max). During more intense exercise (80% VO2 max), muscle lactate levels decreased compared to carnitine. Additionally, the study found that it can help improve performance by 11% (studied for 30-minute exercise sessions), which can increase the number of calories burned. long-acting supplementation is required to increase muscle carnitine levels , ideally for at least a month. [18]

The usual dose of carnitine is in the range of 500-2000 mg. However, the above studies worked with higher doses. [20]

Pros and cons of using fat burners.

Quite a lot of people who are planning to start losing weight think about using fat burners to simplify and speed up the process. However, when they come to a sports nutrition store, they still don’t know what is best to choose, especially when it comes to the effect of such supplements on our body.

It should be understood that fat burners have positive and negative sides, but there are also those that give quite a noticeable effect, but without harm to health, this includes lipotropics.

As for the rest, let's start in order from the positive aspects of fat burners in general.

  • In combination with a balanced diet and adequate physical activity, they really help to significantly improve the process of losing weight;
  • Due to the compositional characteristics of some types, they improve mood, concentration and concentration during training, provide the necessary vigor and tone to the body;
  • Some supplements help control appetite;
  • Thermogenics, even after physical activity, help the body burn fat cells for some time.

At the same time, do not forget about the disadvantages of using fat burners.

  • Supplements that contain a high concentration of caffeine, or a combination of ECA - ephedra extract, caffeine and aspirin, when taken over a long period, can cause an increase in heart rate, develop a feeling of anxiety, mild tremors in the hands, increase blood pressure, cause dizziness, and the like. Therefore, it is not recommended to take such fat burners for too long, including for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • Thermogenics are usually made with a combination of various pepper extracts, so they can cause inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, they are not recommended for people with stomach or intestinal problems;
  • Problems with sleep, quite a lot of fat burners contain stimulating substances in varying concentrations, so if you take the last portion of the supplement in the afternoon, you may have problems sleeping.

At the same time, it should be remembered that fat burners can have different compositions, so the negative aspects of taking them may not always be present for everyone.

Benefits of Lipotropics

The product has the following positive effects:

  • Prevents the increase of fat in the liver.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Accelerates the process of burning fat in the body during physical activity.
  • Suppresses appetite.
  • Increases the amount of energy.

Liptropic can also balance hormones. Hormonal imbalance is often the only cause of excess fat in the body; with the use of lipotropics, this problem can be solved. And also improve the immune system.

Basic rules for choosing fat burners for men and women.

If we take the general category of fat burners, then most of the varieties are universal and will be suitable for both men and women. Everything in this case when choosing fat burners comes down to the experience of using such supplements.

If you have not used it before, we personally recommend starting your acquaintance with this category of supplements with lipotropics. By their nature, most of them are made on a natural basis and have absolutely no negative effect on our body; on the contrary, they act quite gently and with a balanced diet and physical activity, the final effect will pleasantly surprise you.

The next link for men and women will be light thermogenics. However, it is already worth taking into account the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. When choosing, pay attention to the presence of not too much caffeine; it is better if guarana or synephrine is present instead; in this case, avoid supplements with ephedra. The presence of combinations of pepper extracts would be quite relevant.

The final stage will be multi-component fat burners with a combination of ECA and other potent combinations; in this case, they are best used only by men who have experience in using various types of fat burners. The composition of such supplements includes a combination of quite powerful stimulants and various elements aimed at controlling appetite and increasing body temperature.

Ineffectiveness of diets

“I eat 1000 kcal per day, but I still gain weight!” Girls come to nutritionists every day with this question. It is important to understand: you cannot limit yourself in food! If calorie consumption is less than the basic metabolism, then it will slow down, and the woman begins to gain extra pounds even when eating a diet whose energy value is equal to 1000 kcal.

Strong fat burners for weight loss help get rid of fat on the stomach and sides, without disturbing the hormonal balance and maintaining health. You can achieve the figure of your dreams without experiencing painful hunger. The best fat burners will help you get your body in shape and not be embarrassed to appear in a swimsuit on the beach.

Who should give up fat burners?

As we mentioned earlier, a certain number of types of fat burners can cause a number of negative effects, according to which some people with various kinds of diseases are eliminated.

First of all, these are people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Even moderate thermogenics can quite often contain caffeine, which not only invigorates us, but also increases blood pressure and can affect the heart rate. Therefore, if you have various types of heart or vascular diseases, then only lipotropics can be your choice; that same l-carnitine is absolutely safe and supports the functioning of the heart, and has a positive effect on the restoration of muscle damage.

The next people who should really give up all fat burners, except lipotropics, are people with diseases of the nervous system, in order to minimize possible unnecessary stress on the nervous system and avoid possible attacks, such as epilepsy and the like.

People who have gastrointestinal diseases should be especially careful and careful when choosing fat burners; complex thermogenics can be dangerous for people with ulcers or gastritis, high stomach acidity, and the like.

In addition, you should remember about people with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, for whom, in order not to aggravate the current situation, it is better to completely avoid various types of diuretics in order to minimize the load on diseased organs.

"Reduxin" to reduce appetite

The main active ingredient is sibutramine. This substance is the most powerful fat burner for weight loss, as it helps reduce brown fat. It accumulates in the abdomen and sides, which are the most difficult to get rid of. With Reduxin this will not be difficult.

Sibutramine also helps reduce appetite, this effect is achieved due to the substance’s ability to affect centers in the brain that regulate feelings of satiety and hunger. While taking capsules, a person can regulate their diet. For example, to withstand the “drying” period (a period of carbohydrate restriction) and not break down.

"Reduxin" is prohibited for free sale. It can only be purchased with a prescription from an endocrinologist or nutritionist. This restriction was introduced due to the ability of the drug to have an extremely negative effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. In people with a predisposition to heart disease, taking such drugs can cause a heart attack. Also among the side effects of Reduxin:

  • chronic constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth.

How to take fat burners correctly?

We should not forget that if you use fat burners while losing weight, the final effectiveness will depend on whether you used them correctly. In addition, the features of the intake will directly depend on the type of fat burner you choose.

If you have chosen lipotropics, due to their mechanism of action, namely, they improve the transport of fats into the mitochondria in the muscles, where they will be burned during exercise, it is advisable to use them before performing physical exertion or activity. Accordingly, the effect of taking it on an empty stomach without further exercise or long enough walking will be minimal. These include l-carnitine, raspberry ketones, garcinia, synephrine, etc. In general, lipotropics can be taken for a fairly long period, up to 3 months.

When choosing complex thermogenics, the portion is divided into 2 doses, the first part is taken in the morning 30 minutes before. before meals on an empty stomach, and the second 30 minutes before. before training. But we are talking about a full intake; from the very beginning it is worth checking how your body generally reacts to the fat burner after taking only half a serving.

If the reaction is satisfactory, then for the first 3 days, take only 1 tablet before training or before breakfast, and only after that, if everything is in order, proceed to taking 2 tablets/capsules during the day. But it should also be taken into account that the composition contains potent stimulating substances, so it is not recommended to take the remaining portions later than 4-5 o’clock in the afternoon, so that you can fall asleep peacefully. Taking into account the peculiarities of the composition, such fat burners are not recommended to be taken for a sufficiently long period, that is, they are usually taken for 2 weeks or a month, after which a break is taken for a similar period so that the nervous system can rest.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to vitamins and minerals so that there are enough of them in the diet throughout the entire period and do not forget about water. When we exercise intensely, useful minerals and water leave our body; in order not to disturb the water-salt balance, it is necessary to take such supplements and enough water.

Remember about sleep, since lack of it will only slow down the process of recovery and weight loss after grueling workouts. This will begin to drive the body into a stressful state, which may not even lead to weight loss, but to gaining extra pounds.

What is the difference between losing weight and burning fat

Common people find it difficult to answer this question. For those who know a little about nutrition and bodybuilding, the difference is obvious. When losing weight, a person loses weight both from fat and from muscle tissue (which, by the way, weighs quite a lot). And during the fat burning process, the goal is to get rid of only the fat layer, while maintaining muscle tissue.

This process is long and complex. Involves a complete restructuring of nutrition and the abandonment of simple carbohydrates. You should also increase the proportion of protein in your diet. Nutrition for fat burning is a separate complex topic that the average person will have to figure out for more than one hour.

Top fat burners for weight loss.

When we choose a product, we always want to get the best, and the situation is no exception when we need to buy fat burners. We offer you the top of these supplements, which we have grouped not only by effectiveness, but also by the strength of the stimulating elements. It is worth considering that in the first positions there will be not only effective, but also at the same time those additives that will have a stronger effect on the nervous system.

Chloma Pharma Black Spider is a complex thermogenic. It contains ECA - a combination of ephedra, caffeine and aspirin, which quite powerfully stimulates our nervous system, allowing us to give our best during training. In addition, the composition of this supplement is enriched with various extracts and microelements, which in synergy improve the absorption of each other, giving a thermogenic effect, and also help to better control appetite. You really have to be very careful with this supplement.

Nutrex Lipo 6 of various kinds is another American manufacturer that produces quite powerful complex thermogenics and which are in great demand, which is not in vain. In the composition you can notice powerful stimulating components, various kinds of extracts that will set your body up for a truly productive workout.

Chloma Pharma Methyldrene , Asia Black and China White - a line from the manufacturer we have already talked about, it also contains ephedra with caffeine, but in general it has a slightly milder effect on stimulating the nervous system compared to Black Spider. Also quite high-quality and effective thermogenics with a rich composition of various kinds of extracts. However, a slightly milder effect does not mean that these fat burners can be taken lightly; you should still clearly select the dosage of servings required for you.

Universal Animal Cuts - and again an American is on our list. The line from this manufacturer has indeed been popular for many years. This fat burner has several directions of action, which not only stimulates our nervous system, acts as a thermogenic, but also allows us to better accelerate our metabolism. The composition is rich in various extracts, as well as elements that will improve the functioning of your thyroid gland. At the same time, you need to be especially careful with the complex and limit yourself to only 1 course of administration - 1 jar or 42 sachets.

ActivLab Termo Shape 2.0 and Termo Shape Pro - if you want to choose a fairly effective thermogenic, but are worried about the strength of the nervous system, then we can advise you to choose one of two high-quality supplements from the Polish manufacturer ActivLab . The composition with stimulants uses caffeine and green tea extract, the concentration of which does not go off scale and allows you to get the necessary vigor without excessive overstrain of the central nervous system. Also used in a weighed proportion is a mixture of peppers to achieve a thermogenic effect and a little l-carnitine, synephrine and garcinia to obtain the proper lipotropic effect. An ideal option for people who want to purchase a high-quality fat burner with moderate central nervous system stimulation.

Kevin Levrone LevroLean is a comprehensive fat burner from the line of a famous athlete, which has proven itself to be of high quality and effectiveness. It contains various kinds of extracts that cause both thermogenic and lipotropic effects.

Kevin Levrone L-Carnitine 125000 and Gold L-Carnitine Tartrate are the best choice for a beginner. These additives are of high quality and concentration of the active substance. In addition, as noted earlier, l-carnitine is a supplement without side effects that helps our body lose weight and recover.

Top 3 manufacturers of lipotropics

Integrative Therapeutics Lipotropic Complex

Integrative Therapy Lipotropic Complex is an effective nutritional supplement that can provide support for processes important to life, health and cell regeneration. Lipotropic Complex capsules provide the following benefits:

  • Healthy liver function.
  • Phytonutrient Blend - The best plant-based compounds with bile salts to support the liver naturally.
  • Supporting healthy transmethylation is a vital process that promotes healthy cell regeneration (especially important for liver health).

Integrative Therapeutics has been providing high quality nutritional supplements to professionals for over 35 years. Integrative Theraputics' manufacturing processes meet and exceed all industry standards.

Lipotropic Fat Burner 200cps from Amix TM

LARGE LIFE LIMITED, was founded in 2003 in Manchester, United Kingdom. Having invested heavily in new product development, ingredient supply and quality standards, the company and its flagship brand AMIX TM Nutrition have gained the attention of many consumers throughout Europe.

Thanks to rapidly growing sales of its products, the company has become one of the respected manufacturers in the field of sports nutrition and supplements in Western Europe, fully capturing the taste of many professional bodybuilding and fitness athletes. Over the past years, the registered trademark AMIX TM Nutrition has reached the top ranking of the market.

Lipotropic Fat Burner 90 tabs

Quamtrax Lipotropic is one of the best formulas on the market to promote weight loss and fluid buildup without any stimulating ingredient that can cause jitters. The combination of Carnipure L-Carnitine, L-Methionine, Choline and Inositol promotes fat degradation and metabolism. Together with HCA derived from garcinia cambogia, the company improved carbohydrate absorption.

Instructions for use of sports fat burners for women

If you follow certain rules, sports fat burners for women will give effective results. The main ones:

  • you need to carefully study the instructions for the chosen drug in order to know its composition, conditions of administration, and the presence of possible side effects;
  • strictly adhere to the period of taking the fat burning complex. Usually it does not exceed three months and requires a mandatory two-week break;
  • parallel intake of vitamin complexes along with fat burners;
  • Mandatory physical activity while taking fat burners.

Manifestation of side effects

Sometimes taking certain types of fat burners can cause adverse reactions, which include skin rashes, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and other reactions. In these cases, you should not take the drug. You need to take a short break and try again. If the reaction repeats, the fat burner complex needs to be replaced.

Perhaps an adverse reaction occurred when combining the fat burner with some food, drink, or after a difficult workout in the gym. Under other circumstances, there will be no such reactions, and the drug can be resumed.

Possible negative consequences that may occur as a result of taking a fat burner include: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

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