Sauna suit for weight loss - how to choose the right one

Types and quality of sauna suit

Let's talk about the quality of RDX suits and their types. Sauna suits from RDX are a popular weight loss product all over the world. Their products are patented, made from high quality materials and using modern sports technologies. Suits for weight loss are made in two types: Nylon and Neoprene, let's look at each type separately.

  • Nylon - a loose suit made from durable EVA nylon of the highest quality. This soft material is non-toxic and does not irritate the skin, creating comfort for the owner. Stitched with strong T3 seams, which provides the suit with wear resistance and durability. Models with and without a hood are available for sale. When training under this suit, it is advisable to wear cotton underwear that will absorb moisture.
  • Neoprene - a tight-fitting suit made of thick ultra flex neoprene. Thick and durable 3mm Neoprene with elastic properties hugs the body well for comfort and performance. Can be worn open-toed or worn under a tracksuit. Due to its durability and convenient design, it is used for training in many sports disciplines, even such extreme ones as boxing and mma.

Process And so, the RDX sauna suit was developed by the company for athletes and people who decided to lose excess weight. This suit is an excellent way to lose weight in the shortest possible time, it allows you to use the internal body heat generated during sports to “melt” subcutaneous fat and profuse sweating, this is the antipode of a regular sauna, baths in which heat is supplied to the body from the outside, and in connection with Since not every person can afford to take a sauna often, a sauna suit comes to the rescue. If you noticed correctly, the suit “works” well only in conjunction with physical activity, and accordingly, what is weight loss without a diet?! Many people think that they bought a suit, put it on themselves and that’s it! Now I’ll lose weight quickly - sitting in a chair in front of the TV. forget it, the costume will have no effect! The main thing to understand is that this is an accessory for weight loss - an additional element to physical activity to speed up the weight loss process several times. If you put it in order, you get the following process: diet + training + training in a suit. You will wonder why there is just “training” in the process, but everything is simple, you can play sports every day: 1 day - gym / martial arts, 2 day - swimming / tennis, etc., but training in a suit should be used through day, since it puts a lot of stress on the heart muscle, and the heart is our everything, it must be protected and not worn out.

Time to exercise in a sauna suit

It all depends on the individual’s individuality, age and physical fitness. According to our calculations, which were received from our clients, training time in a suit for a positive effect can take: Athletes = 45 - 60 minutes Ordinary people = 30 - 50 minutes Do not exhaust your body by cutting weight beyond the specified time. Listen to him and everything will be fine.

Physical exercises The most common exercises for weight loss are dynamic, i.e. those that expend a large amount of energy. Among the dynamic exercises performed in a sauna suit, you can highlight the following and independently create a complex for yourself: 1. Jogging, treadmill 2. Jumping rope 3. Exercise bike 4. Rowing machine 5. Ellipse The training time is selected individually, according to how you feel. The registered weight loss results from exercising in a sauna suit are as follows: for 10-15 sessions of 40-50 minutes, weight loss by 7-9 kilograms.


Reviews about the thermal suit are mostly positive if used as intended. However, allergic reactions are possible in cases where clothing is made from low-quality materials. To avoid negative consequences, you should ask the seller for a quality certificate. In addition, during uncontrolled physical activity, fainting may occur due to severe overheating of the body. According to doctors, overalls for weight loss work effectively if you move actively, listening to your own well-being.

Contraindications to using a sauna suit

The suit cannot be used in case of heart disease, high body temperature, varicose veins, blood pressure, pregnancy, postoperative period and skin diseases.

And further. Before starting to write this article, we decided to explore the Internet for reviews of sauna suits; the reviews are, of course, different, and mostly about cheap suits from our “Chinese” brother, which are on the shelves in large and small sports stores. There are not very good reviews about these suits for their quality - they tear, they last for a couple of weeks of classes, or even less, a rash appears on the skin, and so on. Hmm, what did they want from a product for 700 rubles?! made of low quality material, it's cheap, and in a couple of weeks they'll go out and buy another one just like it. We understand the Russian consumer perfectly well, otherwise now is the time - money is tight, and not everyone can afford a professional-quality suit for several thousand rubles. There is a saying: “I’m not rich enough to buy cheap things!” You decide.

Sauna suit for weight loss

The number of overweight people is increasing every year in almost all countries of the world. Thus, according to the latest data from the World Health Organization, three-quarters of the US population and half of the Russian population are overweight by at least 25%.

Today there are quite a lot of means to combat obesity. These include medications, special diets, as well as technical methods of weight loss, including a weight loss suit with a sauna effect. Its use allows you to lose weight quite quickly, which was once successfully demonstrated by the famous gymnast Alina Kabaeva, who rapidly lost ten kilograms in just a few days before competitions.



Most often, a weight loss suit with a sauna effect is made of vinyl. This is a material that blocks the transfer of heat from the body. It is thanks to him that such intense sweating occurs during sports. It is made from resins, plastic and rubber. Yes, the composition is synthetic and leaves much to be desired, but do not rush to conclusions. This unique fabric:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not emit toxins;
  • does not ignite;
  • incredibly elastic;
  • has mechanical strength.

It is vinyl that allows you to make clothes without seams so that they do not rub the body.


This is synthetic rubber. Suits made from it have the following properties:

  • waterproof;
  • elasticity;
  • softness (pleasant to the body);
  • strength, high resistance to negative external factors;
  • porous structure (i.e. the body breathes).

Neoprene is also used to make sportswear for airsoft, paintball, mountaineering, sailing, beach volleyball, martial arts, and tourist waterproof equipment.


Polyamide having the following characteristics:

  • easy;
  • wear-resistant;
  • elastic;
  • retains a presentable appearance after many washes;
  • washes well, dries quickly, does not need ironing.

However, a nylon suit has one big drawback - with prolonged contact with the skin (especially sensitive), and even under the influence of heat and sweat, it causes extensive irritation.

How does it work

Weight correction methods based on the greenhouse effect have been known for a long time; many models used them when preparing for a fashion show. Thick underwear was put on the body, then the torso was wrapped in waterproof plastic film, which acted as an insulator, and warm clothes were placed on top. To get the desired result, wearing such ammunition required a good run. An ordinary sauna works on the same principle, but the source of heat in it is hot air, and not the body’s own energy. Why does the sauna effect cause rapid weight loss?

Mechanism of action of the sauna

Almost two-thirds of the human body consists of water, and a greater amount is retained by adipose tissue: 100 g of fat can bind up to 750 g of water. During physical effort, body temperature rises; under normal conditions, heat is released into the environment. A suit with a sauna effect prevents natural heat loss, so to protect against overheating, the body begins to produce a large amount of sweat, with which waste products are released, as well as fat decomposition products.

As a result of intense sweating:

  • body weight decreases quickly;
  • due to the removal of water from tissues, swelling is eliminated;
  • The appearance of cellulite is greatly reduced;
  • the body is actively cleansing itself of toxins.

It should be borne in mind that the sauna suit is not a magical remedy - even if you lie on the couch in it for half a day, you will not be able to get rid of extra pounds. This is a catalyst, a tool that helps to significantly speed up the weight loss process. In order to get real results, intense physical activity is necessary, and nutritional correction aimed at limiting fats and carbohydrates in the diet is also desirable.

Arguments of criticism and defense

The main argument that opponents of a sauna suit for weight loss make is the fact that with its help, mainly water is removed from the body. In order to start the process of burning subcutaneous fat, tissues must be heated to a temperature above 40°C, and such conditions are achievable only when using hardware techniques. Another argument against it is that with prolonged use of a thermal suit, dehydration of the body is inevitable; in addition, microelements and vitamins are removed along with sweat.

Advocates of the greenhouse effect method of losing weight consider the first argument controversial. To obtain energy for physical effort during exercise, the body uses up fat reserves at any temperature. And considering that lipolysis produces 7.5 times more water than the mass of triglycerides themselves, a fairly significant part of the excreted sweat is water from broken down fats. Loss of beneficial microelements can be compensated for by taking a vitamin-mineral complex. By the way, when visiting a regular sauna, such losses also occur.

As for hydration, firstly, the instructions clearly state that it is recommended to drink plenty of water during and after training in this suit to maintain optimal hydration. And secondly, if there is an urgent need to urgently lose a few kilograms, then from the point of view of health safety, a thermal suit is still preferable to taking strong diuretics or laxatives.

Action and efficiency

All these materials have the ability to increase a person’s body temperature, thereby increasing sweating. In fact, the principle of operation is the same as the greenhouse effect achieved by ordinary cling film or the effect of a real sauna, with the only difference being that the heat comes from the inside and not from the outside. According to manufacturers, local warming under the influence of such suits promotes the breakdown of fat cells and, as a result, weight loss. This opinion is refuted by research, because the body temperature caused by wearing a suit is not sufficient to specifically affect fat. Nevertheless, those who have tried this new product claim that the weight still falls. This is true, and this happens due to the loss of fluid by the body. That is, for quick results before any event, a sauna suit is a godsend that will help you lose a couple of kilograms. But they will definitely return soon, as soon as the body restores its water balance.

In defense of the costumes, I would like to say the following. Claiming that all the fluid spent during training in these clothes will be returned immediately after drinking the required amount of water is the same as claiming that the calories spent will be returned after eating. Along with the water that is restored, the water that is released after the breakdown of fat due to active actions also comes out - and this is approximately 700 milliliters for every 0.1 kg of adipose tissue.

Good to know! For greater effectiveness during such weight loss, it is recommended to avoid salt as much as possible - it retains water and its absence in the diet also leads to dehydration.

How to use

Since thermal clothing “works” only during physical activity, and it is undesirable to keep the body in a sealed “package” for a long time, you should put on a suit with a sauna effect immediately before training. When using it, you must adhere to certain rules.


  • Before putting on a thermal suit, take a shower and dry your skin with a towel. Wear underwear made from natural fabric - it will absorb sweat and protect your skin from irritation.
  • Wear a sauna jumpsuit or a suit set over your underwear. It is desirable that it is loose enough and not too tight to the body. This will allow the formation of a layer of air, which will help remove heat from the body.
  • If a certain area of ​​the body needs correction, you can use only a jacket or pants.

Doing exercises

When starting physical exercise, it is recommended to start with a warm-up, then the body warms up gradually, and the load on the heart and the intensity of sweating increase smoothly. The set of exercises can be anything familiar to you: race walking, running, jumping rope, exercise on an exercise bike, rhythmic gymnastics and other types of physical activity that help burn fat. You should only avoid sudden movements that could damage the thermal suit.

After training

After finishing your workout, let your body cool down. Then take off your thermal suit and take a warm shower. This is necessary from a hygiene point of view: skin, moist from sweat, serves as an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathological microflora.

After a shower, it is good to massage problem areas with a brush or hard washcloth, and then apply a moisturizer or anti-cellulite cream to the skin. If after using a slimming suit you notice signs of skin irritation, stop wearing it until the redness or rash disappears completely.

Suit care

Each time you take off your “space suit”, wipe its underside dry with a soft cloth. Wash thermal clothing often, this should only be done by hand, using mild detergents without bleach. Products made from waterproof fabric should be dried away from sources of intense heat and stored in a dry place, preferably unrolled (on a hanger).

Rules for use and storage

It is necessary to properly care for the product to extend its life.

  • After use, rinse it with water or rinse it in the shower, first turning it inside out.
  • Wash only by hand, with soapy water or washing powder without bleach.
  • Dry inside out. In good weather you can hang it on the balcony.
  • Sellers advise wearing cotton underwear underneath; it absorbs sweat well.
  • The body must be allowed to cool before removal. After use, you should take a shower.
  • It is not recommended to use for more than 1 hour.
  • The products do not like humidity, so they should be stored in a dry, ventilated place.

Restrictions and contraindications

Not everyone can use a sauna suit. Thermal suits are contraindicated for health reasons for people who suffer from cancer, cardiovascular, gynecological, hematological diseases, hypertension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. They should not be used by elderly people, pregnant women, or after recent surgery. It is not recommended for people with severe obesity (BMI over 30) to try to lose weight using a sauna suit: the result of losing a large amount of fluid can be sagging skin.

Fitness suit for weight loss. Reviews

Despite the ease of use, ease of use and durability of the product, it often receives negative reviews. The fact is that most people are “led” by advertising calls and want to lose weight without putting any effort into it. No magic will happen unless you put your hands to it.

This wardrobe item is only an addition to a set of weight loss measures. It can be called an auxiliary tool, but it will never become the main factor. But it can help you get results a little faster.

Customer reviews:

Andrey, 35 years old:

“The issue of losing weight with a suit often resembles a bad joke. It is worth clearly understanding that no pills, kits, or drinks will give results if you don’t take charge of yourself. Excuses about not having time are simply ridiculous!

If you plan your entire day minute by minute, you can find a lot of wasted time. But you could take care of yourself! You need to love yourself, then everything will work out. After work, I have time to train at home for up to an hour. That’s why I don’t need a suit, although classes are more effective with it.”

Alisa, 28 years old:

“I’ve been using the suit for three years, and they can say that there is a result. I conduct classes at home. Sometimes I do exercises on the mat, sometimes on an exercise bike. The effect is amazing, after class it’s like you’ve been doused in a bucket. But it’s the water that goes away first, not the fat. Therefore, you should definitely stick to proper nutrition.”

Anna, 40 years old:

“The sauna suit is great. Naturally, if you sit on the sofa, the weight will not move. I've been using an American made product for 2 years now and it looks great. If you buy, then only a high-quality set.

I started like this: I combined a protein diet, cardio training daily for 15 minutes, and drinking plenty of fluids. I work out between breakfast and lunch, and after classes I always take a contrast shower. The result is excellent, in the first 2 weeks I lost 4 kilos. Weight decreases gradually, which is not harmful to the body. I recommend it to friends and acquaintances, a simple and effective way to get your body in order.”

Advantages of a sauna suit

If you need to lose weight in a short time, a sauna suit can really help. In 1 hour of intense training you can lose up to 2 kg. But just wearing it won't make you lose weight. Only in combination with active physical activity will you be able to achieve results.

Manufacturers also promise that with regular use of the sauna suit you can:

  • remove toxins from the body;
  • get rid of swelling;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • prevent the appearance of cellulite.

Another plus is that it is wear-resistant, easy to use and does not restrict movement.

Disadvantages of a sauna suit

Exercising in such a suit is a significant burden on the heart, so it will be harder to train. If you feel unwell while exercising in a sauna suit, immediately take it off and take a break.

You must understand that losing weight in a sauna suit occurs due to dehydration. At first you will see a good result on the scale, but over time the positive effect will disappear, because in the process of losing weight it is necessary to maintain the body's water balance.

During profuse sweating, not only water and toxins are released, but also salts and microelements. If they are deficient, the body will not be able to recover properly after training. In this case, you will have to take isotonics.

Exercising in a sauna suit increases your risk of heatstroke. Experts also say that its use can provoke inflammatory gynecological diseases in women. In addition, allergic reactions or skin diseases may occur.

Contraindications and possible harm

A sauna suit is an unsafe means of burning excess fat. Not everyone can use it. Contraindications to the use of overalls are:

  • allergic reactions to fabric;
  • bearing a child;
  • the presence of infections and viruses in the body;
  • skin diseases;
  • a condition accompanied by fever and chills;
  • any degree of obesity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • joint problems;
  • rehabilitation period after a long illness;
  • any pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

You should not wear a suit during menstruation or lactation, or at elevated body temperatures.

In some cases, negative consequences occur:

  • irritation on the skin;
  • gynecological problems in women;
  • fungal diseases;
  • water balance disturbance;
  • heatstroke.

To avoid such complications, you should visit a doctor before wearing overalls, especially if you have long-term illnesses.

If there are no contraindications to use, but your health begins to deteriorate, then this method of combating excess weight should be abandoned. You need to carefully monitor the condition of your skin, because sweat can cause weeping ulcers.

Who needs a sauna suit?

It makes sense to use a sauna suit for athletes who are lifting weights or drying off before competitions. If you want to lose weight and maintain the results for a long time, you should not rely on the miraculous effect of a sauna suit. You can train in it once a week to give your body a little boost. At the same time, you should not exhaust yourself during training, you should monitor your well-being and not have the above contraindications. Experts recommend wearing such a suit only if the amount of excess weight does not exceed 5 kg.

You should not exercise in a sauna suit all the time. This will only dehydrate your body and deprive you of beneficial microelements. To lose weight, there is nothing better than proper nutrition and regular exercise.


Many manufacturers of PVC sauna suits have decided not to bother with sizes and offer the consumer universal ones for women and men. Purchasing clothes of one size can be risky, because absolutely all people are different in height and weight. Therefore, it is still recommended to choose a suit individually for yourself.

On the websites of online stores offering sauna suits there is a size chart with parameters of body circumference, height and weight. You can purchase this item in sizes from XS to 5XL, so everyone can find something that will be comfortable for sports.

How to wear a sauna suit correctly

Under the suit you need to wear cotton sportswear. This will help avoid skin irritation and reduce the risk of overheating.

After training, you should immediately take off the sauna suit and not walk around in it for some time. Also, after each workout, it should be washed in warm water with antibacterial or baby soap.

On days when you work out in a suit, be especially careful about your hydration. Increase the amount of clean water consumed to 2.5 - 3 liters.

Try not to wear a sauna suit more than 2 times a week.

Remember that in pursuit of a slim figure and good results, you must not forget about your health and wisely resort to various aids!

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