A diet based on apples and kefir will help when it is important to lose extra pounds in a short time.
How chondroprotectors work Chondroitin is part of our bones, cartilage and joints, its task is
Maltseva Oksana Aleksandrovna Dietician About the question of whether adults should drink or not
And what will those who want to lose weight try? Here you will also find exhausting cardio workouts, Zumba fitness, tai-bo
How long to cook pasta? How to cook pasta You will need: pasta, a little oil, water, salt For
Of all the components of physical fitness, stretching is the most overlooked. There just isn't enough for her
Step aerobics is a type of cardio training based on dance movements performed using a step platform. Regular
Watermelon for weight loss Despite the high glycemic index (75-80 units), its calorie content is lower
There is nothing more difficult than losing those last 2-4 kilograms. You train at least 3 times a day
Russia fulfills the plan for zucchini at 75% of consumption volume. Approximately 3/4 of total consumption volume