Recipes for souffles and cottage cheese casseroles in a slow cooker

Many people love cottage cheese for its taste and benefits in the form of a large amount of calcium. Cottage cheese, along with other fermented milk products, is good for digestion. At the same time, it goes well with various dishes and can serve as an additive or base for preparing various delicacies. There are a lot of recipes for cottage cheese in a slow cooker; a simple kitchen appliance will make the process of preparing a healthy product easier.

General cooking principles

The key to delicious cottage cheese dishes is high-quality cottage cheese. It should not be too sour or hard. Humidity is moderate.

Curd dishes can have a salty or sweet taste . When cooking, cottage cheese is often combined with other dairy products: sour cream, butter, milk. It is ideally complemented by eggs, berries, fruits, and dried fruits. If unsweetened dishes are prepared, parsley, cumin, dill, and ground pepper are used in large quantities.

If you are wondering what you can cook from cottage cheese in a slow cooker, then you should consider simple and affordable quick recipes. Despite the speed of their preparation, they will yield very tasty and interesting dishes!

Portioned soufflé in molds

Cottage cheese is a source of healthy vitamins and calcium. This dish is especially recommended for children and those on a diet. Steamed cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker is an ideal delicacy with a bright taste, at the same time light and very healthy.

For variety, we recommend adding various fruits, cereals, and cookies. You will love the steam soufflé not only because of its appetizing appearance, but also because of its amazing taste. Once you try this dessert, you will never forget its taste - tender, airy, with a slight sourness imparted by berries. And to prepare you will only need about 50 minutes of free time and a slow cooker.

We offer several simple recipes for cottage cheese soufflé. Desserts prepared according to these recipes are low-calorie and contain an increased portion of the protein component. That is why these dishes are an effective assistant for those who want to lose weight.

Starch-curd casserole

This recipe will make an excellent dietary cottage cheese casserole in a Redmond or any other multicooker. It looks tender, soft and fluffy, and all thanks to the fact that instead of semolina or flour you need to add starch. The degree of sweetness can be varied at your discretion by reducing or adding the amount of sugar.

You will need:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese;
  • four eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a couple of tablespoons of starch and sour cream;
  • a handful of raisins, vanillin.

The cooking process itself is very simple . First, separate the yolks and whites, add a couple of grains of salt to the whites and put them in the refrigerator. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, egg yolks, vanillin and starch. Remove the chilled whites and beat until a strong foam forms. Fold the whites into the cottage cheese base and add washed raisins if desired. Place in a multicooker bowl, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Cook for twenty minutes in the “Baking” or “Roasting” mode.

You can serve it with jam, sour cream, condensed milk, but it’s also very tasty just with a cup of tea. The main advantage of cooking this dish in a slow cooker is that it does not fall off, but in the oven after cooling, the casserole often loses its fluffiness.

Curd soufflé in a slow cooker. Curd soufflé: ways to prepare dessert in a slow cooker

Curd soufflé is an excellent alternative to simple cottage cheese or casserole. The soufflé has an unusually delicate texture and airiness. This dish is enjoyed by both adults and children, who often do not consume cottage cheese in their usual form. In this article we will tell you how to prepare cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker and provide a detailed description of delicious and interesting recipes.

Steamed curd soufflé in a slow cooker

Dietary cottage cheese soufflé is useful not only because it is prepared from cottage cheese, but also due to the cooking method. The use of hot steam in cooking helps ensure that the ingredients retain a large number of useful components. In addition, steam soufflé is prepared without the use of oil or any other fats, which makes it low-calorie and healthy for the figure. Let's look at what ingredients are used in preparing steamed curd soufflé in a slow cooker.

  • low fat cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp;
  • sour cream 15% fat - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 5-6 tbsp;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • any berries to taste – 100 g.

Steamed curd souffle in a multicooker is prepared quickly; the most important thing is that your equipment supports the “Steam cooking” option and is equipped with a special accessory. Let's look at the cooking steps below:

  1. The main ingredient of the curd soufflé should be a thoroughly crushed mass of homogeneous consistency. If there are lumps in the cottage cheese, the soufflé will not turn out tender and airy. So, to achieve the desired consistency, first grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve.
  2. Wash the eggs, carefully break the shells and separate the whites from the yolks. Pour the whites into a deep, dry bowl and place in the refrigerator while preparing the remaining ingredients.
  3. Add sour cream, sugar and yolks, as well as semolina to the grated cottage cheese. Mix everything with a spoon.
  4. Pour the berries into a colander and rinse with running water. Let them drain, then pour them onto a dry paper towel to absorb the remaining liquid.
  5. Add 1 pinch of salt to the chilled whites and beat with a mixer until they turn into a stiff foam. The foam should be such that when the bowl is turned upside down, it does not leak out and remains in its original shape.
  6. Add the protein foam into the curd mass. Slowly and very carefully mix the ingredients with a spoon.
  7. We transfer the future soufflé into a suitable form and place it in a container for steaming. Sprinkle the curd mixture with berries. Pour the required amount of water into the bowl of the device, activate the “Steam” program and cook the steamed curd soufflé in the multicooker for 30 minutes.

Curd soufflé in a slow cooker in 4 variants

This dietary soufflé is low in calories and can be considered one of the best desserts for those who care about their physical fitness. The originality of the recipe lies in the fact that the dish is prepared with several flavors at once. The base is cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and vanillin. During the cooking process, the curd mass is distributed into small portioned molds, into which sour cream, milk and cinnamon are added. As a result, you get one dessert with four different flavors. By the way, if you want to make the dish completely dietary, use only whites instead of whole eggs, and also reduce the amount of sugar. Let's look at a detailed list of ingredients that are used in preparing cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker:

  • cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% - 300 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15% - 2 tsp;
  • milk – 1 tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon – ¼ tsp.

Don’t forget that to prepare curd soufflé in a slow cooker you will also need small ceramic molds. Having prepared everything you need, you can start preparing the dessert:

  1. To give the soufflé airiness and lightness, first grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve. Add sugar and vanillin to the cottage cheese.
  2. We wash and dry the eggs, then carefully separate them into whites and yolks. Immediately transfer the yolks to the cottage cheese and mix, and combine the whites with a pinch of salt and beat with a mixer. To get a homogeneous dense foam, you should turn on the mixer at the highest speed, do not slow down or turn it off until the desired result is achieved.
  3. Distribute the curd mass into prepared ceramic molds. We leave one of them as is, add a spoonful of milk to the second, sprinkle cinnamon on the third soufflé, and put sour cream in the fourth.
  4. Place the molds on the bottom of the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Baking” program. Set the temperature to 160°C and cook the curd soufflé in a slow cooker for 20-30 minutes.

The finished dish can be eaten warm or cold. As a rule, the soufflé settles a little in the first few minutes after baking, but its taste still remains delicate.

Apricot-curd soufflé in a slow cooker

This recipe uses canned apricots, but you can easily replace them with fresh ones or use peaches, for example. The fruits that make up the dessert exude a sweet, pleasant aroma that goes well with the curd taste. Add a little apricot liqueur to the soufflé and the dessert will take on some piquant flavor. Let's take a closer look at what products are used in preparing apricot-curd soufflé in a slow cooker:

  • cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • canned apricots – 400 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • potato starch – 1 tbsp;
  • apricot liqueur – 20 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 50 g;
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • mint - for decoration.

We will describe in detail the process of preparing apricot-curd soufflé in a slow cooker:

  1. Leave a few apricot fruits whole, and transfer the remaining fruits to a blender and blend until smooth. Transfer the puree into a small metal bowl, add 6 tbsp. apricot juice, 50 g sugar and the juice of half a lemon. Place the bowl on low heat and boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  2. Grind the lemon zest and measure out 0.5 tsp. and add to apricot puree. By this point, the burner should already be turned off. We divide whole apricots into halves and also add them to the rest of the ingredients. Add liqueur there.
  3. We distribute the whites and yolks of the eggs into different containers. Add sugar to the yolks and grind them with a spoon or whisk until they acquire a light yellow tint. Combine the whites with a pinch of salt and beat them into a stiff foam using a mixer.
  4. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve. Add the yolk-sugar mass, sour cream and potato starch to it. Gently fold the protein foam into the resulting dough.
  5. Grease the soufflé molds with a piece of butter and spread the curd mixture into them. Please note that the soufflé will increase in volume during baking, so you can only fill the molds 2/3 full.
  6. Place containers with curd mass in a multi-cooker vessel. We activate the “Baking” program and prepare the curd soufflé in a multicooker for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180°C.
  7. Remove the finished dessert from the bowl, turn the soufflé molds onto plates and pour apricot sauce over the dish.

At the very end, the dessert should be decorated with powdered sugar and mint leaves.

Curd soufflé with ricotta and berries in a slow cooker

A delicate, airy soufflé with ricotta has a pleasant berry-creamy taste, an additional note of which is given by the bright citrus aroma of orange zest. This dessert is best eaten slightly warm, although its taste is extremely pleasant when cooled. The ingredients for making curd soufflé in a slow cooker are the following:

  • ricotta – 250 g;
  • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • any berries – 100 g;
  • potato starch – 30 g;
  • sugar - to taste.

The steps for preparing cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker are described below:

  1. Wash the orange thoroughly under the tap, wipe it dry, and then grate its zest on a fine grater.
  2. Break the eggs and separate the whites and yolks. We distribute them into different bowls. Add a little salt to the whites and, using the mixer at high speed, beat them into a dense foam.
  3. Grind the cottage cheese until smooth, combine it with ricotta and egg yolks. We also beat this mass well using a mixer. Then pour a few tablespoons of sugar into the curd mass, the amount of which you can adjust to your taste.
  4. We also add orange zest and potato starch to the future soufflé. Beat everything well with a mixer one last time.
  5. Add the protein foam into the mixture and carefully mix it all with a spoon.
  6. Place the berries in a colander and rinse under running water.
  7. Grease the bottom of the multicooker pan with oil. Place the berries in an even layer and cover them with the curd mixture. We put the multicooker in the “Baking” mode.
  8. Bake the curd soufflé in a slow cooker for 40 minutes.

Once finished, the dessert can be decorated with anything: sour cream, powdered sugar, berry syrup, jam, condensed milk, etc.

Curd soufflé in a slow cooker. Video

Cottage cheese and apple casserole

And this is a real dessert made from cottage cheese in a slow cooker. And although it will take more time to cook than in the first case, it’s definitely worth a try! All household members will appreciate your efforts, and few will be able to refuse the supplement.

To prepare casserole with apples you will need the following set of products:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese;
  • about 300 g sour cream;
  • four eggs;
  • three apples;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a couple of tablespoons of flour, butter;
  • salt.

Cut the washed apples into cubes or small slices. If you wish, peel them first. Melt the butter in a multicooker bowl, add the apples and fry lightly. Grind the cottage cheese with eggs, sugar, add sour cream and flour and add a little salt. The mass will not be very thick - that’s how it should be.

Pour the resulting aromatic mixture into the bowl on top of the apples, close the device and cook in it for half an hour. Serve with honey, condensed milk or sour cream. Even when cooled, the casserole is very tasty! Next time, you can use other fruits using the same recipe, delighting your loved ones with a familiar dessert in a new version.

Curd cake

The cake in the slow cooker also turns out very tender and fluffy. It is prepared according to a very simple recipe, and the tasty delicacy can be classified as a quick dish. You will prepare the dough in five minutes, and the multicooker will finish everything for you . You don’t need many ingredients: half a kilo of cottage cheese, flour and sugar. Additionally, you need to take five eggs, a stick of butter, a spoonful of slaked soda and vanillin.

Melt the butter, grind the cottage cheese, add all the other listed products into it. Cook in the “Baking” mode for half an hour. If the cake is still wet inside, increase the cooking time. Remove from the bowl ten minutes after finishing cooking. The finished product is sprinkled with powdered sugar or poured over melted chocolate.

Steamed cottage cheese soufflé for children in a slow cooker

A wonderful simple and tasty dish that is perfect for feeding your beloved baby breakfast. Even kids who don’t really like cottage cheese eat steamed cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker just perfectly! Especially if, when serving, cut fruit on top or pour jam on top.

1. Mix all prepared ingredients into one mass.

2. It is best to use soft cottage cheese for this dish. If your curd is a little dry, you need to put it in a blender a little or rub it through a sieve.

3. Give a little time for the semolina to swell.

4. Now we transfer our soufflé into suitable molds. It could be one big one or several small ones. I had a small silicone one.

5. On the multicooker, select the steaming mode. Pour water into the multicooker pan to the top mark.

6. Place the soufflé on top of the steaming container. Cook for about 20 minutes.

7. For very young children, steamed curd soufflé in a slow cooker can be mashed with a fork before serving, although it is already very soft!

Help yourself!

Steam soufflé

The curd soufflé in the Redmond multicooker will amaze you with its taste. It is very easy to prepare and is a dietary option. The use of hot steam ensures that all products retain their nutritional qualities. The dish does not require the addition of oil and fat, so it will not harm the figure and will be healthy for children.

You don't need many products:

  • about 250 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • three eggs;
  • six tablespoons of sugar;
  • a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and semolina;
  • a handful of any berries.

Your equipment must support the “Steam Cooking” mode, and you will also need a special accessory - a container for the bowl. There should be no lumps in the cottage cheese, so rub it through a sieve, otherwise the soufflé will not turn out airy and tender. Separate the yolks and whites. Place the whites in the refrigerator, and add the yolks along with sugar and sour cream to the grated cottage cheese, add semolina, and mix everything.

Next, rinse the berries and dry them to remove excess moisture. Beat the chilled egg whites with a pinch of salt with a mixer until stiff foam forms. Add the foam to the mixture with cottage cheese, mix gently with a spoon.

Transfer the mixture into a mold and place in a container for steaming, sprinkle with berries on top. Pour water into the bowl itself, turn on the “Steam” mode, cook for half an hour. Even when cooled, the soufflé is incredibly tasty!

Recipe for cottage cheese soufflé with raspberries and currants in a slow cooker


  • curd mass with fat content 9% – 250 g
  • berries (raspberries, currants) – 100 g
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • corn starch - 2 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp.
  • sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • mint for decoration

Everyone knows perfectly well how healthy cottage cheese is, but for some reason my family doesn’t really want to eat it, and persuasion almost doesn’t work in this situation.
This was the case quite recently, but now the situation has changed dramatically, and I no longer have cottage cheese in the refrigerator. And all thanks to an amazing recipe that I discovered recently. This cottage cheese soufflé in a slow cooker is a delicious delicacy with a bright taste, at the same time light and healthy, because it is steamed, and even with berries. It can safely be called a dessert not only due to its spectacular appearance, but also its taste - tender, airy, with berry sourness. The secret of such beauty is that during the cooking process berries are added to the curd mass - they give the dessert bright inclusions and a refreshing sourness. My family liked the curd and berry soufflé so much that now they are literally following me on my heels and asking me to make this delicious dish again. Well, how can you refuse them? Here, perhaps, it should be noted that there is nothing complicated in preparing steamed curd soufflé in a slow cooker; everything about everything only takes about 45 minutes of time, including preparation. But from words I’ll get down to business - I can’t wait to enjoy this delicious soufflé, and at the same time share the recipe with you, dear visitors of the site

Apricot-curd soufflé

If you are planning a holiday, then you should take note of this truly festive recipe. It contains canned apricots, which can be replaced with fresh or peaches if desired. Fruits add a sweet and pleasant aroma to the dessert, which goes well with the curd taste. The dessert acquires piquant notes by adding a small amount of apricot liqueur.

But it’s worth considering the method of preparing a fragrant soufflé step by step. First you need to prepare all the products:

  • 150 g cottage cheese;
  • half a kilo of canned apricots;
  • two eggs;
  • whole lemon;
  • sugar to taste (largely depends on the sweetness of the apricots);
  • two tablespoons of sour cream, potato starch, powdered sugar, liqueur;
  • mint, salt.

First, set aside a few whole apricots, grind the rest in a blender until smooth. Add a couple of tablespoons of powdered sugar, sugar and juice from half a lemon. Boil the mixture for five minutes. Grind the lemon zest and add a little to the resulting puree. Divide whole fruits into halves, add to the puree and add liqueur.

Divide the egg yolks and whites into separate bowls. Add sugar to the yolks and rub with a spoon until they acquire a light yellow tint. Mix the whites with a pinch of salt, beat with a mixer until a stiff foam forms. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the yolk mixture, starch and sour cream, and fold gently into the protein foam.

Grease small soufflé molds with oil and spoon the mixture into them. It is worth remembering that during cooking the soufflé will increase in volume, so you should not fill the mold completely. Place the molds in a multi-cooker container and cook on the “Baking” mode for forty minutes. If your device has a temperature control mode, then it is better to set the recommended temperature - 180 degrees.

Simply turn the finished dessert out of the molds onto plates, pour over the aromatic apricot sauce and garnish with fresh mint leaves. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar or chocolate chips. In general, decorating a finished soufflé is a real creative process; each housewife approaches it differently.

With berries

Cottage cheese goes well with different berries. These products are low-calorie and healthy. Usually, blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are chosen for the filling in a curd soufflé with berries. You can make apple soufflé using the same principle. For the recipe you need:

  • 250 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 piece – eggs;
  • 120 g berries;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking steps

  1. First, all the components of the recipe are prepared. You can take cottage cheese of any fat content.
  2. An egg and a tablespoon of sugar are added to the cottage cheese. All together is thoroughly ground and whipped with a mixer or blender.
  3. The berries are washed well, the remaining sugar is added to them and mashed with a fork. If apples are used, then grind them on a fine grater.
  4. Cottage cheese is placed in the mold, which will then need to be placed in a container for steaming. Low sides are formed from it along the edges. Berries are placed on top of the cottage cheese, and cottage cheese is placed on them again. The surface needs to be leveled.
  5. 0.3 liters of water is poured into the multicooker bowl, and a container with a mold is placed on it. Then the Steam program is set for 30 minutes.
  6. Once completed, the mold is taken out and cooled slightly. After this, the soufflé can be easily transferred to a dish, and just before serving, garnish with jam, sour cream or berries.

The finished dessert is served with tea, yogurt, it will be delicious both warm and cold.

Cooking secrets

If you often prepare cottage cheese dishes, then you already know some cooking tricks, but new secrets and recommendations will definitely not be superfluous:

  1. Cottage cheese should be subjected to minimal cooking. Baking time for pies and muffins should not be more than half an hour.
  2. All curd dishes have a wonderful taste, but, unfortunately, this dairy product loses some of its beneficial properties for digestion during processing. It is advisable to include cottage cheese in your menu that has not undergone heat treatment. There are also many similar recipes.
  3. It is not recommended to add baking soda to this ingredient; it reacts with acid, and the dairy product loses its structure. This property is applicable when preparing homemade raw materials, but during the baking process it will do a disservice; the dough will simply spread, lose its shape, and will fry to the surface of the multicooker bowl.
  4. Most recipes allow you to replace sugar with liquid honey, after which any curd dish will acquire a wonderful flavor.

As you can see, you can quickly prepare many dishes from cottage cheese, and a slow cooker will help with this. It is enough to put the necessary ingredients into it, set the desired mode, and the device will finish the job. The above recipes are ideal as a nutritious breakfast for adults and children. They can also serve as the main dessert on any holiday table. You should definitely include healthy and tasty cottage cheese in your daily diet to saturate your body with all the necessary substances.

Cooking method

  1. I have the ingredients collected, my reliable assistant PHILIPS HD3077/40 is at the ready, and this means that I start preparing the curd soufflé with berries in the slow cooker.
  2. As a rule, if I cook something from cottage cheese, the first thing I do is grind it to get rid of grains, but this time it is so soft that there is no need for this. Soft cottage cheese, sugar, egg, sour cream and 1 tbsp. I put the starch in a container to combine it into a homogeneous creamy mass.
  3. If you have a food processor as an assistant, you can do this in it or use a blender, but I beat with a mixer. That's it, the base for the curd soufflé is ready.
  4. Today I have frozen raspberries and currants from home supplies that I made in the summer, but when the berry season comes, then, of course, fresh berries will be used.

I pour the berries into a bowl and roll them in the remaining starch (I do this so that during the cooking process they do not all settle to the bottom). Then I pour the currants and raspberries into the curd mass and gently stir in with a spoon.

  • I lightly grease the silicone molds with vegetable oil and place the prepared mixture with berries in them. I place them in a steaming tray, which, in turn, is inserted into the multicooker bowl, having first poured about 1 liter of hot water.
  • Cooking berry curd soufflé in a multicooker takes place in the “steam” mode for 30 minutes. After the sound notification about the end of the program, I turn off the multicooker, carefully open the lid and allow the soufflé to cool.
  • Before serving, remove the curd soufflé from the molds and place on serving plates, garnishing with berries and a sprig of mint. Bon appetit!
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