Honey with cinnamon as a sweet panacea: 17 healing properties of a miraculous mixture

The beneficial properties of honey have long been highly valued throughout the world. Cinnamon is better known as a spice. But it also brings great benefits to human health. It's no surprise that honey and cinnamon are often used together to improve health. What are their benefits, and how to properly use honey and cinnamon to treat diseases, we explain in the article.


Cinnamon honey has many beneficial properties and is used in the treatment of various diseases. Honey is produced in most countries of the world and has been used medicinally for centuries. Nowadays, scientists also recognize honey as an effective medicine for many diseases. Moreover, it has virtually no side effects.

Despite the sweetness of honey, when taken in the correct dosage, it does not harm even diabetics. When combined with cinnamon, honey becomes almost a sweet panacea. Below is a list of diseases that can be treated with honey and cinnamon. It also describes how to use them.

Honey with cinnamon for acne

Medicinal honey and cinnamon paste

To prepare the paste, honey and cinnamon are taken in certain proportions, namely 3:1. Mix them thoroughly to form a paste. Apply the paste to pimples before going to bed and wash off with warm water in the morning. To get rid of acne, it is recommended to do this procedure daily for 2 weeks.

Face mask based on honey and cinnamon

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of honey.
  2. Steam and cleanse your face as you normally would. Hot steam will open the pores of your face.
  3. Apply the honey and lemon mixture to clean skin. After 20 minutes, rinse your skin with warm water and then cold water to close the pores. Use the mask no more than once a week.

Features of use

In order for the prepared medicine to be effective, you should definitely buy high-quality ingredients. As for honey, it is advisable to purchase it in specialized stores; be sure to read the composition. It is more difficult to choose cinnamon, since most often on store shelves you can find a cheaper analogue - cassia, which, although similar in appearance to cinnamon and has the same aromatic properties, however, contains a large amount of harmful coumarin and a minimum of beneficial properties, so it is not suitable for preparing medicine. fits. It’s better to buy the spice in sticks and grind it yourself - this way the chances of buying high-quality raw materials are much higher.

Real Ceylon cinnamon is a light mustard color, while cassia is a rich brown. The thickness of the sticks when comparing the two types is significantly different: cassia is thicker, and cinnamon is thinner. Give preference to spices brought from Ceylon; avoid buying spices grown in China, Indonesia or Vietnam.

Depending on the goals pursued, the use of cinnamon with honey has certain differences. The drug based on the components in question can be drunk - made into teas, drinks based on water or milk, or consumed in its pure form. Therefore, we will learn how to prepare a medicine to treat specific health problems and how to use it.

We advise you to read about the benefits of honey for the male body.

In folk medicine

A mixture of cinnamon and honey is widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. Let's take a closer look at what it treats and how to achieve maximum effect from use.

For flu and colds

There are many effective folk remedies for the flu, and to prevent infection, consider a recipe for preparing the simplest and most effective of them:

  • for 1 cup of boiling water use 1/3 tsp of aromatic spice;
  • Brew the drink, cool until warm;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. honey and ground black pepper on the tip of a knife.

Mix the drink thoroughly and take 1 tbsp. l. 6 times a day. This drink can be used as an additional treatment or as a prophylactic. At the same time, you cannot drink it constantly; it is recommended to follow the following scheme: 2 weeks - take, 1 week - break.

A mixture based on the components in question is beneficial for the immune system and helps fight colds. To make a tasty medicine, you just need to mix 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1/4 tsp. spices. The medicine should be taken 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Did you know? To make 1 liter of honey, a bee needs to cover a distance of 460 thousand km, constantly stopping to collect nectar from flowers.

For arthritis

Taking a drink based on honey and cinnamon gives a positive result for arthritis, it relieves pain and is able to treat the problem in an advanced state.

Preparing the medicine is very simple: you need to dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 glass of warm water. l. beekeeping product and 1 tsp. ground spices, stir thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. The drug should be taken 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. for 3 weeks, then take a break for 1 week, and then resume taking it again.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

For diseases of the genitourinary system, it is also effective to use a remedy based on honey and cinnamon. To prepare the medicine, prepare 1 glass of warm water, in which dissolve 1 tbsp. l. beekeeping product and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon. The product should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

For problems with the oral cavity

The problem of bad breath plagues a large number of people, but such a simple remedy as honey and cinnamon can get rid of it, and the effect lasts throughout the day. To prepare a refreshing liquid, mix the beekeeping product with an aromatic spice in equal proportions (1 tsp each), dissolve the mixture in a glass of warm water. Rinse your mouth for 1 minute and repeat the procedure if necessary. This liquid not only freshens breath - it kills germs and has an analgesic effect, relieving toothache.

To treat wounds and ulcers in the mouth, a mixture of honey and cinnamon is also suitable. To prepare the medicine, prepare the components in equal quantities (1 teaspoon each), mix them thoroughly and apply to the affected area 4-5 times a day.

For dermatological problems

Almost any skin rash can be cured with a mixture of honey and cinnamon. Having mixed these 2 components in equal proportions, the resulting paste should be applied to problem areas of the skin and wait 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This remedy is very effective for eczema, fungi, dermatitis, and acne.

Important! If you have skin problems, you should not use products based on honey and cinnamon if you are allergic to the components - the skin also reacts to allergens with rashes and itching.

For acne, you can also prepare a remedy based on honey (3 tsp) and cinnamon (1 tsp), which is then applied to the affected areas 2 times a day for 15 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

For the heart and blood vessels

To keep your cardiovascular system in good shape, you need to regularly consume a sweet paste based on honey and cinnamon, which can be spread on bread or added to cottage cheese. To prepare it you need to take 100 g of honey and 2 tsp. ground spices and mix them thoroughly. It is recommended to eat 2-3 tbsp per day. l. pasta.

Honey drink with cinnamon has a good effect for treating the cardiovascular system. To prepare it, dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 glass of warm water. l. honey and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon. You need to take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before. before meals, and at night, 1 hour before bedtime. This drink, in addition to its positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, has another big advantage - it calms the nervous system and helps get rid of insomnia.

For weight loss

Cinnamon with honey accelerates metabolic processes in the body, therefore it is recommended for people who are overweight and want to lose weight. A good effect can be obtained from a product based on a beekeeping product (1 tsp), grated ginger (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp) and a pinch of ground spice. The resulting mixture should be diluted with 1 glass of warm water and drunk on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before. before meals. You can drink the product daily for 1 month, then take a break for 2 weeks and return to taking it.

Skin infection and cinnamon honey

Honey and cinnamon are used to treat eczema, ringworm and all types of skin infections. Apply their mixture in equal proportions to the affected areas of the skin. Try another way of using honey and cinnamon against skin infections.

Honey and cinnamon paste for skin infections

  1. Take a shower or wash the affected skin with warm water and antibacterial soap. The skin must be wiped dry.
  2. In a bowl, mix 3 tablespoons honey with 2 tablespoons cinnamon to a paste.
  3. Apply the paste onto the affected areas of the skin with your fingers.
  4. Massage the skin with gentle circular movements until the paste dries. Leave the paste on your face for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash your skin with soap and water to remove the sticky paste.

Honey and cinnamon in the treatment of arthritis

An interesting study was conducted in Denmark. Honey and cinnamon were used to treat arthritis patients. The mixture was prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and was taken by patients before breakfast.

After 7 days, 40% of patients undergoing this treatment were completely free of joint pain. After a month, almost all the patients who could not walk or move at all due to arthritis began to move freely. There was no pain.

How to Make Cinnamon Honey Paste for Arthritis

  1. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with honey and warm water to a paste. We take honey and water in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Apply the paste to the sore joints using massaging movements. After a few minutes, the pain will subside.

How to Make a Cinnamon and Honey Drink for Arthritis

  1. Dissolve 2 teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm water.
  2. To reduce arthritic pain, you need to drink the drink regularly in the morning and evening.


The spice stimulates the body and increases blood flow. Bee product is considered an aggressive allergen. Therefore, cinnamon with honey exhibits not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. Examples:

  • pregnancy;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • signs of bleeding;
  • elevated temperature;
  • allergic reaction;
  • taking antibiotics (incompatibility);
  • stressful condition.

Cinnamon with honey is an effective remedy, rich in nutrients. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, heart muscle, skin, gastrointestinal tract, and immunity. Ginger, lemon, turmeric or kefir with cinnamon and honey complement the healing properties and enhance the beneficial properties.

Honey and cinnamon to fight bladder infections

Honey combined with cinnamon is effective in treating various bladder inflammations. Take 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water. The prepared drink is an excellent remedy against bladder infections.

Drink 2-3 liters of this drink daily. Be sure to empty your bladder as needed. During treatment, you should not drink alcohol, drink coffee, or citrus fruit juices, as this can cause bladder irritation.

Cinnamon Honey as a Home Remedy for High Cholesterol

Both honey and cinnamon help reduce blood cholesterol levels. Studies have shown the ability of honey to improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

How to make longevity tea for high cholesterol

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder to the finished tea (1/2 liter).
  2. Drink this cholesterol-lowering tea within 2 hours.
  3. For arthritis, drinking this tea also reduces cholesterol levels.

Tea with honey and cinnamon is also called longevity tea, since it helps reduce many of the negative effects of old age.

Honey and cinnamon for infertility and unwanted pregnancy

Since ancient times, the ability of honey to improve sperm quality has been known. Drinking 2 tablespoons of honey regularly before bed helps with impotence.

In China, Japan and the countries of the Far East, women took cinnamon powder to prevent pregnancy and strengthen the uterus. In this case, you need to take a pinch of cinnamon and ½ teaspoon of honey, mix them and apply them to the gums of your teeth throughout the day.

With polycystic ovary syndrome, cinnamon also comes to the rescue. It normalizes the menstrual cycle and increases a woman's fertility.

Note : It is not recommended to use cinnamon during pregnancy, as it stimulates uterine contractions and can cause premature birth.

Cinnamon with honey for digestive disorders

Cinnamon and honey help with stomach pain, and the mixture also heals stomach ulcers. There are several ways to use cinnamon to treat digestive problems.

How to make tea with cinnamon sticks and honey

  1. Boil the cinnamon sticks and let the water cool slightly. It is better to take Ceylon cinnamon, which contains less coumarin dye, unlike Chinese cinnamon, which is not so harmless to the liver.
  2. Add a little honey to the resulting broth.

This mixture creates the effect of hydrogen peroxide: it brings all viruses to the surface of the stomach and destroys them.

How to make tea with cinnamon powder and honey

  1. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to boiling water (1 cup).
  2. Boil this mixture for 5 minutes and then strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink.

How to choose cinnamon for tea

When choosing a quality spice, it is better to focus on a well-known manufacturer. The cinnamon must come from Sri Lanka. It is not recommended to buy spices made in the USA or Germany. There is an opinion that these countries use Chinese raw materials in production. Cinnamon tubes are more difficult to fake, and the taste is more pleasant compared to powder. A slightly sweet and strong smell indicates the freshness of the product.

Cinnamon tea is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and essential substances. The product has a positive effect on the entire body. The drink will help calm your appetite, especially for people who are overweight and have fat deposits. All baked goods and dishes with the addition of cinnamon acquire an excellent aroma and taste. Nutritionists advise preparing cinnamon tea yourself, preserving all the beneficial components.

Cinnamon with honey to prevent heart disease

Prepare a paste of honey and cinnamon powder. Spread it on a piece of bread and eat it for breakfast. This paste effectively cleanses arterial walls from cholesterol, which is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and heart attacks. Regularly use a paste of honey and cinnamon, and you will forget about shortness of breath and your pulse will normalize. You can also drink tea with a pinch of cinnamon and a teaspoon of honey every half hour before breakfast. To make this tea, brew some unflavored green tea and a pinch of freshly ground cinnamon. Strain the tea and drink it hot.

Reviews of those losing weight

When you search for “cinnamon tea for weight loss, recipe, reviews” in search engines, you will come across the following comments:

“I speak from personal experience: tea with cinnamon is a really great aid in losing weight, of course, as long as it is not consumed along with cakes and cookies. I prefer cinnamon tea with additives like honey and ginger. I also want to try the spicy milk drink, I hope I like it too"

Inna, 2014

“I drink cinnamon and green tea. I loved this drink, but the only downside is that I often have to run to the toilet. I think it’s true that this tea improves metabolism, because I lost 2 kilograms in just 14 days.”

Regina, 2015

Spiced tea is especially good. Cinnamon gives the drink a unique, piquant taste and an amazing, deep aroma. By drinking cinnamon tea, you get real pleasure and benefits for the body. Already a favorite drink for many, it promotes weight loss. Numerous reviews from the World Wide Web prove this fact.

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