Coffee with cinnamon: 7 recipes as a basis for creativity

Our ancestors also noted the beneficial properties of cinnamon. This spice has a divine aroma and tart taste, which makes cinnamon one of the most popular spices in the world. Cinnamon is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology, it has a positive effect on the immune system, adding strength and energy, tones, and if you add coffee to it, you get an incredible tandem. It is especially pleasant to drink such a drink on a cold winter evening. Basically, sugar or milk is added to coffee, the calorie content of the product increases, but the feeling of fullness quickly passes, while cinnamon dulls the feeling of hunger for a long time.

The benefits and harms of coffee with cinnamon

Cinnamon lowers blood glucose levels, which is why some women drink cinnamon coffee to lose weight. True, you should not count on a miracle and use this combination only as an aid.

The maximum dose of cinnamon per day for a healthy adult is 1 teaspoon, the recommended amount is half a teaspoon. Coffee with cinnamon is harmful for pregnant women and people with liver problems. Everyone else should adhere to the indicated dosage.

What are the benefits of drinking cinnamon?

Cinnamon coffee is more than just a drink. It contains a lot of positive properties. Coffee with cinnamon, the benefits of which are great and can compete with the benefits of regular coffee, is popular among coffee lovers who passionately love this delicacy in its various manifestations.

Coffee with cinnamon has positive reviews due to the fact that it has the following benefits (mainly due to the fact that it contains cinnamon):

  • Helps boost immunity and restore it;
  • Has antibacterial properties;
  • Improves the digestive system and helps improve the gastrointestinal tract;
  • An excellent helper for diabetics, as it helps lower blood sugar;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • Helps eliminate toothache;
  • Fights unpleasant odor in the mouth;
  • Improves memory;

Coffee with cinnamon for weight loss has only positive reviews

  • Coffee with cinnamon for weight loss has all the necessary data. Of course, coffee alone is difficult to fight excess weight, but in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition, it accelerates the process of losing weight. Cinnamon speeds up metabolism and reduces hunger; it is due to these indicators that you are likely to lose a little more excess weight;
  • Has a diuretic effect;
  • Copes with joint pain;
  • Helps lift your mood and get rid of depression. Just one serving of the drink a day and a person will immediately feel a surge of strength and positive energy;
  • Prevents aging processes;
  • Removes toxins;
  • Prevents the development of infections and colds. Coffee is especially useful during the period of autumn-spring colds, which a person can catch anywhere. A cup of the drink will prevent illness and also give you vigor and strength. If you supplement the delicacy with honey and ginger, the beneficial properties will only increase.

Coffee with cinnamon is sometimes used for weight loss. Reviews about this delicacy are positive, as consumers note an improvement in metabolism. It also helps to lose weight due to its diuretic properties, but you should not rely on it alone, because together with physical exercise you can achieve a greater effect.

Of course, coffee with cinnamon has benefits and harms side by side. Therefore, it is important to remember that the drink is not a medicine and it in itself will not save you from many diseases, but can only improve the condition.

Excessive consumption of cinnamon, over 1 tsp. per day, can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and sometimes contributes to the development of hepatitis. However, do not be afraid that the harm is so serious. If you consume cinnamon treats in moderation, there will be no harm, but on the contrary, you will only feel a positive effect.

You need to be careful if you have a high temperature, as the treat warms you up, and in this case this is not necessary at all. Therefore, if you have a fever, it is better to avoid using it.

In case of allergic reactions, you should also drink the drink with caution, because if you have never tried cinnamon, you may not know that you are allergic to it.

In addition, cinnamon is contraindicated during pregnancy, due to the fact that it increases uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.

In addition to the fact that cinnamon has some contraindications, coffee itself is also sometimes not safe. Cautions for drinking the drink may include the following:

  • Coffee is a product that can become addictive. So, for example, if you drink 3 cups of drink a day, then reducing this dose can affect you in the form of dissatisfaction and discomfort.
  • If you have hypertension, the treat can increase your already high blood pressure. It is also sometimes possible to develop certain heart diseases due to excessive coffee consumption. In case of cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to completely avoid delicacies so as not to put yourself at risk.

Amazing taste and spicy aroma in a cup of coffee with cinnamon

  • Poor absorption of calcium as a result of drinking the drink. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to drink it during pregnancy, and also because of the possibility of developing defects in the fetus and the risk of not carrying a child to term.
  • Increased nervousness and excitability can be observed if you exceed the consumption of treats. Taking more than 15 cups of drink a day can lead to hallucinations, increased body temperature, convulsions, headaches, upset stomach, neurosis and other “charms”. Of course, no one probably drinks such an amount of drink, but sometimes even 5 servings can have a negative impact on the human body.
  • The likelihood of benign tumors appearing in the female breast. Scientists have noted that all products containing caffeine can contribute to the development of this problem. However, some sources also report that reducing coffee consumption eliminates this problem.
  • Dehydration. Coffee lovers find it difficult to control their thirst. When drinking coffee, you need to increase your intake of plain water.

Contraindications to the use of delicacies are the following: the presence of diseases such as liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, increased nervousness, glaucoma, cholecystitis, stomach diseases, atherosclerosis and insomnia.

If you consume cinnamon coffee in moderation, there will be no addiction or other side effects. In this case, it is only important to exclude the presence of contraindications.

Classic coffee with cinnamon in Turkish

Arabic cooking method. Thanks to the original brewing method, the coffee is very aromatic and tones well.


  • finely ground coffee – 1 teaspoon (heaped);
  • water – 100 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar (honey) - to taste.


1. Pour coffee and cinnamon into the pot. Lightly heat the mixture over the fire until the aroma appears.

2. Pour in water, cook until foam appears, then remove the Turk from the stove and pour half of the coffee into a serving cup.

3. Heat the second part of the coffee (in Turk) again until foam appears and pour into a cup.

4. Add sugar or honey to taste. Let sit for 1-2 minutes before serving.

It’s interesting that when they talk about coffee with cinnamon for weight loss, they mean this particular recipe. To reduce excess weight, drink this drink without sugar (honey) twice a day: in the morning and after lunch in the evening. The course of admission is up to 14 days.

Step-by-step recipes

First of all, it is worth noting that to make coffee with cinnamon, you need to take coffee beans and then grind it. However, in some recipes it is possible to use instant coffee. Let's figure out how to make cinnamon coffee with various additives.

Use soft filtered water and you will enjoy the taste of your coffee.

Classic way of cooking in Turk


  • ground coffee - 1 tsp. (with a slide);
  • water - 125 ml;
  • sugar - 1/3 tsp. or more, to your taste;
  • cinnamon - half tsp.

In this recipe, sugar does not provide pronounced sweetness, but only softens the water to improve the taste of the drink.


  1. Coffee, along with cinnamon and sugar, is poured into a pot, and the fire is turned on to warm the mixture a little.
  2. Then add water.

    Pour coffee, cinnamon and sugar into a pot, heat it up and fill it with cold water.

  3. The drink is heated over low heat until dark foam appears and begins to rise. At this moment you need to quickly remove the Turk from the stove.

    Heat until foam rises and quickly remove from heat

  4. You can let the Turk stand for a few minutes for the foam to subside and then pour. But if you like stronger coffee, then you should pour part of the drink from the Turk into a cup and return the Turk to the fire until the foam rises again. This will make the taste more intense.

    Pour some of the coffee into a cup and return the pot to the heat until the foam rises for the second time, then remove from the stove

  5. Let the drink sit in the Turk for a couple of minutes to allow the grounds to subside, and enjoy your cinnamon coffee with excellent foam.

    You can add cardamom or orange zest to cinnamon coffee.

​What else can you add:

  • a scoop of vanilla ice cream;
  • a pinch of ground cardamom;
  • fresh lemon or orange zest.

Video: making Turkish coffee with cinnamon

With zest and nutmeg

This option will give you a whole bouquet of oriental aromas and is perfect for a cool evening.

The zest, both fresh and dried, is often added to cinnamon coffee.

We will need:

  • lemon and orange zest, freshly cut or dry - one spiral or half a teaspoon each;
  • ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • water - 1 cup (about 200 ml);
  • cinnamon - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • grated nutmeg - a small pinch.

Nutmeg goes great with coffee

It is better to buy nutmeg, like coffee beans, whole and grate it on a small grater directly during the preparation of the drink in order to preserve all its aroma.


  1. Place all ingredients, except sugar, in a pot, heat slightly over the fire and fill with cold water.
  2. We cook it the classic way.
  3. Gently filter the drink through a fine strainer and add sugar to taste.

What to diversify:

  • try replacing sugar with a pinch of salt, it will highlight the tart taste of the drink in a different way;
  • Before pouring the coffee into a cup, put a slice of lemon in it and crush it a little with sugar.

In addition to the zest, you can also add a slice of fresh lemon to spiced coffee.

With milk

If you drink coffee with milk, then you will probably appreciate this interesting recipe.

Coffee with milk and cinnamon - the simplest variation of the traditional recipe


  • water - 120 ml;
  • ground coffee - 1 tsp;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick or drop of essential oil;
  • sugar - half a tsp. (or to taste).

Cinnamon essential oil can be purchased at a pharmacy. Its aroma is somewhat different from the smell of ground cinnamon; it is sweeter, brighter and at the same time less tart. It is important not to overdo it with the amount: in order not to add too much, you can simply dip a wooden skewer into the oil and then stir the drink with it.


  1. Prepare cinnamon milk by boiling the milk together with a cinnamon stick in a wide bowl for 5 minutes. Or heat the milk, but do not boil, and add a drop of cinnamon essential oil to it.

    To prepare cinnamon milk, you need to boil the milk with a cinnamon stick for 5 minutes, or you can simply heat the milk, but not to a boil, and then drop 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil into it

  2. Next, we brew coffee in a Turk in the classic way, pouring cold water over the heated ground coffee and bringing it to one or three rises of foam, and pour it into a large cup so that there is room for the milk.

    Warm up the ground coffee in the Turk for a few seconds, add cold water and keep on the fire until one or more foam rises and pour into a large glass

  3. Pour cinnamon milk into a cup of coffee and stir the drink.

    All that remains is to pour hot cinnamon milk into the coffee

How to diversify:

  • prepare this drink cold;
  • freeze cinnamon milk in ice trays and add to hot coffee;
  • Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

This drink can be prepared in summer and drunk cold.

Coffee with cinnamon and milk

An original coffee and milk drink with notes of cinnamon.


  • coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add cinnamon, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, without bringing to a boil.

2. Brew coffee in water using any method (preferably in a Turkish coffee pot) and strain the grounds if necessary.

3. Pour coffee into a serving cup, add sugar, stir.

4. Pour milk and cinnamon into the coffee. Stir and let sit for 1-2 minutes.

Vanilla and mint in recipes - how to combine with coffee beans

You can brew coffee with cinnamon in a Turk with the addition of natural vanilla. Together with cinnamon, it is cut into small particles, grinding simultaneously with coffee beans. Cream or milk is added to the finished drink.

Mint would be appropriate in combination with coffee to obtain a healing, immunity-boosting drink in the autumn-winter period. Both dried and fresh mint, which is added to the Turk along with spices, are suitable.

When choosing among recipes, you need to remember how much cinnamon to add to coffee in order for the effect to be extremely positive.

Coffee with cinnamon and nutmeg

Spicy coffee with cinnamon-nutmeg notes and milky softness in taste.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • ground coffee – 3 teaspoons;
  • ground cinnamon – 0.2 teaspoons;
  • nutmeg – 1-2 pinches (to taste);
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Bring water to a boil in a Turk and remove from heat.

2. Mix coffee with cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar.

3. Add the mixture to boiling water, stir and cover. Leave for 3-4 minutes.

4. Heat the milk to 60-70 °C and pour it into cups.

5. Carefully pour the coffee into the milk so that no suspension gets into the cup.

Traditional combination - classic recipe

Most often, coffee with cinnamon is prepared in a Turk on sand or on a stove if this is a natural option and by pouring boiling water if using instant coffee beans. The spice is also actively used in the form of powder and sticks.

Natural cinnamon sticks are more expensive than ground powder and can be used several times. The advantage of using them is the absence of sediment and aesthetic appearance. Most often, instant coffee is combined with cinnamon, preferring the powdered mass, while natural coffee is combined with sticks.

The drink is prepared simply. Coffee is brewed in a Turkish coffee pot using classical technology, without allowing it to boil, after which cinnamon is added to the cup. The soluble mixture is simply poured with boiling water, adding a pinch of spice at the final stage, or grinding the powder with coffee mass and water to obtain an aromatic foam.

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Instant coffee with cinnamon

Even the taste of instant coffee can be significantly improved with cinnamon. In this case, two brewing options are possible: with water or milk.


  • instant coffee – 2 teaspoons;
  • ground cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon;
  • water (milk) – 100 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Mix coffee, cinnamon and sugar in a serving cup.

2. Pour in boiling water (water or milk), stir.

3. Wait 2-3 minutes until the cinnamon settles to the bottom.

How to drink cinnamon flavored coffee

In different countries, spices have been added to coffee for many centuries. Cinnamon is a natural seasoning made from tree bark that has a subtle, noble aroma that goes best with baked goods, fruits, chocolate and coffee. Depending on the recipe, the drink can sound like a pleasant tonic for every day, a holiday cocktail, a warming and “cozy” dessert, or a neutral option served with lunch.

There are several ways to prepare this brand. Some people like instant inexpensive coffee with cassia instead of cinnamon, others prefer a brewed drink made with milk or water, with the addition of white and cane sugar, honey, and other spices - ginger, lemon, orange, nutmeg, cloves, pepper. Essential oils are sometimes added to dry seasonings.

To enjoy the refined taste of a coffee drink, it is better not to mix more than 2 aromatic additives, otherwise the bouquet will be oversaturated.

This drink can be consumed either hot, or better yet warm, or chilled, including with ice or ice cream. But you definitely need to brew coffee with cinnamon with heated water - this way the spice will better reveal its flavor and aromatic properties.

Cinnamon is added to coffee in different forms:

  • in the form of ground powder - as a powder on the foam or in the body of the drink;
  • crushed pieces - during brewing or infusion;
  • similarly - with solid sticks.

It is up to your discretion how much to add supplements; a small pinch is usually enough. Experienced baristas recommend starting a little and finding your own optimal proportion. The correct concentration will be indicated by a subtle smell and the absence of an oily aftertaste.

The original cinnamon can be replaced by the more affordable cassia, which has approximately the same properties and organoleptic characteristics. However, for weight loss, it is recommended to choose natural spices, preferably in whole form, in order to avoid unscrupulous sellers replacing valuable powder with cheaper ones.

Coffee with cinnamon and ginger

Another recipe for spicy coffee with a slightly hot taste.


  • coffee – 1 heaped teaspoon;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon;
  • ginger root – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - to taste.


1. Cut the ginger root into 4 parts.

2. Add coffee, cinnamon and ginger to the Turk.

3. Pour in water, cook until foam appears and remove from heat.

4. Cover the Turk with a saucer and leave for 3-4 minutes.

5. Strain the coffee through a strainer into a serving cup.

Coffee and cinnamon in cosmetology

The mixture has another application - in cosmetology. A homemade and very effective scrub is made from cinnamon and coffee grounds: anti-cellulite, triggering skin renewal. How to prepare it: take coffee grounds, even used ones, add a little cinnamon and any oil.

The oil base is selected according to your skin type, then the scrub will work better. Cinnamon wrap also has a beneficial effect on the skin as a warming component. After using the spice, it is good to massage with vacuum jars.

Cinnamon tree bark for weight loss

The cinnamon coffee recipe for weight loss is often used as an aid when following various diets. The combination of caffeine with the active substances of the cinnamon tree stimulates metabolism, reduces hunger and the need for sweet foods.

To maintain weight, it is better to use green grains that contain chlorogenic acid (after heat treatment it becomes small and the effect is zero).

The amount of caffeine in roasted beans also decreases, so when losing weight, natural, unprocessed products are recommended - grains and cinnamon sticks.

Coffee with honey and cinnamon

There is a well-known recipe for making coffee with cinnamon and honey at home to lose weight. Honey is a natural product, it replaces sugar, and in addition contains microelements for normal metabolism and body functioning.

You need to cook the grains together with the spice in a pot, then add honey to taste. You can take more liquid than the usual portion, and before drinking, drink a glass of regular clean water.

Regular consumption of this drink has a positive side effect - blood vessels dilate, memory and attention improve, and the intestines function better.

If you brew it from green beans, weight loss will occur faster due to the presence of all the active substances in coffee. When using roasted beans, weight loss will occur due to the low calorie content of the beans and the absence of white sugar, but the process is slower.

Spice with granular drink

Instant coffee with cinnamon - a recipe for lazy people. To prepare, just put a spoonful of powder and half a spoonful of spice into a mug, pour boiling water over it and wait until the drink infuses - all the essential oils are extracted from the spice.

This drink is not very beneficial for the body, since it contains very few natural ingredients (not counting cinnamon).

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