How to properly carry out dry and water fasting for 36 hours

  • Stages of implementation.
  • Starvation.
  • Exit.
  • Contraindications.
  • Proper nutrition does not always give the expected results. What can we say about diets or fasting days on tomatoes, cucumbers or green tea. Often, to lose extra pounds or cope with a disease, drastic measures are needed. 36-hour fasting is a therapeutic technique that opens up wide opportunities for the full recovery of the body.

    Features of the technique

    Unbalanced nutrition, stress, poor environment and other factors negatively affect human health. The gastrointestinal tract is filled with toxins and metabolic products. Nutrients are absorbed much less easily and settle in problem areas. As a result, health deteriorates and depression occurs.

    Fasting for 36 hours helps improve your health and appearance. The technique is based on refusing food (and often water) for a certain time. When the body stops receiving nutrients from the outside, the brain signals the internal systems to consume everything that has long accumulated.

    Cells gradually get rid of debris and stagnant fats. Only valuable micro- and macroelements remain, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

    Interesting fact. Fasting for more than the permitted time is strictly prohibited. This is especially true for beginners. It is important to strictly follow the principles of the program and limit yourself to eating food for no more than 36 hours.

    Fasting 36 hours: how to do it

    Shanka-prakshalana needs a separate article, so now we will only describe in general terms the preparatory technique for fasting.

    In the morning, on an empty stomach, we drink about 200 milliliters of lightly salted water, then perform a series of simple yoga exercises. We repeat all this until we drink about 1.5-2 liters of water.

    For a beginner, such volumes will be completely enough. Salt water will absorb all dangerous substances and remove them from your body naturally. You need to start using Shanki Prakshalana at least a week before fasting, so by the time you start the diet, you will be almost completely cleansed of toxins.

    How to Increase the Impact of Fasting

    From the previous sections you might have guessed that fasting must be not only physical, but also spiritual. In addition to giving up food, you should also stop watching TV, listening to music, in short, you should cut off all possible pathogens and stress.

    1. Try to choose a time for fasting when no one bothers you and there are no difficult things to do. Let's say, on weekends it is much easier to limit yourself from the world and quietly go hungry. Understand that the meaning of fasting is not only about getting rid of excess weight or improving skin tone, everything is much deeper. Proper fasting for 36 hours can transform your self-awareness, this is the effect you need to achieve.
    2. We don’t argue, the temptation to pounce on food and increase the flow of unnecessary information, after completely refusing them, is very great. Such temptations must be suppressed, since the entire fast will go nowhere if its effects are deliberately suppressed.
    3. Find a simple, practical activity that will allow you to effectively pass the time while you are fasting. You can meditate or do light physical activity, this will give you tone.

    Why 36 hour fasting

    Is the duration of fasting really that important? This question is asked by all beginners, especially those who believe that their strength is enough for a long distance. Trust the experience of yogis who claim that 36 hours is the optimal duration of the diet.

    A balanced duration will not have time to exhaust your body, but will have a beneficial effect on maintaining the immune system, normalizing the digestive system and other areas of our body.

    Hunger awakens macrophages; these cells actively absorb all viruses and extinguish pockets of possible diseases. This is why regular fasting can prevent even the most serious diseases.

    It is very important to drink enough fluids to support the body during the fasting period. Dry fasting is strictly prohibited for people with chronic diseases, since sudden changes in diet may adversely affect old diseases.

    Fasting patterns

    There are two schemes:

    • Dry fasting. A tough version of the program, when you need to give up not only food, but also water. Contact with liquid is also prohibited: you cannot take a shower/bath, wash your face or brush your teeth.
    • Water fasting. A soft version of the technique, when clean water is allowed in unlimited quantities. Tea, coffee and other liquids are prohibited. Contact with water is allowed.

    Each version of a 36-hour fast has certain characteristics and a degree of safety for the body.


    Since childhood, parents have done nothing but impose on us: “Eat,” “Until you eat, you won’t get a toy.” Advertising, in turn, dictates what exactly we eat: first Nestle milk powder, then Kosmostars breakfast cereals, then juicy McDonald's l'm Lovin' It, etc. Doctors and biochemists are also on the alert, helping to reduce the cost of goods, replacing everything natural in products, which tends to quickly deteriorate, with “plastic”, which lies in trash bins, cemeteries and does not bend for centuries.

    As a result, we have come to the conclusion that people not only eat useless foods, but also do this an infinite number of times a day. Moreover, there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between these actions. People poison themselves and don’t think about it. They are blind, they repeat after everyone, because they believe that everyone at once cannot be wrong.

    Those people who broke out of this circle, came to their senses and saw the light, lead a completely different lifestyle. And, strangely enough for others, they don’t die! They don’t listen to “Children drink milk and you will be healthy” and still be healthy! They saw from the outside how absurd it was to be moved by rabbits and at the same time kill them in cold blood in order to eat them or skin them for a fur coat. They do not eat meat, as athletes say, but they stand out even among the “jocks” with their athletic physique and strength.


    I realized a long time ago that a person’s possibilities are limitless if he really wants it. There are many examples of people doing seemingly incredible things.

    In order to make sure that a person is capable of much more than “society” dictates to him, it is enough to simply cut off the “umbilical cord” through which “food” comes uncontrollably from “society”.

    You need to disconnect from government news on TV, newspapers and radio. Forget about what doctors and teachers said. And then cleanse your body of what you are already “fed up with”. And start filling your vessel anew and consciously.


    We begin to prepare for hunger a week in advance:

    • We adjust the diet - give up meat, fish, eggs, and add vegetables/fruits to the menu. Heavy food takes a long time to digest. It remains in the stomach for a long time, which negatively affects the effect of the hunger strike.
    • We switch to fractional proper nutrition in small portions.
    • We temporarily give up physical activity. Doctors advise taking a vacation or weekend while fasting.
    • We refuse smoking, smoking, fried, salty, spicy foods. All this increases the feeling of hunger and sets you up for a breakdown.
    • On the eve of fasting, we prepare a light dinner consisting of fresh or boiled vegetables.

    Interesting fact. The preparatory stage cannot be neglected. Otherwise, you won’t be able to survive 36 hours without food.

    Stages of implementation

    After the doctor confirms that the procedure is possible, you need to psychologically prepare yourself to strictly adhere to food abstinence.

    We recommend reading

    • Structured food refusal according to the Shelton system
    • Difference between dry and wet fasting
    • Advantages and disadvantages of cleansing by Porfiry Ivanov


    A week before the chosen date, you need to prepare for a stressful situation by eating vegetables and fruits. Avoid meat completely; it takes a long time to digest and can remain in the stomach for a long time, spoiling the result. Gather your willpower and control random snacks on the run.

    Read also: Causes and methods of eliminating diarrhea due to cholecystitis

    Tune in to healthy eating in small portions. For the first time, fasting against the background of physical and mental stress is strictly prohibited; set a fasting day for the weekend. Avoid alcohol, nicotine, spicy foods, and carbonated drinks. They increase the feeling of hunger. The day before, you should have a light dinner with vegetables, then refrain from consuming food. With proper preparation, going thirty-six hours without food or water is an achievable goal.


    On the day of cleansing, it is better to plan a leisurely walk in a park or forest. Take up a hobby that will take your mind off food for a long time. Staying in an apartment near the refrigerator all day can provoke rash actions. Failure is undesirable, concentrate on the main goal. Mentally imagine how much benefit your body will receive by cleansing itself of harmful substances.

    What information is missing from the article?

    • Real reviews about the practice
    • Experts' opinions
    • Photo and video reviews
    • More menu options for preparation and exit


    To consolidate the result, you need to go out, following the recommendations of experts. The stomach has significantly decreased in size; you cannot overload it by immediately attacking food. Follow the following menu:

    1. For breakfast you should drink freshly squeezed juices diluted with boiled water to remove high concentrations of acidity. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, juices are replaced with oat infusion.
    2. For lunch, prepare cereal porridge without adding salt and sugar.
    3. Fortified juices are also drunk during the afternoon snack.
    4. For dinner, you should eat a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.

    In between, be sure to drink a small amount of water to replenish the loss and avoid dehydration.


    Exit from fasting is needed to consolidate the result. At the end of the program, the stomach decreases significantly in size. You can’t suddenly load him with heavy food. We try to stick to the menu:

    • In the morning, drink a glass of freshly squeezed vegetable juice diluted with warm water. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, we replace it with oat infusion.
    • For lunch we cook porridge in water without adding butter, sugar or salt.
    • As an afternoon snack, drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. We also dilute it with boiled water.
    • Dinner: vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.

    In between meals, we constantly drink water to make up for the deficiency.

    Experience of therapeutic fasting for 36 hours (tested on myself)

    My experience with therapeutic fasting is quite modest. I tried it many times, and for different periods, but the maximum I managed was to fast for 5 days. Basically, in my luggage I carry 36-hour or one-day water fasts.

    36-hour therapeutic fasting at home

    I tried to start a 36-hour therapeutic fast on Friday evening, before the weekend , so that when I came out of hunger, I could pay more attention to myself, my beloved, and not run like a bitten to work. After all, I am starving for the sake of my health, and with this frantic rush to work, my health can only be lost.

    In the evening I had dinner, trying not to be too late, around 6-7 o’clock. And the whole next day I did therapeutic fasting. Finishing it only the next morning. I drank water, filtered or bottled, as much as I wanted. Maybe even a little more than I wanted. After all, after all, I was fasting for the sake of cleansing and restoring the digestive organs. And clean water washes both the kidneys and cleanses the circulatory system. Plus detoxification of the body.

    I started to want to eat around 12 noon. I tried to wash this desire down with water. It worked, however, not for long. In this state, the main thing is to distract yourself from the desire to eat and do something exciting.

    For example, when I start writing an article or surfing the Internet, I forget about everything and everyone. It is this feature that is desirable to use. It’s a pity that for some, the computer, on the contrary, does not reduce appetite, but stimulates it. And they are ready to eat an elephant. These comrades will have to find their own way of distraction.

    There were no particular problems with the deterioration of the condition, well, maybe slight irritability when there is no way to get distracted or you have to feed your family. This is the most “ambush” option. The sight of food, the smell, and the chomping sounds of children asking for more do not add to the resolve. But here you have to be persistent, take the tug, don’t talk... Well, you understand. If there is an opportunity, be sure to take advantage of this responsibility of feeding others, to delegate to someone on this day. You are not your own enemy; you add difficulties yourself.

    Do not confuse juice fasting and water fasting , with the first option it is more likely not hunger, but a diet, the stomach continues to produce gastric juice, and with sour varieties of juice it is even very active, which can cause unpleasant sucking sensations in the gastrointestinal tract, in the pit of the stomach, as people say in such cases, the stomach begins to eat itself. During a water fast, the digestive system can allow itself a few hours of rest to renew and repair itself.

    Is it necessary to do an enema during a daily or 36-hour fast?

    Many authors recommend using enemas during a 24 or 36 hour fast. I will say this.. If possible, if you have a normal attitude towards this type of cleansing - please, it will only be beneficial.

    But if not, then it's okay. In a day or a day and a half, poisoning with toxins will not occur, although, of course, the gastrointestinal tract organs , taking advantage of the respite, begin to actively cleanse themselves .

    It’s just that the most powerful releases of toxins during therapeutic fasting begin on the third or fourth day . And you will read about this in the next article. About my longest fast of 120 hours.

    In the meantime, we will continue our little 36 hour fast .

    It's hard to fall asleep, I want to eat. And when looking at water at night, it’s better not to get drunk, because you don’t want to run to the toilet half the night. And during fasting, water leaves the body very quickly. So this feature must be kept in mind. It was only the passing of time that kept me from wanting to eat; I had already been hungry for a day, so why can’t I wait until the morning? This is a kind of way to take yourself weakly.

    In general, one-day therapeutic fasting is not such a difficult thing and, with a little self-discipline, is quite feasible for everyone.

    I also realized that in the case of short fasts, regularity and thoroughness - it is better to fast on water 1 day a week for six months, or even take daily procedures as a rule, than to immediately aim for 10 days, or even three-week fasting and completely unbalance your body.

    Of course, there are cases of very effective cleansing and recovery during long periods of hunger, but most of them are extreme, when a person has already reached the limit of despair in trying to recover from some serious illness.

    Breaking fast (next morning)

    I don't feel like eating in the morning. It’s hard to get up, there’s poop in your mouth. The head is plagued. The best thing here is to take a contrast shower . It cleanses (after all, toxins are actively removed through the skin), and tones, and collects it in a pile.

    If a contrast shower is too extreme for you, then take a hot shower . It is especially good because when you fast, you often develop chilliness and you become more sensitive to temperature changes (By the way, consider your sensitivity to temperature changes when choosing clothes when going out into the fresh air).

    Then I wait until 10-11 o'clock, when I really want to eat. So strictly speaking, this is not even a 36-hour fast, but a little more. The first meal after a therapeutic cleansing fast is for me either freshly squeezed juice, or an orange, a tangerine. Maybe an apple. Or coleslaw with lemon juice. Grated carrots, again with lemon juice.

    The portion is small, because the volume of the stomach has decreased slightly and its distension is not the same as it was the day before.

    Eating after fasting - how to break a hunger strike correctly

    After this first meal, a strong appetite quickly awakens. And here it is important not to lose your temper. The most important rule for therapeutic fasting is that as long as the fast lasts, the recovery from it lasts just as long!

    After one and a half to two hours, you can eat a little more. It is also advisable to have a light vegetable or fruit dish. And after another couple of hours - puree or porridge, vegetable soup. In the evening you can drink tea with a couple of crackers.

    And only the next morning, one day after the day of fasting, do you return to your normal diet . It is advisable not to overuse fried, smoked, fatty, or foods with a large amount of chemicals.

    Because the absorption capacity of the gastrointestinal tract after therapeutic fasting becomes higher and all chemical E - additives, toxins and carcinogens are perfectly absorbed.. Do you need this? I think no. Otherwise, you would not be reading this article now.

    If the article has made you want to argue or share your own experience of one-day fasting on water, you are welcome to my blog .
    I'm always happy to receive comments.


    You can fast according to the “36-hour” method only after examination by a doctor. Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to assess the actual state of a person’s health. If you have certain diseases and ailments, you will have to choose another method of healing and body correction:

    • Pregnancy.
    • Breastfeeding period.
    • Diseases of the circulatory system.
    • Malignant neoplasms.
    • Diabetes.
    • Tuberculosis.
    • Hepatitis.
    • Cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

    If there are other ailments, the system can be corrected by a doctor, or therapy must be carried out in a hospital setting under round-the-clock supervision of a specialist.

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