The best way to lose weight is to reduce your food portions

When a list of allowed and prohibited foods is compiled, and any tricks and concessions are considered a defeat, nightly trips to the refrigerator become something of a retreat, and overeating is completely unacceptable. The desire to lose weight forces us to evaluate familiar foods in a new way, live by new rules and ask ourselves new questions. One of them is what a portion of food should be for weight loss.

We all know how difficult it is to overcome yourself and refuse a supplement or add just one spoon of your favorite salad. But excess is the biggest mistake of those who want to become slimmer. Specialists at the Slavic Clinic have proven that you can eat nourishing and tasty food and still lose weight. The main thing is to stop in time and allow yourself no more than the permissible daily allowance. In this article we will tell you how to correctly calculate the optimal serving size.

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Recently, a theory has gained great popularity according to which the amount of food required to satiate without overeating can be determined as easily as possible - our hand will tell you the required volumes. A portion the size of a fist or palm is a favorite theme for most people losing weight. However, this method does not always work, and its effectiveness has been questioned more than once.

We advise you to take a more careful approach to choosing the method for calculating the optimal portion. At the Slavic Clinic, the determining factor is the calorie content of a serving in relation to the daily calorie intake. You can't go wrong because everything is calculated to within one. Our experts determine the optimal value, and all you have to do is organize breakfast, lunch and dinner correctly. It's convenient, and most importantly - simple.

Psychology of overeating

Even strict diets and intense exercise will not bring lasting results if the original cause of the problem is not eliminated.
Exhausting himself with restrictions, those who are losing weight will sooner or later relapse, which will further aggravate the situation. Let's figure out why poorly controlled attacks of hunger or the desire to constantly eat occur, and then we'll study how you can reduce your appetite. Overeating can be calculated from two aspects - physical and mental signs. The main physical signs of overeating:

  • Feeling of heaviness and fullness after eating.
  • Increased gas formation, flatulence.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Noticeable weight gain or fluctuation.
  • Stool disorders.
  • Physical weakness after eating.
  • Systematic increase in portions.
  • Frequent heartburn.

The mechanism of overeating may be based on physical, psychological and social reasons. The first include:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands.
  • Delayed brain signal of satiety.
  • Hormonal pathologies.
  • Distension of the stomach.

Identifying medical problems and correcting them will, in the vast majority of cases, reduce appetite and help you lose weight without extra effort.

The psychological aspects of overeating are more difficult to understand: they exist on a subconscious level, bad habits become a person’s natural eating behavior.

It is difficult to cope with these reasons:

  1. Jamming. Stress, physical strain, the slightest imbalance in relationships with others lead to an intuitive desire to smooth out unpleasant sensations with delicious food.
  2. Encouragement. In this case, after any, even the smallest, achievement, a person seeks to reward himself for his efforts with the help of treats. As a rule, these are sweets and flour products.
  3. Children's habits. Children who are forced by their parents to finish their portions often grow into adults who cannot control their appetite.
  4. Compensation. Emotional dissatisfaction with oneself, interpersonal relationships in the family or circle of friends results in an unconscious tendency to constantly chew. The reasons are lack of self-confidence, lack of attention, misunderstanding by peers, fear of communication, fear of publicity. All this is replaced by the absorption of food, which temporarily provides some kind of calm and stability.

Social motives for overeating are:

  • Snacks on the run during the day and a full, hearty dinner.
  • The cult of food in the family.
  • Alternating diets and breakdowns.
  • A radical change in diet for the sake of fashion or advertising.
  • Condemnation from strangers or close people.

Whatever the root cause of overeating, the result is the same - excess weight, emotional imbalance and decreased overall physical health.

What reduces appetite for weight loss

In the fight for a beautiful figure and good health, all means are good. While working with the mental and physical causes of overeating, it is worth starting to control your diet at the same time.

How can you reduce your appetite?

  • Certain foods or liquids that help curb food cravings.
  • Traditional methods based on the healing properties of nature.
  • Special vitamins and dietary supplements that allow you to speed up metabolism and fat burning (the most modern and scientific method).

It only takes 3 weeks to develop healthy eating habits. During this time, the body gradually gets used to receiving a reduced amount of food, which reduces appetite for weight loss and improves physical condition in general.

Products to reduce appetite

Some drinks and foods can prolong the feeling of fullness and stimulate metabolism. How you can reduce your appetite at home:

  1. Water. It is enough to drink a standard glass before meals to increase the fullness of the stomach and, as a result, eat less. 200-300 ml of water at room temperature immediately after waking up helps improve metabolism and increase the body's performance.
  2. Green tea. It contains tannin and antioxidants, which trigger the process of accelerated fat burning and help reduce appetite. Regular black tea or tea drinks with various additives have similar properties, but to a lesser extent.
  3. Kefir and other fermented milk products. Ryazhenka, yoghurts and other derivatives, consumed before the main meal, reduce the feeling of hunger, especially in the evening.
  4. Chicory. It contains pectin and inulin, which stimulate the removal of fluid from the body and the breakdown of harmful lipids.
  5. Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. Filled with natural microelements and vitamins, the fruits nourish the body and actively combat excessive appetite. It is better to choose berries, fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and stimulates weight loss - apples, citrus fruits, legumes, cabbage, celery, root vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries.
  6. Buckwheat. Due to its high calorie content, it promotes long-term satiety, and the high content of iron and dietary fiber improves peristalsis.
  7. Chocolate. Oddly enough, eating 20-30 g of quality chocolate half an hour before a meal greatly reduces appetite and also improves mood.
  8. Eggs. The proteins they contain quickly satisfy hunger and allow you to feel full longer. Therefore, eating eggs in any form is especially recommended for breakfast.
  9. Sprouted grains. Once in the stomach, they swell and increase in volume, which creates a feeling of fullness and dulls the appetite.
  10. Seafood and seaweed. Rich in iodine, fatty acids, phosphorus and proteins, they significantly reduce cholesterol levels and satisfy hunger well.

What do you need to reduce your appetite, but still eat well? It is necessary to choose a balanced diet, which would include products that not only help you lose weight, but also ingredients that replenish the supply of nutrients and microelements:

  • Light boiled meat, fish, poultry.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and milk.
  • Walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds.
  • Vegetable oils.

It is advisable to completely exclude “pests” from the diet:

  • cakes and pastries;
  • caramel;
  • butter;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages and cheeses;
  • snacks;
  • mayonnaise and sauces based on it;
  • pistachios, peanuts and cashews;
  • conservation;
  • ice cream;
  • seeds.

A proper combination of a reasonable diet with increased physical activity will help both reduce appetite and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, heart function, blood vessels and overall well-being.

Folk remedies

The wisdom of our ancestors, accumulated over centuries, has taken on clear forms in the form of advice for any occasion. Many foods actually have properties that affect a person’s appetite.

How to reduce appetite in order to lose weight using traditional methods:

  • Add red pepper to your food. The capsaicin it contains satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time and makes the taste brighter.
  • Use garlic. In addition to its antiseptic properties, it can significantly reduce appetite.
  • Make decoctions from fresh or dried nettles. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Drink cranberry juice. It has low calorie content and high antioxidant properties.
  • Eat fresh curry leaves on an empty stomach. They promote digestion and reduce cholesterol.
  • Add fresh ginger to your drinks. It stimulates metabolic processes and regulates the urge to eat.

Most folk remedies have a pronounced diuretic effect, so it is important to monitor your water balance during use. How to reduce your appetite in order to lose weight using folk remedies without harming yourself? When turning to unconventional methods, it is important to remember several points:

  • Pregnancy is not the time for experimentation.
  • People with chronic diseases should consult a physician before using traditional medicines.
  • Taking medications together with home remedies creates a risk of unpredictable reactions in the body.
  • Use only freshly prepared mixtures.
  • Do not combine several recipes.
  • If you experience any adverse reactions, stop taking it immediately.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

The fight against increased appetite is a process that requires an integrated approach. Having understood the psychology of overeating and balanced nutrition, you can supplement your diet with vitamins and dietary supplements. They will be an excellent addition to meals, replenishing the necessary supply of minerals and trace elements.

To reduce appetite and morning vigor without overeating, the Duoslim Morning complex is suitable in the Sibella line. The drug contains chromium, which stimulates the breakdown of glucose.

Also, Sibella “Duoslim Morning” capsules contain L-carnitine, which is considered the safest means for weight loss. It transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are subsequently burned.

It is recommended to take vitamins and dietary supplements in a course to achieve the best effect.

How to lose weight quickly

In addition to aesthetic and moral suffering, excess weight almost always causes serious health problems, including diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart problems, high blood pressure, and so on.

Try to follow the rules outlined below, and in a short time you will feel the first changes. Of course, it will be difficult to radically change your habits right away, so try the following trick. Choose 5 rules from this list that you like best and stick to them for 2 weeks. Then add one new rule each week. So, it can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months to reach your ideal weight.

Always carry water with you

It doesn’t matter whether you’re on a diet, want to lose belly fat, or just care about your health, the advice for everyone is the same: always and everywhere take a bottle of plain water with you. This way you can quench your thirst without buying sugary juices or soda. Try following this advice for at least a week and you will see the difference for yourself.

Give up soda

One glass of lemonade has more calories than a banana, but no nutritional value.

Don't relax

Just because you've reached the weight you've been aiming for doesn't mean it's time to rest on your laurels. Don't stop training. Don't stop eating right. Continue to live at the same rhythm to keep yourself in shape. Remember that this is not only a matter of appearance, but also of health in general.

Don't starve yourself

Carissa Gan/
Belly fat will not disappear faster from a fast. You need to cut calories (especially empty calories), but to lose weight and feel good, it is important to eat right. A hunger strike is dangerous and useless. If you don't want to disrupt your metabolism, try not to skip breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Don't give up if you can't lose weight quickly

After a couple of weeks, you may find that the needle on the scale has frozen in place and the extra centimeters on your waist do not disappear. Don't give up halfway! This is a good sign: your body is gradually getting used to the positive changes. Continue. You are closer to your goal than ever.

Break your diet into 5 small meals

Instead of eating the standard three large meals a day, stick to the rule of 5 small meals: a light breakfast, a pre-lunch snack, lunch, an afternoon snack and a balanced dinner. And it is advisable that the snack should not be a chocolate bar, but something healthier.

Wait 20 minutes to feel full after eating

The feeling of fullness does not appear immediately; it takes your body a little time to realize it. This is why nutritionists often recommend eating slowly and taking short breaks while eating. Otherwise, you can easily overeat and undo all your weight loss gains.

Choose the right clothes

You may have a great figure, but if you squeeze yourself into too-tight jeans every morning, your top will start to look bulky and your belly will stick out. Don't be afraid to go up a size. As ironic as it sounds, you will appear slimmer.

Do you need cardio training?

In addition to fat burning exercises, to get rid of excess weight, do cardio training. Just 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week. What exercises are considered cardio? Anything that makes your heart beat faster: jump rope or trampoline, dance, run, climb stairs.

Resist the temptation to buy advertised weight loss products

Let us remember once and for all: if you see a paid diet program, pills, special belts or other products whose advertising promises to instantly relieve you of excess weight, do not fall for it. The only sure and effective way to get rid of fat is to change your diet and do exercise. Be skeptical of new trends and products. Most likely, they will turn out to be a waste of time and money for you.

Don't be upset about the scale

Brooke Cagle /
No need to step on the scale ten times a day and worry about minor changes. Our weight fluctuates for natural reasons. Plus, when you lose fat and gain muscle, you start to look different, but the scale won't tell you that. Make it a rule to step on the scale no more than once every one to two weeks.

Watch your portion sizes

How to determine the correct serving size? We have already considered this problem in detail. For example, the ideal portion of meat is the size of a deck of cards. It is better to eat at home and cook yourself: in cafes and restaurants, portions, as a rule, exceed all reasonable sizes.


If you don't exercise regularly, you won't get rid of extra pounds. One of the most enjoyable and fun workouts, especially in the summer, is swimming. Water resistance has the best effect on muscles and joints. Moreover, it is also excellent cardio.

Watch your posture

Do you want to quickly get rid of a couple of extra centimeters? Pull your stomach in, straighten your shoulders, hold your head high - and now you seem slimmer. By keeping your abdominal muscles tight, you will burn belly fat faster. And breathing deeply with a straight posture is much easier.

Read what it says on the package

Even products made specifically for weight loss can contain nasty chemicals and far more calories than you need. Always check food and drink labels.

Lose weight together

Gabriel Gurrola/
Sticking to a diet and exercise program is always easier when you're with a friend. Enlist his help and together you will get your bodies in shape. Having a competitive spirit helps too. But don't forget to support each other in your endeavors.

Never skip breakfast

By skipping breakfast, you force your body to store fat. If you don't eat a snack after a few hours of sleep, your body goes into "starvation mode." And this is very bad news for your metabolism: you begin to save energy and burn calories more slowly. Nutritionists unanimously say: the best breakfast is a hearty breakfast.

Sleep more

If you sleep less than 7-8 hours a night, you will have a hard time finding the energy to exercise and stick to a healthy diet. People with chronic fatigue have a much lower metabolic rate. So try to get a good night's sleep every night.

Reduce or completely eliminate alcohol consumption

Alcohol does not have the best effect on the liver: drinking alcohol slows down the body’s natural process of burning fat. If you really want to, limit yourself to a glass of red wine. Of course, the occasional cocktail won't put your entire diet at risk, but as with many things, moderation is key.

Avoid stress

It may sound strange, but stress can cause you to gain weight. Not only because in a problematic situation you run to eat your grief. When you experience stress, your body releases hormones that lead to changes in your metabolism.

Get your daily dose of sunshine

Reymark Franke/
Spending more time in the sun and fresh air will make you happier (just don't forget water and sunscreen). The body needs vitamin D, which is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Stress causes your body to produce more and more cortisol, thereby promoting fat storage. Vitamin D counteracts this hormone, plus it gives you more energy.

Eat less salt

Due to the fact that you add salt to your dishes, your body begins to retain water. The result is a bloated belly. Try gradually reducing the amount of salt in your diet.

Enjoy your workouts

If you don't enjoy the process, it won't lead to anything good. Therefore, it is important to choose exercises that you truly enjoy. Do you like dancing? Dance. Do you prefer fitness or aerobics? Sign up for the gym. Ice skating, badminton, football... Choose what you like best. And then everything will definitely work out.

How to reduce your appetite in the evening

After sunset, the desire to eat increases in almost everyone. It is especially difficult for people who are accustomed to constant overeating to restrain themselves. Below are some tips on how to reduce your appetite in the evening without causing too much stress.

  1. If you eat well and nutritiously during the day, the chance of experiencing extreme hunger at night is noticeably less.
  2. Warm water, milk with honey, kefir with added spices can kill the feeling of hunger and have time to fall asleep.
  3. Light low-calorie vegetable salads will give your stomach a feeling of fullness without harming your figure.
  4. Interesting activities that you can immerse yourself in will distract you from thoughts about food and delicacies.
  5. To avoid triggering your imagination and appetite, you can hide potentially harmful foods out of sight.
  6. A good idea is to take a relaxing bath with sea salt or essential oils. Warm water and pleasant aromas will set the body up for healthy sleep.

An effective psychological technique is to go to the largest mirror and critically examine the figure. Or arrange a fitting of your favorite clothes, which until recently were small. The thought that the weight lost with such difficulty will return due to an evening breakdown will help cool down the desire for food.

How to shrink your stomach naturally

  • The main reasons for increased stomach volume
  • The best methods for reducing stomach volume

However, there are ways to reduce stomach volume naturally. And for this it is not at all necessary to resort to surgical intervention. Read about proven ways to reduce stomach volume in this article.

The main reasons for increased stomach volume

Since the walls of the stomach are made of muscle tissue, if it is often filled with large quantities of food, its volume will increase quite quickly. But the reverse contraction occurs for weeks.

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This is why it is so difficult for people with a distended stomach to maintain a diet lasting 1-2 weeks. During this time, the stomach has not yet had time to shrink, so brutal hunger torments the person, forcing the person to break down again and again.

And gluttony after cutting back on your diet is a big blow to your health, metabolism and, of course, your figure. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

A distended stomach sends signals to the brain even when a certain amount of food has already entered it. It's just a reflex, a habit! As a result, the person himself does not notice how he eats “from the belly,” as people say, that is, exceeds his normal portion by 3-5 times, or even more.

The most common causes of stomach distention:

  • constant overeating;
  • eating less than three times a day (leads to overeating);
  • habit of drinking food;
  • the habit of eating in front of the monitor (also leads to overeating and increases the volume of the stomach , since a person does not notice how much he has already eaten);
  • the habit of eating for company or stress eating, that is, eating without a real feeling of hunger.

Very often, one person combines several of these reasons at once.

Reducing appetite while losing weight - life hacks

As a rule, the simplest ways to reduce appetite are the most effective.

  1. Try to eat less, but more often.
  2. Don't ignore breakfast - it's the most important meal of the day.
  3. Increase your physical activity - walk, sign up for a gym or fitness class.
  4. Seek help from a nutritionist and endocrinologist.

Weight loss fighters come up with and successfully use their own life hacks for losing weight. Experienced losers know exactly how to reduce appetite if you constantly want to eat:

  1. Do not keep a supply of sweets and unhealthy goodies at home. Stock your refrigerator and shelves with healthy, balanced foods.
  2. Maintain a certain air temperature in the room - no higher than 22 degrees. This helps the body burn calories faster to keep warm.
  3. To reward yourself for your success, buy nice little things for your home or new fashionable clothes, not food. Showcases with desirable but currently unavailable things can be an additional incentive.
  4. Join a dance studio. Sports activities require enormous energy and physical dedication. After rehearsals and training, you will no longer have the strength to go to the refrigerator.
  5. Get a pedometer. Research has proven that such a gadget disciplines those losing weight and encourages them to walk longer distances.
  6. Get some “cunning” utensils—dark-colored plates and cups can help you reduce your appetite and fill yourself up faster.
  7. Lose weight in pairs. If another family member or close friend has similar problems, a joint war against excess body weight will be doubly successful. You can support and control each other.
  8. The inimitable Ranevskaya advised eating exclusively in front of a mirror and naked. The life hack is a little strange, but, as practice shows, it is very effective.
  9. Read successful stories of weight loss on popular social networks, video blogs and public information platforms. Someone else's example can serve as an impetus for personal achievements.

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