“Vitamin bomb” is a mixture of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, lemon and honey. Why take it? How does the mixture help?

Mixture: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, lemon and honey. What is the benefit of the mixture?

This mixture consists only of natural ingredients, each of which is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. That is why it is so useful for adults and children. It is recommended for use by those who work in the field of mental or physical activity.

In addition to its benefits for strengthening the immune system, the mixture helps with rapid fatigue and malaise, constant drowsiness, anemia, and nervous system disorders. It is also used for homemade beauty recipes: to strengthen nails, improve the condition of hair and skin. Copes well with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

A special benefit for pupils and students is that this combination of natural ingredients improves brain performance and gives energy. The benefits are also invaluable for men; it helps prevent heart disease and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. And in adulthood, the nuts that are part of the mixture, due to the content of certain amino acids, help increase potency.

All components together complement each other with a multiple composition of vitamins A, B, C, PP, E and K, they also contain fatty acids and amino acids. Together they cope with fatigue, improve metabolism and metabolism. Potassium and calcium in their composition directly affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve heart function, normalize and cleanse blood vessels, and make them elastic. Also, some components in the mixture can increase libido and male strength.

Lemon in the mixture is one of the main immunostimulating components. Nuts in the composition increase the nutritional value of the mixture and increase brain activity. Almost all types of nuts can be used here, for example:

  • cedar - their special composition helps restore the health of the gastrointestinal tract in case of pancreatitis, ulcers and gastritis;
  • cashews are hypoallergenic nuts that are the best at cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots;
  • almonds – slows down the aging process, strengthens the immune system.

In addition to dried apricots, prunes and raisins, you can add other types of dried fruits to the mixture, for example, figs, they will only increase the usefulness. Honey-nut mixture with dried fruits is a vitamin bomb that protects the body from colds and viral diseases. It is useful for those who are on a diet, for weight loss, and for proper nutrition.

Thus, each component has its own set of rich beneficial properties of the mixture. Let's look at each in more detail.

Other foods to include in your diet

Nutrition consists of various products that directly affect human health. The most useful foods that should be present in the daily diet include the following foods:

  1. Fruits for heart health. The body requires a large amount of potassium, which fruits contain, so you need to give preference to products with this chemical component. These are bananas and persimmons. Lemon and pomegranate contain vitamin C, which gives strength and vigor for an active life.
  2. Vegetables in the diet. Vegetables that are part of a proper diet support the proper functioning of organs in the human body and enrich it with vitamins and beneficial amino acids. You should give preference to all types of peppers and pumpkin, which strengthen the heart muscle and increase tone in the body. Garlic and onions serve as sources of vitamins and protectors of the immune system.
  3. Berries. Eating berries daily and adding them to other dishes relieves nervous tension and helps normalize blood pressure. Healthy berries include grapes, which affect blood circulation, as well as cranberries, which relieve high blood pressure, and viburnum, enriched with a vitamin complex.
  4. Dairy products. The calcium in dairy products makes them beneficial not only for blood vessels, but also for other organs. The benefits for bones and muscles are obvious. It is a natural source of protein that also tastes great. It’s nice to come and drink a milkshake or eat cottage cheese and know that it not only saturates the body with the necessary food, but also gives a lot of vitamins for the body.
  5. Fish dishes. Fish is good for bones and blood vessels. It contains substances that should be present in the body of a healthy person who cares about the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to give preference to sea fish, which has a fatty structure. Canned sprats and other products with chemical additives cannot be beneficial, since they contain harmful components for long-term storage on store shelves.
  6. Bitter chocolate. Dark chocolate, unlike other types of sweets, is more beneficial and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. This has been confirmed by numerous studies. The benefits are associated with cocoa beans in the product. Chocolate also lifts your mood.

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These are the foods that need to be consumed daily.


A natural bee product, honey is known throughout the world for its healing properties. It contains more than 300 biologically active components, including vitamins A, B and C, many micro and macroelements, amino acids, organic fatty acids, glucose and fructose, pectins and protein components. Therefore, honey brings the following benefits to the body:

  • normalizes and improves metabolism and metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fights insomnia, promotes healthy sleep;
  • calms the nervous system, reduces the risk of stress, depression and other neurological disorders;
  • has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect;
  • heals wounds;
  • fights acne and inflammatory rashes;
  • is an aphrodisiac;
  • improves the condition of nails, teeth, hair and skin.

The healthiest type of honey is linden; you can also use acacia and buckwheat. It is better to use a fresh liquid product, which is also a natural preservative, allowing the mixture to be stored for a long time.

Who should not eat dried fruits and when?

Despite all its benefits, dried fruits with honey for immunity still have contraindications. They are not recommended for use by the following groups of people:

  1. Allergy sufferers – dried fruits can cause severe food reactions.
  2. Patients with diabetes – dried fruit contains a higher amount of glucose, so its consumption should be kept to a minimum so as not to cause negative consequences.
  3. For obesity, these natural products are high in calories, 100 grams contain more than 250 kcal, so their consumption should also be kept to a minimum.
  4. Patients with acute forms of peptic ulcers of the stomach, intestines or duodenum - dried fruits are heavy food that causes severe discomfort, and the stomach cannot cope with its digestion. Therefore, during exacerbations, you need to completely abandon it.

Even in a healthy person, excessive consumption of these products can cause gastrointestinal upset, since these are difficult to digest foods. Therefore, it is better to eat dried fruits in small quantities allowed.

Important! Doctors advise eating no more than 8 healthy fruits in one sitting, so as not to cause negative consequences.


These are high-calorie nuts, but they contain a large amount of vitamins, healthy amino acids, polyunsaturated and fatty acids. They are very nutritious, so even a small amount of them can satisfy your hunger.

Properties of walnuts:

  • improvement of brain activity and memory;
  • help prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • help to develop normally, therefore useful during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for children;
  • increase erection and libido, help against impotence.

In combination with honey, nuts increase their usefulness. You need to purchase nuts from trusted places; they should not have a bitter or sour smell, they should be light and clean, without darkening or mold.

Mix recipe

Usually, to prepare a vitamin mixture that improves immunity, dried fruits are taken in equal quantities. However, this ratio of ingredients is not strictly fundamental. The prepared mixture may well be dominated by dried apricots, prunes or raisins. In any case, you will get a healing composition that will be a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. A mixture based on dried fruits, taken in arbitrary proportions, can significantly strengthen the immune system.

To prepare the healing composition you can take:

  • a glass of prunes;
  • a glass of dried apricots;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • medium sized lemon;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • half a glass of honey.

Before preparing the vitamin mixture, you must thoroughly rinse the dried fruits and soak them in warm water for 20-30 minutes. The lemon should be washed, cut into several slices, after which all the seeds should be removed. Then dried fruits, lemon with zest and walnuts are passed through a meat grinder or crushed using a blender. The resulting mixture is stirred (it is advisable to use a wooden spoon for this purpose) and poured with liquid honey.

Other ingredients can be added to the mixture. Dried figs, dates, and dried persimmons would be quite appropriate. Owners of garden plots can dry grown apples, pears, black currants, and raspberries in the summer. These fruits and berries also have beneficial properties. Walnuts can be supplemented with hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts or hazelnuts. Each of these gifts of nature contains various vitamins and nutrients.


It is used as a natural remedy to improve immunity and prevent the occurrence of colds. It contains the following components:

  1. Vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision.
  2. B vitamins - give vitality, normalize healthy sleep, fight neuroses, depression, stress and insomnia.
  3. Vitamin C – prevents the occurrence of colds and fights the appearance of pathogens.
  4. Vitamins D, E and PP - improve the condition of teeth and bones.
  5. Lemon zest – normalizes the gastrointestinal tract and digestion.
  6. Minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and many other components.

Traditional and popular recipe for dried fruits and honey

This classic mixture is most often used by people to strengthen the immune system during the cold season, when the body suffers from a lack of vitamins. It also perfectly improves brain function and gives vitality.

The presence of honey in the mixture increases its usefulness. This is a natural beekeeping product, known all over the world, it is famous for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Honey gives the mixture a special sweet taste, which makes it more pleasant and easier to eat.

To prepare a honey mixture with dried fruits, you will need:

  • dried apricots – 150 g;
  • prunes – 150 g;
  • figs – 100 g;
  • linden honey – 200 g.

Honey with nuts and dried fruits - recipe

Dried fruits are washed thoroughly, the immunity mixture of dried fruits is dried on a paper napkin, and finely chopped. It is better not to grind dried fruits in a blender, as they will lose the flavor of each component. Next, the fruit pieces are mixed with warm melted linden honey in a glass container. Afterwards the dish is placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for storage.

Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and prunes

Each of the dried fruits in the composition has its own distinctive properties. Let's look at some of them.

Dried apricots

It contains a large amount of B vitamins, especially B5. Dried apricots also contain many organic acids and minerals, including iron, phosphorus and calcium.

Properties of dried apricots:

  • removes toxic substances and radionuclides from the body;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • improves vision;
  • prevents the occurrence of colds and thyroid problems;
  • helps with diabetes mellitus by reducing the amount of glucose in the blood;
  • restores after operations and serious illnesses;
  • helps with anemia.

The tasty and healthy qualities of dried apricots will help replace any sweets. It can help those who are on a diet and want to lose weight.


These are dried grapes that have retained all the beneficial qualities of the original product. Raisins contain the following components:

  • a large amount of B vitamins, which help fight stress, depression and neuroses, improve healthy sleep, fight insomnia and headaches;
  • antioxidants that exhibit immunomodulatory properties and help quickly cure colds;
  • minerals, especially calcium, potassium and phosphorus, which help prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis and osteoporosis;
  • The magnesium and potassium content in the composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves heart function.


These are dried plums, they are often used by confectioners in their products, as well as for baking. It contains a huge amount of vitamins B and C, which do an excellent job of immunostimulating properties. It also contains magnesium, phosphorus and sodium, which can cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and fight heart pathologies.

Prunes are an excellent folk remedy against constipation, and their bactericidal properties help fight salmonella and E. coli.

Medicinal properties of products

Dried fruits in combination with lemon, walnuts and honey help improve the functioning of the digestive tract, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and stimulate the immune system. Each ingredient contains vitamins, beneficial macro- and microelements, which allows them to be used both together and separately.

The benefits of prunes

Prunes are valued for their rich composition. Dried fruit is endowed with:

  • vitamins of group B, PP, A, C;
  • glucose, fructose;
  • malic, citric, oxalic acids;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • pectins, fiber.

Prunes have a strong cleansing effect

Due to the variety of components, dried plum has the following effects on the body:

  • antiseptic effect - used in the treatment of infectious diseases;
  • cleansing effect - eliminates constipation, improves the functioning of the urinary system and choleretic function;
  • stimulating effect - affects the production of gastric juice, stimulates appetite.

Delicious dried fruit has a positive effect on the entire body - it normalizes metabolism, stabilizes blood pressure and pulse, and eliminates discomfort in the intestines. The product is indispensable for vitamin deficiency and hematopoietic disorders.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Dried apricot is a valuable source of potassium (an essential mineral for the heart muscle). Dried apricots contain many other important substances:

  • vitamin groups (PP, A, C, B5, B1, B2);
  • minerals – cobalt, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, iodine;
  • sugars – fructose, glucose;
  • dietary fiber, carboxylic acids, pectins, carotene.

Dried apricots contain the amount of potassium the body needs.

Regular consumption of dried apricots helps strengthen the entire body, improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin. Dried apricot has:

  • mild laxative effect – normalizes intestinal contractility;
  • adsorbent – ​​removes heavy metal salts and toxic flora;
  • anti-sclerotic – reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;
  • immunostimulating – increases the protective barrier against infections, viruses, suppresses the growth of cancer cells (if any).

Regular consumption of dried apricots improves vision and prevents the development of thyroid pathologies. Dried apricot has a positive effect on the body of women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

What are the benefits of raisins?

The most popular dried fruit is raisins, which, in addition to taste, have a number of substances necessary for the body:

  • vitamin complexes (A, C, B1, B5, B6, B2);
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • organic acids – oleanolic, tartaric;
  • ash, fiber;
  • iron, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, chlorine, potassium, calcium;
  • glucose, fructose.

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Raisins contain a complex of useful vitamins and microelements

The healing components of raisins make it possible to use it to improve the functioning of all organs and systems:

  • strengthen the heart, normalize its conductivity, stabilize blood pressure, remove swelling;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • increase lactation during breastfeeding;
  • replenish the body's need for iron during pregnancy;
  • support kidneys, liver;
  • strengthen the faulty system, relieve fatigue and tension, improve sleep.

Raisins are endowed with antitussive and antioxidant effects, which allows them to be used for pharyngitis, stomatitis, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

Benefits of walnuts

Walnuts are an irreplaceable source of energy for the whole body. It contains:

  • vitamins – A, group B, C, E, PP;
  • minerals – iron, zinc, cobalt, sodium;
  • protein;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • flavonoids.

Walnuts will help the body replenish energy reserves

Everything in a walnut is useful - the kernel, partitions, shell.

The beneficial effects of the fruit are as follows:

  1. The performance of the brain and the body as a whole increases. Nuts speed up the processes in the body that occur during the assimilation of food, which gives a feeling of vivacity and energy.
  2. The blood vessels and heart muscle are strengthened. Eating walnuts helps to resolve sclerotic plaques and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. The concentration of glucose decreases, which is very useful for patients with diabetes. Only the shell is used in treatment, without kernels.
  4. The body's protective barrier against infections, bacteria and viruses is strengthened, and vitality increases.
  5. Blood counts improve, hemoglobin increases, which is especially important for anemia.
  6. The functioning of the stomach and intestines is normalized, dysbiosis and constipation disappear.

Walnuts are very useful during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and also for young children. For men, the fruit is known as a powerful aphrodisiac - the oil is used to improve potency and general sexual health.

Useful properties of honey

In addition to its unique taste, honey has a valuable and unique composition:

  • vitamins – group B, PP, C, E;
  • sugars – fructose, glucose;
  • acids – malic, tartaric, citric;
  • minerals – cobalt, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, silicon, boron, nickel, titanium, osmium.

Honey is a healthy product with a unique composition

The diversity in its constituent components allows honey to have an antibacterial, restorative effect, and fight inflammation of various localizations. Systematic consumption of natural beekeeping products allows you to:

  • boost immunity, fight colds and viral infections;
  • regulate metabolic processes in the body;
  • improve blood composition;
  • restore energy and regain strength;
  • normalize the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels;
  • eliminate pathologies of the respiratory tract, alleviate the condition of inflammatory processes.

Honey is used not only internally, but also to treat wounds, burns, and fungal infections. The product helps with gynecological and intestinal diseases.

What are the benefits of lemon?

Lemon is the first aid in the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. The main property of citrus – antiseptic – inhibits the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Thanks to its rich composition - organic acids, pectins, minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins B, C, A, P, saccharides - the fruit has a healing effect on the entire body:

  • strengthens blood vessels, heart, abnormal cells and has a beneficial effect on brain activity;
  • cleanses and thins the blood, breaks down cholesterol;
  • makes nails and bones stronger, prevents hair loss;
  • normalizes metabolism in the liver, promotes normal excretion of bile;
  • eliminates constipation and increased gas formation.

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Lemon has a pronounced antiseptic effect

For colds and respiratory pathologies of the respiratory tract, mixtures and teas with lemon suppress the development of pathogenic viruses and bacteria and increase the resistance of the immune system.

Choosing the right ingredients

To prepare a truly healthy mixture: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, lemon, honey, you need to purchase only natural and fresh ingredients. Therefore, there are simple recommendations for choosing the right ingredients:

  1. Dried fruits should be soft, without an oily sheen and without damage. The color should be dark and pale, all bright colors are artificial dyes.
  2. Raisins should be dark, dried apricots should be dark and faded.
  3. Walnuts should be light in color and free from fungi and mold. It is recommended to buy it already peeled, so you can see the kernels and the presence of spoilage on them.
  4. Citrus fruits must be purchased without external damage or darkening of the peel. The skin should be thin and dense.
  5. Honey should be purchased only from trusted places or certified stores where they can guarantee the quality and benefits of the product. It is recommended to use linden or acacia honey for medicinal purposes, which are considered the most beneficial.

Correct selection of ingredients

To make a healing mixture, you must choose only high-quality, natural products. And for this, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey and lemon need to be purchased from sellers who are trusted by the population. To buy a high-quality, useful product, you can use the following recommendations:

  • When choosing dried fruits, you must be guided by common sense, and not by initial impressions of the appearance of the product. If dried fruits have a pronounced shine and bright color, this may indicate that they were treated with dyes and other chemicals before being put on the counter. Naturally produced products have a matte finish, their surface is dry and does not stick together.
  • Nuts should not show any signs of spoilage. The presence of a gray coating indicates that the product has spoiled and is not suitable for food. Experts recommend buying walnuts shelled - this makes it easier to assess the quality of the product.
  • Lemons should not have mechanical damage. You need to choose dense, thin-skinned fruits.
  • Any type of honey is suitable for preparing immunity boosting products. To protect yourself from buying counterfeits, it is recommended to purchase the product at specialized fairs. Natural honey has a pronounced honey aroma and aftertaste.

Attention! Vaseline is often used to add shine to dried fruits. Therefore, before use, in order to get rid of dyes and other chemicals, it is recommended to soak dried fruits in hot water for at least 10 minutes.

Recipe for preparing a healthy mixture of honey with nuts and dried fruits

To prepare a healthy mixture you need the following products:

  • dried fruits - 200 grams each of dried apricots, raisins and prunes;
  • honey – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 piece
  • walnuts – 100 g.

Mixture: lemon, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, honey:

  1. Place dried fruits in a container and pour boiling water over them for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Then drain the water and place the dried fruits on a paper towel until they are completely dry.
  3. At this time, peel and wash the walnuts, drain and fry in a frying pan. Allow the dried nuts to cool.
  4. Place the lemon in boiling water for a few minutes to soften the peel. Wait for the citrus to cool, cut into slices, removing the seeds.
  5. Place all ingredients in a blender or meat grinder and grind thoroughly until completely mixed.
  6. Add warm liquid honey to the resulting mixture.

This product should be transferred to a glass container and tightly closed, stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. This very tasty product can be stored for up to several months, but it is better to cook a little according to the recipe and eat it within 1-2 weeks.

Healthy nutritional mass with figs, walnuts and hazelnuts

List of components:

  • dried apricots – 500 g
  • raisins – 400 g
  • dried figs – 300-400 g
  • lemon – 300 g
  • walnut – 300 g
  • hazelnut – 200 g
  • natural honey, liquid – 200-300 g

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Procedure for preparing the mixture:

Place thoroughly washed dried fruits and berries in a deep bowl. Boil drinking water. Pour it over the mixture components. After 20-25 minutes, drain the water. Dry the dried fruits. Place in a blender.
Sort the nut kernels and check that there are no shell fragments. Dry in the oven, spreading in 1 layer on a baking sheet or in a dry frying pan. Add nuts to dried fruits. Clean lemon, scalded with boiling water, cut into small slices. There should be no seeds left in it, they will give a bitter taste.
Put honey. If you prefer to use a meat grinder when preparing the mixture, add it last, to the already chopped products.
Beat the ingredients until mushy.
Place in a clean (preferably sterilized) container. Close the lid. Store in the general compartment of the refrigerator.

How to use the mixture of “dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey, lemon”, doses and features

This mixture is very nutritious, so it should be taken in the following doses:

  • adults for prevention – 1 tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day;
  • children over 3 years old – 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

Since the mixture is very sweet, it should be washed down with warm tea. It is not recommended to take the mixture dry. From the mixture you can make healthy sweets that can replace many sweets that are harmful to the body. To do this, you need to roll it into balls and dip it in sesame seeds.

Dried fruits with honey for immunity

This delicacy can replace other sweets, while it has great benefits for the body. Sweet honey with dried fruits helps strengthen the body's immune defense and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. This healthy product will be enough to support your immune system throughout the winter. You can add a lot of lemons to this mixture, namely juice or peel.

Chopped dried seedless fruits are mixed with honey, due to which they acquire additional properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-aging;
  • cleansing from toxins and impurities.

This delicious vitamin mixture is high in calories; on average, 100 grams of the product contains more than 30 kcal. Therefore, there are restrictions on the dosage of the product. So for people who experience loss of strength and general weakness, the mixture can be consumed for prevention, 1 tbsp. every day. To treat a cold, an adult can consume 2-3 tbsp. product.

Children over 3 years old, as a preventive measure, can be given 1 tsp. per day, and if colds appear, the dose can be increased to 3 small spoons per day. The mixture can be added to porridge. Often used as an immune mixture: honey, nuts, dried apricots, raisins, lemon.

If gastrointestinal disorders or allergic reactions occur while consuming the mixture, use of the product should be stopped. The mixture should not be washed down with water, otherwise all its benefits will dissolve.

Restrictions on the consumption of dried apricots, raisins, nuts, honey

Despite all the beneficial properties, it also has a number of contraindications:

  1. The products are highly allergenic, so allergy sufferers are not recommended to use the vitamin mixture.
  2. High levels of glucose and sucrose can cause harm to a diabetic's body.
  3. The high-calorie product is contraindicated for obese patients, so they need to keep its consumption to a minimum.
  4. The mixture is strictly contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, since honey with dried apricots is a heavy food that is poorly absorbed by the child’s body.
  5. Dried apricots, honey, prunes, and raisins are prohibited for people with gastrointestinal disorders and patients with diabetes.
  6. Lemon should not be consumed by those who have problems with tooth enamel and damage to the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. It is forbidden to eat the mixture for patients with urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as for acute heart failure.

Mix: raisins, prunes, lemon, dried apricots, honey, walnuts - an ideal remedy in the cold season that fights viral and colds. The effectiveness of the product has been proven by many years of research. In addition to its pleasant taste, the mixture can treat many diseases and improve performance. It can be used for treatment and prevention. However, despite all the usefulness, the ingredients have their own contraindications for the use of the mixture and daily dosages.


Despite the exceptional usefulness and naturalness of the vitamin mixture, there are some restrictions on intake.

First of all, this mixture is not suitable for people who are allergic to honey, nuts or citrus fruits. As a rule, there are no reactions to raisins and dried apricots. If the exact cause of the disease is known, then the allergen can be excluded from the composition, replacing it with another ingredient that has suitable properties.

The composition is contraindicated for diabetics. The diet for illness excludes all types of honey and sweet dried fruits.

You should avoid taking the mixture if you have the following diseases: pancreatitis, ulcers, kidney and bladder stones, acute forms of intestinal and stomach diseases.

Everyone, without exception, should not take the mixture in the evening or before bed. The high carbohydrate content requires the body to produce a large amount of energy for absorption. This is an undesirable process at night.

How to choose ingredients

There are not many important subtleties.

  1. High-quality dried fruits are greyish, pale or unpresentably dark in color, elastic density, matte surface without an oily sheen, without creases or damage. We only buy dark raisins!
  2. All bright, beautiful, oily, shiny dried fruits are a source of carcinogens and toxic substances (appear during industrial drying).
  3. Walnuts can be purchased shelled. This way we will see the state of the nuclei. We need approximately identical filled nucleoli - without very dark or black inclusions.
  4. Honey should only be purchased from a trusted beekeeper, this year, at the market or in a small store from the manufacturer.
  5. When choosing lemons, give preference to fruits with thin skins, tight to the touch, uniform color without spots or cracks.

Benefits and indications for use of the mixture

Doctors and nutritionists recommend including not only vegetables and fruits, but also nuts and dried fruits in your daily diet. The benefit of fortified mixtures lies in the unique composition of the main ingredients:

  • nuts – rich in proteins, vegetable fats and vitamins;
  • dried fruits – any dried fruits contain vitamins, microelements, mineral salts and organic acids. They also contain fiber, pectin and other beneficial substances;
  • honey is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

Due to its composition, such a mixture can serve not only as an immune booster, but also recommended as an auxiliary therapy for the following diseases:

  • avitaminosis;
  • colds;
  • anemia;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Due to its nutritional value, it is recommended for use by the elderly, people engaged in mental activity and heavy physical labor. It is also indicated for people with increased fatigue, drowsiness, insomnia and excess weight.

Why is the mixture useful?

This mix is ​​called by different names. Someone “cure from Amosov”, attributing the invention of the recipe to the famous heart surgeon. And this is true, if only because the doctor popularized the mixture during his lifetime.

“The best remedy for strengthening the immune system!”, “Vitamin pill for longevity!” - others admire. And this can also be explained by the composition.

  1. Due to the complex of ingredients, each spoon of the mixture contains vitamins and minerals. They become building blocks for antioxidant cell protection. Plus - bioflavonoids of plant origin.
  2. The mix contains dietary fiber and substances that are effective against constipation. This helps cleanse the intestines.
  3. Working together, the components provide a high concentration of neuroprotective vitamins. This is group B, known to many. Most of all in the recipe is B6. It is needed for proper DNA synthesis.

Let's look at the benefits of each ingredient in order.


Bee honey is rich in minor bioactive substances. However, it does not contain many vital nutrients.

What is honey? This is up to 80% easily digestible carbohydrates. Yes, yes, solid fructose, glucose and sucrose. The calorie content of honey is from 320 to 415 kcal, depending on the variety. 1 teaspoon (!) contains about 8 g of honey and about 27-30 kcal.

100 grams of honey contain small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, E, K, C and beta-carotene (provitamin A). None of the components covers 5% of the average daily value (AD) for an adult. In minerals, the picture is the same: 1-2% of the DV for magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and calcium.

It seems to be not the most straightforward product, also with potential damage due to a lot of sugars.

So what are the benefits of honey?

Rich set of biologically active compounds. They have been proven to help heal wounds and burns when used externally. They also facilitate the discharge of sputum during respiratory pathology and combat the consequences of antitumor therapy.

Honey is effective when it comes to healing inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus and gastrointestinal tract. This is data from the US National Institutes of Health.

In addition to the excess sugars, the disadvantages of honey are a high level of allergenicity and loss of benefits when heated.

How to use honey?

  • Only after testing. Do not heat! In small quantities: 1-4 teaspoons per day.
  • Double caution in the diet of preschool children and people with chronic allergies. These are eczema, asthma, COPD, episodes of acute reactions to food and odors in the form of Quincke's edema and urticaria.


Favorite and so understandable!

What are the benefits of walnuts, judging by the composition per 100 grams?

  • Unsaturated fatty acids.
  • High content of vitamin B6 - one of the most important components in DNA synthesis.
  • Folic acid, B9, is another neuroprotector and methylation worker.
  • Magnesium - up to 50% of the DV, phosphorus, copper, iron, selenium and zinc - up to 22% of the DV.
  • There are antioxidant vitamins, most of all vitamin E - 9% DV.
  • A huge amount of manganese - up to 195% DN. It is needed for hematopoiesis and the synthesis of sex hormones in men and women.

As a result, we have the entire antioxidant complex, two heroes for the proper synthesis of DNA and fatty acids. Although the fatty acid ratio is not the best - there is little Omega-3.

Caution with walnuts should be exercised by those who have increased blood clotting and are significantly overweight.


Sour citrus is famous for its high content of vitamin C. Just 100 grams of fruit (including peel!) of ascorbic acid contains up to 128% of the DV of an adult.
What else is lemon good for?

  • Rich in organic acids, flavonoids and rutin. The latter is a derivative of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant.
  • A little provitamin A and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6) - from 1 to 6% of the DV.
  • Copper (13%) and slightly calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, etc.

Effectively used in folk medicine and diet therapy for scurvy, rheumatism, sore throat, urolithiasis, gout, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Works well in many homemade cosmetics recipes. Especially useful for oily and aging skin, inflammation and minor damage.

Disadvantages - high allergenicity, like all citrus fruits. And also harmful substances on the skin (if you neglect cleaning in boiling water).

Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and prunes

Properly dried grapes are primarily high in sugars. Next to them are the same biologically active substances for which fresh berries are famous. However, there are significantly fewer of them.

What are the benefits of raisins?

  • Moderately rich in vitamins and minerals. In our opinion, it doesn’t qualify as a superfood.
  • 100 grams contain vitamins K, C, E - 1-5% DV, group B 7-9% DV (B1, B2, B3, B6), traces of B9 (1%) and some minerals. Alas, of these, only potassium, copper and manganese exceed the 10% mark.


Diabetes mellitus, obesity, ulcerative colitis, exacerbation of gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

What are the benefits of dried apricots?

  • But the benefits of this dried fruit are much more obvious! Judge for yourself. 100 grams of dried apricots contain up to 72% provitamin A, up to 22% vitamin E and 13% vitamins B1. Pantothenic acid (B5) is noticeable, vitamins B6 and K are 5, 7 and 4% of the DV.
  • Minerals are also pleasing. Potassium, iron, copper, manganese - from 15 to 20% of the DV, calcium and magnesium about 8%.
  • It is also beneficial that almost a third of all carbohydrates are dietary fiber. A little protein is also present - up to 7% of the DV.

The composition clearly explains why dried apricots are so valued in the diet of older people. It is useful for cardiovascular pathology, constipation, skin and vision problems.

What are the benefits of prunes?

  • Again, almost a third of carbohydrates are dietary fiber. There is quite a bit of protein and a very interesting composition of vitamins.
  • Vitamin K is the leader - up to 75% of the DV per 100 grams. Provitamin A, vitamins B2, B3 and B6 are also in significant quantities - 10-20% of the DV.
  • Little things include vitamins C, E, B1 and B9.
  • The mineral composition is similar to dried apricots, but less calcium. There is phosphorus and zinc - all up to 10% of the DV.

The special advantages of prunes are the prevention of colorectal cancer and a direct but mild laxative effect.

How to store healthy mixtures so they don’t spoil ahead of time

In order for the mixture of dried fruits and honey to retain its benefits for a long time, it must be properly stored and prepared:

  1. To prepare mixtures, you need to make only from fresh natural products. There should be no mold, fungi or other damage on dried fruits.
  2. This mixture should be made and stored only in a glass container, which is then placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. The container must be hermetically sealed, then the mixture can serve you for up to several months. The honey mixture can be stored a little longer, because honey is a good preservative.
  3. It is always better to prepare fresh mixture in small portions, for example once a week.

How to cook: recipe

We need:

  • Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts - 100 grams of each type
  • Lemon (with peel!) - 1 pc. medium size (100-150 grams)
  • Honey - 6-8 tablespoons


No matter how hard we try to buy good dried fruits, it makes sense to play it safe. We remove possible toxic compounds and dangerous microorganisms that remain on products after industrial drying. Two stages of pre-processing of dried fruits.

  1. How to soak dried fruits to say goodbye to sulfur dioxide (E220)? Immerse the fruits in cold (!) water for 1 hour. This is the minimum action. The best option is a little longer: drain, rinse and immerse in clean water for another 30 minutes.
  2. To disinfect and remove possible dirt, drain the cold water and rinse thoroughly in warm running water, stroking with your fingers. You can pour boiling water over it for 2-3 minutes. Drain and dry with a paper towel.

We sort through the nuts. We remove the remains of the shell and membranes, darkened kernels.

We wash the lemon thoroughly - with a brush, under the tap. Pour boiling water over it completely for 1-2 minutes. This is important to neutralize the layer of synthetic substances. Unfortunately, they are necessarily applied during export for long-term storage of citrus.

  • The healthy mixture is prepared either in a meat grinder - the result is a grainy texture.
  • Or use a blender: this way you can make the consistency as homogeneous as possible.

Cut the lemon into pieces and grind together with dried fruits into puree. Then add honey and mix well. Store in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

Reviews from experienced people: what else is added to the mix?

  • Change the composition of dried fruits by adding figs or dates;
  • Replace nuts with almonds or hazelnuts;
  • Instead of lemon, use kiwi or orange;
  • Do not use honey (then the mixture can even be stored in the freezer);
  • Add kelp or spirulina powder;
  • Cook less at a time or in different proportions.

Interesting idea!

By removing the honey and lemon, you can make homemade sweets from the resulting mixture. Roll into balls (the amount of mixture is 1 heaped teaspoon) and roll them in sesame seeds, nut crumbs, and coconut flakes. Store in the freezer.

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