Baking soda and lemon: how to use it for health benefits

What are the health benefits of baking soda and lemon?

Both soda and lemon are natural products, the use of which is absolutely safe, provided, of course, you adhere to contraindications. Baking soda helps balance the levels of alkali and acid in the body. This, in turn, leads to the normalization of many processes, including exchange processes, the problems of which many people face.

What is the benefit of adding lemon to baking soda? Lemon is a well-known source of vitamins, especially vitamin C. The complexes of beneficial substances that are part of it have a beneficial effect on many processes, for example, they help normalize digestion. It follows that supplementing baking soda with lemon can provide health benefits in many areas.

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate

The Gerson Institute takes the opposite view on the use of sodium bicarbonate in their cancer protocol. However, if you look at what is good about bicarbonate, why it works, you can see that it is more than useful. Every cancer patient needs to understand and appreciate why something as inexpensive as baking soda can be their best healing friend.

Bicarbonate gives the body a boost of oxygen because it immediately supplies the body with more carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes more oxygen to be delivered to the cells. The use of sodium and potassium bicarbonates is practiced in carbon dioxide medicine (CO2 medicine). In short, when CO2 levels increase in a patient's body following the use of bicarbonate or slow breathing, oxygen levels, pH levels, and electrical voltage in the cells simultaneously increase.

When lemon is added to sodium bicarbonate in a glass, it begins to bubble as CO2 is formed. The same thing happens in the stomach when lemon is not used. Stomach acid does what citric acid does in a glass. On the other hand, citric acid performs the function of gastric juice, which can be very important in the presence of increased stress or for older patients, in case of a possible deficiency of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Enough acid is necessary for the bicarbonate to work, as well as for the acid to fully digest our food.

Dr. Alina Vasilyeva and Dr. David Nias write: “At the end of the 19th century, scientists Bohr and Verigo discovered a very strange law - a decrease in the level of CO2 in the blood leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen delivered to the cells of the body, including cells of the brain, heart, kidneys, and so on. . Carbon dioxide (CO2) appears to be responsible for the relationship between oxygen and hemoglobin. If the level of CO2 in the blood is below normal, this leads to difficulties in releasing oxygen from hemoglobin. This is the Verigo-Bohr effect.”

In clinical settings, low oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are usually interrelated. Therapeutic boosting of CO2 levels by inhaling this gas diluted in air is often an effective way to oxygenate the blood and body tissues. Taking bicarbonate orally and in baths increases CO2 (bicarbonate) levels in the blood as does slow breathing.

Carbon dioxide is a neutral, non-polar molecule that can easily diffuse through a membrane. Bicarbonate is a charged form of CO2 that does not penetrate cell membranes in significant quantities unless it enters them through transmembrane channels such as the magnesium-calcium channel.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) reacts instantly when mixed with stomach acid. NaHCO3 + HCl -> NaCl + H20 + CO2. That is, sodium bicarbonate + stomach acid [it turns out] salt + water + carbon dioxide.

CO2, in the form of bicarbonate, directly participates in the “light phases”. This “bicarbonate effect” affects molecular processes. The role of carbon dioxide or bicarbonate in photosynthesis has been clear to researchers since the beginning of the study of photosynthesis. In plants, bicarbonate likely couples cell metabolism to the flow of electrons during photosynthesis.

For weight loss - how to drink

Lemon soda is especially popular among Americans as a means of weight loss. Many nutritionists advise their patients to take a course of taking the solution in order to normalize metabolic processes, which will enhance the effectiveness of the main diet.

To prepare the product, you need to take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Then add half a teaspoon of soda and 300 ml of clean water to it. However, you don’t need to add everything together, but a little at a time, that is, add a little soda, add water, wait until the hissing stops, and so on. It is also important to drink the drink slowly so that it has time to be absorbed. Many people who are losing weight like this method, because the drink turns out to be refreshing and quenches thirst well, which is especially pleasing in hot weather.

For teeth whitening

Teeth whitening with baking soda is a procedure that is not suitable for everyone. Before using it, you should consult your dentist. If there are diseases of the teeth or oral cavity, then they must first be cured, and then think about whitening.

Using the product is very simple: take a toothbrush, moisten it with water, pour a little powder on top, and drip a few drops of fresh lemon juice on top. We brush our teeth for a few minutes, then rinse our mouth and brush our teeth with regular toothpaste. A mixture of soda and lemon turns out to be “vigorous”, so it can not be used often.

For face

The beneficial cleansing properties of baking soda can be used to cleanse your face. To prepare a mask using soda and lemon, it is recommended to also take oatmeal, which will soften the effect of the acid and be nourishing for the skin.

So, take 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, preferably finely ground, and mix with 1 tsp. soda Squeeze out 1 tsp. lemon in 2 tbsp. clean water. By the way, you can replace the water in the recipe with kefir. Mix all the ingredients. The face must be thoroughly cleaned before applying the mask. The mask lasts 10-15 minutes. There may be a feeling of tight skin. You can wash off the product with warm water, but it is better to use a chamomile decoction, which has a calming effect.

To cleanse the liver

When waste products, toxins and other toxic substances are deposited in the liver, it begins to give signals. If left unattended, more serious problems may arise with both the functional abilities of the liver and the functioning of other organs. This is why the liver often needs to be cleansed.

Taking baking soda with lemon orally can help with this. The solution is prepared very simply: first, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water and drink. Then, after 5-10 minutes, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and also drink. The procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. However, you should not immediately take the maximum dosage. To begin with, it is better to add ¼ tsp. soda, and then constantly increase the dose to a whole teaspoon.

Express weight loss method

This recipe for quick weight loss, designed for 14 days, should be used with extreme caution and only for those who are not affected by contraindications.

The concentration of lemon juice in the drink is gradually increased until day 9, and then it is also methodically reduced. No dietary restrictions are required.

  • Day 1. Juice of 1 lemon mixed with cool water.
  • Days 2–7. Juice 2–7 lemons (+1 every day).
  • Day 8. Fasting. Prepare a drink from 3 lemons and 3 liters of water with a small amount of honey. Consume it throughout the day without eating.
  • Day 9. Begin to reduce the amount of lemons by 1 daily.
  • Days 10–13. Juice 5–2 lemons (-1 every day).
  • Day 14. Last. Juice of 1 lemon.

Remember: every time after drinking a lemon drink, you need to rinse your mouth with soda.

Against cancer

Oncological diseases are quite serious and require immediate medical intervention. However, no one forbids supplementing drug treatment with traditional methods. Moreover, many have experienced their effectiveness.

A soda-lemon solution can help in the fight against cancer; it is important to prepare it correctly so that it gives the desired result. It is prepared in the evening so that the morning begins with its reception. Take a glass and squeeze the juice of a whole fresh lemon, previously peeled, into it. Then add 1 tsp of soda to the juice, pour everything into a liter jar and fill with water. The water must be clean, preferably filtered.

In the morning you need to drink a whole liter of solution. Of course, the first few times it will not be easy due to the large volume, but over time the body will get used to it and will demand it itself. After just a few days, an improvement in the general condition of the body is noticed, which usually worsens greatly during the fight against cancer.

Preparing a weight loss drink based on citrus and baking soda

The main condition for successful weight loss is the correct preparation of the drink, the absence of errors in use, and following the recommendations of doctors and alternative medicine.

Recommended for you:

How to take soda baths for weight loss

Preparing a drink that burns hated kilograms:

  1. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into a glass (first pour boiling water over the citrus - this will make the squeezing process easier).
  2. Mix citrus juice, sodium bicarbonate (10 g), pour in 25 ml of warm water.
  3. Stir the mixture until the noisy seething of the mass stops.
  4. Add warm water (225 ml), stir until the sodium bicarbonate particles disappear.

Expert opinion


It is recommended to drink the prepared product in one go. It is advisable to drink the drink half an hour before the main meal. You should not try to improve the taste by adding sweet ingredients (bee honey, sugar), such experiments will affect the effectiveness of weight loss.

Using lemon soda on an empty stomach

Taking a soda-lemon solution on an empty stomach is useful for maintaining the functioning of many internal organs and systems of the body. Why on an empty stomach? Because this solution also affects the digestive system, and if it is actively working at the time of taking soda with lemon, it can cause side effects. Taking lemon soda on an empty stomach allows you to:

  1. Maintain the balance of the alkaline environment of the body.
  2. Improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Cleanse internal organs of “garbage” in the form of waste, toxins, etc.
  4. Regulate the functioning of the circulatory system, including maintaining normal cholesterol levels.
  5. Improve metabolic processes, which leads to getting rid of extra pounds.

What's really going on?

In order for the body to work correctly and without failures, the acid-base balance (pH) must be in the range of 7.26-7.45. With increased acidity, diseases develop, appearance deteriorates, and unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of headaches, lethargy, and fatigue.

Metabolic processes slow down, the percentage of subcutaneous fat deposits increases. When ingested, soda and lemon juice reduce acidity. As a result, metabolism accelerates and the functioning of the entire body improves. This has a positive effect on the process of losing weight.

Lemon and soda neutralize each other. The acid and weak alkali react chemically to produce water, sodium citrate, and carbon dioxide. The resulting components do not contribute to weight loss in any way. The scientific method of losing weight is not substantiated by anything.


Taking soda with lemon orally to combat various types of ailments has a number of contraindications. The main one is individual intolerance to one or two components. There is also a danger when taking the drug for an excessively long time. Nausea, vomiting and other side effects may occur.

It is also not recommended for pregnant women to take soda internally. In addition, there are special contraindications for the external use of soda: if the skin has rashes, irritations and other skin diseases, the use of soda is prohibited. The same rule applies to using soda-based baths.

When brushing your teeth with soda, the main contraindication is the presence of diseases; if you ignore them, the use of soda can cause destruction of the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

A weight loss diet has a number of advantages and some disadvantages. They are:


  • normalization of digestive processes and intestinal microflora;
  • removal of excess fluid, elimination of edema;
  • complex cleansing;
  • suppression of hunger;
  • saturating the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • increasing physical performance;
  • improvement of well-being.


  • low efficiency - lemon and soda will help eliminate from 3 to 5 kg if you lead an active lifestyle and follow a diet. It is not advisable to use them as an independent method of losing weight.
  • Regular consumption of the drink can harm even a healthy body. It is prohibited to use if there are contraindications.
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