What are the benefits of baked apples, how to cook them, reviews

Baked apples are a favorite dessert, the taste of which is familiar to everyone since childhood. It is often served with whipped cream, sugar or honey, butter or sour cream. These additives significantly increase the calorie content of the dish. But you shouldn’t give up a healthy dessert because of this. After all, baked apples are very tasty on their own, without additional ingredients.

Dietary properties of baked apples:

Summer time is not only sun, air and water. This is also a huge variety of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. What fruits are our most popular? Well, of course, apples! Who doesn't love them, red, green, yellow... Do you like baked apples? For many, this is an almost everyday dish and, of course, many would like to know what the calorie content of baked apples is, and what the benefits of baked apples are in general.

Naturally, the question may arise, why bake apples? After all, you can eat them raw, and what’s the difference between a raw and baked apple? But there is a difference.

First of all, many people bake apples just because it’s delicious. Give it a try. But there are also special benefits of baked apples, which for certain categories of people can be even greater than from fresh apples.

First of all, it must be said that the relatively low calorie content of a baked apple is far from its main advantage. These apples have many other beneficial properties.

And the benefit of baked apples is that the process of baking apples itself makes it possible to almost completely preserve the nutrients, minerals and vitamins contained in fresh apples. According to scientific research, baked apples completely retain vitamins such as: C, E, A, H, PP and all B vitamins.

It is also worth noting that baked apples contain a large amount of potassium, which is very important for people with cardiovascular diseases, since potassium is necessary for the muscle fibers of the heart. Baked apples are rich in iron, which maintains and restores the composition of blood and lymph.

The dietary properties of this dish are due not only to the low calorie content of baked apples, but also to the fact that they can be successfully used in dietary nutrition in order to get rid of extra pounds. This method is again based on the high potassium content in baked apples. Potassium is a sodium antagonist that enters the human body with regular table salt. Everyone knows the property of sodium to “help” accumulate excess fluid in the subcutaneous fat layer of a person, which in turn promotes fat deposition.

If you regularly eat baked apples, this will not only help you remove extra pounds, but also normalize your metabolism, make your skin smooth, and even help remove fine wrinkles. And, in addition, it will help improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The high content of pectin and fiber in this dish is very useful for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Number of calories in fresh apples

Baked apples are an amazing dessert that children and adults love to enjoy. The dish turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, because in addition to the fact that there are a minimum of calories, there are large quantities of nutrients.

The product also improves skin color (thanks to pectin), removes cholesterol from the body, and promotes safe weight loss. But to compare the benefits and nutritional value, you need to know how many calories are not only in the cooked product, but also in the fresh product.

Apple is the most common fruit in our country; moreover, it is perfectly preserved throughout the winter, which is especially good for the body during the period of vitamin deficiency. The product consists of almost 90% water, so absorption is slow but easy.

Many people are interested in the question of the calorie content of apples, and whether this indicator depends on the color of the product, size and variety. And all these factors must be taken into account. After all, the calorie content of a fruit directly depends on its ripeness and weight.

The sweeter the apple, the higher the calorie content and vice versa. For example, 100 gr. A green apple has about 35 calories, while yellow or red fruits will have 12-15 calories more.

The reason is the higher sugar content in ripe, sweet fruits. Green apples contain more malic acid.

But not every fruit weighs exactly 100 grams, so let’s take an example of an average apple with a diameter of about 7 cm, which usually weighs no less than 130 grams. This fruit will have approximately 60 calories.

Green fruits are considered the most useful, since they are not only lower in calories, but also contain more vitamin C and iron.

Apples are a healthy dietary product, the consumption of which will replenish the reserves of vitamins in the body, help you feel more energetic, make your face fresh, and your mood high.

Recipe? Recipe!

How to bake apples? Yes, very simple. Many people bake them with sugar. But it will be healthier and tastier to do this with honey.

Here's a simple recipe:


  • six apples
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • a little powdered sugar

Naturally, wash the apples, cut off the cap from the tail side and remove the middle of the apple along with the seeds. Grease a mold or baking sheet with vegetable oil, place the fruit on it, with the hole facing up, into which we pour honey and then close it with an apple lid. Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake until done.

When the apples are ready, take them out of the oven, let them cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar, to taste. We get a very tasty dish that we eat for our health. Unless, of course, the calorie content of baked apples prepared in this way does not bother you.

How to make a delicious and healthy dessert

Although baked apples are prepared quickly and quite simply, you need to know some of the subtleties of preparing the dish, thanks to which the taste will be unforgettable. The calorie content of baked apples in the microwave is the same as when preparing a dessert in the oven.

If you eat fruits regularly, you can prevent the development of atherosclerosis, improve digestion and reduce cholesterol levels. This is especially true for baked apples, they can strengthen the body, but you should know which fruits you can eat and which ones you shouldn’t.

You should not eat those fruits on which rot has appeared, since they may contain mycotoxins that have a bad effect on the heart, kidneys, and liver.

It is best to use fruits that have grown in your own garden, or at least buy domestic varieties with a slight natural coating. Imported apples, although they look very appetizing, have a waxy coating that helps preserve the fruit longer.

Such fruits look attractive, but are not very suitable for baking, since after careful processing to remove plaque, the skin may not be as dense as necessary. In general, eating processed peels is harmful to health. It is best to choose sweet and sour varieties that quickly darken, have a dense structure and skin.

After you have decided on the choice of apples, you should approach the second stage - preparing the apples for baking. To begin, wash the apples thoroughly. Next you need to remove the core. Based on which recipe was chosen for preparation, the fruits can be peeled in this way:

  • Cut in half and remove the seeds if you want to bake the fruit halves with filling.
  • Using a knife or special device, remove the core from a whole apple without making a through cut. This fruit is also suitable for baking with filling.
  • Remove the core, making a through cut, if the fruit is cooked without additives.

Bake the dessert at maximum microwave temperature for 15-20 minutes, immersing the prepared fruit in a container with a small amount of water. To ensure only benefits from the product, do not add sugar, it is already contained in the apple. But if you still want to sweeten it, use a natural product - honey. It can be added both before and after cooking.

Use baked apples in your diet to treat yourself to something delicious and at the same time improve your health.

Baked apples for weight loss:

This well-known fruit has a low calorie content, has a lot of advantages and is therefore of great interest to nutritionists. Moreover, this applies not only to fresh fruits, but also baked ones. Moreover, if fresh apples increase the acidity of gastric juice, then in baked fruits it becomes zero. And caloric content does not increase if high-calorie ingredients are not added during processing.

It is especially useful for overweight people to eat baked apples on an empty stomach. They have a mild laxative and diuretic effect, improve digestion, relieve swelling and have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Baked apples can be safely included in the diet menu. They can be a great breakfast or evening dessert. Fasting days on baked apples will give wonderful results.

During the ripening season of the local apple harvest, you can arrange an apple diet for yourself. With its help, you can easily lose up to 5 kilograms in a week. And if, with increased stomach acidity, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, fresh apples cannot be eaten, then baked ones will only be beneficial.

Sticking to a baked apple diet is very simple;

For breakfast you can eat 2 baked apples, a piece of black bread and a glass of 1.5% kefir. Lunch and dinner are the same, but without bread.

For snacks, fresh, sweet and sour apples are used. You can only drink water and unsweetened green tea.

Making baked apples is a very simple process:

Cut the apples into halves or slices, remove the seeds and core, sprinkle the sections with ground cinnamon, and bake in the oven. Such apples go well with low-fat cottage cheese; it is easy to prepare cream from them by simply “taking out” the pulp from the fruit with a spoon and grinding it with a blender.

Dessert recipe:

Take large apples, cut them into halves, bake until half cooked. Remove the pulp, chop it with a fork or blender, add 1-2 tablespoons of flower honey, or 1 ripe banana, and a little low-fat cottage cheese. Place the filling in the apple “halves”, brush with egg white and sprinkle oatmeal on top, bake for 2-5 minutes, eat slightly cooled.

Can pregnant women eat apples?

The benefits of baked apples during pregnancy cannot be underestimated. They:

  • have antimicrobial properties;
  • reduce the likelihood of toxicosis and alleviate its condition;
  • reduce the likelihood of miscarriage;
  • protect against postpartum hemorrhage;
  • necessary for the proper development of the baby’s eyes, kidneys and liver;
  • remove migraines;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • normalize stool, remove toxins;
  • do not increase stomach acidity.

The benefits of baked apples for a woman’s body are noticeable if a doctor advises her to lose weight.

More on the same topic:


  1. PtichkaO Writes, The most interesting thing is that the calorie content of a green apple is less than that of a red or yellow apple. This is explained by the fact that green apples contain less sugars, which are easily digestible. And green apples are less allergenic than, say, red ones.
  2. mauzzz Writes:
    You shouldn’t bake apples with honey, because... When heated, honey turns into poison. Try cinnamon and vanilla.
  3. Alla writes,
    thank you very much

Apples while breastfeeding

After giving birth, nursing mothers are allowed to eat baked apples from the first days. They do not cause allergies in the newborn and do not lead to increased gas formation. Baked apples during breastfeeding will help:

  • restore the strength and energy of the young mother;
  • have a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • enrich milk and improve the health of the baby.

The daily norm of dessert is 1 piece. You can bake both red and green varieties. At high temperatures, the allergens in the peel are first destroyed.

Attention! After the first sample of the dish, the baby is monitored for 3 days. If there is no reaction, then it is administered on an ongoing basis.

Calorie content and product composition

Many women go on diets and always control the nutritional value of the menu. They calculate how many calories are in a baked apple. The amount of kcal in a fresh and baked product will be different, since the water will evaporate during heat treatment.

One raw fruit weighing 100 g contains about 50 kcal. A baked apple has slightly higher indicators. The calorie content per 100 grams will be approximately 70 kcal. But the indicators also depend on the type and amount of sugar.

For stomach problems, doctors do not recommend eating apples raw, as they contain coarse fibers that can irritate the stomach, so in this case, baked fruits are the best choice.

Among the useful components of the fruit:

  • vitamins of different groups;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium and more.

All these components in any dietary diet meet the body's needs. They increase performance and tend to suppress hunger.

Possible harm of baked apples

Long-term use turns the benefit into harm for the body of baked apples. Possible disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of colitis. A mono-diet often ends in diarrhea and disruption of the body's metabolic processes. The dish will cause harm if it is not prepared correctly. Necessary:

  1. Choose whole apples, without rot, so that they do not contain pathogenic microbes.
  2. Use local, seasonal varieties. For transportation and long-term storage, they are treated with paraffin and similar substances. They accumulate in the body and often cause allergies.

Apples baked in cream

This is an incredibly delicate dessert that both adults and children will enjoy.
For preparation you will need:

  • A kilogram of sweet and sour apples;
  • 10 yolks;
  • 1 tsp potato starch;
  • A liter of thick but low-fat cream;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Raisins, walnuts, candied fruits to taste.

First prepare the cream syrup. Mash the yolks and mix them with cream, sugar and starch. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Remove the core from the apples and place them in a heatproof bowl. Stuff the fruits with candied fruits, raisins and nuts and pour the prepared thick syrup over everything.

Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven for 40 minutes. Before serving, the dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and topped with fruit and berry jam.

Potato cake is one of the desserts that is easy to prepare yourself. This article tells you how to make Potato cake with your own hands at home. An excellent delicacy that both adults and children enjoy.

Apple juice: benefits and harms

This is surprising, but even after heat treatment, almost all micro- and macroelements and vitamins remain in the apple pulp. Apples are not only a source of iron, as many people know. This is a storehouse of various elements that will help replenish vitamin and mineral reserves.

On a note! Baked apples are better digested, and all nutrients are absorbed faster and more fully by the human body.

Component composition:

  • niacin equivalent;
  • retinol;
  • ferrum;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B3;
  • thiamine;
  • tocopherol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folic acid;
  • Whitmian N;
  • potassium;
  • ferrum.

It is useful to include such a treat not only in the diet. A person who has not faced the problem of being overweight can also enjoy its amazing taste and benefit from it. So doctors recommend eating baked apples in their pure form or with additives if the intestinal microflora is disturbed. These healthy desserts help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Features of the composition of baked apples

The taste of the finished dish and the number of calories in it depend on the type of fruit. When cooked, the fruit does not lose its nutritional value, but, on the contrary, is quickly absorbed and beneficial.

Nutritional value of apple

The fruit contains fiber and pectins. These two components have a beneficial effect on digestion, and this is important not only for the average person, but also for people who play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Frequent consumption of baked apples promotes longevity and rejuvenation of the human body. Scientists have found that the fruit contains the substance quercetin, which rejuvenates the body and improves blood circulation, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and protects cells from cancer.

The fruits contain potassium, this mineral is important for human health and the nervous system. With a lack of potassium, the normal exchange of fluids in the human body is significantly disrupted.

Baked apple without additives

The potassium contained in the product is responsible for the functioning of the heart, normalizes the acid-base balance in the blood; it is useful for older people to consume apples in this form.

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