What are the benefits of pink salmon milk, its composition and calorie content?

Is it possible to eat pink salmon milk?

The seminal glands of various fish have been eaten for about a thousand years. The milk of males, like the caviar of females, is a valuable food product. The mature glands of males contain sperm. When fully developed, they acquire a white color similar to milk. Hence the name of the product. If for cheap types of fish they are purchased together with fish, then for salmon they can be a separate product. Milk is not only consumed as a valuable dietary product, but also dietary supplements are produced on its basis.

How to choose

Since milk is not the most common product among most people, not everyone knows how to choose it correctly.

Therefore, when purchasing, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • they should have a dense consistency;
  • they must have a flat and smooth surface without dents or damage;
  • the shade is uniform, pink if the individuals are young. In adult fish they are white.

After purchase, the product is not recommended to be frozen . When fresh, it must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than +6 degrees.

If the delicacy has been heat-treated, pickled or salted, it can be stored for up to 3.5 months.

Chemical composition

Composition of pink salmon seminal glands in 100 g of product:

  1. Vitamins B1 - 240 mcg (16% daily value), B2 - 740 mcg (41% daily value), B4 - 335 mg (67% daily value), B5 - 1 mg (20% daily value) , B6 - 160 µg (8% DA), B9 - 80 µg (20% DA), B12 - 10 µg (333% DA), C - 16 µg (18% DA .), A - 90 mcg (10% d.n.), E - 700 mcg (47% d.n.), PP - 1.8 mg (9% d.n.).
  2. Micro- and macroelements : potassium - 220 mg (9% d.n.), calcium - 21 mg (2% d.n.), iron - 600 mcg (3% d.n.), sodium - 90 mg (7% % d.n.), phosphorus - 400 mg (50% d.n.), magnesium - 20 mg (5% d.n.), selenium - 40 mcg (70% d.n.), zinc - 1 mg ( 8% d.n.).
  3. Amino acids;
  4. Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6 - 10% d.n.

Benefits for the body

Milk is a very valuable product that has a positive effect on any organism.

  • By using them you can:
  • increase immunity due to the immunomodulatory effect of the substances they contain;
  • stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • get rid of anemia;
  • thin the blood;
  • stimulate brain function;
  • slow down the development of atherosclerosis;
  • reduce bad cholesterol;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes.

For men and women

For men, mental concentration, memory improvement, productivity and men's health are important. Fish milk will help you achieve results on each of the listed points. The seminal glands of pink salmon contain glycine. This is an amino acid that stimulates the nervous system and brain. As a result, concentration and memory improve. For men with inflammation of the genitourinary system, this product is indispensable. It helps increase libido and helps eliminate inflammation.

It will be useful for you to learn how to cook pink salmon in cream sauce.

In addition to the general positive effects on the body, listed above in the “Benefits for the body” section, it is important for women to monitor the condition of their skin and figure. Therefore, milk is used to create cosmetic masks for the purpose of rejuvenation. The DNA structure of this valuable product is similar to the DNA of human leukocytes. When losing weight, milk is productively used in nutrition. They stabilize lipid metabolism and bind free radicals that are formed during the breakdown of substances, do not retain water in the body, and therefore promote weight loss.

Nucleic acids contained in milk are capable of storing, transmitting and implementing hereditary information in the structure of DNA and RNA. Skin aging is caused by the accumulation of damage in the structure of cell molecules. The effect of polynucleotides found in nucleic acids is that they restore damage to the skin structure and prevent its aging.

Pregnant and nursing

For pregnant and lactating women, it will be important to maintain immunity during this important period of their lives and avoid the development of anemia. Regular consumption of pink salmon milk will help preserve your health and prevent weight gain. But you should be careful about a possible allergic reaction of the body. Therefore, use should be moderate and not too frequent.


It is not recommended to give fish milk to children under 3 years of age due to a possible allergic reaction. For older people, the portion should be halved (approximately 50 g) from the norm for consumption of this product for an adult. Typically, children who love fish also enjoy eating fish testes. For a growing body, valuable amino acids, vitamins and minerals will not be superfluous.

Important! According to the results of experiments, regular consumption of pink salmon and its testes by preschool children prevents the development of symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity.

Old people

For older people, a decrease in immunity and antitumor protection is typical. The aging of the body directly depends on the coordinated work of the formation of free radicals in cells and their neutralization. They cause mutations and lead to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, and problems in brain function. Therefore, older people should not only frequently use seafood in their diet, but also take dietary supplements based on salmon milt.


The salmon variety includes fish with red meat. Their size varies, sometimes the carcass reaches two meters in length. They have a powerful body, flattened on the sides and with a high scaly ridge. These (?) include:

  • pink salmon;
  • grayling;
  • chum salmon;
  • salmon;
  • salmon;
  • red salmon;
  • trout.

They mainly live in the depths of the sea, but are also found in large river bodies of water.

If females spawn, then for fertilization the males accumulate sperm in special sacs. Mature individuals have milk that is almost white. In terms of nutritional value, this product is valued no less than fish meat.

Application of pink salmon milk

Pink salmon milk can be purchased as a separate food product. They have a specific taste, but there are many recipes for dishes, among which this healthy product will please the most fastidious gourmet. In addition, they have learned to use the beneficial properties of pink salmon testes in medicine.

In cooking

The seminal glands of pink salmon can be salted, fried, rolled in flour, added to fish soup or minced meat, cooked in an omelet, sandwich, pie, or used to make salads. Whole fish milk is salted, defrosted or fresh.

To prepare brine for 100 g of testes you need:

  • 50 g salt;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • spices: peppercorns, bay leaf, ground coriander.

First, brew the brine and let it cool completely. Next, pour it over the testes and put them in the refrigerator. After two days they are ready to eat.

Important! It is better to combine fish milk with potatoes, rice, carrots, hard cheese, eggs, onions, basil, different types of peppers, and oregano. You should not cook them with pasta, porridge, cabbage, or mushrooms.

When losing weight

A weight loss diet involves switching to foods low in calories. Nutritionists recommend eating not only vegetables, but also protein foods. Therefore, fish testes are well suited for this. This is a dietary natural product that does not contain harmful substances and is low in calories. It contains few carbohydrates, but consuming them helps keep the body full. To maintain the minimum energy value of the product, it is recommended to boil or steam it.

In medicine

In medicine, dietary supplements containing the seminal glands of male pink salmon began to be widely used after research on this product. For their production, complex technology is used, which includes fermentation, drying, freezing, etc. Particularly valuable proteins are isolated - protamines. When administered with insulin, the absorption period of the drug slows down, extending the effect of the drug over a longer period of time.

For patients with diabetes, this action is much more effective. These dietary supplements are recommended both for healthy people for preventive purposes, and for all patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, who have problems with blood formation and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, creams, masks, and shampoos containing salmon sperm are widely used. With regular use of such cosmetics, a whitening and smoothing effect is felt on the skin. Polyamines contained in milk improve cell metabolism and collagen production. The skin becomes elastic, acquires an even tone, and wrinkles are smoothed out. When using shampoos and hair masks, hair growth significantly accelerates.

Did you know? The color of a fish's body depends on its habitat and age. Salmon can be red, blue, silver, spotted or striped.

Possible harm and contraindications

Like any food product, milk has a number of contraindications. You should not consume more than 150 grams per day. People who are allergic to seafood also need to be careful. Although the product is low in calories, the cooking method also increases the calorie content of the dish. People struggling with excess weight should not eat fried salmon milk. Their calorie content is much higher than salted or boiled ones. In its raw form, consuming the product becomes dangerous. There is a possibility of parasite infection.

Pink salmon testes are a healthy dietary product. There are many indications for using it in nutrition. Due to its usefulness, it is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and folk medicine. There are many recipes for preparing this product. You need to choose any of them based on your preferences and goals. The main thing is that this valuable product can diversify your diet and benefit the body.

Healthy cooking recipes

The product should not be consumed raw; it may contain parasites. It can be marinated, salted, boiled, fried, and then used as an independent snack or an ingredient for other dishes.

The stewed milk is very tender and juicy.


  • milk – 300 g;
  • large onion;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh dill.


  • Cut the onion into thin half rings. Fry until golden brown.
  • Rinse the milk and cut it into large pieces. Add to onion. Fry for 3 minutes.
  • Chop garlic and dill and add.
  • Pour in sour cream. Mix.
  • Simmer for 12-15 minutes.

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