Apples and pears for weight loss: best friends or worst enemies

Among people following a diet to lose weight, there is a widespread belief that fruits, in particular apples and pears, are highly beneficial. Traditionally, it is based on the fact that the foods in question are low in calories.

In such a question, people often forget about naturally occurring sugars, which are concentrated in large quantities in fruits.

When deciding to include fruit in your diet or follow an apple and pear diet, it is important to carefully study the issue in terms of benefits and potential harm to the human body.

In this case, it is advisable to get acquainted with the opinion of experts about whether you can eat apples and pears while losing weight or not, whether you should eat them at night, as well as about the norms for consuming the fruits in question for those losing weight.

Are fruits good for weight loss?

Important! A diet aimed at getting rid of extra pounds should not only be low-calorie, but also balanced, and also consisting of a variety of foods.

This fact is due to the importance of psychological comfort of the person losing weight and the feeling of the absence of strict restrictions in the process of achieving the figure of their dreams.

Fruits contain an increased amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which help normalize digestion processes, strengthen the immune system, and improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Due to the significant fiber content in fruits, digestion in the intestines is normalized. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to digest and passes through the intestines in a slightly changed form, which stimulates peristalsis (rhythmic contractions of the muscular layer of the intestinal wall), which is responsible for the passage of food masses through the intestines and their normal absorption. In addition, fiber allows you to naturally remove unnecessary microorganisms from the body, which prevents their accumulation and the development of intoxication, inflammatory and/or infectious diseases. Fiber also activates cells of the immune system located in the intestines, which strengthens the body’s overall defense response.

However, due to the large amount of sugar, and therefore calories, albeit of natural origin, not all representatives of this type of product can be useful in the fight against extra pounds. But carbohydrates from fruits are quickly absorbed and broken down, making the risk of gaining extra pounds from such foods much less than from others.

Pears and apples, especially green ones, are the least “dangerous” in this regard, compared to other fruits, and are recommended by nutritionists for their use in a person’s diet aimed at weight loss. The number of calories contained in 100 g of green apples and pears does not exceed 40.

In addition to the insignificant concentration of calories in the fruits in question, they also have a minimal glycemic index. Pears and apples contain a moderate amount of fructose, which cannot harm the figure of someone losing weight.

Important! Fruits, and especially pears and apples, can be considered not just desirable, but rather an essential component of a diet for weight loss.

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Which pear is suitable for diet

Calorie content of pearNumber of calories per 100 g
Fresh57 kcal
Dried270 kcal
Juice46 kcal

White pear is the best choice for those losing weight, since this variety best cleanses the body of harmful substances and helps normalize stool. In this case, it acts on the body like activated carbon, but its effect is not as powerful.

In addition to raw fruits, dried pear can also contribute to the weight loss process, which can suppress your appetite and allow you to hold out until your next main meal.

But a frozen pear is useless, so you should not resort to this method of processing it.

Apple and pear diets: pros and cons

Among people who adhere to various types of diets to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, the most common are pear and apple diets. They are based on eating large quantities of apples and pears.

When analyzing the feasibility and effectiveness of choosing one of the above diet options, a person losing weight should evaluate their disadvantages. A reason to doubt the use of these methods in the struggle for an ideal figure may be:

  • the presence of a number of common diseases that are considered contraindications to consuming these fruits in large quantities, in particular gastrointestinal dysfunction. It is forbidden to eat pears and apples raw for those who have acute diseases of the digestive tract. Such rough food irritates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, which aggravates the course of the disease and in especially severe cases can cause gastrointestinal bleeding ;
  • in some cases, with increased stomach acidity, apples and pears can provoke increased appetite, which will inevitably lead to excess weight gain;
  • lack of the proper amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems;
  • a high probability of bloating due to the breakdown of carbohydrates from pears and apples by yeast located in the large intestine when they are excessively concentrated.

Despite the above disadvantages, pear and apple diets also have a number of advantages for a person striving for an ideal body. Such advantages include:

  • a significant reduction in cholesterol levels and normalization of the normal functioning of body cells due to the high concentration of chlorogenic acid;
  • cleansing the body of pathogens and toxins produced by them, and with the help of pectin contained in the products in question;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the case of frequent constipation or irregular bowel movements in a thin person;
  • dulling the feeling of dependence on bad habits, for example, smoking or drinking alcohol.

Apple and pear diets can not only help in getting rid of extra pounds, but also in cleansing the body, as well as normalizing the functioning of vital organs. However, before making a choice in its favor, it is advisable to make sure that there are no contraindications and that the person losing weight is in absolutely good health.

Read here how to spend a delicious fasting day on apples.

How to include it in the diet?

  1. Prolonged heat treatment destroys most beneficial compounds. Therefore, it is best to eat it raw.
  2. The bulk of antioxidants are concentrated in the skin. Therefore, it is better to eat it unpeeled. At the same time, the surface of fruits purchased in a store may contain a variety of harmful compounds, which they are treated with to improve their presentation. Therefore, it is better to peel fruits from the supermarket, but eat natural organic products, for example, from your own garden, with the skins on.
  3. Pears are one of those carbohydrate-rich foods that you can, and even need, to eat before and after workouts. Before fitness classes, they increase energy reserves, and, consequently, the effectiveness of the workout. As a post-workout meal, they help to quickly restore glycogen stores in muscles.
  4. Juice contains a large amount of sugars and is devoid of plant fiber. Therefore, unlike whole fruits, it is not a healthy food product. If you want to drink the fruit rather than eat it, you should add it to a smoothie.

Which form is best to eat?

The way fruits are prepared also affects their effectiveness in helping you lose weight. Nutritionists recommend giving preference exclusively to fresh pears and apples.

At the same time, they should be eaten directly with the peel and preferably be of green varieties.

An equally popular and useful type of processing is baking. This can be done both in the oven and in the microwave. This cooking method will help preserve the maximum amount of beneficial properties of apples and pears, while significantly changing their usual taste.

Fact! Baked apples without additives can be consumed even with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fruits prepared in this way become soft, so they do not irritate or damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

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Fasting day on pears

Before trying the effects of any pear diet on yourself, you can do a light fasting, consuming only two products throughout the whole day: 1 kg of pears and 2 liters of purified water.

A fasting day on pears alone can be called a training day before using a mono-diet, which involves eating according to the same scheme, but for three days. During such a diet, you are allowed to snack on 2 pieces of bread.

How much can you consume per day

When using pears and apples in your daily diet aimed at losing excess weight, it is advisable to know when to stop and not neglect the advice of experts on this issue.

The norm is to consume the mentioned fruits in a volume of no more than 1-1.5 kg (on average 5-7 pieces per day, depending on the variety and size of the fruit).

It is advisable not only to distribute the specified amount evenly over several main meals, but also to use these fruits as snacks between them.

Important! Do not significantly exceed this recommendation. Otherwise, those losing weight risk disrupting the absorption of food due to increased intake and causing indigestion.


The calorie content of one medium-sized pear is 100-105 kcal.

The fruit contains:

  • 5.5 grams of vegetable fiber;
  • 17 grams of sugars;
  • 12% of the daily dose of vitamin C;
  • 10% - vitamin K.
  • 7% copper;
  • 6% potassium.

The composition also includes trace elements boron, magnesium, manganese, iron. But there are not so many of these substances. Therefore, the main explanation for why pear is beneficial is due to the presence of antioxidants in it. These are polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids and vitamin C. Anthocyanins are present in red-colored varieties.

Plant fibers are of great importance. One fruit contains more than 5 grams. This is over 20% of the daily value. Moreover, a significant part comes from pectin - the most useful form of fiber. It is often thought that apples contain the most pectin. In fact, there is even more of it in the fruits of Pyrus communis.

The antioxidant pectin cocktail has significant anti-inflammatory activity. It is its presence in pears that determines most of their medicinal properties.

Is it bad to eat at night?

There is a widespread belief that it is undesirable to eat before bed when achieving the goal of losing weight. This recommendation applies primarily to baked goods, foods high in sugar, as well as fatty or fried foods.

It is worth noting that some types of fruit can also be classified as prohibited, for example, bananas.

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Pears and apples, due to the minimal amount of calories they contain, as well as the low glycemic index, will not only help overcome the feeling of hunger, which is often activated just before bed, but also, thanks to the concentration of beneficial substances, such as pectin, give the skin a healthy color and rested view.

Important! When purchasing fruits specifically for consumption at night, it is advisable to avoid green varieties. Sour apples and pears can increase acidity in the mouth and esophagus, which often leads to damage to tooth enamel, severe pain in the upper abdomen, or irregular bowel movements in the morning leading to diarrhea.

Healing properties

The table lists only those beneficial qualities of pears for women and men that have been most fully studied.

Prevention of cancer.Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases (by improving the blood lipid profile).
Maintaining good functioning of intestinal microflora.Elimination of chronic constipation.
Strengthening the immune system.Prevention and treatment of diabetes by increasing the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin and preventing sudden changes in blood sugar after meals.
Fight acid reflux and heartburn.Prevention and treatment of cholelithiasis.
Prevention of early aging.Reducing the level of chronic inflammatory activity in the body, which leads to the occurrence of many serious diseases.

Are they weakening or strengthening?

Pear is useful for constipation. Especially chronic. Since it improves the condition of the intestinal microflora, and also supplies the body with fiber and fluid. This helps to form bulky stools that are easily passed out.

However, this fruit is included in the list of products that both weaken the stool and strengthen it. This does not mean that pears cause constipation. But the fruit contains a significant amount of pectin, which is necessary to treat diarrhea, for example, diarrhea after food poisoning.

Expert opinions

Experts who express their own opinions on losing weight on apples and pears are not unanimous in their recommendations. A person striving for ideal forms should study in detail all aspects of the issue under consideration and only after that draw conclusions and make a decision. Before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult with your doctor to determine if you have any diseases for which such a diet is contraindicated, otherwise there is a risk of harming your health.

Maria Belevtseva, nutritionist

Maria strongly discourages the use of apples and pears as a late-night snack. According to her, their slow movement through the intestines can cause fermentation processes in the body, as well as bloating and increased gas formation. In addition, sugar, even if contained in a minimal amount in the fruits in question, is considered a difficult product for the liver and pancreas to process in the evening and at night. Considering the above facts, it becomes obvious that pears and apples can be used in improving the figure, but not before bedtime.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

The best option for eating apples and pears for the last time during the day would be 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. This is due to the fact that they contain quickly broken down carbohydrates, which during this time will have time to break down and be absorbed by the body. Otherwise, a significant part of them will be deposited as fat. And due to the fact that peristalsis increases at night, fiber will not have time to pass through the stomach, and therefore a feeling of discomfort will develop in the upper abdomen, gases will accumulate in the stomach, which will lead to bloating and flatulence. Also, the presence of food in the stomach at night will lead to excessive stimulation of the nervous system, which will make it difficult to fall asleep, the quality of sleep will deteriorate, and nightmares may occur.

Lyudmila Mikhailova, doctor

Lyudmila is sure that the benefits of apples and pears not only in losing weight, but also in maintaining the normal functioning of vital systems are invaluable.

They not only help accelerate fat burning, but also give those losing weight strength and saturate the body with nutrients and vitamins.

The main thing is to make sure that there are no contraindications and correctly select the daily amount before you start eating them in order to avoid worsening the person’s health.

Irina Abakumova, psychologist

Irina is convinced that fruits are a source of vital energy and good mood for people who are prone to depression caused by excess weight. A moderate amount of fructose contained in apples and pears can significantly affect the level of serotonin in the blood of someone losing weight. Increasing the level of the “hormone of happiness” helps to open a second wind in adhering to a diet to get rid of extra pounds.

Are apples healthier?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the popular question, which is healthier than a pear or an apple.

  1. Apples have a little more vitamins, pears have a little more microelements.
  2. Both types of fruit contain plant fiber, including pectin, which has particular health benefits. Pears have more fiber. But not only pectin, but also coarse insoluble fibers, which can cause abdominal discomfort in people who do not digest plant foods well, for example, those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, apples are indicated for nutrition after food poisoning with diarrhea. But if your problem is constipation, then pears will help you more quickly.
  3. Apples have a little more sugar. And they are more likely to cause allergies. But many of their varieties are softer and more tender than pear varieties. Therefore, it is easier to include them in the diet of children, the elderly and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it possible to eat pears at night? Of course yes, only in small quantities an hour before dreams. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the main contraindications, since this fruit is not suitable for everyone. First, let's talk about the benefits of the fruit for the body.

Main conclusions

To summarize, the following facts must be highlighted:

  1. Due to the high content of vitamins and minerals in their composition, fruits are extremely useful both for stimulating fat burning processes and for maintaining health at the proper level.
  2. Diets based on eating apples and pears, like any other mono-diets, have a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be studied by a person planning to lose weight.
  3. When organizing a daily diet in order to reduce the number of “incoming calories,” it is important to take into account the recommendations of experts related to the daily amount, as well as the possibility of eating them before bedtime.
  4. Regularly eating fiber-rich fruits in sufficient quantities will improve digestion, prevent constipation, and strengthen the immune system. And vitamins from fruits have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

A properly organized diet or fasting day, based on apples and pears, used both in main meals and as snacks, can become the best friends of a person who wants to get rid of hated kilograms.

And to diversify your diet,

Benefits of pear:

  • contain useful elements (A, B, C, PP, phosphorus, iron, potassium, pectin, copper, sodium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, tannins, etc.). This fruit, rich in vitamins, will help strengthen the immune system and support the body's defense reactions.
  • has a beneficial effect on digestion, metabolic processes, and the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • the vitamin C content in the composition maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, vitamin K reduces excessive calcium levels in the blood and prevents atherosclerosis; fiber lowers the content of bad cholesterol, is responsible for the process of normalizing intestinal microflora, and blocks the formation of gallstones; sulfur improves the condition of hair, skin, and bones.
  • Pear decoction is famous for its antiseptic, analgesic and diuretic effect. Recommended for use by people with urinary tract inflammation.
  • pear seeds have an antihelminthic effect
  • Is it possible to get better from eating a pear at night? Absolutely not, since it has few calories, approximately 40-43 kcal per 100 g (it all depends on the type of pear).
  • improves well-being, relieves depression and stress
  • normalizes heart rhythms

  • It is actively used in cosmetology: masks made from this fruit help narrow pores and remove oily shine.
  • Experts recommend eating pears if you have a low immune system, a strong cough, obesity, if you have inflammation in the kidneys, diabetes, metabolic disorders, or poor appetite.
  • Can diabetics and obese people eat pears at night? Believe it or not, this is one of the few ingredients that this category of people is allowed to consume. Why? Pears contain a large amount of fructose, for the digestion of which the stomach does not need to produce insulin. In addition, there is much less sucrose, unlike apples, which we are so used to eating before bed.
  • Pear juice helps remove harmful substances from the body, lowers temperature and has a wound-healing effect.
  • responsible for normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • It is recommended to use during weight loss to restore strength and replenish essential vitamins
  • pears help increase hemoglobin + block the occurrence of anemia
  • responsible for improving hormonal levels
  • have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and heart
  • when asked whether it is possible to eat pears at night, any specialist will answer - of course, since the fruit does not greatly stimulate appetite, unlike apples, and gives a feeling of fullness for a long period.
  • the fruit goes well with dairy products (sour cream, cream, yogurt), cheeses, cereals, parsley, fruits (apples, plums, grapes, peaches), low-fat fish, poultry and citrus fruits. Also read equally interesting information: is it possible to eat plums at night? .

How to eat pears to lose weight

When including fruits in the diet menu, you should not neglect a number of rules so as not to get the opposite effect. First of all, you need to listen to your body, does it whet your appetite when you eat a sweet fruit?

For those who are actively losing weight, use them constantly, although the juice is quite suitable for a one-time cleansing of the body from toxins.

Pears are best consumed alone or with dairy products. If your digestive system is not able to cope with raw fruits, then you can resort to heat treatment.

It is not advisable to cut off the hard peel from fresh fruits when losing weight, since it contains a large amount of healthy fiber.

Composition and beneficial properties of pear

The fruit contains useful substances:

Some varieties contain iodine. The fruit contains 80% water, and its seeds contain 20% oil. The calorie content of pears is low: 42 kcal per 100 g.

The juicy fruit is characterized by numerous beneficial properties. Thanks to amino acids, cells are protected from the negative effects of radicals. Potassium is necessary for sufficient production of intracellular fluid. A deficiency of this element often leads to increased blood pressure.

The benefits of pear are due to its properties:

The fruit normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, strengthens blood vessels, increases blood circulation, helps diabetics by lowering blood sugar levels. For prevention purposes, it is used for gastritis. Fiber, which is part of the fruit, removes heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Take pear for the following diseases and conditions:

The fruit has a tonic effect, treats nervous tension and depression, and improves mood. Pear decoction is useful for men with prostatitis. To cure cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, it is recommended to eat fresh, boiled or baked fruits. Inflammation of the bladder is eliminated with the help of a decoction.

If you have diabetes, you should drink 1 glass of fresh pear juice every day, half an hour before meals. This helps lower blood sugar levels and improve overall health. To increase hemoglobin, it is recommended to eat 2 large red fruits every day. Baked fruits are taken for cystitis and skin diseases.

Fruits for weight loss

The main condition when choosing which fruits you can eat when losing weight and which you shouldn’t is their calorie content. The amount of fructose contained and fat-burning properties are also taken into account. In the latter case, in addition to saturating the body with useful microelements and vitamins, the fruits also help to enhance the process of burning and removing fat. For this reason, they should definitely be included in your diet along with low-calorie and unsweetened ones.

Unsweetened fruits

The sweetness of the fruit depends on the amount of fructose contained, which affects the calorie content. For this reason, unsweetened fruits are more suitable for removing fat and losing weight:

Low-calorie fruits for weight loss

Some fruits, sometimes even sour ones, are highly nutritious. On the diet, only low-calorie fruits for weight loss are allowed:

Fat burning fruits

The last category of products useful for weight loss and fat removal are fat-burning fruits. The leaders in this group are:

Is it possible to eat to improve metabolism?

Metabolism is the medical name for the process of metabolism in the human body. It is believed that weight gain most often occurs precisely because of metabolic disorders, and if it is not corrected, then the effect of diet/physical activity will either not be at all, or will be short-term and small.

It is reliably known that any fruit accelerates metabolic processes, but most often nutritionists recommend eating pears for this - they have an increased ability.

This fruit contains not only a large “set” of vitamins, but also folic acid, which is invaluable in terms of metabolism. It reduces the level of lipids (fats) in the body and has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate-lipid metabolism - both fats already present in the body and those newly received will be processed quickly and either converted into energy or eliminated from the body.

Another important property of pears is their weak diuretic effect. And this:

  • removes excess fluid from the body and reduces the intensity of swelling;
  • accelerates the process of removing toxins and waste that inhibit metabolic processes.

Considering the weak severity of this effect, the fruit is allowed for consumption even with urolithiasis - the risk of stones dislodging and starting to move through the ureters with subsequent blockage is minimal.

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