The egg yolk diet is an ideal diet for weight loss

Are you looking for an effective diet? Then you've come to the right place! The egg diet (its second name is chemical) was developed a talented doctor from the USA, Doctor of Medical Sciences - Osama Hamdiyem. The primary goal of his program was to help people with type 2 diabetes lose weight. However, the effectiveness of the system turned out to be so impressive that it began to be used in wide circles.

Quick navigation through the article:

  • Egg diet. Options
  • Rules and recommendations
  • Permitted and prohibited products
  • Diet menu for 4 weeks
  • Diet menu for 2 weeks
  • Diet menu for 1 week
  • Diet menu for 5 days
  • Reviews and results
  • Quitting the diet

The essence of the egg diet and its options

“What kind of animal is this egg diet?” - you're probably thinking. From the “telling” name it is clear that it is based on eggs, and, apparently, there will be a lot of them. Why eggs? As one good group sang, eggs are very nutritious. And they were right! This amazing product of chicken reproduction contains pure protein (in its protein part) and an incredibly rich yolk in vitamins, microelements and all kinds of useful substances . By consuming at least 3 whole eggs per day , you can provide yourself with the necessary dose of healthy fats.

Did you know that our hormonal system suffers and collapses without such fats? Did not know? So know and eat eggs for your health. Even if you are not going to go on an egg diet in any form.

“How many types of egg diet are there?” - you ask again. And we will answer that we know 4 species and one more. Here they are:

  • egg diet for 4 weeks - the most complete option, the original version of the diet;
  • egg diet for 2 weeks - for those who want it faster;
  • egg diet for 7 days - for those who are urgent;
  • egg diet for 5 days - for those who have a vacation “tomorrow”;
  • The Maggi egg diet is written about in detail and tastefully in this wonderful article, and now we’ll talk about the first four varieties.

As you may have guessed, you will most likely choose an egg diet weight loss program for yourself based on the time you have at your disposal. If you need it urgently for some event, take the shortest version - the egg diet for 5 days. Well, for those who decided to do everything on time and have enough time for at least a month in advance, we advise you to take the most complete option - an egg diet for 4 weeks.

Egg diet. I tested it on myself. the result was IMPRESSIVE

Egg diet for 4 weeks: under the sign of white and yolk

The 4-week egg diet is ideal for those who believe in the effectiveness of low-carb diets.

The monthly diet developed by American nutritionists actually prescribes eating eggs every day for only half of the period: the rest of the time is spent on consolidating the weight loss result and checking the habit of being content with little.

The 4 Week Low Carb Egg Diet is a serious test of patience and intention! During this month, the metabolism of the person losing weight will undergo serious changes: due to the abundant intake of protein, the body will have to waste its fat energy reserves and make efforts to process and absorb high doses of protein.

Therefore, the main weight loss will occur in the first two weeks of the diet. However, it is important not to skip the second phase of the monthly nutrition plan, which may not seem very important when good results have already been achieved.

If you leave the egg diet incorrectly for 4 weeks, a quick return of excess weight is almost guaranteed. ADVERTISING

Egg diet for 4 weeks : Duration: 4 weeks;

Features: strict, you must strictly follow the prescribed menu. (from me this is important!!! Any violation STRONGLY affects the result)

Chicken eggs are the main product in the first two weeks of the diet, the next two weeks are aimed at consolidating the results (the menu is predominantly low-carbohydrate, plant-based with small portions of protein);

Result: up to minus 25 kg (depending on initial weight); I lost 9 kg in four weeks. Didn't return for three years.

Recommended frequency: no more than once a year;

Additional effect: long-term retention of diet results due to consumption of fat reserves;

The 4-week egg diet is not suitable for: strict vegetarians, those suffering from kidney and liver diseases, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and those with allergies to eggs and/or citrus fruits.

Before starting an egg diet for a month, you should consult your doctor!

Useful information for those who are attracted to the egg diet for 4 weeks: a chicken egg consists of 85% water, 12% proteins (ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme, ovomucoid, ovomucin). It contains only 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates, as well as a little glucose and a lot of vitamins and microelements, including B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium. That is, to put it in “fairytale” language - truly the egg is not simple, but “golden”!

Egg diet for 4 weeks: myths and fears Many of you have probably heard at one time warnings from various therapists and nutritionists that excessive consumption of chicken eggs is fraught with the development of serious diseases - they say, they contain more than enough bad cholesterol, and protein is digested too long... What then, you ask, can we even talk about an egg diet for as much as a month? And indeed, a similar panic took place about 20 years ago. Namely: scientists sounded the alarm by adding chicken eggs to the “harmful list” - it was reported that their constant consumption causes an increase in cholesterol in the blood and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the arteries. However, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health (apparently very fond of eggs and worried about their undeservedly damaged reputation) conducted a large-scale study. During its course, it turned out that regular consumption of eggs does not affect “bad cholesterol” in any way - its occurrence is regulated by other factors. Their colleagues from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that eggs are one of the healthiest breakfast options. For the same amount of calories consumed, sandwich eaters are at greater risk of becoming obese than egg eaters.

However, when dealing with eggs, you should not relax: one of the approximately 20 thousand eggs that go on sale may be contaminated with active salmonella, a bacterium that causes an acute intestinal infection, especially dangerous for children. Therefore, when choosing eggs for the egg diet for the full 4 weeks, avoid those whose shells are damaged, streaked, or “decorated” with particles of droppings or blood. Experts advise washing even the cleanest eggs after purchasing and boiling so that both the yolk and white are completely curdled (about 5 minutes). It is also important to monitor the expiration date of purchased eggs and, having purchased them, store them in the refrigerator on a separate shelf, away from meat and milk. Eggs should be cut on a separate board, which is recommended to be rinsed with boiling water after each use, just like the knife used to cut the eggs. How to “sit on eggs” correctly?

The 4-week egg diet does not mean eating only chicken eggs. And their quantity on the menu is also quite moderate... “If there is a honeymoon, why shouldn’t we have an egg month?” thought American nutritionists, and based on the success of the 7-day egg diet, they invented the 4-week egg week.

Longer duration means better effect. Cases have been recorded where, within a month of “sitting on eggs,” those losing weight lost up to 25 kg (with an initial weight of about 100 kg).

What is good about the egg diet and why for 4 weeks? With chicken eggs, you get pure protein without excess fat and fewer extra calories (including due to the fact that you eat less in principle - after all, eggs are very satiating).

In addition, food costs on a diet become transparent and predictable. And one more interesting point: overseas researchers have found that regularly eating the same food really helps you lose weight. This is a rather psychological moment: for example, a nutritionist may recommend eating eggs for dinner every Wednesday and Saturday. Of course, this in itself will not help you lose tens of kilograms, but it will create a certain discipline to which the body will definitely respond positively. And knowledge of such a mechanism obviously will not harm those who watch their figure and strive to control their weight.

Do you like chicken eggs? An egg diet for 4 weeks is a good way to test how strong this gastronomic addiction is.

However, not everything is so simple with an egg diet for a month. The main surprise is that it's... not eggy all the time. The main focus is the first two weeks, during which you must eat eggs for breakfast and at least one more time a day.

From the third week, the protein component is replaced by other protein-rich foods (fish and beef or poultry), and the menu becomes especially rich in fruits and vegetables.

The abundance of fiber helps intestinal motility, which is very useful especially if chicken eggs have a strengthening effect on your stool.

During the 4-week egg diet, it is important to get enough liquid (at least 1.5 liters of plain still water per day).

As you already know, protein is a complex substance. During its processing, indigestible residues are formed, which are very important to remove from the intestines. Therefore, fiber and liquid remain indispensable allies for fans of a protein diet.

Drinking juice and soda on the egg diet is strictly prohibited. You can allow yourself a morning cup of coffee without milk or sugar and herbal tea (unsweetened).

Monotony is the bane of any strict nutrition plan.

The 4-week egg diet prohibits additional consumption of fats (although it cannot be called fat-free - eggs themselves, fish, and meat contain irremovable fats, both saturated and unsaturated), but you can experiment with the form of serving foods with a clear conscience.

Vegetables and fruits (as well as meat) can be baked without oil, steamed, or stewed.

You can also replace boiling eggs with baking, make scrambled eggs without fat, or poach eggs.

The main thing is to ensure that the egg is evenly cooked.

You cannot eat raw eggs during the 4-week egg diet.

Advantages of the egg diet At least in the morning, you will have a hard time believing that you are “on” any weight loss system - breakfasts on an egg diet for 4 weeks are not much different from ordinary healthy protein breakfasts. eggs are a delicious food.

Even taking into account the restrictions on the use of fat in their preparation, there is room for culinary imagination in the egg diet; eggs cook quickly, which means the diet will not require separate time resources.

In the second part of the egg diet for 4 weeks, when eggs cease to be the main dish, easy-to-cook foods are also included; the egg diet, like any other protein diet, is well suited for those involved in fitness; egg protein and trace elements contained in eggs have a positive effect on skin, hair and nails; eggs satiate for a long time - even with a small amount of servings, an egg diet for 4 weeks manages to keep hunger in check.

Cons and risks of the egg diet for 4 weeks

Despite its relative diversity, the egg diet remains a fad diet, which involves an almost complete rejection of a certain type of macronutrients (in the four-week egg diet, fat and fast carbohydrates become such “default figures”) - that is, healthy and balanced to call such a nutrition plan in its original form form is not allowed;

Excess protein and lack of carbohydrates can cause various problems and ailments, from migraines to bad breath.

If you notice undesirable changes in your condition, stop the diet and consult a doctor.

For your diet, choose only the freshest, selected chicken eggs...

Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu for the first week

Breakfast is the same every day this week - 2 hard-boiled eggs + ½ orange or 2 eggs + ½ grapefruit

Below is the menu for lunch and dinner by day of the week:


Lunch : one any fruit in any quantity

Dinner: lean meat (boiled or grilled)


Lunch: Boiled or grilled skinless chicken

Dinner: salad of cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper and carrots, 2 eggs, + 1 toast + 1 grapefruit or orange


Lunch: any amount of low-fat, lightly salted cheese + 1 piece of toast + tomato

Dinner: lean meat, boiled or grilled


Lunch : one any fruit in any quantity

Dinner: lean grilled or boiled meat + lettuce


Lunch: one any boiled vegetable in any quantity (beans, green peas, carrots or zucchini) + 2 boiled eggs

Dinner: boiled or grilled fish + a portion of lettuce + 1 orange or grapefruit


Lunch : one fruit in unlimited quantity

Dinner: boiled or grilled meat without fat + lettuce


Lunch : boiled or grilled skinless chicken + any steamed vegetables + tomato + 1 grapefruit or orange

Dinner: the same as lunch

Egg diet: full menu for the second week

Breakfast is the same as breakfast in the first week.

Further by day of the week:


Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + lettuce

Dinner: 2 eggs + lettuce + grapefruit

Tuesday Identical menu to Monday


Lunch : boiled or grilled lean meat + cucumber salad without dressing and salt

Dinner: 2 eggs + grapefruit


Lunch: 2 eggs + boiled vegetables + cottage cheese

Dinner: 2 eggs


Lunch : grilled or boiled meat + 2-3 tomatoes

Dinner : 2 eggs


Lunch: Friday lunch menu + grapefruit

Dinner: fruit salad (e.g. apple, pear, tangerine) without dressing


Lunch: boiled chicken without skin + boiled vegetables + 1 grapefruit

Dinner: the same as lunch

Egg diet: full menu for the third week

In the third week, all foods allowed on a certain day can be eaten at any time without restrictions on volume and quantity.


Fruits (except banana, grapes, mango, fig)


Any boiled or steamed vegetables and fresh vegetables in the form of salads (exclude potatoes)


Combination of foods allowed on Monday and Tuesday


Fish, boiled or grilled + cabbage


Boiled or grilled lean meat or chicken + boiled or steamed vegetables

Saturday and Sunday

One type of fruit on each weekend (for example, only apples or only pears)

Last week's menu - way out of the egg diet

Products allowed on a certain day must be distributed throughout the day at your own discretion and consumed without reference to a specific time, but strictly adhering to the prescribed quantity.


4 small grilled steaks (75 g each) of beef or ¼ boiled chicken without skin, a can of canned tuna in its own juice, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


200 grams of boiled meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple or pear


300 grams of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


½ boiled chicken without skin, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit


3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit


2 boiled chicken breasts, 1 toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g of cottage cheese, grapefruit, 1 glass of kefir


1 can of tuna in its own juice, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit

The 4-week egg diet (which, in combination with grapefruits, is very similar to the Maggi diet, popular in Europe) requires strict adherence to the recommendations and does not tolerate violations of the regime. The result of following this rather long and complex diet will be numbers on the scale that are pleasing to the eye. An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to achieve your “dream weight” and only you can keep it at the desired level by monitoring your diet and physical activity.

Egg diet rules

So, let's not spend a lot of time around the Christmas tree, but let's get straight to the instructions and guides. In order to properly follow the regime and get the desired result (and fans of the egg diet of all types promise exorbitant 3 to 30 kg - it all depends on how long you get hooked on eggs), you need to first learn the rules (by heart!), and then stock up scales, a centimeter and go to the store for approved products (read about this below).

And now the rules :

  • When following the egg diet, be sure to drink a lot of clean water - without restrictions, but at least 2 liters per day. We recommend starting every morning with a glass or two of water on an empty stomach. This will wake up the body and start metabolic processes, as well as the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tea and coffee can be drunk without restrictions, provided that you exclude any additives containing calories: sugar, milk, cream, syrups, etc.;

Tip: When drinking a cup of coffee, drink the same amount of water. Coffee has a dehydrating effect, and this can cause a false feeling of hunger and lead to a breakdown.

  • vegetables allowed by the diet (see the list below), if you do not eat them raw, steam them or cook them in water. The use of meat broths for cooking is not permitted;
  • if hunger overtakes you before the next main meal, you can eat cucumbers/tomatoes/carrots (only one type), but you can’t use any dressings from mayonnaise, oil or fatty foods on an egg diet. Also, the snack should not be earlier than 2 hours after the main meal;
  • Main meals should remain as prescribed by the diet. You cannot change the “breakfast-lunch-dinner” order and replace some products with others. You can only exclude foods that you don’t like;
  • if you break the diet, there is no point in continuing it - you need to start over again in order to restart the necessary chemical processes in the body;
  • You can’t pause your diet: if you take a break, start over ;
  • Having completed the diet, you need to exit it correctly in order to consolidate the long-awaited result (more on this later);
  • During the egg diet for 7 days, 2 weeks or 28 days, it is recommended to take multivitamins ;
  • lovers of hamburgers, fried potatoes, schnitzels, fatty cutlets, hot dogs, donuts, as well as ice cream, chocolate shakes, sweet coffee drinks, pastries, cakes and other joys of fast food will have to completely abandon these products;

  • sugar should be excluded; instead, use substitutes, which you can read about in our educational articles here and here. Fructose is prohibited !
  • Salt can be used on a diet without restrictions. For hypertensive patients, it is better to exclude or greatly limit this seasoning;

Advice: it is better not to overuse salt, as it promotes the accumulation of water ( 1 g of salt attracts 7 g of water ), and this can create unwanted weight gain and threaten demotivation.

  • Alcohol is prohibited in any form and in any quantity. Taboo!
  • sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited, but it is allowed to drink 1-2 cans of Pepsi or Coca-Cola without calories;
  • if the quantity of the product is not indicated, you can eat it (to your heart’s content) until you feel full;
  • If you want to repeat the diet, after finishing it, complete the first week program twice, and then move on to the fourth.

Egg rules

To increase the effectiveness of the egg diet, there are several simple rules:

  1. To better cleanse the body of waste and toxins during this period, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. It is best to choose natural alkaline mineral water - it will balance the increased acidity caused by frequent consumption of citrus fruits. Otherwise, heartburn may occur.
  2. It is absolutely not necessary to eat only low-fat dairy products. In this case, you can do the opposite - use fatty cottage cheese and yoghurts to reduce the feeling of hunger. Thanks to citruses, this fat will not remain on the sides.
  3. Those who are afraid of chicken eggs due to the possibility of salmonellosis infection can replace them with quail eggs at a ratio of 1:2.
  4. No foods other than those allowed during this period are consumed, otherwise the diet simply will not work.
  5. There can be no snacks. In between meals, drink only water - clean filtered or mineral.
  6. To activate your metabolism, it is advisable to be physically active - do simple exercises, walk, or do more housework.

This will create optimal conditions for burning fat reserves, and the body will receive everything it needs to cleanse and improve its condition.

Allowed and prohibited foods on the egg diet

To follow a healthy diet, it is very important to know what you can eat and what you should avoid. Please study both lists carefully and, if possible, print them out and keep them handy . This way you can make sure at any time that you are on the right path.

List of permitted products:

  • vegetables: any non-starchy types of vegetables. This includes all types of cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, radishes, all types of onions, celery, bell peppers and others;
  • fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, pineapples, kiwi, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, nectarines, melon, watermelon;
  • greens: lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, basil and other salad greens;
  • seasonings: all natural seasonings and spices without sugar and harmful additives: ground black and red pepper, turmeric, dried herbs, coriander, etc.;
  • animal protein products: eggs, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, beef, veal, lean parts of pork;
  • low-fat white cheese: ricotta, feta cheese, Adyghe, curd, homemade;
  • fermented milk products: natural yogurt (without sugar and fillers) up to 1% fat, low-fat cottage cheese / grain cottage cheese / soft cottage cheese;
  • baked goods: rye or whole grain bread.

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List of prohibited products:

  • vegetables: due to the high content of starch, which is a fast carbohydrate, potatoes are prohibited on an egg diet;
  • fruits: due to the high content of simple sugars, bananas, grapes, mangoes, dates are excluded;
  • meat: lamb, fatty pork;
  • All fats, including oils, in any form are prohibited; You can fry food only in a dry frying pan;
  • all products that are not on the list of permitted products and in the menu tables.

Recommendations for heat treatment of products:

  • Meat products must be cooked without the use of any fats. Suitable for baking in the oven or in a dry frying pan, baking in foil, steaming or water, frying on the grill or on a grill/skewers . The chicken must be cooked without skin, cutting off the subcutaneous fat;
  • It is best to boil soft-boiled or poached eggs, this way they retain more nutrients; Fried eggs in a non-stick frying pan without fat or an omelette, which can be steamed or boiled in a bag, are suitable;
  • dry the bread in a dry frying pan or in a toaster;
  • Vegetables, if possible, should be consumed raw ; they may be steamed, boiled in water, and also baked and stewed without fat;
  • It is advisable to eat fruits raw , but you can bake apples, which increases the amount of healthy pectin in them.

Did you know? Rye and whole grain bread are rich sources of coarse fiber (fiber), which stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

General recommendations for following an egg diet for 2 weeks or more

If you follow the egg diet for longer than 7 days, you can ensure more significant weight loss results by following simple recommendations :

  1. When eating on a diet, keep in mind that you cannot limit the intake of calories from food to an amount less than the body needs to maintain its vital functions in a calm state. This amount of calories is called basal metabolic rate. This figure is individual for everyone, but the minimum calorie content can be 1200 kcal per day . If you want to benefit as much as possible from losing weight on the egg diet and harm yourself as little as possible, count calories and try to fit into the minimum.
  2. To monitor weight loss and avoid breakdowns, we recommend weighing yourself on an electronic scale, which will show weight changes down to tenths of a kilogram. This serves as additional motivation to lose weight. It is best to weigh yourself on an empty stomach , having completed your morning exercise. Always step on the scale in the same place (don’t move it), in the same clothes (or without it), in the same state (after using the toilet, sorry). When following an egg diet for 2 weeks or more, it is better to weigh yourself once a week in order to avoid disappointment from daily natural weight fluctuations.
  3. Since weight loss from proper dieting is expected to be quite significant, it is better to take measurements before starting. The most indicative measurements are waist circumference (WC), chest circumference (CH) and hip circumference (HC). For more detailed results, additionally measure your arms, wrists, neck, buttocks, under the buttocks (breeches) and the area under the chest. In a word, measure all the “convex” parts of the body from which you expect changes in volume.

Advice: while on an egg diet, it is not necessary, but you can take multivitamins: this way you will avoid a deficiency of important microelements and negative consequences for the skin, hair and nails. Give preference to natural-based vitamins: they are safer for the body than synthetic ones.

Well, now that everyone is armed with the necessary knowledge sufficient to achieve their goals and dizzying success, we can move on to the most important thing - the detailed diet and menu of the egg diet. Let's start with its longest variation and gradually move on to the shortest. Good luck!

Winning combination

The egg yolk diet is designed in such a way that their daily amount does not exceed the norm recommended by nutritionists - 2 pieces. in a day. The remaining products are selected in compliance with the vitamin and mineral balance, so that the body receives a sufficiently high amount of fiber and slow carbohydrates to feel full after eating. The body will receive an additional amount of easily digestible protein (egg whites are not used in food) from dairy products.

Thus, the diet is low in calories, but rich in vitamins and mineral compounds.

Lutein, which is part of egg yolks, is the strongest natural antioxidant and significantly improves the condition of hair and nails. Therefore, a short egg diet can have a positive effect on your appearance.

Egg diet for 4 weeks: detailed menu in the table

This, the longest-lasting nutrition option, promises maximum weight loss By sticking to it, you can expect a weight loss of up to 30 kg . It's worth it, right?

Before the diet itself, we will give one more very necessary piece of advice: it is better to purchase food according to the list for the week ahead (you can see the menu below, and also print it out in two copies - one to carry with you, and the other to hang on the refrigerator), and only go to the store after meal. This way, you will save yourself from unnecessary trips to supermarkets and will not have hungry eyes scouring the shelves with sausages and other delights of a gluttonous life. This means that you will save yourself from breakdowns .

Week #1

Daily breakfast during the week: grapefruit or orange – ½, eggs – 1-2 pcs.


The first day:

  • Lunch: fruit (choose one, for example, apples);
  • Dinner: green salad, meat.


Second day:

  • Lunch: eggs - 2 pcs., vegetables;
  • Dinner: fish, green salad, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc.


Day three:

  • Lunch: fruit (choose one);
  • Dinner: green salad, meat.


Day four:

  • Lunch: poultry, vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: vegetables.


Day five:

  • Lunch: fruit (choose one);
  • Dinner: meat.


Day six:

  • Lunch: poultry, vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs - 2 pcs., rye bread toast - 1 pc., grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., green salad.


Day seven:

  • Lunch: white cheese, rye toast - 1 piece, tomatoes;
  • Dinner: meat.

download the full version of the 4-week egg diet by clicking on the button.

Exit rules

You need to quit the diet consistently. New products are included in the menu gradually, in small portions. The result depends not only on strict adherence to the diet, but also on the initial weight. So, if you weigh 100 kg in a month, you can lose 25 kg . To consolidate the result, review the contents of your refrigerator.

When leaving the egg white diet, it is better to exclude or minimize confectionery, spicy and fried, smoked, salted foods. Drinking clean, still water will help maintain normal weight.

Playing sports has never hurt anyone. Small regular exercise will improve your overall condition, increase your performance and mood.

Egg diet for 2 weeks, menu

An egg diet for 14 days will take half as long and will help you get rid of 5-10 kg if you fully comply with the rules, regimen and duration. Fruits and vegetables are allowed without restrictions on the list of acceptable products.

Advice: if unseasoned vegetable salads are a completely depressing prospect for you, use freshly squeezed lemon juice or a little natural soy sauce without sugar.

Week #1

Daily breakfast during the week: grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., eggs – 2 pcs.


The first day:

  • Lunch: fruit, whole grain bread - 2 slices;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and/or herbs, poultry.


Second day:

  • Lunch: poultry, green salad;
  • Dinner: eggs – 2 pcs., vegetable salad, orange – 1 pc.


Day three:

  • Lunch: white cheese, tomato – 1 pc., whole grain bread – 1 slice;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and/or herbs, poultry.


Day four:

  • Lunch: fruit;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and/or herbs, poultry.


Day five:

  • Lunch: eggs – 2 pcs., vegetables;
  • Dinner: fish, salad: vegetables and/or herbs.


Day six:

  • Lunch: fruit;
  • Dinner: salad: vegetables and/or herbs, poultry.


Day seven:

  • Lunch: poultry, vegetables, tomatoes;
  • Dinner: vegetables.

download the full version of the 2-week egg diet by clicking on the button.

How to achieve even greater effect?

In order to stay on your diet and perhaps lose a little more kilograms, follow these additional recommendations:

  1. Drink alkaline mineral water every day to prevent citrus juice from damaging your stomach.
  2. If you can’t make it through the last 2 dinners on mineral water alone, drink a couple of raw eggs.
  3. If you are not full, buy dairy products with higher fat content - grapefruits and oranges will still not allow these fats to be deposited.
  4. Play sports.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.

Egg diet for 7 days

According to one famous nutritionist, every woman goes on a diet at least 30 times in her entire life. It turns out that you often don’t get rid of the hated kilograms the first time, or they come back again. And if maintaining weight after achieving weight loss depends entirely on whether we then monitor our diet or not, then the ability to maintain a diet may depend on various factors, among which one is important - duration.

If you, knowing yourself, are sure that you will not last 2 or 4 weeks on an egg diet, try this weekly option first .

Daily breakfast during the week: 1 grapefruit or orange, rye/whole grain toast.


The first day:

  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., yogurt – 200 g, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: tomatoes – 2 pcs., eggs – 2 pcs., mixed greens – a large cup.


Second day:

  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., yogurt – 200 g, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: meat – 125 g, tomatoes – 1 pc., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., rye/whole grain toast – 1 pc.


Day three:

  • Lunch: eggs - 1 pc., yogurt - 200 g, grapefruit or orange - 1 pc., mixed greens - a large cup;
  • Dinner: meat – 125 g, tomatoes – 1 pc., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.


Day four:

  • Lunch: white cheese – 125 g, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., rye/whole grain toast – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: poultry – 125 g, tomatoes – 2 pcs., apple – 1 pc., rye/whole grain toast – 1 pc.


Day five:

  • Lunch: meat or fish – 200 g, tomatoes – 1 pc., rye/whole grain toast – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs – 1 pc., vegetables – 500 g.


Day six:

  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., yogurt – 200 g, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: tomatoes – 2 pcs., eggs – 2 pcs., mixed greens – a large cup.


Day seven:

  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., yogurt – 200 g, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: meat – 125 g, tomatoes – 1 pc., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., rye/whole grain toast – 1 pc.

Secrets of the yellow diet

The downside is that eating egg yolks every day is not healthy for everyone. For some diseases, they may be present in the diet no more than 1-2 times a week. So, you should be careful with yolks:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • cores;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • pregnant women;
  • pensioners.

Some have tried to lose weight on egg whites, citing the fact that they take a long time to digest and give a feeling of fullness, but do not contain cholesterol. The result in terms of lost kilograms is not too different from losing weight on yolks, but such a diet does not show noticeable improvements in the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

Egg diet for 5 days, menu

The shortest version of the egg diet (5 days) will help you lose up to 5 kg in a short time. You need to keep in mind that the larger the number you see on the scale initially, the larger the amount of weight you will lose. If you are already close to the ideal, the body will hold on to “its own” with its teeth, and you will have to be patient.

Another important point: the first few days on the diet, excess fluid disappears, so at the beginning of the journey you will celebrate a kilogram, or even two, of success per day, but then the euphoria will give way to bewilderment, because the pace will slow down. Do not lose strength of spirit and motivation - this is normal, since water cannot leave you endlessly, and fat is burned quite slowly .


The first day:

  • Breakfast: eggs – 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., poultry meat – 200 g, grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Dinner: eggs – 2 pcs., tomatoes – 2 pcs., cucumbers – 2 pcs.


Second day:

  • Breakfast: eggs – 2 pcs., apple – 1 pc.;
  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., fish – 150 g, green salad;
  • Dinner: yogurt – 200 g, eggs – 1 pc.


Day three:

  • Breakfast: eggs – 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., vegetable salad;
  • Lunch: meat – 150 g, eggs – 1 pc., vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: eggs – 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., yogurt – 200 g.


Day four:

  • Breakfast: eggs – 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.;
  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., fish – 150 g;
  • Dinner: eggs – 2 pcs., apple – 1 pc., vegetable salad.


Day five:

  • Breakfast: eggs – 2 pcs., vegetable salad;
  • Lunch: eggs – 1 pc., fish – 150 g, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: eggs – 2 pcs., grapefruit or orange – 1 pc., white cheese – 2 tbsp.

Essence and description

The four-week egg diet was developed by American nutritionists.
A natural and completely unique product saturates the body with protein, nourishes with amino acids, and helps in the construction of new tissues. This is not the entire list of “benefits” contained in a simple, affordable product. It is low in calories , but satisfies perfectly and does not make you feel hungry.

Such a diet requires strict adherence to all recommendations . Otherwise, it is easy to harm the body. Efficiency lies in the chemical processes that occur during a mono-diet diet.

When following the four-week egg diet, your menu for the month should only contain eggs , boiled in a bag or soft-boiled.

The diet continues, depending on its type, for up to 4 weeks. It is not recommended to get carried away and repeat it more than once a year. Depending on your initial weight, you can lose up to 25 kg.

Reviews and results of losing weight on the egg diet with before and after photos

What can better confirm the effectiveness of a weight loss system than a visual demonstration of the figure that has acquired the desired beauty! We offer you inspiring and motivating photos before and after losing weight on the egg diet .

Alla, marketer: While pregnant, I gained 16 kg, of which 8 left me on my own in 3 months, and then a plateau came. Kefir and apple fasting days worked only temporarily. I began to look for an effective option for myself and found an egg diet, on which I did not have to starve. I chose the 28-day option. After the first seven days, 3.5 kg were gone, in the next week - 2.5 kg, in the third - 1.6 kg, and in the fourth - only 400 g. In total - 8 kg, which so interfered with my life, left me for some time. that month! For myself, I was convinced that even on a strict diet it is possible to enjoy even unsalted dishes. I cooked meat, fish and turkey in the oven, wrapped in foil, made minced meat and treated myself to steamed cutlets - I really liked it. As a dessert, I made apples in a slow cooker - it’s tastier and more varied. And so that the eggs would not get boring, I cooked them in different ways. I recommend!

Ekaterina, economist: When my entire wardrobe became too small for me due to excess weight, I decided to resort to the egg diet on the advice of relatives. This diet has a clear list of foods that cannot be violated, and you also cannot break the sequence of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and replace one food with another. Among the diet rules are drinking plenty of water, avoiding sweets, not snacking often, not eating potatoes, etc. One rule I didn’t understand was to start all over again if you mess up, but fortunately I didn’t have to use it, since, to my own surprise, I strictly followed the diet for a whole month. The results made me incredibly happy: 1 kg – 1st week, 2 kg – 2nd week, 5 kg – 3rd week, 3 kg – 4th week. Total - 11 kg per month! It's hard to believe, but it's a fact! The egg diet really works! The main thing is to strictly follow all the rules and regulations. And if you add exercise, for example, pumping up your abs, you can improve the results. If you are too lazy to go to the gym, this is the best choice!

Tatyana, teacher: I lost weight on a balanced diet, and an egg diet for 7 days helps me maintain weight. Thanks to her, I occasionally even allow myself chocolate or ice cream, and when visiting, I can treat myself to a piece of cake. I don’t eat fried foods, I’ve eliminated sugar, I add little salt, but I consume vegetables and fruits to the maximum. And I drink a lot of water. Weight mostly comes on in the winter – a couple or three extra kilos. And this is where diet helps me. There are different options - for a week, for two and even for four. I always use the one for the week. It’s easy for me to keep, I love eggs, and it doesn’t differ much from my usual diet, except there’s no cereal, butter, milk or cheese. The egg diet helps me lose 3-5 kg ​​for a week. I recommend it to everyone, it really works, there is no feeling of hunger and no harm to your health.

Reviews and results

Maria, 26 years old: “Even though the diet is called an egg diet, you can’t eat eggs all day long. It seemed to me that it includes a balanced diet that can be followed in everyday life. I didn’t suffer from hunger at all, which is even surprising. I managed to lose 3 kilograms, but the most important thing is that they have not returned, although a month has passed.”

Lizaveta, 46 years old: “I’ve been slim all my life, but by now I’ve gained extra weight: my height is 1.7 m, and my weight before the diet was about 80 kg. 4 of them went away in a week, and it feels very good. On the first day I really just wanted salt, I was ready to eat it even just like that, without food. But she endured it. Around the third day, I more or less adapted to the new regime, and even began to enjoy it. It’s been a week since I left the diet; I can’t say yet whether the weight will be fixed. But I began to eat less, and I want healthy food more.”

Irina, 18 years old: “I’m already slim, but I wanted to lose a couple of kilos. With a height of 167 cm, I weighed 53, and after the diet I lost weight to 51. Since I don’t know how to cook, the egg diet was ideal for me. All you have to do is throw the food into the pan and wait for it to cook. No extra hassle."

How to recover from the egg diet

In order to maintain for a long time the results that the egg diet allowed you to achieve in 7 days or more, we recommend that you make the right exit from it, and then carefully monitor your daily diet.

This is easy to do if you follow these tips:

  1. Count the calorie content of the foods you consume.
  2. Eat foods containing fats and carbohydrates before six o'clock in the evening.
  3. Consume only low-fat protein products (eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, fish, low-fat cottage cheese up to 2% fat).
  4. Be sure to eat cereals (porridge), non-starchy vegetables and greens, which are excellent sources of valuable fiber.
  5. Eliminate products based on white flour and sugar .
  6. Control your drinking regime, do not forget that there should be a lot of water.

We wish you a pleasant weight loss on the egg diet!

Recommendations from nutritionists

Each of the egg diet options was developed by qualified nutritionists, which increases the level of trust in them.

What else can professionals advise:

Alevtina: Under no circumstances should you add your own products to the menu. Even if the quantity of the product is not indicated, you should not overeat.

I do not advise, but I recommend that you do not prescribe an egg diet for yourself, but be sure to consult a doctor.

Evgeniy: A strict diet requires supervision by a doctor. One of its mandatory conditions is compliance with the drinking regime. This will allow you to maintain the necessary water-salt balance, affect the removal of toxins, and normalize metabolism.

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