Eating bread and losing weight is possible with a bread diet

The essence of the bread diet

The bread and water diet is one of the author's nutritional systems. It was developed by the famous Israeli nutritionist Olga Raz. The starting point for her research was the fact that most modern dietary systems limit carbohydrates. The process of losing weight on a low-carb diet is accompanied by a sharp drop in the level of serotonin in the body - the “happiness hormone”. This makes it difficult to stay on a diet, creates psychological problems, leads to breakdowns and compulsive overeating. Carbohydrates are necessary for a satisfactory psychological state and good mood. But there was a strict axiom that they were the main obstacle to losing weight.

An Israeli nutritionist went the opposite way, trying to create a dietary system based on carbohydrate foods. She succeeded, and this is how Olga Raz’s bread diet appeared.

Bread diet rules

The bread food system has clearly defined rules that require mandatory implementation:

  1. The main dietary product is whole grain bread, with the addition of bran.
  2. It is allowed to use black rye bread or diet bread.
  3. Meals are small and frequent (5-6 meals per day).
  4. Fixed time limits for meals.
  5. The time interval between each dose is 3-4 hours.
  6. Skipping any meal is prohibited; you need to eat the planned portion, even if you really don’t want to.
  7. The drinking regime is standard - at least 2 liters per day of clean still water.
  8. During the entire period, taking a multivitamin complex and a calcium supplement is indicated.
  9. No white bread, no baked goods, no pastries!

Is it possible for nursing mothers to eat black bread? Black bread for children

  • Unfortunately, like any other product, black bread has contraindications - due to the fermented milk starter in its composition, the product is not recommended for people with increased stomach acidity, gastritis and peptic ulcers
  • Nursing mothers, if they do not have the above contraindications, are recommended to eat rye bread. It does not ferment in the stomach and will not cause colic in an infant
  • But rye flour products should be introduced into the diet of young children with great caution. Before a child turns three years old, his digestive system goes through a process of formation. The baby does not yet have enough enzymes capable of processing the carbohydrates that make up black bread

Permitted products and recommendations for their use

The bread diet is not as strict as it seems when you hear its name. In fact, a number of products are allowed, in addition to the main one. Allowed:

  • vegetables in raw and processed (boiled, stewed, baked, steamed) forms, except those containing starch;
  • unsweetened fruits (with the exception of bananas and grapes) are allowed once a day;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt) with a low fat content. Limit – up to 200 g per day.

There is one important rule that needs to be mentioned separately. Yet proteins are so important for the human body that even a frankly carbohydrate-based nutritional system cannot ignore them. Three times a week it is necessary to replace one of the bread meals with a protein meal, including 150-200 g of lean meat or fish. On the same day at another time, one boiled chicken egg is eaten. This is necessary to supply the body with necessary microelements and amino acids, and to prevent muscle loss.

Vegetable salads are seasoned with a small amount of olive or flaxseed oil; lemon juice is used instead of spices and salt.

Kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk are recommended to be included in the menu to prevent bloating, which often occurs when consuming large amounts of cereals.

Which bread is healthy, black or white?

Brown bread is healthier than white bread.
Rye bread is undoubtedly healthier than wheat bread:

  • it, as already mentioned, has less calories
  • During heat treatment, rye grains lose less beneficial properties than wheat grains
  • black bread contains more lysine (this essential amino acid promotes metabolism and cell regeneration in the human body)
  • There are more microelements in rye baked goods than in wheat baked goods
  • malt added to black bread contains large amounts of vitamin E

IMPORTANT: According to experts, rye bread in its pure form is poorly absorbed by the body. In order not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to consume baked goods with a small percentage of wheat flour.

Prohibited products

The following are strictly prohibited:

  • any sugar-containing products, including honey;
  • fermented milk products with medium and high fat content;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • animal fats (butter, lard);
  • smoked, salted, pickled, canned food;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, fast food;
  • alcohol of any strength;
  • carbonated drinks and canned juices.

Pros and cons of the diet

There are a number of aspects worth noting that can be classified as advantages:

  • cost savings, the power system is relatively cheap;
  • saves time, cooking takes only a few minutes;
  • absence of uncomfortable feeling of hunger;
  • being in a relatively good mood due to high levels of serotonin;
  • high provision of the body with fiber and microelements, richly presented in cereal products (potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins).

The disadvantages include:

  • the lack of the required amount of fats and proteins negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair, and contributes to the loss of muscle mass;
  • fiber in large quantities can seriously irritate the intestines, causing gastrointestinal problems;
  • slowing down metabolism, which can lead to a “boomerang effect” on output.

The benefits of black bread and vitamins. Is black bread good for people with high sugar levels?

Black bread is called bread baked from rye flour. In addition to rye, the product may also contain wheat flour in one ratio or another.

IMPORTANT: If a person wants to lose extra pounds, he should eat pure rye or rye-wheat bread, which contains no more than 25% wheat flour

Black bread is a product with many beneficial properties.
The most popular types of black bread are:

  • round (Ukrainian, polyanytsya)
  • "Borodinsky"
  • "Darnitsky"
  • "Highlight"
  • "Princely"
  • other

In addition to rye flour, black bread includes the following products:

  • leaven
  • yeast
  • malt
  • syrup
  • sugar
  • salt
  • spices (cumin, coriander, others)

The food composition determines the richness of the nutritional composition. Black bread is valuable because it contains (per 100 g of product):

  • proteins – almost 7 g
  • fats - up to 2 g
  • carbohydrates - 33 g.
  • fiber – up to 9 g
  • starch
  • ash
  • organic acids
  • amino acids (lysine, including)
  • vitamins (A, E, PP, B vitamins in significant quantities)
  • elements of the periodic table (iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, fluorine, chromium, others)
  • enzymes

IMPORTANT: The energy value of 100 g of bread made from rye flour is from 170 to 200 kcal, which is significantly less than that of wheat baked goods

Black bread contains only up to 200 kcal per 100 g.
The opinion of nutritionists: in order to feel good and be in optimal shape, you need to eat 2-3 pieces (about 50 g) of rye bread daily. This will allow:

  1. Get a boost of energy and feel alert throughout the day thanks to the carbohydrates contained in the product
  2. Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The dietary fiber contained in black bread has a powerful cleansing effect on the digestive organs, and therefore on the entire body. The use of this product allows you to solve the problems of constipation, indigestion, and dysbacteriosis. The digestion process improves
  3. Avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Therefore, it is especially important to use the product at the end of winter and spring.
  4. Avoid iron deficiency anemia. Magnesium and iron are contained in significant amounts in rye bread, and these elements are known to promote the formation of red blood cells. The product is recommended for use by women during pregnancy
  5. Stabilize the functioning of many organs and systems. The product has a known beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, brain, liver, and organs of the endocrine system.
  6. Prevent cancer. People who regularly eat black bread are less likely to get cancer

Black bread helps normalize blood sugar levels, which is why people with diabetes are advised to eat it. 30 g of this product is equal to 1 unit of bread. A diabetic can consume up to 20 g of rye bread per day.

Two stages of the bread diet

The diet consists of two stages. The first stage lasts 14 days. It is carried out according to the stated rules and with the selection of the above-mentioned products. It is at this stage that the main weight loss is observed, which can reach 5-7 kg.

The second stage, lasting from 14 to 21 days, is designed to stabilize and consolidate the achieved result. At its core, it is a kind of way out of a strict diet, protecting against the “boomerang effect”. At this stage, the diet gradually expands, new products appear in it:

  • cereals from which porridge is cooked (oatmeal is especially preferred);
  • pasta made from durum wheat flour;
  • potatoes (no more than 1 piece/day, baked);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, soybeans);
  • the proportion and frequency of fruit intake increases (up to 3 times a day).

If desired, the second stage can be extended to 30-40 days, while losing up to 25 kg.

Black bread with vegetable oil and salt

People over 30 call rye bread, buttered, sprinkled with salt, perhaps grated with garlic, a delicacy from childhood. When preparing breakfast for her husband, and such a sandwich turns out to be very nutritious, the housewife can show her imagination.

A sandwich on black bread with vegetable oil, salt, vegetables and cottage cheese - simple and very tasty.

RECIPE: Black bread sandwich with vegetable oil, salt and vegetables

You need: rye or rye-wheat bread – 3 slices, unrefined or fragrant sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons, tomato – 1 pc., sweet pepper – 1 pc., garlic – 3 cloves, cottage cheese – 2 tbsp. spoons, salt, herbs to taste.

  • Slices of black bread are soaked in vegetable oil
  • rub them with salt
  • squeeze out the garlic, coat the sandwiches with the resulting slurry
  • cut tomatoes and peppers into slices, place vegetables on sandwiches
  • sprinkle sandwiches with finely chopped herbs and grainy cottage cheese

First stage menu

The bread diet menu for the first stage can be divided into protein and protein-free options.

DayEatingSample menu
(no protein)
BreakfastBread sandwich (3-4 slices) with low-fat spread, grated beets, green tea
LunchApple, a glass of kefir or yogurt
DinnerBread (4-5 slices), with low-fat spread, stewed cabbage, juice
Afternoon snackBread sandwich (3-4 slices), with low-fat spread, vegetable salad with herbs, green tea
DinnerStewed vegetables, fermented baked milk or kefir
ProteinBreakfastBread sandwich (3-4 slices), with low-fat spread, stewed carrots, green tea
LunchCitrus fruit, a glass of kefir or yogurt
DinnerLean meat (fish), stewed vegetables, juice
Afternoon snackBread (3-4 slices), with low-fat spread, carrot and zucchini stew, green tea
DinnerSteamed cauliflower, fermented baked milk or kefir

How to properly reduce appetite

To reduce your appetite, you can drink a glass of still mineral water with a slice of lemon. If you feel a strong feeling of hunger, you can use foods with minimal calorie content for a snack: fresh vegetables, low-fat yoghurts, fresh fruits. To take your mind off thoughts about food, you can engage yourself in some exciting activity. Red tea for weight loss helps reduce appetite. Reducing the size of the dishes and if you fill a small plate with heaps of food, you will get the feeling that you have eaten a large portion.

Second stage menu

A typical second stage menu might look like this:

DayEatingSample menu
2nd stageBreakfastBread sandwich (3-4 slices), with low-fat spread, oatmeal, green tea
LunchCitrus fruit, a glass of kefir or curdled milk
DinnerBread (4-5 slices), with low-fat spread, chicken fillet with pasta, juice
Afternoon snackBoiled beans with herbs, apple or pear, green tea
DinnerStewed vegetables with baked potatoes, fermented baked milk or kefir

Black bread hair mask. Black bread for hair with kefir

It turns out that black bread is useful not only to eat, but also to use as a homemade cosmetic product for hair care. Nutrients contained in the product:

  • prevent alopecia
  • strengthens hair follicles
  • improve hair structure
  • stabilize the sebaceous glands under the scalp

IMPORTANT: Hair masks with rye bread as an ingredient are recommended for those who have oily and mixed hair types, as well as dandruff.

Black bread is good for hair.
RECIPE No. 1: Mask with rye flour bread and essential oils

You need: black bread - 4-5 slices, essential oils of citrus, lavender, patchouli

  • rye bread product is poured with water and left for 2-3 hours to soften it
  • the crumb is becoming obsolete
  • add 2 drops of essential oils to the mushy mass
  • apply to hair for a quarter of an hour
  • wash off with chamomile decoction

RECIPE No. 2: Mask with black bread and kefir

You need: black bread - 4-5 slices, full-fat kefir - 1 glass, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, castor oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

  • the flour product is soaked in kefir for an hour
  • then add honey and castor oil
  • apply to hair and scalp
  • put on a polyethylene cap and warm your head with a towel
  • wear a mask for an hour
  • wash off the drug with shampoo or herbal decoction

RECIPE No. 3: Mask with rye bread and egg

You need: black bread – 4-5 slices, egg – 1 pc.

  • the bread is kept in boiling water for one hour
  • an egg is driven into the resulting bread mass
  • apply a mask and wear it for 40 minutes
  • wash off the mask with water and a few drops of lemon juice

Types of bread diet

There are such types of diets based on bread and water.

Diet on black bread

In addition to Olga Raz’s system, there is another option for a cereal diet - a diet on black bread. Although this version does not quite live up to its name, in the sense that in addition to the black bread itself, the menu also contains other products - oatmeal, chicken breast, fermented milk products.

It looks something like this:

DayEatingSample menu
Any dayBreakfastOatmeal, boiled in water, slice of cheese
DinnerBread products (any quantity), chicken fillet
DinnerBrown bread, fermented baked milk or kefir (0.5 l)

It is not recommended to practice this system for no more than 8 days; maximum weight loss can be up to 4 kg.

Bread-kefir diet

There is also a bread-kefir option in the arsenal of dietetics, which is considered one of the toughest. The menu for the day is extremely simple: 2 liters of water, 1 liter of kefir and 250 g of bread products. It is suggested to maintain this routine for no longer than 1 week, weight loss reaches 0.5 kg per day. It is not surprising that such a food option exists, because some people use kefir for dietary purposes.

Diet of bread units

Another option is based on the basis of counting carbohydrates consumed, where the unit of account is 1 XE (bread unit), equal to 10 grams. You can consume no more than 10XE per day, the calculation is carried out according to specially developed dietary tables.

Can I eat black bread during Lent?

Those who fast according to the canons of the Orthodox Church often have a question about whether black bread is prohibited on fasting days, whether it is not considered a fast food. The answer from the clergy is unequivocal - you can always eat this product, since it does not contain:

  • butter
  • cow's milk
  • eggs
  • other animal products

But, as with any other things during Lent, there should be moderation in the use of black bread. It is eaten with the aim of saturating the body, and not for gastronomic pleasure.

Black bread is not considered a fast food; it can be eaten during Lent.


To eliminate all possible risks, before deciding on this method of losing weight, you should make an appointment with a nutritionist.

You can repeat the diet no earlier than 2 months after the end of the previous cycle.

To maximize the prolongation of the achieved results, you should not consume baked goods even after going out, maintain a water regime, practice physical activity, especially walking in the fresh air, dancing, yoga, and swimming.

Reviews and results

Those who have overcome the bread and water diet share their results.

Olga, 47 years old:

To be honest, I didn’t believe it was possible to lose weight on bread and water? However, I am already at the second stage. The waist has already become 4 centimeters and 6 kilograms are gone.

Ira, 23 years old:

I got acquainted with this method when I was studying at the institute. Its budget was very important to me, and there was almost no time for cooking. So I had time to prepare for the exams, and I didn’t have to run around the canteens, and for my diploma defense I ordered a dress 2 sizes smaller.

Stanislav, 39 years old:

I decided to try this diet, but was faced with heartburn and serious stomach pain. It turned out that I had high acidity, so I had to start treating gastritis. Consult your doctor before starting.

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