Jillian Michaels: Slim figure in 30 days level 1,2,3 (30 Day Shred)

One of Jillian Michaels' most popular programs was “30 Day Shred.” This course of exercises created a real sensation among those who want to lose weight: in just a month you will get rid of excess weight and make your body beautiful and fit.

For training at home, we recommend reading the following articles:

  • Top 20 women's sneakers for fitness and training
  • How to choose dumbbells: tips, recommendations, prices
  • How to choose a fitness mat: all types and prices
  • Top 50 trainers on YouTube: a selection of the best workouts
  • All about fitness bracelets: what they are and how to choose

Jillian Michaels: how sports can change lives?

If the awkward teenager Jillian Michaels, who was less than 160 cm tall and weighed about 80 kg, was told that one day she would become the most famous fitness trainer in California, and perhaps in the entire United States, she would probably take this statement as a joke. As a child and teenager, Gillian never dreamed of such popularity. Probably her only dream was to get rid of the burden of problems that caused self-doubt and the rapid accumulation of extra pounds...

Things began to change when Gillian was enrolled in martial arts classes. There, in a mental struggle with herself, and perhaps with the whole world, she learned what the coach said: “Others respect only those who respect themselves.”

“Others respect only those who respect themselves” - it was this realization that led Gillian to the idea that insecurity, fears and excess weight must be fought. Fight and win!

A change in thinking and playing sports brought her to a new direction in life. And on this line, having coped with her difficulties, she began to actively help people who found themselves in the same difficult situation. Participation in the reality shows “The Biggest Loser” and “Drop It With Gillian”, as well as numerous training programs recorded on DVD, brought her real fame.

Home workouts with Jillian Michaels

Watch an interview with Jillian Michaels where she talks about how she learned to feel confident and strong and began to develop as a fitness instructor, despite all the obstacles in life. You can learn a little more about who Jillian Michaels is and get a boost of inspiration for further training.

Basic principles of the 30 days program

Before you begin, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Evaluate your body . If you are happy with your shoulders and arms, but would like to tighten your buttocks and make your legs slimmer, or vice versa, shift the emphasis of your classes. Determine for yourself the most problematic areas and start working on them: many general exercises are designed in such a way that, in addition to the necessary ones, related muscle groups are also included in the work.
  2. Determine your time and financial capabilities . Gyms are good with experienced instructors - they will offer a suitable program and control the correct execution technique. Home workouts are classes at a convenient time and completely free.
  3. Actively use the Internet . Many authors offer ready-made complexes for every day, for a week, for a month with general or isolating exercises intended for specific muscle groups.
  4. Alas, without a diet, no amount of exercise will give the desired result. Adjust your diet so that your physical efforts are not wasted. And, of course, completely give up fast food.
  5. And if everything worked out in a month, your shape has become close to ideal, your mood and self-esteem have improved, don’t give up . This is necessary to maintain a new beautiful body in good shape, because for many women everything returns to normal, you just have to be lazy for a week.

And we move on to specific exercises and complexes that will allow you to get closer to model ideals in just a month.

Slim figure in 30 days - how to lose excess weight at home

If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, you will definitely be able to lose excess weight and get in shape. Remember that regular exercise is only half the success, the other half depends on what and most importantly how much you eat.

Jillian Michaels: slim figure in 30 days

The best way to make sure of this is to start training!

Jillian Michaels is the most famous fitness trainer in California

If you exercise regularly and watch your diet, you will definitely be able to lose excess weight and get in great shape!

Diet Jillian Michaels

Without dietary control, you will not be able to lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels. Jillian Michaels counts calories and encourages everyone who is losing weight to simply reduce their daily amount so that the body itself starts the process of burning fat. However, everything must be approached wisely, and even reducing the daily amount of calories should be done carefully. Lack of nutrients can lead to muscle loss and block fat burning.

Please note: The normal amount of calories for a woman during weight loss ranges from 1300 to 1500, depending on her height. Jill's diet system for weight loss will not help you get rid of 20 kilograms in a month. If you have a lot of extra pounds, then simply repeat the complex for another month.

Jill does not suggest completely giving up fats or carbohydrates; her diet is based on eating healthy foods. They help the body fight fat reserves without reducing muscle mass. Michaels also advises drinking 1.5-2 liters of clean water (not tea or compote) per day. This will help remove toxins and breakdown products of fat cells from the body.

While losing weight, you can eat:

  • Seeds and nuts;
  • Fruits and vegetables (especially citrus fruits);
  • Spices (especially garlic and pepper), vinegar;
  • Cereals and legumes;
  • Seafood, poultry, meat (preferably low fat);
  • Dairy products with low or medium fat content;
  • Vegetable oils, preferably cold pressed.

Try to prepare interesting and tasty dishes from these products, because dietary food is not as meager and bland as it might seem at first glance.

How to properly follow the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

Many workouts aimed at losing weight formed the basis of Jillian Michaels' famous "Slim Fit in 30 Days" program.

How to properly follow the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

Classes in this program are conducted according to the “3-2-1” system:

  • Strength exercises performed for 3 minutes
  • 2 minutes – cardio
  • Abdominal muscles are worked for 1 minute

In addition, the program is divided into 3 stages, each of which must be completed in one and a half weeks.

Below you can watch a short video presentation for the “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program:

Exercises for arms and back

Program structure:

  • 3 levels;
  • daily duration of the level - 30 minutes;
  • total duration of the level - 10 days;
  • rest between levels - 2 days.

Beginners do the easy option.

Warm-up level 1 - rotation of arms with swings. The load on the leg muscles is small, associated with a change in their position.

The power dumbbell complex is aimed at the arms and back:

  • in a vertical position, holding dumbbells in your hands, spread them apart;
  • in a horizontal position, push-ups on your hands from the floor;
  • standing on one leg, swinging, holding dumbbells in your hands;
  • lying on the mat, swing your arms with dumbbells.

In level 2, the main exercises are performed while lying on a mat to concentrate the load on the arms. The third level is more difficult both in strength loads and in the type of exercises.

For example, arm swings with dumbbells are combined with complex movements of the torso and legs. Completion of the levels takes place on a mat with several sitting and lying exercises at a calm pace.

Jillian Michaels Level 1 30 DAY SHRED Workout:

When you master level 1 of training with Jillian Michaels, many exercises may seem too difficult and impossible, even if you repeat them after a girl who demonstrates an easier version of the workout.

In this case, the main thing is not to interrupt classes and not lose momentum. You can replace this exercise with something else, at least intense marching. If the complex does not seem complicated enough to you, you can repeat the exercises after the girl who demonstrates more complex exercises. Thus, Gillian provided different levels of load even within the same training level.

Gillian's comment: “Look at me as your personal trainer!”

Mode and basic rules

The mode of each level consists of 3 cycles of exercises and relaxation. Each cycle has 4 parts:

  1. Warm-up - 3 min.
  2. Strength training - 3 min.
  3. Cardiac training - 2 min.
  4. Press - 1 min.

At the end of the 3rd cycle, relaxation exercises are performed. There are two exercise options - intense and light.

Compliance with this regime is necessarily complemented by the basic rules of the system:

  1. The intensity of exercise is determined based on your individual metabolic rate.
  2. The energy expenditure of exercise should exceed food energy by 500 kcal.
  3. Four meals a day based on low-fat foods, vegetables and fruits.

Completing 3 levels and diet is the basic principle of the system.

First level

The warm-up begins with swinging your arms in place, then adding jumping to the swings. Next - rotation of the hips and knees, and completion of the warm-up by jumping with arm swings.

After warming up, proceed to 3-minute strength training of the 1st cycle:

  • pushups;
  • squats with overhead press with dumbbells.

Then 2 minutes of heart training:

  • jumping with arms swinging to the sides;
  • jumping with arms bent at the elbows (with a jump rope);

Then 1 minute of abdominal training, lying on the mat:

  • bending your knees, hands behind your head - lifting your torso;
  • pushes upside down, bending your knees.

Next, 3 minutes of strength training of the 2nd cycle:

  • legs bent, imitation of rowing with dumbbells in hands;
  • squats with legs lunging forward and bending the elbows with dumbbells.

Then 2 minutes of heart training:

  • running in place;
  • boxing on bent legs.

Then 1 minute of abdominal training, lying on the mat - lifting the torso with hands behind the head and alternating movement of the legs.

Next, 3 minutes of strength training of the 3rd cycle:

  • lying on the mat, arms with dumbbells spread to the sides;
  • squats with leg lunges to the sides and arm raises with dumbbells.

Then 2 minutes of heart training:

  • jumping with arm swings;
  • running in place;
  • boxing;
  • jumping.

Then 1 minute of abdominal training, lying on the mat - lifting the torso with hands behind the head and alternating movement of the legs. Level 1 ends with relaxation, sitting on a mat with legs wide apart. At a slow pace, bend towards the legs while stretching the back muscles, moving the arms back and to the sides while stretching the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Body drying for girls. Training program, detailed nutrition menu for the month by day.

Second level

The warm-up begins with circular swings of the arms, then jumping is added.

After warming up, move on to strength exercises of the 1st cycle:

  • bending over, moving forward on your hands, pushing up from the floor, moving your hands back;
  • on bent legs, arms with dumbbells to the sides and back.

Then heart training:

  • running in place;
  • jumping on all fours while resting on your hands;

Then abdominal training - lying on the mat, hands behind your head and alternately lifting your legs while lifting your torso.

Next are the strength exercises of the 2nd cycle:

  • with a lunge of one leg forward, raising your arms with dumbbells up;
  • squats with a lunge forward and backward with each leg in turn and raising your arms with dumbbells.

Then heart training:

  • jumping with the body turned and arms raised to the sides;
  • sliding jumps - large jumps to the side with the arms turning.

Then do abdominal training while lying on the mat:

  • raising your legs up;

  • lifting the legs at the same time as the body.

Next are the strength exercises of the 3rd cycle:

  • dumbbell press up with leg lift and push;

  • squats with dumbbell raises.

Then the heart workout:

  • jumping on all fours while resting on your hands and spreading your legs to the sides while jumping;
  • double jumps with arms bent at the elbows (with a jump rope).

Then abdominal training - while focusing on your arms, twist your torso. The 2nd level ends with relaxation, sitting on the mat, similar to the 1st level. In addition, the gluteal muscles are relaxed.

Third level

The warm-up begins with circular swings of the arms, then double jumps simulating a jump rope, alternately lifting the legs with the hands touching the tips of the fingers, running in place and rotating the hips.

After warming up, move on to strength exercises of the 1st cycle:

  • lifting on hands with support on elbows, on a mat;
  • simultaneous lifting of the legs and outstretched arms, lying on the mat, on the stomach.

Then heart training:

  • alternately bending the legs while resting on the hands;
  • half-squat with a jump with legs spread wide apart;

Then abdominal training - lying on the mat, lifting your legs up and “scissors”;

Next is the 2nd cycle:

  • squat with dumbbell press;
  • squatting with alternate leg lunges.

Then heart training:

  • “boxing” with dumbbells in hands;
  • running in place with dumbbells in hands;
  • jumping with dumbbells in your hands and raising them to the sides.

Then abdominal training - lying on the mat, lifting the torso.

Next is the 3rd cycle:

  • push-ups from the floor with hands moving to the sides;
  • alternately lifting your arms with dumbbells and legs from an emphasis on your hands with dumbbells.

Then heart training:

  • jumping with squats;
  • high jumps.

Then abdominal training, lying on the mat, on your side with emphasis on your hand:

  • lateral push-ups;
  • changing position for side push-ups.

The 3rd level ends with relaxation, sitting on the mat, similar to the 2nd level. Burning fat after exercise should be combined with proper nutrition aimed at speeding up metabolism.

What to do after completing 30 Day Shred

The “Slim Figure in 30 Days” program is of medium difficulty level and is recommended for a wide range of people. For those who have completed it and want a little more difficult, “Lose Weight in 30 Days” is suitable. If you want to challenge yourself and for those who dream big, you can take it to the next level and try the Body Revolution program from Jillian Michaels, this is a more complex program that will allow you to achieve even more impressive results

Exercises for shoulders and arms

As a rule, such exercises also involve the muscles of the back, chest and abs:

  • lifting arms with weights from the sides;
  • military press;
  • flexion-extension of arms to the chest with weights;
  • lifting straight arms with weights to chest level, turning the hands and lowering the arms down.

Please note: some exercises with barbells and dumbbells and almost all pull-ups on the horizontal bar contribute to the growth of muscle volume in the shoulders. For “apple” or “pear” shapes this may be a good idea, but for “rectangle” and “inverted triangle” shapes you should avoid them: such exercises will make your shoulders even wider and disrupt the proportions of your figure.

An effective arm exercise option

Jillian Michaels - other workouts

If you have problems with your knees, jumping or heavy exercise is contraindicated for you, then you can try gentle programs for beginners “Beginer Shred” or For Beginners Frontside/Backside or a program made specifically for recovery after childbirth. You can try the yoga program with Gillian, or Flat Belly in 6 Weeks,

Exercises for a flat stomach, slender thighs and firm buttocks

Let's just list simple but effective exercises:

  • lunges and swings of legs - forward, backward, to the sides;
  • various twists - straight, reverse, diagonal;
  • gluteal bridge.

All these exercises can be performed not only in gyms, but also at home. In your everyday life, do not neglect various types of activity: morning or evening jogging, roller skating and skating, cycling, visiting the pool or tennis court - working on yourself can be very enjoyable! If possible, give up the car for this month and walk more, use the stairs instead of the elevator - in everyday life, any person has a lot of opportunities to keep himself in shape.

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