Three girls were on a strict diet for 8 weeks and exercised every day: did it help them lose weight by the summer? Evaluate the result






This summer, the 8-week healthy eating marathon Tone It Up is gaining momentum on the Internet. Its creators promise girls who follow all the nutritional recommendations and do the exercises from the program a quick and painless transformation of their figure by summer. The convenient thing is that you don’t have to decide anything - you watched the program and already know what exercises to do or what to eat for lunch. Buzzfeed journalists decided to try this program for themselves. Three girls - three stories.

Jenna: I work out a lot in the gym: 4-6 workouts a week. But I'm not seeing results and I think it's because I eat a lot of gluten-containing foods. The program requires you to follow a gluten-free diet, so I decided to give it a try. Maybe it will help my skin too.

Krista: I work and raise a child, so I don't have time to go to the gym. Usually I just run. I like it because it helps me cope with stress. I do this three times a week, but my nutrition leaves much to be desired. I love lemonades and drink them every evening. In short, I need a detox.


I don't play sports. I often go to cafes and eat cookies for breakfast. But I'm already 27 years old, so it's time to take care of myself. I want to feel better, and it would be great if I became slimmer. Now if someone invites me to the beach, I’d rather sit at home and eat crackers.


1. Follow a meal plan

The dishes themselves can be changed, but portions must be strictly controlled. There are no days when you can eat whatever you want. But there are also no terrible prohibitions; if you really want something harmful, you can eat just a little bit.

2. Do daily workouts

Every day you will have to exercise for 20-30 minutes.

1st week

Jenna : Everything went fine with the training, but there were problems with the diet. Before this, I didn't realize how much I missed snacking all the time. If you met me at the grocery store, you might think I have a big family.

Krista: I thought that I wouldn’t get tired from these short workouts, but I was very mistaken. They are very heavy. I was drenched in sweat and felt pain after 13-minute videos, although I could easily run a couple of kilometers. Now a little about food: proper nutrition is a nightmare for me, so this part of the program was very difficult for me. I realized that I was unlikely to be able to prepare all the food for the week at once, plus I hate eating the same thing twice in a row. On the first day I ordered a hamburger. In my defense, I put the bun aside and only ate the meat. But still I decided to continue.

Masei: I don't think I've ever felt so tired. I also had to throw out two opened packages of marshmallows to make room for the apple cider vinegar and protein powder. This will be the toughest week. I will have to constantly cook, exercise, diet and constantly take photos. I already feel dead.

Exercise and water

If you want to achieve results in sports, then it is important not only to eat properly, but also to drink enough water. We are talking specifically about water - not about coffee, not about tea, not about other drinks. Dehydration can not only negatively affect your workout results, but also harm your health. You can drink water before and after training. If you feel thirsty during class, you also need to drink some water.

Water helps prevent dehydration, gives the body the opportunity to replenish energy resources, protects the heart and blood vessels, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, cleanses the body, rejuvenates the skin and the entire body.

A person needs to drink at least two liters of water per day. It is useful to drink a glass on an empty stomach and 20 minutes before meals. But it is not recommended to drink food with water.

2nd week

Jenna : This week has been tough. My mom came to visit to celebrate my little brother's graduation. Constant dinners and a lot of wine. But I tried to eat only at home. Mom even liked that I was cooking, and I discovered that it was not so difficult. My grandmother said that I looked better.


Every muscle in my body is constantly aching. Of course, this is good, I’m finally working on myself, but now I need a day of rest. But no. I tried to choose the right food, if I wanted something fried, then I chose the lesser evil. For example, French fries, but I only ate 5 of them.

Masei: My body is starting to get used to it, but I really want pizza and chocolate covered almonds. Okay, we'll eat this when it's all over. I spend more time cooking than anything else. You also have to constantly go shopping. When I went to a bar with friends, I had to drink water while they washed down their hot dogs with beer.

3rd week


I miss the workouts from the program, so I went to the gym this week instead. This inspires me much more.

Krista : Now I'm looking forward to training, I think my legs already look a little better. The hardest thing for me is to constantly drink water because I love soda.


: I lost my journal where I wrote down my menu. I also bought new leggings that were a size smaller. The program seems to be working.

Basic Physiology

With a lack of calories and increased physical activity, the body sooner or later begins to feel the need for additional energy.
As soon as a person begins to eat less and move more, hormones released into the blood actively trigger the process of fat breakdown. That is why the notorious advice can really come in handy in the initial stages of training. However, fat is not the only source of energy for the cells of the human body. For example, glucose is the main fuel for the brain, and when the body does not have enough of it to fuel it, it begins to make glucose on its own if there are no other carbohydrate sources. This process occurs in the liver, which produces glycerol and lactate. Another substrate necessary for the normal functioning of the body is amino acids. They are processed in the digestive system as a result of protein digestion. In the case when a person limits his diet and does not consume enough protein foods, competition for amino acids will lead to the fact that the rate of protein synthesis in the body will decrease, and their rate of breakdown will remain the same. In the worst case, during fasting or prolonged dietary restriction, the body will actively break down its own tissue, destroying muscle mass. However, the lymphoid tissues responsible for immunity will be the first to be affected. That is why, when food is limited, a person runs the risk of quickly catching a cold or contracting an acute respiratory viral infection.

4th week


If someone eats a chocolate bar in front of me, I will definitely kill that person. I'm trying to stick to a homemade dessert of bananas, almonds and ice cream. It's delicious, but I still ate a couple of pieces of chocolate at work.


At the beginning of this week everything was going well, but then it seemed to me that I was not feeling very well. I still dream about soda. A couple of times I woke up at night from hunger, ate an apple, but it didn’t help. I ended up putting peanut butter on it. Yesterday I really wanted something sweet, but instead I ate some beans. Is there something wrong with me?

Masei: I went a little off my diet after I lost my magazine. I ate an incredibly delicious donut and have no regrets at all. But I also like healthy food, for example, I made a burger from whole grain bread with mushrooms.

5th week


After five weeks, I had lost three kilograms and my waist was three centimeters thinner. Even in the photographs you can immediately see that I have lost weight. Before that, I constantly compared myself with other participants in our marathon (they were slimmer) and then went to cry in the bath. Let's see what will happen next.


Yesterday my friend drank Diet Coke in front of me and I'm still thinking about it. I also tried running and could only run a kilometer.


I noticed that I am increasingly drawn to pictures of food. But I have already lost three kilograms. A couple of friends told me that this is already visible.

lost weight and pumped up

Looking at my before and after photos, I am often asked how I lost so much weight and got pumped up. Moreover, many want to know the secret of how to lose weight and get pumped up at the same time. But the secret is where to put the comma, in the phrase: you can’t lose weight by gaining weight.

lost weight and pumped up at the same time?

lost weight and pumped up. On the left, 37 years old. Right 41

I get asked very often: what should you do if you have excess fat? There are two options - first lose weight, and then start working out, or immediately start gaining weight, and then lose weight. Looking ahead, I’ll say - if you have excess fat, and your goal is to get a beautiful body, then definitely lose weight first. But first things first:

how to lose weight and get pumped up. Hormones are everything.

As I have said many times, the growth of our muscles is directly influenced by the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is produced in response to resistance training by our glands and how much of this hormone circulates through the blood determines how much muscle we can build.

Interesting: How to force yourself to pump up your abs

A lot of testosterone means a lot of muscle. Little is less. In contrast to male testosterone, some hormones—such as the female hormones estrogen or leptin—promote fat storage. The more testosterone, the less fat and more muscle. The more hormones like estrogen and leptin, the more fat.

lost weight and pumped up video.

how to lose weight and get pumped up if you're fat?

Let's see what happens if we have excess fat and start gaining weight. Aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. Produced by the adrenal cortex and adipocytes - adipose tissue cells. And the more fat , the more aromatase and the more testosterone is converted into estrogen.

So you’ve worked out, testosterone levels rise, but a fat person’s bloodstream reaches the muscles less than someone who lost weight before he started lifting. Not only that, but this testosterone is also converted into estrogen. Moreover, increased levels of estradiol reduce the production of luteinizing hormone , which reduces the production of testosterone. Leptin. Oh, the discovery of leptin in 1994 was a breakthrough. This is a hormone that is involved in the accumulation of fat, the feeling of hunger and ... it is also produced by adipose tissue. The more fat, the more leptin, and the more fat is gained. Let's go back to testosterone again. Our damn fat has testosterone-sensitive receptors. This means that, to top it all off, fat also captures testosterone. This means that less testosterone reaches the muscles that we want to pump up, which limits their growth.

how to get pumped up and lose weight at the same time

Remember the fact - it is impossible to lose weight and gain weight at the same time. In order to lose weight, we need to eat less than we spend; and in order to pump up, we need to eat more than we consume. Therefore, when gaining muscle, some amount of fat is always gained .

how to quickly lose weight and get pumped up

And now imagine, Vasya - who first lost 5 kg of excess fat and Petya -

how to get pumped up and lose weight at the same time

who had an extra 20 kg of fat and immediately started working on weight. Both gained 10 kg but what's the difference?

The fact is that with such a set of hormones, Vasya gained 6 kg of muscle and 4 fat.

And Petya has 2 kg of muscle and 8 kg of fat. And who will find it easier to make the relief after this?

Vasya needs to lose his 5kg + 4kg = 9kg. And he has more muscles.

Pay attention!

And Petya needs to lose the 20 kg that he had and another 8 kg that he gained. = 28kg - and he has less muscle.

I think the answer is obvious.

how to lose weight and get pumped up? Ask the sales department!

Are my conclusions confirmed by practice? Yes, every day I see unfortunate Singers who mark time for years or quit the gym without seeing results. So why aren’t they told about this? Can you imagine that the sales department will tell Petya: You don’t need to buy a subscription to our gym and you don’t need to pay for personal training. It is better for you to lose weight first for your goals, no need to spend money. Introduced? I could not get


6th week

Jenna: Last weekend we celebrated a national holiday, so there was a lot of drinking. But still, when I came to the gym in the morning, one of the girls said that I had lost weight. Finally someone noticed. I'm happy.

Krista: Today I tried on my white pants that I was about to get rid of because they were too tight, and lo and behold, they fit me just right.

Macey: I feel like I haven't made any progress this week, but the scale says otherwise. Constant training makes me nervous. But for the first time I ran three kilometers, thanks to my boyfriend.

What happens if you eat too little and become a weight loss sprinter?

If you excessively reduce the amount of energy in your diet and exercise regularly, you may enter a state of relative energy deprivation in sports called RED-S . This concept covers a range of events, processes and changes that occur in our body that are not very pleasant or beneficial. From a physiological perspective, you may see negative effects on immune function , bone health, or heart health. However, it is not only people who deliberately eat little and exercise excessively who are at risk, because virtually anyone with a high energy output can “achieve” a low energy intake. [1–2]

Usually we are talking about athletes competing in a discipline that requires high aesthetic demands, or those where lower body weight can be a competitive advantage. This list includes, for example, bodybuilding and fitness, gymnastics, ballet, martial arts endurance sports , athletics, equestrianism and beach volleyball. Add to this, for example, a physically demanding profession, and at first you may not even know that you are at risk of insufficient energy intake.

What does it mean to eat very little?

We can calculate the risk of insufficient energy consumption using Availability (EA) . This expresses the amount of energy we have left after subtracting the energy spent on exercise. At the same time, we need to know fat free mass (FFM) to calculate it. We only need to know the percentage of body fat to determine it.

Energy value:

Jane is 60 kg, 15% body fat (51 kg FFM), she gets 1800 kcal and burns 800 kcal per day during training.

  • EA = EI (energy consumption) – EEE (energy expenditure during training) = 1800-800 = 1000 kcal
  • EA/FFM (fat free mass) = 1000/51 = 19.6 kcal/kg/FFM – energy availability risk
  1. risk value is less than 30 kcal/kg/FFM.
  2. Short-term tolerance is 30-45 kcal/kg/FFM.
  3. The optimal value for men is 40 kcal/kg/FFM, and for women – 45 kcal/kg/FFM.

Yana is consuming about 1,300 fewer calories than she should and is therefore at risk for a number of health problems, which we will discuss below. The problem of insufficient energy intake affects both women and men . In women, this problem is especially noticeable due to the influence of energy availability on menstrual problems . [3]

7th week

Jenna : Last week was my birthday, but I didn't celebrate. The program is working.

Krista : I was traveling this week and it was hard to avoid food when you're traveling. But I tried to eat tomatoes and other healthy things. When I got home, I had to get up at 5 am to do all the missed workouts, and I did it.

Masey : We bought a cake for my colleague’s birthday, and it was difficult not to take a piece. But I already know what's better. The first week was hard for me, but now I quickly wake up, get ready, make a smoothie and run out to work.

8th week


When we started, I considered cooking my second job, but now everything is simpler. I realized that I like healthy food more. I had already forgotten that this was a program; it seems to me that I have always eaten like this. It also turned out to be much cheaper to cook at home.


Now you don’t need to force yourself to choose healthy dishes. But I'm still waiting for the day when I can drink soda. Friends say I'll start eating junk food again at the end, but you're wrong.


This morning I woke up with a terrible cramp in my leg. For 30 minutes I lay in a strange position and tried to do something. Maybe I'm exercising too much or maybe there's something wrong with my diet?

What to eat when playing sports

Not everyone knows what to eat if you play sports. In fact, the body’s need for nutritional components in this case is increased. Let's look at what nutrients an athlete needs.

Proteins are the main building material for muscles, and their quantity, as we have already said, should be at least 2-2.5 g per kg of weight. Their main sources are lean meat and fish, cheese, peas and beans, eggs, cottage cheese. Of the total amount of proteins, approximately half should be of animal origin, and the other half should be of plant origin.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, so it is also important that the amount is correct. Carbohydrates are divided into complex and simple. You need to focus on the complex ones, as they provide long-lasting energy. Their sources are cereals, pasta, beans, peas, and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates should be no more than 35%. Their sources are fruits, honey, sugar, sweets.

It is also important not to give up fat. This is especially important with proper nutrition for girls involved in sports, since the female body suffers greatly from a lack of fat. It is recommended to focus on vegetable fats, which are found in nuts, avocados, and vegetable oils. Sea fish is also a useful source.

Another point is that with intense exercise, the need for mineral components such as phosphorus and calcium . Their ratio in the diet should be 1.5:1. If this ratio is violated, phosphorus is poorly absorbed, which can provoke a number of troubles, since phosphorus compounds determine the speed of reaction and muscle work, which requires serious nervous tension.

The best sources of phosphorus are meat, fish, cottage cheese, milk, cheese, carrots, onions, buckwheat, wheat and oatmeal, beans, peas, lentils, soybeans.

Large amounts of calcium are found in dairy products, legumes, and canned fish.

It is also important that the athlete’s body receives the right amount of vitamins. This helps increase the body's endurance and speed up its recovery after exercise. To get enough vitamins, try to eat fruits and vegetables. During the winter, you can take vitamin and mineral supplements. Some of them are intended specifically for athletes, but it is recommended to consult a specialist before taking them.

The list of the most useful products for athletes includes the following:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal - better not instant;
  • boiled chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • cottage cheese with fat content up to 5%;
  • milk with fat content up to 2.5%;
  • natural yogurt without additives (it can also be made at home using yogurt starter);
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits.

There are also foods that are best avoided by a person who wants to achieve results in sports, or at least minimize them. These include sugar, sugar-containing products, sweets, baked goods, smoked products, canned food, fast food, and carbonated water. It is recommended to minimize or avoid alcohol consumption.

If you love sweets and find it hard to give them up, try to choose healthy sources, for example, honey, marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows. It is recommended to consume them in the first half of the day in small quantities.



You may not see much of a difference between these photos, but I do. I'm glad I started eating healthy and lost almost 5 kilograms. Before that, I constantly went to the gym, but there was no result, but now everything has changed. I know how much and what to eat at different times of the day. I'll go eat some salad and cheese.


My butt got bigger because I did a lot of exercises to tone it up. Muscles also appeared on the arms. Now I will start to pay more attention to my diet, but I will not give up soda, like other junk foods. But still, my body has not become ideal, I will have to accept it as it is.


I can't believe I went through this. I learned a lot and began to look better in photos. Now I eat healthy and it improves my mood. I also like to play sports.

Proper nutrition and exercise: highlights

To achieve good results in sports, you need to observe the correct load during exercise, fully recover and, of course, eat properly. Proper nutrition when losing weight and playing sports should fulfill the following tasks:

  • Activate and normalize metabolic processes in the body necessary for muscle growth and recovery.
  • Saturate the body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, provide sufficient calories.
  • Adjust the weight depending on the goals of the trainee.

When performing exercises, the body uses a large amount of energy. Energy is needed to maintain the functioning of the heart, digestive and respiratory systems during exercise. If you eat poorly before training, your body may become exhausted, which will have an extremely negative impact on the athlete’s health. The menu should consist of fresh and nutritious foods.

The menu for how to eat when playing sports should be compiled individually, taking into account the age, weight, goals and objectives of the athlete, the characteristics and intensity of the load. However, there are also general principles. So, every meal should include a balanced ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The optimal calculation formula for those involved in sports looks like this:

  • 30-35% proteins
  • 10-20% fat;
  • 50-60% carbohydrates.

The optimal amount of protein in the diet when playing sports is 2-2.5 grams per kilogram of weight, fat - 0.5 g per kg of weight. Carbohydrates should be about 2 g per kg of weight if you want to lose weight, and 4-7 g per kg of weight if you need to gain. And before preparing for competitions and during the drying period, carbohydrates are reduced to 0.5-1 grams per kg of weight.

Let's look at what an approximate scheme would look like for men and women:

  • If a man weighs 70 kg, then he needs 140 g of protein per day, 35 g of fat, and 210 g of carbohydrates to maintain weight, 280-490 g for weight gain and 140 g of carbohydrates. You can calculate the calories yourself, considering that a gram of protein and carbohydrates is equal to 4 kilocalories, and a gram of fat is 9 kcal. For example, to stay in the same weight category, an athlete weighing 70 kg needs about 2000 kcal.
  • For a girl weighing 50 kg who wants to stay at the same weight, giving her muscles elasticity and correcting problem areas, she needs to eat about 60-80 grams of protein, 25 g of fat and 100-150 g of carbohydrates. When preparing meals for girls when playing sports to lose weight, we reduce the amount of carbohydrates accordingly.

It is recommended to eat in small portions, once every 3-4 hours. Thus, there will be 5-6 meals per day. Also, in how to eat properly when playing sports, you need to adhere to the following points:

  • Of the 5-6 daily meals, three should be complete (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as well as 2-3 light snacks. This could be cottage cheese, fermented milk drinks, fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • The serving size should be approximately the size of your palm.
  • For breakfast, it is recommended to eat complex carbohydrates or a combination of carbohydrates and proteins.
  • For lunch, it is not recommended to eat combinations such as meat (fish) with pasta (potatoes). The best option is cereals, protein foods and vegetables, especially if you still plan to visit the gym afterwards.
  • It is better that the nutrition menu for losing weight while playing sports includes a protein dinner or a combination of proteins and vegetables. This will help the muscles recover after physical activity.
  • On training days, you should absolutely not go hungry, as this can lead to exhaustion of the body and other negative consequences.
  • Try not to eat in a hurry - this is the easiest way to consume prohibited foods. In addition, it is recommended not to eat from common dishes, but to put food on a plate - this will make it more convenient to control portion sizes.
  • It is better to limit the amount of salt.
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