Yaroslav Brin - diet for every day: tips and reviews

Hello, dear readers of my blog. Yaroslav Brin believes that if a diet has a name, then it most likely does not work. Although his method is still called the fatbass diet. What is it and what is it eaten with? In my article today, all the most basic and important things that Yaroslav Brin’s diet includes. Join the reading!

I have already talked about Brin’s method in the article “Extreme Transformation”, setting out the basic rules in it. Now is the time to look at this technique in more detail.

But first

A few words about Brin

As evidenced by the Internet, his last name actually seems to be different - Zasenko. He worked at Russian Railways, made a career there, and founded his own business. At the same time, since school, he became interested in training in the gym, the topic of losing weight (since “he was fat,” as he himself writes) and proper nutrition.

This is how his method was gradually born, and Yaroslav himself is now a trainer who conducts various intensive courses, publishes articles and writes books. At the same time, he motivates to gain slimness by his personal example - before the next intensive, he eats up to more than a hundred kilograms of weight, and then actively loses all the excess along with the participants of his programs.

At the same time, he is skeptical about most diets and identifies several of his own methods. Let's look at the two most famous ones here.

Yaroslav Brin's weight loss program

It is designed for four months, but it all depends on your initial form, diligence, availability and volume of physical activity.

The main principle is to reduce the caloric intake of the diet, introduce the principles of proper nutrition and active training. The method, in principle, is also suitable for use at home, but you need to keep in mind that fairly intensive sports activities will be required. And here it will be difficult to do without a gym. In principle, Yaroslav did not come up with anything new, but he has his own tricks.

Next, let's go point by point.


In his instructions to those with extra pounds, Brin is somewhat cynical, sometimes even rude. He himself explains this by saying that he considers himself a kind of “kick in the ass” to all those who do not dare to change themselves. Because only we ourselves are responsible for how we look, and in general for how we live.

Therefore, a cynical, tough, arrogant, meticulous, intolerant, demanding coach, as he says about himself, who will point out the shortcomings and help you finally get off the couch and start acting is exactly what is needed in such a difficult matter as wrestling for being slim. In this regard, I would like to recommend that you pay attention to the article “Losing weight with motivation: tips for every day.”

Sizes and calories

At the very beginning of losing weight, determine the starting point, so to speak: measure the dimensions of your waist, hips, chest, write down all this, as well as your weight, take a photo.

Calculate the number of calories you consume per day. To do this, write down and calculate the calorie content of the foods you eat throughout the week. Then you need to decide how much you need to reduce your caloric intake. By the way, our calorie calculator will help you in this matter.

Diet changes

Several points are important here.

Fractional meals

The interval between doses should be no more than 3.5 hours.

Changing the contents of the BZHU

Take more proteins, less fats, and you should try and completely forget about fast carbohydrates like buns and cakes.

The “impact” portion of protein should come after training, that is, approximately 60-120 minutes after it.

The protein-fat-carbohydrate ratio should be approximately 20-30% - 50-60% - 10-20%.

You can also read about the formula for calculating BJU in the article “Formula for proper weight loss - how to calculate the balance of BJU.”

We exclude harmful products

The following are prohibited:

Alcohol, fast carbohydrates, confectionery products, fatty foods, sauces, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, coffee (replace with green tea), animal fats, canned food, sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products, sugar. If it’s difficult to give up sugar, it’s better to pay attention to sweeteners, advises Brin.

Eliminate all this not immediately, but gradually, over several weeks, so that your body does not experience stress and gets used to the new menu properly.

Reducing portions

They should be kept small. In this case, divide the daily calorie intake into 5-6 meals.

Approximate diet

Throughout the day: proteins + complex carbohydrates, minimum fat.

The protein ratio is 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.

  • The only fat left is Omega-3 fatty acids (you can get them straight from the pharmacy), fish oil, and flaxseed oil.
  • Only complex carbohydrates, no sweets. This includes cereals, beans, beans, and vegetables.
  • Proteins are seafood, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, shrimp.
  • Drink about two liters of water a day.

Yaroslav Brin's effective diet for every day

In his diet, Yaroslav uses fractional meals and recommends the same to his followers, that is, the correct proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the amount of food throughout the day. He himself eats at least 5-6 times, but in small portions.

Since Yaroslav is actively involved in bodybuilding, the basis of his diet is proteins. For example, an athlete’s favorite dish is a breakfast omelette of 4-5 eggs with a small tomato and cucumber, with the addition of greens in the form of spinach, dill, etc. And for lunch he likes to eat lean meat or fish with vegetables!

It is important to understand that dietary nutrition is a necessary and correctly selected combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, let’s look at each component separately and consider which products are suitable, in Yaroslav’s opinion, for losing weight and keeping yourself in excellent physical shape.


If the body does not have enough protein, then it takes it from the internal organs, and this already contributes to serious diseases. Growth also slows down and metabolism is disrupted. Moreover, it is interesting that 30% of the proteins in food are used to process the protein itself. The main functions of proteins in the human body:

  1. Construction material.
  2. Participation in the processes of biochemistry of the body.
  3. Proteins make up 1/3 of the mass of the heart, liver, muscles and brain.
  4. It is an important component of hormones, antibodies, and enzymes.
  5. Essential for human emotional and physical health.

The average intake for adults of normal weight and moderate physical activity is approximately 85 grams per day. For obese people this norm will be slightly lower.

With increased physical activity and during pregnancy, the norm will be no less than 100 grams of protein per day. In dietary foods, we focus on protein, and the amount of carbohydrates and fats should be kept to a minimum.

By the way, a protein diet is considered one of the most effective for weight loss. I will list protein-rich foods that are necessary not only for weight loss, but also for the normal functioning of the human body:

  • low-fat fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, white sturgeon, pollock);
  • veal;
  • chicken breast (without skin);
  • chicken eggs (preferably country eggs without any additives);
  • cottage cheese with at least 5% fat content, no more needed;
  • hard cheeses (preferably Dutch);
  • legumes;
  • Rye bread;
  • nuts.

Important! We choose meat and fish without the addition of spices and sauces by the manufacturers. We cook meat without using fats: steam, simmer, bake in a non-stick frying pan.


A person’s need for carbohydrates depends on his body type, age and lifestyle. The average norm for an adult is approximately 250-500 grams, but with active physical activity on the body, 500-600 grams are required. The main functions of carbohydrates in the body are:

  1. Participation in the metabolic process, thus performing an energy function.
  2. Provide tissue elasticity.
  3. Necessary for proper blood osmotic pressure.
  4. Needed to build cells in the human body.
  5. Promote smooth bowel function.
  6. Involved in the synthesis of RNA, DNA and ATP.

When dieting, you should completely avoid easily digestible carbohydrates (flour products, sweets containing large amounts of sugar). And also, when buying food, take into account the fact that the more processed it is, the less useful fiber it contains (for example, avoid instant porridge without cooking).

If you decide to lose weight, then, according to Yaroslav, it is best to give up sugar and foods containing it. The best option would be to eat sweeteners such as erythritol, sorbitol and xylitol. Products containing carbohydrates and necessary for weight loss:

  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • pasta;
  • vegetables (cabbage, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes, eggplant, green peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, beets;
  • greens (spinach, parsley, cilantro, celery);
  • berries (must be consumed separately);
  • legumes;
  • fruits: green apples, oranges, lemon (alkalizes the body!).

You should not get carried away with fruits in large quantities, as they contain fructose (natural sugar), and it is harmful for weight loss. Be sure to eat fruits separately from the main food; they are not compatible with any foods!

Yaroslav Brin notes that, in principle, fruits can be completely excluded from the diet and it is better to start with bananas and grapes, since they contain too much fructose, which in large quantities is harmful to dietary nutrition. And vitamins and microelements, the athlete believes, can and should be obtained from vegetables and all kinds of greens.


It is important to understand that the most poorly digestible and harmful fats for humans are trans fats, and in any concentration. They are actively used in semi-finished products, ketchups, sauces, and industrially produced sweets. Trans fats are also formed when frying (especially fatty meat) in any oil. The importance of fats for the human body:

  1. They are necessary for the permeability and elasticity of blood vessels.
  2. They provide support for internal organs.
  3. Necessary for the synthesis of hormones.
  4. Needed for the formation of connective tissues and cell membranes.
  5. Contains fat-soluble vitamins D, E, and A that are essential for the body.

An excess of fats, especially transgenic ones, in the human diet leads to obesity of internal organs and the entire body as a whole. The person becomes lazy and often prone to bad mood.

I will list foods that contain fats and are necessary for health and weight loss. For example, these are different types of oils rich in Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9: flaxseed oil, sea buckthorn, olive, pumpkin, sesame. Use in small doses and only for dressing salads!

Kefir 1% and yogurt 1.5%, natural without flavoring additives or sweeteners. You can also get the amount of fat your body needs using fish oil capsules from the pharmacy.

Food combinations that promote weight loss

Meat goes well with vegetables: fiber promotes good functioning of the digestive tract and the digestibility of proteins, and also triggers proper metabolic processes.

Vegetables and greens go well with carbohydrates (for example, pasta, buckwheat, legumes). Carbohydrate-containing foods are considered quite heavy food for the human body, and vegetables help digest such food.

Fat and protein foods. This combination helps normalize the balance of blood sugar, and you will feel full for a long time (for example, dietary kefir with nuts).

Fruits do not combine with berries or any other products. Available separately!

Incompatible products. Meat, fish and carbohydrates also do not combine and are difficult to digest. It is better to eat meat separately from other foods, or with vegetables. Be sure, if you want to lose weight quickly, give up flour products (pies, cookies, gingerbreads, waffles) and sweet foods (anything that contains sugar). And also give up fatty and canned foods!

If you are interested in the topic of proper nutrition, dieting, and choosing optimal physical activity for weight loss, then you can learn about all this on Yaroslav Brin’s YouTube channel.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation

Another way to gain harmony from Yaroslav Brin.

Or as this method is abbreviated as BOOCH. Also known as the keto rotation diet. I introduced you to the basic principles, rules, as well as a sample menu for every day in the article “Lose weight with the help of a BUTCH diet.”

The method helps to get rid of fat and generally regulate the volume of muscle mass.

Brin's approach to business is approximately the same as everyone else's, but with his own characteristics.

Smooth fat burning scheme

Four day cycle

  • Days one and two: lots of protein.

It is taken at the rate of 3-4 grams per kilogram of weight.

Carbohydrates – 0.5 grams per kilogram.

  • Day three – lots of carbohydrates.

They should be taken 5-6 grams per kilogram of weight

Proteins – 1-1.5 grams per kilogram.

  • Day four is moderate.

Protein and carbohydrates are approximately equal - 2-2.5 grams per kilogram

Then you can repeat in a circle.

It is important to remember: on carbohydrate days, it is complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, legumes) in the diet. You should avoid sweets and other sweets.

Advantages of the method:

  • Alternating food boosts metabolism
  • Muscle tissue is preserved
  • No feeling of hunger due to the large amount of protein
  • There are no strict limits - the choice of products is quite large, you can select the assortment to suit yourself and your preferences
  • Good psychological mood due to the absence of an eternal desire to eat something

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Slow rate of weight loss (on the other hand, it’s good for the body)
  • There may be health problems, in particular with the gastrointestinal tract, due to the large amount of protein.

Who is Yaroslav Brin

Yaroslav Brin is a bodybuilder, trainer living in St. Petersburg. He runs his own BringBlog blog. He considers his goal to be to help acquire a beautiful, toned figure, to motivate, to explain the importance of a proper diet, one’s own health, and to encourage one to move towards health and success.

The blog provides all the nuances of drying, training, balanced nutrition, weight loss, which he talks about with humor, but harshly, which gives more motivation.

Yaroslav Brin was born in the small and crime-ridden village of Vydrino. At school, Yaroslav was often ridiculed by his classmates. But this did not stop young Yaroslav from studying well, gaining knowledge from lesson to lesson, both in a regular school and in a music school. As Yaroslav Brin describes himself: “I was a fat child with a sharp tongue.” Being overweight bothered the boy, so from the 8th grade he had a desire to get rid of the hated kilograms.

Yaroslav Brin began visiting the basement gym. At the end of the 8th grade, Yaroslav left for the city of Slyudyanka and entered a boarding school. He coped well with the exact sciences and began studying psychology.

As a student, Yaroslav Brin bought many books on fitness, bodybuilding, proper, balanced nutrition. In 2010, he published the article “Myths in Dietetics.” Bryn now shares her 17 years of knowledge in the field of fitness and nutrition.

The author's blog has been running since 2012. It contains information about diets, nutrition, training and myths related to exercise and weight loss. Yaroslav gives advice, one of which is keeping a training diary. Brin speaks to the reader in clear and accessible language.

He can be cruel in his statements, but this, according to him, is the best motivation. There you can also find information about FM4M - a fitness model for 4 months. As part of his own project, Yaroslav Brin transformed his body and helps many people do this.

Source: allslim.ru

Fat Burner Supplements

They have an important place in Brin's system, although you can choose not to use them. Fat burners in general are needed to speed up the process of fat breakdown and convert fat into energy, helping to increase energy consumption.

  • help reduce appetite
  • stimulate metabolism
  • remove excess fluid
  • block fat synthesis in adipose tissue

You can read more about which ones exist and what you can choose in the article “Fat burners: main drugs, composition and principle of action”

You can also add amino acid complexes or BCAAs.

Exercise as a guarantee of weight loss

You need to exercise several times a week - without this there will be no successful weight loss.

Circuit training in the gym will be a great start to working out all the muscles.

In addition, the trainer advises walking more, does not favor running, considering it overrated, but welcomes cardio training, loves squats, which he considers an excellent opportunity to burn calories and remove fat in places so beloved by women - on the butt, legs, hips.

What to remember

  • Brin's method combines the pursuit of proper nutrition and exercise
  • It helps you learn to monitor how much and in what volumes you eat, and what the calorie content of your meals is.
  • At the same time, the method encourages the active use of fat burners.
  • Without them, Brin will not lose weight quickly, as he promises.
  • The diet is also dangerous because it contains large amounts of animal protein - this is a risk factor for the health of the kidneys and stomach in general.

Have you tried losing weight this way? Are you familiar with Yaroslav’s technique? Share your experience in the comments, friends. And with this I say goodbye to you, see you again in new articles.

Yaroslav Brin - diet for every day - own system

Yaroslav Brin's diet includes six meals a day. The benefits of such a diet will be obvious, because during fasting, the first thing the body uses for energy is glycogen in the muscles, only then fat.

But six meals a day requires maintaining the proportions of the amount of food: in the evening you need to consume less carbohydrates and more protein. If possible, eliminate carbohydrates completely from dinner. The “protein-carbohydrate” balance and counting the calories eaten are fundamental to a balanced diet.

When calculating your diet, you need to monitor the ratio of 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight, drink 2 liters of water per day. Permitted and obligatory products will be: eggs (including yolk), fish (pink salmon, pollock), olive oil, meat. Eating these foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner will keep you full and you will not feel hungry.

Bad habits during weight loss need to be removed from your life; carbonated drinks, chips, crackers, coffee, fatty sauces, sour cream, and mayonnaise will also be prohibited. Boiling and baking is the main processing of vegetables; a pressure cooker or a double boiler will help. Next, you need to consume fiber - 30 g, OMEGA-3 (2 tablespoons per day), vitamins (1 tablet per day), L - keratin (3 g half an hour before training or in the morning on rest days).

Sugar must be replaced with a sweetener. Instead of coffee, which is high in calories, it would be better to choose green tea. If you follow each of the points, the effect will not take long to arrive. After about a month, you will realize that changes have begun to occur in your body; the benefits of such a diet will be enormous.

The duration of the Brin weight loss system is determined by the ratio of the set goal and real results.

Total transformation of your own figure is an energy-consuming process that requires painstaking work on yourself. Using the method of Yaroslav Brin and his motto “I exchange fat for willpower,” many people who are obese and simply have extra pounds or a flabby body have managed to achieve amazing results.

Indeed, a combination of the principles of proper nutrition and active training can work wonders - Yaroslav himself proved this by personal example, having lost weight from 104 to 72 kilograms in 4 months.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to really evaluate the results only by numbers, since the “before and after” photographs of the author and his students are striking not just because of the reduction in volume. Men and women who were plump and plump now show off their ripped and strong bodies.

The main thing to remember is that the fat diet should become not just a temporary measure, but a way of life. Of course, the intensity of training and dietary restrictions can be eased a little over time, if the goal of the program is not to participate in “fitness bikini” competitions. However, a complete abandonment of sports and a return to a harmful, unbalanced diet will eventually return all the kilograms lost with such difficulty.

Source: allslim.ru foodandhealth.ru

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