Gravitational ptosis: what is it and how to deal with it

Every woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. And over the years, most representatives of the fairer sex try to hide their true age, because they want to appear younger. Unfortunately, many factors, such as poor lifestyle, illness, emotions, and environmental influences leave their mark on the most exposed part of the body - the face. Many women who have the means and opportunities go to beauty salons and see professionals who can easily hide imperfections through surgery. But what to do if this is not possible? You just need to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge, patience and start working on restoring beauty right at home.

What is facial oval

Young women have a clear oval face:

  • The line of the lower jaw is smooth, the “angles of youth” are clearly defined. The skin does not sag, there are no jowls.
  • The cheekbones are clear, the transition to the cheeks is smooth.

The slimness of the oval is maintained due to healthy muscle tone, skin turgor, and a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat.

What to do if it is quite young?

What should you do if the oval has already floated a little, if you are quite young and you do not have excess fat, you are in excellent athletic shape, but the oval has floated because there are anatomical and physiological reasons for this? It can be solved, believe me, very easily. There is a whole arsenal of tools for this. We can increase the volume of the cheekbones , then the oval will be tightened in the cheekbone area. We can do a procedure called reinforcement , reinforce the entire face, like at a construction site, and the face will be supported by this reinforcement, it will be taut. We can supply threads, after all, we can apply a whole arsenal of hardware techniques. That is, all these methods are good when the oval has floated.

Oval face - why changes occur

With age, the oval of the face becomes blurred. As a rule, the processes become pronounced after 35-40 years.

  • The contour of the lower jaw is no longer clear, the skin sags, and jowls form.
  • The zygomatic sacs slide down.

The reason for the changes should be sought in the inseparable trinity “skin-muscle-adipose tissue”, the condition of which determines the beauty of the face. And even further. After all, healthy processes in tissues fail when blood and lymph flow are disrupted.

What's happening?

  1. The skin
    loses turgor, becomes thinner, and becomes flabby. Why? Because the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the strength, firmness and elasticity of the dermis, is reduced.
  2. Muscular frame
    the face suffers due to muscle atrophy and spasms. And with age, this imbalance occurs in everyone.

    For example, almost everyone has spasms in their chewing muscles. They pull the lower jaw upward, excess tissue appears under the cheekbones and lower jaw, swelling or fat is added to it, and all this load is directed downwards, the face “drains”.

    Have jowls appeared? Do you know that in the area of ​​their formation there is a plexus of three important muscles? One got pinched - the rest joined in - the vectors of skin tension changed, and the excess dermis sagged like “bulldog cheeks”.

    Let’s not forget that when the functionality of some muscles is impaired, others are forced to “work out” and overexert themselves.

    And in such a skewed form, the muscle frame can no longer support soft tissue.

    Additionally, the contour is pulled down by cords in the platysma (vast subcutaneous muscle of the neck) and other cervical muscles.

  3. Subcutaneous fat
    is reduced and redistributed. One part of it gradually “burns out”, and the remaining fatty tissue, under the influence of gravity, creeps down and distorts the contours of the face. And imagine that fluid is retained and accumulated in adipose tissue - the cheeks are especially prone to this. The extra weight weighs down the cheeks, and they slide down even faster.

    And what result do we see in the mirror? The oval blurred and slid down under the influence of gravity (gravitational ptosis). The lower edges of the cheeks sagged (jowled).

How much do you weigh

What to do? It’s time to shout, if so by analogy with the nautical theme, “SOS! SOS! Help!" First of all, the word “Help!”, I believe, should again come from prevention. The most important thing, and I'm not saying it's the most important thing, but the main thing, for example, for me, is please keep your weight under control. The first thing girls who are 20 years old should do is buy themselves a bathroom scale. It is very important! Many patients say: “No, I won’t buy scales. I don’t want to look at them, because what I see there doesn’t make me happy.” But why live according to the ostrich principle? There is no need to live by this principle. Buy yourself a scale when you are 20 years old, and let these scales travel with you to all cities, countries and around the world. But you must clearly know how much you weigh in the morning and how much you weigh in the evening in order to take some coordinating measures. So, nothing spoils the oval of the face more than excess fat in the area of ​​this oval of the face. To prevent fat from slipping away and an unattractive chin quickly, buy yourself a scale and weigh yourself every day so that your weight remains fairly stable throughout your life.

Oval face and posture

Who's talking about what, and we're talking about a straight back again. What does it have to do with a clear oval face? Direct.

Incorrect posture can accelerate the loss of elasticity of the oval or aggravate age-related changes that have already begun. Slouching, pinched and twisted shoulders, a sunken head - all this results in jowls and a swollen oval. Because all this shortens the neck and disrupts its correct statics. Namely, the face rests on the neck, and if not everything, then a lot depends on it.

And, on the contrary, straighten your back, and time will spin back several years. The neck will fall into place, the oval of the face will tighten, the jowls will go away.

The mechanism is obvious. Incorrect posture primarily affects the neck, disrupts blood and lymph flow, affects the distortion of the muscular frame of the face, and then a tangle of problems develops.

The muscular-aponeuratic layer of the face takes on an unhealthy appearance and ceases to hold the skin, whose structure has already changed due to lack of nutrition through the blood. Fat that melts and flows down attracts excess intercellular fluid, which is formed due to problems with lymph flow. And all this floats downstream. The woman begins to look like a grandmother.

Bio-reinforcement with hyaluronic acid

Bio-reinforcement filled with hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and as a result of the action of the substance we get an effective, long-lasting rejuvenation result.

The rejuvenation effect is achieved at the sites of filler injection due to the production of own collagen fibers and the formation of new connective tissue. The main distinctive feature of this method is that biological processes occur not only around the introduced substance, but also inside it. Due to this mechanism of action, the effect of tightening and changing the oval of the face is realized.

Indications for the use of bioreinforcement:

  • fine and deep wrinkles;
  • changes in the contour of the chin and oval of the face;
  • sagging skin folds;
  • double chin;
  • to prevent age-related changes and preserve youth.

Bio-reinforcement with hyaluronic acid is a safe way to restore aging, sagging skin to a toned appearance and a pleasant matte tone.


Bioreinforcement practically does not cause any unpleasant or painful sensations, since the cosmetologist locally or by injection injects an anesthetic to the site of treatment.

The essence of the vector lifting procedure is the injection of the drug under the skin to create a so-called frame; the drug is injected according to an individually developed scheme and, as it were, stitches the skin with thin threads. The number of procedures is determined individually depending on the condition of the skin and the aesthetic goal.


The biological reinforcement procedure takes approximately one and a half hours with anesthesia.

Due to the deep hydration of all layers of the skin, the final result of restoring elasticity and firmness to the skin lasts for 1-1.5 years.


Depending on the severity of signs of aging, characteristics of skin type, anatomical features, the procedure is carried out at the age of thirty to fifty years. At this age, you will receive the most noticeable rejuvenation results from the procedure.

How to prevent loss of facial contour elasticity

  • Our main advice for prolonging the youth of your face is to control all your actions and habits that can lead to poor posture. Keep your back straight, watch the positions in which you sit and sleep, wear the right comfortable shoes, and do not load your shoulders with heavy bags.
  • Be sure to move a lot and eat right so that your muscles are in healthy tone, and no excess fat or swelling puts pressure on your musculoskeletal system and does not pull the tissues of your face down.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This creates the necessary conditions for the skin and muscles to remain elastic and hydrated.
  • Eliminate cigarettes and alcohol. With them, toxic substances enter the body, which are retained in the epidermis and lead to dehydration and loss of turgor.
  • Stay less in direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light “burns” collagen reserves in cells, forcing age-related changes in the skin.
  • A sudden change in body weight is very harmful. In people who are actively gaining weight, the skin stretches, and in people who are rapidly losing weight, it sags.

And we take care of our face.

  • We take care of your skin using natural cosmetics.
    We cleanse, moisturize and nourish with natural hydrosols, oils, and balms. Don't forget about sunscreen - it is recommended to apply it regardless of the time of year.
  • We do gymnastics and self-massage of the face.
    Systematic and planned exercises will stop time and even turn it back. Make it a rule to knead your face along massage lines for 10-15 minutes a day, reduce swelling and perform simple exercises. Millions of women have already chosen this method of facial rejuvenation as the most effective and safe.
  • Massage your face with a brush (drybrushing).
    Dead scales will scatter in different directions, the epidermis will begin to actively renew itself, blood circulation and lymph movement will increase. The skin will tighten and glow.

We recommend using the Beauty365 dry facial massage brush, which is made of boar bristles. You can find it in the online store No preparation is required before the procedure. Just your facial skin should be clean and dry. The packaging indicates facial massage lines - rub the skin only along them, without doing anything on your own. After the massage, nourish the skin with cream, oil or squalane.

Mesothreads or threadlifting

Threadlifting with mesothreads is the latest non-surgical facelift system. The technology is low-traumatic and allows you to model tissue in all areas of the face. The method of inserting mesothreads can be compared with the acupuncture technique and the effect of this procedure occurs on both the skin and muscles. The effect of such rejuvenation is noticeable almost from the first time, which is why this method of lifting appealed to many women.

The mesothreads themselves are made from polydioxanone, which completely dissolves over time and does not cause any negative effects to the body.


Before using such a procedure, a cosmetologist assesses the condition of the skin and identifies particularly problematic areas on the face. Individual mesothreads are selected and inserted under the skin with a very thin needle, with which the cosmetologist models facial tissue.


Usually the procedure takes from forty minutes to one hour, the procedure is quick, and with anesthesia it is painless. The anti-aging result lasts for two years. The threadlifting procedure has several advantages: the facial skin is not only tightened, but the structure of the dermis is also renewed.

The rejuvenating effect is observed immediately after the procedure, and over time it only intensifies.


There are no clear age restrictions for the thread lifting method. The degree of age-related changes, skin condition and type are the main criteria for choosing a rejuvenating procedure.

Exercises for tightening the oval face

Since everything comes from the back, let's start working from there. We relax spasmed, tense muscles, returning them to their natural length and elasticity. This way we will remove obstacles to stretching and straightening the spine and the entire muscular corset of the body.

What do we do for perfect posture? We lie on the cushion for 5 minutes a day and do simple shoulder exercises.

Next we work with the neck and aponeurosis of the head. We stretch out the platysma and rock the tendon helmet.

The next step is to relieve spasms from the masticatory muscles.

And only after all this we move on to a targeted study of the problem area. We suggest mastering the following exercise to strengthen the oval of the face:

  • We press the back of our hand to the neck and lift all the tissues up to the chin.
  • We rub our chin with horizontal movements - our head in one direction and our hand in the other.

Let's sum it up

So, let’s summarize: if you swam with your lifebuoy, then we remove the lifebuoy using some kind of lipolytic drugs, stretch your face using threads, stretch your face using hardware methods, using contour plastic surgery, that is, fillers, but of a fairly large volume . Here we can use very good drugs with a stimulating effect, those that stimulate collagen production, such as Sculptra, and some doctors use Radiesse. That is, these drugs are not based on hyaluronic acid, they will not cause unnecessary swelling. They will stimulate collagen production, thereby tightening the face.

But if we are already in the third stage and the oval has floated away, then, as I already said, it would be better if it floated to a plastic surgeon. But if there is a categorical denial of surgery (and I understand this perfectly well, and there are quite a lot of such patients), then a struggle begins, which is probably called “you can’t spoil porridge with butter.” That is, the entire arsenal of means to combat facial oval is added. That is, everything I said before, plus two times, plus three times, and also for life. This is the story of the fight against facial oval.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Many have heard about such a method as ultrasonic cleaning, which is often performed in salons and beauty parlors, and it has gained great popularity among women. Ultrasonic facial cleansing allows you to restore the elasticity of the facial skin, deeply cleanse the skin, remove dead cells and impurities, cleanse pores, and rejuvenate the skin.

Specialists carry out this procedure efficiently, so after it the woman takes on a new look. Her skin becomes elastic and firm.

You can sign up for ultrasonic facial cleansing at our cosmetology center in Kozhukhovo. Leave a request on the website or call: +7 (495) 120-29-55.

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