Green tea for weight loss: benefits and harms, how to drink correctly

Green tea is a healthy drink that is taken as a regular drink, for treatment purposes and as part of a diet. Green tea for weight loss is used together with other components of the daily diet. After all, a mono diet of green tea cannot be used so as not to harm the body. The drink contains many useful elements, but this alone is not enough to provide a full range of necessary substances for normal life.

There are many recipes for green tea for weight loss that will diversify the taste and make the drink more beneficial.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content

The leaves contain substances that will not allow you to doubt the usefulness of drinking:

  • tannins and catechins;
  • caffeine, theobromine, theophylline;
  • minerals (calcium, iron, iodine, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, chromium, zinc) and vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, P).

Green infusion can calm the nervous system and at the same time promote its excitement. It all depends on how to prepare the drink and how many times a day to drink it. Due to the caffeine it contains, this infusion is best drunk in the morning. Then it will help you cheer up and fill you with energy for the whole day. In the evening, a weak infusion is more suitable. If you make it stronger, you can cause insomnia.

Green tea

Green tea is good for:

  • cardiovascular system (improving blood flow, lowering blood pressure and protecting against atherosclerosis);
  • digestive process (fighting indigestion and dysentery);
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • stabilization of blood sugar levels;
  • genitourinary system;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • protection against prostate diseases;
  • restoration of blood balance in diabetes;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • skin rejuvenation, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and other changes associated with aging of the body;
  • eliminate headaches;
  • strengthening teeth, getting rid of oral infections;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • obstacles to hair loss and dandruff.

Without additives, the drink has a low calorie content. There are approximately 4 calories per serving. So pure drink can be used in dietary nutrition. If you add sugar, honey or milk to it, the calorie content will be significantly higher, which is undesirable when losing weight.


The list of beneficial properties of the drink is long, but some will still have to refrain from consuming it excessively. Thus, strong tea increases the acidity of gastric juice, therefore, it can aggravate the course of diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers. The drink is contraindicated for high blood pressure and high temperature, during pregnancy, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Before practicing this method of losing weight, you must consult with a specialist.

What are the benefits and harms of green tea for weight loss?

It is also good to drink green tea while losing weight. To achieve the desired effect, drinking should be used in combination with dietary nutrition and physical activity. A straight drink is good to use instead of a snack. It can satisfy your appetite without causing you to feel hungry for a long time.

In addition, drinking has a cleansing property - it removes toxins, waste, and excess moisture. The components have a positive effect on metabolism, stimulate the breakdown of fats, which is very good for weight loss.

Green tea infusion for eyes

But you should not replace the drink with a full meal. This can negatively affect the digestive process, lead to further overeating, disruption of the normal functioning of internal organs and other disruptions in the body.

How to drink green tea for weight loss

The infusion should be drunk in its pure form, without adding sweeteners. This will preserve its taste and will not add extra calories. To diversify the drink, you can add lemon, mint or lemon balm. Cinnamon or ginger also goes well with the drink. These additives will not worsen the weight loss effect, but will make the tea more tasty.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink a cold infusion. In this case, the body will spend energy to warm it up and, as a result, spend more calories. You can take the drink throughout the whole day, replacing other drinks with it, but, of course, not ordinary water. Pure water during a diet is also necessary for cleansing and removing harmful substances.

In the morning, you can replace coffee with green tea (we recommend reading the article - which is better, green tea or coffee). The drink also tones and invigorates, but will not cause any possible harm. The morning drink can be stronger; at other times it is better to make a weak infusion. You can drink about 4 cups of tea per day. You should also pay attention to the quality of the raw materials. Only good drinking can be beneficial and help you achieve your weight loss goal. Otherwise, green tea for weight loss can be harmful.

Dry green tea leaves

How much to drink to lose weight

It is recommended to drink a cup before and after meals. But this must be done half an hour before and after the same period of time, respectively. The standard drink is approximately 4 cups per day.

But it depends on your daily routine, diet and physical activity. It is good to take the infusion during breaks when you feel hungry. This will replace a snack and will not allow you to gain extra calories from other foods.

The main thing is to take a pure drink, without adding anything to it and not to use anything “in the bite”. If your main meals are low in calories, then as an exception you can drink a cup of tea with dried fruits or add a little high-quality honey. But the drink should not be taken in this form often, because it can significantly increase the calorie content of the snack.

Is it possible in the evening and at night?

The leaves contain caffeine. In combination with tannin, it does not have the same effect as in coffee, but can still cause sleep disturbance.

Therefore, it is best to drink this infusion in the morning or afternoon. At this time, he will be able to tone and give the necessary vigor. It is also worth not exaggerating with the strength of the drink. Especially if you take the infusion after lunch. In the morning you can drink stronger tea, in the evening it is better to make a weak brew.

Infusion of large green tea leaves

Is it possible to drink after eating

Drinking tea on an empty stomach is not the best idea. This will increase the concentration of gastric juice, which can irritate the stomach. This condition is especially dangerous with gastritis. Therefore, it is better to take the drink after eating.

But you shouldn’t drink the drink immediately after eating either. After eating, drinking plenty of fluids can, on the contrary, greatly reduce the amount of gastric juice. This will slow down digestion and disrupt the normal functioning of the stomach. Therefore, it is best to drink the infusion after meals, taking a break for about half an hour.

Benefits of the drink

In addition to its pleasant aroma and taste, green tea is beneficial for the body:

  1. Reduces the negative effect of solar exposure and electromagnetic waves from computer equipment.
  2. Increases brain activity, stimulating the nervous system.
  3. Maintains blood acid-base balance. Tea contains alkaloids that are easily digested and oxidized, forming components necessary to neutralize decomposition products.
  4. Ensures normal functioning of the vascular system.
  5. Slows down the rate of fat accumulation in blood vessels, reducing the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques.
  6. The tannin included in the green tea recipe is considered a natural antiseptic. It effectively destroys bacteria in the mouth, preventing the development of caries, sore throat, and stomatitis.

Tea leaves

Dermatologists claim that green tea leaves are effective against many skin diseases. Due to the antibacterial effect, tea leaves effectively treat rashes, quickly relieving itching.

Among the disadvantages of the product, experts highlight:

  • migraine;
  • provoking panic attacks;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sleep problems.

Frequent consumption of green tea throughout the day or constant intake before bed leads to kidney dysfunction.

Green tea diet

A green tea diet should include not only drinking, but also full meals. This is necessary for the normal functioning of all organs. The drink can serve as a snack.

In this case, in addition to the main dietary meals, you will not gain extra calories, as during a regular snack. The infusion can reduce appetite and have a beneficial effect on digestion.

With rice

During this diet, you can only eat rice, drink green tea and milk. This fasting diet should last no more than 3 days. Products must be of high quality and properly prepared.

Rice should be used unpeeled, brown. A regular polished product will not provide the desired benefits on such a low-calorie diet. The tea must be large-leaf and of good quality.

Green tea with lemon and mint

A bagged product does not provide the required benefits and will not be as effective as a sheet product. You should also drink good quality milk. A fresh product with low fat content is suitable.

For breakfast, it is recommended to take tea diluted with milk in a 1:1 ratio. You can drink several cups. For lunch – a portion of rice without additives. You can only dilute it with milk, but do not cook porridge based on it. Dinner also consists of rice, but in smaller portions, and tea with milk. As a snack, you can drink tea without milk.

This diet is low-calorie, aimed at cleansing the body. Therefore, a sudden transition from the usual menu can cause severe stress to the digestive organs. To avoid this, you should reduce portions and prepare more dietary foods gradually, preparing for fasting days a week in advance.

And eggs and raisins

The duration of such a diet should not last more than 7 days. It can be used only in the absence of diseases of the digestive system. It is not allowed to use sugar and salt, and to eat only at the specified time.

  1. 7:00 - a cup of green tea;
  2. 9:00 - soft-boiled egg;
  3. 11:00 - steamed raisins - a tablespoon;
  4. 13:00 - half a chicken fillet;
  5. 15:00 - a glass of tomato juice;
  6. 17:00 - soft-boiled egg;
  7. 19:00 - medium apple (pear);
  8. 21:00 - low-fat milk (1 glass).

Green infusion with milk

And buckwheat

This diet should be used for no more than 4 days. During this time you can get rid of 2 to 4 kilograms.

  1. In the evening, 1 glass of buckwheat is steamed with 2 glasses of hot boiled water;
  2. The container is tightly closed, wrapped in a towel and left until the morning;
  3. The porridge should not be salted or other ingredients added. You can eat at a convenient time during the day;
  4. 1 spoon of dry tea leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. You can drink the infusion 40 minutes after taking buckwheat.

And honey

Tea with honey is not a very high-calorie drink, so it is not advisable to use it in mono-diets. 1 cup of green infusion with a teaspoon of honey contains about 30 calories. During a diet, you can replace dinner with a serving of this drink.

This will allow you to satisfy your hunger without overeating at night. You can also replace any other meal. But it is better not to use such a diet for a long time.

With milk

The first dose of green tea with milk can be instead of breakfast, the second - before lunch and dinner, half an hour before. Together with the diet, while using the drink, you can lose 5 kilograms in 1 week.

You need to brew the leaves in the usual way, and then add milk. Take the infusion throughout the day instead of cold and hot snacks.

Strong green tea brew

You can also brew the leaves directly in milk. To do this, heat 1 liter of milk to a temperature of 80 degrees and add 3 teaspoons of leaves. The leaves should infuse for 10 minutes. Milk should not have a high percentage of fat, and high-quality, large-leaved tea should be used.

With such a diet, you should eat often, but in small portions. When you feel hungry, you should drink a cup of milk infusion and not eat at night.

And kefir with apples

The diet is designed for 5 days. You need to eat 6 times a day. Each meal should include apples. After half an hour, drink 150 milliliters of kefir. Green tea is drunk in unlimited quantities, but within reasonable limits. In addition, during the day you should drink plain water, at least 2 liters.

The last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime. This menu is well suited during fasting days. If you include these products in your diet, they can serve as a snack.

With cottage cheese

This diet is distributed over 3 days. Tea is drunk mainly in the morning, but it can also be used instead of a snack.

1 day

In the morning – 200 grams of cottage cheese, green tea without sugar.

For lunch – chicken fillet – 200 grams, green tea.

In the evening – 200 grams of cottage cheese, low-fat kefir.

High-quality tea raw materials

Day 2

In the morning - a soft-boiled egg, a pure infusion of green tea.

For lunch – low-fat stewed fish (200 grams), 200 grams of cottage cheese.

In the evening – 200 grams of cottage cheese, an apple.

Day 3

In the morning – hard-boiled egg, green tea.

For lunch - an apple, 200 grams of cottage cheese.

In the evening – 200 grams of cottage cheese.


The weekly diet is varied, but should contain only low-calorie foods. Tea can only be drunk in its pure form, without sweeteners or other additives. You can, perhaps, add lemon or mint to the drink. It is used as a snack, no earlier than half an hour after eating.

During this period, you are also allowed to eat low-fat meat, fish, cereals, boiled or stewed vegetables, cottage cheese and yogurt. You need to eat in small portions, but often.

For 1 day

Once or twice a month you can have fasting days with green tea. It should be drunk warm, brewing 1 teaspoon of leaves with 1 glass of boiling water. The infusion is drunk throughout the day, alternating with plain water. In more gentle options, you can add honey, milk to the drink, or drink it with dried fruits.

Such fasting days will allow you to cleanse the body, remove waste and toxins. But they are extremely dangerous for those who have problems with the digestive system. For any illness, it is better to first consult a doctor.

Green tea bags

Japanese Geisha Diet

The diet is designed for 5 days. The menu will not be varied. You can only use Green tea, milk and rice.

For breakfast – 2 cups of tea with milk.

For lunch – 250 grams of rice, without salt and other additives, tea with milk (equal proportions).

For dinner – rice (250 grams), tea (with or without milk).

Drinks without milk can also be drunk throughout the day. It is also worth drinking regular water without gas. After 5 days, you can gradually return to your normal diet. It is better to repeat the diet no earlier than after a week.

Is it possible to drink in the morning while on a diet?

The leaves contain caffeine, so it is best to drink the infusion in the morning. But if you drink it on an empty stomach, then before doing so you need to make sure that there are no diseases or disorders of the digestive system.

Drinking can increase the amount of acid in the stomach, which irritates its walls and can lead not only to unpleasant sensations, but also to the development of diseases. A diluted infusion with milk has a gentler effect on the internal walls of the organ, so it is better to take the drink in this form.

What results can be achieved and in what time frame?

Your daily diet menu should include fruits, vegetables, protein products and high-quality, leafy green infusion. You need to eat often, but little by little.

If you do not consume high-calorie foods, after 3 days of this diet you can already feel the desired lightness from cleansing the body. The diet must be followed for about 2 weeks. Re-application is recommended several times a year.

Green tea with cinnamon

Lose weight, but not greener - consider contraindications

Not every green tea sold in stores is equally healthy. The composition greatly depends on the variety, as well as the processing method and storage conditions. Therefore, when purchasing, be guided not only by the sonorous name - carefully study the contents.

Are you unsure whether a particular drink is suitable for weight loss? It is better to consult a competent nutritionist, especially if you decide to order tea from China. Some varieties are used only for rare tea ceremonies, or for medicinal purposes under the supervision of doctors. Without such information, you can cause yourself serious harm.

The green elixir can not only improve your health, but also weaken it.

  • Acute problems in the digestive system. People suffering from a number of diseases of the digestive system should absolutely not drink green tea. The drink will cause great harm to patients suffering from open ulcers, severe forms of gastritis and various diseases of the duodenum. If the temptation is too great, give up green tea, at least before bed, so as not to give your body extra work at night.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. Motherhood is not easy for every woman - all dormant diseases often become aggravated. The body begins to react intensely to any incoming substance. Even simple green tea can harm the development of the fetus and the condition of the woman. It is better to temporarily limit the consumption of your favorite drink to 2-3 weak cups per week. This helps reduce the risk of allergic reactions and excessive excitability.
  • Sleep disorders. Night is a time of rest and recovery, so green tea can be harmful if drunk shortly before bed. Remember that the composition contains many stimulating substances that can accumulate in the body. You shouldn't drink it before bed if you don't want to become irritable and anxious. Even small doses of theophylline or theobromine (found in many varieties) taken before bed can cause nightmares.

It is not for nothing that green tea has long been considered a medicine - excessive consumption can cause significant harm, forcing the body to work for wear. This is especially worth remembering for people who are puzzled by the question: “How to lose weight with green tea.”

How to lose weight using herbal tea

Herbal tea has almost the same effect as an infusion of ordinary leaves. But most often, in addition to green tea, the complex includes other herbs.

Herbal tea should be used for:

  • getting rid of puffiness;
  • more active breakdown of fats;
  • suppress appetite and get rid of hunger;
  • to prevent overeating.

Drinks should be taken regularly, warm. You should drink it 30-40 minutes before or after meals. If you drink food, you can stretch your stomach. In this case, its volume will increase, and in order not to feel hungry, you will have to eat larger portions. The same thing happens if you take the drink immediately before a meal.

Drinking a cup of herbal tea half an hour before a meal will quench your appetite and thus protect against overeating. It's also good to use a drink instead of a snack. You can drink about 3 standard-sized cups per day.

The composition of herbal tea may differ, so it must be brewed according to the instructions. It is best to use clay, ceramic or glass dishes.

Brewed green herbal tea


Reviews of people losing weight using a green tea diet indicate that it is really effective. In addition to losing extra pounds, you will get rid of edema and the habit of being content with less food, since tea reduces the feeling of hunger. If you drink 3-6 cups of drink a day, the fat layer will gradually disappear. The result of losing weight in a week will be 3–5 kilograms.



Which green tea is good for weight loss

Not all drinks are equally beneficial when losing weight. You only need to choose sheet raw materials. The packaged product contains tea dust, not real leaves. Such a drink will not bring any particular benefit, which means it will not act correctly during a diet. If you really want to use raw materials in bags, then it is better to choose “pyramids”. They contain the same leaves, only crushed.

It is worth abandoning flavored infusions; it is better to use tea with dried pieces of fruit. At the same time, you need to drink it without additives. Sugar or honey can significantly increase calorie content, which will not have the best effect on your diet.

Milk tea is good to use during low-calorie diets or fasting days. This additive will make the infusion not very concentrated and will add useful elements to its composition.

Kuding tea is very popular among the Chinese; it suppresses hunger and improves metabolism, which promotes effective weight loss.

How to wean yourself off unhealthy sweets

Various versions of tea diets have become widespread quite deservedly, but for people who are accustomed to drinking hot drinks with something, daily tea drinking turns from a small joyful event into torment. If you belong to this category, you should not make drastic decisions; accustom yourself to empty tea parties gradually:

  • To begin with, choose healthy and, if possible, low-calorie sweets;
  • Strictly dose their use, getting used to being content with less and less quantity every day;
  • Teach yourself that dessert is an attribute of an ordinary meal, and not a mandatory element of the daily menu.

Make it a rule to allow yourself a diet dessert for tea twice a week. Choose recipes for delicious but low-calorie dishes, paying special attention to decoration and presentation. For example, panna cotta served with a lot of fruit will not be a blow to your waistline, but will give psychological comfort in conditions of limited nutrition.

How to brew

Before brewing the infusion, you need to choose the right container. It should not be too small so that there is enough space for the leaves to unfold. The best brew is obtained in clay or porcelain containers. Drinks in glass containers cool down too quickly. This does not allow the raw material to infuse fully.

The amount of brewing depends on the desired result. The optimal amount is 1 teaspoon per serving. If you need to make a weaker infusion, then you need to use less leaves; a strong infusion will require 2 teaspoons of dry raw materials.

Green tea with ginger

It is also important how long to infuse the drink. The first brew does not last long - only about 10 seconds. At the same time, you should not forget that after the first time it is better to drain the water, and next time you can use the infusion. Subsequent brewing times should be increased by a few seconds.

The water should have a temperature of 75-80 degrees. To do this, you first need to boil it and then cool it. Do not use water that has not yet boiled.

To prepare a high-quality diet drink, you need:

  1. Pour boiling water over the container or warm it up a little;
  2. Add the required amount of raw materials at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 serving of drink;
  3. Fill a quarter of the container with hot water and drain it after 5 seconds;
  4. Pour water over the unfolded leaves again and hold for 10 seconds;
  5. Subsequent brews should be longer. But in any case, brewing should not last more than 2 minutes.

The Best Green Tea Supplements for Weight Loss and Healthy Recipes

As part of a dietary supplement, it is better to drink green infusion without additives. But if it is cinnamon, ginger, mint or, for example, lemon, then it will not harm, but will even become a useful bonus when losing weight. Therefore, you need to know what you can combine the drink with in order to achieve the desired goal while losing weight.

Green tea with honey

With honey

If you cannot live without sweets, but still want to lose weight, green tea with honey will be the best solution during your diet. This combination will allow you to forget about hunger for a long time, while also allowing you to forget about carbohydrate withdrawal, which often occurs during a sharp reduction in the calorie content of food consumed.

To make a delicious dietary infusion, you need:

  1. Boil water and let it cool to 80 degrees;
  2. Take the required amount of dry raw material, pour boiling water over it that has cooled to the desired temperature;
  3. The first brew should be held for a few seconds and drained. You can drink tea after the second brew;
  4. The finished infusion is poured into cups. When it cools down a little, you can add no more than 1 small spoon of honey, without a slide.

If you put honey in a hot drink, it will not bring the desired benefits and may even cause harm. Therefore, you need to make sure that the drink cools down a little first.

With lemon

Lemon will make the drink more interesting in taste, and will also replenish its vitamin composition. Brewing the infusion is no different from the standard one. Lemon can be placed in portions, in a cup or in a teapot, after brewing. You can also use lemon juice if you wish. It is worth considering that in any case, citrus fruits are added only after brewing.

Citrus green tea

This drink can:

  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • slow down the skin aging process;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • invigorate, fill with energy;
  • break down fats;
  • improve metabolism;
  • normalize blood glucose levels;
  • reduce appetite.

With ginger

Ginger is added to green tea for weight loss for a reason. The root is rich in amino acids and vitamins. It is able to speed up metabolism and activate the breakdown of fats. In combination with tea leaves, drinking has a positive effect on the body during weight loss.

To prepare the infusion, you need:

  1. Add crushed dried ginger root to the dry leaves;
  2. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for about 2 minutes.

You can also prepare an infusion according to this recipe:

  1. Grind fresh ginger root on a fine grater;
  2. Leaves are placed in a teapot, ginger is added and hot boiled water is poured over it;
  3. For 0.5 liters of liquid you should add no more than a tablespoon of ginger;
  4. The mixture is infused until ready and drunk warm.

With milk

Milk is a concern for low-calorie diets because it is not a very low-calorie product. But if you use a low-fat product and drink it along with green tea in moderation, it can even help you lose weight.

Milk green tea

The fact is that when you add milk, the drink will help you not feel hungry longer, thereby helping to reduce the daily amount of calories consumed. But you can drink the drink with milk less frequently than the pure infusion.

This combination contributes to:

  • getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • improve brain performance, concentration;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove excess fluid, relieve swelling;
  • normalize the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and blood sugar levels.

In order for the drink to be beneficial, you need to use only good quality milk and tea leaves. Milk is poured into the brewed tea. In this combination, the drink can be drunk no more than 3 times a day. In addition, you can use pure green tea infusion.


Cinnamon, like brewed tea leaves, helps reduce appetite. In addition, she is capable of:

  • normalize the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines of toxins:
  • speed up metabolism;
  • reduce blood sugar levels.

Making a cinnamon drink is very simple. To do this you need:

  1. Approximately 1 centimeter of cinnamon stick should be crushed in a mortar;
  2. Pour it into a brewing container and add dry tea leaves;
  3. Pour hot water and leave until done.

Well-brewed green drink
You can also first brew cinnamon in boiling water, pour it into a thermos and leave for a while. Next, you need to brew green tea in the usual way and after steeping, mix the infusions. You can also add a little honey or drink it as a snack with dried fruits.

Bay leaf

A drink with bay leaf is good to use even before starting a diet. This will help prepare and cleanse your body before changing your diet.

To prepare you need 3 bay leaves, 1 cinnamon stick and 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves.

  1. Place cinnamon, bay leaf and tea in a suitable container;
  2. Next, you need to boil 800 milliliters of water and pour in the dry ingredients;
  3. Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for 15 minutes;
  4. After drinking, you need to strain and pour into a glass container;
  5. You need to take the infusion 200 milliliters 3 times a day.

This drink is contraindicated for intestinal diseases, pregnancy, lactation, Crohn's disease, kidney and liver failure.

Is it possible to lose weight with green tea bags?

The bags most often contain not crushed tea leaves, but tea dust. Such drinking will not bring general benefit, and therefore will not contribute to weight loss.

Green tea extract

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to brew loose leaf tea, you can use pyramid bags. They contain crushed leaves, so there will be more benefits than tea debris and dust in regular bags. Pieces of dried fruit are often added to the pyramids. This diversifies the taste and will not hurt when used during a diet.

It is better to drink bagged tea in its pure form. The infusion is not very strong even without dilution. If possible, it is better not to drink low-quality packaged drinks, even not while dieting. It will not bring any particular benefit, and its taste is different from high-quality drink.

Will iced tea help you lose pounds?

Cold drinks will have the same weight loss benefits as warm drinks. But its advantage is that the body will spend more energy on heating the drink. At the same time, fat will be broken down faster, metabolism will accelerate, and weight will decrease more rapidly. We are talking only about home-prepared tea. Iced tea sold in bottles is far from a dietary product. In addition to other additives, there is a lot of sugar, which is extremely undesirable during a diet.

To diversify the taste, you can prepare a drink with the addition of fruits and other elements:

Chamomile infusion iced drink

  1. Take a handful of dried chamomile and pour hot water over it;
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, then cool and strain;
  3. Pour the infusion into ice cube trays and place in the freezer.

Green tea with chamomile

  1. Brew tea leaves, pour the tea leaves into a large container and add boiling water;
  2. The tea must cool down. Next, you need to put it in the refrigerator;
  3. The frozen ice is laid out in portions and filled with cold infusion.

With lemon

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of large tea leaves with hot water and leave to infuse for 15 minutes;
  2. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons, chop the pulp and zest;
  3. Pour the strained tea leaves into a suitable container, add 0.5 liters of boiling water, lemon juice and pulp of zest and pulp;
  4. The ingredients are mixed and placed in the refrigerator;
  5. The finished drink is poured into portions, after placing ice cubes on the bottom of the glasses.

With strawberry

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of leaves into 1 glass of boiled water at a temperature of 80 degrees;
  2. Mix 4 large strawberries with lemon juice, mint leaves and blend in a blender;
  3. When the tea has cooled, add the whipped mixture to it;
  4. The resulting mass should be placed in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  5. Then strain the mixture, put ice on the bottom of the serving container and pour in the drink.

Green tea extract for weight loss

Green tea extract is made by alcohol-water extraction. The result is a grayish-yellow powder. The finished product is sold in the form of capsules. Those who want to lose weight take 3 capsules per day.

Green tea with strawberries

In addition to the actual crushed tea leaves, the powder contains ascorbic acid and microcrystalline cellulose.

Green tea extract helps:

  • slow down cell aging;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • convert fat deposits into energy;
  • tone the body, cheer up and fill with energy;
  • strengthen vascular walls, tooth enamel and protect against caries;
  • protect against the appearance of cellulite.

Due to the components it contains, this extract is used not only in dietetics. It is indispensable in nail and hair care products, in the manufacture of soap, anti-aging skin cosmetics, oral care, and healing products.

You should not take the extract if you have:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • gastritis;
  • low blood pressure;
  • stones or sand in the gallbladder;
  • kidney disease;
  • arrhythmia;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

If allergies, bloating, decreased blood pressure, constipation or diarrhea occur during use, you should stop using the extract in your diet.

Green tea with bay leaf

So how effective is tea during a diet?

During a diet, green tea promotes the rapid removal of waste and toxins, speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning. If you drink the infusion regularly, you can reduce your appetite and normalize your blood sugar levels.

You can use a drink instead of a snack. If you are on a low-calorie diet, you can add milk or a little honey to your tea. It is also good to organize fasting days based on green infusion.

To diversify the taste and replenish the vitamin composition, you can add cinnamon, lemon, mint, bay leaf and other healthy additives to your drink. You need to drink approximately 4 cups of this infusion per day. The first results can be seen within a month. This takes into account the use of a gentle diet and light physical activity. Intense exercise and a stricter diet combined with green tea promote rapid weight loss.

How to get out of a diet correctly

Almost all tea-based weight loss methods involve limiting the number of calories. After stopping the diet, you should not sharply increase the energy value of your meals and eat to your heart’s content. This can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of chronic diseases. You need to leave the diet gradually - on the first or third day, increase the calorie content of meals by 10-15%, and by the end of the week, begin to increase portions. Only after 2 weeks of leaving the diet can you return to your usual diet.

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