Does Japanese gymnastics for weight loss work with the Fukutsuji roller?

The Fukutsuji roller is called the “magic towel” because its effect really looks like magic. The technique bears the name of its creator, Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsuji, and is designed for those who dream of improving the condition of the spine and musculoskeletal system, straightening their posture , getting beautiful breasts and a thin waist. On our portal about vacuum therapy, we decided to figure out what this technique is and what results can be obtained.

Dear readers! We want to collect our own statistics and feedback on the use of the roller and created an anonymous survey. If you have been using a roller for some time, we ask you to answer the questions in this questionnaire Questions 4 through 14 are for those who have a medical diagnosis and have received medical treatment. The survey results will be posted in this article.

Why is the method popular?

The Fukutsuji method is popular, first of all, because it is unlike any other way to quickly lose weight. It does not require strict dietary restrictions and does not involve intense exercise .

Japanese gymnastics, developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji, is rapidly spreading in many countries and helps girls achieve a thin waist. At the same time, the so-called exercise consists of just one static exercise - lying on a towel cushion for the spine for 5 minutes daily.

Fukutsuji roller exercise for the spine

Exercise with a back roller works the muscles of the sides and abdomen, stretches the spine, corrects the position of the pelvic bone, and triggers metabolic processes at the cellular level, as a result of which fat deposits are very quickly converted into energy necessary for the cells.

The description of such gymnastics for the spine causes skepticism among many, and that is why people begin to test the method. The result is not long in coming: the effect is noticeable almost immediately, so the charging principle quickly spreads among acquaintances, girlfriends, and colleagues.

Efficiency, simplicity and safety are what make Japanese exercises for the spine so popular.

 The essence of the method

The whole point of Fukutsuji gymnastics is to gently stretch the vertebrae, stretch the hypochondrium, allow the bones and internal organs to take the correct position. It is thanks to these processes that metabolism improves, weight loss occurs, posture is leveled, and the chest is lifted.

All this happens provided that you perform a statistical exercise with a roller every day. What does it mean? You will have to learn to lie down correctly, using, for example, a rolled up towel. The result depends on its location. During execution, the entire skeletal system of the back, pelvis and chest works, and the back muscles are also involved.

Theoretical background

Dr. Fakutsuji's method has a solid theoretical foundation. The doctor spent more than 10 years justifying the effectiveness of the method, conducting numerous studies, which were reflected in the specialist’s monograph . The circulation of 6 million copies spread across Asian countries at lightning speed.

The doctor studied what changes occur in the spine with age and came to the conclusion that the discrepancy of the subcostal and pelvic bones and the flattening of the intervertebral discs cause an expansion of the waist and a decrease in human height.

Few people wonder why people become shorter as they age. Intervertebral discs, which consist of fibrocartilaginous tissue with gelatinous contents, are subject to significant stress every day. Due to constant mechanical stress when walking and a sedentary lifestyle, they begin to lose moisture and have to shrink. With age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases, so the depreciation of the spinal structures also decreases, causing them to flatten.

Healthy intervertebral discs are highlighted in blue, deformed ones are highlighted in red.

The Fukutsuji roller is formed in a certain way and fixed in a certain way in the spine. Regular exercises help restore deformed intervertebral discs, stretch the spine, start the process of activation in cartilage tissue, and the spine quickly returns to normal.

Gymnastics with a terry towel

The author of the strange method believes that a person gets fat due to the fact that over time his rib and pelvic bones diverge. If they are returned to their original state, then excess fat will disappear, the waist will become narrower and even a person’s height will increase. Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller is based precisely on this idea.

An orthopedic doctor from Japan suggests lying on a piece of terry cloth rolled up in the form of a cushion, tied with a strong thread, and this way you can lose weight. In this case, you need to lie down on a surface that is not particularly hard. For example, a regular sports mat will do. You will need comfortable clothes for classes. You need to choose a towel according to the width of your body to get the right effect.

How to roll a towel into a roller for weight loss?

What does the exercise do?

Despite the fact that Japanese gymnastics is more common as a method of losing weight, initially it is still aimed at the health of the spine. Slimness, a thin waist and lack of sides are just a very pleasant “side effect” of the exercise.

So, what does the technique provide?

  • The correct position of the skeletal bones is formed.
  • Posture becomes smooth and beautiful.
  • The internal organs fall into place.
  • Pain in the spine, back, and lower back disappears.
  • Digestion improves.
  • The position of the ribs and pelvic bones is normalized.
  • The muscular system becomes toned.
  • Muscle spasms and tightness in various parts of the spine are relieved.
  • Visually the chest rises.
  • Breathing is normalized, gas exchange in the lungs improves.
  • Blood circulation in the vertebral arteries improves.
  • The sides disappear, the stomach tightens, and a thin waist appears.

It is important to understand that when performing the exercise, belly fat does not go anywhere . By stretching the spine, it is only distributed in such a way that the silhouette of the female body becomes more toned, slender and feminine . We also recommend using needle mats or Lyapko applicators for beauty and slimness.

In addition to visible and tangible effects on the physical level, one cannot help but mention a significant emotional uplift. If a person has to stand all day and subject the spine to a huge load or sit in an uncomfortable position at the computer, this greatly affects the mood, performance and psycho-emotional state. The person becomes irritable, restless, sleeps poorly, and often experiences depression and anxiety.

When performing the exercise, a significant emotional uplift is achieved.

Working out correct posture helps improve blood circulation, as a result of which the brain receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, chronic fatigue syndrome disappears, performance increases, and a person is more often in high spirits.

In terms of the level of pleasure, exercise with a back roller can be compared to a relaxing massage at the end of a hard day at work.

What is the benefit of the Fukutsuji method and why has it become popular?

Before publishing a monograph with numerous studies, Dr. Fukutsuji studied for a long time what changes occur in our spine with age. The doctor found out that over time, the femur and pelvic bones diverge, the intervertebral discs flatten, and this leads to a decrease in height and... a visual expansion of the waist. That is why the Japanese scientist decided to focus his theory on improving posture, which in addition will help correct the figure.


The Fukutsuji method has gained popularity due to its simplicity. It cannot be classified as an exhausting workout, it does not require a strict nutrition plan, and while performing the exercise you simply need to lie flat with your back on the cushion. And, by the way, this practice gives a number of positive effects:

  • The correct position of the skeletal bones is formed:
    the spine, ribs and pelvis. Thanks to this, posture is leveled, back pain disappears, and the chest rises.
  • The muscular system comes into tone.
    The back muscles are stretched, spasms and tightness in different sections of the spine and shoulder girdle are relieved.
  • Breathing is evened out
    and ventilation of the lungs is improved.
  • The internal organs fall into place
    , and at the same time digestion is normalized.
  • Blood circulation improves
    and the brain receives sufficient oxygen. This helps get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome, improve mood and performance.

Straighten your back: 5 minutes a day for beautiful posture

Is it possible to lose weight with a roller?

As already mentioned, the exercise with a roller does not get rid of subcutaneous fat, but only stretches the silhouette by straightening your posture. Nevertheless, in combination with other methods of combating excess weight, very good results are achieved.

However, Dr. Toshiki Fukutsuji himself argued that even without other exercises and diets, you can lose weight. The specialist even called his work “Lose weight while lying down.”

Regular exercise, according to the doctor, helps reduce waist size by 2-3 cm in the first month. After 2 months, the sagging belly will disappear, and after 3 months, the outlines of a beautiful abdominal press will appear.

When working with the Fukutsuji roller, a reduction in waist size is achieved

How did Fukutsuji explain weight loss while lying down?

A Japanese doctor claimed that belly fat can be broken down for two reasons:

  1. During the exercise, the roller affects certain acupuncture points , so the method can be classified as effective oriental reflexology.
  2. The exercise refers to stretching, so the intercostal ligaments are strengthened, the muscles of the back and abdomen gain flexibility , as a result of which their potential increases by 20%.

In addition, straightening the spine helps correct the position of the internal organs, so they gradually shift and displace abdominal fat, which is forced to burn.

What is a bolster pillow for?

Have you heard anything about an orthopedic roller?
Did you know that it helps protect and restore your health? How? Now we'll tell you. Daily use of the bolster pillow:

  • prevents the progressive development of scoliosis and helps cure it;
  • will help you get rid of snoring;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • relieves pain and discomfort in the spine and neck;
  • promotes the disappearance of chronic fatigue;
  • and simply gives you the opportunity to finally get a good and comfortable sleep.

We all know that sound and healthy sleep is the key to productivity throughout the day. Restoring strength during sleep is one of the most important elements of taking care of your body, in addition to proper nutrition and routine. Rollers come in different shapes, sizes and with different fillings, but we want to tell you about rollers with filling - buckwheat husk. Buckwheat husk is a unique environmentally friendly filler that does not cause allergies, provides excellent thermoregulation, and is breathable. Due to the fact that the scales are small and hard, pillows with such filling have a soft micro-massage effect.

How to make an exercise roller?

The fitness roller is made from a regular terry towel. It must be rolled into a tight roll and securely secured with tape, twine or rope. The length of the roller should correspond to the width of the body or slightly exceed it. The average length is 35-40 cm. In the Shan store you can also buy yourself a ready-made back roller.

Making a Fukutsuji roller from a towel, photo

As for the diameter of the roller, it is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of the figure and weight. For example, if a person with large dimensions and excess weight makes a roller of too large a diameter, the stretching and deflection will be stronger, accordingly, the effect will be noticeable faster, but the discomfort after the exercise will increase . It’s not worth pursuing a quick result in this way - to the detriment of your own health - because sometimes the sensations can be not only unpleasant, but also painful.

The minimum diameter (about 5 cm) in the initial stages of the exercise is shown:

  • Overweight people;
  • People with a low level of physical fitness;
  • People with spinal diseases (curvatures, osteochondrosis).

No one should start exercises immediately with a wide roller to avoid discomfort after charging.

Necessary equipment

In addition to the roller, you will need a gymnastics mat to provide a flat, comfortable surface, and comfortable sportswear.

Clothing plays a huge role in the effectiveness of the exercise. You should not choose restricting, narrow, tight clothes, even despite the absence of intense physical activity. To completely relax, you need to feel freedom and spaciousness throughout your whole body , so women are recommended to do exercises without a bra, wearing a loose T-shirt over their naked body.

It is better to replace sports leggings with loose pants or shorts; you don’t need to wear socks or shoes. Experts who conduct exercises in groups say that while doing the exercise, you need to “relax and melt like ice cream.”

Execution technique

The exercise is performed at home, at any convenient time.


  1. Sit on a mat spread on the floor, place a cushion on the mat across the spine at approximately the level of the navel.
  2. Holding the roller with your hands on both sides, smoothly lower yourself onto it so that discomfort is minimized. To make sure the roller is at the right level, place two fingers on your belly button and slowly move down your side toward the floor. If the roll lies correctly, your fingers should end up exactly in its center.
  3. The legs should be shoulder width apart and the feet should be placed on the inside surface with the big toes touching. When a person feels uncomfortable in this position, a pillow can be placed on top or the thumbs can be secured with a loose rope or hair tie.
  4. Your arms should be extended forward and palms down, with your little fingers touching each other. If you can keep your hands in this position, you can achieve stretching of the hypochondrium, thereby speeding up the process of losing weight. If the exercise is performed on a massage table, you can wrap your hands around its edge. Not everyone manages to keep their arms straight at first. This is not scary, but this problem indicates the presence of spinal disorders. For example, an upward tendency of the elbows may indicate problems in the thoracic region. During the exercise, you should not make any effort on yourself: the body should be as relaxed as possible. If you perform the exercise regularly, the position of your hands will gradually change: this way you can monitor the changes and evaluate your progress.

    Correct position of arms, legs and Fukutsuji roller. Exercise technique

  5. You can't throw your head back. A feeling of discomfort in the neck is a sign that it is lying incorrectly. The head should lie flat and the chin should aim towards the chest.
  6. When the correct posture is achieved, you need to take a deep breath, exhale, close your eyes and relax. The exercise time is 5 minutes.
  7. After the gymnastics is completed, you need to open your eyes, slowly turn on your side and stand up very carefully. Sudden movements during lifting are unacceptable.

After the first practices, the sensations in your back will be unpleasant - this is normal. If the discomfort is very bothersome, you can reduce the time to 2-3 minutes, and increase it by 10-20 seconds each time. Gradually, you will feel much better both during and after exercise.

There are also several modifications of the exercise. For a thin waist, you need to raise the roller a little higher, under the lower edge of the ribs, and lie there for another 5 minutes. To make the breasts look beautiful, the roll is placed clearly under the chest, and the exercise is also performed for 5 minutes.

You should not exceed the recommended time: firstly, this is an additional excessive load on the spine, and secondly, the effectiveness of the duration does not increase.

Lying down and losing weight is the essence of the Japanese weight loss method

What is the Japanese method of losing weight using a roller? Reviews say it's ridiculously simple and you don't actually have to do anything. However, a certain algorithm of actions is present.

Reminder for the Japanese method of losing weight

Here are the 10 steps:

  1. The terry towel is rolled into a tight roll;
  2. The structure is fixed with strong tape or thick thread;
  3. The person losing weight sits on the mat and puts the roll under his lower back;
  4. Then, he lies down on his back, making sure that the twisted fabric lying under his back is at the level of the navel;
  5. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the heels touch the floor, the toes are connected;
  6. Straight arms are placed high behind the head, palms down, little fingers connected;
  7. The body relaxes as much as possible;
  8. The person remains in this position for five minutes;
  9. Afterwards, slowly rolls onto the right side and rests for about a minute;
  10. Moves to a reclining position and carefully stands up.

It turns out that this is how easy it is to remove belly fat with a towel. The reviews are not lying; there is no difficulty in lying down on a cushion for a few minutes every day in a not very comfortable position. True, at first it is uncomfortable and maybe a little painful. After some time, the body will get used to this position, and lying will become comfortable.

Recommended weight loss program

The author of this technique confidently states that you can lose weight with just one static exercise. It is important to adhere to a number of rules:

  • Exercise only in the morning.
  • Try to exercise at the same time so that the body gets used to it and the risk of complications is minimal.
  • Exercise daily, without missing a single workout.

There is also a special program designed for 3 months, which is aimed specifically at weight loss . Its essence boils down to the following: in the first month it is recommended to perform the exercise with the lumbar position of the roller. The duration of the exercise in the first week is 2 minutes, in the second - 3, in the third - 4, in the fourth - 5 .

In the second month, the exercise is performed in the lumbar and subcostal position of the roller. In this case, the duration of the exercise with a roller under the lower back is always 5 minutes, and under the ribs - 2, 3, 4, 5 minutes each week, respectively.

In the third month, the sternal position of the roller is added: in the first week 2 minutes, then adding 1 minute per week. Exercise with a roller under the lower back and under the ribs is always performed for 5 minutes.

So, by the end of the third month, a person already performs all three types of exercise for 5 minutes and achieves significant success in the process of losing weight. If you believe the reviews, during this period 5 cm in the waist disappears, the sagging belly disappears and the posture is completely straightened.

During these three months, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and engage in sports from the permitted list:

  • Swimming;
  • Race walking;
  • Ski walking;
  • Eastern gymnastic practices.

These sports have a positive effect on the spine and the musculoskeletal system in general. But there are also sports that are not recommended:

  • Run;
  • Boxing, wrestling, martial arts;
  • Football, volleyball, basketball;
  • Tennis;
  • Latin American dances;
  • Skiing;
  • Horseback riding.

If a person visits the gym, you need to find out from the trainer what kind of load is placed on the joints.

Roller Fukutsuji from the store

Safety precautions

Even such a simple exercise requires certain precautions so that a person does not harm himself. Safety regulations include the following:

  1. If a person has ever experienced problems with the spine or has a disease of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia), first consult a doctor.
  2. At the initial stage, you cannot choose a thick roller: it is better to start with a minimum diameter and gradually increase it.
  3. There is no need to strive to perform the exercise for the prescribed 5 minutes if discomfort or pain in the lower back or spine causes severe discomfort. Time is allowed to be reduced and gradually increased.
  4. Do not stand up abruptly after finishing the exercise.

Indications and contraindications

Physical inactivity (lack of physical activity) is one of the main causes of spinal problems. If you lie on the cushion in a special way every day, various parts of the spinal column relax. This is an excellent prevention of lordosis, scoliosis, kyphosis and other degenerative changes.

The Fukutsuji method is quite simple, but has certain contraindications, so first consult your doctor. Gymnastics is contraindicated in chronic forms and exacerbations of the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • sciatica;
  • spondylosis;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • scoliosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • ligament damage;
  • oncology.

You should not use a roller if you have a fever or general malaise. During pregnancy and in the first year after childbirth, such exercises are performed only under the supervision of a physical therapy specialist.

If ailments, pain, or dizziness occur during gymnastics, then it is better to stop the exercise or reduce the period of static activity to half a minute. Gradually, this time can be increased by monitoring your health.

What sensations does a person experience after gymnastics?

Japanese gymnastics evokes different feelings and sensations in different people. Some claim that after the first practice, the waist size decreases by 2-3 cm.

The objective results of the exercise are the following:

  • Breathing normalizes, breaths seem fuller, deeper, as if the volume of the lungs has increased.
  • In a sitting position, it seems that the back has become completely straight and instead of hunching there is a beautiful curve.
  • When moving and walking, the shoulders straighten.
  • Improves sleep
  • The chest is tightened, the waist is reduced.

At the emotional level, a person experiences a feeling of inspiration, high spirits, and a surge of strength and energy.


Since the Fukutsuji technique affects not only appearance, but also health, one cannot fail to take into account contraindications, which include:

  1. History of spinal injuries of any age.
  2. Any internal or external bleeding.
  3. Spinal diseases: spinal column hernia, disc protrusion, scoliosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, myositis, radiculitis, spondylosis, tumors, ankylosing spondylitis.
  4. Joint diseases: coxarthrosis, periarthritis, bursitis, tendinitis.
  5. Osteopathy, chondropathy.
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys.
  7. Fever, any acute respiratory infection.
  8. Hypertension.
  9. Restless legs or arms syndrome (tingling, itching, crawling in the extremities).

Some diseases in some cases can turn from contraindications into indications, so the best solution would be to visit a neurologist or orthopedist.

Possible complications

If safety rules are neglected or contraindications are not taken into account, various complications may arise, for example:

  • Sharp acute pain in the spine due to compression of the nerve.
  • Loss of consciousness or fainting state.
  • Dizziness, nausea.
  • Back muscle spasm during or after exercise.
  • Headache.
  • Discomfort in the back and lower back that does not go away within several hours after the exercise.

The presence of these signs is a reason to stop doing gymnastics.

Reviews of people losing weight and opinions of doctors

Enough time has passed since the advent of the technique, so on the Internet you can find many reviews with photos about the training, watch videos, and also read the opinions of orthopedists, traumatologists and vertebrologists.

According to statistics, more than 90% of those involved noted changes in the musculoskeletal system, improved posture, and lightness in the body. The majority also noted weight loss, overall body fit, and flexibility.

Doctors also speak positively about the method, but warn that before starting classes it is worth ruling out some back diseases and undergoing an examination by a specialist. Sometimes gymnastics can cause dizziness, headaches or acute back pain - this is also a reason to consult a vertebrologist.

Pros and cons of the technique

The advantages of the Japanese Fukutsuji technique include:

  1. Easy to do.
  2. No physical fitness requirements.
  3. There is no need to buy special equipment and devices.
  4. Short duration (only 5 minutes daily).
  5. Fast and tangible results.
  6. The ability to lose weight without grueling workouts and strict diets.
  7. Improved figure and posture.
  8. Improving the position and, as a result, the functioning of internal organs and the digestive process.
  9. The ability to work out at home without going to the gym or having a trainer.
  10. Relief of back pain and tension.

But the technique also has disadvantages:

  1. Presence of contraindications.
  2. Possible discomfort and pain during or after exercise.
  3. Slow weight loss.

Obviously, there are much more advantages than disadvantages, which is why exercises with a roller for the spine are so popular.

Fukutsuji roller with a pattern, photo

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