An indisputable commandment for losing weight: Tibetan mantras

Are you on a diet and exercise, but are you losing weight? This means that the subconscious is blocking the weight loss process. Use the weight loss mantra to start the fat burning process easily and quickly!

Author: Kristina Lobanovskaya, doctor, practicing nutritionist Article updated: 11/09/2020

Gaining excess weight and the process of getting rid of it are not only physiological, but also psychological phenomena. This is why in some cases it is not possible to normalize body weight even with optimal diets and regular exercise - the reasons for this lie in the subconscious. To solve such problems, special techniques are being developed that affect the human psyche and bioenergy. Most of them are based on very ancient practices, in particular Tibetan and ancient Indian ones, the basis of which is the so-called mantra for weight loss.

What is a mantra

A mantra is a specially compiled short set of special syllables and words, the regular reading of which has a direct impact on the subconscious. It tunes a person to certain energy waves and “codes” him to perform certain actions. In this case, not only the text itself is of great importance, but also its correct pronunciation - with the right mood, correct amplitude, duration and pitch of the sound.

Important! Reading mantras is inherently similar to spiritual practice, so this method of losing weight is not suitable for deeply religious Christians and members of religious groups. In addition, such an activity leads to a powerful, albeit positive, tension of consciousness, which is contraindicated if the psyche is too impressionable, and especially if there are mental disorders.

The effectiveness of mantras for weight loss is largely determined by their pronunciation. It is believed that sound vibrations must precisely correspond to a certain range of cosmic energy waves. To obtain such a result, long-term training is required, so you can achieve weight loss using this technique not immediately, but after a certain time. The highest goal of this practice is for the words to be imprinted in the subconscious and begin to sound independently in the head. When such a transition is achieved, there is no longer any need to read the text - it is enough to simply remain in a state of meditation, not thinking about anything, but only focusing on the internal sounds.

Currently, of all the previously existing ones, the Tibetan mantra is most often used. Before using it, it is recommended to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to get from this reading. In other words, you need to form an image or feeling of your goal and restore it in your head every time immediately before meditation. It is believed that this will help to better tune in to the desired energy and resonate with similar cosmic energies.

How does a weight loss mantra work?

Even people who grew up in European culture and are skeptical about meditative practices have heard positive reviews about Tibetan mantras from their friends. The secret to the effectiveness of this practice is that a person begins to consciously pay attention to himself, his body. And regular practice is guaranteed to restore connection with the cosmos. And pathos is more than appropriate here, because inside each person there is a whole universe. Only you yourself can listen to your body and the innermost needs of your soul; no one will do it for you.

Reading mantras really works; the energetic vibrations of the spoken words affect the cellular structures of the body, promoting not only weight loss, but also general rejuvenation and healing of the entire body. When you stop and allow yourself to rest in the midst of the frantic pace of life, take a break, listen to the beat of your own heart, you renew your emotional energy, this is very important for cleansing from negativity. Meditative practices are extremely beneficial for both mental and physical health; they can be called mental hygiene.

Benefits for weight loss

As you know, there is no universal remedy for weight loss that helps everyone equally. Experts recommend experimenting and trying different methods, not all of which are safe and affordable. Against their background, reading Tibetan spells stands out with several advantages:

  • texts and rules can be obtained completely free of charge;
  • there is no need to attend any events - classes are conducted independently at home;
  • the effect on the body is limited to the effect on the subconscious, therefore no harm is caused to physical health, even if something is done incorrectly.

With the right approach, reading mantra texts can be a very effective way to combat excess weight, based on creating the right psychological mood. However, it is difficult for a person far from spiritual practices to believe that a simple set of sounds pronounced in a set sequence can somehow affect body weight. But many of those who have joined these teachings do not consider the use of Tibetan mantras for weight loss to be something special and less effective than diets. Although it is impossible to prove their effectiveness through scientific research, it is quite possible to consider them as maintenance therapy. At a minimum, they help during a diet to distract from thoughts about food or to find emotional balance during stress, avoiding overeating due to nervousness.

Important! Anyone can use mantras to lose weight or achieve inner harmony without changing their usual lifestyle. But for effective weight loss, it is recommended to combine reading them with reasonable dietary restrictions and moderate physical activity.

According to Tibetan teachings, an imbalance between human consciousness and the outside world leads to the appearance of various diseases and fat accumulations in the body. For this reason, reading mantra spells, which are originally intended to harmonize these relationships, is vital if you are overweight and cannot get rid of it through diets.

From the perspective of modern psychology, the use of mantras when losing weight can also be very useful. As a rule, a diet and the dietary restrictions it imposes lead to inevitable stress and the appearance of obsessive thoughts, which result in a breakdown. By occupying your mind with any distracting activity, you can forget about food and lose weight much more comfortably. This is precisely what explains the fact that a person easily loses weight during times of stress, stress at work, or when falling in love. Mantra chanting also acts as a similar factor that can “occupy” the mind and distract from food.

Moreover, reading a mantra for weight loss helps to develop an attitude towards life in which indulging the animal instinct that causes the desire to “fill” the stomach becomes unacceptable. Mental activities also ennoble the body. Having learned to read mantra texts, a person subconsciously tunes in to take care of his physical health, which largely depends on nutrition. Those who have read mantras for weight loss claim that they help to easily cope with temptations such as fatty, fried, salty, smoked and sweet foods, especially during holiday feasts.

The ideal option, which can ensure the fastest possible achievement of your goals, is the individual development of a dietary diet by a professional nutritionist and the compilation of a personal mantra text by a Tibetan guru. But since the first is not accessible to everyone, and the second is practically unrealistic, it will be useful to be content with even the general recommendations of specialists and available texts.

How soon will it work?

The effectiveness of such techniques largely depends on your suggestibility, on how strongly you believe in success. Science has long taken into account the placebo effect in any experiment: when a participant is given a “dummy” instead of medicine, but it helps because the person does not know that he was deceived. Knowing this effect, you can fool your subconscious mind and tune it into getting rid of excess weight.

Some people claim that from the very first days of regularly reading aloud the Tibetan mantra for weight loss and body beauty, they began to lose half a kilo of excess fat per day. Most likely, they combined meditation and chanting of Tibetan formulas with diet. But the question of whether it would be so effective without mantras is difficult to answer unequivocally. Meditation definitely won’t make things worse; this practice is completely safe.

Mantra texts

The Tibetan mantra for weight loss has an astral meaning and is said to have magical effects. When reading, it is stored in memory, recorded in the subconscious, and then sends appropriate impulses to the body, forcing it to work on weight loss.

There are several mantra texts that are recommended to be read to normalize body weight:

  • “SAN SIA CHI NAH PAI TUN DOU” is the main mantra for weight loss, tuning into harmony and launching all the necessary processes;
  • “SAN SIA UII NAH PAI TUN DOU” - used to restore the normal functioning of vital organs and systems (recommended to be read together with the first);
  • “OM NAMA BHAGAVATE RUKMINI VALLABHAYA SWAHA” - promotes rejuvenation and rapid cell restoration.
  • “OM MANI PADME HUM or OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI” - ensures overall harmonization of mind and body;
  • “GATE GATE PORO GATE PORO SOM GATE BODHI SVAHA” - helps to lose weight and find inner peace, strengthen willpower, and believe in yourself.

When working with several texts at the same time, it is not necessary to read them all at once. Some can be practiced in the morning, others in the afternoon, and others in the evening.

Reading technique

Any Tibetan mantra consists of several words and syllables that require not simple voicing, but thoughtful and soulful reading, with mental reproduction of the goal. In addition, there are several technical points that require mandatory compliance:

  • the syllables are pronounced in a chant and in a low voice, the melody should flow easily and naturally, exclusively on exhalation;
  • consonant sounds are pronounced clearly, and vowels are drawn out;
  • if the last letter of the syllable is “n” or “m”, then they are said by “pulling” it through the nose to make a moo;
  • the number of repetitions should be a multiple of 3, ideally you need to say the text 108 times in a row (about 30 minutes in time);
  • in order not to lose count, it is best to use rosary beads, which will also add a certain flavor to the chants;
  • You need to practice in silence and solitude, preferably in the morning;
  • practice must be continued continuously until the end of the full course.

The last rule is due to the fact that initially the singing of Tibetan spells was dedicated to deities and was equated to a vow. And although losing weight is not one of these sacred rites, but is a completely ordinary goal, it is necessary to exert willpower and perform the recommended number of repetitions throughout the entire period. The full course is 40 days, since it is believed that this is the period needed to completely renew the energy structure of the body.

Important! It should be understood that losing weight with the help of a mantra is possible only if there is a real desire to harmonize your inner world with the outside, as well as against the backdrop of refusing empty and unhealthy food. At the same time, it is recommended to combine reading Tibetan texts with yoga, which is also based on spiritual practices and has a positive effect on the process of weight loss.

In addition, mantra texts are perfectly combined with meditation. You need to retire, relax, place your hands at chest level with your palms folded, disconnect from everything extraneous and start reading. You can repeat this practice not only “on schedule,” but also in moments when you feel the desire to eat something forbidden.

Also, special words can be read for a reason, but for water and food. Having absorbed sound vibrations, they will transmit them to the body and cleanse it of negative energy influences. With such an integrated approach, visible changes in both psychological mood and body parameters should begin within 1–2 weeks.

In addition to all these rules, it is very important to observe the principle of secrecy. Reading mantras for weight loss, like all self-improvement techniques, should be secret. If others find out about them, then, as a rule, they rarely support or show approval. And a skeptical attitude, prejudice, and even more so outright condemnation will only do harm, since they will have a negative impact on the psyche. For this reason, you cannot share your plans with others; it is better to surprise them with the result obtained when it becomes very noticeable.

A little trick

Did you know that water can remember information? The main holiday of Christians - Epiphany - is built on these principles.

Scientists have proven that holy water changes the crystal lattice, becoming life-giving and beneficial.

The same manipulations can be carried out with mantras. The recipe is simple:

  • you will need 1 liter of clean water;
  • any mantra (for weight loss or health);
  • the time of recitation is the phase of the waning moon;
  • number of repetitions - 108 times;

After the water has been “charged”, you need to take 7-10 sips before each meal.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Natalya, 25 years old, Tver

When I first read information about Tibetan mantras for weight loss, reviews about this technique were very contradictory - some said that it worked great, others said that it was a waste of time. But I decided to try, because for this I didn’t have to buy anything or significantly change my lifestyle. At first I chanted these amazing words, reading from a piece of paper, and then quickly memorized them. The first days I did this not systematically, but when a case occurred, not counting the number of repetitions. After 3 days, such “chants” became a habit, and I decided that I needed to start following the rules. After another week of daily half-hour singing, I noticed that I became not only calmer, but also more persistent, focused and reasonable. I won’t say that it has changed dramatically, but these are the traits that have appeared very clearly. A month later, I noticed positive changes in my diet - the craving for sweets decreased, more vegetables, cereals, and fish dishes appeared in my diet. Maybe this is self-hypnosis, I won’t argue. But the main thing for me is that in six months the 20 kg I gained during pregnancy were gone.

Marina, 37 years old, Dimitrovgrad

I myself was convinced that the Tibetan mantra for weight loss gives amazing results, but only with some reservations. Firstly, you must sincerely believe in it, so skeptics or pessimists should not count on success. Secondly, you need to make your diet healthy and correct, because you need not only faith, but also deed, otherwise, no matter how much you believe, nothing will work. Thirdly, after achieving your goal, it is very important not to relapse and return to an unhealthy lifestyle, as this can lead to even more weight gain. Thus, reading Tibetan spells during the period of weight loss is only an additional tool that will help create a positive attitude and not break down ahead of time. And such chants will add significance and mystery to the whole process, turning an ordinary diet into a kind of sacred act, which will also significantly increase motivation.

Olga, 29 years old, Abakan

Just a year ago, my review of the mantra for weight loss would have been negative. When I practiced it for the first time, I did it unconsciously and got absolutely no results. And the second time I was helped to understand this issue by a person who has been teaching various spiritual practices for many years. Thanks to his help, I realized my mistakes and began to strictly follow all the recommendations. After a month and a half of daily singing, I became a completely different person - both externally and internally. Many acquaintances who had not seen me for a long time were simply shocked by the changes that had occurred. This is how you compare a fat woman, tortured by everyday life, with a slender, beautiful and self-confident businesswoman. So I want to say – don’t listen to anyone and don’t tell anyone anything. Just start doing it. And very quickly you will understand whether this is your practice or not. If yes, then positive changes will begin very quickly and without much effort.

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