Chinese patches for weight loss: instructions and reviews


Victoria Mamaeva

Chief editor of Filzor. Specialist in the field of Pharmacy

The desire to look attractive is inherent in almost every modern person. One of the criteria for beauty is a slim figure and lack of excess weight. To achieve this goal, physical training, dietary nutrition, and special medications are used.

weight loss patches are becoming increasingly popular.

, which contribute to the breakdown of adipose tissue and normalization of weight without discomfort. In our country, patches appeared recently, but in the east, similar techniques have been used for more than a thousand years.

Weight loss patches are no different from their medical counterparts. The outer side has a smooth soft surface that is pleasant to the touch. The inner one is impregnated with an adhesive composition and covered with a film, which is subsequently removed. Chinese weight loss patches look like small plates. The products are flesh-colored, so they will not stand out on the skin. One package can contain up to 30 patches.

The products are reliably protected from water, so you can wear them while swimming or sports training. Manufacturers still do not recommend exposing patches to prolonged exposure to water, so it is better to remove them before taking a bath, swimming or visiting a sauna.

Slimming patches. Photo:

Slimming patches are fixed on the stomach, thighs, buttocks and other problem areas. Products are manufactured taking into account the anatomical features of the body. With it, your legs become slender, your hips become firmer, and your stomach becomes toned. The patch contains components that are completely safe for the human body. The adhesive surface holds the patch securely on the skin. The active ingredients are represented by natural ingredients: sophoricoside, caffeine, wormwood, pepper, ginseng root, green tea and others.

The plates are easy to use:

  • have compact dimensions;
  • do not cause discomfort;
  • do not lose their beneficial properties after contact with water;
  • do not stand out under clothes.

Most weight loss patches are pepper patches. They often cause an allergic reaction. People with hypersensitivity should carefully study the composition of the treatment base.

About adhesive tape and weight loss

Few people believe that weight loss patches, which are a small plate for sticking to the skin, can help remove excess weight.
But you should cast aside disbelief and try to use this simple and effective remedy. It can help you lose weight without any problems and is very good for those who, due to the established rhythm of life, are not very comfortable with dieting or doing gymnastics. To make the weight loss process faster, the weight loss adhesive plaster must be used in combination with several other measures.

This approach to losing weight and following certain rules helps you achieve your goal faster and without much difficulty.

  • It is recommended to provide yourself with small but regular physical activity. You don't have to go to the gym for this. Elevator rides can be replaced by walking up the stairs. Do exercises in the morning that will allow you to gain energy for the whole day. Try to walk more.
  • Review your own diet and set new rules. Eliminate foods containing sugar, flour products, and fatty foods from your diet.
  • If you want to use Chinese weight loss patches, first read the instructions. Proper use helps remove excess fluid from the body in a short time and significantly increases blood circulation. There is a noticeable effect on the subcutaneous fat layers.

The measures described above are considered very important for the weight loss process - if they are strictly followed, you can get results in a short period of time.

Expert opinion on anti-cellulite Velcro

Doctors and nutritionists do not share users’ enthusiasm for weight loss patches. And here's what the experts say.

Placebo effect

Irina Russ, an endocrinologist of the highest category at the European Medical Center, believes that it is not the patch that helps people lose weight, but self-hypnosis. Velcro is expensive, but no one wants to throw money away. Therefore, people start eating right, running in the morning, doing exercises, and doing yoga to get the effect.

Having seen changes on the scales, they attribute magical properties to weight loss patches. Instead of thanking yourself for your efforts.

Manufacturers' fantasies

The composition usually includes components with complex names. Manufacturers attribute beneficial properties to them: reducing “bad” cholesterol, increasing microcurrent, removing toxins, improving digestion.

Important! However, there are no official scientific studies confirming the real positive effects of these components on the body. This means that there are no guarantees that the listed properties are not an invention of the manufacturers.

Low concentration of active substances

Experts (in particular, fitness trainer Anna Ivanova, nutritionist Tatyana Malakhova) believe that biologically active substances from the patches penetrate the blood and fat cells in negligible quantities. Therefore, the particles may not have a noticeable weight loss effect. The maximum is to slightly reduce the volume of subcutaneous fatty tissue due to the removal of fluid.

Unsafe composition

In Russian pharmacies, weight loss patches are sold as “medical products” and not medicines. Regulatory authorities do not verify the composition of the components. When placing an order in an online store (especially Chinese plasters), you are essentially buying a pig in a poke. No one guarantees that the actual components correspond to the composition indicated on the packaging. And also you are not immune from fakes.

Anastasia Basharova, candidate of medical sciences, employee of RMANPO says that herbal extracts included in the patches can provoke allergies, headaches, nausea, and inflammatory processes. But no one knows what concentration the substances impregnating the product have.

After analyzing user reviews, expert opinions and the composition of weight loss patches, I came to a simple conclusion: manufacturers cleverly play on people’s love for miracles. Everyone wants to eat satisfyingly, not strain too much, use a miracle remedy and at the same time lose weight. But that doesn't happen. Even if active substances enter the subcutaneous fat layer, they are not able to burn excess calories from junk food. And the best way to get your blood flowing is to start moving. I would not give money for magical properties that have not been proven by anyone. What do you think about weight loss patches?

How does the most common weight loss patch work?

Before using any tool, you need to understand how it works. To do this, it is worth studying information about the effect on the body from the moment the local drug is applied to the body and before it begins to work aimed at burning fat.

  1. The beginning of working on the body begins with figuring out where to glue the weight loss patch. They should be applied to those areas of the skin under which a lot of fat has accumulated. The action of the patch begins immediately after contact with the skin. Its impregnation contains many active components, which, when warmed by human skin, begin to soften and pass into the blood through the skin pores. The process itself does not affect the gastrointestinal tract, so even those people who are contraindicated in medicines and pills due to poor stomach function can use it.
  2. The active substances contained in the impregnations, after connecting with the body, penetrate through the skin. They work to improve metabolism - the action follows the same principle regardless of the type of patch. By applying it to a problem area of ​​the body, it is possible to activate blood flow and significantly increase lymphoid flow. The process helps to work on puffiness and remove unwanted accumulations of moisture in the tissues, and unnecessary fat dissolves under the skin.
  3. By correctly applying the weight loss patch on the stomach or areas where fat has accumulated, you can get rid of excess weight. The figure then becomes fit, slender and beautiful.

Be sure to read: How Chocolate slim chocolate works for weight loss

Popular slimming patches: Beauty Style, Cettua, Lucero


  • Beauty Style. A patch from an American company, which was one of the very first to produce such weight loss products. The product contains rhizomes of medicinal plants, hawthorn, and flax seed fruits. Thanks to these components, it is possible to remove lymph and eliminate large amounts of fluid. Over time, the abdomen actually becomes firmer and more toned. As the manufacturer says, you need to stick this patch on for a day and use it almost all the time for one month. Please note that the effect is visible in the place where you glued the patch. That is, if you want to achieve not only a flat stomach and reduce the amount of fat deposits on it, but also transform your hips and legs, you will have to use several patches at the same time. They have a pleasant minty smell.

    Beauty Style

  • Cettua. These patches contain caffeine. Everyone knows that coffee wraps are very popular in beauty salons. This is not without reason, since caffeine, which is contained in coffee beans, stimulates metabolism, removes excess fluid from the body, and also breaks down fat deposits. It is on this principle of action that the work of this patch is based. It also needs to be glued to the places where you want to lose weight. The main advantage of the patch is that it does not contain aggressive components that can burn the skin. Accordingly, you will not have irritation or redness at the application site.


  • Lucero Flat Tummy patch. It is worth noting that this patch has been on the market for quite a long time. It activates the metabolic processes that occur in the abdominal area, and also stimulates the removal of excess fluid from these places. Thus, metabolic processes are launched and become faster, which contributes to fairly rapid weight loss. Unlike previous patches, this product is small in size and contains a huge amount of active ingredients in such a small area of ​​the patch. It can even be purchased in pharmacies.

    Lucero Flat tummy

What are the types of patches?

This wonderful and convenient weight loss product is produced in different countries. Modern patches can be like this:

  • Coffee - help enhance blood circulation and metabolism at the cellular level, and promote skin rejuvenation.
  • Pepper patch for weight loss - has an excellent fat-burning effect.
  • Plates impregnated with herbal ingredients, which are commonly used in alternative medicine to activate metabolism and enhance the fat burning process.

Before using the patch, you should familiarize yourself with its composition. In retail outlets, drugs are available in different versions.

How to use the weight loss patch

The instructions for such drugs should be carefully studied before taking. As a rule, it includes the following points. The area to be glued is cleaned and dried. This way the plate is fixed better, and the active substances pass through the pores more actively.

Wearing time can be specified from 20 minutes to several hours. While wearing the patch, you can continue to walk or run, sit and lie down without having to change your usual activities.

After the period of time specified in the instructions, you must remove the used plate from the skin. A new plate is glued onto the same area where it was placed, but not exactly the same point. If, after using patches from China for weight loss, unwanted skin reactions are noted, such as redness or flaking, the area should be wiped with a damp towel, and then lubricated with baby cream or other nourishing non-allergenic product.

It is worth noting that the instructions for using the patch for weight loss on the stomach and other areas with regular use allows for no more than a month. Then you need to take a break for a week, or better yet ten days. During this period, it is necessary to continue to follow the diet and previous physical activity so as not to lose the achieved results.

During a break, it often happens that the thinned area returns to its previous volume. Therefore, you should not change your lifestyle itself - this helps prevent the loss of results obtained from using the product.

Chinese belly slimming patch - reviews


I’ve tried everything for weight loss, and then a friend suggested making a joint order on one of the wholesale sites, I saw there, among other interesting things, the Slim Patch weight loss patch for 30 and a penny rubles, it was because of this price that I ordered it, I thought if it didn’t help I don’t mind the money, I ordered 3 packages, each containing 10 patches. So far I have used one package, I just glue it overnight, I don’t keep track of the time. The result was pleasant, firstly, it was noticeable that it had some effect, because the metabolism accelerated, and secondly, in 10 days, minus 3 cm in the waist. Of course, not much, but without difficulty, in addition to the patch, I gained a little physical activity, but this usually only affected weight, without changing size, and the patch helped achieve what I wanted. For now, I decided to take a break for the New Year holidays, and then continue to use it in combination with a diet. There were no allergies to the skin, nothing turned red or itched, the patch was usually stuck on for 7-10 hours, I woke up and took it off. The smell is quite normal, you can only feel it if you sniff the patch :)


  • Result
  • Weight loss
  • Price
  • No extra effort required.


  • Apparently not.

I recommend it, I think in addition to diet or sports, it can give better results. This is not the first patch I have tried; the results from others were not so positive.


  • result
  • price


Many people say that the positive effect of the patch is just self-hypnosis. I wouldn't say so. I didn't have my hopes up for the patch. It wasn’t like I ordered it, waited and finally, happy, received it. My husband's father gave it to me. I ordered it from Ali and forgot. When the patch arrived, he regretted ordering it. Why, he says, lose weight? I asked him to give it to me. Gave. I stuck it on my stomach and legs. I only remember about the patch when I see it while changing clothes. I’ve been on a diet for two months now, so this patch is purely for experience, out of interest: what if it’s true, who knows?! Some say it increases appetite. It seems to me that the appetite appears precisely because they constantly think about this patch, hoping for it. They think: “But anyway, the bandage is taking off the weight for me, I can eat!” ". Or they constantly think about its effect, and therefore about their weight and how they gained it. So they think about food... And they eat! Regarding the smell of the patch. It smells like Zvezdochka balm. But it doesn't stink! The smell is strong, but not throughout the entire room! You apply it to your body and there is no smell. No allergies. I once used a patch to get rid of my smoking addiction and I was allergic to the patch. Redness of the skin area where the patch is located and severe itching. But in “Slim” this is not the case. After a shower, the patch peels off at the edges. But only at the edges. I stuck it on two legs. One on the front, the other on the back. And that patch on the back rolls up when I put on my jeans. I started going to the toilet more often. But nothing has changed. I think you know what I mean. And there is no such thing as “Oh, God! I'd rather run to the toilet!!! “, as happens with teas for weight loss. In general, try it, but don’t get your hopes up. By the way, a pharmacist once told me one thing about the patches, after which I began to believe in their properties. Because the pharmacist both praised and scolded the patch. She says that when used in the abdominal area, she lost 5 kg. But when I stopped using it, I gained that weight back. It seems like my appetite has decreased. Or maybe I just noticed that I didn’t want to eat. Maybe it was like this before, before the patch, but I just didn’t notice.

It’s also strange that among the advantages offered by this site, “short-term effect”) is indicated)) There is no option “Preserved effect”) Conclusions can be drawn)))

Oh, and for those wondering, my patch says it's from Taiwan.


I wanted to get rid of extra centimeters in my hips and, in order not to exhaust myself with diets and lose weight where I shouldn’t, I bought patches and applied them to the problem area. Two at once, one for each zone).

There were no changes on the scale, but I began to notice that the skin on my hips became softer and the “orange peel” bumps were less noticeable. And since there is less cellulite, then there is less hip volume.

I was quite satisfied with this result, although there was no visible result on the scales. Let me summarize by saying that the patch expels excess water, the kilograms will not go away.


In order to have time to get myself in order for summer, I began to use all imaginable and inconceivable ways to combat kilograms.

I also got to the patches. At first I just went on a diet, then I added patches. The effectiveness of weight loss has become much more noticeable. And I wanted to eat in much smaller portions than even what was written in the diet itself.

The only negative is that it was not very comfortable for me to wear the patches themselves. The active plate is quite voluminous and, for example, if you stick it on the stomach, the plate digs into the skin.


At first there were no changes at all, probably only when I applied the second patch I began to feel that my hunger had dulled. In the evening, the thought of what to eat usually haunts me. And now I just don’t want to, it seems like I can eat this and that, but I don’t feel like eating. It’s so easy on both soul and body. I have already lost 800 grams in 5 days, which is not enough, but weight loss occurs naturally, due to a decrease in daily caloric intake. The patches are thin, smell of some kind of herbs and essential oils, very bright. They stick well, they don’t come off the edges, so after some time after gluing them safely I forget about their presence. I will continue to use it!


In 2 months of using the patch, I was able to lose 9 kg. In the first 30 days, the weight came off more slowly, I lost only 3 kg.

But after the metabolism reached a normal level, fat deposits began to melt literally before our eyes.

There are no restrictions on the location of gluing. At night, I attached one patch to an acupuncture point just above the navel, and during the day, one on each thigh, so that the weight loss process continued around the clock.

The patch sticks out a little under clothes, so I wore loose trousers or skirts.

A week after starting to use Slim Patch, I felt lightness throughout my body and a noticeable surge of strength. The patch stays on well. But due to the fact that the sticky base is not much larger in area than the round with the active substance, the corners sometimes begin to peel off after a few hours.

The patch can survive a shower, but it’s better not to take a bath, as it will definitely fall off. It peels off easily, but leaves a slight stickiness on the skin. It is easily washed off with water and removed with a regular damp cloth.

There are no restrictions on how long you can wear the patch. However, the manufacturer recommends applying the patch for at least 8 hours at night to achieve maximum effect.


I heard a lot of unflattering reviews about this Chinese patch, especially regarding its quality, and not just its effect. They usually complain that it doesn’t fit well, and when they sweat, it immediately falls off. But this happens with any plaster, except perhaps the domestic pepper one, which sticks tightly.

I put it on at night, at about 8 pm, and took it off in the morning, at 8 o'clock. 12 hours is enough for the active ingredients to be absorbed into the skin and then into the blood - this is the principle of transdermality.

With approximately the same program, in the previous month I lost 1 kg without a patch, and this month - 3 kg. And it seems to me that it’s just a matter of the patch, because the kilograms have gone off not only on the scales, but also in the form of centimeters on the waist.

Purely wearing it will help little, I'm sure of it. You need at least a diet, because the patch gradually burns fats on its own, but then it is necessary that they are not replenished. Then the fat will go away from the sides. But ideally, include physical activity.



  • Comfortable.


  • No


Fine. Lost 10 kg. But my friend has allergies. But there is still an effect. It itches but pecks)))) looks at me and is jealous)


Only with the patch I wouldn’t have lost so much weight; there was also fitness. I put the patch on at night because it is not thermal, but transdermal, it has no use during exercise, it just comes off from sweat. But then, when a tired body begins to actively use up reserves, absorption into the skin is stronger. Therefore, getting rid of fat is much more effective this way.

However, before gluing, you still need to treat the skin. At a minimum, wash with soap, wipe dry, and at maximum, wipe with a disinfectant. This will make it possible to stick the patch more firmly, and there will be no barrier between the skin and the active substances. It should be glued on the stomach, or on the sides.

In the morning, after removal, slight redness remains. But this is standard irritation from the adhesive material and the lack of ventilation of the skin in this place; the remaining adhesive is removed with a soap solution or a damp cloth, and the redness goes away in half an hour. There is no serious irritation or itching under the patch.

Weight loss is noticeable, including a reduction in waist size. But the hips go away much more slowly, and what’s most interesting is that there is no point in putting a patch on the hips, it’s better that the fat doesn’t go away from there for some reason, only the waist. It’s the same with the buttocks and other problem areas. But at least it allows you to trim your waist, and your overall weight is reduced, so when used correctly, the patches really help you lose extra pounds.


The rhythm of my life is very busy, so monitoring my diet, much less following some kind of diet, is not an option at all. Plasters are convenient because they eliminate all these unnecessary worries. I glued them on my stomach, under my navel (this is where I had a fold of fat) and walked around with it the whole day. It’s not difficult to wear the patch, since it doesn’t particularly interfere, and you don’t feel it on the skin at all; sometimes the truth may come off a little, but this is not critical.

First of all, I liked the principle of the effect of the patches: they control the appetite itself and remove harmful substances from the body. Simply put, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also cleanse your body well. Plus, you don’t need to swallow any dubious additives - the application is exclusively external and harmless. The skin was not damaged: there was no redness or rashes.

When you stick the patch on your stomach, after a couple of hours you feel a slight warmth in this area. At first I was a little worried about this, but then I realized that the blood began to circulate faster, which increased sweating, but not much.

I used the patches for 1 month, that is, I used 30 pieces, i.e. 3 packs. The first 10 days of use saved me from 2 kg. The result was not bad, but the crease was still there, but after 30 days I completely got rid of it - I lost 5.3 kg. When I stopped using the product, I was determined that the kilograms might return. Fortunately, my figure is still fine, and my appetite is normal—I don’t have to go to the kitchen at night to buy sandwiches.


Personally, I actually got an interesting effect. I just want to eat less and go to the toilet more often. I understand that due to this, weight loss occurs. In general, I like this principle of operation. Limiting food consumption, especially high-calorie foods, is the best way to lose weight quickly, effectively, and most importantly without harming the body. I glued the patch consistently every 48 hours, each time changing the place where the patch was glued.

I didn’t experience any discomfort while wearing it, but most often I simply forgot that the patch was currently on me, and was afraid that I forgot to stick it on))


I was very surprised that the patches in a pack of 30 cost only 500 rubles. It’s painfully cheap for an effective drug, especially considering how much medications and dietary supplements for weight loss cost in pharmacies.

But 500 rubles is not a pity, I decided to try it on my stomach. Naturally, the patches will not tighten the hanging belly, but they will reduce the volume.

While I was using one package of patches, my waist size decreased by 3 centimeters. It's not much, but it's still a result.

Contraindications for use

You should not use the Chinese weight loss patch if you have problems with the thyroid gland or kidney function disorders. Women should not use it during menstruation, and pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use the patch. This method of losing weight is not suitable for patients with diabetes.

Impregnated plates are not used to lose excess weight if you are allergic to any components of the product. For particularly sensitive skin, the patch may do more harm than good. It is not recommended to lose weight with its use for patients who have not yet passed adolescence.

Side effects

If any uncomfortable reactions occur on the skin, it is recommended to stop using the patch for at least three days. If during this time the epidermis has not recovered, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. Side effects from using a belly patch:

  • redness;
  • rash;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • edema;
  • dryness;
  • change in skin color at the site of application.

The benefits of losing weight using transdermal products

Slimming plates are much more convenient to use than most popular drugs for losing excess weight. There are no difficulties in applying and removing them from the skin.

Be sure to read: How does Solgar chromium picolinate work on fat burning?

Side effects from their use are minimal.

If gluing fails to significantly reduce weight, there will be no harm from it, especially if you carefully study the instructions. This cannot be said about pills that are widely used to get rid of excess weight.

The belly patch for weight loss will not force you to disrupt your usual and comfortable daily routine. It is not necessary to remove the plates to take a shower or soak in the bath. According to information provided by the manufacturers, the patch does not come off the skin when exposed to steam and moisture.

Korean and Chinese patches for losing weight on the stomach, unlike pills, will not have a destructive effect on the inside of the stomach or liver, since the product immediately penetrates the bloodstream through the skin.

An overdose of the active substance is excluded. All components included in the impregnation penetrate the body smoothly.

At the first signs of an allergy, you just need to remove the plate; after a while, the unwanted reaction stops, since the irritant has disappeared.

More information about weight loss patches

Before you start losing weight, it is necessary to clarify some points regarding the properties of the patches.

Most topical weight loss products are made from pepper extract. This is not particularly convenient, since many people have allergic reactions to this component. But negative consequences can be avoided by carefully studying the instructions and taking into account contraindications. There is always the opportunity to choose a product with a different composition and a similar effect.

A coffee or pepper patch for weight loss will not give an immediate effect. Their action can be described as cumulative. The active substances enter the body slowly, in small quantities. This is convenient primarily for safety while taking the product.

The course of treatment lasts one and a half to two months, during which short breaks should be taken. To consolidate the weight loss effect and not gain the weight back, you need to do two or three more repetitions over the course of a year.

To get a good result, you must act strictly according to the instructions included with the patches.

The glued plate is worn for about a day. The Chinese weight loss patch is applied to the stomach - you can apply it to the side. But it is better to choose the area under the umbilical cavity, retreating 5 cm. In this area, according to information from Chinese medicine, there are active points that work to stimulate metabolic processes in the human body.

Interesting facts about losing weight

  • When alone, a person eats much less. Scientists have proven that we eat 35% more food in company than when alone. Why this happens is unknown. Perhaps we are constantly distracted and eat much more food than we planned.
  • You don't have to play sports to get a slim figure. To prevent excess weight, moderate physical activity is sufficient. To do this, you don’t have to go to the gym or run in the morning. If a person walks a lot, plays with children, rides a bike, this is quite enough to stay in good shape.
  • Fasting is beneficial. Studies have shown that animals that received smaller portions of food were more active. A study of their blood showed that periodic fasting triggers the processes of regeneration and renewal in the body. During this period, toxins that come with unhealthy food, overeating, alcohol, tobacco, and medications are eliminated. Therapeutic fasting is possible only in a hospital setting, under the supervision of doctors. At home, you can arrange fasting days 1 – 2 times a week: watermelon, apple, kefir.

The most common types of patches and their effects

For the most part, weight loss stickers don't come cheap. The effect from them may also not appear quite as fast and strong as expected. It's all about the individual characteristics of the body.

Special weight loss patches work well, but they also cost a lot. Therefore, some ladies, wanting to save money, use pharmaceutical pepper plaster, which is designed to alleviate conditions such as colds and radiculitis. Its effect is approximately the same as that of branded products, and the price is inexpensive.

The patch contains extracts of hot pepper and belladonna leaves. It is applied in the evenings; the skin must first be steamed in the shower or bath. The area where the patch will be glued should be treated with an alcohol solution. But this patch works a little differently, not like Chinese and other weight loss products. Therefore, you should not wear it for more than 20 minutes.

When trying to get rid of excess weight using this remedy, the first results can be achieved 7-10 days after treatment was started.

Slimming patch KONGDY (30 pcs)

Price: from 463.46 rub. (check price and discount)

Seller's reliability: excellent!

Delivery within Russia: free!

Have you decided to lose weight? Then the fat burning patch from KONGDY is just the thing!

Natural in composition, there are only herbs, pleasant to the touch and effective in practice. The patch blocks cravings for carbohydrates, and your body effectively loses weight.

So, if you want to lose weight by summer, order the KONGDY patch on Aliexpress with free delivery throughout Russia.

Ordered 30.03, received 13.04. Everything is great as always in this store. Polite and attentive seller, quality product, excellent work. Only this time the packaging was a little wrinkled, but that doesn’t matter to me. Thanks to the seller! I recommend the product and the store!


There is an effect from the first patch, the feeling of hunger has definitely become less, in a month I will add a review about the result. I try not to eat at night and not eat sugar. I ordered other patches from this seller, I will try them.


Thank you!!!!!! This is not the first time I order. The stickers act very gently and reduce appetite. I like. Afterwards, I apply aloe gel in the morning.


View on AliExpress:

Magnetic patches that help you lose weight

Whether weight loss patches help people who are overweight becomes clear only after they have experienced such a remedy on themselves. One variety is not suitable for some, but another works great. For example, you can try the effect of a magnetic patch. They not only help burn excess fat, but also relieve constipation and obesity, and complicate the body's absorption of starch and sugar.

Be sure to read: Effective drug Porziola for weight loss

This is how you should treat yourself with a magnetic patch. The duration of the course of use is determined differently - it can last from one month to six. Before use, carefully read the instructions and determine the appropriate use. Basically, the scheme chosen is as follows: platinum is glued to the abdominal area for about 12 hours.

People who have used magnetic patches for weight loss often note that even in the absence of a visual effect, the weight decreases slightly. Food cravings also decrease.

Review of 3 popular brands

The weight loss patch can be bought on AliExpress, in the online store of the official manufacturer, and even in a pharmacy. The following brands are considered the most popular.

Wonder Patch

Mymi Wonder Patch (Belly) is a weight loss patch that is produced in China. It has a belly shape with a slit for the navel and is large in size.

According to the manufacturer, the composition includes extracts:

  • caffeine;
  • capsaicin;
  • Japanese styphnolobium;
  • green tea;
  • saltwort;
  • sophoricoside.

Apply to the abdominal area for 8 hours. The manufacturer honestly warns about possible side effects: redness on the skin, burning, dryness, swelling. It's all about capsaicin, which is an alkaloid from hot pepper pods.

Interesting fact. Capsaicin and caffeine are often included in external weight loss products because they increase blood flow.

Are Mymi weight loss patches effective? 55–65% of reviews on the Internet (in particular, on Otzovik and Irecommend) are positive. True, Velcro helped many people in combination with dietary restrictions and physical activity.

Slim Patch

The original slimming patch Slim Patch is made in the USA. This product has a magnet. 60 pieces cost almost 3,000 rubles. Also on AliExpress and landing pages they sell Chinese Velcro with the same name, but a completely different composition.

Important! The American company Beauty Style Inc., which produces Slim Patch, is cosmetic, not pharmaceutical.

What active ingredients are included in the original?

Here are the ones:

  • cassia seeds;
  • ginseng;
  • safflower;
  • aloe;
  • lotus leaves;
  • poria mushroom;
  • radish seeds.

Slim Patch weight loss patches from Aliexpress, according to the manufacturer, consist of resin, mint, natural mineral powder (of unknown origin), and essential oils. The average price is 60 rubles per patch with 10 pieces. There are also cheaper offers. I know how much real essential oils cost. Therefore, I am sure that the cheap Chinese patch definitely does not contain them.

Fit Patch

Fit Patch slimming patches are produced in Russia in Krasnodar. The main activity is retail trade outside of stores. As of April 2021, Fit Patch is the company's only product.

The patch contains extracts with exotic names: cassia tora, poria cocos, angelica chinensis, oriental chastuha. 60% of reviews on the Internet about the product are positive. But whether they are real is difficult to say.

What are the benefits of using patches?

Among the main advantages of using patches, the following can be noted:

  • You can lose weight using therapeutic stickers in a short time, without using diets or various gymnastic exercises. There is no need to follow a debilitating starvation diet - it is enough to reduce the consumption of certain types of foods that have a special ability to increase weight.
  • You can reduce the amount of fat in certain areas - the stickers only affect the problem area.
  • The substances with which the plate is impregnated will not enter the stomach or intestines. They will not affect the condition of the digestive tract, unlike cocktails and pills.
  • You can apply the weight loss patch in the morning, before leaving the house, after which you can lead a normal life - go to work, take a walk, take a bath or shower.
  • Clothes will not get dirty, as sometimes happens when using external weight loss products in the form of lotions and creams.


Weight loss stickers are also not without their negative qualities. Their main disadvantages include:

  • high cost of the course, not everyone can afford it;
  • only external fat is burned, but internal fat (visceral, enveloping the intestines and liver) does not go away;
  • not suitable for those who have more than 10 kg of excess weight or an advanced case of cellulite, otherwise they will have to combine gluing with diet and sports;
  • if there are many problem areas, stickers are applied to everything that can negatively affect sweating.

Disadvantages of weight loss products

Various patches also have some disadvantages:

  1. The first disadvantage is the cost. The prices that manufacturers set for patches are not affordable for everyone.
  2. Only the outer layer of fat is burned, and the one that envelops the internal organs is unaffected. Therefore, for those whose obesity has reached a significant level, it is useless to use it. It is worth choosing other means for treatment.
  3. Patches help in the fight against cellulite in cases where it is at an early stage. Neglected species are not susceptible to their action.
  4. If excess weight exceeds the norm by ten kilograms, the patch should be applied to all problem areas at once. But without diets and physical activity, results will still not be achieved.

There is no guarantee that using Chinese weight loss patches will certainly give the desired result. This drug has not been clinically tested and is often equated to dietary supplements. But the stickers do not pose a health hazard. They combine natural ingredients; with strict adherence to the provisions described in the instructions, as well as with the restructuring of the body to a healthy lifestyle, it is possible to obtain good results.


Innovative patches also have some disadvantages. The most important of them:

  • course use will be expensive, so not every woman will be able to afford it;
  • Only external fat is broken down, deposits covering the internal organs are not burned;
  • not suitable for people with significant excess weight or advanced stage of cellulite;
  • If there are many problem areas and a sticker is placed on each one, the sweating process is disrupted.

Course therapy should not exceed 30 days. After this, a break must be taken, at least for 7 days.

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