How to lose weight without a gym at home

Losing weight is not that easy. Losing weight is a long-term endeavor that requires a lot of effort. But even in a week you can lose a few kilograms and start the fat burning process.

The media, including online publications, are full of advertisements for miracle remedies for quick weight loss. Green coffee beans, sprinkled with cinnamon and castor oil, liquid chestnut and much more promise a rapid effect in a matter of days. But if you don’t look for miracles, but set realistic goals for yourself, you can do a lot in a week and start a long journey towards acquiring a strong, beautiful and slender body.

Exercise for home workouts

Any weight loss fitness regimen has two main parts: aerobic exercise and strength training. Aerobic exercise burns calories, and a calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss. Strength training helps build muscle mass, which increases your metabolism and helps you burn more calories 24/7, even when you're not exercising.

Your at-home weight loss exercise plan should include three to six days of aerobic exercise per week and at least two days of strength training. You can do aerobic and strength exercise separately—say, running and biking three to six days a week, and weight training two days a week—or you can combine them.

How to lose weight at home in a week? Follow a diet!

But the first step in any weight loss is a diet, which involves dietary restrictions. To follow a diet, you don't need any exercise equipment. Fat begins to burn only when you create a calorie deficit from food. If there is no shortage, there will be no weight loss. Your right to decide: when, at what time and what exactly to eat. The main thing is to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Against the backdrop of a calorie deficit, it would be appropriate to organize a drinking regimen: while losing weight, it is better to drink 2 liters of clean still water per day. It’s great if, instead of regular butter bread, whole grain or crispbread appears in your diet. Replace sweets with dried fruits, honey and nuts. Remove all types of processed foods, saltiness, smoked foods, buns and sugar from your diet. Even following these simple measures will allow you to lose up to 3 kilograms in the first week.

What to include in your workout?

What do you like to do? Do you like, for example, walking the dog, hiking, cycling, dancing, skateboarding? Plan to do as many of the things you enjoy as possible.

Don't worry about having to do anything specific. If you hate running sprints, don't run! The best type of workout is the one you look forward to because that's when you'll be consistent.

Get creative with your exercises

Any convenient outdoor location will become your gym. On Monday, for example, go for a run, on Tuesday - ride a bike. On Thursday, go to a nearby track and run sprints (only if you want); Take a friend on a hike on Saturday.

If you have an energetic companion, such as a dog, one or two 30-minute walks daily will keep your pup happy and help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Dance exercises for weight loss at home

Dance aerobics is a good way to quickly lose extra pounds. Such classes accompanied by energetic and fiery music provide an excellent boost of energy, develop body flexibility and increase the overall endurance of the body. In addition, by doing fitness dancing, you activate your metabolism and train your cardiovascular system.

Dance aerobics combines such styles as Latin, samba, rumba, jazz and even classical ballet. You can choose exactly the dance that you like best and train to your favorite tunes. In addition, dance exercises provide good physical activity for all muscle groups. During one session you can burn a large amount of energy: up to 700 calories in one hour. That's why this type is so popular among other fitness exercises.

You can do dance aerobics at home, using video training from popular fitness stars, or in a sports club under the guidance of an experienced trainer. If you are in good physical shape, then choose active dances, for example, Latin or rock and roll. If you are just starting to train, then calmer directions will suit you - funk aerobics or oriental dancing. Don't forget to do a mandatory warm-up before and stretching after exercise. This will allow you to adapt to intense physical activity and relieve muscle tension after physical activity.

Power training

Many people believe that they can't get good strength training without a lot of equipment. Again, you need to think about what strength training is.

Calisthenics exercises are just as effective at increasing strength and building muscle as traditional weightlifting, according to a 2021 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

Gymnastics is a particularly beneficial workout for beginners at home because it uses functional movements that train the body how to move. Once you've built a foundation of strength with exercise, you'll be better prepared to start lifting weights if you decide to do so.

Package "Standard"

Home training program for 1 month with video support

Standard weekly nutrition program

Materials on proper nutrition and weight loss

Online support throughout the program

Monitor your results online.

List of interchangeable weight loss products


— getting rid of 3-4 kg of fat deposits;

— increase in endurance by 20-30%;

- improvement of the general condition of the body and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The best exercises for the body

There are hundreds of exercises you can do without any equipment, just using your own body weight. These are all compound exercises, meaning they use multiple muscle groups at the same time. They are best for weight loss because they burn more calories while you are doing them. The higher the intensity and the more challenging you are, the more calories you will burn doing them.

Lower body exercises:

  • Squat-jump
  • Single leg squats
  • Jump-lunge
  • Bike
  • Bridge

Upper body exercises:

  • Push ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Falls
  • Handstand push-ups

Basic exercises:

  • Plank
  • Side plank

There are many variations of these bodyweight exercises, but when you're just starting out, the basics are all you need. Once you have mastered these steps, you can begin to enable more complex versions.

How can you lose weight without beauty salons?

Young mothers manage to get their figure in perfect order while on maternity leave (which many jokingly call forced house arrest). They constantly take care of their body, pampering it with scrubs and wraps. Effective does not mean expensive. Use accessible and inexpensive products for cosmetic purposes.

These include:

  1. Ground coffee (the coffee cake is often used after brewing).
  2. Chopped oatmeal.
  3. Honey.
  4. Mumiyo.
  5. Lemon.

Even these 5 products in different combinations will help your skin acquire velvety texture, softness and elasticity in a matter of days. Take care of yourself, pamper yourself, drink more water and in a week you will shine at any party!

Losing weight without the gym

Circuit training is one of the best ways to build strength and endurance and burn calories. It's ideal for home workouts that don't involve equipment. If you design your workout correctly, you can combine your workouts throughout the day in one fell swoop.

Choose several exercises for all major muscle groups and perform one set of each exercise without resting in between. You can either do a certain number of repetitions—10 or 15, for example—or you can set the timer interval to 30 seconds to one minute. When the timer beeps, move on to the next exercise.

At the end of the round, rest for a minute or two, then repeat. You can start with two rounds and work up to four to six.

How to lose weight at home? Aerobics for beginners!

When a person sets himself the task of losing weight in a short period of time, it is important for him to include cardio training, which even beginners can do. Yulia Panteleeva, a famous fitness trainer from Canada, in her interviews sets only one condition for those losing weight: never quit what you started. System and patience are the key to a successful slimming process, whether it was started a week or a month ago. Even a week of effort, the coach assures, will help you see the first results and get inspiration for further action.

What activities can all slimming people afford?

  1. Jumping rope.
  2. Push ups.
  3. Plank.
  4. Exercises with a hoop or on a health disk.
  5. Dancing to dynamic music.

Be sure to devote at least 30 minutes a day to sports (and preferably 2-3 times), and remember: aerobics should bring joy, but you need to do it with effort in order to feel the tension in your body muscles.

30 Minute Workout:

Start by warming up by doing 30 jumping jacks and then jumping jacks - with no rest in between. Then:

10 push-ups (on knees if necessary) 20 lunges (10 on each side) 15 squats 40 bicycles (20 on each leg) 10 squat jumps

Rest for one or two minutes and then repeat two more times.

Another fun and challenging way to do a home workout is a type of high-intensity interval training in which you work hard for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.

Similar to circuit training, you'll select a few exercises and set a timer. Let's say you're doing squats. When the timer starts, you will begin squatting; after 20 seconds the timer will give a signal and you will rest for 10 seconds. Then you will continue the exercises again, then move on to the next one.

Each round takes approximately four minutes. If you include a one-minute rest between exercises, you can fit six exercises into a 30-minute workout. Or, if you're feeling particularly energized, try a 45-minute or even 60-minute workout.

Setting Up for Success

There are many benefits to exercising at home - it's affordable, personal, time- and budget-saving. However, there are also disadvantages. If you under-execute your workout routine, it can sabotage your weight loss efforts.

If you know you'll be tired after work, try fitting your workout in first thing in the morning before you shower.

Try carving out a dedicated workout space, in a spare room, basement or garage. Make it a place you don't usually go to to relax and unwind. If possible, turn on music or a player with headphones. Favorite music will help you get into the right mood.

Let's take a closer look at the training program:

  • Number of trainings: 12-24 (depending on the selected package).

  • Duration of training: 60-80 minutes.

  • Number of workouts per week: 3 workouts per week. Each week the workouts will get more challenging and intense, so be prepared that it won't be easy!

For more convenient and quick learning, I have prepared an additional bonus for you in the form of separate short videos, where I personally show and voice the correct execution of each exercise in your program!

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