How can a woman lose 40 kg at home?

Significant weight loss is not a sprint, it is not even a marathon, it is a longer process, and in order to maintain the desired weight and then, you will need to change your lifestyle, which may always be with you. But it all starts with the head. And if you are determined to get rid of 40 kg of excess subcutaneous fat, then this is a great start. After all, wanting it badly is already half the battle. So, how to lose 40 kg? And how quickly can this be done?

Is it possible to lose 40 kg of excess fat?

Definitely yes! How? Exactly the same as he came to you. You just have to eat it, almost literally, burn it, giving up carbohydrates and creating a calorie deficit. It is absolutely possible to do this, without painful hunger strikes and grueling workouts.

You are full of enthusiasm and decided to jump right in and lose 40 kg in 2 months. Enthusiasm is enviable, but such drastic maneuvers to change weight are an extreme sport associated with harm to health. No nutritionist would dare recommend this.

Fact: to lose 500 g of subcutaneous fat, you need to burn 4500 Kcal.

The maximum safe weight loss is 3.5-4 kg per month. Using simple calculations, we conclude that the desired weight can be achieved in 10 months. There were real cases when women lost 40 kg in 9 months. And this is a good time. Rebirth of a new you. Imagine: in September you started losing weight, and in May you are a new person, with a new figure, new health, excellent mood and self-confidence.

Where to begin

The first step on the path to a slim figure should be to determine your current volumes (chest, waist, hips) and weight. On the contrary, you need to write down the indicators you are striving for. Repeat measurements and weigh yourself regularly. Give yourself an honest answer to the question why you needed to lose 40 kg and what you are willing to do for this. Put it down on paper in detail. Now read everything written and think about what you can do easily and what will cause significant difficulties.

If you decide to lose weight so seriously, remember the following recommendations:

  1. The most important thing is that you should not try several weight loss methods at the same time. This will put the body into a state of stress. As a result, you will quit practicing yourself without getting the desired plumb line. We need to move forward little by little, but confidently. Then every kilogram you lose will give you self-confidence.
  2. Proper combination of proper nutrition and exercise - and you can part with first 10, then 20, 30 and finally 40 kilograms. Approximately 70% of weight loss success comes from nutrition, and 30% from exercise.
  3. First you need to develop and consolidate the habit of eating right, and then introduce training. Otherwise, the risk of failure increases.
  4. Especially for fans of emergency weight loss - keep in mind that losing body weight will take as much time as you gained it. Only in this case will you be able to avoid the problem of unsightly sagging excess skin. The prospect of repeated plastic surgery and many scars on your body is unlikely to suit you. Therefore, it is not recommended to lose 40 kg in a month or even two.
  5. Noticeable results from careful calorie counting, fractional meals, weight control and food intake can be seen within a couple of months.

How to lose 40 kg without harm to the body?

Think about how long it took a person to accumulate 40 kg of excess fat on his body? This happened over several years. And you can lose this fat in less than a year. This is already good news.

Many enthusiasts are interested in how to lose 40 kg in 3 months. There are many hardcore ways to lose weight, but many of them involve severe calorie restriction. Typically, such a restriction will leave you constantly hungry and frustrated. Therefore, only people with an iron will can endure such diets. Not everyone can starve themselves. It is mandatory to consult a doctor before doing this. It is better to do this under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, to the question “How to lose 40 kg in 3 months at home” the answer will be a simple mathematical calculation, which will result in that at such a pace you need a deficit of 4000 calories daily! To do this you need to eat nothing and live in the gym.

But the most important thing is to start. May you not lose so many kilograms in a month, two or even three. You will lose half of that weight, which is a significant amount. See the result in the mirror, and you won't want to stop halfway. What else could be cooler than such motivation? Or maybe you will be able to lose 40 kg in six months. This is a difficult but doable task.

And if the question arises bluntly, how to lose 40 kg in 2 months, there is probably only one answer: liposuction.

Why are 40 kg of excess weight dangerous?

With stage 2 obesity, a person may experience various difficulties with the functioning of the body:

  • Cardiopalmus;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Weakness.

The risk of developing diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, and gastrointestinal tract increases; obese people are more likely to develop diabetes. To get rid of the danger of developing diseases and problems associated with excess weight, you need to arm yourself with complex methods.

You shouldn’t torture yourself with mono diets, malnutrition and lack of nutrients. There is another way to lose 40 kg with health benefits.

It is necessary to adjust your diet towards a healthy diet and temporarily adhere to a gentle diet.

To lose weight, eat right

There are effective and safe ways that will allow you to lose weight and will not be torture. This strategy will help you guaranteed to lose 40 kg and speed up your metabolism.

There are three main points to this strategy. First, you will have to get rid of sugar and fast carbohydrates. It’s almost as if they don’t exist in nature. You will also have to minimize slow carbohydrates.

When you do this, you will notice that your appetite is dulled and you no longer want to eat as much. The body will immediately switch to subcutaneous fat, because it is a more efficient source of energy. The fat will begin to melt before your eyes.

In the very first days of the diet, you will notice that your weight will decrease by several kilograms. This is also associated with the withdrawal of sugar and carbohydrates. Insulin levels drop along with sugar levels. Due to this, the kidneys can remove excess sodium from the body. Excess water is immediately removed, and due to this you already lose up to two kilograms of weight.

In the first week, you can lose up to five kilograms of water and fat if you strictly follow this strategy.

Removing fatty foods from the diet, while helping, is less effective than removing carbohydrates. Believe me, fats are not as scary as they are made out to be. Fast carbohydrates are much more dangerous. They bring no benefit, only harm.

In short, eliminating sugar and carbs alone puts you on the right track and is the answer to how to lose 40 kg fast. But there are other useful techniques.

Second, eat more protein, healthy fats and vegetables.

Each meal should contain a source of protein, a source of fat, and vegetables with good fiber content. This arrangement will automatically reduce your carbohydrate intake to 20-50 grams per day.

And for your information, cutting bodybuilders eat 20 g of carbohydrates per day.

In terms of fighting excess weight, protein is one of the most important factors. Protein in adequate amounts increases metabolism, and many studies have shown that 100 more calories are burned each day.

Protein in the diet also reduces the craving for food, so there will be no obsessive desire to eat in the evening. It will be much easier to get enough, protein takes a long time to digest. And all you have to do is add proteins to your diet.

Don't be afraid to load your plate with lots of vegetables - cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, zucchini and tomatoes can be eaten without the slightest worry. Focus on green and leafy vegetables.

Lose 40 kg in 2 months: is it possible?

Extra pounds spoil the mood and prevent many modern people from living fully. It may seem to many that losing 40 kg in 2 months is simply an unattainable dream, but in reality this is not entirely true and, if desired, you can quickly achieve such a result.

Those who want to lose 40 kg in a very short time do not always need to prepare for backbreaking physical labor and serious nutritional deprivations. Many people who have a high body mass index, that is, more than 50-70 extra pounds, actually, upon closer examination, eat a lot, but move little. It is noteworthy that the quality of nutrition in this case is often unsatisfactory and the person does not receive the necessary nutrients. Modern people consume food containing simple carbohydrates, fat, and sugar, which contributes to a rapid increase in body fat and a slowdown in metabolism.

In addition, such food cannot satisfy the satiety center in the brain, so after a short time a feeling of hunger appears. A vicious circle is formed in which a person begins to consume more and more food containing a minimum of nutrients, which leads to more serious metabolic disorders. An increase in body mass index also causes the development of a variety of diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, which further provokes an increase in the content of fluid, toxins and other breakdown products in the tissues, which are a consequence of the work of cells. Thus, in order to lose 40 kg in 2 months, you must first radically change your daily diet. To achieve sustainable weight loss, you should eliminate all sweets from your diet, for example, candy, baked goods, and drinks.

Particular attention should be paid to drinks, as many people consume a lot of tea and coffee, adding a lot of sugar, and do not even notice it. This is a kind of bad habit that you can easily get rid of by simply replacing sugary drinks with regular still water. For rapid weight loss, preference should be given to vegetables, seafood, and lean meats. In general, all foods containing complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals can be present in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight. A very important aspect in this matter is dividing the total amount of food consumed per day into 5-8 meals. Frequent consumption of food containing a lot of useful substances will help speed up metabolism and start the process of eliminating extra pounds. An important point is also to reduce the amount of food consumed.

Those who are trying to lose weight should get small plates, which psychologically make it easier to fill up on small amounts of food, as many people tend to eat the entire portion that is offered to them.

To quickly lose weight, it is very important to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day, but at the same time burn many times more. In order for accumulated fat to begin to be burned, moderate physical activity is important. Proper physical activity helps to reduce body weight. To start burning fat in the morning, you should instill in yourself the habit of doing exercises. Stretching exercises and breathing exercises have a good effect. Such exercises should be performed in the morning before breakfast to start the process of burning existing fat. At home, you can allocate approximately 15-20 minutes. in the morning. If a person has the opportunity, he should go jogging every morning. Jogging is an excellent aerobic exercise that allows you to saturate all tissues of the body with oxygen, which will also contribute to weight loss.

In addition, it is advisable to visit the gym at least 2 times a week, since training on weight machines helps build muscle mass and reduce the amount of body fat. Systematic exercise makes it possible to achieve amazing results. An important point in losing weight is the psychological aspect. Many people have the habit of eating away at their problems and stress, which is why a person quickly loses interest in training, and also stops adhering to the basics of proper nutrition, never achieving the desired shape. To solve this difficult problem, you should form a positive attitude in yourself from the first day and try to relieve stress without consuming food. A cure for stress can be something a person enjoys, such as listening to music, reading or walking in the fresh air.

In some cases, to speed up the process of weight loss and normalize it in the future, a person needs to visit a psychologist to eliminate dependence on consuming significant amounts of food. To lose weight quickly, it is very important to approach the problem comprehensively. To create the right motivation, you can make a table in which you will need to record how many kilograms will be lost each week. You can use other methods to reduce psychological stress during weight loss. It is very important to achieve sustainable weight loss. Thus, you need to lose about 5 kg per week to achieve a weight loss of 40 kg in 2 months. When visible results appear, there will immediately be an incentive to continue losing weight.

The results of comprehensive weight loss will last for a long time, even if a person makes some relaxations in his regime. An integrated approach and a positive attitude allow you to achieve sustainable weight loss and acquire a beautiful figure.

With this combination of methods, not only excess weight will be immediately eliminated, but also sagging skin, which often bothers those who try to lose weight with the help of strict diets that bring only short-term results, and then cause even more weight gain.

Lose fat and build muscle mass

And the third tactic for a strategy on how to lose 40 kg of excess weight is to add strength exercises and do them at least three times a week. You don't have to exercise a lot, but if you want to lose a lot of weight quickly, you'll have to work harder. Go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Warm up and lift heavy weights.

By doing strength exercises, you not only directly burn calories, but also raise your metabolic rate throughout the day. This is where your metabolic rate is critical because your body slows it down when you diet. And exercises allow you to raise it to the desired speed.

Studies of people who wanted to lose 40 kg, followed the above diet and exercise showed that they not only lost weight, but also gained muscle mass. And muscle mass, as you know, also burns calories. After all, muscles need more energy than fat. Therefore, your goal is to build muscle mass. After strength training, your body will burn calories for another 24 hours.

What exercises should you do to quickly lose 40 kilograms?

Losing 40 kilos in a couple of months is a real feat, but its results are unlikely to please you if your skin is sagging. To prevent this from happening, physical activity is necessary. It is very effective to jog or at least walk at a fast pace on an empty stomach. This must be done for at least an hour, and do not have breakfast for at least 1.5 hours after exercise. In this case, the fat burning process will continue until late in the evening.

When the first 10 kilograms have already been lost, it is worth starting to form a muscle frame, without which a truly beautiful, slender and toned body is impossible. It is best to do this in the gym under the strict guidance of an experienced instructor.

In general, any activity is better than no activity. Walk your dog, do hoops in front of the TV, run with your children, jump rope. After some time, your body will get used to daily physical activity and you will begin to enjoy it.

In just two months you will live in a new body, albeit not ideal yet, but more beautiful, fit and healthy than today! The main thing is to start and not stop at the first difficulties, and then your life will forever change for the better.

What foods help you lose weight?

All you need to do to lose fat the healthy way is to eat a diet of protein and vegetables.

Good sources of protein: lean beef, chicken breast, fish, preferably cod or salmon, eggs and cottage cheese.

You also need to add fats - they should be healthy. These are olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil.

For breakfast, eat boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, for example, with plenty of vegetables. Supplement your breakfast with natural yogurt or sugar-free cottage cheese. Drink coffee. Caffeine effectively burns fat and accelerates metabolism, speeding it up by 3-11%.

For lunch you can cook chicken breast. You can stew it with herbs. As a side dish, prepare cabbage salad with onions and cherry tomatoes. Season it with olive oil, lemon juice and add a little mustard and salt.

For dinner, cook fish, cod or pollock. Just boil it. There's no fat, no carbs, just protein. Eat fish with tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

For snacks, eat cottage cheese, sugar-free yogurt, and grapefruit.

You will have to forget about bananas, plums, pears and other sweet fruits or greatly minimize them. They are very rich in carbohydrates.

Drink plenty of water, remember, no sugary sodas or juices. These are sources of carbohydrates. Only water. It also speeds up metabolism.

What can you eat to lose 40 kilograms in 2 months?

One of the healthy eating habits that allows you not only to lose weight, but also to keep it at the desired level for a long time is not skipping breakfast.
It is in the morning meal that you can include carbohydrate foods that will make you cheerful and energetic for a long time. Of course, carbohydrate foods on the menu of a losing weight person do not mean a piece of chocolate cake or a bun with jam. The ideal breakfast for someone who strives for youth, slimness and health is porridge. It saturates for a long time and “spurs up” metabolism, promoting more intense fat burning. For lunch, you can treat yourself to a good portion of lean meat, preferably boiled or baked. Take non-starchy vegetables as a side dish. In no case should potatoes or pasta serve as a side dish, otherwise the battle for a thin waist and firm buttocks will be lost before it has even begun.

For dinner, it is best to limit yourself to low-fat cottage cheese. If you feel really sad without sweets, you can eat a teaspoon of good honey, washed down with boiling water and lemon. It is better to avoid tea and coffee during the period of intensive weight loss.

In addition to three main meals, a couple of snacks are allowed daily. It could be an apple, or a pear, or a couple of squares of good dark (at least 75% cocoa content) chocolate, or a few nuts.

If you can't sleep, the feeling of hunger is best overcome by a glass of kefir.

Stick to approximately this diet, naturally, with as much variety as possible in the foods included in it, until you reach your desired weight.

Counting calories

You know, to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat.

There is such a thing as basal metabolism. This is the number of calories that is necessary to maintain the vital functions of the body: contraction of the heart muscle, delivery of oxygen to cells, maintaining temperature, blinking, breathing and similar actions. This is the number of calories you burn while at complete rest. For an average 35-year-old woman weighing 95 kg, it is approximately 1650 kcal. With sedentary work and consuming this amount of calories, this woman will remain at the same weight, 95 kg. If she wants to lose 40 kg, she needs to reduce her calorie intake and increase her level of physical activity.

Important: minimum calorie intake is 1200 Kcal per day.

Otherwise, your metabolism will slow down, your body will switch to an energy-saving mode, and will save every calorie as fat in order to save your life if something happens. He doesn't know that you have a refrigerator full of food.

If the girl from our example thinks about how to lose 40 kg of excess weight as a woman, then she needs a calorie deficit. If she previously consumed 2000 Kcal, and now she needs 1400 Kcal to lose weight, she needs to cut her diet by 600 Kcal. Either making a food deficit of 300 Kcal plus strength training for 30 minutes daily will burn her 350 Kcal.

Excess weight from problems

From early childhood, Oksana became accustomed to dietary restrictions. Until the age of 17, she trained professionally in rhythmic gymnastics. The athletes' regime was a little softer than that of ballerinas. Every extra kilogram threatened a deterioration in results or withdrawal from competitions. Therefore, dietary restrictions were common. Only after growing up and leaving big-time sports, the girl discovered that food taboos no longer existed. After many years of asceticism, this was akin to a revelation.

Pushkina admitted in an interview that in her youth she gained several tens of kilos in a short time. By the time her son was born, at the age of 25, she weighed more than 80, and after giving birth she added another 10 kg. Due to a serious injury, Oksana could not walk normally for a long time; her spine hurt. Obesity drove Pushkin into despair. Strict diets hardly helped, they only led to weakness. Having reached 96 kg, the young woman firmly decided to fight and regain normal weight.

A simple piece of advice from one of my friends helped me lose weight: don’t eat anything in the evenings. Pushkina grabbed onto him like a straw. I went further: I stopped eating in the afternoon. In the mornings I had a fairly hearty breakfast, for lunch no later than 2 p.m., I allowed myself a meat dish with a side dish, and then I just drank tea or coffee without sugar. There were simply no dinners in her life, even symbolic ones.

When her health allowed, right after waking up, Oksana began cleaning the house, washing the floors or running around the shops on foot. After just 2 months, the scale showed 25 kg less, and a few weeks later the TV journalist signed up for the gym.

Active lifestyle

Strength training is an effective way to burn subcutaneous fat. But if the gym is not your thing at all, do cardio every day: walking, running, swimming, cycling - they will burn calories and will definitely help in the “How to lose 40 kg” challenge. Walk to work, all the way or part of the way if it is far away. Set a goal to walk 3 km every day.

Counting calories is a useful activity, but if you are too lazy to do it, you can skip counting them. Eliminating carbohydrates and consuming protein will do the trick, and you will see the results in a month. Believe it or not, simply eliminating the sugar you put in your coffee or tea will provide you with minus 200 kcal per day.

The main trick here is to keep carbohydrates at 20-50 grams per day. For example, one banana contains 20 g of carbohydrates, two boiled beets contain the same 20 g of carbohydrates.

Daily routine and diet

Less than six months had passed since the start of her new life, when Pushkina managed to regain her 55 kg. But she did not calm down there. To prevent the excess weight from returning, I gave up late meals forever. Dinner, in her understanding, means eating until 4 p.m.

Even with a busy schedule, Oksana does not make concessions. When you have to write and edit video materials at night, you refresh yourself with coffee or a microscopic piece of chocolate. Living in such a regime, according to her, is not difficult. A habit quickly develops and you don’t feel like eating at odd hours after just a couple of weeks. On the contrary, strength and energy appear that were not there before.

The daily menu is approximately as follows:

  • for breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese with berries, soft-boiled eggs, coffee;
  • before lunch, a snack: a few nuts, dried fruits or toast with cheese;
  • for lunch: steamed cutlets, grilled meat or baked fish, vegetable soup, green salad, sometimes boiled beans or potatoes.

In addition, Oksana considers it important to take into account the climate when creating a menu. While living in hot California, she practically did not eat meat, preferring legumes and vegetables. Having returned to Russia, she stopped being a vegetarian, but she still has a cool attitude towards meat dishes. He prefers fish and cottage cheese.

Pushkina considers the simple principle of refusing dinner to be the only correct one for weight correction. Following it, there is no need to exclude carbohydrates or fats from the diet, depriving the body of necessary substances. Many diets, in her opinion, suffer from a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, lead to a deterioration in well-being, and slow down metabolism. While ordinary moderation - eating only during the daytime - is good for health.

To maintain a fast metabolism and muscle tone, moderation in nutrition alone would not be enough. Therefore, Pushkina does not ignore physical activity. I go to the fitness room 3-4 times a week. He works out seriously: first, at least 1 hour of cardio, then weight training. Another favorite habit of the TV presenter is the bathhouse. In the Turkish hammam and sauna she regains strength after work, sports and stress.

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