Acupressure technique for weight loss. What points on the body affect the body?

Causes of excess weight

  • Eating a lot of food
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body
  • Life without movement
  • Stress and, as a result, depression
  • Sleep disturbance and, as a result, insomnia
  • Chronic fatigue, emotional exhaustion

One of the ways to get rid of these problems, and therefore excess weight, is to massage biologically active points.

Acupuncture for weight loss has many positive aspects:

  • Improves the condition of the entire body.
  • She has no age restrictions.
  • It is successfully used in conjunction with such methods of getting rid of extra pounds as massage, gymnastics, and dietary restrictions.
  • Acupuncture is a completely safe method.

For acupressure to be useful, you need to know where biologically active points are located on the human body.

Methods and features of acupuncture

Acupuncture requires regularity and must be performed daily or every other day. If the procedure is carried out in the morning, the body will receive vigor and energy. If the session takes place in the evening, the body will relax. A course of acupuncture takes 10-20 procedures, which should be repeated every 2-3 weeks, depending on the expected effect.

The article discusses active points on the human body that are responsible for weight loss.

The main feature of acupuncture is the use of special needles that differ in metal. The needles can be gold, silver or steel. Their removal from active points occurs either slowly, over 1-2 minutes, or with one rotational movement.

Point massage

In addition to the usual acupuncture, which is carried out exclusively by a professional specialist, you can perform so-called acupressure (massage of active points) by massaging or pressing on them. Instead of needles, the thumb and index fingers are used for massage; the effectiveness is the same. Each point is interconnected with some internal organ.

Points on the body for weight loss are located chaotically. If a pronounced pain sensation is felt when pressing, the point has been found correctly. In order to detect an active point, you need to know the measure - tsun. This is the space between the folds when the middle phalanx of the 3rd finger is bent.

Length measureWhat to compare with
1 cunMaximum thumb width
1.5 cunTotal width of index and middle fingers
2 cunWidth of 3 fingers: index, middle and ring
3 cunWidth of fingers from index to little finger inclusive

Basically, the points are located in the following places:

  • Auricle;
  • dimple behind the earlobe;
  • transition of the neck to the shoulder;
  • on both sides of the navel, 2 cm from it (symmetrical points);
  • nasolabial cavity (center);
  • place 4 fingers above the ankle.

It is recommended to massage each point for at least 1 minute, and the full course is 25 days.


In China, acupuncture has been used to treat most diseases for about 5,000 years. But this method helps not only to treat diseases, but also to prevent them. The difference between acupressure is the use of thin needles, the thickness of which ranges from 0.3 to 0.45 mm. They have a special sharpening, so their insertion does not bring severe discomfort or severe pain.

The technique has virtually no contraindications and eliminates side effects.


  • improves the nervous system;
  • increases immunity;
  • eliminates inflammation processes in the body;
  • treatment of chronic diseases.

Acupressure requires absolute knowledge of human anatomy, since biologically active points can be located not only subcutaneously, but also deep in the muscles.

This is useful to know

To measure distance in Eastern medicine, the unit of measurement used is cun. How to determine one cun? This is the width of the first phalanx of the thumb.

This means that one cun is the width of one phalanx, and three cun is the width of three phalanges, and so on. And since everyone’s fingers are different, it is generally accepted that one is equal to 2.4 centimeters.

Technique of influencing active points

Let's remember the rules for performing self-massage. First, study all the points you will be working with, and also practice the movements. Acupressure is done on an empty stomach, before you are about to eat. It is recommended to massage active points every day in the evening, or better even several times a day. If you skip procedures, the desired effect will not be achieved.

In the fight for a slim figure, use self-massage as an additional method. The best result will be if, for example, acupressure is supplemented with physical activity.

One Guan Yuan point will help you get rid of excess weight

To achieve a good result, you need to thoroughly study the location of the desired zones. Let's find the main areas for weight loss.

For example, the point called Guan Yuan is considered the most effective on the entire body.

Where is it? Women should measure three cun from the navel down, and men - four phalanges.

Take a lying position, relax your stomach, find the main focus that will help you lose excess weight, start massaging it with even, but not very fast movements.

Massage this area for 5 minutes 2 times a day. Soon you will feel that you are losing your appetite. And this is what we need! Do the massage for about 25 days and you will lose 3-3.5 kilograms. The manipulation is carried out only in the morning before meals.

What is acupressure massage for weight loss

Healers from China, India and Thailand use Ayurvedic acupressure to treat various diseases and improve the overall health of the body.
The essence of the method is to use your fingertips to influence special acupuncture points located throughout the human body. This effect helps improve blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, activates lymphatic drainage - all together has a positive effect on the reduction of local fat deposits. Women who have experienced the effects of acupressure note that with regular procedures, weight loss occurs faster. Within a month of following a low-calorie diet, playing sports and self-massage, many managed to lose from 3 to 6 kilograms of excess weight. Massage of acupuncture points as one of the auxiliary weight loss techniques has the following advantages:

  • improves overall well-being;
  • improves the functioning of all internal organs;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • accelerates blood circulation and metabolism;
  • can be safely combined with other weight loss methods;
  • has a minimum of contraindications;
  • does not cause side effects.

Point Tzu-San-Li

A very useful area is on the leg, look for it in the knee area. Place your palm on your knee and use your ring finger to find a small depression under the kneecap. Massage it for 20 minutes daily, preferably in the morning.

Chinese experts consider it the most effective bioactive point, which is often called ginseng for the body! Why is she so good?

By massaging it, you will improve your memory, boost your immunity, improve digestion, get rid of fears, and prolong your life in good health. Exposure to it will also help with:

  • osteochondrosis,
  • leg cramps,
  • fainting,
  • mental illnesses,
  • vascular diseases,
  • with noise in the head,
  • for all diseases of the female genital area.

Very useful for children! You should massage clockwise in a circular motion 9 times, first work on one leg, then the other for 8-10 minutes.

During the massage, you may feel a slightly unpleasant tingling in the forehead, shoulder blades or legs, but at the end of the procedure, unprecedented lightness will occur throughout the body.

And for weight loss, massage the Zu-san-li point for 20 minutes a day, you will lose 400 grams per week.


Before you start exploring your body, remember that there is a small list of contraindications. Acupuncture is prohibited if:

  • you are carrying a child;
  • with nervous, mental agitation;
  • in the presence of cancer;
  • for blood diseases, asthma.

Be careful: carelessness can lead to dire consequences.

Magic points for weight loss on the ear

It is worth noting that the largest number of weight loss points are located on the ears. Massaging the area where the ear connects to the jaw will be very effective. As soon as you sit down at the table, massage it for a couple of minutes, your appetite will subside, but you will not feel hungry.

In general, it is useful to massage the entire ear, since there are a lot of areas that are responsible for metabolic processes.

There is another area here that controls appetite. How to find her? A small piece of cartilage protrudes into the ear, which is called the “tragus”, and this very zone is located in front of it. Pinch it with your fingers for 3 minutes before sitting down at the table so that the feeling of hunger disappears.

Find the miracle point!

Once again I was convinced how smart the ancient Chinese were. Many centuries ago, they revealed many secrets of the human body, including finding places on it that, when massaged, can treat various diseases. The Chinese were also concerned about the problem of excess weight, which, as is known, often provokes many pathologies.

The pictures show only the most active points that can be affected and lose weight.

When you click on one point or another, you will be able to:

  • activate metabolism and (improve metabolism);
  • accelerate blood flow and enrich cells and tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • improve digestion;
  • help fats break down faster;
  • reduce blood sugar;
  • curb your appetite.

Proper acupuncture acts in a complex manner, improving the condition of the entire body and improving mood. By the way, regular yoga practice solves the same problems, and we discussed this in detail in this review.

Sujok therapy - safety and effectiveness

If you use this therapy correctly, you can get rid of not only the feeling of hunger, but also many diseases. The treatment that is so popular today was founded by Park Jae Woo, a scientist from South Korea.

Any person who has studied the basis of Sujok therapy can provide himself with quick help for any disease. In our case, zones for getting rid of extra pounds are important.

So, we find the desired area, then perform a massage. This is the first (closest to the palm) joint of the thumb. Apply it for 2 minutes daily. After 7 or 10 days you will feel that you do not feel hungry, you are eating less and losing weight.

Points of harmony and youth on the ears

Points on the body for weight loss are located not only on the ears, but this is where they are most concentrated and are distinguished by their effectiveness. It is most effective to influence these points using acupuncture. But in the absence of such an opportunity, self-massage will be effective, the main thing is correct execution and regularity.

Constant exposure helps reduce appetite, shrink the stomach and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, metabolism accelerates and hormonal levels return to normal.

The most important points that help you lose weight are:

  • 18 – Stress eating is often the cause of excess weight gain. When exposed to this point, the feeling of hunger is dulled and the psychological state improves;
  • 22 – point of the endocrine system. Helps restore hormonal levels. This is true when the cause of excess weight is a hormone imbalance;
  • 25 - brain point. Another point that prevents overeating;
  • 28 – a point that fights not only psychological hunger, but also natural one. It is not recommended to abuse it, since hunger is still a physiological need;
  • 52 – massage of this point gives a feeling of fullness for a long time;
  • 55 – a point of relaxation, helps to cope with stress and thoughts of hunger, preventing overeating;
  • 87 – the point is directly connected to the stomach. Pressure on it helps to normalize the functioning of the stomach, excellent prevention of its distension.

The remaining points are secondary, but their stimulation is also important.

All of the above points can be affected not only with acupuncture, but also with self-massage. There are many active points on the body, so before you start activating them, you should study them well in order not to harm your body and the process of losing weight goes faster.

Author: Pestova Ekaterina

Excess weight due to poor nutrition

A massage of two points on the legs will help you get rid of extra pounds, swelling in the legs, and remove waste and toxins from the body.

The first of them, San-yin-jayu, settled on the lower leg (3 qin above the protruding bone).

Press it with your thumb and hold it for 30 seconds.

The second - Yin Ling Quan is located in the fold on the bend of the knee.

To have a more effective effect on it, use the following technique: in a standing position, lift first one leg, then the other, while hitting the Yin Ling Quan point with the fist of the opposite hand.

Do 30 hits.

To achieve quick results, repeat this procedure 3 times a day.

Methods of influence for weight loss

Acupressure always begins with light stroking in a lying position. They warm up the body and prepare the muscles for further techniques. Following stroking comes rubbing. It is done with the base of the palm or the pads of the fingers. Hands and feet should be rubbed from the periphery to the center, and the stomach only clockwise. The remaining weight loss points can be massaged in different directions.

The following acupressure techniques are kneading, vibration and tapping. They are made with the edge of the palm, fists, and knuckles. These methods are designed to work deep muscles. Kneading and tapping should be alternated with relaxing stroking movements. During the massage, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Do not apply pressure to the vertebral area. This can lead to displacement of intervertebral discs and pinched nerves.
  • Don't overdo the abdominal massage. Vital organs are located here. The subcutaneous fat layer in this area should be treated gently, with tissue stretching.
  • The main attention should be directed to working out the points located in places where fat deposits often accumulate - the lateral parts of the body.

In addition to the classic acupressure technique, there is a method of seven 7 zones - abdominal pressure. It helps get rid of fat in the waist and abdominal area. Acupressure for abdominal weight loss helps improve blood and lymph circulation, normalizes metabolic processes, and improves skin condition. All impact zones are lined up in a straight line parallel to the pubis. Stepping 2 Cun up from the navel and 5 cm left and right, massage the abdomen, first pressing gently on it, then rubbing it clockwise.

Massage for stress and emotional overstrain

Many people “eat up” their stress; to prevent this from happening, act on 2 points - Nei Guan and Tai Chun. A massage procedure with these points will not only help relieve emotional stress, but will also help get rid of unpleasant tingling in the heart, headaches, pain in the abdomen and chest. It will even lift your spirits.

Nei-guan point

Measure 2 cun from the middle of the wrist up to the forearm.
For greater efficiency, perform the exercise: in a standing position, find this point with your thumb. Inhale, raise your arms up.

As you exhale, lower your arms and stop them at chest level.

At the same time, press firmly on this area and hold for 30 seconds.

Repeat 30 times for each hand.

Tai Chung point

Located on the foot in the depression between the first and second toe.

Work on it for 5 seconds in a sitting position.

Repeat 30 times for each leg.

If you massage this area before bed, you will quickly get rid of insomnia.

Feng Shi point

Feng Shi massage will help you get rid of insomnia, as well as unsightly folds of fat on the thighs.
Lower your arms along your body.

Where the middle finger of your hand is, there you will find the desired point.

Massage it for 5 seconds 30 times on each leg.

Is it possible to lose weight with acupuncture?

When fighting excess weight, they often resort to acupuncture. Its effectiveness and efficiency is obvious and has long been proven. Points on the body for weight loss are very active. Therefore, it is important, when seeking help from an acupuncturist, to take into account his experience, since the result will largely depend on this.

At the very beginning of a course of acupuncture aimed at losing weight, the specialist acts only on 2-3 points in the ear area, subsequently adding new ones. The session time, as a rule, does not last more than 30 minutes.

Positive dynamics become visible a month after the start of the acupuncture course. The appearance of a positive result is explained by the fact that the craving for even the most favorite food is noticeably reduced.


The basis of the reflex effect is the metameric principle: each segment of the spinal column and spinal cord corresponds to a certain area of ​​the skin - the dermatome, muscles - the myotome, a “segment” of the skeletal system - the osteotome and internal organs. That is, when working with this technique, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of segmental innervation.

During the procedure, a bolus of the drug HYALREPAIR® Bioreparant forte, introduced into the projection of a biologically active point, acts as a mechanical stimulus to pain, tactile and baroreceptors at the local and segmental level for two weeks, providing prolonged stimulation of the point. The effect on nerve endings improves local microcirculation and triggers internal rejuvenation processes. When stimulating nerve terminals, the release of biologically active substances by cells increases, pain decreases from procedure to procedure, and general and local immunity increases.

Advice from losing weight and nutritionists

To achieve the desired effect with minimal complications, you must take into account the advice of people with experience in this field:

  • It is recommended to combine massage with other weight loss methods if you want to get rid of unwanted pounds in a short time. Such manipulations have few restrictions, so they can be combined with other schemes without complications;
  • Physical activity after a massage will help improve and maintain the result;
  • The procedure requires a lot of time (about an hour) and complete relaxation. Accordingly, space should be allocated in the daily schedule for necessary activities with a minimum of distractions;
  • At the same time, following the rules of proper nutrition, you can achieve greater results, both in terms of gaining extra pounds and in general regeneration of the body.

IMPORTANT: this article is for informational purposes only! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Acupuncture technique for weight loss

Before an acupuncture session, the doctor must talk with the patient. He needs to know about all the diseases and medications you are taking. For example, blood thinners increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

During an acupuncture procedure for weight loss, up to 30 needles are placed on the patient's body. You don't need to do anything, just relax and trust a specialist. Usually the session is painless. You may feel a slight tingling or itching, but not severe pain. And if the sensations are very unpleasant, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

After the procedure, there are no significant marks left on the body (there may only be barely noticeable hematomas). Patients usually feel alert and rested. Their mood improves and new strength appears.


There are many pressure points in your abdomen that can activate faster energy flow, which promotes weight loss. But you need a certain area - exactly 2 fingers from the navel. Massage this point for a minute and repeat the procedure daily.

Points for normalizing pressure

I found 2 such points in different sources. In the Thai blog (left photo) they write that in order to normalize the pressure, you need to influence the groove marked in the photo with your thumb and index finger for 2-3 minutes.

And in my “handbook” on acupressure, which has been with me for many years, they write that the pressure is normalized by the point located at the base of the ear opening (right picture). This point is called the “first aid point.” For high blood pressure, apply pressure directly into the ear, then slightly upward towards the nose. The effect you feel at the first press will spread throughout your entire body.

As you can see, ear massage is quite simple and does not take much time. Try it, in any case you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.

What are the points for weight loss in Chinese medicine?

The first responsibility of a person before performing procedures is to determine the location of the points. Before delving into the map of the location of the desired areas on the body, first of all you need to find out the unit of measurement used for the designation - cun:

  • one cun is expressed in the width of the phalanx of the thumb;
  • one and a half cun - the width of two fingers (index and middle);
  • two cun are the width of the first three fingers of one hand;
  • when determining three tsun, four fingers are already used.

These designations are adopted in the Chinese methodology, so it is important to take them into account when determining points

What points on the stomach are there to reduce appetite and lose weight?

The first point is called guan-yuan and is located three cuns down from the navel. The effect is carried out after relaxing and taking a lying position by intensively massaging the area in a circular motion.

There is no need to apply excessive pressure - it is important to ensure moderate pressure. The recommended number of manipulations is twice a day

The second point on the body for losing weight and reducing appetite is called tian shu. You can find it by moving two cuns away from the navel on the right and left sides. Before performing the procedure, you need to slightly bend your legs at the knee joint, tilt your body down and pull in your abdominals. The massage is carried out by pressing the pads of the thumbs on the indicated places.

What is the point on the ears for weight loss?

Another place for massaging is located on the earlobes. The point is called feng chi. When carrying out manipulations, the pads of the middle fingers are used

In this case, it is important to immediately influence both points on the ears that are responsible for weight loss. However, if it is not possible, it is allowed to knead one by one

The duration of the massage is at least 5 minutes.

Are there such places on your hands?

There are three points on the upper limbs:

  • heh-gu. Placed between the joint of the thumb and index finger of the left hand. You need to press into place with your thumb. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes;
  • nei-guan. Located two cun above the wrist. To stimulate it, you need to take a deep breath and raise your arms above your head. When exhaling, press on a certain area, gradually lowering the upper limbs to the sternum, leaving them in this position for up to 6 seconds. The action must be performed 15 times;
  • lau-gun. To find it, you need to move one cun down from the thumb of your left hand. The massage is carried out with the thumb of the right hand, kneading the active zone with circular movements for 5 minutes.

As reviews show, points on the body for weight loss also help relieve fatigue after a hard day at work. Therefore, office workers whose hands are constantly busy with the computer keyboard are recommended to periodically massage them at work to relax their muscles.

Where to massage your feet?

There are three points on the lower extremities of the body.

The first is San Yin Jiao. It is placed three cun above the protruding shin bone. The massage is simple and consists of pressing on a point and holding for 25-35 seconds.

The second is Yin Ling Quan. You can find it two cun below the bend of the knee joint. Before performing the procedure, you need to take a standing position. The essence of the manipulation is to raise the leg and then hit the active place with the fist.

Another one is shu-gu, which is located on the foot in a small depression along the outer edge. To massage, you need to sit down, inhale deeply, exhale and press while holding pressure for 5 seconds.

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