girl shows biceps
What exercises to tighten sagging arms and armpits
Have you ever thought about improving the muscle tone in your arms so that the skin does not sag?
Abduction of legs and hips in the simulator while sitting, standing, back, to the sides. Technique
Abduction of legs and hips in the simulator while sitting, standing, back, to the sides. Technique
The benefits and disadvantages of moving the legs back in the exercise machine The exercises are technically not very difficult
Fitness equipment in the gym
Training program for beginners in the gym
One visit to your local gym and you feel like you've entered the matrix:
Superficial back muscles, structure.
Back muscles: how to develop at home?
06/08/2021 | Category Osteochondrosis The body has different organs - heart, liver, lungs, spleen,
A set of effective exercises for the lower back and lower back
Why pump up your lower back Sports achievements in almost any form depend on the development of the lumbar muscles
Hamstring muscles
Biceps femoris: anatomy and the best exercises for the biceps femoris muscle
The hamstrings are extremely important in powerlifting. By strengthening these muscles, the athlete increases strength
Lunges forward
Exercises to reduce the size of the hips and buttocks at home
How to reduce the volume of the butt and thighs quickly Typically, the area of ​​​​the thighs and buttocks
Forward bends
20 Dynamic Stretching Exercises to Help You Warm Up
Stretching is one of the most underrated forms of fitness. Most often it is associated with
Bodyweight squats
How to breathe correctly when squats: breathing, technique and nuances
© liderina — Share: Squats are one of the most effective exercises that leads to
17 yoga asanas that will help you lose belly fat and achieve beautiful abs
In Indian culture, a lot of attention is paid to taking care of the body. Yoga is a whole science
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