Classic crunches lying on the floor and rules for their implementation

Beautiful and sculpted abs require regular exercise and effective exercises. One of the most popular abdominal exercises is floor crunches. To perform it, you do not need any specialized equipment, so it is available both in the gym and at home. This exercise comes in different variations, each of which focuses on a specific part of the abdominal muscles. The correct execution technique plays a role in its effectiveness, so you need to learn how to correctly do crunches while lying on the floor.

Features of the exercise

The press can be trained quite easily; the main thing in this matter is regularity . Lying crunches are a popular exercise that has many variations. It is recommended for absolutely everyone from beginners to professionals. This is a basic exercise that allows you to pump up your abdominal muscles, develop strength and endurance.

Although several joints are not involved in the work, all parts of the abs receive stress during crunches. In addition to direct muscle training, exercise helps maintain the health of the spine and the beauty of posture. In addition, the abdominal muscles form a strong muscular corset, which increases the endurance necessary to perform more difficult exercises - bench press, deadlift, squats. The exercise is simple and accessible, and can be performed anywhere and anytime, which is an important advantage for those who exercise at home.

Other exercise variations

Achieving an effective result is impossible without performing a set of exercises, including various variations of crunches.

This is a very important point, since the abs consists of a group of muscles that require action on each one so that the real and visible effect does not take long to arrive.

Reverse crunches

During reverse crunches, active work of the lower abdominal cavity occurs. To burn fat, it is very important to carefully work out this area. The exercise is performed by lifting the legs rather than the body.

Reverse crunches are performed like this:

  • Starting position lying on the floor or on an inclined bench. Hands should be kept along the body or held
  • As you exhale, lift your legs up and stay at the trajectory point for a couple of seconds. If you slightly lift your lower back off the floor, your abs will contract more strongly.
  • Lower your lower back to the floor and slowly move your legs towards the floor, stopping a few centimeters from it. The legs do not need to be returned to their original position. You need to strive to keep your abdominal muscles tense during the exercise.

Reverse crunches (reverse crunches)

For added strength and resistance, this technique can be performed in a pulley machine.

Reverse crunches lying at the bottom block

Side crunches

This type of crunch is aimed at working the oblique abdominal muscles. When lifting, the body rotates around its axis. The exercise ensures the creation of clear contours on both sides of the abdominal relief.

The execution technique is as follows:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle, put your hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, lift your upper body off the floor and twist to the right, then repeat the same to the left.
  • After inhaling, release your body to the floor.

Oblique (lateral) crunches on the floor

Crunches with raised legs

A highly effective exercise because it combines dynamic twisting with static stabilization.

  • You need to lie on the floor and raise your legs up, bend them at the knees so that the knees are at right angles to the body. Place your hands behind your head or close your hands on your chest.
  • As you exhale, lift your upper body and pull it forcefully towards your knees. You cannot straighten your back and tear off your lower back.
  • At the most extreme point, you need to linger for one or two seconds, so that the abdominal muscles are as tense as possible, and then inhale and lower the body to its original position.

Crunches with legs raised

Which can also be performed with some weights.

Weighted crunches

Or raise your hands to the toes of your legs stretched vertically upward.

Torso twisting (hands to toes)

Diagonal crunches

These crunches are also used to work the oblique abdominal muscles. They help reduce your waist size and become slim.

Diagonal crunches are performed as follows:

  • Take the starting position: Lie on the floor, bend your knees perpendicular to the floor and press firmly to it. Then lift one leg, bend it and place your foot on the knee of the other leg.
  • Lift your upper body off the floor and pull it towards your knees and twist it diagonally. It is important to twist with the shoulder part: turn your shoulder towards the opposite leg and as far as possible to the side.
  • As you inhale, lower your torso to the starting position.

Make sure to keep your hips pressed to the floor during crunches.

Double crunches

Performing this crunch puts stress on the upper and lower abdomen. A combination of classic and reverse crunches is used here.


  • Lie on the floor and lift your legs off the floor, and then bend them slightly. Place your hands behind your head or on your chest.
  • Exhaling, do a double twist: the legs are pulled towards the head, and the body, lifting off the floor, is pulled towards the legs.
  • At the extreme point, you should fix the position for a few seconds.
  • Inhale and lower your legs and body to the floor.

Double crunches

On an incline bench

Using a bench allows you to change the angle of inclination and increase the impact on the abdominal muscles.

Exercises are performed using standard crunches and reverse crunches.

  • Take the starting position: lie on a bench and secure your legs with bolsters. Close your hands on your chest.
  • As you exhale, perform a classic twist.
  • As you inhale, return to the starting position.

If you pump up your abs with shortened dynamic movements, the load and performance increase.

Incline crunches

On a Roman chair

The exercise is performed using a special chair that secures the legs, preventing them from moving. The upper part of the body is always covered.

  • Sit on a chair and secure your legs with special bolsters. Place your hands in a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Round your back and, as you exhale, twist your body toward your legs. The upper part of the body should be aimed at the knees.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.

If you need to make the exercise more difficult, you can use additional weight by securing it behind your neck or on your chest.

Lifting on an inclined bench (Sitap) with a load

Kneeling in a pulley machine

If you work out in the gym, then using special equipment for crunches would be the best option, since the load can be adjusted on the machine and performing a workout using the wrong technique is practically impossible.

On the simulator, the exercise is performed as follows:

  • You need to attach a rope handle to the top rope.
  • Stand with your back to the block and take a small step and lower yourself to the floor on your knees.
  • The ends of the handle need to be placed behind your back and pressed tightly against the trapezoid.
  • As you exhale, twist the upper part of the body towards the knees.
  • While inhaling, lift your shoulder girdle without jerking.

Crunches on the upper block

Standing in a pulley machine

The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  • You need to stand with your back to the block, having first secured the rope handle to the lower cable.
  • Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place the ends of the handle over your shoulders.
  • As you exhale, use twisting movements to pull your body toward the opposite leg.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.

Press crunches from the lower block

On a gymnastic ball

The technique of doing crunches on a gymnastic ball is similar to classic crunches. This exercise is effective because it keeps not only the abdominal cavity, but also the whole body in tone, maximizing the load.

  • Place your upper body on a fitball and place your legs bent at right angles on the floor. The pelvis must be lifted off the ball and kept parallel to the floor. Place your hands behind your head.
  • Having fixed the starting position, as you exhale, perform standard forward twists.
  • As you inhale, lower your body back onto the ball, but leave your shoulder blades hanging.

You can also work the oblique abdominal muscles in the same way by performing lateral crunches.

Crunches on a fitball

Russian crunches

Russian crunches are also called twists. When performed correctly, the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles receive a good load. At the same time, the rectus abdominis and transverse muscles also work. The entire press is carefully worked out. It allows you to reduce the size of the waist and draw out the sides.

  • Take the starting position: you need to sit on the floor, and move your bent legs forward a little and fix them on the floor in a static position.
  • The body must be moved back at an angle of 45°. Your back should be straight while performing crunches.
  • Stretch your arms forward, bringing your hands together.
  • Having clearly fixed the body in a stationary position, make alternating turns to the right and left.

Russian crunches

In a more complicated version, this exercise can be performed in a block

Russian crunches on a block while lying on a fitball

or with additional weighting in the form of a pancake / weights / medicine ball.

In a hanging position on your forearms or straight arms

Such crunches are performed in the gym, using special equipment. It has a padded back and stirrups for the hands. The exercise is done in a hanging position. It works great on the lower abdominal cavity.

  • Press your back against the soft back part, and place your arms bent at the elbows on the soft bolsters, in a position perpendicular to the body.
  • As you exhale, pull your knees towards your chest and hold for a couple of seconds.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.

Reverse crunches with legs suspended

Side plank crunch on elbow

This variation of crunches perfectly works the oblique abdominal muscles.

  • Starting position - lie on your side, and then lift yourself up on your elbow, maintaining support only on your legs. The body should be a straight line, and the elbow should be strictly under the shoulder.
  • Raise your free hand up.
  • As you exhale, twist your torso, bringing your arm toward the opposite armpit.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the exercise in the same way on the other side.

Side plank crunch on elbow

Crunches in the gym

Today, fitness centers provide their clients with equipped gyms, which always have crunching machines. There are a large number of variations of such simulators, but they have the same operating principle - working out the abdominal muscles. Crunches on the simulator are carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, you should adjust the machine to suit you - set the required weight and adjust the seat height according to your height. You should be able to sit comfortably, and you should not feel any strain on your legs or shoulder girdle. It is better to start training with light weights, gradually increasing the load.
  • Sit on the seat, grab the support with your hands, and press your upper body into the pillows.
  • Twist the body a little so that the tiles of the machine come off a little.
  • As you exhale, twist and fix the position of the body at the extreme point for a couple of seconds. The head needs to move towards the pelvis so that the muscles contract better.
  • Inhale and smoothly return the body to its original position.

Crunches on the machine

Lateral crunches in hyperextension

Hyperextension is an exercise aimed at developing the muscles of the spinal region. It also affects the gluteal muscles and the back of the thighs. To work out the abdominal muscles, a special hyperextension bench is used.

  • Approach the incline bench sideways and rest your hips on it. Place your feet on platforms. Place your hands behind your head.
  • As you exhale, tilt your body towards your legs without jerking.
  • Inhale and lift your body to the starting position.

You can increase the load by taking on additional weight.

Barefoot crunches

To perform this exercise you will need a block trainer and a special fitness device - bosu. The exercise effectively works the entire abs and helps reduce waist size.

  • You need to attach regular handles to the bottom of the block and place the boss in front of the machine.
  • Place your back on your barefoot and keep your buttocks a few centimeters off the floor. Grasp the handles of the block.
  • Bend your legs at the knees and place them slightly wider than your shoulders. Extend your arms straight forward so that your palms are level with your knees.
  • Maintaining the position, as you exhale, lift your body up.
  • Inhale and lower to the starting position.

Crunches on a block while lying barefoot

What muscles work?

Lying crunches allow you to work the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, the muscles of the middle and lower back, as well as partially the buttocks, inner and outer thighs.

To notice the coveted abdominal definition, you need not only to do exercises, but also to follow a diet, since if you have a layer of fat, it will still not be visible, no matter how hard you train.

Correct technique

As already noted, there are many varieties of exercise. To effectively influence the press, twisting must be performed technically correctly. The classic version of the exercise is performed in stages:

  1. Place on a hard surface - a floor or bench will do.
  2. Accepting the starting position of the body. You need to lie on your back, bend your legs and place them on the floor at an angle of 90 degrees. Close your hands behind your head, spreading your elbows to the side.
  3. You can also cross them across your chest to reduce the stress on your spine. The lower back should be pressed to the floor while performing crunches.
  4. As you exhale, lift your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor and pull them toward your knees. The gaze should be directed to the ceiling to prevent pressing the chin to the chest. Also, bringing your elbows together is unacceptable. At the highest point you need to linger for a couple of seconds.
  5. As you inhale, lower your upper back to the floor. To maximize the load, you can keep your shoulder blades on the floor during crunches.
  6. Relaxing the abdominal muscles before the next crunch.

Technique: classic version

First you need to learn how to perform crunches on the floor in the classic variation. First, take the starting position:

  • Lie on the floor, preferably on a gymnastics mat.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  • Arch your lower back, inhale and stretch your abdominal muscles.

The movement itself is performed as follows:

  • Exhaling, lift your upper body towards your legs, while contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your lower back motionless on the floor.
  • Inhaling, lean back, stretching your abdominal muscles to the maximum. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary, keeping your abdominal muscles tense throughout the entire approach.

While performing the exercise, try not to swing or twist your torso with a jerk. This is a gross violation of the correct technique, due to which the effectiveness of the exercise is reduced.

Standing cable crunches

Crunches performed using a block simulator work well on the upper and internal muscle groups. At the same time, the exercise is completely safe for the lumbar region.

The exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We fix the rope handle on the simulator.
  2. We set the required weight.
  3. We stand with our back to the projectile and pull the handle to the top of our chest.
  4. Exhale and bend your back, trying to pull the handle lower.
  5. We inhale and return to the starting position.

Ab crunches on the floor: variations

Crunches lying on the floor, the technique of which you already know, have many variations, differing in level of difficulty. Having learned to easily perform the exercise 20 or more times, you can include more complex variations in your training. Let's look at what other types of twists exist.

By hand position:

  • You can keep your hands along your body or support your buttocks with them. This option is considered very easy and is suitable for beginners, but in the future it is better to move on to more difficult options.
  • Cross your arms over your chest. This will add weight to your upper body, making the exercise a little more challenging.
  • You can also perform crunches lying down with weights. Its size can be selected individually, but keep in mind that it should not provoke discomfort. You can use, for example, pancakes. You can hold the pancake on your chest with your hands crosswise or hold it with your hands behind your head.

According to the position of the legs, the exercise can be as follows:

  • You can place your shins on a bed, on a bench, or on a chair. In this way the counterweight of the legs is reduced.
  • Legs can be raised vertically. This will ensure constant stress on the stomach.
  • You can also keep your legs at an angle. This is a difficult option that puts a lot of stress on the abdominal muscles, so it requires a certain level of preparation.

You can vary these options. So, having studied them all, you can perform crunches with and without a weight plate, change the position of your arms and legs. This will help diversify your workouts and increase their effectiveness.

You can also consider the following exercise options:

  • Reverse crunches on the floor . From a lying position, you need to understand that your legs are bent at the knees towards the chest, lifting the lower part of the lower back.
  • Side crunches . Exercise to work the oblique abdominal muscles. You need to lie with your back on the floor, put your legs bent at the knees on your side, and place your hips at a right angle to the body. The hand that is closer to the floor will fix the legs. The other is behind the head. Such twisting must be done first on one side, and then on the other.
  • Diagonal crunches, also known as "Bicycle" crunches . You need to support your upper back and legs. Hands are behind the head. Twisting is done on one side, with the elbow facing the direction of the opposite leg. This leg simultaneously bends at the knee.

What can you do instead of crunches?

Conventional twisting can be replaced with similar actions using different devices:

  • twisting from the upper block;
  • on an inclined bench;
  • in a Roman chair;
  • on the simulator.

There are several options for how you can diversify this exercise.

Hand position: You can place them behind your head, on your chest, and you can also use your hands to support additional weight (behind your head or on your chest, as you wish).

The position of the legs can also be changed: for starters, it is better to put them on a chair, sofa, bench. To create constant abdominal tension, your legs need to be held at an angle. Medium difficulty option - legs raised vertically.

Which version of the starting position is right for you must be determined based on your physical fitness. But don’t try to immediately grab the most difficult variation of crunches, as you will only harm your body.

Contraindications and precautions

Ab crunch training on the floor can be very effective, but before you begin, it is recommended to study possible contraindications. These include herniated intervertebral discs (in certain cases), osteoporosis and late stages of osteochondrosis, pregnancy. But there are exceptions to any rule, so it makes sense to consult a specialist.

In addition, it is very important to do abdominal crunches while lying on your back, avoiding mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, calling into question its safety.

The most common mistake when performing the exercise, which beginners often make, is lifting the body instead of twisting. If the body seems to be hunched over during the exercise, with the body close to the groin, then when lifting, the back will remain straight and the shoulders will be directed at the knees. With this technique, everything can work, but not the press. Doing crunches in this manner, even for a long time, will not achieve results.

Also, when doing crunches, many people tend to strain their neck and press their chin to their chest. This also does not need to be done, since it is an extra load that is not recommended.

Another point is breathing . When twisting the body, you need to exhale sharply and powerfully, as this helps to ensure maximum stress on the rectus abdominis muscle. There is no need to be afraid to breathe loudly - this directly affects the effectiveness of your workouts.

We recommend that you read: body bends, how to do the exercise

Also consider the following points:

  • Do not put your head on the floor or throw your shoulders there so that the load in the abdominal muscles is maintained correctly.
  • Do not lift your lower back from the floor, working your torso through a large amplitude, which will ensure the work of your back muscles.
  • Don't pull the back of your head with your hands. To avoid this, you can keep your hands at your temples or simply not clasp them.
  • There is no need to swing, twisting your body with a jerk - this is a serious violation of technique.
  • To determine if you are doing the exercise correctly, place one finger on the bottom of your chest and the other on the point below your navel. Then curl the press. If you do everything correctly, your fingers should be as close to each other as possible.
  • An indicator of the quality of work is a burning sensation in the abdominal muscles.
  • Having reached the top point of the exercise, take a short break - this will increase its effectiveness.

When performing crunches while lying on your abs, select the number of repetitions and level of load based on your goals. If you want to get noticeable abs on your stomach, it is recommended to do 3-4 sets of 8-15 times . Most likely you will need additional weight. A pancake is good for this, but it can also be replaced with a dumbbell. In the gym, to increase the load, you can do exercises on a special simulator. If you want to speed up the process of burning fat in the abdominal area and tighten it, do a lot of repetitions - from 25. It is also recommended to increase the number of approaches. Perform the exercise at an intense pace.

Opinions are divided on when to perform this and other abdominal exercises. Some recommend working out your abs at the beginning of a workout to speed up blood circulation and prepare the body for basic exercises. Others believe that before starting heavy basic exercises, the muscles should not be tired, so it is better to complete the workout with abs. Both of these opinions are equally true, so the abdominal muscles can be trained either separately or as part of a general workout whenever it is convenient for you.

Photos of crunches lying on the floor will help you better understand their correct technique.

Rules for performing the exercise

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees at right angles, and place your feet on the floor (or on a bench). If you are using an elevated platform, place your feet 10cm apart. Keep your hands behind your head. Tip: don't touch your fingers.
  2. With your lower back pressed into the floor (this will force your abdominal muscles to work harder), begin to lift your shoulders.
  3. As you exhale, press your lower back into the floor as hard as you can. Keeping it motionless, raise yourself 10 cm by tensing your abdominals. Tip: do the exercise slowly, without jerking.
  4. After a second pause while inhaling, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the recommended number of times.

Variations: You can perform the exercise with additional weight, on an incline bench, or with a fitball (gymnastic ball).

Among the basic variations, consider crunches with arms above your head and lateral movements, which can diversify your workouts without changing your body position.

Lie down on an incline bench. Place one hand on the back of your head, the other on your thigh. As you exhale, twist, turning your body to the left until your right elbow touches your left knee. Repeat as many times as necessary and switch sides.

Crunches with arms above head

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet half a meter apart. Raise yourself 10 cm from the floor, at the same time stretch your right hand towards your right heel. Exhale and lower yourself. Repeat on the other side.

Alternating side crunches

Let's take a closer look at the working muscles, the benefits and contraindications for performing the exercise, as well as many other versions of its implementation.

Twisting while lying on the floor: useful video

Crunches are a simple exercise, but they involve many nuances, and you need to know them in order to avoid mistakes and achieve maximum efficiency. We invite you to watch a video of crunches on the floor, which will explain in detail everything important about this exercise.

In general, crunches are an effective exercise for working the abdominal muscles, which allows you to both gain relief and simply tighten this area. Don't be lazy to do it regularly, and soon you will notice the results.


Like any physical activity, crunches have certain limitations due to the health status of the trainee.

Twisting is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Presence of hernias.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Disturbances in the respiratory system.
  • Adhesive disease.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Serious gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Postoperative period.
  • Presence of injuries.

Only in consultation with your doctor is it permissible to perform twisting exercises.

Oblique twists: how to do them correctly?

Oblique crunches work the oblique abdominal muscles. This exercise is a basic one and should be included in your bodybuilding workout. It strengthens the abs and defines the waist. Oblique twists are necessary for the full, uniform development of all abdominal muscles, and they are also necessary for strengthening the lower back, as well as for the prevention of spinal injuries.

Technique for performing oblique twists

  1. Lying on the floor, bend your knees, then turn slightly onto your side, with your knee touching the floor.
  2. Place one hand on your thigh and place the other behind your head.
  3. After inhaling and holding your breath, strongly tighten your oblique abs and try to fold yourself in half, while pointing your shoulders and head straight forward and upward.
  4. After the shoulder on which you are lying rises a few centimeters from the floor, exhale and return to the starting position.
  5. Once you've completed all the reps on one side, flip over to the other side and do the same reps on the other side. Please note that your hips should be at an angle of 90 degrees relative to your torso.

Exercise Tips and Tricks

  • There is no point in raising your shoulders and head as high as possible. This will not increase the effectiveness of the exercise, but the risk of injury increases, since at this moment the spine is curved and compression of the spinal discs occurs.
  • If you don't have enough flexibility in your hip joint, don't do this exercise. You should not feel any discomfort while keeping your hips at a 90-degree angle to your body. If it is difficult for you to do this, then perform diagonal lifts of the body, but twisting is dangerous for you. Do not do this exercise if your hip joint is not flexible enough. You should be able to freely keep your hips rotated at 90° to your torso. If this is difficult for you, then you will rather perform diagonal lifts of the torso than twisting, which is extremely dangerous for the spine.
  • Hold your breath as you lift your shoulders. This allows you to increase your concentration while contracting your obliques and will give you extra strength.
  • Only the shoulders and head come off the floor. The lower back should always be pressed to the floor, and bending should occur only in the thoracic areas of the spine. If you try to lift your whole body, the load from the oblique muscles of the body is redistributed to the lower back.
  • It is necessary to place the neck and head in line with the spine. Don't tilt your head or turn it.
  • Make sure that your shoulders rise only with the help of the oblique abdominal muscles. Do not pull your head with your hand under any circumstances.

The benefits of abdominal exercises

  • Formation of beautiful posture. Developed abdominal muscles support the body in the correct position. A protruding belly pulls the torso down and spoils your posture.
  • Internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract, receive internal massage. There is no stagnation of blood in the internal organs.
  • For girls and women, how to effectively prepare for childbirth and prevent female diseases.
  • For men to increase potency and reduce the risk of developing prostatitis.
  • Trained abdominal muscles prevent the stomach from stretching, which means they prevent overeating
  • Production of hormones of joy and a feeling of satisfaction.
  • Increasing internal self-esteem.

About the benefits of crunches

If you follow the exercise technique and train regularly, you can achieve excellent results with crunches. In particular, make the abs more pronounced and the stomach flatter. That is why crunches are an integral part of fitness and bodybuilding classes.

Strengthening the abdominal muscles with the help of crunches is necessary not only to create an attractive figure, but also to normalize the most important physiological processes - coughing, deep breathing, urination and defecation.

In addition, a strong muscular frame protects the abdominal organs from damage and maintains them in the correct position. For girls, crunches are especially useful - they will not only allow you to become slim and beautiful, but will greatly facilitate the process of childbirth in the future.

What time to train

When training at home, many recommend doing exercises in the morning on an empty stomach. This is effective because the body uses up all the evening energy during sleep, so morning workouts use fat energy. A sure step towards getting rid of belly fat.

However, remember that in the morning the glycogen reserve (these are “canned” carbohydrates, the energy reserve of our body) is practically zero, so strength training is not recommended. It’s good to do yoga, stretching, and simple exercises without stress. Monitor your well-being.

Perform the exercises using the correct breathing technique: force as you exhale, relax your muscles as you inhale. The most effective workout will not give the desired result without the correct breathing technique.

How many times a week do you train?

Train regularly, but without fanaticism. The best option is 3 times every 7 days for 15-25 minutes, work out the exercises for 10-20 repetitions, 2-3 approaches each

It is important not to take long breaks

How long does it take to pump up your abs?

It all depends on the body composition and conscientiousness of the worker; a miracle will not happen in less than a month. Perfect abs in a week is nothing more than a myth!

If you have an average build – 1-2 months of hard training + proper nutrition and a flat tummy like magic.

If a person has a body constitution that tends to be overweight: strength training + cardio (running in the morning, walking) + proper diet + drying the body.

How to pump up your six-pack and is it worth it?

Whether it’s worth it or not depends on your preferences: some people like cubes, others just like a toned tummy. By following a diet and performing an effective set of exercises collected in this article, you will pump up your abs and make your tummy flat. If you want cubes, you can do this program with increasing load (increasing the weight of equipment, number of approaches, etc.), after 1.5-2 months of training the cubes will appear. If you want to speed up the results, here is a photo of an express workout plan for six-pack workouts for 30 days.

Here is the second variation of the abdominal exercise program for 30 days:

Twists and contraindications

The activity also has contraindications, despite its maximum safety. Straight crunches can be done even by those who have difficulties with the lumbar region. But they are prohibited partially or completely under the following conditions:

  • in a certain period after injuries and surgical interventions;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • during pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • acute ailments of the stomach and intestines;
  • serious liver and kidney diseases;
  • presence of inflammation;
  • for rheumatism.

Moreover, the first three contraindications in this list are absolute.

As for the rest, it is important to consult with your doctor.

At the same time, I have a friend who has rheumatoid arthritis. At the same time, he often performs straight and even double twists, and this benefits him. Thus, in each specific case it is important to choose the appropriate intensity and activity.

Recommendations for training the abs for men

We have already figured out how to properly pump up the abs at home, but are there any specific training features for men? Let's imagine the following situation: You are an adult man in good physical shape, you have been training your abs regularly for several months, but still have not achieved the desired result. What needs to be done in such a situation?

There can be quite a lot of factors due to which abs are still not showing off on your stomach. Let's look at the most common of them.

Frequency and intensity of training

There can be two possible scenarios here: either you train your abs too rarely, and this load is not enough to create the stress necessary for hypertrophy of the abdominal muscles, or you train your abs too often, “killing” them with each workout, and your muscles simply do not manage to recover.

It's no secret that the male hormonal background is more suitable for gaining muscle mass, so we need less time and resources to develop the muscle group that interests us. But this does not mean that we should do dozens of abdominal exercises every day, working to failure in each approach, without giving them proper rest and recovery. Therefore, it is necessary to select the intensity frequency at which the muscles will best respond to the load. In my coaching and personal experience, the optimal frequency of abdominal training is no more than twice a week, and in most cases, once a week will be more than enough.

The main thing is to approach this issue wisely. Select 3-5 exercises in which you will best feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and try to progress in them, increasing the number of repetitions and decreasing the rest time between approaches. If the exercise stops “working” or the neuromuscular connection worsens, replace the exercise with a similar one.

It is important to evenly work all parts of the abdominal muscles, not forgetting the transverse and oblique abdominal muscles


You will never see abs if your percentage of subcutaneous fat is high enough. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly create a diet and stick to it for quite a long time, then you will certainly see the results of your labors. The basis of your diet should be protein foods, the consumption of carbohydrates and fats must be reduced, and it is better to completely abandon the consumption of simple carbohydrates and trans fats, since by consuming them you not only receive a large number of “empty” calories, but also harm your liver and stomach and pancreas.

In addition, many men often sin by drinking alcohol, forgetting that almost all alcoholic products are damn high in calories. Here we should mention a common phenomenon among many men who lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcohol - a “beer belly”. Advice to fragile minds: there is nothing brutal or masculine about drinking beer, it does not make you a man. What makes you a man is your steely character, willpower, courage and responsibility, which you can cultivate in yourself through physical activity, but not through drinking alcohol.

Training process

If you regularly work out in the gym and perform exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses, your upper abs are already receiving quite a load. Therefore, as part of your abdominal training, it is more advisable to give priority to the development of the lower abs by performing exercises such as lying or hanging leg raises, scissors, leg pull-ups and others.

Men who have accumulated a large amount of visceral fat need to pay no less attention to training the transverse abdominal muscle by performing a vacuum exercise, in this way you can reduce the size of your waist, and visually your stomach will appear smaller and smaller

artinspiring –

Exercises for Beginners

Exercises with a gymnastic wheel for beginners are included in the basic complex. When performing exercises, watch your breathing: inhale when bending down, exhale when lifting. You should not immediately do heavy loads, increase them gradually.

An approximate basic complex for beginners:

  • We sit on our knees, hands on the handles of the roller. We push it forward, bending over, but without lifting the pelvis from the knees. The body rests on the hips. We return to the sitting position on our knees.
  • Get on your knees and hold the roller in front of you. We smoothly push the projectile forward, stretching our body as far as possible, trying not to touch the floor. Hold in the extended position for 2-3 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your stomach, arms outstretched with the roller in front of you. Slowly pulling the exercise machine towards you, we lift the body with a deflection. Smoothly return to the lying position.
  • Sit on the floor, legs straight, gymnastic wheel on your right side. With both hands we take hold of its handles and roll it away, gradually turning the body. We bend down as low as possible without touching the floor, fix ourselves in this position and return to a sitting position.

Depending on your physical fitness, each exercise should be performed up to 8 repetitions. If it is very difficult, start with fewer executions. Start the number of approaches with 2, gradually increasing the load to 4.

Workout #4

This training program for women consists of those exercises that, as a rule, are skipped, but in vain. Next time you're at the gym, be sure to give them a try. Unfortunately, they are not very suitable for home use.

Your core muscles are your body's built-in way of stabilizing yourself. Just try it! Stand on 1 leg instead of two

Notice how your abs engage. Now try doing a side plank

Do you feel it? Now imagine: you have no contact with the floor at all. When you're suspended in the air and trying to move, your abs are trying their best to maintain stability. Next time you're at the gym, find a bar or machine that you can attach a set of straps to. Well, that’s it, get ready for a fiery pumping of your sculpted abs!

Instructions: Complete each of the exercises below. Rest as much as you need. A total of 4 approaches need to be done. Try to perform this complex once a week in combination with other activities.

Hanging crunches

This exercise works your rectus abdominis muscles (those treasured abs), as well as the deepest abdominal muscles - the transverse abdominis.

  1. Wrap your hands up the straps. Use your upper back muscles to push your shoulders away from your ears, and hang with your legs and triceps straight, almost parallel to the ground.
  2. Squeeze your legs together, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach. Pause for a moment.

Hanging left side crunches

This exercise also works the rectus and transverse muscles, focusing on the left side. Girls should be careful with this exercise, as with the next one. If you overdo it, you risk sagging your waist muscles.

  1. Start in the same position as in the previous exercise.
  2. Squeeze your legs together and rotate your torso, squaring your hips. Bend both knees and pull them toward your chest on the left side. Pause for a moment.

Hanging lateral right crunches

Now, to properly and effectively swing the press, you need to repeat the same thing, only on the other side.

  1. Start in the same position as in the previous exercise.
  2. Squeeze your legs together and rotate your torso, squaring your hips. Bend both knees and pull them toward your chest on the right side. Pause for a moment.

Hanging L-crunch

These crunches use the same muscles, but twice as hard! As a bonus, you'll also work your quadriceps and hamstrings!

  1. Start in the same position as in the exercise above.
  2. Squeeze your legs together, straighten your hips, and lift your legs so that they meet or exceed the height of your hips (like an “L”). Pause for a moment.

So, we have shown you different types of workouts for toned and sculpted abs. Their implementation almost always does not require additional equipment, which further simplifies the task. You can get yourself a separate table to track your progress, because it will be 100% there. Good luck!

10-minute workout for buttocks and abs with fitball

Pump up your body with a set of exercises for the abs and buttocks - five complex movements with a ball that will tone both your butt and tummy in just ten minutes of exercise at home.

Let's start by noting that these movements are quite complex and require good stability. It took me over a year after pregnancy to learn the correct technique.

However, this workout will be the best way to tighten and tighten those problem areas - buttocks and stomach - that lose tone after pregnancy.

So, each exercise will have a modification listed underneath it to make it easier to do while you're training to do the full version.

I am often asked: “Is it really possible to get results from ten minutes of exercise?” Yes, ten minutes is better than nothing at all, especially if your workout is as intense as this. And believe me, you will feel the effect of these ten minutes.

This workout is designed for those moments when you feel like you need something quick and intense - say, night is approaching and you haven't even had time to do any fitness today because you've been babysitting all day.

No matter your situation, whether you're short on time or just want to add more exercises, try this effective workout for your abs, glutes, and core stability with a ball.

A strong torso is much more important in human life than aesthetics. The torso is the foundation of our daily movements, which we perform from morning to evening (we pick up a child, carry packages from the store, or do something similar). And reducing your core muscles is the best way to protect your back from injury and pain.

All you need to do this workout is your own body weight and a stability ball, which can be purchased at any sports store. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat two sets for a total of five minutes, or perform four sets for a total of ten minutes.

As you perform each exercise, remember to tense all the muscles in your torso. To do this, simply pull in your stomach as you inhale, and the internal abdominal muscles will tighten.


  • balancing plank + alternating leg lifts;
  • knee tightening;
  • wide and narrow lifts for the buttocks;
  • calf curl + gluteal bridge;
  • twisting with compression;
  • one-leg knee pull-up;
  • The latter exercise can be performed optionally for 30 seconds on each leg for a one-minute intense workout for the buttocks and abdomen.

Balancing plank and alternating leg raises

As a lighter option, this exercise can be performed without a ball. We place our toes on the floor, performing alternating leg raises in a standard high plank. Or just try to hold the plank on the ball without doing leg raises.

Pulling your knees to your chest

This exercise can also be done without a ball. Alternately, pull one knee toward the chest or elbow, keeping the toes of the other foot on the floor, in a standard high plank pose.

You can also make the exercise more difficult if you pull both knees to your chest at once while jumping.

Wide and narrow butt lifts

If you lack stability, you can place your pelvis not on the ball, but on a training bench to make the exercise easier.

Calf Curl + Glute Bridge

Modification: Can be broken into two separate movements if desired. First: bend your legs on the ball, trying to raise your hips as high as possible during the exercise.

Second: glute bridge on a stability ball. Again, this exercise can be done on a bench if desired.

Twisting with compression

If desired, we do not perform leg lifts and compressions, but only twisting with legs extended on the floor. As you progress, add compression to the ball while still keeping your feet flat on the floor.

Bonus Exercise: Single Leg Knee Pull

If desired, you can do it without a ball. We start the exercise in a standard high plank pose, then lift one leg off the floor. Pull the knee towards the elbow. Make sure that your foot does not touch the floor. We repeat, only on the other side.

Or we hold the plank on the ball for stability, trying to keep one leg elevated above the ball to create a three-legged plank.

Straight abdominal crunches on a fitball

Holders of fitballs should do straight crunches like this:

  1. You need to sit on the ball, moderately spread your bent legs to the sides, and firmly rest your feet on the floor.
  2. Next, you should roll forward slightly from the ball, so that your back is on it, but not your buttocks.
  3. You need to put your hands behind your head.
  4. Exhaling, you should lift your torso up, straining your abs with all your might.
  5. At the top point - freeze for a second, tense your stomach, and come back while inhaling.
  6. It is important to bend your back strongly, this will help increase the load on the abdominal muscles.

Home workout program for men

If you regularly train in the gym and perform basic exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses and bent-over rows, then there is no point in working your abs too hard. In these exercises he does about 20% of the work. However, if you want to make it stronger and more defined, a special abdominal training program for men will help you:

Workout #1
Crunches with extra weight3x10-12

fizkes -

Hanging Leg Raise3x15

Rolling out on a roller for the press3x10-12splitov27 -
Plank with additional weights60-90 seconds

Workout #2
Crunches with legs raised3x12

chika_milan —

Running while lying down3x15

logo3in1 –


Side plank60-90 seconds for each side

ikostudio -

Author Ivan Tungusov

Project expert. Training experience - 12 years. A good theoretical basis on the training process and proper nutrition, which I am happy to put into practice. Need a recommendation? This is for me

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