Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

How to lose weight at home without harm to your health? 3 secrets of Elena Malysheva’s diet will tell you about this. A weekly menu of healthy nutrition recipes will help you achieve results! Read more about everything in this article!

  • Duration
    4 weeks
  • Efficiency
    3 – 7 kg
  • Difficulty
    is low
  • Diet variety
    is high
  • Rating
  • Cost 7 days
    2000 – 4000 rubles.

Ready-made food from Elena Malysheva

For those who need ready-made food containers, they can be found on Elena Malysheva’s website.
The diet is specially designed so that a person can consume 800-1200 calories per day. The assortment is very diverse and contains all the elements necessary for maintaining the body. Product Set

The containers contain food for four meals. Each portion has a different color: green breakfasts, yellow lunches, blue afternoon snacks and red dinners. All products undergo shock freezing, so they do not lose their valuable properties and their original appearance.

Diet with containers from Malysheva:

  • Breakfast consists of cereals, omelettes, fruit and nut mixtures and fitness bars. You can, at your discretion, add a glass of kefir or yogurt (without additives) to this meal.
  • Lunch combines fish, spaghetti, meat, soups, and meatballs. Such lunches satisfy hunger and contain all the elements the body needs: calcium, vitamin B1, complex carbohydrates, fiber. Lunch helps keep you active throughout the day. Additionally, with this you can prepare yourself a light vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack – fitness bars, fruit and nut mixtures and dried fruits. You can also diversify the menu with regular fruits: apples, oranges, pears.
  • Dinner includes pilaf, cabbage rolls, cutlets and much more. Dinner is usually lower in calories than lunch. You can prepare yourself a light vegetable salad with a little vegetable oil.

The containers are easy to take with you anywhere. You have the opportunity to alternate any foods for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner without adhering to a strict concept. The diet is planned so that the body receives all the beneficial properties from the products.

Product Set

Today, Elena Vasilyevna’s diet can be followed by purchasing a ready-made set of products on the official website. It is included in the kit?

The complex contains sealed containers of different colors, designed for 28 days . Of these, 4 days are considered fasting days, for which there is a separate diet.

For twenty-four days you need to open and eat food from multi-colored bags:

  • Green – breakfast, it includes cereal flakes, muesli, bars and ready-made sets of dried fruits with reduced sugar and salt content.
  • Yellow – lunch. Ready-made dishes, subjected to shock freezing, from lean varieties of boiled meat, fish, and cereals. The products in these lunches do not increase appetite and promote the breakdown of fats.
  • Blue – afternoon snack. Professor Malysheva offers specially designed desserts made from compressed fruits and nuts containing useful microelements and vitamins.
  • Red – dinner. Ready-made main courses, frozen.
  • Pink bags contain food for the fasting day.

Diet of Elena Malysheva: menu for a week at home

Not all people have the opportunity to buy ready-made food from Elena Malysheva. It is much more economical to create your own diet and cook at home. Is it possible to create a similar menu for ordinary people with simple recipes? Of course you can!

We have prepared for you a version of such a menu, which you can later adapt to suit yourself.

MonOatmeal with natural yogurt (soaked overnight).OrangeVegetable soupDried fruitsStuffed cabbage rollsA glass of kefir
WOatmeal with milk, nuts and berriesAppleBaked fish 150 g, rice 100 g, salad 100 g.Cottage cheeseVegetable stewA glass of natural yogurt
Wed2 egg omelette, half a bell pepperProtein barMeatballs 150 g, salad 100 g.AppleCucumber and tomato salad without dressingA glass of kefir
Thu (open day)Buckwheat with kefirBuckwheat 200 g. any vegetable saladBuckwheat 150 g.A glass of kefir
FriCurd cheesecakes, 1 tsp. honey Fruit saladBeef stew 100 g, brown rice 150 g, salad 100 g.Cereal biscuit with honey or jam (thin layer)Any vegetable saladA glass of kefir
SatOatmeal in natural yogurt, 1 tsp. honey GrapefruitSteamed turkey 100 g, buckwheat 150 g, salad 100 g.Granular cottage cheeseDiet pilafBanana
SunCucumber, 2 egg omeletFat-free. cottage cheese Vegetable salad 100 g, boiled chicken fillet 150 g.Muesli barSteamed fish, grilled vegetablesA glass of natural yogurt

Replace unloved dishes, change foods, experiment with snacks. The main thing is that the calorie content of the dishes is comparable. To easily determine the calorie content of any dish, you can use a ready-made calorie table!

Menu for every day for the whole week

First day

  • Breakfast . Porridge: oatmeal, dried strawberries. To prepare, pour boiling water, cover with a saucer, and let simmer for about six minutes. Or, first add milk and boil for 2 minutes.
  • Dinner . Fettuccine with a boiled piece of young chicken in mornay sauce. The finished dish is stored at a temperature below 18 degrees Celsius. Reheat in the microwave before eating, opening the top film of the container.
  • Afternoon snack . Fruit, ready-to-eat, briquette with cranberries and cherries. Bite carefully, there may be bones!
  • Dinner . Flemish style pumpkin soup with croutons, chicken broth, pumpkin, potatoes and cream, nutmeg, flour and spices. Warm up before use.

Second day

Breakfast, lunch and dinner on all subsequent days are heated or poured with boiling water in the same way as on the first day:

  • Breakfast . Muesli with seeds, candied fruits and nuts. The composition includes dried peaches, dried apricots, pear, pineapple, papaya, mango, raisins, sunflower seeds and cashews.
  • Dinner . Turkey meat, béchamel sauce, broccoli, cauliflower. It also includes green peas, carrots, nutmeg, sunflower oil, flour, and spices.
  • Afternoon snack . Ready-made fruit briquette with apricot. The composition additionally includes: apple, grapes, hazelnuts, almonds, lecithin, vegetable and coconut oils, potato starch, ascorbic acid and wafers.
  • Dinner . Chicken soup with homemade noodles and parsley. Ingredients: onions, bay leaves, carrots, sunflower oil, chicken meat.

The third day

  • Breakfast . Buckwheat porridge with raisins and dried apples.
  • Dinner . Champignons with potatoes and milk sauce, dill, spices.
  • Afternoon snack . Fruit and nut muesli made from dried grapes, almonds, papaya, pineapple pieces.
  • Dinner . Homemade stuffed sweet peppers. The filling includes chopped beef, onions, rice, carrots, sunflower oil, and spices.

Fourth day

  • Breakfast . Four Grain Cereals with Pumpkin. Contains rye, wheat, barley flakes, pumpkin seeds.
  • Dinner . Chum salmon fillet, rice garnish. Ingredients: steamed rice, spices, onions, carrots.
  • Afternoon snack . A delicious bar made from pressed whole grain barley, oats, rice, buckwheat, rye wheat; sesame seeds, dry sunflower; dried apricots, apples, lecithin, vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6, PP), folic acid; Jerusalem artichoke, chicory squeezes, iron and calcium supplements.
  • Dinner . Deep sea fish balls with rice garnish. They are made from pollock, fried in sunflower oil in bread crumbs, with pork lard and butter. Rice is boiled in beef broth with carrots, dried onions, red paprika, and parsley. The side dish is seasoned with lemon juice.

Fifth day

  • Breakfast . Porridge "Hercules".
  • Dinner . Italian pasta, meatballs, ripe tomato sauce.
  • Afternoon snack . Soufflé with blueberry juice. Ingredients: fructose, molasses, chocolate, agar-agar, apple juice, egg white, blueberry extract.
  • Dinner . Stewed white cabbage with mushrooms. Contains onions, carrots, bay leaves, spices.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast . Porridge made from rice, raspberries and pineapple. Contains rice flakes, raspberries, pineapple pieces.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge, champignons. Ingredients: fried onions, champignons, cream, spices, buckwheat, flour, mushroom broth.
  • Afternoon snack . Hazelnuts with raisins, dried pineapple and papaya pieces.
  • Dinner . Chicken breast, buckwheat garnish, vegetable sauce. Additional ingredients: carrots, onions, spices, vegetable oil, butter.

Fasting day

On a fasting day, prepare rice porridge from steamed flakes or buckwheat, packaged in a pink container. Four packets per day should be eaten, first pouring boiling water over them for 6 minutes. It is allowed to divide the contents of the packages in half, 8 times. Drink eight glasses of warm water between meals.

Every day and on fasting days you should also drink at least two liters of still water. Avoid drinking strong coffee, black tea and sweet syrups.

Learn more about the diet from E. Malysheva herself from this video:

Fasting days

Using the above method, you eat six times a week, and on the seventh you plan a fasting day. There is a variation of this method: rice and buckwheat fasting days. For the whole day you eat cereal without adding spices, salt or seasonings. If you do the math, you get 800 grams per day. It is also important to remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If possible, water should be consumed between meals.

This is interesting : due to the lack of salt in food, all excess fluid leaves the body and you lose weight faster.

Rule 1: to lose weight, you need to eat

You should eat at least 4-5 times a day, 6 times a day is possible. But you can’t eat 2-3, much less 1, times a day, otherwise you’ll only get better.

Do not be surprised. It's simple: your weight primarily depends on the speed of metabolic processes in the body. Metabolism is the calories your body spends on itself. For the heart to beat, for the lungs to breathe, for the stomach and intestines to work. All organs and systems need to be loaded, then they will spend a lot.

Therefore, first of all, load the intestines . If you eat at least 4-5 times a day, you burn more calories than you eat. If you do not constantly load your gastrointestinal tract throughout the day, then as a result, even if you eat very little, you still do not lose weight, and what you eat is stored as fat in different places.

Do you know what constipation is? This is a consequence of a lazy bowel. If your intestines don't work and you are constipated, then losing weight is almost impossible.

There is another secret to multiple meals. Do you know the feeling of a brutal appetite? So, from a medical point of view, this is a sharp decrease in sugar (or glucose) in the blood. Normally, glucose or blood sugar ranges from 3.89 to 5.83 mmol/l. If blood glucose drops below 2.77 mmol/l, the brain shuts down and we lose consciousness. This happens very quickly (all within a couple of hours) and is called a hypoglycemic coma.

This is why the brain closely monitors blood sugar levels. And when it decreases even just a little, the brain simply forces you to eat, and you sweep everything off the table.

Conclusion: you need to eat in such a way that your blood sugar level does not fluctuate or decrease greatly. How to achieve this?

Eat at least 4 times a day (5 or 6 is possible), that is, eat every 3-4 hours, since a decrease in blood sugar occurs exactly 3-4 hours after eating. This rhythm of eating keeps your glucose levels from dropping and calms your brain. You don't feel hungry. The brain is full. And you are calm and do not overeat. The result is weight loss.

4 meals a day means 4 containers of food to take to work. I and all the women working in the Health program carry food in containers to work. And when one of us opens his container and begins to eat, the rest treat this with great respect. Everyone loves the first rule of weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy?

Many mothers who have gained excessive weight during pregnancy want to lose weight. It should be borne in mind that breastfeeding is an important process that involves giving up a large number of foods that are not considered in Elena Malysheva’s diet. However, it is not recommended to regard ready-made food containers as a way to lose weight.

Important! Certain components from the kits (vegetables, bars, fruits) can cause allergies in a young mother or baby, and can also lead to a decrease in milk supply in a nursing mother.

For breastfeeding mothers, there are their own types of diets that include a little more fat and carbohydrates. In this case, it is best to make an appointment with a nutritionist who will help you create an individual menu. Also, many experts advise not to diet at all while breastfeeding in order to produce an adequate supply of milk for the baby.

Active movement while losing weight

In her own book, “Elena Malysheva’s Diet,” the doctor of medicine advises doing workouts that will help you lose extra pounds. Regular physical activity increases your metabolic rate and speeds up the weight loss process. There are a few simple rules for success in training:

  • Each individual exercise is performed for 30 seconds;
  • The lesson should last at least 10 minutes;
  • During a set of exercises you need to move non-stop;
  • Familiarize yourself with the list of exercises in advance and study them in detail to focus on training;
  • Before starting gymnastics, you should warm up your muscles;
  • Start the exercises with the upper part of the body, then move to the middle and finish with the lower;
  • After the main exercise routine, you need to do a cool-down to relax your muscles and slow your heart rate.

Exercises from the Malysheva complex do not require special physical training. This could be regular squats, bending, walking, jumping rope, or cycling. The main thing is continuous activity. The exercise is easy to do, but if you feel discomfort while performing the complex, it is better to stop and consult a doctor for advice.

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